How to make jam from plums. Plum jam and jam

Potatoes with meat are a wonderful and satisfying dish that is ideal for dinner, lunch, and even a holiday table. The taste of this dish depends on the correctness of its preparation, the presence of spices during the preparation of the sauce, the type of potato, etc. What if you cook potatoes and meat in a pot? This is absolutely lovely.

During the cooking process, the potatoes in the pot are completely saturated with spices and the aroma of the juice, which will release the meat. As a result, we get a tender dish that no one can refuse, and there is no need to, because there are several recipes for preparing such a dish, and we are more than confident that you will definitely find one of them, the ingredients of which will be most acceptable to all members of your family. families. Moreover, meat and potatoes will be cooked in pots, respectively, for each family member there will be a portion. This will give you the option of not adding or adding a particular spice to the pot.

The best recipes for potatoes with meat in pots:

Recipe 1: Potatoes in pots with meat

The recipe is for 4 servings. Required ingredients: potatoes - 7-9 pcs.; meat - 500-600 g; champignons - 500 g; onions - 2-3 pcs.; sour cream/mayonnaise - 8 tbsp; greens, ground pepper and salt.

Let's get started. Let's prepare all the ingredients and put them on the work table. First, boil water and scald the inside of the pots with it. We turn them upside down - let the water drain, and we will peel the onions and mushrooms. Wash the onion and cut it into half rings. You can cut the mushrooms into 4 parts if you have small ones.

Now pour oil into the frying pan, select half of the chopped onion and send it to fry. After a few minutes, add the mushrooms, stir and cook over medium heat. The mushrooms should release their juice. It is at that moment that they need to be salted, sprinkled with pepper, stirred and reduce the heat so that they calmly absorb all the liquid back. To do this, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for approximately 15 minutes. Stir every hour and make sure they don't burn.

We clean the meat from possible veins and cut them into cubes with a side of 3 cm.

Take a second frying pan and heat 6 tbsp in it. oils Add a second portion of onion and fry it, as in the previous version, for about 3-4 minutes. Add the pieces of meat and fry over medium heat with constant stirring for about 10 minutes. Add ground pepper and salt and remove from heat.

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into strips. Place the potatoes in the frying pan in which the meat was fried (remove the meat) and fry a little so that they get a crust.

Now you can turn on the oven and set the temperature to 170 degrees. While it is warming up, let's fill our ceramic pots. Pour 2 tbsp to the bottom. boiled water. Then add fried potatoes to half the pot. Salt. Place the meat and onions on top, and the mushrooms and onions on top. Now we put sour cream or mayonnaise in each pot - it's at your discretion. Place the pots on a baking sheet and put them in the oven to bake for an hour. After 30-40, test the potatoes for doneness to determine the exact time. Aromas are already floating around the kitchen, and when you open the oven door, this aroma is completely intoxicating. Serve the finished dish directly to the table in pots.

Recipe 2: Potatoes in pots with meat and bell pepper

To prepare this recipe, prepare: meat - 500-g; potatoes - 7-8 pcs.; bell pepper - 1 pc.; tomato - 2 pcs.; bay leaf, peppercorns - 3-4 pcs. on the pot; salt, onion - 2 pcs.; garlic cloves - 2 pcs. chicken broth, mayonnaise/sour cream, cheese.

Let's prepare the pots by scalding them inside with boiling water. We turn them upside down, and we ourselves will deal with the products.

First, cut the onion into half rings. Cut the meat into cubes. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes, identical in size to the meat. Peel the garlic cloves and cut them in half, that is, half a clove per pot.

Pour oil into a frying pan, let it heat up a little, and fry half an onion in it until lightly golden brown. Add pieces of meat to it and, stirring with a spatula, fry everything together until half cooked.

In a separate frying pan, fry the other half of the onion until golden brown, add 2-3 tbsp. broth and add potato cubes. Simmer the potatoes over low heat until half cooked. Salt, mix and remove from heat.

Take the pots and put the potatoes in the first layer. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and lay out the second layer. Then, lay out one layer of meat, and on it bell pepper, cut into small squares. Salt, and again lay out the second layer of meat. Fill the contents of the pot with broth, without adding 2 fingers to the top. In each pot, drop a quarter of a clove of garlic, half a bay leaf, chopped herbs of your choice and top with a spoonful of sour cream or mayonnaise (optional) and add a little pepper on top. If you are a lover of spicy food, or maybe someone in your family, then you can put hot pepper in his pot, but in this case do not use ground pepper. Cover the filled pots with a lid and place them in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Oven temperature - 170 degrees.

