How to soften a pie after the oven. Juicy meat pie

There are many secrets to making the cake soft and tender. First of all, it depends on the test. If it is yeast, everything is much simpler - just add some ingredients to the dough that will not allow the baked goods to dry out quickly - butter, milk, eggs. The yeast must be fresh. Yeast dough made with water turns out more stale and tough. But not all housewives know how to make a pie soft if it is prepared without eggs and butter. While it is still warm, you can sprinkle it with milk and put it back in the switched off but still warm oven. Yeast dough also needs to be stored correctly - best in a bread box.

Shortbread or butter dough in itself is not so soft. But you still want the baked goods to be crumbly and tender the next day, and not turn into crackers. Since baking a sweet pie from butter or shortcrust pastry is much easier and faster, many housewives prefer it to yeast. To prevent a cake made from this dough from drying out, you can wrap it in a clean towel and then place it in a plastic bag. The hot pie will release steam, which will moisten the tough crust. There is another way - to sprinkle the hot cake with water.

Another type of pies is open pies with berries. Stores are filled with an abundance of baked goods, so you might forget how to make strawberry pie. And yet homemade baking cannot be compared with anything else. In order for such a pie to be soft, it is enough to choose the correct consistency of the filling. It should not be too dry or too wet. If berries or fruits produce juice, you don’t have to add liquid to the filling. If the filling is dry, you can add a little juice, cream, syrup or jam and, of course, starch. Then the liquid will thicken and the dough will be moderately soft.

How to make a cherry pie from puff pastry, but at the same time keep it soft for several days? One way is to change the dough recipe and add cottage cheese to it. This will give the dough density, but will not affect the stiffness. Another option is to grease the finished pie with cream or butter. After this, you need to keep it in a hot oven for a couple of minutes. The filling should not be too raw, as the cherries give off juice. Instead of granulated sugar, it is better to use powder. Many people know how to make chocolate cake from sponge dough. This dough is the softest and most tender. To keep it like this for more than one day, you need to store it in the refrigerator.

Soft dough is the key to delicious baked goods. Therefore, in order to always delight your guests with an amazing and unique treat, it is enough to monitor the consistency of the filling, the storage conditions of the pie and use simple tips.

I need help from the hivemind. Problem conditions: how to make a pie with fat layer of fruit filling to make the dough above And under Wasn't it damp with fruit? I will be very glad to have ideas and proven techniques. Ready-made recipes are definitely not needed.
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I really love closed pies made from dough like Gerbeaud, shortbread and yeast (due to the peculiarities of our climate, preparing classic shortcrust pastry is fraught with difficulties, and it takes more time to bake) and with a thick layer of fruit inside. For me, this is a hundred times more attractive than any gourmet cake. But it is precisely the preparation of such a closed pie with a juicy fruit filling that is fraught with technical difficulties - the dough absorbs moisture from the fruit. By the way, I see photos of many famous cooks on LiveJournal of their fruit-filled pies with damp bottoms and, in my opinion, this is unacceptable...
There are no problems with apples, quinces and plums - they are quite dry by nature.
Since berries such as sour cherries, currants and cranberries come to us frozen, you naturally defrost them for the pie. The result is that instead of 300 g of frozen cherries, you get a bowl with about 100 g of cherry “rags” floating in cherry juice. Raspberries and blueberries are even worse... And buying 3 boxes of berries for one pie is ruinous... Rhubarb, although it is a very rare product in our country, also needs to be processed somehow, since in the pie it “dries out” and the layer the filling becomes very thin.
Or, for example, when you want to make a pie with lemon/orange filling, which is generally liquid in nature, how can you make a pie with it without boiling it? I'm omitting the traditional lemongrass.
The most common options are:
1.thicken the filling by cooking thick creamy “jelly” from fruits and juice, or cream, starch and eggs.
2.sprinkle the dough with flakes and almond flour.
3. Place thinly sliced ​​white bread or pancakes under the filling.
4. Baking the bottom separately, then laying out the filling and top layer of dough.
5. mixing juicy fruits with non-juicy ones (for example, microwave-dried apples) or with dried fruits so that they are mutually impregnated and absorb moisture.
All this has already been tested in different variations in relation to the situation and to a specific product.
Therefore, dear comrades and elders, I will be very glad if you share your secrets, developments and ideas.
Yes, and processes that require continuous stirring for an hour are definitely not for me...
P.S. I’m already finishing this - I want to show a photo of just such a pie with a defect. The photo shows that the pre-baked bottom is completely dry, but the top (dough like dough for muffins in vegetable oil) is damp at the point of contact with the wet filling (orange + lemon, crushed with skin + glucose syrup + galactomannan for thickening) . And once again many thanks to all those who helped me solve the problem!

