How to fry boiled pasta. Simple recipes for pasta in a frying pan without pre-cooking

Fried pasta is a quick and juicy dish that you can prepare in your kitchen in just 15 minutes. They turn out to be so attractive in appearance that even kids will want to try them. However, this dish is not recommended for those who are on a diet or adhere to a healthy diet, since when frying, the pasta absorbs almost all the vegetable oil, becoming unusually high in calories. Don’t worry, fried pasta is not served at the table; liquid must be added to it afterwards, and the dish only bears that name. By the way, you can supplement the pasta with cutlets or meatballs made from lean meats.


  • 30 ml vegetable oil
  • 200 g pasta of any type
  • 400 ml hot water
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • greens to taste

How to cook fried pasta

1. When choosing pasta to create this dish, we will give preference to horns, bows, small shells, etc. If you have spaghetti or tagliatelle, it is best to break them into several pieces so that all the pasta can fry evenly. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron or frying pan and heat it by placing the container on the stove. Add the pasta to the oil and fry it over medium heat for 3-5 minutes, being careful not to burn it. Remember that it is not recommended to fry in olive oil - use odorless sunflower or corn oil.

2. Once the pasta is nicely browned, pour water into the container. If you wish, you can add a pinch or two of various herbs: thyme, oregano, basil, if you like such flavor combinations. Boil the pasta on low heat for about 10 minutes, covering the container with a lid so that the pasta can steam.

3. Ready pasta will completely absorb the liquid. If you still have liquid left in the container, and the pasta is already ready, not boiled, then simply throw it in a colander and then back. Butter is not added to such a dish, so as not to make it even more high in calories.

Cook the pasta. Heat a frying pan, pour oil, add pasta and fry over medium heat without a lid.

Cook raw pasta in a frying pan.

How to fry pasta

1. Heat a frying pan.
2. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
3. Place boiled pasta in a frying pan.
4. Fry the pasta for 5 minutes, then place on a plate.
Your pasta is fried! Serve with ketchup and grated cheese.

Fried raw pasta

Pasta - 100 grams (1/5 standard pack)
Boiling water - half a glass
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons
Onions - 1 head
Garlic - 3 cloves
Salt and seasonings - to taste

How to fry raw pasta
1. Peel the onions and garlic.
2. Finely chop the onion, grate the garlic on a fine grater or chop finely.
3. Turn on medium heat.
4. Place a frying pan on the fire.
5. Wait 1 minute and pour 3 tablespoons of oil into the pan.
6. Immediately add onion and garlic to the frying pan and smooth over the entire surface of the frying pan using a spatula.
7. Fry onion and garlic for 5 minutes, stirring.
8. Place raw pasta in a frying pan - if it is long, break it first.
9. Mix the pasta and onion thoroughly.
10. Pour in 3 tablespoons of soy sauce.
11. Pour in 1 cup of boiling water.
12. Sprinkle pasta with salt and seasonings.
13. Mix pasta with salt and seasonings.
14. Cover the frying pan with a lid.
15. Simmer the pasta for another 7 minutes.
Once cooking is complete, place the pasta on plates and serve with ketchup or sauce.

Pasta is a favorite and familiar dish for each of us. They can be prepared very quickly, and this explains their great popularity. Often they come to the rescue when you need to set the table urgently. Everyone knows that they can be boiled and eaten as an independent dish, or used as a side dish. However, not everyone is aware of how to fry pasta in a frying pan without cooking. How to do this? There are several different recipes.

Boil the dough in well-salted water, at least twice as much as in the package. Let it dry until the paste takes on a translucent appearance and consistency that is loose but with minimal elasticity. In fact, you can even "bake" pasta using the microwave, but a respectable appetizer is fried, everyone knows that. To eat it or season it with spices, sauces and seasonings as desired. An alternative but great snack. This pass takes about two oven hours or three dryers. . Say fried and think fried Neapolitans, flavorful, tasty and good for eating outside or waiting for pizza.

Recipe 1: Ingredients

For the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • A pack or 0.5 kg of your favorite pasta.
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce.
  • 3 tablespoons butter.
  • 1 piece of boiled chicken fillet.
  • Salt and sweet paprika.

