How to make hollandaise sauce at home. Classic Hollandaise Sauce: Recipe, Ingredients, Cooking Tips

Contrary to the name, hollandaise sauce was invented by the French. The oily egg mass was served with various snacks and was a component of many dishes. But why was it? Hollandaise sauce is still popular in world culinary arts, while it is made very simply, consists of affordable products, and it turns out delicious. Let's cook at home?

Hollandaise Sauce - General Cooking Principles

Eggs. The color of the sauce will directly depend on the color of the yolks. As a rule, in farm and domestic eggs, they are very bright, sometimes not even yellow, but orange. The eggs are cooked but not completely cooked. That is why you need to pay special attention to their quality.

Oil. Butter is used for hollandaise sauce. Since it will melt, you need to choose a real product with a high fat content. Otherwise, part of the sauce will be water, which cannot but affect the taste.

Lemon juice, vinegar. Acid is necessary not only for taste, but also for safety, as it is a kind of preservative. Classic hollandaise sauces use lemon juice, but vinegared versions are becoming more common, below are the recipes.

Spices. Salt and pepper are commonly used, but more and more other aromatic additives are beginning to appear in recipes: mustard, herbs, ginger, fruit and vegetable juices.

Cooking features. Hollandaise sauce is always cooked in a water bath with constant stirring, beating the mass with a mixer or whisk. You can not let the egg mixture boil, otherwise the egg will curl up very quickly, nothing will work.

Classic hollandaise sauce with egg yolks

A simple egg classic hollandaise sauce recipe. Lemon juice for cooking in this recipe can not be replaced with anything.


Three yolks;

100 grams of oil;

Salt, black pepper;

30 ml lemon juice.


1. Put the butter in a bowl or in a small saucepan, melt until a homogeneous liquid state, cool, it should not be hot.

2. Combine fresh chicken yolks with lemon juice. Stir thoroughly and put in a water bath. We begin to heat up and at the same time beat with a mixer or actively use a whisk. The mass should become more magnificent, it will brighten a little.

3. Introduce melted butter in a thin stream, throw a pinch of salt, add a small amount of black pepper.

4. Stir and continue heating the hollandaise sauce until it thickens.

5. Beat it for another 20-30 seconds, remove from the water bath. Cool the mass to room temperature. The sauce keeps warm for no more than an hour. If necessary, you can put it in the refrigerator for a while, then beat again with a mixer.

Hollandaise Sauce with Vinegar and Mustard

Instead of lemon juice, this hollandaise sauce contains 3% table vinegar. But you can also use apple cider vinegar or any other kind of your choice.


Three yolks;

Spoon of water;

A spoonful of vinegar;

0.5 packs of oil;

A spoonful of mustard;

Salt pepper.


1. Melt the butter in advance so that it has time to cool a little, leave it on the table.

2. Combine water and vinegar, pour over raw yolks, mix thoroughly, you can immediately add a pinch of salt to them. We send this mixture to a water bath, heat it up and at the same time beat until the mass thickens slightly.

3. As soon as the sauce begins to resemble a light cream, add oil to it, continue stirring and heating.

4. When the sauce consistency is reached, remove the mass from the water bath, cool a little.

5. Add mustard, add black ground pepper. If the mustard turned out to be very spicy, then you can add half the norm. If it is fresh and not very spicy, then increase the amount as desired.

6. Beat the mass until smooth and more fluffy with a mixer or whisk a few more times.

Classic hollandaise wine sauce

Another recipe for a classic hollandaise sauce that is very popular in its native country. It is better to use dry and white wine for him; with another alcoholic drink, the taste is slightly different.


Four yolks;

Three tablespoons of white wine;

A spoonful of lemon juice;

0.5 tsp granulated sugar;

120 grams of oil;

Salt, 3 peppercorns.


1. We place a bowl on a water bath, put raw egg yolks in it.

2. Immediately add wine, squeeze out lemon juice, throw in granulated sugar and pour in a tablespoon of clean water, but not hot, since the yolk should not thicken ahead of time.

