How to prepare the elixir of love at home. Love potion at home: recipe

Love... What could be more beautiful than this feeling? Probably only that feeling when a person understands that his feelings are mutual. Although some argue that it is unrequited love that pushes any of us to various feats, and works of art are often born from the pain of unrequited love. Although who knows: maybe the same poets and artists, enjoying mutual love, would create creations that surpassed themselves? This is unknown.

But it’s one thing when men suffer: silently and sullenly, or emotionally and without holding back. A completely different matter is female pain, aching and continuing. From time immemorial, there has been one surefire remedy for unrequited love. And if men did not particularly believe in the power of magic, then representatives of the fair half of humanity quite often resorted to the help of magic.

Various love spells, spells or special elixirs are just some of the magical rituals for obtaining reciprocity. In this material we will focus Special attention love spells and how to prepare a love potion.

Cooking features

Love potion is considered very effective method attracting a lover and awakening feelings in him. As a rule, depending on the goals pursued, different elixirs are prepared. Drinks designed to please a guy are not suitable for getting him back after a breakup. Most often, experienced magicians recommend preparing love drinks during the waxing moon.

Some types of elixirs are prepared in just one day and are immediately ready for use. Others require preparation over several years and infuse for decades. It is best to make a love potion either on the full moon or on the third or eighth days of the lunar cycle. This applies to elixirs that are prepared one day in advance and are ready for use immediately after preparation. The drink should be prepared only when the person is in a good mood and fully believes in the result. If you don’t believe in magic, and the potion is being prepared out of interest, it is better to leave this idea so that the magic does not work against you.

It is believed that the power of a love potion directly depends on the desire and desire to get results. If you put all your passion and all your dreams into even the simplest potion, its effect will be much more effective than that of a complex composition made without feelings.

Love potion with coffee

A love potion with coffee can be used in several cases: when the relationship between lovers begins to deteriorate or when a girl wants to please young man and evoke reciprocal feelings in him.

As you know, herbs have been used in magic in all centuries because of their high magical power. The energy of the herb enhances magical intention and helps desires come true. Want to try making a love potion yourself? Believe me, it's not difficult at all.

Most magicians use the following herbs to prepare a love potion (due to their high magical power): pink petals, dill, ginger, thyme, basil, cumin, linden flowers, chicory, anise, mint, yarrow, jasmine, valerian, cardamom. In addition to herbs, honey and apples are widely used in love magic.

First you need to select herbs to suit your taste, this can be one type of herb, or a collection. Then you will retire, no one should disturb you during the ritual.

Next, you need to place your hands over the grass and catch the energy emanating from the grass. Then, closing your eyes, begin to rub a pinch of herb between your fingers, concentrating on the purpose of the ritual. You want to achieve a tingling effect on your fingers. When rubbed, the herb is charged with magical desire and becomes magical. When rubbing the grass, you must read one of the spells, depending on the purpose. Conspiracies will be given below.

The charged magical herb is then boiled in a kettle or saucepan. Stirring the grass with a wooden spoon, the desired spell is also slowly read.

Love potion for cheating husband

When rubbing the grass, read the spell, O magical grass that brings peace to the house! Push away all your rivals! Make my husband only mine! Make me the only and desired one for him. Let him love me, let him desire me! Let him be faithful and affectionate to me! All! The herb for making the potion is ready!

When boiling the herb, read the spell, I am boiling this herb, the strongest of all herbs, which will displace the rival from the heart of the husband (name of the wife), which will forever tie together (name of the wife) and (name of the husband)! O magical herb that brings happiness and peace to the family! Drive away all rivals (wife's name)! Make your husband faithful and submissive! The rivals go to the farthest distance, they will never again look towards (husband’s name), they will never desire him again! From this day, from this hour, (husband’s name) will love and desire only his wife (wife’s name)! Let it be as I say!

Love potion

When rubbing the grass, read the spell, Forest Herbs! Field herbs! Accept my passion! Take my strength! Invest my love! Forest herbs! Field herbs! Enchant, bewitch (his name) my beloved. May (his name) love me forever! Let (his name) think about me endlessly! May (his name) be with me forever! All! The herb for making the potion is ready!