Fried with tomato

Pour the pasta into a very hot dry frying pan and start frying. Continue until their color changes to brownish, stirring constantly. Then you should add butter and mix everything well, then put finely chopped chicken fillet and tomato sauce into the frying pan and mix all the ingredients thoroughly again. The resulting mixture must be poured with boiling water. The water level should be higher than the pasta. Add spices and salt to taste. Then simmer the pasta over low heat until the water evaporates. The frying pan must be closed with a lid. This is one of the well-known ways to fry pasta in a frying pan.

But to experience the flavors of Neapolitan Cuoppo, Piselle and Pasta Cresciuta, you don't have to buy a ticket to Naples, it's good enough to take them home. Having learned how to make them and his, we are now learning how to make Neapolitan. Meanwhile, watch the video and then for a summary of the ingredients and steps give you a look below.

How to make homemade pizza

Flour Yeast Salt Water Stable Frying Oil Pear Basil Parmesan. . The dough will look like pizza as you imagine, although the result should be a very elastic paste. Once the pasta is ready you will need to spread it out and divide it into the bread to let it sit for 1 hour.

Recipe 2: what will you need?

It requires the following:

  • 100 grams of pasta.
  • 2 large chicken eggs.
  • Butter.
  • Salt.

How to cook?

This recipe's delicious fried pasta isn't exactly that. Despite the fact that they do not need to be cooked until tender, they should still be boiled for 2-3 minutes. After this, you need to transfer the pasta into a frying pan with a small amount of melted butter and fry it for a few minutes. Then you need to beat in the eggs and mix everything thoroughly, close the pan with a lid and cook the dish over low heat for about another five minutes. If after this time the pasta remains hard, you can add a little boiling water to the pan and simmer under a closed lid until the water has completely evaporated.

How to make pasta with anchovies

At this point you will have to fry them: be careful that they take forever to swell. Once dry, hold them in place. Pepper plum salt for milling flour under Oil. . Here too, the dough initially remembers pizza or pizza, although this time it should be more liquid.

After kneading for a good tempering 1 hour. Then add finely chopped anchovies to the dough. At this stage, create balls, help with a spoon of oil and fry. Zucchini Pepperoni Flour Salted oil for frying. . Cut the vegetables into tables and pour into the flour.

Recipe 3: ingredients for cooking

In this case, fried vermicelli turns out best.

For this you will need:

  • 120 grams of pasta (optional vermicelli) from durum wheat;
  • 1 teaspoon curry seasoning;
  • dill;
  • ground black pepper and salt;
  • bay leaf;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Cooking process

Pour olive oil into a frying pan and heat it, then add ground black pepper and curry. Spices need to be fried for about thirty seconds. Then you need to pour in the raw vermicelli and fry it for three minutes. After this, pour cold water into the pan and stir everything thoroughly. After this, a bay leaf is placed in the pasta, and the heat is turned to maximum. This dish takes about ten minutes to cook with the lid closed. Ready fried vermicelli is sprinkled with dill.

Once cooked, fry the vegetables continuously and do not attack them. A brilliant idea, perhaps thanks to the intuition of an Italian chef: bake a bowl of tomato paste directly in the pan with all the ingredients. Unlike plant-based pasta, where you add water or broth a little at a time, everything goes straight into the pan, pasta and any seasoning, and cooks. Cut down on time, energy and even one jar to cleanse, in short, recipes you should try too early.

Prepare your ingredients, pull out the pan and run to the kitchen to cook something delicious. Preparation: Pour all ingredients into a tall pan: pasta. Tomatoes sliced ​​and cut into 2 or 4 pieces, spicy chillies, salt, oil, basil leaves and whole garlic cloves. Cover with a lid and bring to medium heat.

Recipe 4: what will you need to prepare?

This method is not very different from the previous one. It is believed that this is the Armenian national method of frying pasta in a frying pan.

The following ingredients are needed:

  • 0.5 kg of any pasta;
  • 60 ml sunflower oil;
  • 80 grams of butter;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • ground black pepper.

How to cook fried pasta?

The recipe is similar to the previous ones. Melt the butter in a frying pan, slowly mix it with the vegetable oil, mix very thoroughly and heat. Then raw pasta is added to the mixture and fried until golden brown. After this, you need to salt them and add pepper if desired, and fill the pan to the brim with water. The layer of boiling water should be about a centimeter larger than the layer of pasta. Cook the dish over low heat until the water has completely boiled away. After this, the pasta should stand for about ten minutes with the lid closed.

