How to melt dark chocolate in a water bath. How to melt chocolate: a simple solution using a microwave

True sweet tooths know thousands of ways to use chocolate in cooking. If you melt it, you can make glaze for baked goods, berries and fruits, prepare a tasty and healthy drink or warm sauce for fondue. Let's talk about how to melt chocolate correctly, and the microwave will help us in this activity.

The nuances of cooking in the microwave

In the past, chocolate was traditionally melted in a water bath. But a microwave oven has a similar effect on the product, and in addition, it does it faster. You just need to know a few secrets and follow the procedure.

First, you need to choose the right cookware. This should be a deep bowl made of ceramic or glass, and one that will remain cold or slightly warm after using the microwave.

If the container overheats, it means that the temperature was too high, which is harmful for the chocolate - it will begin to clump and become covered with a white coating when it hardens. If this happens, quickly pour the chocolate into a cold bowl, add a few pieces of the bar to it and stir until evenly dissolved.

Use glass or ceramic containers to melt chocolate in the microwave.

Secondly, to cook in the microwave you need to break the chocolate into small pieces - this way it will melt faster.

It is very important to choose the right chocolate. Using a microwave is better to melt dark and milk chocolate, which contains at least 50% cocoa butter. White chocolate in its pure form is not very suitable for such work: it is difficult to melt it, and then using it to decorate baked goods is completely troublesome. You shouldn't melt porous chocolate in the microwave either. And, of course, the bar should not contain any filling, including nuts.

Note! To avoid overheating and spoilage of the product, strictly adhere to the temperature and time regime. This way you will get the “correct” chocolate and will not damage the microwave oven.

The time it takes to melt the chocolate directly depends on the original quantity.

Table: approximate melting time depending on product weight

Also make sure that no water, including condensation, gets into the melted chocolate. This may result in a loss of product consistency.

Different ways

A microwave will make it much easier for you to melt chocolate and prepare it in a variety of ways: for fondue, glaze, drink, or as an ingredient in baking.

Dark or milky

Place a broken dark or milk chocolate bar into the prepared bowl. The smaller the pieces, the easier it will be for them to melt. You can use a grater or blender.

Break the chocolate bar into smaller pieces

Set the microwave oven to 50% power (usually 350 or 400), place the dishes with chocolate into it.

Make sure that the container with chocolate is positioned clearly in the center of the microwave working area. This is important for uniform heating of the product.

Set the correct mode on the device, the power should not be maximum

Make sure that the chocolate mass is heated evenly, otherwise it will be uneven. If your microwave is not equipped with a turntable, you will have to independently turn the bowl with the contents at regular intervals. You need to stir the mixture several times, pausing the oven to do this.

Don't forget to stir the chocolate several times

If you did everything correctly, the container will remain cool, and inside it will be a homogeneous mass with a glossy shine. You can use it as cake and cupcake frosting or pie filling.

Properly melted chocolate has a uniform consistency, it is thick and shiny

Keep in mind that overheated chocolate very quickly changes its texture and taste, loses its plasticity and turns into a harsh granular mass that hardens almost instantly.

White for glaze

White chocolate is melted in the same way as dark or milk chocolate, but the power is set even lower, about 30% (250–300). Otherwise you will overheat it. Since white chocolate is often used to make confectionery icing, during the melting process it may be necessary to combine it with other ingredients, such as cream or butter.

Break or cut the white chocolate bar into pieces, or better yet, grate or grind in a blender bowl. Place in a deep glass or ceramic bowl and place in the microwave, set the power to below medium. Otherwise, follow the recommendations from the previous paragraph.

Mixing melted white chocolate with softened butter creates a smooth, even frosting.

Once the white chocolate has melted, give it 5 minutes to cool slightly before stirring in the warmed cream or softened butter. This will prevent the chocolate from clumping and clump up when you frost the cake.

With milk for sauce

You will need 50 ml of milk or cream per 100 g of chocolate. The consistency of melted chocolate will be softer and more fluid; it will not harden immediately. For example, this method is perfect if you are preparing sauce for chocolate fondue. Set the microwave power to 300 and melt the chocolate pieces covered with milk in several steps for 30–40 seconds, being sure to remove and thoroughly mix the chocolate mass.

