How to make strawberry jam for the winter, tasty and thick, at home. Strawberry jam: how to make strawberry jam correctly

Step-by-step recipes for tender Victoria jam with cherries, blackberries and blackcurrants with the addition of gelatin on the stove and in a slow cooker

2018-08-08 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


53 gr.

212 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Victoria jam recipe

It is said that a special variety of sweet strawberry was once named after Britain's Queen Victoria. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say. Although, in fact, it doesn’t matter, because the main thing is that such berries make excellent winter preparations. For example, this time we will make jam from Victoria.


  • 2 kg Victoria strawberries;
  • 2 kg white sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for Victoria jam

Pour juicy, aromatic berries into a clean bowl. Pour cool water in a thin stream. When tearing off the leaves, wash each strawberry from any remaining soil and dust.

Transfer, shaking off moisture, into a wide, not deep basin. Sprinkle the Victoria with regular sugar in an even layer. Shake a couple of times.

Leave the berries overnight. During this time, they will release enough juice so as not to add water.

So, the next day, remove the film that covered the basin from dust and place the strawberries on a large burner. Turn on the fire.

Stir the aromatic berry mixture with light movements, removing foam from the surface. Boil.

Boil Victoria jam for seven minutes. Next, pour the mixture through a sieve into another bowl. At the same time, grind the berries with the back of a spoon.

Return the resulting transparent mixture of a beautiful strawberry shade to the stove. Boil again at low temperature and thicken to the desired consistency.

At the final stage, pour the jam into jars, roll up and, after cooling completely, transfer to the refrigerator.

When boiling for the second time, it is important not to allow a strong boil so that the jam remains transparent. At the same time, we recommend actively but carefully removing the foam. To do this, it is better to use not a slotted spoon, but a relatively flat tablespoon.

Option 2: Quick recipe for Victoria jam

To speed up the process of creating thick Victoria jam, we advise you to avoid prolonged infusion of the berries. It is enough to grind them briefly with a blender to obtain the required liquid.


  • 3 kg strawberries (juicy, Victoria variety);
  • 2.5 kg regular sugar.

How to quickly make Victoria jam

Carefully wash the strawberries, each one separately, removing the stems and leaves. Place the berries in a deep basin.

Using a clean immersion blender, grind the contents of the basin so that you end up with a heterogeneous porridge. Place the basin on medium heat.

Add white sugar in batches, mixing it well into the berry mass. Boil for about five minutes, then rub through a sieve.

Return the resulting deep pink mixture to the burner. Simmer the thick Victoria jam over the same fire for the same amount of time.

At the end, pour the homogeneous transparent liquid into boiling jars. Screw on the scalded lids.

By grinding strawberries using a blender, we can immediately dissolve the planned amount of sugar in the resulting viscous mixture. This means that all that remains is to boil the jam, grind it and roll it into jars.

Option 3: Victoria jam in a slow cooker with gelatin

You can cook jam not only in a saucepan on the stove, but also in a slow cooker. To ensure that the transparent, homogeneous jam hardens well, we recommend adding gelatin.


  • 3.5 kg "Victoria";
  • a packet of gelatin;
  • water for gelatin;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar.

How to cook

Sort the Victoria strawberries, wash them, removing the tails, and place them in a wiped dry bowl. Place it in the machine, add sugar and stir gently. Snap the lid on.

After a couple of hours, during which the strawberries will give enough juice, turn on the “Stew” mode.

Cook the sweet berry mass with the lid open for a quarter of an hour. Then rub the Victoria jam through a sieve, discarding the cake.

Wash the bowl and wipe dry with napkins. Pour in clear strawberry mixture. Cook in the same mode with the lid open for six minutes.

At the same time, steam the granulated gelatin in a small volume of warm water. After a few minutes, bring to homogeneity in a water bath and pour into the bowl of jam.

Remove the bowl from the multicooker and stir in the gelatin water using circular, active movements.

