How to make wine from frozen berries at home. Home winemaking

Almost all owners of country or garden plots make wine from grapes at home, as well as from berries and fruits. The most popular, of course, is grape, but berry and fruit are not inferior to it if prepared correctly. The finished wine retains the bouquet of taste and aroma of the berries and fruits used, reminiscent of a sunny, bright, warm summer and golden autumn.

Homemade berry wines are distinguished by the fact that they can be prepared not only from one type of fruit, but also from a mixture of several representatives of these crops. The finished product compares favorably with store-bought alcoholic beverages.

At home, the best berry and grape wines are made, which are mainly prepared from garden crops grown on a personal plot or summer cottage, and sometimes purchased at the market. In any case, the drink is prepared from natural raw materials, without chemical additives or dyes.

To prepare wine, select ripe fruits that are not damaged by rot. Along with garden crops, excellent drinks are made from wild berries such as strawberries, blueberries and others.

Homemade wines in small quantities are good for health. For example, raspberry wine will help with colds, blackcurrant wine will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cherry wine contains the women's health vitamin.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can be harmful to health, and also if the technology for its preparation is violated.

How to select raw materials

To obtain an aromatic, pleasant-tasting wine, you need to choose the right variety of fresh berries.

  1. To make an ideal dessert wine, rowan berries, currants, and strawberries are used to make it.
  2. Dry wine is made from sour varieties of berries, for example, gooseberries.
  3. For blended wine, assorted berries are selected.

Also, the selected berries should not be green, rotten or dry.

How to make assorted wine from berries at home

Winemakers most often make wine from grapes, but they also use strawberries, raspberries, currants and other garden and forest berries. From a large number of existing recipes, you can choose the one that is more suitable for preparation from a certain type of berry.

Simple recipe

To make wine according to this recipe, you can use garden or forest berries.


  • 3 kilograms of grapes;
  • 300 grams of sugar.

To make wine, mash the unwashed berries with your hands, put them in a large container, add sugar, and stir. Place the future wine in a warm place, covered with a lid or gauze.

During the week, the juice and pulp must be mixed daily.

After seven days, squeeze out the wort, pour 2 cups of sugar into the wine product for 2 liters of liquid. Pour the juice into a bottle, put a medical glove on the neck, after pricking several fingers with a needle. The contents should not occupy the entire volume of the vessel. Three quarters, or even half a jar, is enough so that the carbon dioxide formed has time to escape and the resulting foam does not come out.

With a glove, the bottle lasts three weeks. Then the wine is poured into a glass container without disturbing the sediment. Cover with a lid and store in the basement.

Without yeast

Making wine without yeast follows the same principle as in a simple recipe. If it was decided to make wine from different berries, for example, currants, blackberries, strawberries, then for better fermentation it is necessary to add a handful of unwashed raisins. Wine made from grapes does not require additional yeast.

From frozen berries

A step-by-step recipe will help novice winemakers make an aromatic drink.

Required products:

  • 200 grams of raisins;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 3 kilograms of various frozen berries;
  • 2 liters of water.

Before using the berries, they must be defrosted on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Afterwards, mash the fruits with a pestle until a paste forms. Pour sugar into the berry mass and heat on the stove until the crystals dissolve.

Place the cooled mixture in a glass container. For active fermentation, add raisins. After three weeks, pour the wine into a clean bottle without touching the pulp. Let the drink sit for several days. If desired, add 0.5 glasses of alcohol to increase the strength.

Fortified wine

There is no special technology for making fortified wine. The peculiarity is the addition of alcohol to the finished drink.

Required components:

  • 4 kilograms of berries;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of vodka per 500 milliliters of wine.

Mash the berries into a paste, transfer to a suitable container, add sugar, and add water. In one container, the liquid should be below six centimeters from the edge. Place the workpiece in a warm place, installing a water seal on top.

After twenty days, separate the wine from the pulp, mix with 250 grams of sugar, pour into a clean bottle, and install a water seal. After two weeks, carefully drain the wine without disturbing the sediment, add vodka, and stir. Pour the drink into a glass container, close it tightly, and put it in the basement for further storage.

Is it possible to make wine drinks from fermented berries?

Berries that have fermented but not become moldy are suitable for making wine. The product can be fresh, in the form of jam or canned compote. The cooking technique does not differ from that where freshly picked berries are used as raw materials.

