How to prepare and drink cranberry juice for medicinal and preventive purposes. The benefits and harms of cranberry juice and its effect on the human body

Cranberry juice is often found in traditional medicine recipes. However, thanks to the benefits of the drink proven by scientists, it is increasingly prescribed for conservative treatment.

During the cooking process, cranberries give up their beneficial substances to fruit drink, which is almost as good as therapeutic effect fresh berries.

The drink contains many vitamins: B1, C, B2, E, PP, B3, B6, B9. Present and minerals: iron and magnesium, silver, potassium, phosphorus and zinc, sodium and calcium.

But the main advantage of fruit juice is its high content of organic acids. They are the ones who bring maximum benefit to the human body. Includes benzoic acid, which has an antimicrobial effect, as well as oxalic, citric and glycolic, quinic and malic acids, flavonoids.

There are also fruit sugars, including glucose and fructose, sucrose, softening sour taste drink It should be noted that they are completely absorbed, unlike crystalline sugar, which housewives often add to fruit drinks.

Proven benefits

Cranberry juice has many beneficial properties, proven and recognized by the scientific community. Therefore, the drink is widely used not only in folk medicine, where many recipes have dubious benefit. It is often prescribed to their patients by competent doctors: urologists, gastroenterologists, gynecologists, etc.

Relevant studies were carried out, in particular, by employees of the Second Medical Institute in Moscow in the second half of the 20th century. Experts studied the composition of the drink, the presence of substances that determine it healing properties, and possible harm for good health. For example, it was possible to establish that hypuric acid enhances the effect of antibiotics.

Research has revealed and explained many beneficial properties of cranberry juice:

  • destroys pathogens that destroy the mucous membranes of the stomach;
  • gives a diuretic effect, but does not remove potassium from the body;
  • enhances the effect of antibiotics;
  • prevents the development of inflammatory processes;
  • fights infectious agents, including those attacking the excretory system;
  • cleanses of toxins;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves sleep;
  • promotes the production of gastric juice;
  • saturates with vitamins;
  • fights premature aging as it contains antioxidants;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • normalizes work nervous system;
  • promotes the normal functioning of the gonads;
  • improves the color and condition of the skin;
  • removes heavy metals from the body;
  • strengthens blood vessels, increasing their elasticity;
  • relieves fluid stagnation and swelling;
  • softens and disinfects inflamed mucous membranes in the oral cavity.

And that's not all beneficial features cranberries For some diseases, use cranberry juice is included in conservative treatment, which your attending physician should tell you more about.

For the treatment of the kidneys and genitourinary system

For infectious and inflammatory kidney diseases, the drink is prescribed by urologists for a number of reasons.

  1. Relieves the kidneys, relieves the body of intoxication, and relieves swelling.
  2. The diuretic effect allows you to “wash out” microorganisms, and the anti-inflammatory effect eliminates traces of their activity.
  3. Cranberry juice enhances the effect of antibiotics, allowing you to speed up treatment.

The drink should be drunk for cystitis, pyelonephritis, urinary tract infections, inflammatory processes in the bladder.

Provides auxiliary benefits for gynecological (fungal), inflammatory and infectious diseases.

In case of hypothermia, it is necessary to drink a glass of warm fruit drink to stop the development of urological diseases.

For gastrointestinal diseases

  1. Cranberry juice increases appetite (decreased appetite is a common concomitant problem with gastritis).
  2. Fights the pathogenic environment, which causes destruction of the gastric mucosa and exacerbation of gastritis.
  3. Helps regulate stomach acidity if it is low.
  4. Increases the activity of gastric enzymes - a necessary measure for certain types of food digestion disorders.

But when increased acidity and increased production of gastric juice, the drink must be abandoned, otherwise you can cause significant harm to your health.

Indications for use

Cranberry juice should be taken when:

  • tendency to edema;
  • all types colds;
  • vascular diseases;
  • bronchitis;
  • elevated temperature;
  • sore throat;
  • hypothermia;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • intoxication;
  • food poisoning (after relief of the main symptoms);
  • reduced immunity;
  • general weakness;
  • any cough;
  • poor environmental situation in the region of residence.