When it reaches a boil, remove the lid and bake over medium heat and roll frequently for the amount of time indicated on your macaron package. Once cooking is complete, the liquid will be consumed and the pasta will be cooked to perfection. Process it with a cheese grater. Simple, fast, but especially good.

When baking durum wheat mangolin there are always clear instructions, “orthodox” procedures that distinguish the entire Italian cult of durum wheat first course. Cooking is considered the fundamental process of making good pasta and traditionally involves using 1 liter of water per 100g of pasta. The ritual of cooking is already being questioned on the Internet, blogs and videos that teach how to cook directly in the pan.

Pasta with bouillon cube

You can make fried pasta without cooking using a bouillon cube. For this you will need:

  • 150 grams of any pasta.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Garlic.
  • Any bouillon cube.
  • Pepper and salt.

Absolutely any pasta can be used in this recipe - spaghetti and “spider webs”, as well as horns. Heat the oil in a frying pan, then add the pasta and fry it over low heat until golden brown. This usually takes about five minutes. While frying, you need to constantly stir the pasta, as it is important that it absorbs the oil. Then you should add the powdered bouillon cube and finely grated garlic, and then mix everything very well again.

If the instructions aren't enough, there are also pictures on the label to explain what to do and what not to do. One might think of a pre-cooked product, but on the side of the package it clearly states that this is a classic durum wheat pasta, which, thanks to the special format, can be prepared in a few minutes by pouring it directly into the pan along with the sauce. It can also be cooked in the microwave if desired; In both cases, the pasta, seasonings and water must be brought together, the important thing is that the fusilli and sedans are well coated with liquid.

After this, the mixture is filled with water so that its level is higher. With the lid closed, cook this dish for about seven minutes over medium heat. After this, you can immediately serve the pasta.

Recipe with a minimum of ingredients

This is also a type of simple pasta cooking method. The following ingredients are needed:

The product is definitely intended for foreign countries, where it is easier to offer an alternative cuisine than traditional pasta cuisine. The product description notes not only how fast it cooks, but also the fact that the skillet gives "more flavor to your pasta!" because it's cooked with sauce.

The pasta, packaged in 400 grams, was bought in a nearby store for 1.70 euros, then more than 4 euros per kg. The special format, speed of preparation and novelty, three elements that distinguish Agnesi Spadegliamo, increase the price compared to semolina pasta.

  • Any pasta.
  • Unrefined sunflower oil.

How to cook?

Heat an empty frying pan over a fire and pour a few tablespoons of oil into it. It is highly advisable to use “fragrant” unrefined oil, as it will give the dish a specific flavor. You can also use olive oil if desired. Then pasta is poured into the pan (their layer should be approximately the height of two fingers). While constantly stirring, fry the pasta for several minutes. The oil should saturate them well on all sides. You need to fry until they acquire a pale brown hue. Then boiling water is poured into the frying pan to the top, salt is added, and the pasta is stewed under a closed lid until cooked. This usually takes about ten minutes. It is best to season the finished dish with sour cream or yogurt. If desired, in this recipe you can replace vegetable oil with butter or even ghee. This will greatly affect the taste and aroma.

This is an archaic preparation and is closely related to folk traditions. A bad dish, but ideal for food and gastronomic purposes: a well-made omelette, although cheap, can be an amazing dish. His presence on the boards is so diligent that he conditioned the language in many ways to speak, all metaphors for irreparable games.

Endless omelet variables. The secular and universal popularity of this preparation, which any person can easily achieve in its simplest form by placing only eggs or endless variations with any other ingredient, has given rise not only to an unusual number of recipes, but also to a multitude of variable cooking methods which it is not easy to list. We are trying to list the various aspects of performance. We will differentiate between an omelette that is cooked on both sides and an omelette that is folded and cooked on only one.

When talking about how to fry pasta in a frying pan, you should remember that you need to use types from durum cereals. Such a product will not cause you to gain extra pounds, and its benefits for digestion have long been proven. Pasta cooked without cooking can be served as a separate dish or used as an ingredient in the preparation of more complex dishes.

Number of eggs. If for a starter consider one egg per person, for a main course, consider two eggs per person. Experts indicate up to eight eggs for a 30-centimeter omelet. The more you wonder: sooner, better prepare two. Beating eggs - eggs shelled in a bowl should be mixed so that the egg whites and yolks are combined, but not too much: excessive irritation prevents swelling. Add salt, pepper and other seasonings.