In a large group, you can organize a fondue party: put strawberries, cherries, banana, apple or pineapple slices on skewers, dip them in melted warm chocolate and enjoy the juicy sweet taste. For an original aroma, you can drop a little brandy or cognac into the mixture.

Two simple recipes for hot chocolate treats

Everyone loves hot chocolate. It's easy to prepare according to the classic recipe. Melt dark or milk chocolate in the microwave using the first method we described, then add the same amount of hot milk to it. Mix well until the mixture is smooth and put it back in the microwave. The contents in the bowl will gradually heat up and begin to boil. As soon as it increases in volume and begins to rise, quickly turn off the oven and remove the bowl.

Choose deep dishes for cooking so that the boiling milk has room to rise.

Serve immediately, garnished with whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Serve melted chocolate with milk, topped with nuts and whipped cream.

And if you love spicy aroma and original taste, try making unusual hot chocolate according to an oriental recipe.

You will need:

In a deep ceramic or glass bowl, mix sugar, spices, grated chocolate and 1 glass of milk. Microwave on defrost setting (150–200) for 6–9 minutes, without covering the top. During this time, remove the bowl from the device twice to thoroughly mix the contents. Then add 4 more glasses of milk to the mixture (do this carefully, stirring with a whisk until even) and put it in the microwave again, but for 9-13 minutes. Control the preparation: as soon as you see that the chocolate and milk is about to run away, immediately turn off the device and take out the bowl.

Before serving, the finished drink can be decorated with lemon or orange zest and a cinnamon stick.

Try it in the microwave, just break it into small pieces first. I recently made truffles and melted them in a microwave oven. Everything seemed to work out


I heat it in the microwave, in the defrost mode, I buy not bars, but chocolate figurines in a confectionery store, leave them for 2 minutes, try, if they are hard, leave them for another minute, when you take them out, the figurines are still whole, but when you start stirring, it turns out... , what is needed. The main thing is not to add water, as I did the first time, I thought this would make the chocolate a little thinner. The mass turned into a lump in 1 second and had to be thrown away.

sweet sugar

Break the chocolate into pieces: for 200g of chocolate, 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil (olive oil can be used) and in the microwave for a minute, well, if it’s not completely melted, you can add another second. But most importantly, it’s better to take dark chocolate (melts perfectly), and milk chocolate Alyonka tried it, it instantly becomes like sugar.


I melt the chocolate in the microwave, but add a little heavy cream or sour cream. Then lightly with a fork
I whip it all up and it turns out to be a gorgeous chocolate fudge. I don’t know anything about Alpengold, but it’s best to buy good dark chocolate for this, really dark chocolate, at least 70% - without any fillings, flavors and other additives. The fewer additives, the better the chocolate


Video: how to melt chocolate in the microwave

Video: The fastest way to melt chocolate

Now you have a few more useful tips in your recipe box that will help you hone your culinary skills and surprise your guests. Perhaps you have your own, original way to melt chocolate in the microwave. Share your experience in the comments. Bon appetit and comfort to your home!

  • The product must be of high quality, we have already said this above.
  • Use heat-resistant dishes with thick walls.
  • Do not allow water to get into the chocolate mass - even one drop will ruin all your efforts, causing lumps to form.
  • During the heating process, constant stirring is necessary.
  • Heating should be gradual.
  • Do not heat tiles from different manufacturers together.
  • A single portion for melting is no more than 250 g.
  • The temperature of the product must first be brought to room temperature.

The main rule is not to overheat the product. That is why it is better to use a special thermometer that will help ensure that the temperature of the melting mass does not exceed the melting point - 44°C, 46°C for milk, 48-50°C for dark and 55°C for bitter cocoa with 70% cocoa content. and more.

In a water bath

Prepare two containers - a 1.5-2 liter saucepan for water and a container for chocolate. For the latter, you can take a saucepan of a smaller diameter with handles, which can be conveniently hung on the edges of the lower container. Or it can be a wide bowl that can be placed steadily over a pan of simmering water.

