How to choose the right olive oil in Greece. Olive oil – “liquid gold” from Greece

Olive oil is considered one of the healthiest vegetable oils. It is this that is used in one of the healthiest and popular cuisines world - Mediterranean.

Olive oil is an indispensable addition to many dishes, and is also considered the most suitable for consumption by those who adhere to a healthy diet.

However, the most valuable is the Greek olive oil. There is an opinion that it is it that contains the maximum beneficial properties and has unique taste and a unique aroma.

Olive oil has many beneficial properties that can be extracted from regular use quality natural oil for food.

In olive oil a large number of unsaturated fatty acids. Our body constantly needs them, but in most cases the fats we consume daily come only with unsaturated fatty acids, which are not so beneficial for us. Omega-3, for example, helps keep the body in good shape, prevents aging and clears the skin of various rashes and marks.

Olive oil is extremely beneficial for those who are concerned about the condition of the heart and blood vessels. The substances in its composition have a beneficial effect on cardiac tone and also remove harmful cholesterol from blood vessels, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and strokes.

Olive oil helps preserve calcium in the body, so it is useful for those suffering from osteoporosis and arthritis.

Regular consumption of olive oil helps to make you more beautiful and cleaner skin, restore and improve hair and nails. It's not called a beauty product for nothing!

It has been proven that olive oil can reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.

A huge number of useful properties indicate the value of this product, but the subtlety lies in its choice. It is important to purchase real and quality oil to get the maximum benefit from it for the body! This is exactly the product that is definitely worth bringing from Greece, even if you have to sacrifice space in your suitcase.

How to choose the best olive oil in a Greek store

It is not difficult to purchase oil in any of our supermarkets: you just need to find a shelf in the store and take a bottle with more late production and required volume. But how to find good oil specifically in Greece?

There is an opinion that olive oil is cheaper in Greece than in Russia, so many people mistakenly bring cheap oil with them.

However, on such bottles of inexpensive olive oil you can see the inscription Ελαιόλαδο - Αποτελείται από Εξευγενισμένα και Παρθένα Ελαιόλαδα , which indicates that the product was made from a mixture of cold-pressed oils and refined oils.

This reduces the quality of the oil and it loses 80% of its beneficial properties.

To buy good Greek olive oil, choose bottles labeled Εξαιρετικό Παρθένο Ελαιόλαδο . This is a cold-pressed oil, during the production of which the maximum beneficial properties are preserved.

When storing this oil, you may notice a sediment at the bottom of the bottle, which is nothing more than olive pulp.

You can also come across oil whose packaging says Πυρηνέλαιο - Ιδανικό για τηγάνισμα (για κάθε χρήση). This indicates that you have a mixture refined oil from seeds and regular olive oil. As a rule, this type is the cheapest.

The most popular brands of olive oil

However, the inscription on the box about the method of making the oil and its composition sometimes cannot be evidence of quality. It is better to rely on the brand, since there are certain manufacturers whose products have proven themselves in almost all countries of the world.

  • "Minerva" Oil from the Greek company Minerva is undoubtedly in first place both in terms of popularity and quality. This is the very first olive oil producer in Greece. To this day, the company holds 42% of the world's supply of this product.

    This brand of oil is distinguished by the fact that the raw materials for its production are collected exclusively by hand, and the oil itself is pressed according to the ancient classical technology. This olive oil has a rich and deep taste with a hint of bitterness.

  • "TerraCreta"

    This brand of oil is made from olives harvested in the province of Kolymvari. The company produces several types of oil with different flavors and additives. This brand of olive oil is different great taste and quality.


    If Minerva makes only oil that should be consumed raw, then this Greek company also supplies oil intended for heat treatment. It can be added to dishes when frying or baking.