Before you start making wine for the first time, you should listen to the advice of winemakers.

  1. One of the main nuances in making wine is the correct choice of the main ingredient. Since the degrees in the drink directly depend on the amount of sugar, which during the fermentation process is divided into alcohol and carbon dioxide, berries must be selected from sweet varieties.
  2. To prevent the drink from spoiling, there should be no rotten, green berries in the future wort.
  3. Fruits must be processed unwashed, as wild yeast is present on their surface. Homemade wine does not use additional yeast.
  4. During fermentation, you need to monitor the temperature in the room; it should not fall below 20 and exceed 25 degrees.

To obtain high-quality wine, it is necessary to carry out a clarification procedure. The finished drink is poured into jars, closed with a lid, and taken to the basement. After a month, a sediment consisting of particles of wine material and yeast will appear at the bottom of the container. The wine must be poured through cheesecloth into a clean, dry bottle, trying to prevent sediment from entering.

Drink storage rules

Homemade wine, like any other alcoholic drink, cannot be stored in plastic containers, as over time the container begins to release harmful substances that change the aroma and taste of the wine. It is better to give preference to glass bottles and jars that will be closed with nylon or glass lids with a seal.

The ideal place for storage is the basement, where the temperature is kept within six degrees, where the sun's rays do not penetrate. The shelf life of wine at home reaches three years.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


You can often notice that wine prepared by a knowledgeable person at home has better taste and aroma than the one we are used to buying in stores. These drinks are soft and rich in flavor. If you don’t know how to make homemade wine, but want to learn, take note of the folk recipes that have become widespread in many countries around the world. The first attempts may be unsuccessful, but over time you will definitely succeed.

Cooking recipes

Each recipe has a basic idea - a concept that must be followed when making homemade wine. Small nuances may vary depending on the personal preferences of each individual. Let's take a closer look at proven recipes used by lovers of homemade alcoholic drinks to understand where it's best to start.

From apricot

Homemade apricot wine has a beautiful yellowish tint. It is impossible to forget this taste - it clearly expresses sweet notes, compensating for the lack of a bright aromatic component. Apricot alcoholic drink takes a long time to prepare. The process itself requires constant supervision. To get what you want, you will have to work hard, but the efforts made will pay off with interest as soon as it comes to tasting.

Required ingredients:

  • white sugar – 3,500 grams;
  • apricots – 3,500 grams;
  • water – 11 liters.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Clean the fruits from dirt. Remove the seeds.
  2. Crush the pulp with your hands until you obtain a thick, homogeneous mass.
  3. Place the prepared apricots in a bowl and add water warmed to room temperature.
  4. Cover the container with gauze.
  5. Place the bowl in a warm place for 5-6 days. Every 6-7 hours it is necessary to stir the wort with a wooden spoon so that it does not sour.
  6. On the sixth or seventh day, when the wort has fermented, you need to drain the juice. The pulp must be squeezed out using gauze.
  7. Place the pure fermented juice in a separate container and add sugar to it.
  8. Pour the resulting mixture into a large bottle and install a water seal. If you don’t have one at hand, you can use a medical rubber glove with a small hole.
  9. Leave the bottle in a dark place for 12-17 days. The optimal temperature is 17-28°C.
  10. At the end of the active fermentation process (when the water seal stops making gurgling sounds and the color of the wort lightens), you need to pour everything into another vessel. To avoid sediment, use a plastic straw.
  11. We close the new bottle with a secure stopper and leave it in a dark place for 80-100 days.

From cherry plum

All varieties of cherry plum are suitable for making wine, but red varieties are best suited because they have a high sugar content. A simple wine recipe at home will require you to be attentive and patient. As for the ingredients, there will not be any particular difficulties with them. In addition to cherry plum, you will need sugar, raisins and nothing more.

Making wine, step by step instructions:

  1. Mash 3 kilograms of pre-peeled berries until you obtain a liquid, homogeneous puree.
  2. Add 100 grams of raisins and 4 liters of water.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a 10-liter bottle. We tie the neck with gauze. Leave the container in a dark room with a temperature of 22-27 degrees.
  4. After 72 hours, drain the fermented juice, leaving the sediment. Squeeze out the remaining pulp and peel through cheesecloth.
  5. Pour the juice into a separate container, add 4 kilograms of sugar, mix. When doing this, you need to make sure that the vessel is no more than 80% full. The free volume will be filled with foam and carbon dioxide.
  6. We install a water seal or a medical glove.
  7. Leave the container in a dark room at a temperature of 16-24 degrees.
  8. After 20-50 days the wort will become lighter in color. This will mean that the fermentation process has completed. Pour the new wine into a new container. Add 2 cups of sugar. Close tightly with a stopper and leave in a dark room at a temperature of 11-16 degrees.
  9. After 40-90 days, the fermentation process will end and the cherry plum product will be ready. You can bottle it and put it in the cellar.

