How to make savoiardi cookies at home. Savoiardi cookies: a simple recipe for gourmet baking

Biscuit cookies Savoiardi is known to everyone nowadays because it is an important component delicious dessert tiramisu. “Savoyardi” means “Savoy”, and this name is associated with the history of the first cookie recipe. One day the King of France came to visit Prince Amadeo of Savoy, and he was treated to an unusual delicious cookies, soft, aromatic and melting in your mouth. The king liked the treat so much that he asked for the recipe and, as a sign of gratitude, named the dessert in honor of the province of Savoy in order to immortalize it in French culinary arts. Soon the cookies became official confectionery product the Duchy of Savoy and the pride of all France.

Lady fingers

These cookies are also called “lady fingers” because they have a long, elongated shape. They perfectly absorb syrups and creams, so they are used for making cakes, pastries, charlottes and ice cream cakes.

Very young children who are not yet accustomed to solid food also love it, because if you lightly moisten savoiardi with milk, it instantly becomes soft. That is why many pediatricians recommend using gentle “ Lady fingers", soaked in milk.

Making lady fingers is very easy. The basis of these cookies are whites whipped to a fluffy foam, which give them softness, and the cookies are sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar.

How to make savoiardi cookies

The principle of making savoiardi cookies is quite simple - the whites are separated from the yolks and whipped into a foam along with sugar, while sugar is added to the dough gradually. Yolks also mash well with sugar and in small portions mixed with the whites, and then the sifted flour is carefully added to the eggs. You need to knead the dough very carefully so that the foam does not settle, because the cookies should turn out light, airy and tender. The main task of mixing the dough is to remove lumps and at the same time prevent it from falling. Mixing in stages helps keep the dough airy and light, otherwise the dough will be heavy and the products themselves will turn out too loose and damp.

Next, the dough is squeezed out pastry bag on baking paper, greased with cream or vegetable oil, in the form of stripes - at a short distance from each other, because the “lady fingers” will rise and increase in volume. They should be sprinkled with a thick layer of sugar or powdered sugar on top. Cookies are baked quickly - for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180–220 ° C, until golden color. Do not open the oven door while baking, otherwise the savoiardi will collapse and become too flat. Also, do not take out the biscuit sticks until the oven has cooled down, since the temperature difference can also cause the biscuit to settle. It is best to wait half an hour before taking out the fragrant baked goods.

Savoiardi cookies: classic recipe with photos

Try making savoiardi cookies at home and you will see that there is nothing difficult about it!

Ingredients: eggs - 3 pcs., sugar - 150 g, flour - 150 g, powdered sugar - 50 g.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the yolks from the whites, place the whites and yolks in different containers, which should be clean and dry.

2. Beat the yolks with 75 g of sugar to form a smooth mass with a white tint.

3. In the same way, beat the whites with 75 g of sugar - in lush foam to strong peaks.

4. Carefully combine the whites and yolks, gently stirring the mixture until the texture is homogeneous.

5. Pour in egg mixture sifted flour.

6. Mix the dough very carefully with up and down movements until the consistency is homogeneous.

7. Place the mixture into a pastry bag or syringe.

8. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and grease with butter.

9. Squeeze strips 10–15 cm long from the pastry bag.

10. Sprinkle the dough strips with powdered sugar through a strainer.

11. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180–200 °C, for 10–15 minutes.

12. Turn off the oven, let the cookies cool, remove from the baking sheet and serve - your loved ones will be happy to try this delicious and fragrant dessert. They will definitely like it, because you cooked with love and the desire to bring them joy.

How to make savoiardi cookies even tastier: beat the eggs correctly

In order for the cookies to turn out thick and porous, the whites need to be beaten chilled and preferably not with a whisk, but with a mixer - the foam should be very fluffy. First, beat the whites without sugar at the minimum speed of the mixer until the mass becomes voluminous. After this you can enter granulated sugar and increase the speed of revolutions - this method allows you to quickly get a thick protein mass. The readiness of the whites is checked as follows: the container is tilted, if the whites do not flow down, then they are considered whipped.

You can add a little more yolks than indicated in the recipe - for example, instead of two yolks, take three, this will make the dough more tender and airy. During the beating process, the yolks should become lighter, thicker and larger in volume.

A few secrets for making savoiardi cookies

Some confectioners believe that powdered sugar protein dough may settle, so it is recommended to use only powdered sugar. However, there are other opinions. For example, many housewives mix powder with sugar and cover the surface of the cookies with half of this mixture. After 10 minutes, when the sugar is absorbed, they spread the remaining sugar. They say that with a double sweet coating it tastes much better.

