How to cook bulgur with vegetables recipes. A pleasant variety of dishes for every taste: bulgur with vegetables

You can prepare homemade pilaf or a side dish with vegetables without using rice. For example, a homemade side dish or pilaf - bulgur with vegetables - is easy to prepare, and according to the same principle as any crumbly side dish based on cereals. But in the preparation of these dishes there are some subtleties that must be taken into account.

Bulgur wheat grains are dried wheat grains, pre-treated with steam or boiling water and crushed. Cereals are very popular in the East, Asia, and Mediterranean countries. There are mentions in the Bible and on Assyrian tablets, although it probably has an even older history, at least 8 thousand years.

Often this cereal is confused with ordinary crushed wheat, not treated with steam or water, or even with couscous - all of them are the most important component of an oriental salad. By and large, all these cereals are derivatives of ordinary wheat grain. But the technology of preparation and processing is completely different, as is the purpose of the cereal and the method of cooking it. For example, it is unlikely that you can cook pilaf from couscous, but it turns out to be an excellent side dish for tender dishes in a thick sauce.

In subsistence farming, ripened wheat grains are sorted by hand, then boiled in boiling water and dried naturally for several days, with periodic mixing of the grain. The grains darken and wrinkle. After hulling, the grain is re-dried and aerated to separate the husks. And only after this the wheat is manually crushed using stone millstones. Next, sifting through a sieve separates several fractions of bulgur according to size. It is believed that due to the characteristics of grinding and sifting, all fractions have not only different sizes, but also different tastes.

In industrial production, cereals are mass produced in factory workshops, and this displaces the manual production of bulgur. Which, however, does not always affect the quality of the product.

You can find whole grains - not crushed grains. It is used to prepare stuffed vegetables, pilaf and soups; with it, a bulgur dish with vegetables will turn out excellent. Coarsely crushed - ideal for pilaf or crumbly side dishes. Common for pilaf - the name speaks for itself. Small - pilaf, salads, and other vegetables. There is also a very small one for kufta, dark. However, in the East, most likely, the classification of bulgur is more complex.

When planning to prepare a side dish or pilaf - bulgur with vegetables, you need to adopt some simple cooking rules. Bulgur, taking into account its pre-treatment with water or steam, is boiled for approximately 20 minutes with water in a ratio of one part of grain to two parts of water. Everything is exactly the same as for most varieties of rice. And yet, it must be fried without rinsing with water.

Bulgur with vegetables. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Bulgur large or whole 1 glass
  • Boiled forest mushrooms or champignons 5-6 pcs
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Parsnip 0.5 pcs
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Butter 50 g
  • Tomato 1 piece
  • Mixed greens (dill, parsley, cilantro) 5-6 branches
  • Salt, black pepper, allspice, hot red pepper Spices
  1. If you decide to cook bulgur with vegetables, you should choose coarsely crushed grains or, if available, whole grains. Such cereals are now sold in stores, although it is difficult to understand from the labeling what fraction of the cereal is in the package. It is ideal to see the cereal with your own eyes before choosing. There is no need to rinse the grain; the bulgur is already washed and dried during production.

    Coarsely crushed bulgur

  2. Prepare some pre-boiled wild mushrooms or regular champignons for the dish. Be sure to easily squeeze out any excess liquid from the mushrooms. Chop the mushrooms coarsely or, if they are not very large, leave them whole. Peel the onion and roots. Disassemble the garlic into cloves without peeling the shells.

    Vegetables, mushrooms for the dish

  3. Cut carrots and parsnips into large cubes. Melt butter in a saucepan. Fry the chopped vegetables over medium heat until soft, this will take 5-6 minutes. Be sure to stir the vegetables, as butter tends to fry the vegetables too quickly and they may start to burn.

    Fry chopped vegetables until soft

  4. Add coarsely chopped onion and unpeeled garlic cloves. Fry all the vegetables, stirring frequently, until the onion begins to change color to golden.

    Add chopped onion and garlic cloves

  5. Add chopped mushrooms and fry them with vegetables for 2-3 minutes. It is important that the mushrooms do not release a lot of liquid during frying.

    Add chopped mushrooms and fry them

  6. Add cereal and mix. If there is very little oil in a frying pan with vegetables, the vegetables can absorb the oil like a sponge, especially parsnips, you should add 1 tbsp. l. extra butter. The bulgur needs to be fried. This will slightly shorten the cooking time of the cereal and make the bulgur with vegetables homogeneous and more crumbly. You don’t need to fry the cereal with vegetables for long, literally 1-2 minutes, stirring.