From pear

Anyone who practices home winemaking knows perfectly well that pear fruits can be turned into an excellent alcoholic drink, distinguished by its softness and refined taste. Ripe pears are not particularly suitable for making wine, since their tannic acid content is insufficient, so home-drinkers use unripe fruits with seeds.

Preparing pear wine:

  1. We boil 5 liters of water, wait until it cools down, and then dissolve 2,500 grams of sugar in it.
  2. We wash the pears, remove rot and stems. Cut the fruits into medium-sized pieces. We put them in a clean container with a volume of 10-12 liters.
  3. Add sugar syrup to the fermentation vessel.
  4. Fill the container with clean water to the brim.
  5. We leave it in a dark place, after putting on a rubber glove with a small hole.
  6. When the glove deflates, we will understand that the fermentation process is over. Strain the wort, bottle it and leave it in the cellar for 1-2 months. During this time, the wort will have time to ferment, and you will be able to offer your friends and relatives an amazing product of your own production.

From berries

To make berry wine, you have to work hard. During the cooking process, you will understand that the berries behave capriciously, and turning them into alcohol is not so easy. However, it's worth it. Home winemakers prepare delicious treats from cherries, rowan berries, cranberries and so on. A drink made from currants is especially popular. The technology for preparing berries has a number of features. Let's look at the general production scheme to know how this is done.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix 7 liters of berry juice, 1,300 ml of water and 1,800 grams of sugar in a 20-liter glass container.
  2. We install a water seal for wine or a simple medical glove with a hole in the finger on the neck.
  3. Place the wort in a dark place to ferment.
  4. After 10 days, add vodka in a ratio of 1:10.
  5. Mix the liquid thoroughly. We keep it in a dark room at room temperature for 7-8 days so that the fermentation process is completely completed.
  6. Filter using gauze. Add 1 kg of sugar.
  7. Pour into bottles and cap them.
  8. After a week, the fermentation process will be completed. You can bottle everything.

From apples

It's time to learn how to make apple wine. Even the most inexperienced person can prepare this drink. The main thing is to follow the rules and adhere to the recommendations of experienced winemakers. You can find many ways to prepare apple wine, but if you want to get a guaranteed result, use time-tested production technology.

Wine production:

  1. We collect 10 kg of ripe apples. Remove the cores. Cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour the resulting mass into a glass bottle for fermentation, making sure that there is free space for carbon dioxide and foam.
  3. Close the container with a water seal or a rubber medical glove with a punctured finger.
  4. Every 7-8 hours, the apple pulp must be stirred so that the wild yeast spreads evenly throughout the entire volume.
  5. After 3-4 days, strain the contents of the fermentation container through cheesecloth to separate the juice from the cake.
  6. Pour the resulting juice into a clean, dry container. Again, you need to leave free space for foam and carbon dioxide.
  7. Add sugar to the future wine. Proportion – 170-200 grams per liter of drink.
  8. Close the container with a water seal or a rubber glove. Leave in a dark place with a temperature of 22-27°C to complete the fermentation process.
  9. When the process of releasing carbon dioxide is completed, the glove placed on the neck of the container will deflate. This will indicate that everything is ready. Separate the liquid from the sediment.
  10. Distribute the drink into glass bottles. We store it in the cellar at a temperature not exceeding 17°C.

Grape wine

Do you have a large amount of grapes of several varieties, but don’t know how to manage them? Try using it to make wine. Show a little patience and learn how to prepare excellent drinks that will be appropriate at any formal feast. A little patience, the right raw materials, studied and proven technologies - all this will lead you to success, and foggy bottles will be pleasing to the eye.

From white

Knowing a simple recipe for wine from grapes, you can prepare a wonderful drink with a unique aroma and exceptional taste. To properly make white wine, you will have to be patient, because the process will take several months. Be that as it may, the end result will delight guests at special events: lovers of noble drinks highly value homemade wine, and you will certainly be able to surprise them.