When cooking herbs, read the spell, I cook this herb, the strongest of all herbs, forest grass, field grass, accept my passion! Take my strength! Invest my love! tie (your name) and (his name) together forever! O magic herb, enchant, bewitch (his name) my beloved! Make your loved one faithful and submissive! From this day, from this hour, may (his name) love me forever! Let (his name) think about me endlessly! May (his name) be with me forever! Let it be as I say!

All the love potion is ready! The brewed herb released its energy and transferred it to the decoction. Pour the love potion into a bottle or jar. You need to add a little bit of it to your husband’s tea, or you can add it to your bath water. You can also clean the house by adding a decoction. Then the whole atmosphere of your home will be saturated with your desire. Everyone, we are waiting for the result!

What could be more beautiful than love? Probably only a feeling of reciprocity on the part of the faithful. But what to do if there are no response emotions: sink into long-term suffering or take some unconventional means? The answer, of course, must be given by a person who has not experienced the expected feeling of reciprocity.

If you still decide to resort to magic, use several recipes for making a love potion, which we will describe in detail in our article. We hope that this will not bring grief to anyone.

Time to prepare a love potion

A love potion is almost always prepared within days. Another thing is the preparation time. One potion is enough from one to three days, the other is several years old. Of course, the latter will be more effective and efficient, but if you don’t have time to wait that much, you can use easier recipes.

It is better to use a love potion on the 3rd, 8th, 9th days of the moon, as well as on the full moon.

It is more appropriate for women to perform the ritual on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, for men - on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

So, we’ve figured out the preparation time and use, and now let’s get down to the love potion recipes themselves.

Potion using coriander seeds

This magic drink will allow you not only to fall in love with a person who did not reciprocate, but also to achieve from him a feeling of endless passion. To do this, prepare the following:

Seven coriander seeds;

Spring water (you can use filtered);

Two clean identical cups;

Church candle.

How to make a love potion from coriander seeds?

So, we start preparing the love potion, the recipe for which is quite simple, by grinding coriander seeds. Place main ingredient into a mortar and grind it thoroughly. During this process, imagine hugs, kisses, and physical intimacy with your loved one. Place the resulting powder in one of the cups and pour it clean water. Light a candle and turn off the light. Place another cup on the table and start pouring the mixture at a distance of one meter. This should be done 7 times, pouring the resulting product from one container to another. In the process, imagine how your loved one’s feelings begin to awaken and acquire more and more power and strength.

Add the love potion to your loved one’s drink or water a day after preparation.

An effective decoction of herbs, spikelets and flowers

This potion will help not only achieve reciprocity from a man, but also “patch up” fading feelings. So, for it we need the following:

3 any flowers;

3 seeds of different herbs;

3 spikelets of various cereals;

3 tbsp. l. vinegar;

How to brew a love potion using herbs, flowers and spikelets?

First, a few words about collecting necessary ingredients. We think it’s easy to guess that you’ll have to assemble everything yourself. This must be done on a clear night barefoot. There shouldn't be a soul around. When you pick each ingredient, say the following: “I collect for my loved one - forever and ever.”

After collection, go home. An important condition is that you should not utter a word until the very door. Looking around is also undesirable.

Then place the flowers in a glass of vinegar and place them on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on them. Leave the glass for three nights. You should not touch it or move it.

After this time, add the remaining ingredients and 1 tbsp to the flowers. a spoonful of honey. Grind and strain. The resulting love potion should be placed in a dark place and, when appropriate, gradually added to the food or drink of your loved one.

Chicory Potion

This plant has long been of interest to our ancestors, because few people know that it has magical and mystical qualities. With the help of chicory, you can easily bewitch a loved one who does not have reciprocal feelings for you. This magical plant will also add sexuality, restore former strength and provide self-confidence.

How to make a love potion from chicory? After flowering, collect the chicory root. Let it dry before purchasing golden color. Then fry it in a frying pan and brew it like regular coffee.

If you give such a drink to your lover or add it little by little to coffee, after a while you will see how feelings and passion appear in your chosen one.