Pour the sweet viscous liquid into the jars through a funnel, sterilize and screw.

Since we use gelatin dissolved in water, we don't have to waste time thickening the jam. Just don’t overfill this ingredient so you don’t end up with berry jelly.

Option 4: Victoria jam with cherries and citric acid

Want to add aromatic tart notes? Include fresh pitted cherries and citric acid in the jam recipe for long-term preservation.


  • 2 kg of juicy Victoria;
  • 1 kg of ripe cherries;
  • 5-6 grams of citric acid;
  • 3 kg white sugar.

Step by step recipe

Rinse both berries thoroughly. Use a safety pin to squeeze out the seeds from the cherries. Place both in a clean basin.

Sprinkle the cherries and strawberries with regular white sugar. On the kitchen table, covered with a towel or film, leave to form juice.

After a couple of hours, place the container with the berries on a large burner. Light the fire and boil the mixture for seven minutes.

At the same temperature, thicken the thick Victoria jam to the required consistency. Then add citric acid, stir it in and immediately pour it into clean, sterilized jars.

The first berry that we will add to today's jam will be cherries. Moreover, so that the preparation does not end up being too cloying, we recommend adding citric acid. In this case, the jam does not even have to be pasteurized, because it guarantees its preservation for several months.

Option 5: Victoria jam with blackcurrant

Don't want to add citric acid? Replace it with black currants. It will not only act as a preservative, but will also decorate delicate strawberry jam with its unique aroma.


  • 1.5 kg black juicy currants
  • 3 kg Victoria strawberries;
  • 4 kg white sugar.

How to cook

Wash large juicy currants along with ripe strawberries in a wide bowl with cool artesian water. Shaking off the moisture, transfer it to a basin that has been wiped dry.

Add half the volume of sugar and put on high heat. Cook the berries for about a quarter of an hour.

When the berries become very soft and release a lot of juice, strain in a sieve with a fine mesh. Discard the remaining strawberries and currants, and return the resulting mixture to the same heat.

Add the remaining half of the sugar and reduce the Victoria jam, which will take about 5 minutes.

At the very end, pour the hot berry mixture into sterilized glass jars, which are immediately sealed with clean (preferably scalded) lids. Keep cool.

Black currants will color the strawberry jam with a pleasant dark shade. In addition, this berry, due to its high acid content, will play the role of a taste regulator and preservative for long-term preservation.

Option 6: Victoria and blackberry jam with lemon juice

Let's make the last recipe with the addition of fresh lemon juice and strong, ripe blackberries. It will be juicy!


  • 1 kg of fresh blackberries;
  • 3 kg of juicy Victoria;
  • 7 grams of granular acid;
  • 4 kg plain white sugar.

Step by step recipe

Process and sort thoroughly washed blackberries and strawberries. Add to a dry, clean bowl and cover with a thick layer of sugar.

It is easy to press down the berries with a silicone or wooden masher. After this, use a spatula to stir the heterogeneous mass.

At the next stage, cook the future thick Victoria jam for ten minutes, after which rub the hot berries through a thin sieve.

Immediately return the transparent mixture to the heat and simmer to the desired thickness, which will take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes.

At the very end, add citric acid. After dissolving the spice, quickly pour the mixture into sterilized, clean jars. Roll up. The jam is ready to be sent to the storage location.

When grinding blackberries, be careful not to get small grains inside the sweet preparation, since they are very hard and, if left in the jam, can spoil its characteristics.

Many housewives prepare sweet jams from various berries and fruits for themselves and their families. A wide variety of fruits can be used as ingredients for such desserts. This article tells you how to prepare a delicious Victoria delicacy.


Today there are a considerable number of recipes for making strawberry jam for the winter:

  • classic strawberry jam in a slow cooker;
  • jam with gelatin;
  • thick confiture;
  • strawberry jam with agar-agar in a slow cooker;
  • five-minute strawberry jam;
  • strawberry jam with whole fruits.