    Add cereal and mix

  7. Next, the bulgur with vegetables should be poured with boiling water or mushroom broth left after boiling the mushrooms. Salt the dish with 1-2 pinches of salt, pepper and add 1-2 flattened allspice peas. It is usually advised to add water twice as much as the amount of cereal used. Considering that we want the bulgur with vegetables to be more crumbly, we should take a little less water, about one and a half glasses of water per glass of cereal. If necessary, you can add a little boiling liquid if it is not enough.

    Fry with vegetables

  8. It is often written that you don’t need to cook bulgur, just pour boiling water over it and keep it warm. This applies to highly crushed cereals, while large pieces are difficult to cook without cooking.

    Add water and cook the cereal until cooked

  9. Cook the bulgur with vegetables, covered, over the lowest heat possible. Cereals quite actively absorb water, significantly increasing in volume. When the bulgur has absorbed almost all the liquid, it must be mixed and placed in a heap in a saucepan. In this form, the cereal should be heated in water vapor so that there is no sign of liquid left and the bulgur becomes crumbly. You can remove the saucepan from the heat and wrap it in a cotton blanket, leaving it to warm for 10-15 minutes.

    When the bulgur has absorbed almost all the liquid, it must be stirred

  10. Scald a ripe tomato with boiling water, remove seeds and skin. Cut the tomato pulp into cubes. Remove the leaves from the sprigs of greenery and chop them with a knife. Mix greens and tomato pulp. When the bulgur with vegetables is ready, mix it with the addition of tomatoes and herbs, optionally sprinkle with a pinch of ground red pepper and stir.

Bulgur, or Mediterranean rice, has become quite popular, especially among people who adhere to a healthy and healthy diet. And this is not surprising, since this cereal contains many useful substances.

In addition, it consists of “slow” carbohydrates, which does not lead to intensive fat deposition.

When cooked, cereals are difficult to boil and do not lose nutrients. It goes perfectly with vegetables, meat and herbs. We present to your attention various recipes for preparing bulgur with vegetables.

Step by step recipe

Preparing this dish will not take the housewife much time, and will also delight you with its simplicity and low calorie content.

How to cook bulgur with vegetables:

When serving, you can decorate the dish with herbs.

Recipe for making bulgur with meat and vegetables

The cereal is excellent for any type of meat. The food turns out tasty and quite filling.

Cooking time: 90 min.

Calorie content – ​​381 kcal.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces and fry it in a frying pan until an appetizing crust appears.
  2. Wash and peel the vegetables thoroughly.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings, the carrot into strips, and the pepper into strips. First, fry the onions and carrots, and then add the pepper.
  4. Place the fried vegetables and pork in a saucepan, fill them with water and simmer for about an hour.
  5. Grate the tomato, add spices and chopped garlic. They need to be added to the pan with meat and vegetables. Add salt.
  6. Pour in the bulgur and add water to get a 1:2 ratio.
  7. Cook for 15 minutes with the lid uncovered until the cereal softens.
  8. When serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

You don't have to use pork to prepare it. Lamb on the bone also gives the food an excellent rich taste.

Bulgur with vegetables and chicken

This dish is great for a quick lunch or dinner. The housewife will certainly be pleased that cooking does not take much time, and the result is aromatic and very tasty food.

Cooking time – 1/2 hour.

The number of calories per 100 g is 216 kcal.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the pepper into cubes, and chop the onion and garlic. Cut the carrots into cubes.
  2. Sliced ​​chicken fillet is fried in vegetable oil until an appetizing crust begins to appear.
  3. Sauté the onion, carrot and pepper for about 10 minutes.
  4. Pour the bulgur into the frying pan with the vegetables. Mix thoroughly and add spices and garlic.
  5. Place tomato paste in a frying pan and fry for another 1 minute.
  6. Water pours in. Salt and add fried chicken fillet.
  7. Bring the dish to a boil, after which it must be kept on low heat for approximately 20 minutes for the bulgar to cook.

When serving bulgur with vegetables and chicken, garnish with herbs.

Bulgur with vegetables in a slow cooker

The dish prepared in a slow cooker turns out aromatic and crumbly. In addition, the cooking process will not take much time from the housewife.