Many people equate the two concepts of Greece and olive oil. Where else can the olive tree grow, if not in Greece? Many thousands of years ago, this tree was brought by the Phoenicians to ancient Hellas, after olive literally let loose her words deep roots, while becoming a classic of the Greek landscape. There is also a mythical concept about the origin of olive trees; they say that the olive was brought as a gift by the goddess Aphrodite to the inhabitants of Attica. At the same time, nothing is said about the Phoenicians in the myth, but this only confirms the fact of how great the value of this tree was even then. At the time when oil began to be extracted from olive fruits, with the light hand of the great Homer, it received the name " liquid gold", while for some time it actually served as currency. Each Greek region produces its own varieties of olive oil, since the trees different varieties. Approximately seven percent of olives from each harvest are sent to consumers in the form of fruits, the rest is turned into oil. There are a couple of objective indicators by which it is possible to determine good olive oil, this is the level of organic acids in it, as well as the production method. Acidity can indicate the chemical degradation of olive oil. It is measured in weight percent, and in Greek it is written: οξύτητα. The lower the acidity, the better. If you use oils to season dishes, make sure that the acidity does not exceed 0.8 percent.

Less than ten percent of the olives collected end up in Greek markets. There are more nuances in production. So, in 1959, under the auspices of the UN, an organization appeared - the International Olive Council (IOC), this organization was entrusted with resolving all issues related to olives and olive oil. Certain standards were also developed, and today you can use them to determine the type of product just by looking at the label. Of course, the best in every sense is olive oil, which was obtained using the “old-fashioned” method, namely, without the addition of heat treatments and any chemical procedures. This is the first cold pressed, in other words, in its process, selected olives are destined to be pressed, releasing oil into pure form. The following words will appear on the label: Extra-Virgin Olive Oil(in Greek: Εξαιρετικό Παρθένο Ελαιόλαδο). In order to obtain a liter of such oil, it takes approximately ten to thirty kilograms of olives, which is why it is considered the most expensive.

There is also a first and second spin, in addition to the first. Such olive oil is of course inferior in quality to the first pressing and is still considered good because it is obtained in a natural way. On such oil you will see a label with the following content: Virgin Olive Oil (Παρθένο Ελαιόλαδο).

The next type of oil is a mixture of cold-pressed oil and refined oil. It already has acidity, albeit small, and is also ideal for frying foods; the taste is more softened compared to cold-pressed oil in its pure form. And the price of this type of oil is already more attractive. The label says - Pure Olive Oil, or Ελαιόλαδο - Αποτελούμενο από εξευγενισμένα ελαιόλαδα και παρθένα ελαιόλαδα. There are oils and more Low quality, but it’s better not to mention such things in order to do right choice you can know the above varieties.

Even by looking at it, you can easily identify high-quality oil; its color is greenish and its consistency is thick. If possible, try to purchase olive oil only in glass bottles, even if its price is more expensive, it retains its properties in glass beneficial features better. And yet, even in glass, you shouldn’t store oil for a long period of time, so there’s no need to save it; generously moisten the pan and season salads. The choice of olive oil in its country of origin is amazing. It’s not sold in glass bottles, but if your family is large, you can take a five-liter tin canister with olive oil inside, and pour it into glass bottles at home. This will be more economically profitable, and you will have to remember Greece with warm words more than once. When purchasing an exquisite and attractive bottle of oil in a souvenir shop, it is worth considering the fact that it only looks attractive, but it could have been stored longer than necessary, even in the sun, and this oil is not suitable for any purpose. It's nice for a souvenir, but it's better not to put it in food.

A huge plus greek oil, in comparison with the same Spanish, this is the absence of bitterness, and when frying too, but there is a special rich and harmonious taste. As for the choice of any specific brands, in Hellas there is only one rule, but it is quite simple; knowing it will simply make your life easier: there is NO bad olive oil in Greece. Whatever you purchase, you will be satisfied in any case.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of olive oil. It contains numerous vitamins, various minerals, valuable antioxidants and miraculous omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Without this product it is simply impossible to imagine a healthy and balanced diet.

