How to make beetroot carpaccio. Beetroot carpaccio

Beetroot carpaccio with cheese is an original, tasty and healthy appetizer. The calorie content of the dish is very low, so if you are afraid of gaining extra pounds or want to lose a little, then you can and should eat carpaccio, and at almost any time of the day. Since beets are a starchy vegetable, you may not want to indulge in them for dinner. However, if dinner consists only of carpaccio, then why not? After steeping a little, the beets acquire a brighter taste when they are saturated with the aroma of spices, vinegar, and lemon juice.


  • 1 beet
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 1/5 tsp. dried thyme
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. pine nuts
  • 20 g hard cheese
  • greens optional


1. Beets can be boiled in a double boiler or pan, baked in foil, in general, brought to a soft state in any convenient way. When the beets are ready, you need to peel them and cut them into thin slices with a very sharp knife. You can immediately place it on the platter on which you will serve it and continue preparing the appetizer.

2. The next step is to lightly salt the vegetable, although if the beets themselves are not very sweet or even salty, then you can do without salt. Sprinkle with lemon juice. To make your task easier, you can mix vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt, dried herbs in a jar in advance and shake well, then pour the dressing over the beets.

3. Sprinkle the beets with dried thyme or fresh thyme leaves.

4. Next, you need to pour any vegetable oil over the appetizer, you can use it with a pronounced taste, for example, sesame, sunflower.

5. Grate any cheese or remove thin shavings using a slicer. You can use hard cheese or soft curd cheese. If you use mozzarella, you can add halves of balls (if you have balls).

Very elegant, indecently tasty, surprisingly filling and of course healthy! And it's all about beets!*
What are your favorite and well-known beet snacks? Vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat, beets with cheese and garlic - that’s probably all that comes to mind. But relatively recently it has become very fashionable to think about what and how we eat, and besides, food now necessarily meets three criteria: tasty, healthy and beautiful.
Beetroot carpaccio** meets these requirements 100%.
It can be prepared at any time of the year - in early summer from the first young tender root vegetables, which are still unevenly white-pink marbled in color; in late autumn, when the beets have already been touched by the first frosts, they have one amazing property - during heat treatment (cold or heat), sweetness appears; deep in winter, when the beet flavor is most intense.

Traditionally, carpaccio is made from raw ingredients, but if you don’t like the specific earthy taste of fresh beets, you can bake them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, wrapping each tuber in a piece of foil - depending on the size of the beets, the baking time can vary from 15 to 30 minutes.
Alternatively, beets can be boiled in water as usual or cooked in the microwave.
And if the tuber is large, you can cut it into convenient pieces without embarrassment.

And then the visual magic begins - burgundy with bright green and snow-white - it’s very beautiful!
Cut the beets (raw or boiled depending on personal taste preferences) into thin slices and place on a large plate.
Mix the sauce:

  • 1 teaspoon liquid honey
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt and coarsely ground black pepper

Honey is optional and completely optional, and balsamic vinegar can easily be replaced with lemon juice.

We pour the sauce over the beets; by the way, this sauce is very convenient to apply with a brush - evenly and carefully.

Throw a couple of handfuls of arugula leaves on top, and if you can get hold of fresh young beet leaves, add them too.
Break the goat cheese into small pieces and place it on the arugula, sprinkle nuts on top and drizzle with the remaining sauce.
Goat cheese is also deliciously replaced with feta, and nuts of your choice are classic with walnuts, and festive and piquant with pine nuts.

This is carpaccio)) You can enjoy it! By the way, there is a whole ritual for wrapping a piece of cheese in a beet slice, so the beets should be cut as thin as possible. But if you’re really too lazy to play restaurant with a knife and fork, then you can cut the beets into small cubes and mix them with the rest of the ingredients - it won’t be carpaccio, but a salad.

Well, don’t forget that beets are a very good dye, and if the kidneys work well... well, you understand))

* Which is correct - “beet” or “beet”?
The morphological dictionary assures that “svekla” is correct (with emphasis on the first syllable), beet A (stress on the second syllable) is a non-standard variant of spelling and pronunciation, because according to the rules of the Russian language in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated June 8, 2009 N 195, which approved the Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language as a normative one. Bukchina B.Z., Sazonova I.K., Cheltsova L.K. — M: “AST-PRESS”, 2008. — 1288 pp.) this word should be correctly pronounced with the emphasis on the 1st syllable.