Fatty substance - Traditionally this is oil or oil, in some cases also lard. Some recipes call for bacon, which is added to the bottom of the pan, fried, and mixed with the eggs. At the bottom of the pan, what has been melted by adding oil, if necessary, falls out. The fatty substance should be brought to a high temperature and then pour the eggs together.

Many people think that pasta is very banal, and it is simply impossible to cook something unusual from it. In fact, this is not the case, since they can not only be boiled, but also fried. By combining with different ingredients you can get an original dish that even demanding gourmets will like. In addition, the cooked product doesn’t look so appetizing the next day, and many people fry it, but even in this case there are several rules and features.

Thickness - depends on the number of eggs relative to the diameter of the pan, but also on the possible filling. It must be said that if you choose not to turn the omelette, it becomes thicker and softer. Temperature - the omelette is good both hot and cold. In general, a cold omelette serves as a snack, a hot one as a main course.

Stuffed pancakes - There is no ingredient that can't go into an omelette, and this gives rise to an endless number of both traditional and personal variations. All vegetables can be used, first boiled or sauteed in a pan, aromatic herbs, chopped, added and mixed with raw eggs, meat, organ meats, fish and seafood, previously cooked.

By the way, the main connoisseurs of such dishes are, oddly enough, Armenians. You can take different products, but it is best to choose hollow or spiral ones, because... they do not boil over and retain their shape.

How to fry pasta?

It only takes 15 minutes to prepare. This recipe can be eaten separately or used as a side dish.

The pan can be made of iron, copper tin or non-stick aluminum with a rounded edge. Stainless steel is completely unfounded. They also need a fork for mixing eggs and other ingredients, as well as a spatula, preferably made of wood or Teflon. To include or not to include an omelette?

This is one of the dilemmas that has always accompanied the preparation of omelettes. Both are valid, but give a slightly different result. Let's get a look. Turn the omelet. - Hold the handle, move the pan with small shakes so that the omelette does not stick to the bottom, lower the flame and at the same time, with a fork, lift the edges, already coagulated, sliding under the omelette, the egg is still liquid. Do this until the whole mass is firm enough to turn. Before turning, turn the heat up to high, then quickly rinse the other face.

Required products:

  • Vermicelli – 200 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Bouillon cube – 1 pc.;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking process

Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and add the pasta and, stirring, fry until golden brown, this will take about 5 minutes. It is important that everything is soaked in oil. Grind the garlic on a fine grater or pass it through a press, and then add it to the pan. Place the mashed bouillon cube there.

This way the omelette will be thinner, more soda and brown in color. To lower the other face and then turn the omelette, there are two ways: with the first, turn the omelette to make a goose-loop in the air and resume it on the fly; With the second, place a large cup on the griddle and rotate the whole thing so that the toasted face is facing up and the bottom is for carrying.

Lightly brush eggs, add salt, pepper, grated Parmesan cheese and stir. Pour the eggs into the pan when the butter begins to crack, then lower it to medium heat. With a wooden spatula, allow the liquid to pass through to speed up coagulation.

Mix everything well and add water. Close the lid and leave for 6 minutes. over medium heat. During this time, everything should be prepared; if necessary, the heat treatment can be extended.

Options for how to fry pasta correctly

There are several recipes for preparing this dish. What’s important is that it won’t take much time, and it will certainly help out when guests arrive unexpectedly or when there is no time to cook something else.

When the omelette is folded and the face is fried, raise the heat and make the omelette as you prefer from those already mentioned. Do not turn the omelet - pour the eggs without maneuver; when the bottom begins to shimmer, lower the heat to low and cover with a lid. Coagulation will occur slowly, without a bottom.

After all, Artusi suggests, he didn't lie about the omelettes, "when he's done, he tips the pan over the plate with his hand and walks to the table." This mode offers a thicker, softer, and softer omelette, although it has a nice rose to it, as is the face it represents. An alternative to avoiding scrambled eggs is also to place a pan under the grill to cook the top surface. For large omelettes, it is better not to turn them.

Option #1 – Macaroni and cheese

Required products:

  • Horns – 400 g;
  • Hard cheese – 250 g;
  • Tomatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • Salt, pepper, spices.

Cooking process

Fry the main product in heated vegetable oil. At this time, grate the cheese on a coarse grater and cut the tomatoes into cubes. Separately, lightly simmer the tomatoes for 5 minutes, add salt, pepper and spices. Then combine both ingredients, add cheese, stir and cook covered over low heat for 5 minutes.