There is also a belief that if you touch your loved one’s heart with chicory on St. Peter’s Day (July 12), he will very quickly fall in love with you.

A very powerful potion of rose petals

This drink has already brought a lot of grief, because even our ancestors claimed that the drink of love, prepared from the petals of various roses, drives men crazy.

So, to prepare such an effective love potion, we need:

1 white rose petal;

Pink candle;

Menstrual blood (optionally, blood from the finger of the fortuneteller’s left hand) - 3 drops;

Ginger seed powder - 2 pinches;

Anise seed powder - 2 pinches;

Licorice - 1 pinch;

Angelica seed powder - 2 pinches;

Coriander and cumin - one pinch each.

How to make a love potion from rose petals?

A love potion at home using rose petals must be prepared with extreme faith in magic, otherwise you may harm yourself. So, burn the petals using a pink candle. Drop the ashes into alcohol and mix. After this, add all the ingredients one by one, constantly thinking about your lover. Just a few drops will be enough for your loved one to realize that you should live in his heart forever.

Potion from ashes photos

This drink will allow you to quickly and easily win the favor of your lover. How to prepare such a love potion? Its recipe is quite simple, but the consequences can be detrimental to both you and your chosen one. Remember this before you plunge headlong into magic.

So, carry a photo of your loved one near your heart for a whole month. After this, sprinkle it with your blood from your left finger (or menstrual blood) and burn it. Take your photo, mix it with ashes and burn it too. Place a pot of clean water on the stove and wait until it boils. Pick 3 leaves from 3 petals from a red rose and add to boiling water. Throw in a pinch of rosemary, photo ashes and a drop

Cool the resulting broth and strain. Drink with your loved one throughout the day.


How to prepare a love potion at home? Quite simple, and you are already convinced of this. But will it bring you Will you like it “artificially” loving man? Before making such drinks, ask yourself these questions.

Various love spells, spells or special elixirs are just some of the magical rituals for obtaining reciprocity. In this article, we will focus on love potions and how to make a love potion.

Love... What could be more beautiful than this feeling? Probably only that feeling when a person understands that his feelings are mutual.

Although some argue that it is unrequited love that pushes any of us to various feats, and works of art are often born from the pain of unrequited love.

Although who knows: maybe the same poets and artists, enjoying mutual love, would create creations that surpassed themselves? This is unknown.

But it’s one thing when men suffer: silently and sullenly, or emotionally and without holding back. A completely different matter is female pain, aching and continuing.

From time immemorial, there has been one surefire remedy for unrequited love. And if men did not particularly believe in the power of magic, then representatives of the fair half of humanity quite often resorted to the help of magic.

A love potion is considered a very effective method of attracting a lover and awakening feelings in him. As a rule, depending on the goals pursued, different elixirs are prepared.

Drinks designed to please a guy are not suitable for getting him back after a breakup. Most often, experienced magicians recommend preparing love drinks during the waxing moon.

Some types of elixirs are prepared in just one day and are immediately ready for use. Others require preparation over several years and infuse for decades.

It is best to make a love potion either on the full moon or on the third or eighth days of the lunar cycle. This applies to elixirs that are prepared one day in advance and are ready for use immediately after preparation.

The drink should be prepared only when the person is in a good mood and fully believes in the result. If you don’t believe in magic, and the potion is being prepared out of interest, it is better to leave this idea so that the magic does not work against you.

It is believed that the power of a love potion directly depends on the desire and desire to get results. If you put all your passion and all your dreams into even the simplest potion, its effect will be much more effective than that of a complex composition made without feelings.

Since time immemorial, coffee has been used in love spells along with other drinks.

Coffee love potion can be used in several cases.

For example, when the relationship between lovers began to deteriorate.

Also, this method will be useful when a girl wants to please a young man and evoke reciprocal feelings in him.

To make a love potion with coffee, we will need the following components:

  • three pinches of black ground coffee and savory root;
  • one pinch each of orris root, dried magnolia flowers, sesame seeds;
  • a bottle of strong alcoholic drink.

It is best to use cognac, liqueur or rum. All dry ingredients must be mixed, and only then poured with alcohol. This drink you need to infuse for three lunar quarters, and after this time, offer it to your lover to taste.