Memories for children: “not Fekla, but FYokla, not beets, but beets.”

The beets began to cry,
Got wet to the roots:
- Guys, I’m not a beetroot,
Guys, I'm a beetroot.
(P. Sinyavsky)

And also, as the Ukrainians say: “say BURYAK and don’t suffer.”

**CarpAccio (Italian: Carpaccio) is a dish of thinly sliced ​​pieces of raw meat, seasoned with olive oil, vinegar and/or lemon juice. Traditionally served as a cold dish or appetizer.
Currently, the term "carpaccio" is used to refer to almost any thinly sliced ​​raw food product, including meat, fish, seafood, mushrooms, fruits, vegetables and much more.
Interestingly, the dish was invented relatively recently - in 1950 by the owner of the iconic Harry's Bar in Venice, Giuseppe Cipriani (also known as the inventor of the Bellini cocktail), and was named after Vittore Carpaccio, a Renaissance painter whose paintings abounded in all sorts of sparkling shades of red and white. That year, a grandiose exhibition of this painter was held in Venice, and Cipriani developed this recipe especially for Countess Amalia Nani Mocenigo, who was forbidden by doctors to eat cooked meat. ()

To get a complete, healthy and tasty product, you need to choose the right ingredients.

Beets need to be chosen especially carefully, since very often fodder varieties are passed off as table varieties. The ideal root vegetable for a vegetable snack is:

  • Small and medium sizes from 5 to 8 cm in diameter.
  • With a smooth surface, without cracks or depressions.
  • No rot on either side.
  • Even fresh beets have a sweet and pleasant aroma.


  • Medium size.
  • Light or medium salted.
  • Fresh.
  • If with the head, then the fish’s eyes should not be cloudy.

Herbs and spices:

  • Carpaccio is characterized by only fresh ingredients. Therefore, it is better to buy peppers in peas and grind them directly during the preparation of the snack.
  • All greens must be fresh.
  • Olive oil:
  • Preferably cold pressed Extra Virgin.
  • No impurities.
  • In dark glass bottles.
  • Apples should be ripe, juicy, without darkening or dents.

IMPORTANT: Beets must be purchased without tops, as they draw out all the beneficial substances from the root crop and make it dry and crumbly.

Classic recipe


  • medium beets - 1 piece;
  • green onions - 2 arrows;
  • parsley - 2 branches;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • apple - 1 piece.


  • Boil and cool the main ingredient.
  • Cut into thin slices.
  • Place on a flat plate, pepper and salt.
  • Cut the apple into strips and place on the slicer.
  • Chop parsley, onion and decorate.
  • Mix olive oil and a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Drizzle over appetizer.

With herring

No less interesting option.


  • medium beets - 1 piece;
  • lightly salted herring - 250 grams;
  • apple - 1 piece;
  • wine vinegar - 1 table. spoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • parsley - 1 sprig.


  • Wash the root vegetable, wrap in foil and bake in the oven.
  • Peel, cool and cut into thin slices.
  • Wrap the herring in cling film and freeze for 15-20 minutes.
  • Prepare the dressing: mix vinegar, sugar and olive oil until smooth.
  • Marinate the beet slices in the dressing for 25 minutes.
  • At this time, cut the herring into the same thin slices as the root vegetable.
  • Place beets and fish on a flat plate, alternating slices.
  • Place apples, cut into strips and greens on top.

With cheese

This recipe uses goat cheese.


  • beets - 1 piece;
  • goat cheese - 120 grams;
  • lettuce leaves - 2 leaves;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • olive oil - 1 table. spoon;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


  • Boil the main ingredient, cut into thin slices and place on a flat plate.
  • Squeeze the lemon. Mix the juice with olive oil, sprinkle the mixture over the beets and add salt and pepper.
  • Tear the lettuce leaves and place on top of the slices.
  • Cut goat cheese into cubes and place on lettuce leaves.
  • Mix balsamic vinegar with honey and drizzle the resulting dressing over the dish.

With pine nuts

A very tasty and healthy recipe.


  • beets - 1 piece;
  • peeled pine nuts - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • parsley, basil - 1 sprig each;
  • red wine - 3 tables. spoons;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons. spoons.