Remember that the cookies must be dry. If they are too soft, you can dry them a little more in the oven or leave them on the counter overnight. By the way, there is an even easier way to make savoiardi cookies at home - just bake a very thin sponge cake, spread the dough in a thin layer in a mold covered with pastry paper, bake in the same way as cookies, cool, cut into strips and, if necessary, dry in the oven .

You can add a little salt, whiskey, cognac or vodka to the dough; these cookies turn out denser, but very tasty. Alcoholic drinks are introduced into the dough during the process of combining yolks with whites, and dry additives such as cocoa powder, starch and citrus zest should be added to the flour before kneading the dough. Some confectioners add baking soda slaked with vinegar to the dough to raise it.

Unusual savoiardi cookies: a simple recipe with photos

Mix 190 g flour and ½ tsp. baking powder, and in a separate bowl combine 100 g of sugar and 70 g butter. Add 120 ml of milk, a pinch of vanillin, flour to the egg-sugar mixture and knead soft dough. Place it in a piping bag or plastic bag with pre-cut end. Press the dough onto greased baking paper on a baking tray and bake the cookies for 10 minutes until they are lightly creamy.

Now you know how to bake cookies, which can become a favorite family dessert. Crispy and tasty biscuit sticks are baked not only for making tiramisu, they are also good on their own with tea, coffee and milk. The advantage of cookies is that they stay fresh for a long time, so you can bake them for several days and store them in a sealed container. This is perfect low calorie baked goods For family tea party! Interesting recipes Savoiardi cookies, which are easy to prepare at home, can be found on our website.

This delicacy and solo sounds like a contender for the “Everything ingenious is simple” award! But, if it is the basis of a recipe, or you want to cook an original and unforgettable without baking a delicious cake, then this is just great! It is Savoyardi that is the “highlight” of these and many other dishes! Therefore, knowing how to cook Savoyardi at home is the task of every self-respecting pastry chef.
“Lady fingers” once won hearts true gourmets, connoisseurs gourmet baked goods. Do you want to delve into the secrets of the French court of the 15th century, when the Duchy of Savoy, using all the cunning it could muster, won the favor of the king? And what did it do? Weaving intrigue? Participated in conspiracies? Used magic? No, no and NO! Savoyardi! This is what French ingenuity means!

Savoiardi biscuits recipe


  • Wheat flour - 50 g;
  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar (in dough) - 60 g;
  • Powdered sugar (for sprinkling) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Homemade savoiardi cookies

As with any recipe, when preparing savoiardi you need to follow the proportions and exact weight ingredients, then everything will work out.

First let's separate egg yolks from proteins. Beat the yolks (2 pieces) with sugar (take exactly half, i.e. 30 grams).

When mixed with sugar, the yolk mass should increase slightly in volume and lighten in color.
For variety, some confectioners add a little salt, whiskey, cognac, and vodka. Of course, such cookies will be denser, but still very tasty.
I always do classic version, no alcohol =)

We begin to beat the whites (3 pcs.) at low speed with a mixer, after foam appears, add the remaining sugar (30 g) and continue to beat until thick foam. The readiness of the proteins is checked by turning the bowl over: they should not flow down.

Add the well-beaten protein mixture very carefully to the yolks with sugar.

Wheat flour (50 g) is sifted and mixed into the dough with gentle movements. Try not to lose the air accumulated in the protein mixture.

If you want to make chocolate or lemon savoiardi, mix the cocoa powder (zest) with the flour at this stage.

When mixing the dough, our main task is to get rid of lumps and at the same time make sure that they do not fall off. Gradual mixing helps maintain airiness and lightness. If you do not follow this rule, the dough will be heavy and the cookies will be loose and damp.

The savoiardi dough should be fluffy and homogeneous. Without soda and baking powder, only due to the air contained in the dough, the cookies will rise in the oven.

Now let's take culinary package and transfer the cookie dough inside the bag. Unfortunately, I ran out, so I had to squeeze the dough through a regular plastic bag (I think next time I’ll use a regular spoon, since too much leftover dough gets thrown out with the bag, and I still can’t get an even shape).

On a baking sheet covered with paper, squeeze out the dough in the form of strips. Leave enough space between the savoiardi (1-2 cm), since the cookies will certainly increase in size in the oven.

Before sending to the oven (which needs to be preheated to 200 C), sprinkle the cookies with powdered sugar through a fine sieve. It is recommended to use powder rather than sugar, because many confectioners believe that sugar causes biscuit dough may settle. But there are also opposite opinions: many housewives make a mixture of powder and sugar (in a 50/50 ratio), cover the cookies with half of this mixture immediately, and after 15 minutes (five minutes before the end of baking) take out a baking sheet and sprinkle with the remaining sugar.
This clever trick makes the cookies even tastier.