Prepare the cheese. Grate it. 5-7 minutes before the end of the process, open the oven door, remove the lids from the pots and sprinkle with grated cheese. Place in the oven again, but this time leave the lids on. That's it, your dish is ready.

Recipe 3: Potatoes in pots with meat and mayonnaise

Let's prepare the following ingredients: any spices to your taste, chicken fillet - 0.5 kg; cheese - 300g; potatoes - 16 pcs.; pepper and salt, carrots - 2 pcs.; onion - 1 pc.; sour cream/mayonnaise and butter - 1 cube per pot.

Pour boiling water over the pots and turn over. Peel medium-sized potatoes and cut them into cubes. Cut the chicken fillet into the same cubes. Grate the peeled carrots and chop the onion. Mix everything, salt, pepper, add your spices and always herbs.

We take pots and put a cube of butter into each of them. Fill the pots with the prepared mixture, not reaching the top by about 4 cm. Dilute the mayonnaise or sour cream with water. For 1 pot, take 2 tbsp. sour cream and 250 ml of water. Pour into the pot until the liquid completely covers the contents. Cover the pots with lids and place in the oven. Set the temperature to 170 degrees and start cooking. Cooking time is approximately 30-40 minutes. 10 minutes before cooking, remove the lids of the pots and pour grated cheese into them. Serve hot right away - delicious!

— Time to prepare a dish in pots is approximately 40-50 minutes. If you place pre-fried foods in pots, the cooking time will need to be increased.

— Depending on what goal you are pursuing in the final result, you can swap layers. For example, if you want to end up with tender potatoes soaked in meat juice, then place the potatoes at the bottom of the pot and the meat on top. During the cooking process, the meat in the pot will simmer, releasing its juices downwards. And vice versa, if your goal is for the potatoes to remain crumbly, especially if you pre-processed them with spices, then place the meat on the bottom of the pot and, accordingly, the potatoes on top.

What simple and satisfying dish that is quick and easy to prepare can be served for lunch or dinner, and even offered to guests at the holiday table? Of course, these are potatoes with meat and vegetables, which are cooked in pots.

The taste of this dish depends not only on the quality of the products and what other ingredients are added, but also on how well all the stages of proper preparation are followed. After all, during the cooking process, the meat becomes juicy and tender, and the potatoes are saturated with juice and aromas.

It’s also good that the dish is portioned, at the festive table it can be served to each guest individually, the pots can be conveniently stored in the refrigerator until next use. Due to this, it is recommended to prepare the pots with a small reserve, while taking into account all the wishes of family members, for example, not adding any mushrooms or onions.

General methods for cooking pots of meat and potatoes in the oven

  1. In ceramic or clay pots with a lid, you can cook any meat - chicken or turkey, lamb, beef and pork, bake vegetables with fish, or prepare vegetable stew with mushrooms. Moreover, if you don’t have a special lid, you can make it unleavened without yeast dough. But then it will be difficult to look into the pot itself if necessary;
  2. The most important principle for cooking meat in pots with potatoes is the fact that you need to properly balance salt and spices, and take into account the compatibility of other products that will be added with the main ingredients;
  3. Meat can be placed in pots either raw, lightly seasoned or marinated, or already pre-fried products. In the first case, the pots will take longer to stew, but the taste will be less fatty and dietary. In the second, the pots will quickly reach readiness, the dish will turn out with a rich taste and aroma;
  4. Portioned pots should not be less than 250 ml or more than half a liter. The inside of the dishes should not have a glazed layer and be slightly porous. A couple of hours before cooking, you can soak them in cold water to prevent them from cracking when baking;
  5. Are dairy products suitable for preparing this dish? Of course, but not all. It is not recommended to use mayonnaise and low-quality sour cream (sour cream product); it is better to use cream, full-fat sour cream 20% and grated hard cheese such as “Gouda”.

Meat with mushrooms and potatoes with cucumbers in a pot

Ingredients Quantity
veal pulp - 550 g
young potatoes - 300 g
fresh carrots - 2-3 pcs.
fresh champignon mushrooms - 265 g
onions or shallots - 2 pcs.
pickled cucumbers in barrels - 2-4 pcs.
butter - 75 g
fresh or dried garlic - 2-3 cloves
coarse salt - 1 pinch
ground black pepper - 1 pinch
dill and parsley - 2-3 branches

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

A hearty and savory dish with a thick sauce and spicy cucumbers, with the addition of meat, potatoes and vegetables will appeal to you when you get tired of the usual combination of meat and potatoes.