Pasta in Norma is probably one of the most popular and appreciated Sicilian dishes. This is a typical summer recipe, since the main ingredients for seasoning pasta are typical for this season. The recommended size of pasta is selected from pencils and riftons. If you want to replace it with delicious vegetable cheese, natural tofu or smoked or roasted almonds. To prepare it, you need to choose a makeup-free, gluten-free format and be careful that all the ingredients you use are celiac-friendly.

A review of a traditional Sicilian recipe is ready. You will need to dough the dough to the teeth, then season it into the pan and finish cooking in the oven. Alternatively, you can avoid frying the eggplants and then you can try cooking them in the oven. Alternatively, you can season the pasta with grilled lamb. This is really good news for those who are allergic to tomato or cannot eat this food even if it is prepared for health reasons.

Option number 2 - how to fry pasta with minced meat in a frying pan

Required products:

  • Pasta – 400 g;
  • Minced meat – 300 g;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Salt, pepper, herbs.

Cooking process

Fry the main ingredient in a frying pan until golden brown. Separately, fry the minced meat, chopped onion and finely grated carrots. Add pepper to meat. When everything is ready, combine the contents of both frying pans, add salt, stir and leave on low heat under a closed lid for another 7 minutes. Serve with chopped herbs.

Option number 3 - how to fry pasta with vegetables

Required products:

  • Vermicelli – 400 g;
  • Onion – 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic – 4 cloves;
  • Tomato paste – 100 g;
  • Salt.

Cooking process

Chop the onion into cubes, grate the carrots, and pass the garlic through a press. Process all vegetables in hot oil. Mix vegetables with fried pasta, add salt and mix well. Add tomato paste and cook with the lid closed for 7 minutes.

Option number 4 - how to fry pasta with eggs

Required products:

  • Horns – 400 g;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • Cream – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Ham – 150 g;
  • Salt, pepper, herbs.

Cooking process

If desired, the ham can be replaced with sausage or boiled meat. Fry the main product in the already known way until golden brown. Then add cream, raw eggs, salt, pepper and diced tomatoes and ham. Mix everything well and cook for 10 minutes. under the lid on low heat. Serve with greens.

Option number 5 - how to fry stew with pasta

Required products:

  • Pasta – 250 g;
  • Stew - 1 can;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Garlic – 4 cloves;
  • Tomato paste – 2 tbsp. spoon;
  • Pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese – 200 g;
  • Salt, pepper, spices.

Cooking process

First, boil the main product until half cooked. Mash the stew in a frying pan and fry it for 5 minutes. After time, add chopped onion and garlic. Cook for another 5 minutes and then add tomato paste, finely diced cucumbers, spices, salt and pepper.

After that, send the pasta there and cook it over low heat for another 10 minutes. Serve with grated cheese.

Option No. 6 – how to properly cook pasta in Armenian style

Required products:

  • Vermicelli – 500 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 60 ml;
  • Butter – 80 g;
  • Water – 2 tbsp.;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking process

Melt the butter, add vegetable oil, mix and add the main product. Stirring constantly, bring until golden brown. Then put them in a saucepan, add salt and cover with water. Cook over medium heat until the water evaporates. After cooking, turn off the gas, cover with a lid and leave for another 10 minutes. insist.

How to fry pasta after cooking?

The next day after cooking, many people use a frying pan to heat it up. If you add a few ingredients that everyone has in the refrigerator, you can get an original and very tasty dish.

Required products:

  • Pasta – 250 g;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Salt.

Cooking process

The first thing to do is boil the main ingredient. If you have already cooked pasta, use it. Place on melted butter, add chopped onion and fry, stirring occasionally.

After a while, pour the egg over everything and stir quickly so that it is distributed throughout the entire mass. When everything is fried, the dish is considered ready. Can be served with cheese, herbs or bacon.

Now you know many original recipes for making fried pasta, which will certainly appeal not only to adults, but also to children. Using the options discussed, you can remake and transform them to your own taste, adding various spices and other ingredients.

Is pasta too simple and too banal for a good housewife? If you think so, then let me disagree with you. In fact, properly prepared pasta can become the basis of a tasty, original, perhaps even gourmet dish. After all, these are just raw materials, the transformation of which depends solely on your imagination and culinary skills. Just imagine how to fry pasta in a frying pan with spicy spices and tasty fillings: meat, vegetables, sauces... The mere thought of such fried pasta will make even a gourmet spoiled by gastronomic delights salivate.