Cooking time: approximately 70 minutes.

The calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 350 kcal.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Vegetables must be washed thoroughly. Peel the onions and carrots.
  2. Coarsely grate the carrots, chop the onion, and cut the pepper into cubes.
  3. Sunflower oil is placed in the bowl of the device and the “Frying” or “Baking” mode is turned on.
  4. Add chopped peppers, carrots and onions, fry them for 15 minutes without closing the lid. Don't forget to mix the vegetables well.
  5. Wash the bulgur thoroughly.
  6. Then add water and bring it to a boil.
  7. We change the program from “Frying” to “Porridge”. Add cereal and salt to taste. Mix well, then cook for approximately 20 minutes with the lid closed.

Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

How to prepare bulgur salad with vegetables

This salad turns out tasty and dietary. It can be served as a separate dish or as a side dish.

Cooking time – 25 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g of dish is 105 kcal.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The cereal is washed well and poured with boiling water. At the same time, try to keep the water level 1 cm above the bulgur. Let the cereal swell for about 20 minutes, covering the pan with a lid.
  2. The tomatoes are cut into cubes, the cilantro and onion are chopped.
  3. Place the prepared cereal in a salad bowl and add onion and coriander to it. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  4. Tomatoes are placed in a salad bowl. Add salt and spices. Season with oil and lime juice and mix well.

Let the salad sit for about 10 minutes so that the bulgur is soaked in juice and oil.

Pilaf with bulgur and lamb

This is a traditional Turkish dish. Although the housewife will have to tinker with the pilaf, it turns out nourishing, tasty and surprisingly aromatic.

Cooking time: 80 minutes.

The number of calories is 550 kcal per 100 g of dish.

Cooking recipe step by step:

  1. The chickpeas are pre-soaked for 12 hours.
  2. The meat is thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces, removing excess fat.
  3. Fry the cracklings in a cauldron, then add the lamb and fry until a crust appears.
  4. Wash and peel the onions and carrots and chop them.
  5. Add vegetables, chickpeas, and hot pepper rings to the lamb. Pepper and salt.
  6. Simmer for about half an hour, covering with a lid and without stirring.
  7. The head of garlic is peeled and placed entirely in a cauldron.
  8. Pour bulgur into the container, and then add water so that the liquid reaches the level of 2 fingers folded together.
  9. Simmer for half an hour without stirring over low heat.

When serving, spices are added, for example, turmeric or barberry.

  1. To prepare soup, experienced chefs and nutritionists recommend using coarsely ground grains and finely ground grains for side dishes.
  2. Before cooking, it is advisable to fry the bulgur a little in a pan with oil. This will give the dish a “nutty” aroma.
  3. For frying, butter, ghee or olive oil is used.
  4. To prepare cereals, add water so that they are in a 1:2 ratio. This way the liquid will be completely absorbed into the cereal.
  5. Cooking time for bulgur is approximately 20 minutes. Try not to overcook it, otherwise it will lose its taste and aroma.
  6. Dishes made from this grain turn out more flavorful and soft when cooked in a slow cooker.
  7. When preparing a salad, the grain does not need to be cooked. To do this, just leave the bulgur in water, where it will swell.
  8. Cereals should be stored away from direct sunlight and high humidity. It is recommended to use airtight glass containers.

Bulgur with vegetables is perfect for people who lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain proper nutrition, due to the content of valuable vitamins and microelements.

There are many recipes that include this cereal. These dishes have excellent taste and aroma. They are served both as a main dish and a side dish.

Today there are a lot of recipes for cooking bulgur. This is an incredibly nourishing and tasty cereal used in various dishes: soups, salads, side dishes and even desserts. Bulgur is popular not only in its homeland in the Middle East, but also in Europe, where it is considered a grain with a thousand-year history and amazing taste.

Even a novice housewife can cook bulgur. We will need: 400 ml of water (about 2 tbsp.), a glass of cereal, butter (50 g) and salt.

To cook, place a thick-bottomed pan on the fire. This way the cereal will not burn and will be able to fully reveal its aroma during simmering. A piece of butter is placed in a container and melted, then bulgur is placed in it.

The cereal should simmer in oil for 1–2 minutes. After this, water is poured into the container and the porridge is brought to a boil. When the cereal boils, turn down the heat. During this period, add salt to taste. Boil the bulgur for 15 to 20 minutes. The dish is considered ready when indentations resembling pits appear on the surface of the porridge. This means that the excess liquid from the pan has evaporated and the bulgur is ready to eat.