For the first 10 minutes, bake the savoiardi at a temperature of 200 C, then reduce the heat to 180 C and continue baking for another 10 -15 minutes.

It is strictly forbidden to open the oven during baking! You don't want to get thin pancake instead of cookies?!

Ready cookies has a ruddy surface with cracks.
Remember that the finished cooled cookies must be dry. If it turns out too soft, you can dry it a little more in the oven or, without covering it, leave it on the table.

By the way, there is another way to bake savoiardi cookies at home: bake a thin sponge cake, bake, cool, cut into small strips, then dry in the oven.

It is better to cool the savoiardi in the oven so that it does not fall off sharp jump temperature. Therefore, after turning off, open the door oven and cool inside for another 10 minutes. Then remove from the baking sheet onto a wire rack and continue to cool at room temperature until completely cooled.

Cookies can be used to prepare Tiramisu dessert, any other cakes biscuit base or serve with tea as an independent dessert.
Small children adore Savoyardi, because if you moisten the cookies with milk, they will immediately become soft. Even pediatricians recommend using tender “lady fingers” for complementary feeding, after soaking them in milk.

Bon appetit! I will be glad to answer any questions you may have about this recipe: leave comments, post photos of your Savoiardi.

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Savoiardi, or ladyfingers as they are also called, is the official cookie of the Savoie region. It was invented on the occasion of the visit of the head of the throne of France at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. Today Savoyardi is an integral ingredient in many national desserts, in particular, Tiramisu.

Savoyardi recipe for tea

Savoiardi can be easily made at home if you have a mixer. It is not possible to beat the egg white and yolk masses well with a whisk, and the secret of the recipe lies precisely in the splendor of the dough being made. There won’t be any difficulties with everything else; fortunately, you don’t need a lot of ingredients to make cookies.

What you will need:

  • three eggs;
  • powdered sugar in the amount of 30 g;
  • sand in the amount of 60 g;
  • flour in the amount of 50 g.

Recipe for Savoiardi:

  1. Separate the protein component from the yolks and beat 3 egg whites with half the recommended volume of granulated sugar.
  2. Beat two yolks with the remaining amount of sugar to obtain a light, fluffy and light mass.
  3. Now you need to carefully combine the contents of the two containers and add flour, trying to knead with brisk movements from the bottom up to retain the air inside.
  4. Now all that remains is to place the dough in a pastry bag or, in the absence of such a dense bag, and on a baking sheet, previously covered with heat-resistant paper, separate the sticks, the length of which would be about 10–12 cm.
  5. Sprinkle them twice with powdered sugar through a sieve and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Then put it in the oven, preheated to 190°C for 10 minutes.
  7. Place the finished golden brown cookies on a plate and serve with tea.

Cookies for Tiramisu

Savoyardi's recipe is no different from regular recipe These cookies are for tea, but some chefs make some changes to the manufacturing process.

What you will need:

  • wheat flour in the amount of 150 g;
  • three eggs;
  • sugar in the amount of 200 g.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks. Leave the first one to warm up at room temperature, and use the yolks cooled. Beat them with sweet sand, setting aside about 1 tbsp. l. of the total volume for sprinkling.
  2. When the mass turns light and stops moving, add flour and mix again.
  3. Now start beating the whites. Our task is to obtain a dense, but not too rigid mass.
  4. Gently fold the egg whites into the dough using a spoon or spatula. It should remain just as airy and tender.
  5. Now transfer the mixture into a cooking bag and begin squeezing the characteristic strips onto a baking sheet covered with heat-resistant paper.
  6. Grind the remaining sugar into powder and sprinkle on the cookies.
  7. Place it in an oven preheated to 190°C for 10 minutes.
  8. After this period of time, remove, cool and use the cookies to prepare Tiramisu according to the chosen recipe.

Before you start making cookies, turn on the oven, we need it to heat up to 180 degrees Celsius. And now we can start...

1. Separate the yolks from the whites into different dry bowls, add 25 grams of sugar to the yolks and beat until white with a mixer.

2. Add the remaining sugar (50 g) to the whites and beat until stiff.

3. Sift the flour together with the starch, and then add to the yolk mass, kneading a thick, homogeneous dough. Now you need to very carefully combine the protein mass and the resulting dough. Add the whites gradually, stirring gently, and in the end we will get an airy sponge dough for Savoiardi cookies.

4. Cover a baking sheet with confectionery paper, sprinkle a little flour and, using a pastry bag, lay out the dough in the form of lady fingers, about 10 cm long. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top and wait until the powdered sugar sinks slightly - put in an already preheated oven to bake.