Olive oil is the easiest way to make food much tastier and healthier. It is added to salads, snacks and fish dishes. Just a few drops of olive oil can dramatically transform your food.

Today, the range of supermarkets is so diverse that it can be quite difficult to decide which product deserves to be on your table. KitchenMag suggests choosing your olive oil wisely. We tell you what you need to know to buy the best quality product for yourself and your family.

1. Look for extra virgin on the label.

Olive oil from the Peloponnese, traditionally considered one of the best in the world

This is actually very important. For example, if in Greece you ask for olive oil in a store, but don’t specify that you need extra virgin, then don’t be surprised if they bring you something completely different from what you expected.

This inscription guarantees that the oil is made only from olives. the best varieties by using machining and cold pressed. In essence, this is a kind of quality guarantee.

2. Decide on your purchase goals

Vitamin-enriched olive oil extra oil virgin is ideal for dressing salads, but is not at all suitable for frying and other types of heat treatment. Useful material under the influence of hot temperatures they turn into practically carcinogens!

If you know for sure that you are going to fry in olive oil and add it when baking, then opt for refined olive oil (also known as “Pure”). It is perfect for these purposes!

3. Buy oil in the right packaging

Many consumers traditionally prefer tin packaging.

Proper packaging plays a very important role. Ideally, olive oil should be in a darkened glass bottle. As an alternative, you can choose the more practical tin packaging. Such measures are designed to protect the oil from the harmful effects of external factors. It is for the same reason that olive oil is recommended to be stored in a dark and slightly cool place.

4. Pay attention to acidity

Another important parameter The thing you need to consider to buy your dream olive oil is acidity. It is determined by the content of oleic acid in the oil. Your job is to buy olive oil with as little acidity as possible.

5. Look at the color

In most cases, you can only check the color of the oil at home, because a high-quality product is sold in tinted glass bottles, which distort the true color.

The color of olive oil is influenced by a large number of factors, including the time of harvest, the ripeness of the olives and many others. High-quality olive oil has a pleasant golden hue. Gray and rich green colors, on the contrary, indicate that the product is not of high quality or is made from overripe olives.

6. Check the date of manufacture

Be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture. On average, approximately 18 months should pass from production date to expiration date. This is the period of time when olive oil remains healthy and of high quality.

Try to choose the freshest possible olive oil that has been produced recently. Olive oil is not wine. Over time, it does not gain useful properties, but only loses quality.

Olive oil acidity- this is the percentage of oleic acid that is contained in a certain number of grams of the product. According to average indicators, the acidity level of the oil should not exceed 1%, but for each a separate type olive oil, these data may vary.

For example, according to the international standard, olive virgin oil should have an acidity of no more than 1%, but for extra virgin olive oil maximum valid value is the limit of 0.5% acidity.

If you buy a real one greek olive oil, then on the bottle or packaging the acidity value will be indicated as οξύτητα, and on English language acidity is acidity.

In reality, the acidity level of the oil has little effect on the flavor of the oil itself. However, experienced experts note that with a lower acidity level, olive oil acquires additional shades of taste and extraordinary softness. For this reason, in the modern world market you can find olive oil that is sold with the specific indication that it is richer or richer. soft taste, but without marking the acidity level. Based on this information, we can conclude that a lower percentage of acidity automatically means a mild taste, with virtually no bitterness.

With deliberate choice pomace oil, every buyer should be prepared to accept an acidity index of 1.5%. This product is also ready to eat, it does not cause any harm to health, but it is relatively high level The acidity makes the oil ideal for frying foods over a fire.

A counterweight high rate acidity, the 0.1% mark will not be an absolute guarantee of maximum High Quality oils In addition to this indicator, there are a number of other parameters that affect quality, such as the variety of olives and the place where the olive trees were grown. In addition, olive oil with an acidity level of up to 0.6% is quite optimal, but also expensive.