Cooking steps:

This recipe can be used as a base for adding different vegetables to the meat, using what is currently in the refrigerator. The ingredients can be pre-fried, or added raw.

Time for all preparation and preparation is 60 minutes.

Calories per serving: 125 calories.

Cooking steps:

  1. Instead of frozen green beans, you can soak and boil some dry beans in advance, or open canned ones. However, it is worth considering that with green beans, the dish turns out tastier and more attractive in appearance;
  2. The oven needs to be preheated in advance, set to approximately 180C;
  3. Clean the meat from tendons, films and bones. Cut the slightly frozen pulp into thin slices, mix with chopped potatoes, salt well and sprinkle with spices;
  4. In another bowl, mix the beans, you don’t even need to defrost them, add chopped carrots;
  5. Prepare the sauce - squeeze garlic into the tomato base, add finely chopped onion, fresh or dry herbs and spices;
  6. Add meat and potatoes to the bottom of the pot, soak them with a small amount of sauce. Add beans and carrots on top, pour the remaining sauce over everything and close the lid and place in the oven. Bake until done, about 45 minutes.

Recipe with vegetables in Turkish

When the usual versions of this dish get boring, you can show your imagination and cook meat and vegetables in a new interpretation. Due to the fact that the dish contains a lot of vegetables and spices, the dish turns out juicy, tasty and original.

Cooking time – 125 minutes.

Calories per serving: 136 calories.

Cooking steps:

  1. It is advisable to cook this dish in a large clay pot so that the heat from the hot pepper evenly permeates all the ingredients. To taste, you can add spices to the salt and pepper - turmeric, sweet paprika, cumin, cumin and many others;
  2. Cut the pieces of meat fairly large. Do the same with carrots and potatoes. Grease the bottom of the pot with oil or add small pieces of fat from the pulp;
  3. Lay out pieces of meat seasoned with spices and salt, arrange vegetables, add whole hot peppercorns, garlic and whole shallots between them;
  4. Place green beans, cherry tomato halves and spices on top. Sprinkle everything with fresh or dried herbs, add a little water or vegetable broth, tightly close the pot with a lid and place in a cold oven;
  5. Simmer until the pieces of meat and vegetables become soft, but at least 1.5 hours. Serve the dish with flatbreads, garnished with sprigs of herbs.

Let's cook meat with mayonnaise and cheese

If you use chicken breast, the pots cook very quickly along with the vegetables. But veal is perfect, and it will work well with pork.

Cooking time – 35 minutes.

Calories per serving: 112 calories.

Cooking steps:

  1. Chicken fillet and potatoes, cut into medium cubes. Cut the carrots into small cubes so that they cook very quickly;
  2. Place onion rings on the bottom of a greased pot, then chopped carrots and chicken fillet with potatoes;
  3. Mix cheese with mayonnaise or sour cream, season with salt and pepper, add chopped herbs and garlic cloves pressed through a kitchen press to taste. Mix the resulting mass well and place it on top of the potatoes and meat;
  4. Bake the pots in a preheated oven and bake for at least 25-30 minutes. A very tasty and quick dish that goes well with cucumber and tomato salad.

  1. Many cooks and housewives believe that meat should be placed in pots raw and not add a lot of liquid. Then the vegetables will be saturated with the meat with their own juice, they will have time to cook in the allotted time and become soft;
  2. If you still need to add water to the dish during the cooking process, then only hot water, from a just boiled kettle. Otherwise, due to a strong temperature change, the pots will simply crack and fall apart;
  3. To prevent the top layer of the dish from drying out too much, you can place onion rings separately on top, but only on condition that mayonnaise/sour cream and cheese are not added. On top of them, you can lay out thin rings of fresh tomatoes;
  4. You can turn off the stove with pots a little earlier, but leave it in a hot oven so that gradually all the products reach full readiness. Moreover, if there is excess liquid in the dish, it is recommended to slightly open the lid on the pot;
  5. And, of course, it is worth remembering that dishes prepared without prior frying and the addition of fatty sour cream, cheese and butter are perfectly digestible, restore strength and belong to the category of dietary and therapeutic nutrition. But healthy doesn’t mean it’s tasteless!!!