Melting order:

  1. Break the tile into small pieces, or better yet, chop it into crumbs with a sharp knife or grate it.
  2. Pour water into the pan to ¼ of its height and bring to a boil.
  3. When the water boils, reduce the heat to low and place a second container on top - with chocolate.
  4. Stirring continuously, wait until most of the product has melted.
  5. Remove the bowl from the bath and continue stirring until the remaining pieces are dispersed.

The upper container should be shallower than the lower one so as not to reach the bottom. There should also be some distance between the water and the bottom of the bowl. .

In the microwave

On medium power for milk and dark chocolate, on low for white chocolate. The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Chop the chocolate and place in a bowl.
  2. Microwave for 30 seconds. dark chocolate, for 20 sec. milk or for 15 sec. white.
  3. Remove the bowl and stir the contents, repeat heating.
  4. Stir the mixture thoroughly each time between heating.
  5. When more than half has melted, the melting is completed and the mass is stirred until completely dissolved.


The container must be microwave safe. This can be a special microwave-safe dish or a heat-resistant glass or ceramic bowl that does not heat up in the device.

In the oven

This method is similar to working in the microwave - the chocolate is also taken out several times to check its condition and stir. Procedure:

  1. Preheat the oven to 60-65°C.
  2. Place the grated tiles in a heat-resistant container, which you place in the oven on the top shelf, away from the fire.
  3. After 2 minutes, check the mixture and stir it. Repeat until everything is melted.

Is it possible to melt in a saucepan on the stove?

This is a dubious option, since melting directly on the stove increases the risk of overheating and burning. It is highly not recommended to use this method, since the likelihood of spoiling the product is very high. Moreover, there is an affordable alternative - making a water bath on the stove.

But if for some reason there is no other option, then:

  • Heat very slowly over low heat;
  • continuously stir the melting mass;
  • choose dishes with a double bottom;
  • Add a little cream or milk to the product (30 ml per 100 g).

With this method, it is advisable to arm yourself with a thermometer to control the temperature and avoid exceeding it.

Using a hair dryer

This device is most often used to warm up chocolate - slightly cooled or to bring it to operating temperature.

To make liquid chocolate using a hairdryer, you need to:

  1. Grate it on a fine grater and place in a deep bowl.
  2. Remove the nozzle from the device, turn it on at minimum power and direct hot air into the bowl, while stirring the mass.
  3. Continue until the product is completely dissolved.

You can use a hairdryer to melt the chocolate icing in a similar way. Although it will take longer than conventional methods.

In a slow cooker

When kindling, the device is used to create a water (steam) bath as follows:

  1. Chop the chocolate into a container that fits securely on the multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour 500 ml of water into the bowl of the device and turn on the “Steam” mode.
  3. After the water boils, place the bowl on top and melt the product for 5-8 minutes, stirring continuously.


Leave the multicooker lid open to prevent condensation from getting into the melting mass.

Which method is the fastest

Of all the methods, using a microwave is considered the fastest. You can further speed up the melting by chopping the product as much as possible - the pieces take longer to melt than the chips.

Preparing chocolate icing for filling the cake

We offer to add to your home culinary collection with recipes for chocolate glaze made with cream, butter, milk and sour cream.

With milk


  • two bars of dark chocolate;
  • milk - 7 tbsp. l.


  1. Chop the chocolates into small pieces and pour milk at room temperature.
  2. Place the bowl in a steam bath.
  3. Stirring continuously, completely dissolve the product in the milk.

Place the cake or pastries in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before pouring. Cool the melted glaze for a minute and pour it over the baked goods.

With cream


  • cream - 70 ml;
  • dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • liqueur or cognac - 2 tsp.


  1. Chop the chocolate, pour in the cream and melt in a convenient way.
  2. Add powdered sugar and whisk the icing.
  3. At the last stage, pour in the liqueur and stir.

This glaze is perfect for drizzling over a chocolate sponge cake.

With butter


  • butter - 80 g;
  • chocolate - 200 g.


  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and wait until it becomes soft.
  2. Mix it with chocolate chips and melt in a “bath”, stirring.

Never add chilled butter to hot or warm chocolate. Heat the products together and try to ensure that their temperature is the same before sending for smelting (18-25°).