Preparing white:

  1. We sort through the grapes, removing burst and dried berries.
  2. Mash the berries in a large metal container until smooth.
  3. Add 3 cups of sugar. Let the juice stand in a warm room, stirring every 8-9 hours.
  4. Filter the pulp through cheesecloth to separate the juice from the pulp.
  5. Pour the resulting juice into a separate glass container of sufficient volume.
  6. Add sugar to taste. To get a semi-sweet variety, stick to the ratio of 1:6. Sweets will require more sugar, so the proportion should be 1:4. To get a dry variety, add sugar at a ratio of 1:8.
  7. Close the container with a water seal or rubber glove. Leave in a dark room with a temperature of 21-28°C for 18-20 days.
  8. When the wort brightens and sediment appears at the bottom of the container, strain it through cheesecloth, bottle it and store it in the cellar.
  9. After 5-7 weeks, you will be able to treat your relatives and friends to a drink of your own making.

From blue

Common varieties Isabella and Lydia are widely used for the preparation of alcoholic beverages. Using these berries, you can make excellent medium-strength drinks with a delicious taste and delicate aroma. If you have your own vineyard, do not lose the opportunity to prepare a noble drink with your own hands. When collecting bunches, try to damage the berries as little as possible.

Simple step by step recipe:

  1. We stock 10-12 kilograms of ripe blue grapes.
  2. We clear it of greenery. We remove burst and dried berries. There is no need to wash the bunches, since on the surface of the skin there is a component necessary for fermentation - wild yeast.
  3. We carefully crush the grapes in a large basin. The result should be a homogeneous mass. Pour it into a glass bottle with a wide neck.
  4. We close the vessel with a water seal or a medical rubber glove with a punctured finger. Send to a dark place with a temperature of 11-16°C.
  5. The fermentation process will begin immediately. To ensure it flows evenly, you need to stir the contents of the container 2-3 times a day.
  6. The skins of the berries will gradually rise to the top. They must be removed immediately, otherwise the drink will spoil before you try it.
  7. After 10-12 days, the wort must be filtered using gauze folded in 3-4 layers.
  8. When the juice, cleared of cake, sediment and skins, is in a new bottle, add sugar to it at the rate of 170 grams per 1 liter of drink. It is not necessary to strictly observe the proportion: if you want a sweet drink, add more sugar.
  9. To ensure everything is infused, pour the liquid into three-liter jars, install water seals and leave to ferment. Again, you can replace them with rubber gloves.
  10. After 4-5 days, when all the carbon dioxide is released, sediment will appear at the bottom. Let's pour everything into new jars, straining through cheesecloth, and repeat the infusion procedure.
  11. After waiting again for 4-5 days, and again straining the liquid through cheesecloth, pour the finished drink into bottles.

From juice

Some will be surprised, but ordinary grape juice can be an excellent raw material for making homemade wine. Making a delicious drink with an amazing aroma requires nothing more than patience and punctuality. You will acquire all the necessary skills during the cooking process. Write down a simple folk recipe so as not to forget the key rules and important nuances.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fill a large glass container with natural juice (preferably together with squeezed grapes) and keep it in a darkened room at room temperature for three days. To prevent the juice from turning sour, you need to stir it every 8 hours.
  2. The fermented mass must be squeezed out under pressure. If you don't have the appropriate equipment, you can do it by hand.
  3. Transfer the resulting juice into a glass container and leave to ferment for 35-45 days. If you don't have a glass container, you can use a wooden barrel. During this period, stir the wort every 12 hours. In order for the fermentation process to proceed normally, the container must be stored indoors with good ventilation or even outside.
  4. When all the carbon dioxide has escaped, add sugar. The average proportion is 200 grams per liter of drink. You can adjust this ratio to your liking.
  5. We bottle the drink. We insist at a temperature of 11-14 degrees.
  6. After 4 weeks you can arrange a tasting.


The pasteurization procedure is carried out not only in order to obtain a thinner and purer drink: the main task of this method of wine processing is to increase resistance to the appearance of pathogenic organisms, which under normal conditions quickly multiply and, thereby, spoil the drink. The simplest and, at the same time, effective way to combat such microorganisms is to heat the drink to a certain temperature.