In a slow cooker

To make this classic dessert, you need to thoroughly wash your garden strawberries. After that, it is placed in a blender and crushed. The resulting berry mass is poured into a slow cooker. Add granulated sugar (700 grams) to the strawberry mixture in the slow cooker. Then turn on the “quenching” option on the device and leave it for 30 minutes. After this, the mass is taken out and served to the table.

With gelatin

To make this jam, thoroughly washed fresh berries are crushed to a puree. Then the resulting mixture is poured into a separate container. The mass must be boiled in it. During the cooking process, sugar and 1 sachet of gelatin are added to the bowl. The mass with all the ingredients is thoroughly mixed. All liquid is brought to a boil. Boil the sweet berry mixture for no more than 3 minutes. After this, the jam should thicken significantly. Wait for it to cool a little, this will thicken it even more. The resulting dessert is poured into sterilized jars and sealed tightly.

Thick confiture

  • Ripe strawberries are washed and the stems removed. Then the prepared berries are placed in a blender and made into a homogeneous puree. The resulting sweet mass is poured into a separate container.
  • Then a special pectin additive is added to it. The liquid is thoroughly mixed and put on fire to cook. Throughout this process, the mixture should be stirred periodically.
  • After the liquid with strawberries has boiled, add granulated sugar to it. Then cook for another 10 minutes. Don't forget to prepare jars for future jam.
  • The still hot strawberry jam is poured into sterilized containers.

They should be tightly rolled up with pre-treated lids.

With agar-agar in a slow cooker

  • Strawberries are cleared of stems, after which they are washed. Prepared fresh berries are poured into a separate bowl and boiled. During the cooking process, you need to add sugar to such a sweet mass (1 kilogram of sugar per 1.5 kilogram of strawberries).
  • Be sure to add agar-agar (3 teaspoons). In this case, this ingredient acts as a thickener for jam. Then you need to pour a little warm water (50 milliliters) into the pan.
  • After boiling, it is recommended to add a little butter (20-30 grams) to the liquid. This is necessary in order to reduce the formation of foam during cooking. The finished strawberry jam is poured into pre-sterilized containers and rolled up tightly.

Five-minute jam

To make this jam, you need to thoroughly rinse the berries and dry them on a paper towel. Prepared ripe berries are placed in a deep saucepan. In it, the fruits are mashed with a spoon until they become a homogeneous puree. At the same time, pour water (0.5 cup) into a separate container and add gelatin to it. Leave everything like this for 20 minutes. During this time, the ingredient should swell.

The prepared solution with gelatin is poured into a pan with strawberry mixture. Mix all this well and put on fire. Wait for the liquid to boil. Then reduce the heat to minimum. Gradually add granulated sugar to the sweet mixture. Stir the mixture periodically. Pour in a little citric acid (0.5 teaspoon). After boiling, leave the jam on the stove for another 10 minutes. Distribute the boiled syrup into sterilized jars and close them with lids. Carefully turn the dessert containers over.

They are stored in places with low temperatures.

With whole fruits

Wash the ripe berries and remove the stems. Divide all the fruits into 2 separate parts. Sprinkle the first part with sugar (150 grams of granulated sugar per 250 grams of berries. In this form, the strawberries are left to infuse for 2 hours. At the same time, take the second part and grind it in a blender. Combine the resulting homogeneous puree in one bowl with whole berries in sugar.

The mass needs to be rid of excess liquid. To do this, it is simply passed through a colander. Then pour it into a container and send it to the fire to cook. During the cooking process, gradually transfer the prepared whole strawberries there. At the same time, you should process the dishes for the future strawberry jam. Whole finished fruits are carefully laid out in clean containers. Then boiling strawberry juice is gradually poured into it. All this is rolled up and sent for storage in a cool place.

Strawberry jams can remove many harmful substances from the human body. Thus, they help remove salt deposits from bone tissue.

Many claim that this product also has anti-cancer properties, since it significantly slows down the growth and development of cancer cells in the human body.