With sour cream


  • sour cream with a fat content of 20-25% - 100 g;
  • cow butter - 40 g;
  • dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix the cream with sugar and bring to a boil in a water bath.
  2. Melt the chocolate and butter separately from the cream, as in the previous recipe.
  3. When the sweet creamy mass has cooled to 40-43°C, mix it with the melted butter-chocolate mixture.
  4. Cool slightly and you can pour over the cake.

Sour cream frosting can also be made with white chocolate. It is good to pour over cottage cheese pastries, sour cream, cakes with custard or creme brulee.

And finally, we will share with you some culinary secrets borrowed from professional confectioners.

How to pour melted chocolate over a cake

At home, the finished cake is most often poured with icing on a large plate, parchment paper or board, and after hardening, it is carefully transferred to another, clean dish. But there is also a professional trick:

  1. Place the cake on a wire rack.
  2. Place a dish underneath to catch any excess glaze.
  3. Slowly baste the baked goods in a circular motion.
  4. If desired, you can pour two layers over the cake, leaving the first one to harden.

Another filling option is to place the cake on a plate and cover it with parchment underneath. Pour in the glaze, let it harden, then remove the paper. This way the dish will remain clean and you won’t have to do any unnecessary steps.

How to melt chocolate for fondue

For this dessert, the product is melted using any of the methods we have discussed (in the microwave, in a “bath”, etc.). For fondue, the mass is given a creamier or more delicate taste by adding heavy cream (1:1) or milk and butter (150 and 50 g, respectively, per 100-gram slab). For flavor, you can pour liqueur or syrup (orange, strawberry) into the already melted mixture.

How to make hot chocolate

We offer a creamy vanilla recipe for a drink beloved by many, which requires the following ingredients:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • milk chocolate - 250 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • vanilla essence - 2 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • corn starch - 20 g;
  • sugar to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Mix chocolate with milk and melt.
  2. Over medium heat, stirring continuously, add sugar and starch, bring the mixture until smooth.
  3. Do not let the drink boil - remove it from the stove when the first bubbles appear.
  4. Add honey, vanilla and salt heated to 45°C, stir.

Cool the drink a little, pour into cups and serve. Use whipped cream and marshmallows to decorate.

Melting a chocolate bar at home is not that difficult. If you follow the temperature regime and melting rules, then everything will work out. Once you learn how to melt chocolate, you can easily create real confectionery masterpieces - from simple icing to figured decorations.

There is probably not a person among us who is indifferent to chocolate. This wonderful, tasty and aromatic dessert, brought by Columbus from the island of Guyana back in the 16th century, has been a leader in the world of sweets for many years.

Sweet good

Chocolate is not only tasty - scientists claim that regular consumption of it in moderate quantities (no more than 1 bar per week) has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, prevents the development of malignant tumors, and helps eliminate cholesterol deposits. This delicacy is also considered an excellent antidepressant, since it contains theobromine and phenylethylamine - substances that elevate mood and improve brain activity.

It is eaten not only in solid form, but also in melted form, and is also used to make icing for decoration - many confectionery recipes involve the use of aromatic delicacies.

But despite its apparent simplicity, this dessert is a rather capricious product - an improperly melted tile can simply turn into a too viscous or dry heterogeneous mass.

In order for your little culinary miracle to turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, you need to know what chocolate to choose and how to melt it correctly for a cake, pastry, eclairs or pancakes.

How to choose?

As you know, there are a huge number of types of this dessert: bitter (black), milky, white, porous, with raisins, nuts, sesame seeds, grilled, etc. All of them are good in their own way, but not every type is suitable for preparing the glaze.

It is better not to use porous chocolate - it is very difficult to achieve the required consistency and the desired quality of the resulting mass, since its structure is difficult to heat treat.

The dark one takes longer to heat due to the high content of cocoa powder in it. But nevertheless, it is this type that is most often used by confectioners - sweet dishes with it turn out to be especially impressive and refined.

Milk is easy to melt; when hot, it turns out viscous and not too liquid.

White is considered an ideal artistic material - you can use it to colorfully decorate, for example, a homemade cake, after adding the necessary food coloring to the icing.

