How to dilute soy milk powder. Powdered milk: nuances of proper use

Each chef has his own secrets for preparing certain dishes. Many housewives keep books in which they write down their favorite recipes. This article will discuss how to dilute milk powder. You will learn that liquid can have different fat content. The most common errors will also be discussed.

How to properly dilute powdered milk?

If you purchased this product, you will definitely find instructions on the package. Most of the time she is taciturn. The manufacturer only describes the only way to properly dilute milk powder (proportions). However, this process is not as simple as it seems. Every day, culinary specialists transfer more than one package of bulk product in an effort to achieve the ideal consistency and taste of the drink.

Common errors

Before that, study the common mistakes. This will help avoid product spoilage. So, here is a list of the most popular wrong actions and their consequences.

  • Using cold water. In this case, the bulk composition does not dissolve completely and small grains are felt during use.
  • Using hot water. If you pour too hot water into the powder, it will simply curdle. There is no way to fix this problem, and you will just have to throw out the product.
  • Quick use of diluted powder. Many cooks serve the resulting milk on the table in the very first minutes after preparation. This should not be done as it may have a watery taste when consumed. The protein needs to be given time to swell.
  • Using a blender. Some cooks use cocktail attachments to break up small lumps. This may cause foam to form, especially if you have prepared full-fat milk.
  • Instant addition of water. If you immediately pour liquid into the powder, you cannot avoid the appearance of lumps.

How to dilute milk powder: proportions

Before you mix the bulk solution with water, you need to decide on the proportions. One teaspoon contains 5 grams of milk powder. If you use cutlery, you can use them to collect about 20 grams of product.

The instructions indicate that for 25 grams of powder you need to take approximately 200 milliliters of liquid. From this we can conclude that there are 40 milliliters of water per teaspoon.

Depending on what you are going to cook, the amount of diluted product may vary. It is not necessary to calculate all ingredients by grams. You can measure everything roughly (by eye). After just a few manipulations, you will be able to act like a professional.

How to properly dilute powdered milk?

So, in front of you is a bag of powdered milk and water. What should you do next? How to act to avoid all mistakes and get a tasty and healthy product? The manipulation includes several stages. Let's look at how to dilute powdered milk.

First step: prepare water for the solution

Only boiled water at room temperature is suitable for brewing milk. Remember that the liquid should not be cold or hot. Before diluting powdered milk in the amount of one glass, pour 50 milliliters of liquid into a container.

Second step: dilution of dry milk powder

Pour five teaspoons of bulk substance into the prepared liquid. Using a cutlery, thoroughly stir the resulting mixture. This may take you from one to five minutes. Remember to make sure there are no lumps in the liquid before moving on to the next step.

If you dilute a larger amount of powder, then you need to take the corresponding amount of water. In this case, the stirring time may increase.

Third step: diluting the concentrated composition with water

After you have obtained a concentrated solution without lumps, you need to dilute it with water. You already know how to dilute powdered milk (proportions). Remember that you need to add exactly as much water as planned. So, if you need to get 200 milliliters of milk, and you already have 50 ml, then you will have to add 150, not 200.

Finally, let the solution sit for a while. For this, 10-15 minutes will be enough. After this, you can drink milk or add it as an additional ingredient to foods.

An alternative method for preparing a powder solution

How to dilute milk powder for porridge? Most dairy cereal dishes are prepared with half and half water. A simple conclusion can be drawn from this. If you need to get 400 milliliters of liquid for porridge, then you need to dilute the powder in half as much.

So, take 5 teaspoons and using the instructions described, get 50 milliliters of a concentrated solution. Next, you need to add 350 ml of plain water and let the liquid stand for a while. After this, you can start preparing the porridge.


Now you know how to properly dilute milk powder (proportions, errors, instructions). Follow the step-by-step description. Only in this case you will get a healthy and tasty drink. Remember that powdered milk is much more practical than fresh milk. It can be stored for a very long time, and it is prepared quickly and easily. Despite this, the resulting drink brings no less benefits to the human body than a fresh one. It can be boiled or drunk immediately after preparation. Enjoy your meal!

Powdered milk is a good substitute for fresh milk, because the taste of these two products is practically no different. But not all housewives know how to dilute powdered milk. The powder is very convenient to take with you on trips and outdoors, because it will not turn sour as quickly as fresh powder.

It is produced by condensing or drying natural milk in special machines, so it must be diluted gradually by adding cold or warm water. The purpose of drying is to reduce the amount of product and increase its shelf life.

How to dilute without lumps

In fact, diluting powdered milk without lumps is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Even despite following the instructions indicated on the package, many housewives are unable to prepare it correctly so that it is homogeneous and without lumps.