Oven pots are usually what keep me from reaching the bag of rice cereal behind them or the ice cream maker stirrer. There is always nowhere to put this clay “army”, because it takes up so much space. The lids from them always disappear somewhere, so sometimes it seems to me that this is not a constant value :-) But when I cook roast meat and potatoes, it is difficult, almost impossible, to find a replacement for the pots. The dish in them turns out to be cozy and homely, it will never burn or remain raw. It will upset you only twice: when an appetizing aroma floats through the kitchen, and you can taste the roast only after half an hour, and when you have to wash pots with a narrow neck. Although these are such trifles, really! Let's cook a pot roast with your favorite meat and potatoes in the oven. A recipe with a photo (and not one, but two) is at your disposal.

Hearty roast beef or lamb with potatoes

Lamb, beef or chicken? Don't torture yourself with a choice! This roast will be delicious with any meat product!

Necessary products for 2 clay pots:

Cooking method:

I had lamb. In this case, it is important to choose young lamb meat. In adult individuals, fat has a specific smell and taste that not everyone likes. It is also better to take “young” beef; it will make the roast more tender and tasty. Chop the prepared, washed and dried meat into cubes. Do not cut too finely so that the pieces retain their juiciness.

Heat oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan. Place the meat pieces to fry. It is advisable to cook them in small portions. Because a large amount of cold product will cause the temperature of the hot fat to drop sharply. The lamb will be stewed, not fried. And we just need a golden brown crust.

Fry lamb or beef over high heat, turning occasionally. When the pieces are covered with the coveted golden crust, salt them and sprinkle with spices. Take it off.

Place into pots. Try to leave as much oil in the pan as possible. You will need it for frying the onions.

Peel the potatoes. Cut into slices slightly larger than the meat.

You can also fry the potatoes until golden brown. Or just put it on top of the meat layer. Season the potato layer with salt and dry spices as well.

Squeeze the garlic through a press.

Cut the onion into thin half rings.

Heat the remaining fat in the pan. If it is not enough, add oil. Add onion to fry.

Cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring, until soft.

Place the onions on top of the potatoes. It will give the roast a pleasant flavor and piquant aroma. Pour water or broth (vegetable or meat) into each pot. Cover with lids. Place the roast in the oven to simmer until done. Cooking temperature - 180-200 degrees. Approximate time - 40 minutes.

The meat in the finished dish will be incredibly tender, the potatoes will become soft but retain their shape, and skillfully selected spices will mask the specific smell of lamb (if you use it).

Pot Roast with Pork and Potatoes

If marbled beef or rack of lamb runs out right in front of you, feel free to buy pork. The roast it produces is just what you need: nourishing, juicy, aromatic. Prepare yourself, you won’t regret it!

Ingredients for 6 pots:

How to cook roast in pots with juicy meat and potatoes in the oven (recipe with photo):

Wash and peel the vegetables. Rinse again. To prevent the potatoes from darkening, fill them with cool water.

Prepare the meat. I had pork. In principle, a roast prepared in this way will turn out delicious with almost any popular type of meat: beef, lamb or even poultry (chicken, turkey, duck). But you should not use too fatty or stringy part of the carcass, this will not benefit the dish. If you also prefer pork, I recommend using shoulder, neck, tenderloin or leg. Wash the meat. Cut off the excess - veins, fatty deposits, films. Blot dry with a thick paper napkin. Cut the meat into cubes or other shaped pieces.

The frying pan for frying meat should be well heated and the oil should be hot. Then a crust will immediately appear, which will “seal” all the juice inside, and the roast will turn out more juicy and tasty. Fry the meat slices over high heat.

There is no need to bring the ingredient to readiness. Just brown it on all sides. It will take 3-4 minutes, no more.

Cut the potatoes in advance or while frying the meat. Cutting form: cubes or sticks.

Remove the fried pork from the pan. Place potatoes instead.

Fry the potato cubes over high heat until golden brown.

At this time, chop the onion.

And carrots. I cut the ingredients into cubes. But the carrots can be chopped or into strips, or coarsely grated.

Once the potatoes are fried, transfer them to a bowl. Instead, add chopped vegetables.

Advice: The list of ingredients for the recipe can be supplemented with other vegetables, mushrooms or spices if desired. It will be delicious with champignons or oyster mushrooms, and celery or parsley root will make the roast more piquant.

Fry the slices until golden brown.