The pride of any housewife is delicious homemade baked goods! And for amazing baking, you need to know some secrets. And every housewife has her own secrets. In this article, we have collected a large selection of useful tips on how to get a golden brown crust, prepare fluffy dough, look at the secrets of making puff pastry and yeast dough, and much more.

So what are secrets of delicious baking?

The first secret is to prepare baked goods with milk. Then it will be shiny and beautiful in color.

The second secret is that the more sugar in baked goods, the faster it browns. But with too much sugar, pies tend to burn.

The third secret is to get a rosy gloss on closed pies, before placing the pie in the oven, you need to brush the top crust with beaten egg yolk.

The fourth secret is that if baked goods made from yeast dough are pre-buttered with milk, they will be more golden brown.

The fourth secret is to prevent the pie from burning and to keep the top crust golden brown, you need to sprinkle a little coarse salt under the baking tray.

Secrets of fluffy dough

The first secret is to ensure that your baked goods are always soft and fluffy and remain that way even the next day, you need to add diluted potato starch to the dough.

The second secret is that before kneading the dough, the flour must be sifted. This way, foreign mixtures will be removed from it, it will be enriched with oxygen and the dough will turn out incredibly fluffy!

The third secret is that in order for the baked goods to turn out fluffy and remain so the next day, you need to add half a glass of mineral water to the dough. Or dilute a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water and quench it with citric acid or vinegar.

Secrets of making puff pastry

The first secret is the most important! The dough must be cold before baking.

The second secret is that immediately in front of you, the baking sheet on which you are going to bake the puff pastry product must be moistened with cold water. This way the finished product will be easy to remove.

The third secret is that the baking temperature for puff pastry products should be 210-23 degrees. At a lower temperature, the baked goods will dry out rather than brown. And at a higher level it will harden

Secrets of making yeast dough

The first secret is to prepare yeast dough for pies in such a way that the consistency of the dough is less than for baked pies. Pies made from this dough will be softer and airier.

The second secret is to fill the baking pan with yeast dough halfway, then the baked goods will be more airy.

The third secret is to better bake a pie made from yeast dough, place it on a baking sheet in such a way that there are voids around the pie.

The fourth secret is that pies made from yeast dough should not be kept in the oven for a long time. They can dry out this way.

The fifth secret is that buns and pies made from yeast dough are baked for no more than 200 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Pies with ready-made filling are baked for no more than half an hour.

Secrets of preparing baked goods filling

The first secret is that if you plan to add raisins to baked goods, you need to wash them thoroughly, dry them and roll them in flour. This way, no voids will form around it.

The second secret is that when baking a berry pie, you should not put sugar directly into the filling. The berries will give a lot of juice. It’s better to make the dough itself a little sweeter, and then sprinkle the finished pie with powdered sugar.

The third secret is that so that the berry filling in an open pie does not “run away” anywhere, you can stick several macaroni into the filling. This way the juice will rise up them.

The fourth secret - if you use rice for the filling, then add a teaspoon of vinegar to the water when cooking. This way the rice will become snow-white and crumbly.

Secret five - if cabbage is used for the filling, then finely chop it, pour boiling water over it, then pour cold water over it for a minute, squeeze out and lightly fry. The cabbage will not darken and will be very tasty.