5. Baking time for cookies at 180 degrees - 10 - 15 minutes until the cookies rise, then reduce the heat to 140 degrees - bake for another 10 minutes until golden brown. Ready-made cookies must be removed from the baking sheet while hot! Carefully, pulling the parchment sheet over the side of the baking sheet and pulling slightly, remove the cookies. That's all! Our lady fingers cookies for tiramisu are ready!

The most popular dessert with Savoyardi cookies is. Savoyardi cookies can be easily purchased in stores, especially in large cities, but if you live in a small town, it is almost impossible to find tiramisu cookies in stores.

Savoiardi biscuits have been gaining popularity recently. You've probably tried it in a cafe or restaurant over a cup of coffee. Today we will learn together how to cook savoiardi at home: following step by step recipes, it’s not difficult to do and it’s very interesting.

History of the Savoiardi

The peculiarity of this cookie is its oval shape and sugar sprinkles. It has several other popular names: biscuit, Naples, Savoy, la coulie and “lady fingers”.

Legend has it that Savoiardi invented head cook Duke of Savoy at the end of the 16th century. The invention of the original recipe was timed to coincide with the visit French king. The owner of the palace loved the delicacy so much that it was soon given the status of the official dessert of Savoy.

Savoiardi cookies - the official dessert of the Savoyard ducal cuisine

Of course, you can buy savoiardi in a store - this is not uncommon now. But how nice it is to cook it yourself, giving the dough love and warmth own hands! And you will be 100% sure of the quality of the dessert, which cannot be said about the purchased product.

Made from light biscuit dough The cookies absorb liquid well and soften while maintaining their shape. Therefore, savoiardi is often used not only as a separate dessert, but also for preparing other sweet dishes - cakes, trifle and Russian charlotte.

These cookies are especially often used to make popular dessert tiramisu, soaking savoiardi with sweet syrup. The cookies should be slightly dry, so you will need to keep them in the oven for a while. warm oven or leave overnight, covered with a clean towel.

Savoyardi is an essential ingredient in classic tiramisu

Ingredients and cooking secrets

Required ingredients for savoiardi:

  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • eggs.

The flour should be well sifted. Take only 1 variety - it is ideal for this dessert.

Flour, eggs and sugar - required components savoiardi

As with any sponge cake, you need to separate the yolk from the white and beat them separately from each other. Eggs must be at room temperature.

It is customary to use powdered sugar to sprinkle cookies. But granulated sugar is also suitable: its crystals will look beautiful on the surface of the savoiardi.

Nice rich aroma will add vanilla extract or vanillin to the cookies. Some housewives add a little cinnamon, but classic recipe does not provide for this.

To give the liver its original form You will need a pastry bag with a hole diameter of at least 1.5 cm. You will use it to squeeze the mixture onto a baking sheet. The bag should be held at an angle of 45 degrees. The length of each cookie is 7.5 cm, the distance between them is at least 2.5 cm.

Savoiardi is baked in the oven for no more than 15 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees or 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Be sure to line the baking sheet with parchment or baking paper.

Note! Ready savoiardi can be packed in a container, lined with wax paper, and stored frozen for up to 2 weeks.

Step-by-step recipes

We will look at the classic and original recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya. This wonderful TV presenter always adds some zest to the cooking process, and today we will unravel her secret.


Before you begin, turn on the oven to preheat to 190 degrees and prepare a piping bag. By the way, to make it easier for you to place cookies on a baking sheet later, draw outlines of the desired size on paper.

You will need the following products:

  • large egg yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 65 g (1/2 tea cup);
  • powdered sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • vanilla or its substitute – ½ teaspoon;
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Bake the cookies until fully cooked

You need to remove the savoiardi from the baking paper while it is still hot. Otherwise, the cookies will stick and you will not be able to remove them from the parchment without crumbling them.

Biscuit cookies from Yulia Vysotskaya

This dessert is designed for 36 servings (pieces). You will need:

  • 50 g flour;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 30 g powdered sugar.
  1. Beat all the whites until a soft mass forms. After this, add 30 g of sugar. Continue using the mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Beat the egg whites thoroughly, adding sugar.

  2. Beat 2 yolks with 30 grams of sugar in a separate bowl. The mass should turn out light and light, and the sugar should completely dissolve.

    Beat the yolks with sugar

  3. Carefully combine the whites with the yolks and mix with a spatula.

    Mix the whites with the yolks

  4. Sift 50 g of flour into a bowl with egg mixture.

    Add sifted flour to egg mixture

  5. Mix the mixture from bottom to top. The movements should be light so that the air is retained inside the dough.

    Gently stir the dough

  6. Using a pastry bag, pipe the dough onto a baking sheet.

    Place the dough on a baking sheet

  7. Sprinkle the pieces with powdered sugar (preferably twice).

    Sprinkle savoiardi with powdered sugar