But strawberry jam can also bring some harm to a person. So, this dessert should not be eaten by those people who are prone to allergies. After all, strawberries can easily cause them.

You will learn more about how to make strawberry jam in the following video.

There is nothing tastier than jam from Victoria - the first garden strawberry. It doesn't even compare. Any strawberry goes into it, starting with the smallest and even overripe ones.

The most important thing in cooking is fresh berries and a stainless steel pan. The second is necessary for better preservation of the beneficial properties of the berries.

How to properly make jam from garden berries

To achieve better results, you need to know a few rules:

The ratio of Victoria and sugar should be the same.

You can use liquid honey with berries.

Sterilize jars and lids well. This must be done for the duration of storage.

Thoroughly rinse the strawberries to remove any dirt.

Since ancient times, jam was prepared in several ways, each of which had its own flavor. Such recipes have reached the modern world.

Victoria jam: recipes

Fragrant jam with sourness


Victoria – 1 kg.
Granulated sugar – 1 kg.
Lemon – no more than 2 pcs.

Grind the washed berries with a blender or by hand. Add lemon zest and juice to the mixture. Mix everything and cook for 5-8 minutes. After this, remove the mass and add sugar. Do not take off the gas for about 25 minutes. During this period of time, the jam must be stirred periodically and the resulting film must be removed. Leave the finished sweet to cool for 15 minutes.

The consistency should be thick. Then pour the mixture into warm jars.

Grandma's recipe for strawberry jam


Victoria – 1 kg.
Sugar – 1 kg.

This recipe is usually used by many grandmothers. Without any additives or flavorings.

First you need to wash the strawberries. Place it in a colander to drain excess water. Remove green leaves. If desired, cut the berries into two halves. Place them in a deep bowl and cover with sugar. Place everything in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. This is necessary to form syrup.

After the time has elapsed, pour the juice into a deep saucepan and place on a gas stove over low heat. After 3 minutes, add strawberries and remaining undissolved sugar. Bring the mixture to a full boil and cook for another 10 minutes.

It must be remembered that you constantly need to stir the entire mass with a spatula.

Once the strawberries are ready, puree them using an immersion blender. Then pour it back into the pan and cook until thickened.

Victoria jam in the microwave


– 0.5 kg.
Sugar – 2 cups.
Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.

In this case, jam can be made in the microwave. To do this, place the washed berries in a bowl and add lemon juice. Microwave for 5 minutes.

After time, add sugar and mix the whole mass thoroughly. Place in the oven again for 15 minutes. Quite a simple, but demanding recipe.

How many calories are in such delicious jam?

This question is most often asked by great sweet tooths and people who want to eat sweets, but are afraid of gaining weight. It really all depends on the sugar. On average, the calorie content of this product ranges from 300 kcal.

Important! You don't need much experience or knowledge to follow these recipes. If you still decide to do it, then you need to be patient. Cooking time ranges from 3 to 6 hours.

The Victoria variety of garden strawberries (or strawberries, as they are often called) is distinguished by its bright red berries and high sugar content. Although Victoria is often called any variety of this berry crop - such a general name.

In any case, strawberries are very useful. Contains vitamins C, B, rich in potassium, iodine and other substances important for health. Therefore, when the ripening season begins, we try to feed the whole family with plenty of them, and also prepare them for future use, so that there is enough for the winter.

One of these popular homemade preparations is strawberry jam with gelatin. Unlike jam, it has a denser, jelly-like consistency and does not spread. It is best suited for sandwiches and filling all kinds of baked goods. In addition, it is stored for a long time and does not spoil.

Today on the Popular About Health website we will talk about how to make jam for the winter with gelatin from Victoria. Let’s also look at a few other recipes for this dessert that you will definitely like:

Berries for jam are prepared in the same way as for preserves: the stalks are removed, washed under running water, and dried before cooking.

It is better to use medium-sized fruits. Small ones boil down very quickly, but large ones, on the contrary, do not have time to boil well, which can cause the product to subsequently ferment.