  • The water should be warm. Do not use either boiling water or ice water. The approximate proportions are 1:8, but this does not mean that you have to stand in the kitchen and accurately calculate grams of powder;
  • Approximately 6-7 teaspoons of powder should be taken for one plastic disposable cup and mixed with water in the amount of one glass;
  • It is important to know that you need to add water gradually and not pour it out in one motion. If you do not follow this rule, you will not be able to prepare a drink without forming lumps.

The proportions for diluting powdered milk may vary slightly, depending on the purpose of its use. If you want to get a larger amount of product, take several times more of all components.

Powdered milk is often used in cooking when kneading dough for baking bread or rolls, if there is no fresh product on hand. This powder can also be diluted to prepare soups, porridges or other dishes. You can also make fermented milk products from it at home.

To prepare the product, you cannot use boiling water, otherwise the powder will immediately form into lumps, which will be impossible to get rid of. After preparing the drink, it is recommended to let it brew a little: the whites will swell, and this will eliminate the watery taste.

Soy milk powder

In its appearance, consistency and nutritional value, it is practically no different from ordinary cow's milk. Adding it to food even has its own advantages: this product does not contain lactose, cholesterol and milk protein, to which many people are often allergic.

This substitute for natural cow's milk is recommended by nutritionists for people with lactose intolerance, allergies to milk proteins, excess weight, and atherosclerosis.

It is also recommended for use by people prone to developing kidney disease and iron deficiency. It is obtained by evaporation from liquid soy milk. The product has the form of a creamy powder with a slight nutty aroma.

If you decide to introduce this product into your diet, you should know how to dilute soy milk powder with water. The powder obtained from soybeans can be diluted with water or dissolved in a cup of tea or coffee. For a glass of water you will need 5 teaspoons of dry legume powder.

Making coconut milk at home

If it is not possible to buy fresh coconut and get milk from it, you can use a dry product. It is often used by confectioners in the process of preparing sweets. Powdered coconut milk is sold in many stores and is much cheaper than fresh coconut fruits.

You can find several recipes for diluting coconut milk powder with water. The following proportions are known: to prepare a liter of coconut milk, you will need 10 tablespoons of powder. Use water at a temperature of 35–40 degrees.

Add water to the powder in small portions and stir everything until smooth. When the dry mixture is diluted to a homogeneous consistency, add water to the required volume.

Nutritionists recommend using this product if you are intolerant to products of animal origin, as well as for people with digestive problems. Coconut is rich in coarse fibers, which improve the functioning of the digestive system. Coconut milk diluted with water at home is a good addition to coffee or tea.

You should not overuse dry milk, since if you exceed the daily norm, metabolic processes may be disrupted, which will contribute to the formation of fat deposits.

The modern food industry is able to solve problems that previously seemed insoluble. For example, it is not always possible to ensure the safety of fresh milk; it is not always possible to regularly go to a department store or store and buy a package of fresh milk. In this case, milk made from milk powder can help. It should be noted that milk powder was previously often used by bodybuilders as protein. 50-60 grams of milk powder per liter of regular milk remains a good almost natural alternative to protein shakes today. Powdered milk does not dissolve well in regular milk, so you will have to work hard.

How to make milk from milk powder

Let’s say right away that it is impossible to make real milk from milk powder and water. What is obtained after such “alchemy” is called a starch-milk drink. Take eight teaspoons (90-100 grams) per 1 liter of water. The water should already be warm, or it will have to be heated (in cold liquid, milk powder practically does not dissolve, except for particularly intense shaking, and even then, a significant part of it still remains in the form of suspension). There is no need to boil water at all. The indicated ratio of water and milk powder is a guideline; you can deviate from it in any way: by adding more or less milk powder. Every man to his own taste. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that this mixture does not have a special taste.

Beneficial properties of milk from powdered milk

Everything is relative. Let's compare regular milk and our starch-milk drink:

  • regular milk contains 3.2 grams of protein/100 grams of product, of which 2.5 grams are casein and 0.7 g are whey protein (albumin and globulins);
  • powdered milk contains 26 g of protein for every 100 g. However, 100 grams of the product diluted in 1 liter of water gives only 2.6 g/100 g, which is less than in regular milk;
  • regular milk has a fat content from 1% to 3.2% (or 10-32 g per 1 l);
  • milk powder - 25 g/100 g (or 25 g/1 l of mixture), while, unlike ordinary milk, the percentage of fat in which can be clearly determined by what is written on the packaging, it is difficult to judge the fat content of milk powder, because . it is often sold without appropriate labels;
  • regular milk contains 45-50 g of carbohydrates per 1 liter (mainly in the form of lactose, or milk sugar);
  • the carbohydrate content in milk powder reaches 37-40 g/100 g of product, which again is less than in regular milk;
  • calorie content of regular milk - 35-42 kcal/100 g (350-420 kcal/1 l);
  • calorie content of milk powder - 480-500 kcal/100 g.