3. Stir with a whisk and heat the yolk sauce.

4. Melt the butter nearby on the stove or do it in the microwave.

5. As soon as the yolks become thicker, we introduce oil into them in a thin stream, continue to stir, but now we are doing it even more actively.

6. Salt the sauce, crush the black peppercorns, add next. Boil the hollandaise sauce after adding the melted butter for a few more minutes until it reaches the right consistency.

7. Remove the bowl from the water bath, pour the contents into a gravy boat.

Hollandaise sauce with orange juice

To prepare a fragrant hollandaise sauce, you do not need an orange so much as its zest. Similarly, you can cook with grapefruit zest, or make the lemon flavor more pronounced.


Three yolks;

A spoonful of lemon juice;

Two tablespoons of orange juice;

80 g butter;

Salt, pepper, zest.


1. Before removing the zest, wash the orange well, remove the wax coating with a brush, then wipe it thoroughly with a napkin. We take a grater, rub the top crust in a circle, we need small chips. If there is no grater, then you can use a knife, regular or vegetable.

2. Mix the crushed zest, lemon juice, yolks, add orange juice squeezed from the citrus used. We put in a water bath, beat and heat.

3. Melt the butter and cool.

4. Throw a pinch of salt into the sauce. For spiciness, add pepper, the amount is at the discretion of the owl.

5. We introduce the oil, continue to heat and beat.

6. Upon reaching the desired consistency, remove the sauce from the heat.

Classic hollandaise sauce "Airy" with protein

A variant of the classic hollandaise sauce that's made with more than just egg yolks. You will also need balsamic vinegar for it.


Two eggs;

100 grams of oil;

A spoonful of lemon juice;

A spoonful of balsamic vinegar;


1. Separate the yolks, beat them until smooth for a minute.

2. Combine lemon juice with balsamic vinegar, pour over the yolks, continue beating until a light foam appears.

3. Put the yolk mass on the fire.

4. Melt the butter.

5. Beat the whites in a separate bowl until dense and fluffy foam.

6. Add spices to the yolks, stir, heat.

7. Gradually pour in the butter, continue heating the hollandaise sauce.

8. At the very end, we introduce the squirrels whipped into a lush foam. Heat until the sauce reaches the desired consistency, do not forget to stir continuously.

Hollandaise sauce with cream

Recipe for a creamy egg yolk hollandaise sauce. Here, according to the list, lime juice is used, but you can also take a regular lemon. Cream we use only fatty not less than 20%.


70 g of oil;

50 ml cream;

3 yolks;

2 tbsp. l. lime juice;

Salt, white pepper.


1. Beat the yolks and lemon juice, put the bowl in a water bath, continue whisking.

2. Melt the butter in a separate bowl.

3. Add salt and pepper to the cream, dissolve. Pour the mass to the yolks, continuing to stir the thickening mass.

4. At the end, add melted butter. We heat the sauce until it becomes homogeneous, thick enough.

5. Remove from fire. Let the mass cool to room temperature, beat with a mixer for about three minutes.

Asparagus with hollandaise sauce

The most popular hollandaise sauce dish is asparagus. This duo goes great together. For the dish, you need to choose fresh green pods. At the same time, we will get acquainted with another technology for preparing the popular egg sauce.


20 asparagus shoots;

2 large yolks;

100 g of oil;

10 ml lemon juice;

1 tsp wine vinegar.


1. Mix lemon juice and wine vinegar, heat to a boil with a pinch of salt.

2. Melt the butter in a separate bowl.

3. Beat the yolks, add a boiling mixture of vinegar and lemon.

4. Add the melted butter drop by drop, beat at the highest speed of the mixer until it is all gone. If the oil is of high quality and everything is done correctly, you will get an emulsion that resembles mayonnaise, but only with a creamy taste. Add some pepper to the mix. Set the sauce aside.

5. We collect the asparagus in a bundle, tie it with a thread. We lower it into boiling water so that the tops remain outside, they will be steamed. Cover the saucepan with a lid.

6. Cook the asparagus for four minutes, remove from the pan, shake off excess water, arrange on plates. Top with hollandaise sauce.

Hollandaise Sauce - Tips and Tricks

Before melting, it is better to chop the butter into small cubes and stir constantly. In this case, it will melt evenly, it will not overheat much.