Instead of butter, you can use sunflower or olive oil. But the most delicious bulgur as a side dish is made with butter.

The cereal is not soaked or washed before cooking. It is worth considering that during cooking, bulgur increases in size up to 3 times, so it is better to select a larger container for cooking.

Pilaf with bulgur meat

Pilaf with bulgur meat is very popular in India and Turkey. Unlike traditional pilaf with rice, this dish is more juicy and flavorful.

Required ingredients:

  • Cereals – 2 tbsp.
  • Pork tenderloin – 400 g.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Meat broth – 600 ml.
  • Table salt – 1 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 7 tbsp. l.
  • Dill and parsley - 1 bunch each.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Barberry – 1 tsp.
  • Khmeli-suneli – 1 tsp.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Carrots and onions are peeled, washed and cut into cubes measuring 1*1 cm.
  2. A thick-bottomed casserole is placed on the fire; when the container is hot enough, sunflower oil is poured into it.
  3. In well-heated oil, first fry the chopped onion, then the carrots. After frying, the vegetables are removed from the container.
  4. Pre-cut pork is placed in a cauldron with oil, where carrots and onions were previously fried, and fried until half cooked.
  5. Then fried onions and carrots, as well as salt and spices are added to the meat. Everything is fried for 3-4 minutes to reveal the flavor of the spices.
  6. Place the cereal in a cauldron and fill it with broth. If there is no meat broth, it can be replaced with plain water.
  7. After boiling, turn the heat to a minimum so that the pilaf simmers. Close the lid of the cauldron tightly.
  8. After 10 minutes of boiling, add pre-peeled garlic to the pilaf and close the lid again.
  9. After 7–10 minutes, the pilaf is ready to eat.
  10. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped dill and parsley.

You can use more than just pork to prepare this dish. Lamb, chicken and beef go well with cereal.

Bulgur salad

Salads with bulgur are distinguished by their piquancy and sophistication. They can be served as independent dishes or as side dishes for meat.

To prepare a cold salad you will need 2 tomatoes, 1 cup of boiled bulgur, 2 cucumbers, cilantro, green onions and chili pepper. Vegetables are cut into cubes, greens are chopped with a knife. All ingredients are mixed with boiled porridge.

Next you need to prepare a salad dressing from 1 clove of garlic, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. balsamic and 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. The dressing goes on top of the salad. For lovers of spicy dishes, it is recommended to add chili pepper in small quantities to the salad.

Warm salads with bulgur are in demand in the east. They perfectly satisfy hunger and are served as independent dishes.

To prepare a warm salad you will need: 1 sweet pepper, 1 zucchini, 1 eggplant, sunflower oil, 1 glass of cereal, parsley, 1 shallot, salt and pepper to taste.

Initially, you will need to bake the pepper in the oven in foil for half an hour. After baking, the skin is removed from the vegetable and it is cut into cubes. Peel the zucchini and eggplant, cut into cubes, and add salt to prevent bitterness.

Fry the vegetables in a preheated frying pan with oil until cooked. Boil the bulgur and mix with baked peppers and fried vegetables. At the end, chopped greens and finely chopped shallots are added to the salad. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.

Recipe for bulgur with vegetables

Bulgur with vegetables is a great option for everyday lunch or dinner. The main advantage of this dish is its usefulness, satiety and speed of preparation.

Required ingredients:

  • Cereals – 2 tbsp.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Zucchini – 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper – 1 pc.
  • Green peas – 50 g.
  • Corn – 50 g.
  • Butter and olive oil for frying.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking recipe step by step:

  1. All vegetables, except peas and corn, are peeled and cut into squares. Fry in olive oil until half cooked.
  2. Vegetables are removed from the container with a slotted spoon.
  3. Place butter in a bowl, melt and pour in the bulgur. Fry the cereal for no more than 5 minutes.
  4. Then the previously fried vegetables are added to it, the mixture is filled with 400 ml of water and brought to a boil.
  5. After 10 minutes, add peas and corn, cook for a maximum of 5 more minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the dish to steep.

To prepare this culinary delight, you can use any vegetables. Eggplants and tomatoes go well with cereal.

To add piquancy to the porridge, you can sprinkle it with grated cheese or herbs when serving.