If the strawberries are large, it is better to cut them. If it is of different sizes, grind it with a blender or crush it with a masher before cooking.

Do not throw away any that are wrinkled or damaged. Trim these areas and let the rest go to work.

There is no need to use a lot of sugar when making jam. Gelatin will give the product a dense consistency, marmalade density, and pleasant transparency. By the way, it is easy to replace it with another substance - pectin, zhelfix, thickener “Confiture” or agar-agar. They are easy to buy at the grocery store.

Jam Recipes

Thick Victoria jam - a recipe for the winter

We will need: for 2 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar, half a glass of water, 4 tsp of gelatin powder.


Place the processed berries in a large, wide, enamel pan. Lay out in parts, sprinkle each with sugar. Leave for 4-6 hours so that the juice is released and mixed with sugar.

Now, using a blender, grind the berry mass to a puree. Soak the gelatin in a separate cup and let it sit for 20 minutes until it swells.

Place the pan over medium heat, bring to a boil, stirring frequently, reduce heat to low, and continue cooking. Remove any foam that appears with a spoon.

After 15 minutes of cooking, pour in the gelatin solution, stirring vigorously to avoid lumps. Continue cooking over low heat, stirring frequently, for another 40-50 minutes.

Place the hot jam into steamed jars, screw on the lids, and turn over. When cool, store in a cool place for the winter.

Recipe with liqueur and lemon

We will need: for 2 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar, yellow part of the zest and juice of 1 lemon, 3-4 tbsp of liqueur. You can use cherry, lemon, vanilla or mint. We also need 4 tsp of gelatin.

Place the processed strawberries in a large, wide, enamel pan, cut into pieces or grind with a blender. Or just crush it with a masher. Sprinkle with sugar. Add lemon juice and zest, mix well. Pour gelatin with half a glass of water and leave for 20 minutes.

While the gelatin is swelling, you can start cooking the jam. Bring to a boil, reduce temperature. Cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly to remove any foam. Now gradually pour in the gelatin solution, stirring vigorously.

Boil for another half hour, pour in the liqueur. Continue simmering until thickened, about 10-15 minutes more.

Place into jars, screw on the lids, and let cool.

Jam "5-minute"

This product is especially good because it cooks very quickly, so the berries retain most of the nutrients. Delicate consistency, high density - everything is the same as a product prepared according to a traditional recipe.

To prepare for us will be needed: for 2 kg of strawberries - 1.5 kg of sugar, 4 tbsp gelatin, 0.5 tsp citric acid.


Process the strawberries and dry them on a towel. Place in a wide saucepan and mash with a masher until smooth. Separately, pour gelatin with half a glass of water, wait 20 minutes until it swells.

Now pour the gelatin solution into the berry puree, mix well, and place on the fire. When it boils, reduce the temperature to the lowest setting. Add sugar in portions, stirring thoroughly each time. Add lemon, stir again. Cook after boiling for no more than 10 minutes.

Place the hot jam into sterilized jars, screw on the lids tightly, and turn over. When cool, store in a cool place for long-term storage.

Aromatic strawberry jam prepared according to any of the recipes presented above invariably turns out very tasty. It is very important to thoroughly sterilize the jars and lids you use. Then the product will be stored for a long time and then in the cold winter you will be able to enjoy a delicious delicacy with the aroma of summer.

Hello friends!

The time has come for pickles and preparations. This means that summer is in full swing and you can pick berries and cook them. This is what we will do today, namely, I propose to make strawberry jam. Recently we already cooked something thick and tasty, but we never got to the confiture. Therefore, we quickly correct ourselves and in just a short amount of time you will be able to admire the preparations, which you will then happily gobble up in the winter.

Therefore, I decided to once again make this article interesting and varied. In it you will find recipes from simple to difficult. And if you like to cook for five minutes, then such a culinary miracle will also be described in detail here.