This potion can be used to arouse love in a man and ignite extinguished feelings. This drink is made within one day and can only be used immediately after preparation. To brew a love love elixir, you will need the following ingredients:

  • seven pinches each of zamanika grass and rue grass;
  • a glass of good brandy.

To make a love potion, pour the herbs and brandy into an iron bowl.

While the drink is boiling, you need to concentrate on your man, imagining happy moments where you are together and dreaming about a future together.

Now the elixir is filtered into a small vessel.

In order for love to settle in the heart of your lover, give him about 12 drops of the drink on the day of preparation.

The remaining liquid should be stored out of reach of prying eyes.

This method is only suitable for a married couple whose relationship has serious problems.

The recipe for a love potion to return a husband to the family involves the use of gold and silver coins and a glass of water.

The number of silver coins is determined by the number of years lived in marriage, and you need as many gold coins as you want to live together.

To prepare a love potion, you need to mix coins in a bowl and add water.

“I conjure you with gold and silver, future and past, water,
Preserve and protect peace, fidelity and harmony for eternal centuries!

After completing the ritual, both you and your husband must taste the love potion. Please note that this ritual only works on spouses.

To please a young man, a girl can make a love potion in the form of a love compote.

To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • short pink candle;
  • sugar;
  • ceramic wide cup.

The candle is placed in a cup and after that the cup is filled with sugar to the brim.

The top of the candle should protrude a few centimeters from the sugar.

The candle is lit and the entire time it is burning and melting, you need to think about your beloved.

When the candle burns out, all the melted sugar must be collected and cooked into a sweet compote.

Naturally, it is better to use fruits and berries that the young man likes.

The love potion begins its effect immediately after it is drunk. It is important to strictly follow all instructions and think only about good things during the ritual and after it.

A drink to awaken passion

A love potion can also have an effect on a person’s sexual sphere.

The following drink will help awaken passion and love energy.

To prepare this love potion you will need: one pinch of black licorice root, three pinches of cardamom and cumin and the same number of passionflower flowers or leaves.

You need to mix these components in the palm of your left hand. And after mixing, add it to a bottle of rum.

This love potion is infused for one lunar quarter, after which it is filtered.

You need to drink this elixir together. About fifteen drops should be added to a man’s drink, and the same amount to yourself.

You can make a love potion using red wine.

The strength of this drink is determined by magical properties the wine itself, which is considered ideal basis for a love elixir.

The love potion is prepared from two glasses of red wine, two teaspoons of rhubarb juice, one small piece of vanilla and 20 pinches of ginger and cinnamon.

To begin with, all the herbs and vanilla are added to the wine, and only after that can rhubarb juice be added.

The elixir is infused for three days, after which the drink is ready for use.

You can add magic liquid to alcoholic drinks a tablespoon or use in cooking.

Vodka love potion

Love spells have been used for centuries to awaken passion. Drinking a pleasant and exciting drink from one glass is a ritual that is known to everyone. Next recipe love potions were used back in Ancient Rus'.

To prepare this drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • five tablespoons of vodka;
  • one small apple;
  • half a pear;
  • Walnut;
  • a teaspoon of juniper;
  • glass of water.

All components except vodka are finely chopped and mixed with water. Next, all this needs to be brought to a boil and removed from the heat. When the drink has stood for fifteen minutes, you need to strain it and add vodka. It is advisable to drink immediately. The results of such a ritual usually do not take long to arrive.

Recipes for making love drinks

Love potion is considered extremely effective and effective means love magic. Making such a drink will not be difficult. Different elixirs suggest the use various components, which allows you to always choose something for yourself.

The most important point In the process of preparing a love potion, there is a desire to get results and faith in the power of magical effects. You can make a drink with a very complex composition, and the result can be not only not positive, but also negative.

This only happens when a girl performs a ritual and does not believe in its power. Good mood and determination will be excellent helpers in matters of magic.

A love potion is one of the oldest means of love magic. Its preparation according to different recipes, but with the same goal, people have been doing it for more than one millennium. At proper preparation A love potion may be more effective than a verbal spell or the use of a Volta magic doll. After all, a love potion, penetrating into the very stomach of a person, combines spiritual action with physical action. However, for success, it is better to use the potion in conjunction with a spell and other magical actions.