  • Rinse the main ingredient, wrap in foil and bake.
  • Lightly fry the nuts without adding oil or water.
  • Pour wine, vinegar, sugar and salt into the pan with nuts. Slightly evaporate the alcohol and vinegar.
  • Peel the root vegetable and cut into thin slices.
  • Mix olive oil with warm mixture in a frying pan.
  • Drizzle the dressing over the plate with the slices and serve with parsley and basil.

Beetroot, if it is not a stale root vegetable in autumn, but fresh, young, juicy, thin-skinned, and also bubbly in summer, is an amazing vegetable, with a pleasant texture, delicate taste and a valuable set of vitamins. Don’t be afraid to eat raw young beets, because they are about the same in hardness as carrots, and at the same time they contain significantly more vitamins! Of course, beets (especially baked ones) are often used to prepare warm salads, but it is better to leave such recipes for the winter, and a simple carpaccio is suitable for early autumn.

There is something absolutely summery about this dish. When you don’t want to cook complex dishes, this young beetroot carpaccio saves the situation and also helps the body.

Ingredients To prepare beet carpaccio:

  • young beets – 1 pc. (approximately 250-300 g)
  • salt – 1 g
  • ground black pepper – 1 g
  • olive oil – 5 ml


Wash young beets well with warm water using a brush to remove all dirt. Then peel the root vegetable.

Cut the beets in half, and then cut them into very, very thin slices, preferably so that they are even translucent. This is the whole point of “carpaccio”. After all, initially the concept of “carpaccio” meant a cold appetizer in the form of meat, cut into thin pieces and seasoned with oil and lemon juice. Now “carpaccio” is applied to various raw products that are thinly sliced, which is why fish, vegetables, and even mushrooms and thinly sliced ​​fruits are called “carpaccio”.

Place pieces of raw beets on a dish, season with black pepper (preferably “fresh”, i.e. immediately passed through a mill), and salt.

Season the beet carpaccio with olive oil. If desired, add vinegar or a small amount of lemon juice.

Beetroot carpaccio is served immediately after seasoning with oil, otherwise it will become weathered and lose its appetizing quality. Try making carpaccio from other vegetables, fruits, as well as red fish and meat. It’s tasty, simple, not expensive and suitable for almost any table.

Bon appetit!

Ideally, carpaccio is thinly sliced ​​raw meat, seasoned with olive oil and sprinkled with lemon juice or vinegar. This is a cold appetizer that is served not only in the best restaurants. Carpaccio can be prepared at home. In modern cooking, carpaccio is prepared not only from meat. For cooking, fish fillets, mushrooms, seafood, vegetables, and fruits are used. I suggest making carpaccio from beets, but not from raw ones, but from boiled ones. If you like beets raw, please use raw.

Taste Info Vegetable snacks


  • Beetroot 400 g
  • Apple 150 g
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Refueling:
  • Soy sauce 30 ml
  • Fresh ginger 20 g
  • Grain mustard 20 g
  • Wine vinegar 1 tbsp.
  • Honey 1 tsp.
  • Green onion 5 sprigs

How to make beetroot carpaccio

First of all, we choose high-quality and tasty beets. For carpaccio, beets weighing 250-400 g are suitable. Take dense beets with thin skin, without mechanical damage and black spots. Rinse well and dry with a paper towel. Wrap in a double layer of foil. Place in the oven for 40-60 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees. If the vegetable is small, it will take less time to bake.

While the beets are in the oven, let's prepare a delicious dressing. I’ll say right away that the ratio of ingredients in the sauce can be varied depending on your taste preferences. Pour soy sauce into a gravy boat. Peel and rinse the fresh ginger, grate it finely and add it to the soy sauce.

Add grain mustard and wine vinegar. Instead of wine vinegar, you can use lemon juice or regular vinegar.

Add honey to the sauce. Mix all the ingredients together and taste.

Remove the finished beets from the oven and cool to room temperature. Peel off the skin. Take a well-sharpened knife and cut into very thin slices.

Immediately take a flat dish in which you will serve it to the table. Lay out the beet slices beautifully, overlapping each other.

Rinse the apple, preferably with a sour taste. Remove seeds and skin. Cut into small cubes. Pour the dressing over the beets. Top with apple slices and chopped green onions. Season with freshly ground black pepper.

Leave to marinate for 10-15 minutes and serve. Bon appetit!