How to prepare living water? How to get living water.

We all grew up reading fairy tales, but even now, as adults, many of us want fairy tales to become reality. And it turns out that in some cases such a development of events is quite possible, for example when we're talking about about living and dead water. Many years of research have shown that such a liquid really exists and that creating it is not so difficult. You just need to stock up on a special device that carries out electrolysis. Let's try to talk about how to make living and dead water at home?

Main features of dead and living water

So, dead water is an anolyte, a solution obtained with the help of an anode as a result of electrolysis. It is typical for such a liquid increased content acids, the presence of disinfecting, bactericidal, antifungal, antibacterial, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory qualities. Suitable mainly for topical use.

Living water is also called catholyte; its solution is obtained using a cathode during the same electrolysis. This liquid is alkaline, it remarkably activates the immune system, improves general condition, plays the role of a strong antioxidant, and normalizes arterial pressure, improves metabolic processes, etc. Can be used for systematic internal consumption.

How to make at home living water and dead?

Today on the market you can find several devices for creating living and dead water domestic and foreign production.

Silver activator Iva-2Silver

This device is made in Russia. Manufacturers claim that it has a number of advantages, namely the presence of a silver rod of the highest standard. This device allows you not only to activate ordinary tap water, creating anolyte and catholyte from it, but also to produce high-quality silver water suitable for drinking. In addition, the Iva-2Silver device is made using a special proprietary Aquatension System technology, which allows you to increase the digestibility of water by an order of magnitude by changing its surface tension. Thanks to the presence of new electrode protection, the service life of the device has increased by an order of magnitude (compared to the previous Iva-1 model). Iva-2Silver also has a built-in timer that will help readers of Popular About Health get activated water even easier.

Significant disadvantage of this device– its cost, which starts from 5,000 rubles. However, if you wish, you can purchase a more budget-friendly device, Iva-1, which does not produce silver water, but can produce living and dead water. The cost of Willow-1 is approximately 4,000 rubles.


This is perhaps the most budget-friendly water activator produced in Belarus. Manufacturers claim that its use allows you to obtain living and dead water quite quickly and High Quality. But such a device has a number of disadvantages.

Firstly, dead water in such a device is formed in a fabric glass, which plays the role of a diaphragm. Secondly, this device has only two electrodes, which are made of food grade steel. In addition, Melesta looks rather clumsy, although the appearance does not affect the functions. There is a significant drawback - the lack of a timer.
Although in terms of cost, such a device is very advantageous - it will cost you about 1200 rubles.

Apparatus AP-1

This is one of the most popular water activators, manufactured in Belarus. This product is characterized by high level quality, the manufacturer claims that it is made from food-grade plastic upper class. The electrodes of the device are made of especially strong favorable metals, and the ceramic glass is made of high grade clay. The AP-1 device is distinguished by its attractive appearance, it allows you to get about one and a half liters of water in just twenty to thirty minutes. Such a device consumes little electricity - like a forty-watt light bulb. Another advantage of the AP-1 device is that its anodes consist of titanium, and their surface is coated with a platinum group metal. As for the cathodes, they are made of stainless steel.
However, the cost of such a device is quite high - about three thousand rubles.

This device is mainly popular among professionals; it is used for sanatoriums, holiday homes and medical institutions.

However, PTV can also be used at home. Such a device is characterized by high quality, compliance with all electrical safety requirements, and a certificate of conformity. There is no lead in the device itself; the electrodes are made of high quality materials (food grade stainless steel and titanium). Using the PTV device, you can literally get one liter and four hundred milliliters in twenty-five to thirty minutes activated water.

One of the main disadvantages of the product is its rather high cost - about 5,000 rubles.

Do it yourself

Many craftsmen are trying to create a water activator on their own. To do this, you need to use a couple of stainless steel mugs, several syringes, a wire (cord with a plug), and also one diode.

Drill a hole in one of the mugs, screw a diode into it (6A under a load of 220W). Place both mugs on a stand made of non-conductive material. Better glue it. Connect two syringes into a U-shaped tube by cutting their tops.

Insert another syringe into the upper part of this structure (in the middle of the “P”). Fill the mugs with water and place them on the stand. Lower the structure of syringes into them so that one edge of the letter “P” goes down into one mug, and the other into the other.

According to studies by gerontologists, the main cause of aging is environmental factors, namely water.

Scientists have been studying the effect of water on the aging process for many years.

And they came to the conclusion that people will live up to 150 years if they keep their genes intact as much as possible.

The most important reason for the destruction of genes is the use of low-quality water, frequent overeating, food that is difficult for the body to digest. Studies in the Himalayas studied the melt water of glaciers. It turns out that it is very valuable for human health, as it protects genes from damage. This is the main reason for the longevity of the mountain population, which constantly consumes melt water. Scientists suggest that melt water contains an “anti-aging gene” and if a person drinks such water constantly, he will live up to 150 years.

Stick to it proper nutrition And !

How to prepare living water?

  • Pour regular tap water into a saucepan and place in freezer. The ice that has formed on top is removed and thrown away. The water is poured into another vessel and placed back in the refrigerator.
  • Once again thrown away
  • The remaining water is that useful and healing liquid about which there are tales and legends.

When this water is used for cosmetic purposes, wrinkles are smoothed out, wounds and ulcers heal, and the skin is rejuvenated; when taken orally, general well-being improves, tone increases, restoration vitality body, all organs and tissues are cleansed and healed.

P.S. The properties of melt water remain for 7–8 hours after defrosting the ice, but to obtain a noticeable healing effect, it is better to drink melt water immediately after defrosting. At the same time, its temperature should not exceed 10°C (small pieces of ice may still float on its surface). It is beneficial to drink at least 2-3 glasses of this water per day. A noticeable effect is observed even with daily consumption of ¾ glass of melt water in the morning on an empty stomach.