The classic version of pasteurization involves increasing the temperature of the drink to 60-70 degrees. Treatment lasts 15-20 minutes. Heat kills viruses, molds, yeasts and pathogens. In addition, the pasteurization process reduces the likelihood of acetic oxidation and blooms. The procedure is not complicated, but there are nuances that should not be neglected. To know how to pasteurize wine, write down the correct procedure:

  1. Cool the finished drink to a temperature of 10°C.
  2. Fill a metal container with wine and place it on an electric stove.
  3. Slowly heat the drink to 60-65 degrees.
  4. Maintain the same temperature for 20 minutes, slowly stirring the contents of the container.
  5. Remove the container from the stove and gradually cool the drink to the original temperature.
  6. Pour into bottles, securely cork and store in a cool cellar with a temperature no higher than 16 degrees.


The videos you will find below will tell you a lot of interesting things about preparing the drink of the gods. After viewing them, you will learn how to make your own homemade wine using various products. Original folk recipes will change your attitude towards the process of preparing intoxicating aromatic drinks. Listen to the advice of experienced professionals to avoid classic mistakes.


How to make homemade wine

As they say, good wine makes you see things in the most pleasant light, especially when it comes to a drink prepared at home. It will delight you with its rich taste, tart aroma, and will give you a great mood. Berry wine is becoming increasingly popular among people involved in home winemaking, and you should make this wonderful drink yourself at least once in your life to gain valuable experience.

Features, benefits and harms of homemade fruit and berry wines

The main feature of high-quality wine is that various cultivated and wild fruits and berries are suitable for production. You can use your own harvest or buy products in a store, but the main thing is that the ingredients must be ripe and of good quality, without rot.

Since time immemorial, homemade wine has been famous for its medicinal properties:

    Warmed wine was used for colds and cooling.

    Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it prevented the appearance and development of various tumors.

    It helps older people with loss of strength and weakness.

    Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

    Has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.

    Improves appetite, helps digest food more easily, and normalizes stomach acidity. Therefore, it is customary to drink homemade wine during meals.

    Removes toxins from the body faster.

    Reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.

    Apple wine contains a large amount of iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

    Blueberry, strawberry, and raspberry wines contain iron, which is necessary for the appearance of hemoglobin.

Also, it should be remembered that wine made from berries at home has a healing effect if consumed in small quantities. Experts recommend drinking 175 ml for women and 250 ml for men per day.

Homemade wine does not contain impurities or harmful substances, since the ingredients are carefully selected, and the strength and sweetness can be adjusted.

Abuse of homemade wine has the opposite effect and harms the body.

    Taking apple drink in excessive doses spoils digestion and causes ulcers or gastritis.

    White wine destroys tooth enamel and promotes tooth decay.

    If the recipe is not followed, it can poison the body and cause vision problems.

    The most well-known effect of abuse is alcohol poisoning, which increases blood pressure and affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems, brain, liver and intestines.

    Poor quality red wine can cause allergies.

Which berries make the most delicious wine drinks - review

You should always approach the process of making wine responsibly and choose certain varieties of berries in order to obtain a truly high-quality product. Then you will not have any questions about how to make wine from berries.

Rowan. Well suited for making dessert wines. It has no bitterness, is tart, densely colored, and is recommended to be mixed with red currant wine to increase acidity. Wild rowan is rarely used in winemaking.

Raspberries. Not very popular in home winemaking, but it can be used to make an aromatic, raspberry-colored drink. It has a beautiful color, a strong smell, and lightens quickly. It is not recommended to make dry wines from raspberries.

Strawberries. Suitable for making liqueur-type wine. It turns out aromatic and very tasty, takes on the color of tea during storage. Only colored varieties are used for preparation.

Plum. It makes a decent dessert wine with a mild taste. It is advisable to keep it for a long time, since the drink made from this berry is cloudy and requires clarification, but subsequently only improves its taste.

Quince. The wine prepared from this fruit has a beautiful golden hue with a harmonious taste and pleasant aroma. Dessert and liqueur wines are prepared. A quince drink can be blended with wine made from apples, gooseberries, rowan, raspberries, and strawberries.

Black currant. Liqueur wines should be prepared from it. The taste is reminiscent of grape wine after aging. It has a specific smell; to improve it, red or white currant juice is added before fermentation.

