How to make cinnamon rolls. Delicious cinnamon bun: quick, easy, delicious

Now you will learn how to prepare cinnamon rolls recipe with photos step by step from yeast dough, located below, under the description.

Absolutely, everyone loves to eat delicious food. And in general, few people will refuse delicious baked goods, well, not counting, of course, fanatical people who are constantly losing weight. By the way, even if you are on a diet, one delicious bun eaten in the morning will not harm your figure. After all, it is known that everything is good in moderation.

In passing, I would like to note that there are plenty of baked goods on our website, you can take a look, here are the most popular recipes from this category:

  • – and for the rest of the goodies, look in the “” section, there is something to enjoy there.

Cinnamon rolls with yeast dough, a step-by-step recipe with photos, which I present on this page - this is a simple, extremely tasty and appetizing homemade cake. Both children and adults really like it, so you can’t go wrong if you prepare cinnamon rolls for a friendly family tea party.

You will need the most ordinary products for such baking, but the result will please literally everyone.

A recipe with a photo of cinnamon rolls will not give you any problems in preparation.

since everything here is described in great detail and step by step, even a novice housewife who has never dealt with yeast dough before can handle it.

The baked goods turn out very beautiful, in the shape of snails, with a shiny, frozen sugar crust that captivates and attracts with its appetizing appearance.

Yeast dough for cinnamon rolls can be kneaded very quickly and easily by hand or using a mixer. And preparing them, according to our recipe and step-by-step photos, will not be difficult. The result will amaze you - the airy, tender pulp, soaked in sweet sugar syrup, simply melts in your mouth.

Try making homemade cinnamon rolls, a step-by-step recipe with photos will help you with this.

P.S. Take a look here, I think you will like this quick snack: “” is a lifesaver in any situation when you need to prepare something for a snack.

Well, now let's look.

I have long wanted to make delicious and aromatic cinnamon rolls from yeast dough. Finally, I had enough free time to enjoy this process with my little daughter. It was very interesting for her to watch how quickly the dough rises and becomes airy and porous, how the formed buns fit and fill the entire baking sheet, and then brown in the oven.

By the way, the buns turned out to be large; if desired, the dough can be divided into 2 rolls and made 16 small products. But this is not for everyone. One thing I can say for sure: these oven-baked cinnamon rolls cannot be compared to any store-bought baked goods.

The dough turns out very airy and aromatic, and the sweet sour cream perfectly complements the buns, making them incredibly tasty.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 500 g wheat flour
  • 200 ml milk
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 60 g sugar
  • 60 g butter
  • 2 tsp dry yeast

Filling ingredients:

  • 60 g butter
  • 3 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 150 g sugar

Ingredients for cream:

  • 100 g sugar
  • 200 ml sour cream with a fat content of 15-20%
  • 1 tbsp. l. corn starch

How to make cinnamon rolls:

In a deep bowl, mix 100 ml of milk, heated to 40 degrees, dry yeast and a tablespoon of sugar.

Stir the mixture and leave it for 5-10 minutes for the yeast to activate.

In a ladle or saucepan, mix 100 ml of milk, 60 g of butter and the remaining granulated sugar.

Stirring, heat the mixture over low heat until the butter melts and the sugar completely dissolves. Cool the resulting mixture to room temperature and add it to the dough, following the step-by-step recipe for cinnamon rolls.

Mix the mixture with a whisk until smooth. Beat two chicken eggs with a fork and add to the dough.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Add the sifted flour in several stages. First, we'll mix the cinnamon roll dough with a silicone spatula, then continue kneading it on a floured work surface.

Transfer the well-kneaded yeast dough into a deep bowl greased with vegetable oil. We also lightly brush the dough with vegetable oil on top to make the cinnamon rolls airy. Cover the bowl with a dry towel and leave the dough to rise for 1 hour in a warm place without drafts.

During this time, the dough should rise and increase in volume several times.

Punch down the dough and roll it out into a layer 5 millimeters thick using a rolling pin.

Let's prepare the filling for the buns. Combine melted butter, granulated sugar and ground cinnamon.

Stir the mixture until smooth, following the recipe for cinnamon rolls made from yeast dough.

Place the filling on the dough and distribute it evenly over the entire surface.

Carefully roll the dough into a tight roll.