Living Water - Neumyvakin:

Currently, to obtain healing water, it is not at all necessary to look for some mountain springs and reservoirs. It can be obtained by electrolysis of ordinary tap water. From a chemical point of view, living water has alkaline properties and therefore it is excellent at healing wounds. And dead water is a unique disinfectant because it contains acids. When passing through ordinary water, electric current completely changes its structure.

Accordingly, after electric treatment, the water is divided into two fractions. Each has certain healing properties. It is usually recommended to use living and dead water in combination to achieve maximum results.

Do-it-yourself living and dead water apparatus

You can easily find it on sale special devices to obtain activated water. But such a device can be made independently. To do this you need to take a regular glass jar with a cover and secure the electrodes to it using nuts and screws. One of the electrodes will be the cathode and the other the anode. Dead water will be released at the positive electrode. This means that you need to attach a thick fabric bag to the anode. Calico is ideal for such purposes. The main thing is that air passes through the fabric normally.

The length of the electrodes for full should not exceed 100 mm. Sheet can be used as electrodes. Some even use aluminum electrodes to produce charged water. They must be secured to the lid using a special insulating gasket.

To prepare activated water, you will need to pour the liquid into a cloth bag and attach it to the positive electrode. It is then inserted into a jar of water. It must be taken into account that the water in the jar should not reach the edge. Usually it takes no more than ten minutes to get live water. Then the electrodes are pulled out of the jar and dead water from a special bag is poured into a separate container. The water should be poured very carefully so as not to mix the resulting fractions. To obtain activated water, you can also use a design without a fabric bag. Then you will need two separate containers with separate edges. It will be possible to ensure electrical contact between two containers by using a cotton cord wrapped in gauze.

Very interesting!!! How to make Living Water?

Do you want to cleanse your body of toxins? Do you want to feel filled with strength and health?

Then drink the Living Water!!!

Let's talk about protium water. Formally, protium water is living water. Did you know that drinking protium water for a month cleanses the body by 70%. It will take 120 days to remove 90% of radionuclides (strontium, cesium, plutonium, etc.) from the human body.

What is mineralization?

Mineralization is a total quantitative indicator of the content of substances dissolved in water per 1 liter. According to the requirements of the Security Administration environment(EPA) maximum permissible level water pollution is 500 mg/liter or 500 parts per million (ppm). You must understand that the concept of acceptable is “on the edge”, i.e. not far the best option. And so what do the manufacturers offer us: “ Drinking water BonAqua/BonAqua, 0.5 liters Mineralization:< 500 мг/л». Это average for almost all water sold.

The most important function of water.

Now imagine that water is a transport - which is designed to “remove” garbage from our body. Ask yourself a question: how much cargo can a car carry if its body is already full to the brim? Add to this, what kind of cargo does it carry into our body?

Even the most sophisticated filters will not be able to empty the body of this miracle of transport called water.

But there are ways that:

A - purifies water from all kinds of impurities;

B - fill the water the most important elements;

Water purification process. We change physical properties water.

1. Enamel pan with filtered or regular tap water should be placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

2. After 4-5 hours you need to get it out. The surface of the water and the walls of the pan are already covered with the first ice. We pour the water that has not yet frozen into another pan.

3. The ice that remains in an empty pan contains molecules of heavy water - deuterium, which freezes before plain water. Feel free to throw away this ice.

4. Place the pan with unfrozen water back in the freezer. When the water in it freezes by two-thirds, we drain the unfrozen water - this is “light” water, it contains all the chemicals and harmful impurities. And the ice that remained in the pan, i.e. 2/3 of all water is protium water, which is necessary for the human body. We need to melt this ice at room temperature. It is 80% purified from impurities and heavy water and contains 15 mg of calcium per liter of liquid.

Nothing complicated, but almost 50% of the total volume turned out to be unusable.

The process of “purifying” water - 2. Change energetic properties water.

2. There is another way to purify water. To do this, you will need Quartz crystals (available in any city or order online).

3. You need to start by washing the quartz crystals under running water. After this, find a container of suitable volume. You need to pour based on the proportion: 100 grams of quartz per 1.5 liters. Let sit for 2 days.

4. Why Quartz? It's simple: quartz is rich in silicon. In water rich in silicon, a structural water system is formed. This structure has a unique lattice of silicon crystals. The vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms and foreign substances is impossible in it. chemical elements. In essence, water containing silicon combines the taste and freshness of spring water, the purity and structure of melt water and the bactericidal properties of silver. Water purification with quartz took place more than 3000 years ago! This was done by the residents of Tibet and surrounding areas. Even then, people cared about preserving and increasing the beneficial properties of water.

5. After we have made the water “clean” either with the help of quartz or “melt water” we can saturate it with elements with healing properties.

6. For this you will need Shungite.

7. On the last day of infusion of water with quartz, add shungite (preferably “elite”) at the rate of 10 to 30 grams per 1 liter of water. (pre-rinse) and let it brew for another 3-6 hours. Or add shungite to melt water.

8. Take out the minerals, the water is ready!

9. Shungite. Unique beneficial features Shungite is due to the unusual structure of the molecules of the carbon included in its composition. Before scientists discovered the constituent components of shungite - fullerenes - it was believed that there were only three forms of crystalline modifications of carbon - diamond, carbyne and graphite. But when studying the molecular composition of shungite, it turned out that there is also a fourth, special form of existence of carbon - fullerene, which is a hollow spherical molecular compound consisting of 60-70 carbon atoms. Water infused with shungite, which is a molecular colloidal solution of hydrated fullerenes, has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-allergenic and immunostimulating effect on the human body. published