In general, such jams look very cool not only in a jar, but also on any baked goods, be it even ordinary fresh bread. My kids happily eat it with or. What traditions do you have, what do you usually use with it?

You can bake another mountain of wafer rolls and grease them with such a delicacy, in general there are a lot of options, whatever one may say - this is an excellent dessert for greasing sweet confectionery.

And you know, the most important thing is that this strawberry jam cooks quite quickly, and besides, there are cooking options even without cooking.

In a nutshell, the whole process consists of the fact that you will first need to sort out the juicy and ripe fruits of the berries, then grind them and cover them with granulated sugar. You can cook it in an enamel basin, saucepan, or even in a slow cooker. And add various kinds of thickeners, or you can do without them.

Choose the cooking method you like, because no matter which one you choose, in any case it will turn out incredibly tasty and drop-dead beautiful! Well, let's get to work.

Unforgettably tasty and aromatic, that’s what immediately comes to mind when you read this name. But it’s true, because this dessert will captivate with its aroma and beauty.

Did you know? The word jam means in all dictionaries the meaning of a jelly-like mass. This happens due to the fact that the mixture is boiled almost in half.

Or it is necessary to add various kinds of thickeners, for example, agar-agar or gelatin, the most popular and familiar ingredient, such as gelatin. But please note that this is not always the case. You can cook it the usual way, but now you’ll see for yourself in what way.

We will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • sugar - 800-1000 g (depending on the variety)
  • fresh lemon - 0.5 pcs.


1. Rinse all large and small berries with a colander, then remove them from the tails. Take a sharp knife and chop into small pieces.

Did you know? That lemon contains a lot of pectin, which means it contributes to the thickening of the finished product.

Sugar is usually added in a 1 to 1 ratio, but if the berry is too sweet on its own, you can add 800 g of sand.

3. Stir this mass and let it rest for a day. During this time, juice will be released.

4. Place a metal container on the stove and boil the prepared mixture.

5. If you see foam, be sure to remove it carefully with a slotted spoon. Cook for about half an hour, stirring constantly over low heat.

Important! If you do not remove it, then the jam will be cloudy and the consistency will be dirty.

6. And then, using an electrical appliance, beat the slightly cooled mass with a submersible blender.

7. And again, after it has cooled to room temperature, bring it to a boil.

8. You can cook longer, but only then very few useful substances will remain. You can check the density by dropping the confiture on a saucer. If you are satisfied with everything, then pour into sterile jars.

9. Seal with lids to create a vacuum. Turn the lids down and cover with a blanket. Once the jars have cooled down, take them to the cellar. This is a rather amber and slightly ruby ​​color. Bon appetit!

Strawberry jam with gelatin

I think that each of you at least once in your life bought jelly in a store, or maybe you made it yourself. But I think you will agree with me that home-made preparations are always tastier. Moreover, if you take your own garden berries, and not imported ones. I wouldn’t even dare to cook it from store-bought ones.

This cooking technology assumes that gelatin will be added to the almost ready-made strawberry mass, since the berry itself contains a negligible amount of pectin, that is, a jelly-like substance, so it is not very susceptible to thickening. This means that we need to help him do this.

Use just one bag and today you can treat your family to this bright and cool delicacy. And how happy the children will be, they will simply scream with delight.

We will need:

  • Victoria or strawberry - 1.2 kg
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp.
  • gelatin – 1 sachet 20 g
  • citric acid, optional, on the tip of a knife


1. Tear off all the stems from the strawberries, but before doing this, wash them well in running water. Then immediately place in the bowl of a blender or food processor.

Attention! If you don’t have such electrical appliances, then use a regular potato masher and just mash the berries.

2. In any case, you should see a strawberry mass of uniform consistency. Next, pour it into a sieve and strain it thoroughly with a spoon so that all the bones remain on the surface. Yes, it's a little labor intensive, but you can do it if you don't want to skip this procedure.