Cut it into 8 pieces of equal thickness. Place the buns on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Leave the yeast cinnamon rolls in a warm place for 25-30 minutes to allow them to rise and rise.

Place the buns in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. We will bake them until golden brown for about 20-25 minutes, as required by the recipe for cinnamon rolls in the oven.

There are times when the blues suddenly set in, whether it’s for no reason or whether there are reasons for it, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to somehow lift your mood, you need to please yourself with something. And what could be better suited for this purpose than fresh, soft baked goods, or rather fragrant hot, spicy cinnamon rolls and soft buttercream frosting, also known as Cinnabon buns? I would like to immediately draw the attention of those who are on a diet and plan to fit into their favorite jeans by the end of the month, close this recipe and do not look at provocative photographs of Cinnabons, because... Neither baked goods in general nor these specific cinnamon rolls contribute in any way to reducing kilograms and centimeters. On the contrary, Cinnabon buns are very good for weight gain, because they are very high in calories and do not fit into the concept of a healthy diet. But despite how unhealthy these buns are, on the other hand, they are still very tasty, and if you also add a cup of aromatic freshly brewed coffee to them, the result will be absolutely beautiful. In general, all you have to do is take a bite of a soft, spicy cinnamon bun, and any blues will immediately go away, or at least decrease a little.

Do you know why they are called cinnamon rolls? Cinnabon(in RuNet they are also often called Sinabon, with one letter “n”)? This is the name of the bakery chain of the same name, specializing specifically in cinnamon rolls. Cinnabon Company ( Cinnabon) was founded in the USA in 1985, by now the network of bakeries has spread throughout the world, and their soft, sweet, unhealthy Cinnabon buns are extremely popular among the population. The name “Cinnabon” is a play on words, cinnamon (from English) means cinnamon, and bone (from Latin) means good. The Cinnabon company itself states that some influential professional publication included Cinnabon buns in the list of the 50 main pleasures of life. So let's not deny ourselves the pleasure, at least occasionally, of pleasing ourselves with fragrant cinnamon bun. And if there is no Cinnabon bakery chain in your city, or you just want to eat a warm bun while sitting at home in a warm robe and soft slippers, I suggest you prepare the same buns at home.

I won’t write that here you will find the classic, the most correct Cinnabon buns recipe, because The company keeps the recipe for making the classic Cinnabon a secret, and one can only guess how close to the original all those recipes that are in huge quantities on the Internet and promise that this is the real recipe. Before sharing the recipe with you, I tried so many different cinnamon roll recipes, experimented a lot with the ingredients and their quantities, and settled on this option. Yes, perhaps the recipe differs in some way from the one used to bake a real Cinnabon, and the quality of the ingredients in the bakery chain may certainly differ from ours. But I can say for sure that the buns turn out very tasty.

Cinnabon cinnamon rolls prepared from rich yeast dough. Butter means that the dough contains a lot of sugar and fat. Don’t be afraid of the combination “yeast dough”; in fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated in its preparation. There are only a few important points here, if observed, you will definitely get excellent soft airy buns, I will write about them below. In general, what follows will be a lot of letters about ingredients and yeast dough. If you think that you already understand this well, just skip this text and go straight to the description of the cooking process.


For yeast dough
  • flour 400 g
  • egg 1 PC.
  • butter 40 g
  • milk 70 g
  • warm water 70 g
  • dry yeast 6 g (or 18 g live)
  • sugar 40 g + 1 teaspoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon
For filling
  • butter 50 g
  • Brown sugar 90 g
  • ground cinnamon 10 g (1.5 tbsp)
  • cocoa powder 10 g (2 tbsp)
  • ground ginger 3-4 g (1/2 tbsp)
  • ground cardamom 1/2 teaspoon
For the glaze
  • cream cheese 75 g
  • powdered sugar 100 g
  • milk 15 g (1 tbsp)
  • cognac 7-8 g (1/2 tbsp)
First a little about the ingredients