If you do not like the aroma of raw yolks, you need to remove the thin film bag that holds the contents, the smell comes from it.

Initially, the main seasoning of the sauce was ground white pepper. But it is not as popular as black pepper, they began to replace it, which they still do.

Where are the squirrels from the eggs; In no case should you throw it away, add it to an omelette, use it for dough, you can make wonderful meringues or just eggnog from them.

Dutch is one of the five main sauces in French cuisine. It is well known as a key ingredient in Eggs Benedict and is also often served with vegetables. Its international name sounds like "Dutch". Its name implies a Dutch origin, but the actual history of this product's name is unknown.

Such a name is documented in English as early as 1573, although without a prescription. The first recorded classic hollandaise sauce recipe is found in an English cookbook from 1651. It sounds like this: "Make a sauce of good fresh oil with vinegar, salt, nutmeg and egg yolk."

It was first mentioned in Dutch cuisine in 1667. Thus, the popular theory that its name comes from the country of invention is chronologically untenable.

In the article we will consider how to prepare the named sauce.

How is it prepared?

As in other emulsion sauces (for example, mayonnaise), in its composition, the egg is not heated, but serves as an emulsifier. This allows the immiscible oil and lemon juice to be combined, which in turn contributes to a stable emulsion.

Classic hollandaise sauce ingredients include:

  • egg yolks;
  • acidifying agent (wine vinegar or lemon juice);
  • butter.

Also use salt and any kind of pepper to taste. Often a little cream or water is added for a better combination of ingredients.

To make hollandaise sauce, beaten egg yolks are combined with butter, lemon juice, salt, and water. Heat gently while mixing. Some cooks use the double bottom of the pot to control the temperature.

Different recipes have different requirements. Some involve adding melted butter to heated yolks. Others require unmelted butter and yolks to be heated together. Still others combine warm butter and eggs in a blender or food processor. Temperature control is critical, as overheating can spoil the sauce.

The peculiarity of this product is that it can be easily frozen.

Can you make sauce at home?

The recipe for the classic hollandaise sauce is not difficult. Therefore, you can easily cook it at home. It will require:

  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 1 st. l. cream;
  • 1 cup melted butter, cooled to room temperature
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice or white wine vinegar;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • some cayenne pepper.

How to cook

For cooking, use a small, thick ceramic bowl set in a heavy-bottomed pot. A special container for a water bath is also suitable:

  1. Place the egg yolks and cream in a bowl or top of a double saucepan. Stir with a wire whisk until combined. The mixture should never be whipped, but it must be stirred: evenly, vigorously and continuously.
  2. Place the container in hot water. If you are using a bowl, there should be about 4 cm of water in a regular saucepan. In double - it should not touch the top.
  3. Stir the sauce continuously and slowly, bring the water to a boil.
  4. Do not let the egg mixture boil. Stir very thoroughly so that there is no film underneath.
  5. When the mixture thickens to a creamy consistency, start adding the chilled melted butter with one hand while stirring the sauce vigorously with the other.
  6. Do this slowly so that each portion of the added oil is completely mixed into the egg mixture.
  7. Then pour in the lemon juice or vinegar drop by drop at a time and immediately remove the container from the heat.
  8. Add salt and a little cayenne pepper.

If you do everything carefully, the hollandaise sauce should not curdle. If this does happen, don't despair. Add more oil. Transfer the sauce to another container and clean the bowl. Put a fresh egg yolk in it and start cooking again, using curdled sauce instead of butter.

Cooking options and derived sauces

As you can see, the classic hollandaise sauce recipe uses egg yolks, oil, and lemon juice (or vinegar) as the base. Over time, many different versions of this product and derivatives of it have appeared. The most famous of them:

  • Bearnsky. It is the most common derivative and is known as Béarnaise. Prepared by adding an acidifying agent (most often wine or balsamic vinegar) shallots, fresh chervil, tarragon, and (optionally) crushed pepper. In some cases, no vinegar is added at all. Béarnaise sauce and its derivatives are often used for steaks or other hearty grilled meat dishes, as well as for fish.
  • Shoron. This is a type of Béarnais sauce. Prepared without tarragon or chervil, plus there is tomato puree in the composition.
  • Fuayot (Valois). It is also a kind of Béarnais sauce with meat broth in its composition.
  • Colbert. This is a fuayote sauce with white wine.
  • Paloise. Béarnais sauce with mint instead of tarragon.
  • Vin Blian. Hollandaise sauce with white wine and fish broth.
  • Bavaruz. A type of hollandaise sauce with cream, horseradish and thyme.
  • Mutard or Girondin. It is Dutch with Dijon mustard.
  • Maltase. Hollandaise sauce with orange zest and juice.
  • Muslin, also known as Chantilly. It is Dutch with whipped cream. It also has several variations. One of them involves the addition of sherry, the other - whipped proteins instead of cream.
  • Nouzette. Hollandaise sauce made with ghee.

Modern Egg Benedict

The classic hollandaise sauce recipe comes in many variations. For the preparation of eggs Benedict, a somewhat simplified version is often used. What is this dish? This is a classic French breakfast consisting of two halves of an English muffin topped with poached egg, bacon or ham and hollandaise sauce. Despite its French origin, this dish was first popularized in New York. There are many variations of the basic recipe.

The main condition for making the perfect egg Benedict is fresh eggs and good lemon juice. In fact, this is a very simple recipe that requires only a little skill and experience. In order to get a tender and tasty dish, it may take several attempts.

How to cook egg benedict

Since butter and egg sauce requires precise temperature and timing, make sure all your ingredients have been measured and prepared the day before. In total you will need:

  • four eggs plus the same number of yolks separately;
  • 2 English muffins cut in half (or 4 slices of toast)
  • two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and water;
  • 100 grams of cold salted butter, cut into 1 cm cubes;
  • salt and white pepper - to taste;
  • fresh grated nutmeg - optional

How to cook a poached egg at home?

Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a low boil. Salt, reduce the fire to a minimum. Fill a medium-sized container with cold water and place it next to the stove. Carefully crack one egg into a small bowl, being careful not to break the yolk.

Then stir the water in the pan so that a funnel is formed in the center. Pour the egg into it and gently run a spoon along the bottom so that it does not stick. Because you want the yolk to stay runny, you need to watch the cooking time carefully. It should be no more than 3-4 minutes. After that, carefully move the egg into a bowl of cold water to stop it from heating up. Repeat the same with the other three eggs.

sauce preparation

Next, prepare the hollandaise sauce. To do this, whisk the egg yolks, fresh lemon juice, and water in a heat-resistant glass or ceramic bowl set over a small saucepan of simmering water. Slowly add the butter a few cubes at a time until it is combined with the yolks, stirring constantly.

Continue cooking for another minute or two until the sauce thickens. Season with salt and white pepper. Remove from heat immediately. Classic hollandaise sauce with lemon juice is ready.

End of cooking

Heat English muffins or toast. Using a large spoon, place an egg on each bun half or slice of toast, drizzle generously with hollandaise sauce, and sprinkle fresh nutmeg on top (optional).

You can also add one or two slices of bacon or ham, but the classic version requires only fresh eggs and a mild sauce. American and Canadian versions of the dish suggest adding smoked salmon or seafood.

He singled out five main, or "mother" sauces. Based on these five, you can prepare all the other sauces that every self-respecting French chef should have known. Four of them were thickened with toasted flour roux, and one - Dutch, or ollandaise - was an emulsion of egg yolks and melted butter.

For more than 100 years, both French and all other cuisines have become much easier, got rid of cumbersome and complex recipes, but Hollandaise sauce is still relevant. The reason is that it goes equally well with vegetables, fish dishes, and eggs, including, of course, the best breakfast in the world - eggs Benedict. To tell the truth, making hollandaise sauce is a little more difficult than the one we know very well, but once you try it, and no one will have to explain to you why you need it.

hollandaise sauce

Hollandaise sauce is one of the five "mother" sauces of French cuisine, which is an emulsion of egg yolks and melted butter. Hollandaise sauce is still relevant today - as an ideal accompaniment to vegetables, fish, or eggs, including, of course, the best breakfast in the world - eggs Benedict.
Alexey Onegin

Combine vinegar and lemon juice in a small saucepan and place over medium heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, boil for 15-20 seconds, remove from heat and let cool slightly.