If you assume that what you have purchased olive oil will be used in the child’s diet, then the packaging should indicate an acidity level of no more than 0.5%, and for some manufacturers - up to 1%. It is believed that this olive oil is light and very gentle on the child's stomach. Moreover, the taste of this oil is an enduring classic of Greece.

If you want to buy a really high-quality oil that you are most likely to like, but are afraid of making a mistake in your choice, then you should pay attention to a product with a “standard”, classic acidity level within 0.8%. This product Perfect for preparing cold dishes and salads.

If the acidity of the oil is indicated at 2%, you should already think about purchasing this product. This oil has a certain degree of bitterness, not suitable for inclusion in children's diet. However, uh

Then the oil can be used quite normally for frying.

7. Try olive oil

Of course, the taste of olive oil plays a decisive role for the buyer. Even if you choose oil according to all the rules, there is no guarantee that you will fall in love with its taste at first sight. However, this is not a reason to be upset, but only an additional opportunity for experimentation. We are sure that you will definitely find “your” olive oil.

Although there are still certain standards. What should high-quality olive oil taste like? Is there no universal answer? Good olive oil can be sweetish, bitterish (sore throat), and sour. Obvious deviations include wateriness, rancidity (bitterness on the tongue), vinegar or metallic taste.

It is a rare guest returning from Greece who does not take with him a bottle of olive oil - local pride and wealth. Having once tasted any of the dishes seasoned with olive oil, you don’t even want to remember about that surrogate that is sold at inadequate prices in your local supermarkets. In Greek stores, the choice of oil is so large that it’s easy to panic: how to choose the right one? Therefore, in this article Grekoblog decided to address the topic of oil in general and useful tips, in particular, which can help you navigate the world of green bottles.

For most people, the words “olive oil” and “Greece” are almost identical concepts. Where else should olive grow, if not here! Brought to ancient Hellas by the Phoenicians many thousands of years ago, the tree literally took deep roots here, becoming a classic of the Greek landscape. Ancient myths even claim that the olive was brought to the inhabitants of Attica as a gift by the goddess Athena. The legend is silent about the Phoenicians, but this once again confirms the fact how great the value of this tree was even then. When they learned to extract oil from fruits, it light hand Homer was called “liquid gold” and for some time actually served as hard currency.

Each Greek region is famous for its variety of olive trees. From each harvest, approximately 7% of the fruit is sent to market, while the rest is destined to turn into oil.

There are two objective indicators by which high-quality oil can be determined: the level of organic acids in it and the production method.

Acidity indicates the chemical degradation of the oil. It is measured as a percentage by weight and is written in Greek as οξύτητα. The lower it is, the better for you. In a product used to season dishes, the acidity should not exceed 0.8%.

Less than 10% of the harvest ends up in the market

As for production, there are a little more nuances. In 1959, under the auspices of the UN, a special organization was established - the International Olive Council (IOC), which resolved all issues regarding olives and olive oil. He developed standards by which we can today determine the type of product - just look at the label.

The most valuable in every sense, of course, is the oil obtained in a natural, “old-fashioned” way, without any chemical procedures or heat treatments. This is the so-called first cold pressing, during which selected olives are pressed and the oil is released in its purest form. You can recognize it from the label by the words Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (Greek: Εξαιρετικό Παρθένο Ελαιόλαδο). To get a liter of “extra-virgin” product, it takes from 10 to 30 kg of raw materials, which is why it is the most expensive.

In addition to the first cold press, there are also a second and a third. This oil is inferior in quality to the first pressing, but is still considered very good, since it is obtained in the most natural way. The label on it says Virgin Olive Oil (Παρθένο Ελαιόλαδο).