The fifth secret is to prevent the apples intended for the filling from darkening, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice and put them in salted water for a few minutes. The apple filling will be ready faster if you put a bowl of hot water in the oven.

The seventh secret is that the dough for a pie with filling should be rolled out very tightly so that the filling in the pie can be clearly felt.

What to do with ready-made baked goods

The first secret is that immediately after the cake is ready, it is recommended to place it on a towel well moistened with water. This way the cake can be easily separated from the pan.

The second secret is that in order for the finished cake or cupcake to separate well, before baking the pan must be sprinkled with semolina or greased with butter.

The third secret is to store the finished pie on a wire rack. This way the bottom of the cake will not become soggy.

The third secret is to prevent the finished cake from settling immediately after baking, keep it in a warm place for a while. To make the cake crumble less, it is recommended to cut it with a warm knife. To do this, hold the knife under boiling water or over fire.

These are the secrets of delicious baking. We really hope that they will be useful to you and we will be glad if you share your secrets in the comments!

Pies, pies and other pastries are undoubtedly one of the favorite delicacies of both children and adults. Thanks to the variety of recipes and fillings, pies have found their fan in literally every person. Pies come with or without filling, salty and sweet, with or without yeast. In general, there are a lot of recipes, and every housewife can choose the one that is suitable for her in terms of cooking technology and ingredients. ;However, during the cooking process, every especially novice housewife faces certain difficulties, such as how to make the pies soft. Literally while they are still in the oven, or immediately after it, the pies are soft and fluffy, and after an hour the crust of the pies hardens so much that any desire to find out what’s inside disappears. Despite the hopelessness of the situation, there is a way out. Grandmothers and mothers also know that in order for the pies to remain soft, immediately after the oven, moisten them generously with water and cover with a terry towel for 30 minutes.

Another question for novice baking lovers is how to decorate pies, because it is known that in addition to the internal content, the dish should also be externally attractive. There are many tricks and tips for decorating cakes. Literally anything can be made from pieces of dough. The most common decoration is in the form of a braid, or flowers - buttercups. Despite the long explanation, buttercups are quite easy to make. An ordinary circle is divided like a simple daisy with a knife, after which the edges of each petal need to be pressed. Lovers of salty pies have undoubtedly tried pies with cabbage. However, not everyone knows how to stew cabbage for pies. The technology for preparing cabbage for pies differs little from the recipe for ordinary stewed cabbage. The only difference is that here the cabbage does not need to be seasoned with sour cream and tomato sauce; here the cabbage is stewed in its own juice. Before adding cabbage, you need to pour oil into the cauldron and fry the carrots and onions. Then cabbage is added and that’s it.

From now on, it’s no secret to anyone how to cook pies with cabbage. Perhaps we need to remind you of the recipe for the main dough. And this recipe is the most common yeast dough. For this, yeast is diluted with water and a pinch of salt, after which the liquid is poured into a bowl of flour. Also, you need to add a little sunflower oil. Next comes kneading and proofing. After proofing for an hour, knead the dough and leave for a few more minutes. And after all of the above, the pies are formed and sent to the oven or in a frying pan. Before frying the pies in a frying pan, you must pour a little oil into it and heat it up. If the pies are cooked in the oven, then there is no definite recommendation, you just need to watch and adjust the temperature. In general, pies are a delicacy, and it doesn’t even matter that they spoil the figure, because it’s so tasty. This is the taste of childhood, home, family, warmth and comfort.

Kitchen secrets Making dough

1. Always add diluted potato starch to the dough - buns and pies will be fluffy and soft even the next day.
The main condition for delicious pies is a fluffy, well-risen dough: the flour for the dough must be sifted: foreign impurities are removed from it, and it is enriched with air oxygen.

2. To any dough (except dumplings, puff pastry, choux, shortbread), that is, dough for pies, pancakes, bread, pancakes, always add a drop of semolina (about a heaping tablespoon) to half a liter of liquid. I was taught by nuns as a girl: “Previously, the highest quality bread was made from semolina. It did not dry out for a long time and was fluffy. Now there is no semolina. So you add a little semolina. You will always have good baked goods.” I remember this advice from those years.