3. Now it’s the turn of granulated sugar, add it and mix.

4. Next, put the cup on the fire and adjust the burner speed, it should be minimal. Stir to ensure nothing burns. As soon as foam appears on the surface after boiling, remove it with a spoon. Cook for 5 minutes.

5. Then turn off the heat and cool the jam. And then soak a packet of gelatin in a glass, do as described in the instructions. Usually you should fill it with cool water and wait until it swells. Next, you need to swirl it a little in the microwave so that this lump melts and turns into liquid.

6. The jam turned brown after cooling, put it back on the stove and bring to a boil, and then add the prepared gelatin. Moreover, you need to do this in a small stream and constantly stir the contents in the pan. You will see that the mass will thicken before your eyes. You can arrange a test, drop a drop on a saucer and examine this drop, it should not spread.

Important! After adding gelatin, you don’t need to bring the jam to a boil, add it, stir it and turn off the stove.

7. Pour into sterile jars and screw on metal lids. Turn the jars over and let them cool completely under a blanket. Store in the pantry or refrigerator. Your winter treat is ready. Eat to your health, and take a sample right now. Bon appetit!

Delicious and thick strawberry jam at home

This berry, if you eat it fresh, always has a sweet and sour taste, and accordingly, when you make jam, it will be exactly like that. It's actually great! Gourmets will exclaim “Wow”, and household members will exclaim “Cool!”

Moreover, you yourself can adjust the consistency of the finished product, namely, the longer the delicacy boils, the denser the mass will be.

Cool! By the way, you can also play with flavors, add various ingredients, such as cocoa, washed leaves, oranges and other fruits.

We will cook according to this recipe 3 times for five minutes.

We will need:


1. Rinse the Victoria berries in running clean water. Then remove the stems and dry on a paper towel.

2. Pour about 1 kg of Victoria into the pan and sprinkle with sugar. Stir with a spoon and let sit for two hours until the fruits release red juice.

3. As soon as the time is up, add citric acid and puree it to the desired state with an immersion blender.

4. Place the container on the fire, stir constantly, until bubbles appear. Boil for 5 minutes. Skim off any foam that forms from time to time. Turn off and leave until completely cool.

5. Do this work 2 more times, that is, cook in three batches each time for five minutes of vigorous boiling.

Pour the finished hot jam into clean, sterilized containers and seal tightly with screw caps or use a seaming key.

Victoria berry jam without cooking

Oh, and it’s true, how incredibly delicious it is, and you can also save a jar of your favorite strawberry jam in this way, so that you can treat all your relatives and friends later. After all, once you open it you probably won’t be able to stop it; the jar will be empty in a matter of minutes.

The only thing is that this jam is best stored in the refrigerator. Well, this film from YouTube will tell you everything in more detail.

Strawberry jam - recipe without gelatin with pectin

Here is another familiar, but at the same time simple option that will help you prepare this dessert without losing color. It comes out bright and stunningly beautiful. And the consistency itself is thick and stretchy, I definitely like it!

And one more advantage, such a delicacy lifts the mood of everyone, both adults and children. It is convenient to scoop it with a spoon or put it in pies, because it does not spread over the walls. Amazing!

I can also say that this is a very quick version of jam with strawberries, for example, today you bought this berry at the market, did not have time to eat it all and decided to make such a preparation for the table.

Advice! Cook this confiture from small quantities of berries, so it cooks quite quickly and is better boiled down. And the fruits remain brighter, richer in color and retain their great taste.

We will need:

  • granulated sugar - 700 g
  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • pectin - 1 package (read instructions and proportions)
  • butter - 15 g
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp or citric acid - on the tip of a knife


1. Prepare sterile jars in advance or at least wash them with baking soda. Wash and weigh the strawberries, remove the stems. Carefully inspect and remove spoiled berries.

Then use a masher to grind it into porridge. It turns out fragrant. You can get creative and add vanilla or some other ingredient.

After this application, the jam turns out to have small inclusions and you will feel the whole berries a little, again, like mashing.