In order not to be unfounded, we will be happy to tell you how to fry pasta in a frying pan in a tasty and unusual way. Recipes for fried pasta differ from each other, but among them you will surely find one or a couple of dishes that will become your signature dish. Or let your household choose how to fry the pasta, because they will be your main tasters. In a word, enough cooking in a saucepan - it’s time to fry them, stew them and cook pasta in a frying pan in other ways.

Fried pasta, or is it possible to fry pasta in a frying pan?
Pasta is truly a very versatile product. We are used to cooking pasta and consider this method of cooking correct and almost the only possible one. However, remember what you do with pasta that is over-cooked, not eaten immediately after cooking, and left to cool? That's right, you heat them in a greased frying pan. In other words, you fry cooked pasta and it becomes not only appetizing, but even tastier than freshly cooked. So why not fry the pasta right away, without having to wait to “reanimate” it in the pan?!

There is nothing surprising in the habit of our compatriots to cook pasta. The Italians, the most “pasta” nation in the world, do exactly the same. But at the same time, Armenians have long been preparing fried vermicelli and other pasta. And for them, frying pasta is as normal as it is for us to fry potatoes. So, throw away stereotypes and try frying pasta in a frying pan. Moreover, any pasta is suitable for this purpose: horns, feathers, noodles, spaghetti. When frying spaghetti, it is better to break it into several pieces to avoid sticking together into a lump. Better yet, use the simplest pasta, hollow inside or spirals. You’ll definitely be able to fry them deliciously and without any problems.

How to deliciously fry pasta in a frying pan
You can fry both already boiled and completely raw, hard pasta in a frying pan. Both options are not complicated, but the first one is more familiar, so let’s start with it:

  1. How to fry raw pasta:
    • Prepare the ingredients: for 100 grams of pasta, about 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying (refined), half a glass of hot water, half a pinch of salt.
    • Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it.
    • Adjust the heat under the pan to medium and add the dry pasta to the hot oil.
    • Stir pasta until completely coated. You can do this with a spatula or simply cover the pan tightly with a lid and shake the contents several times.
    • Remove the lid and lightly stir the pasta in the pan until it turns golden on all sides.
    • After this point, pour hot water into the pan until it just covers the pasta.
    • Salt the dish, immediately cover with a lid and reduce heat.
    • Cook the pasta in the pan until all the liquid has evaporated.
    Cooked in a frying pan this way, pasta can be served as a side dish or used as a base for more complex recipes. Fried pasta is used to prepare casseroles, warm salads and hot dishes with sauces and gravies. The same can be said about pasta fried in a dry frying pan:
  2. How to fry dry pasta:
    • Prepare the dishes: a deep frying pan with a thick bottom and a lid with a hole for steam to escape.
    • Prepare the ingredients: for 100 grams of pasta, about 3 tablespoons of unrefined vegetable or melted butter, half a glass of hot water, half a pinch of salt.
    • Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add the pasta.
    • Fry the pasta on all sides for 3-5 minutes.
    • Then pour oil (vegetable or melted) over the fried pasta and stir.
    • Cook the pasta until golden brown, but do not wait until it darkens.
    • Once the pasta is light golden brown, add enough water to the pan to just cover the pasta.
    • Cover and cook until the water has completely evaporated - this will take about 10 minutes.
    This method takes the same amount of time as the first, but is considered safer because the hot oil does not splash with such force. However, when comparing the results, it turns out that the first option, when the pasta is immediately fried in oil, turns out tastier. Especially if you use high-quality sunflower oil with the aroma of seeds. It can be replaced with olive oil if you prefer it.
It’s hardly worth spending time explaining how to fry boiled pasta in a frying pan - even a child can handle this task. The only important caveat is that before frying, make sure that all the liquid is drained from the pasta, otherwise there will be a high risk of burns from hot splashes. After frying, boiled pasta differs little from frying it in a frying pan. So let's look at how to cook pasta in a frying pan in a more complex way, and therefore tastier.

Delicious pasta in a frying pan: recipes and tips
Every resident of the post-Soviet space is familiar with the taste of naval pasta. But this is, in fact, also pasta fried in a frying pan with the addition of stewed meat or minced meat. So you can assume that you already know how to cook one dish based on fried pasta. We will be happy to refresh your memory, and at the same time suggest other proven recipes for fried pasta:

  1. Fried macaroni and cheese. For 1 (up to 400 grams) pasta you will need 200-250 grams of hard cheese of any kind (or a mixture of different varieties), 3-4 ripe tomatoes, salt and pepper and dried herbs to taste, as well as vegetable oil for frying. Fry the pasta in a deep frying pan. While the pasta is frying, grate the cheese and cut the tomatoes into cubes. In a second frying pan, simmer the tomatoes for 5-7 minutes, add salt, pepper and dried herbs. Transfer the tomatoes to the fried pasta, add cheese, stir and cook, covered, over low heat for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Fried pasta with minced meat (“navy style”). For 350-400 grams (1 pack) of pasta, take 300 grams of minced meat to taste or the same amount of stew, one carrot and onion, a pinch of salt and pepper and a bunch of any fresh herbs, as well as oil for frying. In one deep frying pan, fry the pasta using either of the two methods above. In a second frying pan, fry the minced meat with finely chopped onion, grated carrots and pepper. Place the fried minced meat into the frying pan with the pasta, add salt and stir. Cook over low heat, covered, for 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.
  3. Fried pasta with vegetables. For 350-400 grams of pasta (1 pack), a couple of medium onions, two carrots, 4 cloves of garlic, 100 grams of tomato paste or tomato sauce, a pinch of salt and oil for frying will be enough. Finely chop the onion, peel and chop the garlic, and grate the carrots. Fry the vegetables in a greased frying pan. In a second frying pan, fry the pasta. Transfer the finished frying to the prepared pasta, add salt and stir. Pour in tomato paste and simmer over low heat under the lid for about seven minutes.
  4. Fried pasta with egg, sausage and cream. For 1,350-400 grams of pasta, you will need 3 medium-sized eggs, 3 ripe tomatoes, 3 tablespoons of medium-fat cream, 150 grams of boiled sausage or ham, a bunch of herbs, salt and pepper and vegetable oil for frying. Fry the pasta in a deep frying pan, and meanwhile chop the remaining solid ingredients. Without removing from the pan, pour the fried pasta with cream and raw eggs, add salt, ground pepper, sausage and tomatoes. Stir and cook covered for 10 minutes, stirring a couple of times during this time. Serve under chopped fresh herbs.
As you can see, frying pasta in a frying pan is easy, and you can diversify it with almost any additives (vegetables, meat, cheese, sausages, sauces, herbs, spices). And, what is also important, when frying, pasta always retains its shape. Fried pasta turns out soft but elastic, and boiling, as happens in a pan of water, is simply impossible. With experience, an automatic understanding of the amount of ingredients will come, and you will learn how to cook pasta in a frying pan perfectly delicious. Therefore, we wish you culinary inspiration, free time and desire to experiment and, of course, bon appetit!

Of course, fried foods, according to nutritionists, are not very beneficial for the body. But if there is demand, then supply will not take long to arrive either. Pasta fried in a frying pan turns out much tastier than pasta cooked using the more familiar cooking method.

Usually boiled pasta is fried. But lovers of golden-brown pasta are upset if the pasta, instead of frying, sticks together into a shapeless mass. This happens if the pasta is made from soft wheat. For such cases, a different way of frying pasta was invented.
Frying pasta (horns, noodles) without pre-cooking reduces cooking time and allows you to get crumbly pasta even from not very high-quality products.

Pasta fried without cooking differs from boiled pasta not only in taste, but also in structure. They turn out denser and a little dry.
If fried, they will acquire piquancy and an unusual taste.

Fried pasta recipe

penne – 150 g;
cheese that melts - 100 g;
sunflower oil – 25 g;
cumin - a pinch;

Cooking process:

Prepare the penne. By the way, you can use cones, shells, spirals and other pasta products instead.

Place them in a frying pan heated with oil.

Stirring, fry the pasta over moderate heat until a golden brown crust appears on the sides.

Place the lid on the pan, leaving a small gap on the side. This must be done so that when adding water you are not burned by steam and hot splashes. Carefully pour hot water into the hole - approximately 150 ml.

Stirring the penne occasionally, cook for 20-25 minutes. About 5-8 minutes after adding water, salt the pasta and sprinkle with caraway seeds. As soon as you notice that the water has begun to evaporate, add a little more hot water. Cook the pasta, covered, over moderate heat until it is cooked to your liking.

Cut soft cheese or suluguni into small slices or cubes.

Sprinkle it over the penne.