Among the best flavor combinations are:

    Blueberries with black currants;

    Red currant + cherry + blueberry;

    Apple + cranberry + blueberry;

    Rowan + apple, you can add honey;

    Raspberry + red currant + apple.

How to prepare wort without yeast from fresh assorted berries at home

The success of the wine making process depends on quality fermentation. And you don't have to use the yeast method. After all, you can add strength to the drink using other ingredients:

    Sugar in combination with berry juice forms alcohol; it should be added during fermentation and the effect will not be long in coming. It should be remembered that any sugar is suitable, except refined sugar.

    Raisin. Contains a large amount of natural yeast, causing the wort to ferment.

A win-win option for making delicious fortified wine is adding alcohol. It should not exceed 15-20% of the total volume. As a result, the wine turns out strong and will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to make berry wine - a simple recipe

We present to you a simple recipe on how to make homemade wine from berries. For this you will need:

    Red and black currants in a ratio of 2:1 – 1.6 kg;

    400 g blueberries;

    4 cups granulated sugar;

    2 liters of water;

    100 grams of raisins.

Wine from assorted berries at home - a simple recipe

To begin with, you should choose first-class berries. Then rinse well, discard the rotten fruits and place in a clean pan. Afterwards, the berries need to be crushed to obtain pulp. To obtain the maximum amount of juice, heat the pan to 70 degrees and, stirring constantly, simmer the pulp for 30 minutes. The next step is to press the pulp; it is placed in a bag, sent under a homemade or purchased press, then the resulting juice is filtered using gauze or a funnel with a filter. Next, it should be poured into a glass container and left in a warm place for 3 days, adding water, sugar and raisins for fermentation. After about 10 days, the drink should be bottled or bottled with a narrow neck. The maturation process lasts about one month. As a result, the finished product is dark red in color with a characteristic taste.

How to make wine from different frozen berries - steps

Of course, you can make wine from frozen berries, but they must meet certain criteria:

    The process of freezing berries must be correct - without water.

    To preserve the integrity of the raw material and its beneficial qualities, you should defrost the berries in the refrigerator.

    There is no need to mix berries that are not suitable for making wine, since after defrosting they ferment at different rates.

Important: It is better to use berries purchased fresh or picked yourself.

Ingredients needed to make wine from frozen berries at home:

    120 g raisins;

    5 kilograms of cherries;

    2 kg sugar;

    5 liters of water.

Homemade berry wine - recipe

After removing the seeds, chop the cherries well in a blender or chopper. Then heat to 40 degrees in a saucepan and transfer to a glass bottle with a wide neck. Pour water, add raisins and sugar. Remove the container to a warm place. Wait 15 days until the mass ferments. Then filter through a filtration unit and bottle, put in a cool place. After making sure that fermentation has completely stopped, use a portable corker to seal the wine with corks.

The result is a ruby-colored wine with a great aroma.

How much water and sugar to add so that the drink does not spoil

Winemakers have no problems with the substances involved in fermentation; some use special yeast, nutritious salt for it, while others add water and sugar. It is important to know how much to add so as not to ferment the future wine.

Water is necessary for cooking to reduce the acidity of the final product. Each variety of berries used in cooking has a different acidity level, which should be found out before starting the process. The formula for calculating the amount of water is simple: Amount of water = (acidity of juice / acidity of wine).

It should be remembered that if the acidity of the must drops to 0.6%, the wine will deteriorate and will resemble acid.

Sugar should be added before the first fermentation, on the fifth or tenth day of fermentation, and at the end of the process. In order not to overdo it, follow the rule: for every liter of wort, add 20 g of sugar, which will increase the strength by 1 degree.

Winemakers also calibrated the proportions to obtain a specific wine:

    100-160 g sugar / 1 l. It turns out to be a dessert wine.

    50 g sugar / 1 l. The result is a semi-sweet wine.

Is it possible to make wine drinks from fermented berries?

Many fruits tend to turn sour, and many have probably encountered fermented berries. But there is no need to throw them away; they can make decent homemade wine. You should know that if the berries are already covered with mold, you will have to get rid of them.

The technology for preparing homemade wine from fermented berries is no different from the standard process of preparing the drink.

Haven't you tried making your own homemade wine from berries yet? Know that no expensive drink can compare with a natural one you prepare yourself. Experiment, learn new cooking methods, and then you will get your own perfect recipe that your friends and family will appreciate! Happy cooking!