The main spice in these buns, of course, is cinnamon, and, naturally, the more flavorful your cinnamon, the more flavorful the buns will be, so let's first understand a little about cinnamon. In general, those bags of ground seasoning that are sold in our stores and called “Cinnamon” are not actually cinnamon. Real (Ceylon) cinnamon is grown in Sri Lanka and Western India, and what is sold in abundance in our stores is “Chinese cinnamon” or “cassia”, it is grown in China, Vietnam and Indonesia. This is a different plant, it is related to true cinnamon, but it is still not it. I won’t go into this topic in great detail now; besides, I couldn’t find information about whether they put cinnamon or cassia in a real Cinnabon. It is only known that Cinnabon uses a certain variety of Makara, which is grown in the mountains of Indonesia, which means it may well be cassia. In general, if you can find real Ceylon cinnamon, great! If you buy it in a regular store, I recommend buying several bags (as a rule, they are not expensive) and choosing the one that has the most pleasant aroma and taste. I liked the taste and smell of Dr. Oetker cinnamon the most; it has a slightly sweet taste and a rather pronounced aroma. And some of the samples that I bought had almost no smell at all and had a bitter taste.

Now about sugar. The recipe uses brown cane sugar. I think a common question will be: can it be replaced with white? In general, cane sugar takes longer to melt than regular white sugar, and there seems to be a possibility that white sugar will melt quickly, flow a lot, and you may end up with a tasteless, burnt caramel crust on the bottom of the buns. But I once, in the absence of cane sugar, replaced it with white sugar in this recipe and, to be honest, I didn’t notice much of a difference. So it's up to you, but if white sugar starts leaking, you'll already know what the problem is.

If you don't have it, or for some other reason you don't want to put ginger and cardamom in the filling, don't add it, just replace it with the same amount of cinnamon.

Important points when preparing yeast dough:

1. The yeast must be fresh, not in the sense of the type of yeast, I do not mean that you must take live pressed yeast. No, dry ones will do, as long as they are not old. And this is important both for live yeast (do not use those that have been in your refrigerator for a long time, that have expired or have turned brown) and for dry ones. If a packet of yeast has been left open for a long time, then most likely the yeast has already died. Because they are very hygroscopic and, if the yeast is not hermetically sealed, they very quickly gain moisture from the environment, and having gained moisture, they begin to wake up. And since there is no food around, they die. So, if you have even the slightest doubt about the freshness of the yeast, it is better to buy a new package.

2. You need a warm place where the dough will rise. The ideal temperature for this is 28-30°C, now many modern ovens have a mode where the light is simply turned on (I don’t know if there is such a mode in gas ovens, as a rule, there is such a mode in electric ovens), usually in this mode the oven heats up as times to approximately 30°C. But before you put the dough in the oven to rise at this setting, you should make sure that it does not heat up very much, otherwise you may ruin the whole dough. Also, a warm place can simply be a kitchen table, if you use good yeast, ordinary room temperature is enough for the dough to rise normally, the main thing is that there are no drafts in the kitchen, you should not open windows and vents in the kitchen in which you are raising the dough. And for greater confidence, you can wrap the container with the dough in a towel.

3. Yeast dough must be kneaded well. During prolonged kneading, gluten begins to develop in the flour (another name is gluten, a protein contained in wheat flour), it makes the dough more elastic and affects the structure of future baked goods. In order for the gluten to develop well, you need to knead the dough for at least 10 minutes, while you need to stretch and then fold the piece of dough several times. As a result, it should stop sticking to your hands and work surface, and will also begin to stretch well without tearing.

4. Time. Yeast dough needs some time to rise well, but this doesn’t make the cooking process any more difficult, right? In this recipe, you will not need to knead the dough (mixing the dough during the fermentation process), you will only need to wait a couple of times for the dough to rise.

And, of course, the key to success is quality ingredients, but I think this is important when preparing any dish. You see, there is nothing complicated in preparing such yeast dough.

I got 10 not very large buns from this amount of ingredients.


First we will prepare the dough for the buns. Here are all the ingredients we will need for this. The water should be slightly warm, about 30°C. If it's too cold, the yeast will work slower and you'll have to wait longer. At a temperature of 50°C, yeast stops its vital activity, therefore, if you put it in very hot water, it will simply die and your dough will not rise. At this point, I recommend taking the egg out of the refrigerator, washing it with warm water and leaving it at room temperature so that when we add it to the dough, it will not be too cold.

As I wrote earlier, today we make yeast dough, it contains a lot of sugar and butter, and fats and sugars in large quantities inhibit yeast, i.e. It is difficult for them to lift such dough. Therefore, we will first create a favorable environment for the yeast, in which they are activated and it will be easier for them to work further. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar and yeast in warm water (about 30°C). This slightly sweet warm liquid is an excellent environment for yeast to work. Stir until the yeast is completely dissolved. If the yeast is good, then almost immediately after stirring the liquid will begin to bubble a little. Leave them for 10-15 minutes in a warm place.