Is it possible for pregnant women and children

Cranberries, although they have a bright red color, practically do not cause allergic reactions. This important point, especially when we're talking about on the nutrition of pregnant women and children.

The drink's spectrum of action allows it to be used instead of medications in the early stages of the disease, including colds.

For pregnant women, cranberry juice helps cope with swelling, heaviness in the kidney area, strengthens the immune system and improves well-being, and restores appetite during nausea.

For children, the drink will prevent colds and kidney diseases, as well as strengthen the immune system and protect against infections.

Dietary benefits

Cranberry juice can be added to dietary food. But for the drink to help you lose weight, it must be prepared without sugar. If you don't like the sour taste, you can add a little honey.

It is advisable to drink a glass of fruit drink before each meal. It will fill your stomach and reduce portion size, as well as increase absorption nutrients.

The drink will help get rid of edema, which is often found in obese people. It will help cleanse toxins, strengthen the immune system and increase stress resistance. But often excess weight accumulates due to the fact that a person tries to cope with troubles and improve his mood with delicious food.

Moreover, in the sea homemade low in calories and much healthier than store-bought juices With high content Sahara.

Harm and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of this vitamin drink are:

  • increased production of gastric juice;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • diabetes;
  • tendency to heartburn.

With the health problems listed above, fruit juice will do much more harm than good.

Another contraindication may be an increase in the effect of antibiotics, which is not always necessary during the treatment process. Therefore, if you plan to drink the drink in medical purposes on a regular basis, consult your doctor.


There are many cooking options. The most useful will be natural fruit drink, consisting only of water and berries. The beneficial properties are reduced when sugar is added and cooking for a long time.

Sour juice

  1. You need to take a glass of cranberries and mash them well.
  2. Then pour in a liter of warm water and let stand for about half an hour.
  3. To get more rich taste The liquid can be kept on fire for 5-10 minutes.

Honey medicine

  1. Mix a glass of berries with two tablespoons of honey and grind well.
  2. Then fill with warm water.
  3. If desired, you can filter the liquid.

It is not advisable to cook - the honey will lose its useful qualities. Moreover, when heated, harmful carcinogens are formed in the product. If you like boiled fruit juice, first prepare a drink from the berries, and add honey later when the liquid has cooled a little.

Fruit drink with sugar

  1. Grind a glass of cranberries with 100 g of sugar.
  2. Then add one and a half cups of sugar.
  3. Boil the drink until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Enjoy a nice cranberry juice, but don't forget - you can drink no more than three glasses a day.

Morse (old Russian) mursa- water with honey) - a soft drink, in most cases non-alcoholic, based on fruit and berry juice, water and sugar or honey. Also, for piquancy and additional aroma, you can add citrus fruit zest, spices (cinnamon, cloves, coriander) and tinctures to the fruit drink. healing herbs(St. John's wort, sage, mint, lemon balm and others).

Morse refers to old drinks, which were prepared in Rus'. The main ingredients used were berries: lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, barberries, rose hips, viburnum and others. In addition to berry fruit drinks, they also prepared vegetable ones - from beets, carrots, pumpkins.

You can make fruit drinks yourself or buy them in a store.

When preparing fruit juice at home, you should use certain rules:

  • use only boiled water- this will not allow foam to form on the surface of the fruit drink. It is also best to use non-carbonated mineral water from artesian springs;
  • use dishes that do not oxidize;
  • To obtain juice from fruits and berries, you should use a manual or electric juicer. Before using it, you should check that there are no contaminants left on the internal parts of the machine from previous use - this can significantly affect the taste of the drink and its shelf life;
  • Before adding sugar, it must be diluted in hot water, and after cooling, added to the drink.

Factory-made fruit juice is less useful than homemade one, because... During the preparation process it goes through a sterilization stage (120-140°C). It's destroying large quantity natural vitamins. Manufacturers make up for this loss of nutrients with synthetic vitamins.

Fruit juice prepared at home is served chilled in a jug with ice cubes and a slice of lemon or orange. The drink must be stored in a cool place or on the refrigerator door, but no more than a day, otherwise the fruit drink begins to lose its beneficial properties and disappear. Children can be given fruit drinks from 6 months, but only from those products that do not cause allergies, and no more than 100 g per day.