If you are tired of ordinary wine made from grapes, then you should try making an alcoholic drink from berries. It will delight you with its original taste and beautiful color, reminiscent of hot summer days. Wine made from berries is easy to prepare, and if there is a rich harvest, it will not require large financial investments.

How to properly prepare berries

In order to prepare berry wine, you must first of all properly prepare the raw materials.

  1. If you choose stone fruits, for example, cherries, then the stone must first be removed. This should be done as carefully as possible, without damaging the delicate pulp and without squeezing out the valuable juice. If you can’t separate the berries with your hands, you can use a knife.
  2. It is advisable not to wash the harvested crop, but if it is very dirty, rinsing it in a colander under the tap is allowed. It is imperative to wash berries that have ripened on the ground - strawberries, wild strawberries.
  3. In order to get as much liquid as possible from dense berries, such as gooseberries or black currants, they need to be cooked. To do this, the fruits are placed in a pan and filled with water so that it covers 20% of the volume. The resulting mass is heated over low heat to 50 degrees. Warm up for 20-25 minutes, then cool and start extracting juice.

You can make a drink not only from freshly picked berries, but also from frozen ones. However, its quality and richness will not change.

How to make homemade wine from berries?

To create an alcoholic drink, two technologies can be used, differing only in the initial stage.

  1. From the juice obtained in advance, that is, the harvested and prepared harvest should first be passed through a juicer, meat grinder, and ground on a sieve. Sugar is added to the resulting nectar in the desired proportions, and the resulting mixture is placed under a water seal. On average, you need to add 300-400 grams of sugar per liter of juice.
  2. From berry puree with fermentation - a classic option that takes a little more time, but less effort. The collected fruits are placed in a container, sprinkled with sugar and thoroughly kneaded with a wooden pestle or by hand. The resulting puree is covered with gauze to prevent insects from entering and transferred to a dark place with a temperature of at least 20 degrees. There it should remain for three to four days, during which it should separate into pulp and wort. To prevent the mixture from turning sour, it must be stirred daily with a wooden spoon. On the fourth day, the pulp is carefully removed, squeezed through cheesecloth, and water is added to the wort in a 1:1 ratio. In this form, the wort is placed under a water seal.

After installing the water seal, the technology for preparing berry wine is identical for both options. On average, fermentation under a water seal lasts 1.5-2 months, after which the young wine is removed from the sediment and moved to a cool place for aging.

Popular recipes

Experienced winemakers claim that absolutely all berries growing in the region can be used to prepare a delicious alcoholic drink.

But most often berry wine is made from:

  1. Strawberries are a sweet drink with a distinct aroma and a beautiful red-pink hue. For it you will need 1.5 kg of strawberries and 150 g of refined sugar, from which puree is made for fermentation. It is necessary to separate the pulp from the wort on the 7th day, and the drink is kept under a water seal for about a month. Ready-made strawberry wine is often used to create all kinds of cocktails and desserts.
  2. Raspberries are an aromatic alcohol with excellent medicinal properties. First you need to cook syrup from a liter of water and 300 grams of refined sugar, and then pour it into the previously prepared puree. The resulting mixture is placed under a water seal in a warm place, where it should ferment for 14 days. Next, the wort is poured into a clean container and sent to the basement for 14 days. After this, the drink is bottled and left in the cellar for another couple of months to mature.
  3. Irgi is an unusual tart drink that can surprise guests. For it you will need 700 g of serviceberry, 6 rose hips, 40 g of sugar, 0.5 ml of vodka. Irga is kneaded with hands, rose hips, sugar, and vodka are added to it. Everything is mixed, tightly sealed and sent to a dark place for 14 days. The liquid must be stirred every 3 days. After the specified period, the wine is filtered, poured into a clean container and kept for another 5 days. The strength of such an alcoholic product will be approximately 30 degrees.
  4. Mixtures of black and red currants are an exquisite option for real gourmets. Take 2 kg of berries in a ratio of 2:1, 4 cups of sugar, 2 liters of water, 100 g of raisins. The currants are pureed and then heated to 35 degrees. Using gauze, the juice is separated from the pulp, raisins, sugar and water are added to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed, poured into suleya and placed under a water seal in a warm, dark place. On average, the wort ferments for 12 days, after which it must be removed from the sediment, bottled and kept in the cellar for another 30 days.