Place butter, salt, sugar (40 grams) in a separate container and pour milk. We heat everything slightly in the microwave or in a water bath. You don’t need to heat it up too much, otherwise you’ll have to wait a long time for it to cool down; heat it enough to melt the butter. Mix well until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Leave this mixture for now, let it cool a little.

About 10-15 minutes after we activated the yeast, the liquid should have become covered with a thick, bubbly foam and maybe even increased slightly in volume. If this happens, then the yeast is working well.

Mix the yeast mixture with the cooled (to about 30-40°C) oil mixture.

Add the egg and mix everything well.

Add flour, being sure to sift it. This is important for yeast dough, because... When sifting, we not only get rid of lumps and other possible impurities in the flour, but also enrich it with oxygen; the dough with such flour will rise better.

Let's start kneading the dough. First, just mix everything in a bowl until all the ingredients are combined, then put it on a floured surface and knead the dough for at least 10 minutes: just stretch it, then fold it in half and press it firmly with your hand on the table, then turn the dough 90 degrees and stretch it again and fold. As a result, we will get a smooth, pliable, elastic dough that does not stick to our hands. Return it to the bowl, cover with cling film and place in a warm place for 40-60 minutes.

While the dough is rising, prepare everything for the spicy filling.

Pour sugar into a small bowl, add cocoa and all the spices. Again, I strongly recommend sifting spices and cocoa, because they often stick together in lumps and can then be found in this form in finished buns.

Mix the sugar and spices thoroughly; you can even use a whisk for better results. Melt the butter.

After 40-60 minutes, the dough should have risen well; for me it has even more than doubled in volume.

Place the dough on a floured table and roll it out into a rectangle 4-7 mm thick. My rectangle size is 30x40 cm. Grease the rolled out dough with melted butter, leaving a couple of centimeters on one of the edges of the long side uncoated. Try to distribute the oil evenly so that there are no dry parts left, but there should be no oil puddles either. It’s convenient to spread the melted butter with a silicone brush, but you can just use a spoon. Sprinkle the spice mixture over the dough, trying to distribute it evenly. Do not sprinkle the mixture on the edge that is not oiled.

You can roll the spicy mixture on top a little with a rolling pin, so it will crumble less when folding the dough and cutting the buns.

We begin to carefully and tightly roll the dough into a roll. We will twist from the long side opposite the one that we left ungreased and unsprinkled, i.e. This clean edge should be the last to curl. You need to twist it as tightly as possible, try not to leave any voids. Slightly lift the already rolled part of the roll, slightly pulling it in the opposite direction and then twist it tightly again. If the ends of the rolls start to come out in the form of cones, simply push them back in with your hand, forming a straight side. Due to the fact that we did not grease or sprinkle the edge that is curled last, it will stick together better.

Place the roll edge down. Using a sharp knife (it seems like you can cut it with a thread, but I haven’t tried it) we cut our roll into equal parts, about 4-5 cm wide. I cut the roll into 10 parts, 4 cm each.

Cover the form in which we will bake with baking paper and lay out our buns, leaving a space of 2-3 cm between them. The buns will still increase quite a lot in size, so if you put them too close, they will stick together, and you will end up with one big bun. Cover the mold with a towel or cling film and again, now for the last time, put them in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.

While the buns are warm, prepare a soft cream cheese frosting for them.

Add powdered sugar to the cream cheese and mix until smooth. Then add milk and cognac and mix again. You should get a thin, homogeneous cream. I mixed everything just with a fork and everything mixed perfectly, but since the consistency of different cream cheeses may differ, you may have to use a blender or mixer to get a homogeneous state of the glaze.

This is how my buns got bigger in 25 minutes. Place them in an oven preheated to 175°C for 20-30 minutes. Once the buns are nicely browned, remove them from the oven. It is important not to overcook here, otherwise they may turn out dry.

Here they are, beautifully toasted buns. You see, they have increased even more in volume.

Grease the hot buns directly in the pan with glaze. Due to the fact that the buns are still hot, the glaze will flow slightly and slightly saturate our buns, which will make them even tastier and more tender.

Hot fragrant cinnamon rolls eat immediately before they get cold, along with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. And forget for a while about the harm they will cause to your figure, enjoy the taste! If you have any left over for tomorrow, store them in a closed container to prevent them from drying out, and warm them up briefly in the microwave before eating.

But what a beautiful cut the buns turned out to be. Enjoy and bon appetit!

Homemade cinnamon baking was a real discovery for me. For some reason I always thought that it would be difficult and troublesome to cook something tasty with it on my own. For this reason, for a long time I studiously ignored most recipes for baking with cinnamon, until I finally got around to first apple-cinnamon pie, and then to rolls. Now I can say with complete confidence that you shouldn’t be afraid of cinnamon! It’s definitely worth pampering your family with such baked goods more often. To get started, I recommend trying these deliciously soft, fluffy and insanely flavorful cinnamon rolls made from yeast dough. The recipe is very simple, I didn’t expect it myself. The dough is a complete delight! It is mixed with milk and yolks, which gives it special tenderness, lightness and porosity. Plus, this dough does not go stale for a long time. For the filling you only need sugar and cinnamon. From such a minimum you get simply gorgeous buns, the aroma of which literally drives you crazy! The specified amount of ingredients makes 8 buns, and, I admit, mine melted them instantly, as soon as I finished taking the photo. :)


  • milk 2.5% – 200 ml,
  • yolk – 2 pcs.,
  • pressed yeast – 25 g (or a bag of dry),
  • margarine for baking (or butter) – 50 g,
  • sugar – 6 tbsp. l.,
  • cinnamon – 1 tbsp. l.,
  • flour – 400 g (2.5 tbsp. volume 250 ml),
  • salt – 1/4 tsp,
  • protein – 1 pc.,
  • powdered sugar - when serving.

How to Make Cinnamon Rolls from Yeast Dough

First, let's put in a dough, which will require yeast, milk, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 0.5 tbsp. flour (I have a 250-gram glass).

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add sugar to it and sift the measured flour. Knead the dough thoroughly and put it in a warm place for 15 minutes. I used medium fat milk, but 1% milk is fine. It is better to dilute richer milk with water.

As soon as the dough has risen with a light and airy cap, add the yolks into it.

Then slightly warmed margarine and salt.

Knead the dough and add the remaining flour.

First, use a spoon (spatula) and then use your hands to knead the soft, elastic dough. If at first, when kneading, it sticks a little to your hands, then after 4-5 minutes. intensive kneading, the dough completely stops sticking to your hands and work surface. Cover the kneaded dough with a towel or film and send it to rise in a warm place.

Mix the filling by combining the remaining sugar and cinnamon in a bowl.

After 40-60 minutes. Knead the grown dough and it is ready to use. Most often, cinnamon rolls are formed into rolls, similar to Cinnamon rolls: a rolled out layer of dough is sprinkled with filling, rolled into a roll, which is then cut into portioned rolls. It's pretty quick, simple and easy. This method is suitable if you have absolutely no time or don’t really want to bother with shaping buns. But if time allows and there is a desire, I suggest making buns that are also simple, but effective. Cut the dough ball into 4 parts. Then we knead each part and give it the shape of an even ball.

Next, take one ball, roll it into a flat cake, lightly moisten the flat cake with water (so that the filling sticks to the dough better) and evenly distribute the cinnamon-sugar filling over the entire circumference. I put out 2 tsp. per layer

We also roll out the remaining dough balls into flat cakes. Place the flatbreads in a pyramid on top of each other, sprinkling with water and sprinkling each with filling. As a result, we get a pyramid of four cakes. We cut the resulting workpiece into 8 parts.

Now we form the buns. We take the workpiece and carefully pull the ends of each of the three corners towards the center. It is more convenient to bend the corners not all at once, but each one separately. If the dough doesn't stick well, you can dip your fingers in flour - this should help.

And in order to securely secure the corners of the dough in the middle, and at the same time form a more expressive pattern, we press each corner in the middle well, to the very bottom, with something thin and not sharp. I used the handle of a silicone spatula.

Place the formed buns on a baking sheet lined with oiled baking paper and let them rest for about 15 minutes.

Preheat the oven. Grease the suitable buns with egg white and bake at 200°C for 15 minutes.

Sprinkle the cooled buns with powder and serve. Enjoy!