2. Pour all the liquid into a saucepan with strawberry pieces; some will boil, some will remain intact. Turn the heat to medium in intensity. Stirring, bring the berry puree to a boil. As soon as this happens, add pectin.

Before the mixture begins to boil, add a piece of butter; this action will help reduce the formation of foam. This does not affect the taste in any way.

3. Cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes until desired consistency. It all depends on the strawberry, its wateriness and sweetness. At the same moment (as soon as everything has boiled) add a little lemon juice.

Interesting! Lemon juice adds flavor and the taste is not so cloying.

4. You can use special funnels to pour the jam, or use a regular spoon. Fill containers up to the neck and seal with twist caps. Turn over and let cool. Two 500 ml jars came out. It took 25 minutes to do everything.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter in a slow cooker

If you want to save time or don’t have a large basin, another assistant called a multicooker can help with this. It’s more than ever a pleasure to cook in it; you can even do it at your dacha.

Plus, you only need two ingredients. It's also much easier than you think.

We will need:

  • strawberries - 0.5 kg
  • sugar - 0.4 kg

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step guide by watching this video.

Strawberry jelly with agar-agar

I think that many people will like this option. After all, now such an ingredient as agar is sold everywhere; go to any supermarket and it’s hanging out on the counter. Yes, I've probably been waiting for you, ah-ha.

And for those who are not yet in the know, I’ll tell you that you could see it in the composition of jelly sweets or in the making of marshmallows, as well as marshmallows, it is often shoved in to achieve the desired effect. It is harmless and not hazardous to health.

This substance was first invented in Japan from algae, and then began to be made everywhere.

And, as you can see in this photo, it has many advantages and useful properties, so it’s worth a try.

We will need:

  • Strawberries – 500 g
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Agar-agar – 1 sachet about 10 g
  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.


1. Wash all the berries by hand, remove the tails. You can help all the liquid drain; use a colander for this.

Then grind with a blender into a mushy mixture. Add sugar and stir.

2. Cook in a thick-walled saucepan or basin over low heat (15 minutes after boiling) and stir periodically with a wooden spatula. In the meantime, dilute the agar in water, do everything according to the instructions, and then pour it into the boiling mass and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Place the finished confiture into clean jars and cover with lids. Store in a cool place or refrigerator.

Recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries Five minutes

I know that the simpler the recipe, the more I want to take it and try it. And if it is time-tested, then even more so. I don’t think that now no one knows about such a method of cooking as 5 minutes, because many have now switched to it.

This is due to the fact that for many it is important to preserve all vitamins and other valuable substances to a greater extent. After all, the less time we boil, the more useful our preparation becomes.

We will need:

  • strawberries - 4 tbsp.
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.


1. So, prepare, as always, everything you need for work.

2. Rinse the red fruits and remove the stalks from them. Inspect all the berries carefully; throw any rotten or moldy ones aside.

4. Turn to minimum setting and simmer after boiling for about five minutes. If you see foam, immediately pick it up with a slotted spoon and remove it.

5. Place the bowl with the treat on the table and let it cool, don’t forget to do this action with silicone gloves to avoid burns.

After cooling, bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes. Then cool and cook again for the same number of minutes.

7. Place the mashed boiled strawberries into jam, when they are still too hot, into sterilized jars. Close the lids and turn the jar over to the other side. Wrap him in a blanket and leave him on “night watch.” Then store it in a place convenient for you, for example in a cellar, that is, where it is cool and does not receive sunlight.

8. As you can see, the confiture turned out to be thick and very tasty; not only adults, but also children will appreciate it. Have great summer preparations!

So, quite simply and easily, you can prepare such strawberry jam right today and please your loved ones with such a delicacy almost immediately, or make preparations for the winter. In any case, no one will definitely be against it! Eat to your health, I can eat 8 spoons at a time, and you?

I wish you, as always, a great day, sunny weather and a positive attitude. Write comments and share your experience and opinion. Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova