How to make wine from rice. Rice wine at home: recipe

Japanese wine is considered a unique and rare drink that has an original taste. The first mention of its production dates back to 1697. Needless to say, the Japanese have a special attitude towards this wine product. It is often given to loved ones with wishes of goodness, peace and a long life. Among these drinks, the main place is given to the classic one, made from Nihonshu beans.

Its more popular name is sake. Every Japanese family has its own recipe for making not only tasty, but also healthy potions at home.

Depending on the variety and recipe, sake reaches approximately 18 percent strength. As for the types of the potion itself, there are a huge number of them. According to some reports, in Japan there are approximately two and a half thousand large and small enterprises producing sake according to various recipes.

And if you consider that it is prepared at home, then the scale of production is much wider. Rice wine is the national pride of the Japanese and is associated with the concept of “small homeland” (“furusato”).

Historical facts

The production and origin of Japanese wine dates back to ancient times. It was used more than 2 thousand years ago. It was drunk during divine offerings and simply in everyday life. In ancient Japan, isolated from the rest of the world, sweet rice potion was prepared in distilleries at the imperial court or in monasteries. Sake has always been on the menu at various Shinto festivals.

In the 12th century, villagers mastered winemaking, which gradually became a necessary component of Japanese traditions and customs. Rice wine still performs this function today. However, today it is oppressed by foreign strong and weak alcohol, for example, beer, whiskey and others. By the way, beer is firmly rooted in the Land of the Rising Sun.

The name "sake" used to refer only to a drink made from rice. However, when alcohol from other countries began to be imported into Japan, this terminology spread to a wider range and began to apply to all brands that had a certain strength. The word “sake” is now used to describe some types of whiskey, vodka, and grape brandy.

By the way, locals call alcohol made from rice “sei-shu” or “nihon-shu”, which means Japanese wine, and they call wines from Europe “yo-shu”.

Manufacturing traditions

Sweet rice wine, often called rice vodka, tastes more like liqueur. This wine product is actively used in Japanese cuisine. There are not many revolutions in it - from 14 to 18%. The process of making wine is associated with how strong beer is brewed. The result is a delicate and soft taste, sometimes reminiscent of sherry, sometimes a slight bitterness and a barely noticeable banana or grape-apple flavor are felt.

The types of rice that are suitable for preparing the drink are those that have heavy and round grains with a high starch content.

The best varieties of rice for making sake are:

  • Omachi;
  • Yamadanishiki.

Not only the type of rice plays an important role in the production of this potion, but also high-quality water, which in no case should contain manganese and iron.

Instead, the following elements must be present in the water:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.

How to make rice wine at home

Although this process is very troublesome, it is quite possible to prepare alcohol from rice at home. And believe me, if you follow all the rules, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Some tips to help you achieve better results:

  1. To make high-quality wine, you need to choose the right main component. The grains must be unpolished and certainly round. The grains have natural yeast on their surface, called koji, which promotes more active fermentation of the wort. In this regard, grains should not be washed under any circumstances;
  2. Before you begin the process of preparing the drink, you need to evaluate the quality of the rice you have chosen. To do this, pour a small amount of cereal into a container, pour warm water so that it completely covers the rice. The water should not be higher than 40 degrees. Leave the mixture in a warm place for several days. If after a few days the rice dries out or begins to rot, this means that the rice is of poor quality and cannot be used to make rice wine. And if you see that the fermentation process has begun, it means that you have chosen the right raw materials for the potion, and it is suitable for the production of homemade sake;
  3. Important: It is impossible to make high-quality wine without koji spores. They give sake a spicy flavor and unique aroma. Koji function as a converter of starch found in rice into sugar. As a result, the wine turns out very tasty and sweet even without the use of sugar. As we have already said, there are varieties of rice on which these fungi live. If you are unable to obtain this type of rice, you can purchase the corresponding spores at wine shops.

Rice wine recipe

The drink is prepared in the following proportions: for a glass of grains you need to take one and a half glasses of high-quality water, the juice of half a lemon, 100 grams of spore koji, half a teaspoon of regular yeast for baking. If you want to prepare a large amount of potion, then increase the volume of ingredients according to the specified proportion.

We take high-quality and properly selected rice, put it in a container and pour water. This mass must be left overnight. This will give the wine a more aromatic taste. Next comes the cooking process. You can cook it either in a double boiler or in a regular saucepan. The drink is prepared over low heat for a long time.

The rice should turn out not just mushy, but overcooked. Then remove the mixture from the heat and cool. When the broth has cooled, squeeze lemon juice into it and stir. After this, you need to transfer the rice into a container where the fermentation process will take place.

Add yeast and water to it, close the container and shake to obtain a homogeneous mass. The result is a wort, which we send to a dark and cool place. Don't forget to open the lid slightly.

The mixture will need to be shaken every day. From the moment the sake begins to ferment, it should sit for about three more weeks until the bubbles disappear.

Strain the resulting drink through cheesecloth; squeeze out the rice. This recipe produces sake with a strength of 14 to 21 degrees.

How to lower the temperature

It happens that the wine product turns out to be too strong, and you would like to remove the degree. This is quite simple to do: add a teaspoon of sugar to the drink, close it and shake until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Sake prepared at home can be stored for no longer than a month. Sometimes, in order to extend shelf life, the potion is sterilized. To do this, lower the vessel with wine into water heated to 60 degrees.

The bottle should not be completely in water, but only a quarter of it. After this, the sake must be cooled and stored in a cold place.

You don't have to go to Japan to try rice wine. As you can see, you can prepare it at home. Experiment and enjoy your meal!

Sweet rice wine can be safely classified as a rare alcoholic drink that has an exclusive taste and extraordinary aroma. Some consumers mistakenly call such an amazing strong drink Japanese vodka, but this is completely wrong, since the wine liquid is not subjected to the distillation process.

The technology for making wine from rice at home is very unique, a little troublesome and not similar to making any other alcohol. However, the final result is worth all the effort and time spent, because rice alcohol fascinates with its unusually soft taste, which has absorbed shades, notes of light bitterness and subtle banana, grape and apple flavors at the same time.

I hope I have intrigued you and you will join me in finding out how to make real rice wine at home, which will delight even the most picky and capricious tasters.

Even after sipping such a natural drink, you will never be able to forget its amazing, enchanting taste. This recipe includes koji spores, which will give the drink special exquisite motifs in both taste and aroma.

If you follow all the subtleties and manipulations according to the recommendations described in the recipe, then you will get a pleasant, soft wine with a fairly high strength, which varies from 13 to 18 revolutions.

This rice alcohol must be stored in the refrigerator, in which case its maximum shelf life will reach one month without losing the original tasting benefits.

Required Ingredients

Cooking technology

  1. First of all, pour the rice into a deep container, then fill it with water.
  2. We leave the grains in this form overnight so that they absorb as much liquid as possible and swell. The fact is that soaking rice allows you to give the future wine an interesting, complex taste and a rich, pleasant aroma.
  3. Place the swollen rice in a saucepan and fill it with plain water.
  4. Cook the cereal product over low heat to increase the cooking time. This will significantly improve the fermentation process, making it longer. The longer the rice ferments, the tastier the wine!
  5. Set the finished rice aside and wait until it cools naturally.
  6. Meanwhile, squeeze the required amount of citrus juice. If you use lime juice, the future drink will acquire an exquisite light bitterness.
  7. Transfer the cooled pulp into a pre-sterilized 3-liter jar. When transferring rice, each portion must be firmly pressed to the bottom of the container and leveled so that there is less air in the workpiece.
  8. We also add citrus juice, diluted yeast, koji spores and bottled water.
  9. We tightly seal the jar with a nylon lid and vigorously shake its contents until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  10. We send the workpiece to a dark, cool room.
  11. Open the lid slightly so that the resulting gas can escape freely.
  12. Every day, be sure to shake the jar of wine solution, preferably at the same time.
  13. Over time, the rice mash will begin to ferment. The beginning of the fermentation process can be determined by the bubbles rapidly rising to the surface of the wort. It is from this moment that the wort should ferment for approximately three weeks.
  14. As soon as a noticeable sediment appears at the bottom of the jar and the bubbles completely disappear, then fermentation is over and it’s time to move on to the next stage.
  15. We place the colander on a suitable deep container, and then cover it with gauze cloth folded in 3-4 layers.
  16. Pour the contents of the jar into a colander and leave in this form for about half an hour, so that the rice liquid completely drains.
  17. Thoroughly squeeze the remaining rice in the gauze and pour the filtered liquid into a clean vessel.
  18. We put the finished wine product in the refrigerator and taste it after a couple of hours.

Spiced rice wine recipe

In this recipe, in addition to the main composition, various spices are used, which significantly enrich the wine drink, adding a special zest to the flavor and aromatic bouquet.

The presented list of spices can be added in full, or you can combine only those spices that suit your taste. IN

In Japan, a similar alcoholic drink is presented as a gift to near and dear people, thus wishing the recipients a long interesting life, good health and eternal peace.

Required Ingredients

white rice2 kg
bottled or well water8.7 l
granulated sugar2.8 kg
lemon acid50 g
unwashed raisins400 g
yeast feed7 g
wine yeast7 g
carnation8 buds
allspice8 peas
black pepper13 peas
vanilla sugar25 g
ground nutmeg7 g
ground ginger root7 g
basil7 g
thyme12 g
ground cinnamon7 g
turmeric15 g

Cooking technology

  1. First of all, we set the wine yeast to disperse.
  2. Pour 7.5 liters of bottled water into a suitable container and bring it to a boil.
  3. Remove the boiling water from the heat and dissolve 1.5 kg of granulated sugar in it, and then citric acid.
  4. Allow the liquid to cool to 23-25°C naturally.
  5. Meanwhile, rinse the rice with warm running water until the liquid becomes clear after rinsing.
  6. Place the washed grains in a fermentation vessel and fill with cooled syrup.
  7. Place the raisins in a sieve and pour boiling water over them 3-4 times to remove all preservatives as much as possible.
  8. Cut each washed raisin in half and add it to the fermentation container.
  9. We send the yeast and nutrition for it there, and then add all the spices.
  10. Thoroughly stir the contents of the vessel, then install a water seal.
  11. Four days after the start of fermentation, add chilled syrup to the wort, pre-cooked from 1.2 liters of bottled water and 1.3 kg of granulated sugar.
  12. During the entire rapid fermentation, which usually lasts 4.5-6 weeks, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20-22°C. To do this, I recommend wrapping the bottle with a thick blanket and placing the vessel in a warm room.
  13. After the fermentation process has stopped, carefully drain the liquid from the sediment that has formed at the bottom of the vessel.
  14. We filter the liquid through gauze and cotton filters, and put the solid part of the wort into a gauze bag and let the liquid drain naturally. Do not squeeze out swollen rice, spices and raisins under any circumstances!
  15. Mix the drained liquid with the previously drained wort, then pour the wort into a clean fermentation vessel.
  16. If necessary, bring the total volume of wort to 10 liters by adding the missing amount of bottled water.
  17. We install the hydraulic shutter again, and then transfer the fermentation vessel to a cool, dark place for further fermentation.
  18. After about 6 weeks, drain the young wine from the yeast sediment and taste the liquid for sugar. If necessary, add the missing amount of the sweet component - in this case, return the shutter and infuse the product under the same conditions for another couple of weeks.
  19. We repeat the filtration process and bottle the product, preferably glass.
  20. We place the young rice wine in a cool place for long aging, which takes 7-12 months.