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Whisk the egg yolks with a pinch of salt and, continuing to beat, pour in the mixture of vinegar and lemon juice in a thin stream. Return the saucepan to a small fire and melt the butter in it, then let it cool slightly.

Start beating the yolks again and pour in the melted butter in a thin stream, continuing to beat with a whisk or mixer. As a result, you should get a stable, fairly thick emulsion - hollandaise sauce. If desired, it can be diluted to a more liquid consistency by mixing a spoon or two of water or cream into it.

Unlike mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce does not store and must be used within two hours of preparation. At the same time, the ideal temperature at which to keep the hollandaise sauce is in the range between 35 and 65 degrees: lower, and the oil can begin to harden, higher, and the yolk will begin to curl, in either case, the sauce will inevitably delaminate. In restaurants, for this, the sauce is kept in a water bath, but in an ordinary kitchen it is more expedient to prepare hollandaise sauce immediately before serving, since this is not so difficult.

Classic sauce. Ideal for boiled vegetables.
Easy to prepare.
There are two ways to prepare hollandaise sauce - in a water bath and with a mixer. The first method is more complicated, because. a not very experienced cook can brew eggs and then the sauce will delaminate. But this sauce is more dense, thick and noble.
The second way to make the sauce is super easy. It practically does not differ in taste from the previous one, but in terms of consistency it is much thinner, because. yolks are less exposed to heat. To obtain a greater degree of density, it is necessary to use oils half as much as in the first variant.


3 raw yolks, 200~250g or 100~150g butter, 1~2 tsp lemon juice, 1~2 tbsp cold water, ~1/4 tsp salt, pepper

1st method (in a water bath)
Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Remove the whites for later use in other dishes, and place the yolks in a small saucepan.
Cold butter (200~250g) cut into small cubes.

Pour cold water into a saucepan to the yolks and add salt and pepper. Stir until smooth. For stirring, it is best to use a wooden spoon or whisk.
Put the saucepan on a VERY low heat or in a water bath.

Whisk the egg yolks vigorously until the mixture begins to thicken.
Add butter cubes in small portions and continue to beat until completely dissolved. Add a new portion only after the previous one has dissolved.

Constantly check that the sauce does not overheat. If the sauce begins to turn white at the bottom, immediately remove the pan from the water bath and continue to beat, holding the pan by weight. When the mass has cooled down a little, lower the pan into boiling water again.
After the introduction of the last portion of the oil, a thick creamy mass should be obtained.
While continuing to beat the mixture, pour in the lemon juice.
Remove the sauce from the water bath.
If the sauce is too thick, add some warm water.

2nd method (using a mixer)
Separate the egg whites from the yolks.
Put the yolks in a bowl, pour in the lemon juice and water, add salt and pepper.
In a small saucepan, put butter (100~150g) on ​​fire to melt.

Beat the yolks with a mixer.
At this time, the oil will completely melt and begin to boil. Avoid oil overheating!

Continuing to beat the yolks, pour boiling oil in a thin stream directly under the mixer blades.

After adding the oil, beat the sauce for about half a minute.

Leave the sauce for 5 minutes (or until cool) to infuse and thicken a little more.

In cooking, there are four main sauces, on the basis of which a variety of sauces are prepared. One of the most capricious is Dutch sauce, which requires patience, care and caution from the hostess. With a minimal amount of ingredients, hollandaise sauce behaves like a cutesy lady in cooking: the slightest overheating, and it curls up from shame and mistreatment.

Despite the name, which refers us to Holland, hollandaise sauce was invented in France. Originally, the gravy was called "isigny", which is associated with Isigny-sur-Mer, a city located in French Normandy. It began to be called Dutch because its main ingredient was butter, supplied to France from Holland.

Many housewives use classic Hollandaise sauce as the base for Dijon, Béarnais and choron sauce. In France and Germany, it is served with asparagus, rightly believing that this is the best gravy for such a dish. The pleasant creamy taste of the gravy and the consistency that melts in your mouth give the vegetable a special warm note. Hollandaise sauce goes well with fish dishes. In order for you to appreciate the culinary elegance of the gravy, we suggest you prepare its classic version and the fish version.