Useful properties of fruit drink

Warm fruit juice is a good preventative against colds during the cold season. Mors, which contains added medicinal herbs, for example, plantain, elderberry, nettle, has anti-cold and immunomodulatory effects. Fruit drinks contain all the vitamins found in berries ( , group B, , PP, , ) microelements (potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, barium, etc.), pectin and organic acids (citric, benzoic, malic, wine, vinegar).

The most useful are fruit drinks made from cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries, black currants and blueberries. They have a tonic, strengthening effect on the body, give energy and help fight respiratory diseases. Lingonberry juice stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and improves appetite. Cranberry juice reduces fever, helps in the treatment of diseases of the throat and lungs (acute respiratory infections, sore throat, bronchitis), genitourinary system, for hypertension, anemia and atherosclerosis, is indicated for women during pregnancy, especially in winter and in the 2-3 trimester. A drink made from blueberries and blackberries improves vision, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, and calms the nervous system. Blackcurrant juice normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and is a good anti-inflammatory agent.

To prepare 1.5 liters of fruit drink, you need to use 200 g of berries and 150 g of sugar. The berries must be washed in cold water, sort out and pour into boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat, drain in a colander and squeeze out the juice. Mix the juice with the broth, add sugar and spices. Bring the drink to a boil. Vegetable fruit drinks are prepared in the same way. Only first the juice is squeezed out of them, and the cake is boiled. For the best absorption of nutrients, fruit drinks should be drunk 30-40 minutes before meals with normal stomach acidity and 20-30 minutes with increased acidity.

In Rus', the benefits of cranberry juice have been known for a long time; today it is recognized by doctors, who recommend that people who suffer from heart disease take it regularly and can regulate cholesterol levels.

The benefits of cranberry juice in normalizing the protective function of antioxidants are invaluable, as this leads to the neutralization of free radicals, which entails stopping the development of chronic diseases and reduces the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors.

Today, the benefits and harms of cranberry juice are known to doctors. The data obtained as a result of experiments allows us to use healing properties fruits to normalize intestinal function, the drink is successfully used as a natural antidepressant. In addition, the fruits of the plant help in the treatment of complex dermatitis and eczema.

The benefits of cranberry juice, such as the ability to prevent the aging of the body, are invaluable. In addition, this immunity booster does not have side effect unlike drugs. has the ability to neutralize viral infections. Daily use Eating fruits can provide strong protection against colds.

Despite the recognized healing properties, the berry has contraindications. Cranberry juice is harmful to tooth enamel, which it can destroy. Although he is good remedy from scurvy. After eating the fruits, it is better to clean your mouth thoroughly to avoid negative impact acids. Cranberry juice has been found to be harmful for people suffering from gastritis.

The medicinal properties of the berry can be used to increase hemoglobin. It has long been used by healers; it was recommended to increase immunity. The berry helps with serious poisoning; it can quickly neutralize harmful substances.

Harm from cranberry juice is possible if you are allergic to the fruit itself. Do not wait therapeutic effect from berry products with added preservatives.

The drink helps if you need to get rid of inflammatory diseases of bone tissue. The benefits and harms of cranberry juice are noted as the ability to prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system and at the same time, regular consumption of the drink increases acidity, causing heartburn.

Cranberries are one of the most valuable berries of the northern swampy forests. It has long been used for colds and infectious diseases, fevers, anemia and various metabolic disorders. Instead of tea and coffee, in the mornings they used to drink the so-called “brew” - it certainly included cranberries. From generation to generation, knowledge about the benefits of cranberry juice is passed on - a real storehouse of strength and health.

Composition of cranberries

The magical properties of this healing drink are explained biochemical composition cranberries:

  • 4.7% sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) - unlike ordinary crystalline sugar, which is harmful to us, these are real natural carbohydrates that are completely absorbed by the body.
  • 3.5% organic acids (benzoic, malic, citric, glycolic, oxalic, quinic).
  • 20 – 28 mg% vitamin “C”.
  • 0.7% pectins - special substances that play a huge role in binding and neutralizing heavy metals in the human body.