How to replace rice wine

Before asking this question, let's find out why rice wine is used in cooking.

  • First of all, this drink is often used to get rid of the smell of fish or other components that have a strong specific aroma.
  • Rice wine has become widespread as an incredibly tasty marinade.
  • The alcohol in question is often added during the preparation of sauces and is almost always used in Japanese cuisine.

So, what can you replace rice wine with? I will say right away that it will not be possible to find a complete replacement for rice wine.

  • As an alternative with similar taste qualities, sherry wines are available.
  • You can also experiment with dry, sweet grape wine that has a low alcohol content.

Rice wine recipe video

I propose to study in more detail the extraordinary technology for preparing rice wine using the videos presented, in which professional winemakers will present their own versions of the alcohol being discussed.

Video No. 1. The eminent winemaker invites you to study the step-by-step technology of making rice wine with a discussion of various subtleties and nuances, knowledge of which will help you avoid mistakes in the cooking process.

Video No. 2. In this video, a Korean winemaker presents a traditional version of rice wine, which results in a snowy milky, sparkling and very refreshing drink.

Helpful information

  • I think many of you will be interested in how to make it at home, which is significantly different in its tasting characteristics from the good alcohol we are used to.
  • I advise lovers of homemade high-quality alcohol to turn their attention to a recipe proven by generations—moonshine from rice—which has an excellent taste and does not have the unpleasant odor inherent in moonshine.
  • Recently, Koji yeast has been gaining enormous popularity in moonshine brewing. To find out what this fame is associated with, I propose to study a simple cooking technology, which has its own nuances and subtleties.
  • Finally, I advise you to get acquainted with the review of the best brands so that when purchasing this alcohol you already have an idea of ​​​​the tasting characteristics of each product.

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to go to Japan to taste an exotic alcoholic drink made from rice grains. Write your opinion about the finished rice wine made according to the presented recipes, and tell us what you liked and what you didn’t like. Good luck with your rice wine making and thanks for your attention!

Rice wine

Rice wine

Rice wine - also known as Shao-xing wine. This is a wine made from rice and has an amber color. It is drunk unchilled or warmed (in winter). Rice wine is an important seasoning in Chinese cuisine. In extreme cases, replace with dry sherry. Japanese rice wine is commonly used in Thai cuisine.

Glossary of culinary terms. 2012 .

See what “Rice wine” is in other dictionaries:

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A real feast is unthinkable without homemade pickles: cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms and salads, and, of course, good alcohol!

For example, you can serve wine on rice and jam, which has a wonderful tart taste and is made with your own hands from natural raw materials.

Let's learn how to prepare a delicious and fragrant wine drink from simple ingredients that can be found in every home!

Homemade jam wine with rice


  • — 4.5 l + -
  • - 1.5 tbsp. + -
  • Jam (can be fermented)— 1.5 l + -

How to make rice wine

Let's prepare wine, which the Japanese call "risovka". If you want to get a wine with a traditional cloudy yellow hue, then use light jam (apple, peach).

To make rice wine with jam at home, follow the simple instructions:

  1. Mix the jam and unwashed rice with warm water in a ceramic or glass container and knead them thoroughly.
  2. When you have a homogeneous berry or fruit mass, pour everything into a glass bottle and close the neck with a rubber glove.
  3. We leave the bottle in the dark and warm, and wait for this mixture to begin to ferment and darken. Next, we monitor how intense the fermentation process is, so that the gases do not tear off the glove and push the raw materials out.
  4. After a month, we drain the wine so that there is no sediment left in it into 3-liter jars. We leave the cans of wine in a warm place for another day and be sure to open them!

Pour the wine into bottles or leave it as is, just cover it with lids and put it in the refrigerator. A good drawing should have a tart, pleasant taste.