In order for the confectionery mass to be homogeneous, shiny, look good and be easy to use, you need to take a pure product, without adding nuts, raisins, waffle crumbs and other impurities. When purchasing, carefully study the composition of the tile - the main components should be sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa powder and milk. A quality product should not contain any artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

How to prepare?

Before melting a chocolate bar on the stove or in the microwave, it should be prepared for heat treatment:

  • Remove the bar from the refrigerator an hour before cooking. Cold food cooks more slowly; in addition, sudden temperature changes are detrimental to cocoa butter, so it is advisable that it be at room temperature before cooking;
  • chop the tile into small slices with a knife or grate it - this way it will cook faster and the glaze will be homogeneous;
  • Place the resulting crumbs in a saucepan or stewpan with a thick bottom and walls, and grease its inner surface with a thin layer of deodorized (odorless) vegetable oil - this will make it easier for you to pour the glaze and subsequently wash the dishes.

How to melt chocolate?

It’s worth mentioning right away that in order for the mass to be homogeneous, water should not be allowed to enter the container during the process. It is also unacceptable to cover a saucepan or stewpan - condensation resulting from cooking can get from the lid into the dish.

You should not bring the sweetness to a boil, since boiling liquid is not needed for a cake or other confectionery product.

Remember! The melting point of dark chocolate is 55 °C, milk chocolate - 45-50 °C, white - about 45 °C.

There are several ways to prepare liquid chocolate mass. Let's tell you more about each.

The natural way

If you are planning to please your loved ones with a delicious dessert, and it’s a hot summer outside, you can prepare the delicacy without using home appliances. The temperature in the sun in hot weather often reaches 40-45 °C, so the container with crumbs can simply be placed on a window or balcony. True, only white or milk chocolate can be melted in this way, since they have a low melting point.

In the oven

First, preheat the oven to a temperature of 60-65 °C (no longer necessary). Then pour the crumbs into a thick pan and place it in the oven on the highest position, away from the heat. During the process, periodically stir the mixture with a wooden spatula until it becomes liquid and homogeneous.

Similarly, you can also melt the chocolate in a water bath in the oven. To do this, boil water in a saucepan, heat it to 60 °C, place a container with slices or crumbs in it so that the water covers the bottom of the saucepan by 2-3 cm. Then put everything in the oven for 10-15 minutes.


Many housewives trust the microwave oven to prepare glaze - it’s simple, fast and convenient. But to get an ideal result, before cooking, you should carefully study the question of how to melt chocolate in the microwave.

This process has its own tricks and nuances:

  • use only special thick-walled glassware intended for the microwave oven - plastic containers can ruin the taste of the dessert;
  • set the minimum power or “defrost” mode, then the melting will be uniform;
  • every 30-35 seconds, open the oven and stir the contents of the dishes;
  • Keep an eye on the time - it will take no more than 2-3 minutes to make a 100-gram tile liquid.

Note! It is not possible to melt white chocolate efficiently using a microwave oven, since it has a low melting point and can quickly overheat.

In a steam bath

To prepare the glaze in this way, prepare two pans (they should be selected so that the smaller one fits completely into the larger one). Place the crumbs or slices in a small saucepan.

Pour some water into a larger container, boil it, reduce the heat and place the smaller pan there so that no liquid gets into the contents. If there is too much water, drain the required amount. Boil water over low heat, constantly stirring the mixture with a wooden spatula until it becomes homogeneous.

Advice. To obtain a more liquid consistency of the finished mass, at the end of cooking you can add a small piece of butter to it (it must be of high quality and natural - spreads containing palm oil can hopelessly spoil the taste and aroma of the finished dish). Good luck with your sweet experiments!

Many recipes involve the use of liquid natural chocolate, but not all housewives know how to melt it correctly. The product is used by confectioners to make chocolate fountains, decorate cakes, cupcakes, prepare cocktails, mousses, mocha and other culinary masterpieces. At first glance, it may seem that preparing a delicious filling is not difficult, but this misconception is erroneous. Before starting the procedure, you need to select chocolate with the optimal composition.

How to choose the right chocolate

  1. One of the best options for melted chocolate is the couverture variety. It is characterized by an overly expensive pricing policy due to the high content of cocoa butter and natural composition. When melted, couverture looks perfect: a thin crispy crust with a glossy sheen beckons you to taste all its delights.
  2. Avoid buying cheap chocolate bars. Even in solid form, they do not have an exquisite taste, and when heated, all the preservatives will come out.
  3. The worst option is porous chocolate. Even a premium product is not suitable in structure for the heating procedure.
  4. Before paying for the goods, carefully study the “Composition” column. All components must be natural with a maximum content of cocoa butter. Chocolate should not contain E-preservatives of unknown formulations.
  5. When choosing chocolate, give preference to pure composition without flavoring additives. You should also avoid purchasing products with raisins, dried apricots, nuts, yogurt filling, cereals, etc.
  6. Pay attention to the chocolate mass marked “table”. It is used by confectioners to make chocolate fountains because the composition melts without forming lumps.
  7. There are different forms of melted chocolate. For example, the glaze is more liquid, translucent in some cases. Chocolate for inscriptions is viscous, thick and easier to process. Depending on your idea, choose dessert (liquid) or confectionery (thick) chocolate.

Method No. 1. Break the bar into separate small rectangles approximately 1*0.5 cm in size. Place the chocolate in a shallow plate, arrange the squares so that one part does not lie on top of the other. If this option is not available and the plate is too small, place the pieces in two rows. Under no circumstances place chocolate in three or more rows, otherwise lumps will form.

After thorough preparations, set the microwave to the “Defrost” setting. Place the container on the edge of the turntable. Set the defrosting duration based on the following proportions: to melt 100 gr. chocolate, you need to turn on the oven for 2 minutes 20 seconds. Therefore, 200 gr. will “defrost” for 4 minutes 40 seconds and so on. Based on the amount of product you have.

It is important to stir the mixture regularly with a toothpick or a dessert fork with three thin tines to eliminate the possibility of lumps. After every 20-25 seconds, pause the microwave, take out the chocolate and stir it.

Method number 2. This method differs in the form of delivery and the duration of heating. Grind the chocolate into fine crumbs by passing it through a blender or coffee grinder. You can also grate the product using a medium grater. After this, take a flat plate with folded edges, lay out chocolate chips in an even layer so that there are no slides or large accumulations of the composition in one place.

Place the container in the microwave not in the middle or edge, but in the space between them. Set the “Defrost” mode. The duration of heating can be calculated as follows: per 100 gr. product requires 1 minute 40 seconds, per 200 g. - 3 minutes 20 seconds, respectively. As with the previous method, remove the chocolate to stir every 15-20 seconds.

The downside to melting chocolate in the microwave is the matte texture in the final (hardened) form. It looks more beautiful when the chocolate shines and shimmers. This method is good for making eclairs, cupcakes and other baked goods that do not require aesthetic decoration with melted chocolate.

  1. Prepare a pan with a thick bottom in advance; it is good if it is enameled or non-stick. Fill the container with water not to the brim. Heat the water to 75-85 degrees, maintain this temperature for another 10 minutes after boiling.
  2. Break the chocolate bar into small rectangles approximately 1*1.5 cm in size and place in a smaller non-stick pan. Make sure that the container is completely dry before placing the chocolate, otherwise the mixture will burn. To make sure, wipe the pan with a cotton towel.
  3. Now you need to place the pan with chocolate in a container of water so that the small container with the composition does not come into contact with the water. Any even slightest overheating of chocolate by condensation or steam will change its consistency and taste. As a result, if you pour chocolate with mastic, it will crack after 3-5 hours. For the most part, this remark is typical only for milk and white chocolate. It refers to black indirectly (if the cocoa butter content in the product is less than 60%).
  4. If you melt dark chocolate, do it over low heat. If heating is carried out using white and milky mass, turn off the stove completely. This is due to the fact that the last 2 types heat up faster, so they require less time. Stir the chocolate constantly with a wooden spatula or Chinese sushi chopsticks.
  5. When the product has melted, wrap the container with foil or cling film and make several large holes to prevent condensation from accumulating. Wait 2-3 minutes, during which time the chocolate will melt and turn into a homogeneous emulsion.
  1. A common mistake people make is using the stove incorrectly. You can easily ruin the chocolate if you carry out the procedure over medium heat. The composition will quickly melt and then form lumps that are difficult to melt. To avoid this, first boil the water, then set the heat to low or turn off the stove.
  2. To melt the frosting mixture, add heavy cream to the chocolate. Preheat them in the microwave, then pour in carefully. You can also replace this component with melted butter. This move will help melt the dark chocolate faster.

There are times when it is not possible to melt chocolate either using a microwave or in a water bath. This is due to the fact that the original product is of poor quality, which has been lying on the store shelf for a long time. Also, if chocolate contains less than 60% cocoa butter, it will be difficult to melt.

Video: 3 ways to melt chocolate

Desserts, pastries, cakes and other sweets seem incomplete without the participation of chocolate in its various interpretations. Pieces, grated shavings or shiny glaze - this is just a small list of chocolate additives that allow you to create unsurpassed confectionery masterpieces.

Masters assign a special role to melted chocolate. Its shiny glossy surface, alluring aroma and excellent taste will be an excellent decoration, both for holiday cakes and as an independent dish with fruits and marshmallows.

How to make melted chocolate quickly and easily

Today in the culinary world there are various techniques and recipes on how to make melted chocolate quickly and easily at home. Each housewife can choose the most optimal option and improve her skills with it:

Recipe No. 1 based on the use of a water bath. It will require two containers, one of which should be smaller. You need to take water into a large bowl and heat it over low heat. When the liquid heats up, you need to immerse a container with chopped chocolate into it, stirring thoroughly until completely melted.

Recipe No. 2 It is more suitable for dark chocolate, which should not be absolutely rare with a pouring consistency. Place the pan with the crushed chocolate mixture in the oven at the lowest temperature and leave for 7-10 minutes.

Recipe No. 3 will allow you to prepare melted chocolate for subsequent mixing with other ingredients, since its structure will be thick for “pouring” desserts. You need to put a chocolate bar in a special bowl, put it in the microwave and, in the “defrost” mode, bring it to a liquid consistency.

Taking a look at the proposed step-by-step recipes for melted chocolate with photos, even inexperienced young housewives will be able to create unsurpassed culinary miracles in their kitchen without much effort.

The choice of a specific method depends on the goals and subsequent use of the resulting chocolate mixture. If the task of thermal heating is to obtain a pouring homogeneous mass, it is necessary to prepare melted chocolate with milk, adding it in small quantities and stirring constantly.

It is worth remembering that when choosing a type of chocolate, you should not settle on the porous version. It is difficult to heat treat and does not allow achieving a homogeneous mass. You should also not save money by purchasing cheap chocolate bars or those with a low cocoa butter content. The result will disappoint you and will negate all your efforts.

What can be made from melted chocolate: a recipe for dessert with fruit

Many novice cooks wonder what can be made from melted chocolate to create an original dessert or dish. It’s easier to answer briefly: “Almost everything!” than to list in detail all the areas and ways of using it. And you shouldn’t identify this ingredient only with sweets, since now more and more sauces and main dishes contain chocolate additives.

We will offer only a few simple recipes from melted chocolate. Despite the ease of preparation, they will captivate you with their taste and unsurpassed appearance.

Let's start with the simplest dessert - melted chocolate with fruit. To prepare it, just follow a few simple procedures:

  1. Melt the chocolate bar to taste, letting it cool slightly.
  2. Dip slices of your favorite fruits into the chocolate mixture: banana, strawberries, grapes.
  3. Just a few minutes for the glaze to harden and the amazing dessert is ready.
  4. Fans of savory sweets will appreciate the addition of cream or brandy to the chocolate mass.

This fruity and chocolate dessert is the epitome of romance and sophistication! If this culinary “level” is passed, you can gradually complicate the recipe.