It is benzoic acid that is a natural preservative that gives cranberries the wonderful ability to stay fresh for up to 9 months. Therefore, most of the year it is possible to prepare a valuable dietary drink.

The benefits of cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is very useful due to the presence in it large quantity trace elements: manganese, copper, cobalt and molybdenum. Cobalt, for example, is necessary for the normal course of enzymatic reactions in digestive system the human body, as well as to ensure the smooth functioning of the nervous system. Without sufficient manganese, growth in children and normal functioning of the gonads in adults are impaired. The role of copper and molybdenum is very diverse and significant.

All these necessary substances can be obtained by drinking 2-3 glasses of delicious food a day natural drink, without dyes, preservatives and other stabilizers. It is in naturalness, naturalness that lies another undeniable benefits cranberry juice.

The healing power of cranberry juice

Ancient healers, without conducting any experiments, relying only on their observations, knew about the remarkable healing power of cranberries and used this berry in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, hypertension and rheumatism. Their empirical findings are supported by modern scientific data.

In the middle of the twentieth century. Scientists from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute conducted a series of studies that proved that cranberry juice enhances the effect of antibiotics on pathological microorganisms that cause pyelonephritis. This is due to the effect of guipure acid, which is very abundant in cranberries. In terms of this indicator, almost no other product can compare with swamp berries. Therefore, doctors prescribe cranberry juice along with antibiotics and in the treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases.

The bactericidal effect of cranberry juice is excellent in the treatment of viral infections. Thanks to vitamin “P”, fruit juice successfully fights fatigue, headaches, restores sleep and improves the body’s immune system.

Cranberry juice is very useful for colds as a refreshing, thirst-quenching and tonic. It is especially widely used in children's practice. Children usually enjoy drinking this medicine.

Traditional medicine recommends using healing drink for sore throat, cough, articular rheumatism, as well as for the treatment of certain diseases of the stomach and liver.

Cranberry juice stimulates the hormonal glands. It is used in complex therapy of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and obesity, which is associated with the presence of significant potassium reserves in cranberries.

Cranberry is a kind of cocktail of six organic acids. And such a unique acid as benzoic acid is a natural preservative that keeps the berries fresh for up to 9 months. Pectins contained in cranberries neutralize destructive heavy metals in the human body.

The benefits of cranberry juice

The benefits of cranberry juice in the treatment of urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and gynecological diseases cannot be overestimated. The acids in the berries change the urine environment, which prevents the growth of bacteria in the bladder, helps destroy and prevent the formation of stones. Morse enhances the effect of antibiotics and helps fight microorganisms that cause pyelonephritis.

Treatment of stomach ulcers is facilitated not only by fruit drink, but also cranberry juice. Drinks destroy the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which damages the stomach lining and causes painful attacks of ulcers.

The drink is good in the fight against respiratory infections: otitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. It neutralizes bacteria that can cause disease.

Polyphenols, contained in excess in cranberries, strengthen the heart muscle, normalize cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis.

Cranberry juice can be used for oral hygiene. It effectively fights germs. Therefore, just one glass of drink a day will be an excellent prevention of caries and gum disease.

In addition to all of the above, cranberry juice helps destroy breast cancer cells, slows down the aging process, and helps in the fight against overweight, strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis, improves skin condition and reduces cellulite, has a mild analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Recommended in therapeutic purposes and for general strengthening of the body, adults drink 2-3 glasses of freshly prepared fruit drink daily, and children – 1-2. However finished products, distributed in stores, is a completely useless drink.

How to make cranberry juice

Wash 150 g of fresh or thawed berries and mash them with a masher in a non-oxidizing bowl. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting puree through cheesecloth into a glass container. Place the cranberry pulp in enamel pan, pour in 600 ml of water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and strain. Add half a glass of sugar or 3 tablespoons of honey to the hot broth and mix well. After cooling, add previously freshly squeezed juice. A tasty and healing drink is ready! Its daily inclusion in the diet will bring invaluable benefits health and will strengthen the immune system in the autumn-spring period, when many chronic diseases can worsen.