Recipes for delicious buns and bread

cinnamon rolls

2 hours 30 minutes

340 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

It seems there are no people in the world who don’t like fresh baked goods. The aromas of baking alone are worth it, but there’s nothing to say about the taste. A variety of buns will be the highlight of any breakfast, perfectly complementing your morning tea or coffee and setting you up for work or, conversely, for a leisurely day off.

Don't be afraid of yeast dough - cinnamon and sugar buns are easy to prepare and even a novice housewife can do it. Choose a recipe that suits your taste and please your family with delicious cinnamon rolls.

Easy recipe for making cinnamon rolls

Kitchen appliances:


For the test

For filling

For greasing buns

eggs1 PC.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Almost any wheat flour is suitable for baking buns. We will give only a few tips on choosing a variety.
  • If you want your buns to be airy and tender, choose premium or extra grade flour.
  • Cereal flour is also good. It is used in cooking for baking products from yeast dough.
  • If you bake a lot, then first grade flour is all-purpose. Everything will turn out well from it: rolls, pancakes, pies, and pancakes.
  • When choosing dry yeast, pay attention to the packaging. It must be intact, without tears or holes. Remember that yeast is a living culture; if storage conditions are not met, it will die: dough using such yeast will not rise.
  • Yeast has a shelf life. The fresher the product, the more likely it is that your dough will rise and your baked goods will be airy.

Cooking sequence

Preparing the dough

During this time, our dough should increase in volume by about 2 times.

Assembly and baking

Cinnamon roll recipe video

Want to learn all the intricacies of making buns? Watch a short video.

Cinnamon rolls (made from lean yeast dough). Very tasty. (Homemade cinnamon rolls)

Cinnamon rolls (made from lean yeast dough). A recipe for delicious homemade buns. They turn out simply incomparable! (Homemade cinnamon rolls from lean dough)

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We will need:
for test
-3.5-4 tbsp flour
-2 tsp dry yeast
-2 tbsp sugar
-1 tsp salt
-1.5 tbsp warm water
-100ml vegetable oil
For filling
-1 packet of cinnamon
-4 tbsp sugar
-1 egg - for greasing buns

#buns#cinnamon rolls#bun recipe#lean yeast dough


How to decorate and how, with what to serve

  • Of course, homemade cakes are beautiful in themselves! If you have a sweet tooth, sprinkle the buns with powdered sugar. Children especially love this serving.
  • Warm buns are delicious with slightly warmed milk. Your children will surely appreciate the taste of cocoa buns.
  • The buns are a great addition to breakfast: you can serve them with tea or coffee.
  • Rich sweet buns are coated with butter or chocolate. They are eaten with soft cream cheese or hard unsalted cheeses.
  • Be sure to sift the flour this will make the bun dough fluffy and airy.
  • Experienced housewives believe that for delicious yeast dough you need to use fresh, not dry, yeast. To bake with fresh yeast, remember a simple formula: you need 3 times more of it than dry yeast. First, fresh yeast is dissolved in warm liquid (milk or water).
  • You will need more baking yeast if your recipe contains eggs.
  • Yeast dough does not like temperature changes, especially drafts. Therefore, in order for it to rise, determine a warm, secluded place for it.
  • Yeast is a living fungus, so liquids that are too hot or too cold will kill it. If you're not sure about the temperatures, just take out the ingredients to test ahead of time. If they are at room temperature, the dough will work well.

You can use a food processor when kneading the dough. However, it has been verified by experience that dough kneaded by hand is more fluffy - apparently, the housewife still puts a piece of her soul into it!

  • Even if you knead the dough with butter, it would be a good idea to add a tablespoon of refined vegetable oil to it. It will make kneading easier and give the dough elasticity.

Cooking options

  • Do you want your dough to be perfect? Find out how to cook the most tender and aromatic.
  • If you like cinnamon rolls, you can add variety to your Sunday breakfasts or have already become a culinary classic.
  • Do you like sweets? Then you will not be left indifferent.
  • Fillings can be very diverse. The main thing is that the recipe itself is accessible and simple, and absolutely everyone will like the result!

Cinnamon rolls with cream

How to make cinnamon rolls a delicious dessert for tea or coffee? Very simple! Cook them with cream. It will add juiciness to the buns, and turn a simple delicacy into a sophisticated one.

  • Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 13-14 pcs.
  • Kitchen appliances: oven, rolling pin, knife, kneading container.