Double layer melted chocolate parfait

An original and at the same time unusual sweet dish can be “conjured” in a matter of minutes. Let’s call it “Chocolate Fantasy” and follow the steps in a simple sequence:

  1. Heat 200 g of chocolate mass with 350 ml of milk in one bowl.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of gelatin to the resulting mixture and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. In a separate container, beat 4 egg yolks with 90 g of sugar until foam forms.
  4. Mix the egg mixture with chocolate milk, stirring thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Add 250 ml of whipped cream to the cooled chocolate-egg mixture, pour into vases and place in the refrigerator until hardened.

The two-layer parfait is ready and will be able to charm even the most demanding culinary critic with its tenderness.

Melted chocolate cream for decorating cakes

Cake connoisseurs will love the melted chocolate cream, which will harmoniously complement any cakes, emphasizing their exquisite taste. Let's turn to the “classics of the genre”, where just a couple of manipulations allow you to get a real culinary masterpiece:

As ingredients, prepare 50 g of chocolate, 100 g of butter 82.5% fat, 50 g of condensed milk.

Melt the chocolate mass in a water bath, add butter and mix thoroughly.

Mix the chocolate-butter mixture with condensed milk, achieving a homogeneous structure. The cream for the birthday cake is ready, all that remains is to grease the cake layers!

Of course, chocolate cream recipes today delight with their variety and simplicity. But the most pleasant thing for the modern housewife is that they do not contain obscure and “hard to get” products. Everything ingenious should be simple, without unnecessary unjustified effort!

Simple cake with melted chocolate

Anyone who is confident in their culinary abilities should try making a simple cake with melted chocolate. To do this, you need to follow the instructions of specialists step by step:

Sift 180 g of flour and 40 g of cocoa through a fine sieve.

In a separate bowl, beat 4 eggs, 4 yolks and 220 g of sugar until completely dissolved. To facilitate this process, you can use a water bath. Just don’t overheat the mixture, keeping the temperature at 43 degrees

Beat the heated egg mass with a mixer until thick foam appears and volume increases. In this case, it is necessary to gradually add flour and cocoa

Add 70% melted butter to the resulting dough and stir gently. Prepare a springform baking pan by placing parchment paper on the bottom and greasing it with butter.

The biscuit should be baked in the oven for no more than 35 minutes at 190 degrees. It is important that the stove is preheated

The syrup for soaking the dough is very easy to prepare. Heat 100 g of sugar in 100 ml of water and bring the liquid to a boil. After the sweetened water has cooled to 40 degrees, add 20 ml of rum to it.

After 5-6 hours of “rest,” cut the baked sponge cake into three identical cake layers.

For the cream, you need to mix 200 g of condensed milk and 50 g of melted chocolate, stir thoroughly. Next, add 500 ml of 35% fat cream and beat with a mixer until creamy.

“Assembling” the cake involves greasing each cake with rum syrup, and then with thick cream. Having combined all three cake layers, carefully coating the sides and top, you need to place the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

The final stage is decorating with glaze, which includes 250 ml of cream and 250 g of chocolate. Melt all this, stirring until smooth.

Fill the sponge cake with slightly cooled glaze on all sides, carefully leveling the sides.

That's all, the miracle sponge cake with amazing chocolate cream is ready! It's time to surprise your guests and loved ones with unsurpassed royal delicacies!

Recipes for decorating a cake with melted chocolate

For those who do not know how to decorate a cake with melted chocolate, we will offer several recipes.

Idea #1: The melted chocolate mixture itself is an excellent alternative to icing, which can decorate any surface of a pie, pastry, or cake without additional help.

But if this recipe seems too simple, let’s try to complicate it and propose idea No. 2:

  1. Prepare the glaze mixture from chocolate bars and tops in equal proportions in a water bath.
  2. Let it cool in the refrigerator, after which the frozen mass must be beaten with a mixer.
  3. Fill a pastry bag with a nozzle of the desired shape with whipped icing and form elegant patterns and elements in the form of flowers, twigs, curls.

Don't stop at the suggested recipes, this is just a small part of what liquid chocolate can allow within the confines of your home kitchen. Create, experiment, practice “chocolate witchcraft”, and your household will be grateful to you!

Read also:

Chocolate Sticks Cookies Recipe
Tangerine slices in chocolate: recipes with photos
Recipe for chocolate cupcakes in molds
Recipe for chocolate balls for decorating a cake