Sauce for asparagus

If you have not tried cooking asparagus yet, then we will correct this omission, and in our recipe we will cook two dishes at once: Hollandaise sauce and asparagus. Let's cook the asparagus first. We will need:

  • asparagus - 3 kg;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • sugar and salt - 2 tablespoons each;
  • butter - 1 tablespoon.

We put a pot of water on the fire, add oil, salt and sugar, let the contents of the pan boil. We need to clean the asparagus stalks, cut off the rough lower part. We put the asparagus in boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes. Keep in mind that green stems cook faster and are more tender in taste. If asparagus is overcooked, it will lose its firmness and taste. Now let's start preparing the sauce. For him you need to take:

  • raw egg yolks - 4 pieces;
  • butter - 125 grams;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1/8 teaspoon;
  • cream 20% - 2 tablespoons.


  1. From the dishes you need to stock up on a deep saucepan and a saucepan suitable for a water bath.
  2. Take a deep saucepan. Separate the yolks from the proteins and put them in a saucepan. Add lemon juice. Put in a water bath. Stock up on a wooden spoon and rub the yolks with it while heating.
  3. Divide the butter into three equal parts. Add one piece to the yolks, continue to grind until the butter is completely melted. Then add the remaining pieces of butter, proceeding in the same way as with the first piece. Do not let the water in the pan boil, the heating temperature should be about 60 degrees. If you have a cooking thermometer, do not be lazy and measure the water in the pan.
  4. After the butter, with constant stirring, is completely melted, remove the sauce from the heat, add cream to it, salt. The gravy is ready. Serve it with hot asparagus.

Your main task is not to let the yolks boil! You will have to stand near the stove and pay maximum attention to the sauce. Gravy is ideal for asparagus in boiled and baked form.

Dutch to fish

If your lunch menu calls for baked cod, make some Ney Hollandaise sauce and your family will have a delicious dish. The creamy base of the gravy subtly stops the taste of fish, shading it with delicate milky notes. Seasonings and spicy spices give the dish an amazing flavor. In order to prepare Hollandaise sauce for fish, we will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • butter - 200-250 grams;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • lemon juice and dry white wine - 2 tablespoons each;
  • spicy spices or ready-made seasoning for fish - to taste;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and set aside to keep hot.
  2. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. We build a water bath, put another small pan in a large one. Quickly separate the yolks from the proteins and pour them into a small saucepan. We begin to actively knead them with a whisk or a wooden spoon. Without leaving the stove, salt and pepper the sauce, add wine and lemon juice. And we stir all the time so that the yolks do not boil. If it turns out very thick, add 100 grams of water, simmer, stirring, for 10 minutes.
  3. Make sure that the mass at the bottom does not turn white. We remove the saucepan from the water bath, do not remove the large one from the stove, do not turn off the fire.
  4. Beat the heated yolks with a whisk and add to the melted butter, continuing to beat. We return the small saucepan to the water bath and add the sauce, without stopping stirring. When the mass thickens enough, the sauce is ready.

The yolks should not be allowed to boil, the fire under the water bath should be such that the water bubbles slightly after boiling. If you miss the moment, everything will go down the drain, the gravy will not work, the products will be spoiled. You may need to practice to learn how to cook the sauce correctly.

little secrets

Don't try to make it easy to cook hollandaise just over a fire, without a water bath. All its tenderness and density are obtained only by languishing in a water bath.

If the yolks are slightly whitened, lemon juice or wine will help correct the situation. The selected liquid must be quickly added to the contents of the pan and stir well.

If you want the gravy not to spread and keep its shape, add whipped egg whites to it just before serving, stir them gently. Hollandaise with proteins can also be served cold, it does not lose its taste or texture.

When choosing spices for this amazing sauce, try not to overdo it with spicy notes. The taste value of gravy is in its milky-creamy harmony, complemented by fresh lemon sourness. Salt to taste, but you can not salt, the salt contained in the oil will be enough.