Classification of love potion

Love potion is special magic drink. For its preparation, certain ingredients known to professional magicians and sorcerers are used.

Depending on the type of impurities used, the love potion is classified into the following types:

  • Wine;
  • Herbal;
  • Bloody;
  • Fruity;
  • Honey.

The sweeter and richer the prepared drink, the stronger the love potion. In addition, certain prayers and spells can enhance the effect of the drink.

The most famous cooking method

There are many options for how to prepare a love potion. And this is no coincidence, because love potions were brewed everywhere, from Greenland to Australia. Here I will describe a popular version of a love potion suitable for our natural conditions. During the waxing moon, take dried periwinkle leaves, add verbena, creeping cinquefoil, annual scilla, and dried rose petals. Pour all this into a mortar and grind into powder.

At the same time, repeat these magic words:

“The moon is growing - it gives strength with a potion, with the full moon (the name of my beloved) will be with me.”

At the same time, try to think about the person you are going to bewitch, mentally direct your desire to him. On the full moon, make a decoction of the resulting powder and add it to your loved one’s drink. At the same time, the greater the concentration, the better, but be careful not to go too far. If the taste of the drink changes so much that he senses something is wrong, your efforts may be in vain. Another popular option is a coriander love potion. To prepare a coriander potion, take seven seeds of this plant and throw them into a mortar, one at a time.

After each, saying one line from the following spell:

“On the first night, you will lose peace.
On the second night, you won’t be yourself.
On the third night, you will look for love.
On the fourth night - you will want to see me.
On the fifth night, you will start dreaming about me.
On the sixth night, you will indulge in love with me.
On the seventh night, you won’t be able to part with me forever.”

When you finish casting the spell, grind the grains into powder. At the same time, as in previous recipe When preparing love powder, you need to think as much as possible about your loved one and try to arouse as much passion in yourself as possible. Pour the resulting powder into a glass of spring water and leave overnight. In the morning, pass the water through cheesecloth or a strainer to remove sediment and add it to any food or drink you give to your chosen one.

Slavic love potion and how to use it

Love potion prepared according to old Slavonic recipe, is extremely powerful. With its help, you can awaken self-love even in a stranger. Of course, it is hardly worth experimenting like this. But if you really sincerely love a person, and he just can’t take the first step, then using a witchcraft drink will be the best way to make him do it. To prepare a love potion, you should definitely go into the forest yourself.

There, collect all the ingredients necessary for the witchcraft drink, namely:

  • Thyme;
  • Young oak leaves;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Birch juice.

In addition, you will need to use a bottle of wine or rowan tincture. When all components are assembled, pour into enamel pan wine or rowan tincture.

Then add there:

  • Thyme leaf and inflorescence;
  • Three oak leaves;
  • Three tablespoons of birch sap.

This mixture needs to be mixed and put on fire. After this, you need to light a sprig of wormwood so that it smolders slowly. It must be kept over the mixture on fire, which must be stirred all the time.

The following words are spoken:

“I will go into the dark forest and meet the seven dawns there. I will pray to them and ask for my loved one. Let the three dawns search for him and whistle. And four dawns will help in my conspiracy. I am preparing a love spell potion for the Servant of God (the name of my beloved), I want to live with him. The Servant of God (the name of the beloved) will not say bad or dark words against me, but will only dove and pity me. The four helper dawns will raise my words and carry them into the world of love and goodness. They will ask love for a great strong strength, and they will make my dear one walk around me and look only at me. In his dreams at night and in his dreams during the day, only he saw me. Until he comes to me, he will be sad and tormented. I’ll finish the potion and inflict it on me forever. So it will be until I lift my spell and free him from the spell of his love. But after this he will love me forever and will be loved by me. As I said, it will happen. Amen".

In addition to mixing the “victim” into the food or drink, there are many other ways to use a love potion - carrying the powder with you in a bag as a love talisman, rubbing it on your skin, or taking a bath with a love potion. We will talk about these methods in the following articles.