Thus, milk from milk powder has less nutritional value because... contains fewer nutrients, but has a higher calorie content than regular milk.

How to dilute milk powder at home

Powdered milk is an excellent alternative to natural cow's milk in those moments when we need to use a small amount of milk to prepare a dish, but there is no fresh milk at home.

Powdered milk is made from whole milk. It is a white powder with a slightly creamy tint and has almost the same beneficial qualities as fresh milk, but is stored much longer.

There is no need to boil diluted milk powder since it has already been heat-treated. This milk can be used to prepare yeast dough, milk soups and porridges.

The main question that interests housewives is: how to properly dilute powdered milk? Use our advice and take into account some nuances:

Never dilute powdered milk with boiling water. If you use boiling water, the milk will immediately “cook” into a bunch of lumps;

For 200 ml of water, take 5 teaspoons of powdered milk;

First, dilute the milk powder with a small amount of water, and only then add the rest of the water;

Let the diluted milk sit for a while. At the same time, the milk proteins will swell and the wateriness will disappear;

Diluted milk powder can be brought to a boil, used to cook porridge and milk soups, and also used to prepare fermented milk products.

Powdered milk is a good substitute for fresh milk, because the taste of these two products is practically no different. But not all housewives know how to dilute powdered milk. The powder is very convenient to take with you on trips and outdoors, because it will not turn sour as quickly as fresh powder.

It is produced by condensing or drying natural milk in special machines, so it must be diluted gradually by adding cold or warm water. The purpose of drying is to reduce the amount of product and increase its shelf life.

How to dilute without lumps

In fact, diluting powdered milk without lumps is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Even despite following the instructions indicated on the package, many housewives are unable to prepare it correctly so that it is homogeneous and without lumps.

  • The water should be warm. Do not use either boiling water or ice water. The approximate proportions are 1:8, but this does not mean that you have to stand in the kitchen and accurately calculate grams of powder;
  • Approximately 6-7 teaspoons of powder should be taken for one plastic disposable cup and mixed with water in the amount of one glass;
  • It is important to know that you need to add water gradually and not pour it out in one motion. If you do not follow this rule, you will not be able to prepare a drink without forming lumps.

The proportions for diluting powdered milk may vary slightly, depending on the purpose of its use. If you want to get a larger amount of product, take several times more of all components.

Powdered milk is often used in cooking when kneading dough for baking bread or rolls, if there is no fresh product on hand. This powder can also be diluted to prepare soups, porridges or other dishes. You can also make fermented milk products from it at home.

To prepare the product, you cannot use boiling water, otherwise the powder will immediately form into lumps, which will be impossible to get rid of. After preparing the drink, it is recommended to let it brew a little: the whites will swell, and this will eliminate the watery taste.

Soy milk powder

In its appearance, consistency and nutritional value, it is practically no different from ordinary cow's milk. Adding it to food even has its own advantages: this product does not contain lactose, cholesterol and milk protein, to which many people are often allergic.

This substitute for natural cow's milk is recommended by nutritionists for people with lactose intolerance, allergies to milk proteins, excess weight, and atherosclerosis.

It is also recommended for use by people prone to developing kidney disease and iron deficiency. It is obtained by evaporation from liquid soy milk. The product has the form of a creamy powder with a slight nutty aroma.

  1. If you decide to introduce this product into your diet, you should know how to dilute soy milk powder with water.
  2. The powder obtained from soybeans can be diluted with water or dissolved in a cup of tea or coffee.
  3. For a glass of water you will need 5 teaspoons of dry legume powder.

Making coconut milk at home

If it is not possible to buy fresh coconut and get milk from it, you can use a dry product. It is often used by confectioners in the process of preparing sweets. Powdered coconut milk is sold in many stores and is much cheaper than fresh coconut fruits.

Nutritionists recommend using this product if you are intolerant to products of animal origin, as well as for people with digestive problems. Coconut is rich in coarse fibers, which improve the functioning of the digestive system. Coconut milk diluted with water at home is a good addition to coffee or tea.

You should not overuse dry milk, since if you exceed the daily norm, metabolic processes may be disrupted, which will contribute to the formation of fat deposits.