Preparing a side dish in a slow cooker

Bulgur can be cooked either on the stove in a saucepan or in a slow cooker. When preparing a side dish in a multicooker, initially the butter is melted in a bowl on the “frying” mode, then the cereal is laid out in it, filled with water and the “porridge or stewing” mode is set.

When cooking in a slow cooker, the ratio should be 1:2. For one part of cereal, take two parts of water.

Bulgur soup

To prepare bulgur soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cereals – 200 g.
  • Chicken fillet – 200 g.
  • Smoked brisket - 50 g.
  • Green onions - 3 feathers.
  • Dill – 3 sprigs.
  • Shallots – 3 heads.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Parsnips - half a root.
  • Dried garlic – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Paprika – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ground sumac – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter – 40 g.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. A broth is boiled using chicken fillet, dill and green onions.
  2. In a separate container, the cereal with a mixture of all seasonings is calcined in melted butter (take 20 g). Then the bulgur is filled with broth and boiled until half cooked.
  3. Parsnip root, carrots and onions, cut into strips, are fried in the remaining butter. Vegetables are added to the broth.
  4. Remove the boiled chicken fillet from the pan and cut it together with the smoked breast into squares. Season with dried garlic and heat in a dry frying pan for 3-5 minutes.
  5. The broth with bulgur is poured into plates, the meat is laid out on top and sprinkled with herbs.

It is worth considering that you cannot leave this soup for a long time. Cereals absorb liquid very quickly, so after 5–6 hours such a soup can simply turn into porridge. It is recommended to consume this dish immediately after preparation.

Bulgur dessert

Not only first courses, salads and side dishes, but also desserts are prepared from this popular Mediterranean grain. You can make muffins from bulgur that will amaze even an experienced cook with its taste.

To prepare you will need a chicken egg (2 pcs.), milk (200 ml), sunflower oil (3 tbsp.), whole grain flour (1.5 tbsp.), bulgur (1 tbsp.), baking powder (3 tsp. .), thyme leaves.

Initially, bulgur is boiled. Then, in a deep bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk until foamy. Milk, sunflower oil, thyme leaves and cooled cooked bulgur are added to the mass. Then flour is added and mixed. The dough should not be kneaded too much.

Silicone baking molds are greased with butter and filled 3 quarters with dough. The tray with the molds is placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

It is better to check the readiness of the muffins with a wooden skewer or match. If it is wet, then the dish is not ready yet and you should put it in the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

Lenten recipes are usually quite boring and monotonous. So let's bring a bright touch of oriental flavor to the Lenten table. Today I will tell you how to cook bulgur with vegetables - a universal dish that can become a hearty appetizer and even a main dish if served hot.

Bulgur is a very tasty and popular wheat cereal in the Middle East, which for some reason is little known in our country. But in vain! It is a storehouse of protein and fiber. Having a fairly neutral taste, bulgur is perfect for a wide variety of dishes from fresh salads to aromatic pilafs.
Nowadays, supermarkets sell imported vegetables all year round, which, unfortunately, cannot boast of a rich taste. Baking (ideally over coals or an open fire) transforms them beyond recognition, but even a regular oven helps them “open up,” and herbs will complement the harmony of taste and aroma.
Total cooking time – 50 minutes
Active cooking time – 5 minutes
Cost – 3 $
Calorie content per 100 g – 153 kcal
Number of servings – 4 servings

Recipe for bulgur with vegetables


Bulgur – 1/2 cup
Eggplant – 1 pc.
Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.
Parsley – 1 bunch
Garlic – 1 clove
Sweet red pepper- 1 PC.
Mint – 1 bunch
Olive oil – 3 tbsp.
Red onion – 1/2 pcs.
Salt - to taste


Boil 1 glass of water in a small saucepan and add the bulgur. Reduce heat and cook until liquid is completely absorbed.

Wash the pepper and eggplant. We put it in a heat-resistant form (line it with foil so that there are no difficulties with washing it later) and bake in an oven already heated to 240 degrees until the peppers appear scorched (it needs to be turned over from time to time).

After baking, place the pepper in a plastic bag so that it “sweats” there, leave for 20 minutes, after which we easily remove the skin. We also remove the skin from the eggplant. Chop the vegetable pulp with a knife.

In a salad bowl, mix bulgur and baked vegetables. Chop mint leaves (without hard stems), parsley, onion and garlic. Add to salad, pour olive oil and lemon juice, and salt. Let it brew slightly and serve.