Place the future roast into pots. Sprinkle each with a little salt and spices. I put the potatoes in first.

I distribute the meat on top. When stewed in the oven, it will release juice, which will be partially absorbed into the potatoes. If the meat layer had been the first, such a tasty effect would not have happened.

After the meat - carrots and onions.

Pour broth or drinking water into the pots. The liquid prevents the roast from becoming dry and burning. Cover the dish with lids, placing them on one side, as in the photo, so that hot air comes out. Then the liquid will not boil violently. Place the roast in the oven preheated to 180-200 degrees. Cook the dish for 40-50 minutes.

Serve directly in the pots or arrange on plates.

Enjoy your meal!

Step-by-step recipes for preparing hearty and tasty meat and potatoes in pots with cheese

2017-10-31 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

8 gr.

9 gr.


8 gr.

124 kcal.

Option 1. Classic recipe for meat and potatoes in pots with cheese

Our ancestors cooked food in clay dishes in a Russian oven. Unfortunately, the Russian stove is now unavailable, but the clay pots remain. They make meat and potatoes especially tender and tasty.


  • lean pork - 300 g;
  • bell pepper - pod;
  • Dutch cheese - 70 g;
  • carrot;
  • three potatoes;
  • tomato;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • bulb.

Step-by-step recipe for meat and potatoes in pots with cheese

Wash the pork tenderloin, pat it dry with a napkin and cut into small pieces.

Remove the skin from the onion and chop it into thin quarter rings. Wash the peeled carrots and cut into slices. Wash the tomato, wipe with a napkin and cut into circles. Wash the peeled potatoes and cut into cubes. Wash the pepper, remove the tail and clean out the seeds. Cut into thin strips.

Place the prepared products in pots in the following order: place chopped pork on the bottom, then carrot slices, potatoes and bell peppers. Season each layer lightly with a mixture of salt and pepper. Place tomato slices on top and sprinkle generously with grated cheese.

Pour a third of a glass of filtered water into each pot, cover with lids and place in the oven for about forty minutes. Bake at 180 C. Remove the pots, place on a rack and leave for 15 minutes. Serve directly in pots, sprinkled with herbs.

To ensure that the ingredients cook evenly, cut them into approximately equal pieces. Place the pots in a cold oven to prevent them from bursting due to a sudden temperature change.

Option 2. Quick recipe for meat and potatoes in pots with cheese

This recipe does not use raw vegetables, but mashed potatoes, which significantly reduces the cooking time.


  • potatoes - six tubers;
  • pork pulp - 300 g;
  • large onion;
  • butter;
  • Dutch cheese - 250 g;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • eggs - two pieces.

How to quickly cook meat and potatoes in pots with cheese

Peel the potatoes, wash them and boil until soft. Mash into puree with a masher. Add lightly beaten eggs and a piece of butter, season with a mixture of salt and pepper, and mix.

Wash the peeled onion and finely chop it. Wash the pork pulp, dry it with a napkin and cut into small pieces. Place the frying pan on the fire, add oil and heat it up. Place the meat in it and fry over high heat until golden brown, then add the chopped onion and continue frying for another five minutes. Grind the cheese into small cubes and add to the puree. Mix.

Place pieces of butter and half of the puree on the bottom of the pot, and place the fried pork on top. Cover with the remaining potatoes. Do not fill the pot to the top, as the dish will rise during the cooking process.

Place the pots in the oven and turn it on 180 degrees. We cook for half an hour.

If you wish, you can put a couple of spoons of sour cream in each pot. Serve with sauerkraut or fresh vegetable salad.

Option 3. Meat and potatoes in pots with cheese “Family Traditions”

Pork stewed with vegetables in pots is a tasty and healthy dish for lunch or dinner. Garlic and spices will make the taste even more interesting.


  • vegetable oil;
  • nine potatoes;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • pork tenderloin - 800 g;
  • two zucchini;
  • salt;
  • three fresh tomatoes;
  • allspice - 12 peas;
  • garlic - three cloves;
  • six bay leaves;
  • 150 g cheese.

How to cook

Wash the pork and dry it with paper towels. Cut into pieces no more than three centimeters thick and fry in heated vegetable oil until an appetizing golden brown crust. Divide the fried meat evenly among the pots.

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into bars, no more than two centimeters thick. Place into pots.

Peel the zucchini and cut into slices the same size as the potatoes. Place in pots on top of potatoes.