Wine on rice and blackcurrant jam

Blackcurrant wine has a pleasant refreshing taste, and also acquires a luxurious dark color and is saturated with many useful substances! Let's learn how to make such wine from simple ingredients.


  • Fresh dark grapes - 200 g (or 100 g of any raisins);
  • Black currant jam - 1 l;
  • Clean water - 2 l;
  • Rice - 200 g.

How to make blackcurrant wine

We follow a simple plan and get tart wine with great taste and color! By the way, this wine can be tasted right away, but it is still better to wait a little so that it ripens and acquires a more refined taste and aroma.

  1. Pour the blackcurrant jam into a glass container, add rice (do not wash it!) and grapes.
  2. Fill the raw material with warm water and mix thoroughly.
  3. Close the neck of the jar with a lid with a water seal or a rubber glove.
  4. We put the jar in a warm place where light does not penetrate.
  5. We wait 20 days or more for fermentation to complete.
  6. We filter the drink and pour it into ordinary glass bottles. We close them with lids and put them in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

Now you know how to prepare wine on rice and jam!

Old jam and the time spent on preparing it will no longer be wasted: from this day on you will learn how to make excellent homemade wine from it that will decorate your table on weekends and holidays!

If it happens that you do not have a harvest of fruits or berries that can be used for winemaking, do not lose heart, because you can always make homemade wine from rice. If you follow the recipe exactly, the rice wine turns out to be quite strong, its alcohol content reaches 10%.

An alcoholic drink made from rice has been known since 300 BC, almost from the moment when humanity began cultivating this agricultural crop. At first, rice wine was brewed for religious purposes to appease the gods responsible for the harvest, but later this drink was appreciated by ordinary people. The Japanese are especially successful in rice winemaking. Sake, a Japanese alcoholic drink, is known throughout the world and has already become a full-fledged symbol of the land of the rising sun. At first, sake was the exclusive prerogative of the imperial dynasty, then monks in Buddhist monasteries took over the baton, and already in the Middle Ages, peasants began to produce this drink. The strength of this drink can reach 20 degrees. What is especially highly valued in sake is that it is a completely natural drink; even the water, according to the recipe, is not tap water, but taken from a source. The taste of this drink cannot be called multifaceted or refined, but its specific bouquet also finds its many fans, including even geishas.

Homemade rice wine: a treat for a geisha

In order to taste Japan, it is not at all necessary to go to the Land of the Rising Sun; it is enough to make real rice wine. For this we need:
– rice – 1 kilogram,
– granulated sugar – 3.74 kilograms,
– dark raisins – 100 grams,
– yeast – 50 grams,
– mineral water – 8 liters.

If all the ingredients are stored, it's time to start making wine:
- dilute two and a half kilograms of granulated sugar in 8 liters of water,
- cook sweet syrup,
- cool it to room temperature,
- take a 10-liter glass bottle,
- put rice in there,
- fill it with sugar syrup at room temperature,
- add unwashed raisins into a lukewarm liquid,
- lastly add the yeast,
- Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Our wine preparation is made to perfection! Now we should seal the vessel hermetically to prevent any penetration of oxygen into the container. To do this, it is best to use a ready-made water seal or water seal, which provides the best tightness. After this, we place our container with wine material in a room with an air temperature of about 23-25 ​​degrees for fermentation. We also place any container with water into which the outer end of the water seal is lowered; this container will serve as an indicator of the intensity of fermentation processes. A full fermentation cycle will take at least a month, but it may well be that the fermentation process lasts for one and a half months.

As soon as it ends, we continue to prepare homemade rice wine:
- take the remaining 750 grams of granulated sugar,
- add a glass of water,
- cook the sand over very low heat, constantly stirring the molten sand,
- cool the finished caramel to a warm state,
- pour the wine from the bottle, without shaking the sediment, into a new container,
- add prepared caramel to the young rice wine,
- stir the liquid,
- seal tightly,
- place in a cold and dark place to allow the drink to ripen.