3. When I lived in Kazakhstan, the locals taught me to add half a glass of mineral water to the dough, in addition to milk (remember, 1 kopeck without syrup). I dilute tea soda in half a glass of water and lightly quench it with citric acid or vinegar.
The baked goods really turn out great. Even the leftovers the next day are fluffy.

4. There should be no draft in the room where the dough is cut: it contributes to the formation of a very dense crust on the pie.

5. When kneading yeast dough, all products should be warm or at room temperature; products from the refrigerator will slow down the rise of the dough

6. For yeast products, the liquid should always be heated to 30-35ºС, since yeast fungi in a liquid that has a lower or higher temperature lose their activity

7. When you knead the dough, your hands should be dry.

8. Before putting the product in the oven, let it rise for 15-20 minutes. Before baking, let the dough proof completely. If the proofing is not complete, it does not rise well and the pies do not bake for a long time.

9. Bake pies on a baking sheet over medium heat so that the filling does not dry out.

10. It is best to add unmelted butter to the dough (yeast and unleavened butter), since melted butter worsens the structure of the dough.

11. Pies made with milk are more tasty and aromatic, the crust after baking is shiny with a beautiful color.

12. Yeast for dough should be fresh, with a pleasant alcoholic smell. Test the yeast in advance. To do this, prepare a small portion of the dough and sprinkle with a layer of flour. If no cracks appear after 30 minutes, then the quality of the yeast is poor.

13. If there is excess sugar in the dough, the pies quickly “brown” and even burn. Fermentation of yeast dough slows down, and the pies turn out less fluffy

14. Fats, softened to the thickness of sour cream, are added at the end of kneading the dough or when kneading it, this improves the fermentation of the dough

15. To make the finished pies more tender and crumbly, put only yolks in the dough

16. Tall pies are baked over low heat so that they cook evenly.

17. Fats, softened to the thickness of sour cream, are added at the end of kneading the dough or when kneading it, this improves the fermentation of the dough

18. To make the finished pies more tender and crumbly, add only yolks to the dough.

19. The dough for a pie baked on a baking sheet is rolled out as thin as possible so that the taste of the filling can be clearly felt.

20. To keep the bottom of the pie dry, lightly sprinkle the bottom layer of the pie with starch, and then add the filling.

21. Neither the dough nor the dough should be allowed to rest, as this causes a deterioration in the quality of the dough. 3 hours is enough, but be sure to keep it warm.

22. Yeast dough pies can be greased with milk and, if desired, sprinkled with salt, poppy seeds, and caraway seeds.

23. Covered pies are brushed with beaten egg, milk, and sugar water before baking. Thanks to this, an appetizing gloss appears on the finished cake. The best shine is obtained when lubricated with yolks.

24. Pies that are sprinkled with powdered sugar are also greased with butter - it gives them a pleasant aroma.

25. Pies brushed with egg white acquire a shiny golden brown crust during baking.

26. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products are.

27. If you add soda to the dough, the cake will turn out to be darker in color with an unpleasant odor.

28. It’s easy to roll out thin dough by wrapping the rolling pin in a clean linen rag.

29. If the dough is too wet, place a piece of parchment paper on it and roll it straight through the paper.

30. Shortcrust pastry pies should be removed from pans when cooled.

31. Before adding raisins to the dough, they need to be rolled in flour.

32. Salt is always added to flour only when the dough has already fermented

33. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products are.

34. If the dough has already risen and you don’t have time to put it in the oven, cover the dough with well-moistened paper, first shaking off the water.

35. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products are.

36. It’s better not to cut a hot pie. But if this is necessary, you need to heat the knife in hot water, quickly wipe it and cut it.

37. If you don’t eat the pie

tossed from the baking sheet, separate it from the baking sheet with thread.

38. It’s better not to cut a hot pie. But if this is necessary, you need to heat the knife in hot water, quickly wipe it and cut it.