Wines made from assorted berries have an excellent flavor bouquet. Most often they combine raspberries and strawberries with cherries, gooseberries and blackberries with black currants, and raspberries with currants. However, if desired, everyone can create a personal berry bouquet, which allows them to make a unique and natural alcoholic drink.

Any berries and even fruits are suitable for this recipe. You can take black or red currants, gooseberries, raspberries, honeysuckle, or make a berry mixture. Perhaps this wine cannot be made from strawberries alone. I think the most delicious wine is made from serviceberry, sloe and black currant. You only need sugar, berries and water; no yeast or other ingredients need to be added. You will taste tart red wine within a month. Read the article and watch my video about how to properly place homemade wine.

Homemade currant wine recipe


  • 1 kg of berries
  • 1.2 liters of water
  • 0.5 kg sugar

To make homemade wine you will also need:

  1. rubber tube (I buy it at the pharmacy and use a dropper system, after cutting off the ends),
  2. a bottle with a lid (a plastic cooler bottle with a handle and a narrow neck is ideal),
  3. ordinary plasticine,
  4. scales,
  5. beaker.

I don't use special shutter systems. I use only this proven “old-fashioned” method, and the wine always turns out.

How to make homemade wine from currants

  1. Currant berries can be collected with leaves and twigs. I put it on the scale (you need to accurately measure the required amount) and select large leaves.
  2. Pour the berries into the bottle. For convenience, you can use an improvised funnel: a paper bag or a cut-off 2-liter plastic bottle. There is no need to fill the container to capacity. During fermentation, the berries will rise and the tube will become clogged, so I fill the bottle no more than 1/3 full. For a 5-liter container, take 1 kg of berries; for a 19-liter container, take 7 kg of berries.
  3. I take a measuring cup and measure out the required amount of water. The consistency of the wine will depend on the amount of water. Take a little less water and you get liqueur. The water must be boiled and cooled. Lukewarm water is allowed, but such that the berries do not cook and the same fermentation microbes do not suffer.
  4. I pour water into a bottle with berries and add sugar. For sweet fruits, you can take a little less sugar, and for sour berries, on the contrary, a little more. In any case, you can add additional sugar to the finished wine after fermentation.
  5. I make a hole in the lid of the bottle, insert a tube so that the tip of 4-5 cm is immersed in the bottle, do not leave it too long, otherwise it will become clogged. I screw the lid on tightly.
  6. It is important to seal the place where the tube and the lid are attached so that air only enters the tube and does not escape through the hole in the lid. I seal the joint and the place where the lid is screwed tightly with plasticine.
  7. I place the bottle next to a container of water and lower the tip of the straw into it. It is important that the snorkel is always in the water. I place the entire system in the warmest place in the house (on the second floor of the dacha, in a bathhouse or on a heated terrace, in the house closer to the stove, etc.)

After 2-3 days the wine will begin to ferment and you will see bubbles in the water.

How to make homemade wine from currants step by step

Watch the video for step-by-step instructions and tips on how to make wine quickly and easily at home.

How do you know when the wine is ready?

The wine will ferment in 1-1.5 months depending on the temperature. Then the berry mass will begin to sink, become discolored, and the bubbles will stop coming out - this means that the wine is ready.

I strain the finished wine: I put 2-3 layers of gauze in a colander, place it on a wide saucepan of sufficient volume and pour out the wine.

I taste it and add sugar if necessary, stirring with a wooden spatula.

Then I pour the wine into bottles, close the lids and place it on a tray. During the week you need to observe and open the lids slightly - the wine may still ferment for some time - so you need to release air bubbles.

I store wine on the balcony, where it is at least 2-3 °C. Or in a dark, cool room away from heat sources. You can also store it in the refrigerator if possible.

How to make homemade wine (video)

It is important to pour the finished wine correctly, strain and store it. More about this in the video

Do I need to grind the berries into wine?

It depends on the availability of time and desire. I put in the berries completely, because I don’t have time to mash and grind them. This will only be reflected in the speed at which fermentation begins. The ground berries will ferment a couple of days earlier.

Do I need to wash berries for wine?

There is no need to spend hours sorting the berries until they are perfectly clean. And even more so, do not even think about washing the berries - you will remove fermentation microbes from the surface, and the wine will not turn out, but will simply turn sour.

Homemade black and red currant wine

Additionally, watch the video with additions and new tips on how to make berry wine at home.