Peel the garlic, finely chop it and add it to each pot. Season the meat and vegetables with salt and freshly ground pepper. Arrange the bay leaf and allspice peas. Wipe the washed tomato with a towel and cut into circles. Place on top of vegetables.

Coarsely grate the cheese and sprinkle generously over the contents of the pots. Pour a little drinking water into each and place in the oven. Turn the temperature up to 180 degrees for two hours.

To prevent boiling sauce from leaking, do not fill the pot to the top. If you add juicy vegetables to potatoes, reduce the amount of water.

Option 4. Meat and potatoes in pots with cheese in tomato-milk sauce

Preparing this dish does not take much time. It is enough to prepare the products, put them in pots and send them to bake. The result is an independent dish that can be served for lunch or dinner.


  • 600 g pork;
  • oil drain;
  • 12 potatoes;
  • 70 ml milk;
  • two onions;
  • 75 g ketchup;
  • two carrots;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • 50 g cheese;
  • salt and spices.

Step by step recipe

We clean and wash the vegetables. Finely chop the onion. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the potatoes into small pieces. Wash the pork, dry it and cut it into the same pieces as the potatoes.

Rinse the pots with cold water. Place the pork in the pots and place the vegetables on top. Season with spices and salt. Place a small piece of butter in each. Add carrots and onions. Three cheeses on a coarse grater. Sprinkle the contents generously with cheese.

Combine milk with ketchup. Shake and place in the microwave for one minute. Shake again and pour the sauce into the pots.

Place the pots with meat and vegetables in a cold oven. Cover them with lids. Turn on the oven at 200 C. Cook for about forty minutes. Then turn off the device, open the door slightly and leave the pots in it for another 15 minutes.

To make the dish juicy, soak the pots for half an hour in cold water. Cut potatoes and meat into equal pieces so that they cook evenly.

Option 5. Meat and potatoes in pots with cheese and mushrooms

An inexpensive and satisfying dish that can be served for both a family lunch and a gala dinner. Meat with potatoes and mushrooms slowly simmer, soaking in each other’s juices and aromas.


  • nine potatoes;
  • fresh pickles;
  • 600 g meat;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • three onions;
  • cream cheese - tray;
  • salt;
  • 160 g sour cream;
  • 160 g fried champignons.

How to cook

Peel the onion, wash it and chop it into half rings. Wipe the mushrooms with a damp sponge and chop into small pieces. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Add half the onion and fry, stirring, for five minutes. Then add the mushrooms, season with a mixture of salt and pepper, stir well and turn the heat down to low. Cover with a lid and simmer, stirring, for about 15 minutes. Transfer to a plate.

Wash the meat, pat dry with a napkin and cut into small slices. Pour more vegetable oil into the frying pan where the mushrooms were cooked and fry the remaining onions in it until golden brown. Add meat and continue frying for ten minutes. Season with a mixture of salt and pepper. Transfer to a plate.

Wash the peeled potatoes and chop into strips. Place in the pan where the meat was fried, add oil and fry for about ten minutes, stirring constantly, until lightly browned.

Pour a little water into the bottom of the ceramic pots, spread the potatoes, and add salt. Place meat and onions on it, then fried mushrooms. Place a spoonful of sour cream and cream cheese in each pot.

Place the pots in the oven. Turn it on 180 degrees and cook for an hour, covered with lids.

Instead of lids, you can use a sheet of foil or dough, which you then eat instead of bread. If you want the dish to be even richer, replace the sour cream with mayonnaise.

Of the products we need:


Potatoes with meat are great for dinner, lunch, and a holiday table. And the taste depends on the correct adherence to the technology and recipe, the choice of spices for cooking.

The potatoes are completely saturated with spices and aromatic meat juice. As a result, the meat dish turns out tender. And there are enough varieties of it. The availability and ingredients are suitable for any age. And portioned pots provide an opportunity to cook according to individual tastes, because everyone can add their favorite spices.

Step 1

The ingredients are laid out on the table. Preparations begin by boiling water. Each pot is scalded from the inside. The dishes are turned upside down and left to drain the liquid.

At this time, wash and peel the mushrooms and onions. The onions are cut into half rings. And the mushrooms are cut into quarters or smaller if they are large. Oil is poured into the frying pan. Place half an onion in it and fry. After a little time, mushrooms are added to it and cooked, stirring, over medium heat.