Next oil is a mixture of refined and cold-pressed oil. It has a slight acidity, is ideal for frying and has a softened flavor - less intense than pure cold-pressed oil. Its price is much more attractive, and from our own experience we will say that it also sounds great in a salad. Its label is Pure Olive Oil, or Ελαιόλαδο - Αποτελούμενο από εξευγενισμένα ελαιόλαδα και παρθένα ε λαιόλαδα.

There are also several other units of lower quality, but out of respect for your taste, we do not consider it necessary to mention them in the article. To commit a good choice, the indicated varieties will be quite sufficient.

Even at a glance, you can easily recognize high-quality oil by its greenish color and thick consistency. If possible, try to buy the product in glass bottles, even if it is more expensive, but this way it better retains its beneficial properties. But even in glass long-term storage Oil is not good for you, so don’t try to save it, generously season salads and moisten the pan.

The choice of oil in Hellas is amazingly diverse

If there are a lot of mouths in the family, immediately bring a five-liter tin canister with you from your trip (in your luggage, of course), and at home gradually pour it into a glass bottle. It turns out to be much more economical, and you will remember Greece with a kind word more than once.

When buying a beautiful bottle in a souvenir shop, keep in mind that even though it looks attractive, it could have been stored much longer than expected and even sunbathed, which will not benefit any oil. It’s fine for a souvenir, but it’s better not to eat it.

Greece is one of the top three countries - world leaders in the production of olive oil. But, at the same time, it is Greece that ranks first in the quality of olive oil production Extra Virgin and canned olives.

And most importantly, Greece is a country where the olive is revered as a gift from the gods, and therefore the attitude of the Greeks towards these fruits is appropriate.

For many centuries, this land has kept its secrets, which thousands of scientists and philosophers have tried to unravel. Secrets of history, mythology. Including the secret of olive oil. Even now, in the age of progress and scientific achievements, the secret of the taste and benefits of a real Greek product has not yet been completely solved.

The geographical position of Greece, like its natural diversity, is no less striking. Washed by three seas, lined with mountain ranges and countless lakes, decorated with emerald greenery and golden sands - this country makes you fall in love at first sight.

The combination of all the advantages, all the brightest qualities of Greece was embodied in a unique national product - olive oil.

According to historians, the cultivation of olives, and accordingly the production of olive oil, began in Greece at least five thousand years ago - even before our era. Then the ancient kings, generals, philosophers and masters of antiquity already ate this most valuable product at feasts, thanking the gods of Olympus for it. Since then, the production of olive oil - “liquid gold” - has been a priority in the state.

In modern Greece, the population uses olives and olive oil in any dish - hot, cold, in salads, even in desserts. No wonder the Mediterranean diet is considered the most beneficial for human body. The Greeks add extra virgin olive oil to absolutely all their dishes. After all, the product of processing the fruits of the olive tree can not only give fresh taste, bright aroma and unique piquancy of this or that dish, but also enhance useful qualities each of its components. For example, we all know that carrots contain a lot of vitamin A that we need, but for better absorption by the body it is necessary to consume this vitamin in combination with vegetable fats. And Greek olive oil is perfect for this role.

“Liquid gold” has been used since time immemorial in medicinal purposes. It is included in various ointments and injection solutions. But most often olive oil is used in in kind to get rid of a wide variety of diseases.

After all, it is rightfully considered not only the most delicious, but also the most healthy. Olive oil cures diseases of the heart and blood vessels, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, oncological diseases and from gastrointestinal diseases. Excess weight also ceases to be a problem when consuming Greek grade olive oil Extra Virgin. These facts are not unfounded. They are confirmed by pharmacists, doctors and nutritionists around the world. Moreover, appearance, the strength and vigor of the Greek population are further proof of the unique healing properties"liquid gold"

The variety of qualities of olive oil depends on the type of fruit and its degree of ripeness. So every drop of it most valuable product unique and inimitable in taste.

Greek olive oil– this is history, modernity and the future. This hard labour and divine grace. This is why Greek olive oil is the ultimate in perfection.

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