The mushrooms will give juice. At this point, they are salted, peppered, mixed and the heat is reduced to a minimum. Cover with a lid and simmer for a quarter of an hour, stirring occasionally so that the mushrooms and onions do not burn and remain juicy.

Step 2

The film veins are removed from the meat and cut into three centimeter cubes. You can take any meat you want. The main thing is that it is of high quality.

In a second frying pan, heat 6 large tablespoons of lean oil. Fry the remaining onion in it for three to four minutes. Meat is added to the onion. Fry everything over medium heat for about ten minutes, stirring constantly. After adding salt and ground pepper, turn off the heat and set the pan aside.

Potatoes are peeled, washed, cut into strips. They fry it in a frying pan where they previously cooked meat. By that time it is transferred to another container. The potatoes are lightly fried until crisp.

Step 3

The oven is heated by setting the mode to 170 degrees. During heating, the pots are filled with mass. A couple of large spoons of boiled water are poured onto the bottom.

Next, add half a bowl of fried potatoes and salt. Place meat and onions on top, and above that there is a layer of mushrooms and onions. Sour cream or mayonnaise is placed in each pot, according to the taste and desire of the hostess.

Having placed the pots on a baking sheet, they are sent to the oven. After half an hour, you can taste the potatoes to determine the cooking time. Heady aromas will also help determine readiness. Let the pots sit for about a third of an hour while the oven cools. You can serve the dish directly in pots, sprinkled with herbs.

Potatoes with peppers and tomatoes

Bell pepper goes well with meat and potatoes. For this dish take:

If desired and to taste, also take: mayonnaise (or sour cream), chicken broth, cheese and salt.


They start by scalding the pots. While the water is draining, they are working on food.

Step 1

One onion is cut into half rings, the meat is cut into cubes. The potatoes are peeled, washed and cut into cubes, just like meat. Peel the garlic and cut it in half at the rate of half a clove per serving.

Fry the remaining onion in a separate frying pan until golden, add a couple of large spoons of broth and lay out potato cubes. Lower everything until half cooked, add some salt, stir and turn off the heat.

Step 2

Tomatoes are cut into cubes, and peppers into squares. Potatoes are placed in pots. Place a layer of tomatoes on top of it. On top is meat. Next comes the bell pepper. Salt everything, add the meat layer again. Pour boiling water over the contents of the pots, leaving about two fingers to the top.

Place a quarter of a garlic clove, half a bay leaf, herbs to taste and a spoonful of sour cream or mayonnaise into each pot. After seasoning, cover the pots with lids and place them in the oven for two-thirds of an hour at 170 degrees.

Step 3

Cheese is grated. 7 minutes before the end of cooking, open the oven door slightly, remove the lid and sprinkle the contents of the pots with grated cheese. After sending the portions back into the oven, do not cover the pots with lids. When the cheese crust melts, the dish is ready.

Potatoes with chicken fillet in sour cream or mayonnaise

Potatoes with mayonnaise or sour cream and chicken fillet in pots are very tasty and nutritious.


For it you need:

In addition, we take salt, sour cream or mayonnaise, pepper and any other spices to taste.


Having prepared the pots, they are set aside.

Step 1

Potatoes are peeled, washed, cut into cubes. The fillets are cut in the same way. Grate the carrots and finely chop the onions. All ingredients are mixed, peppered, salted, spices and herbs are added.

Step 2

Place a cube of butter in each pot. The prepared mass is placed in the pots, leaving a distance of four centimeters to the top. Sour cream or mayonnaise is diluted with water: per serving - 2 large spoons of sour cream and 250 grams of water. Fill the pots so that the contents are completely covered.

Covering the pots with lids, they are sent to the oven. Cook at 170 degrees for about two-thirds of an hour. The readiness of the potatoes is determined with a toothpick.

Step 3

While the pots are being prepared, grate the cheese. Ten minutes before cooking, remove the lids and add grated cheese. The dish is served hot. The approximate cooking time for a pot dish is from two-thirds of an hour to fifty minutes. If pre-fried foods are placed inside, the time increases.

Layers can be swapped. If you want tender potatoes soaked in meat juice, then they are placed on the bottom and the meat on top. Then, when the meat simmers, it releases juice down onto the potatoes.

If you want the potatoes crumbly, after processing with spices, put the meat on the bottom and the potatoes on top. Regardless of the option chosen, the dish turns out delicious. And the main secret of success is to cook with soul and taking into account the wishes of your family. Then the food will be eaten much faster than the idea for its preparation was proposed.