How to put mash in the field. How to properly prepare mash from sugar and yeast

Braga is a low-alcohol drink that is made both for drinking and for further distillation. The history of this drink dates back to the distant past. Due to the ease of manufacture, it has become available to almost all segments of the population.

Every year, humanity experimented with improving the production of mash, and today there are many recipes for preparing this alcoholic product.

Its production is based on the fermentation process, as a result of which sugar breaks down into carbon dioxide and alcohol. A prerequisite for this process is the complete absence of oxygen. The quality of the drink depends entirely on the prepared ingredients, which are: sugar, yeast, water. In this article we will look at how to make high-quality mash at home.

Yeast selection

Yeast is the main component, without which it is impossible to obtain the desired result. The course of the fermentation process and the strength of the drink depend on their quality. There are several types of yeast from which you can choose the most suitable one.

Instead of these ingredients, you can use both fresh and dried berries, fruits and raisins, which contain wild yeast and can perfectly support the fermentation process.

Quantity of ingredients

To prepare a quality drink, the proportions of the ingredients must be strictly observed. To calculate how many components are needed, let’s first decide which container is best to choose for fermentation.

A popular and correct capacity is milk can with a capacity of 30 liters. It has a very airtight lid that will prevent air from getting inside the container.

To release carbon dioxide and reduce pressure, we make a hole in the lid and solder in a small tube. So, we will need:

  • water - 24 l;
  • granulated sugar - 6 kg;
  • yeast - 600 gr. (pressed) or 120 gr. (dry).

This amount of ingredients is just enough for the selected container.

Choice of water

The quality of water plays a big role in the preparation of mash, as well as other alcoholic beverages. When choosing it, you should consider the following rules:

So, we have selected all the ingredients and proceed directly to preparing the low-alcohol drink.

We are the first make syrup from sugar. Without going into a chemical analysis of the process, let's just say that this will speed up fermentation and when heating the sugar, harmful microorganisms will die.

To do this, take a large saucepan and pour all the sugar into it. Then pour 3 liters of water and put on low heat. Stirring constantly, boil the syrup for an hour. As soon as the syrup has cooled, stir it with water in the prepared container.

The next step is yeast activation, which is needed to quickly start the fermentation process. To do this we do the following:

  • Prepare a small amount of warm sugar solution and dissolve the entire portion of yeast in it (pre-knead the pressed ones).
  • Place the container with the workpiece in a warm place.
  • After half an hour, foam should appear, which means the yeast has been activated, and the solution can be added to the syrup.

When all the ingredients are used, close the can tightly, put a hose on the tube in the lid and lower its end into a jar of water. As soon as bubbles come out of the hose, the fermentation process has started. Usually this the process lasts from 4 to 6 days. As soon as the release of bubbles stops, the process is over and our mash is ready.

Quick cooking method

There are several ways to prepare mash in a matter of hours. One way is to constantly heat the mash wort.

Many use aquarium heaters, which are set at 25-30° C.

This drink will be ready in three days. The fastest way is using old washing machines. Prepare the ingredients as described above and pour them into the washing machine. We turn it on for rotation and in two hours the mash will be ready.

These methods are good, but the final product is of dubious quality.

Attention, TODAY only!

The question of which mash recipe is best to use arises not only among novice alcohol producers, but also among experienced ones. With each mash recipe, the flavor of the final product, the average yield of moonshine and its strength change. The amount of formation of fusel oils and related substances depends on the raw materials and auxiliary components. That is, we can conclude that the quality of future alcohol depends not only on the equipment, but also on the recipe technology and ingredients used.

What is mash

An alcohol-containing solution obtained by processing wort with yeast is considered to be mash. Initially, the wort contains a sufficient amount of sugar, which is “food” for the yeast. As a result of this process, a mash is obtained, which is used for further distillation and the production of strong alcoholic beverages. Along with the mash, accompanying compounds are also formed, for example, carbon dioxide, fusel oils and other compounds.

Basic rules for making mash

Regardless of the recipe chosen, there are basic principles that must be followed if you plan to prepare mash. You need to know about them before you start experimenting with alcoholic drinks at home. It will be useful to know what mash, wort, shakes are, what sugar affects, what the water should be like and under what conditions a high-quality product is obtained.

Features of wort production

The main differences between the recipes are formed due to the different methods of preparing the wort, or rather the ingredients included in it. This solution should be sweet, since yeast will be added to it at a later stage. Wort can be prepared using fruits, cereals, legumes, berries, vegetables and anything else that may contain sugar.

There must be water in the wort, but it must meet certain requirements. There is no need to use boiled water, much less from the tap. It is better to purchase high-quality bottled water or spring water, then the process of ripening the mash will take place in the desired mode, and the yeast will develop normally. With good water there will be no foreign tastes, which can sometimes be transferred to the finished product.

Proper use of yeast

The quality and quantity of yeast determines the intensity with which the fermentation process will take place, the final strength of the mash, and the flavor of the distillation solution. There are several options for making sourdough using yeast, prepared independently or purchased at retail outlets. The first option will take some time, since it is necessary to wait for natural fermentation due to fungi, which are always present on the surfaces of ripe fruits, berries, and raisins. Another and more common way is to buy ready-made yeast. They can be dry, pressed, alcoholic or for making whiskey, as well as wine. It is better to give preference to alcoholic yeast or yeast intended for the production of alcohol, since they allow you to obtain mash with a fairly high alcohol concentration and with relatively little formation of by-products.

Yeast is a fungus that will only grow under certain conditions. The correct temperature is important, it should be within 20-30 degrees, since at higher parameters the yeast dies, and at lower parameters it slows down its growth, which means that the release of alcohol is significantly reduced.

Sugar and is it necessary?

It is very important not to overdo it with the amount of sugar, since some people increase the proportions indicated in the recipe for making mash. There is no need to do this, as too much “food” for the yeast will stimulate too much activity.

Container for mash

The material from which the mash container is made must be resistant to a number of chemical compounds, including alcohol, and also have no foreign odors and be intended for food products. It is advisable to immediately purchase a container from a specialized store, rather than using plastic tanks, pots and other utensils.

Recipes for mash

Choosing your own recipe for making mash can sometimes be difficult, since there are many options, and they can also be classified separately by each winemaker. Each country has its own classic methods of making alcohol, but they all boil down to a single fermentation process, only the raw materials are different. That is why unusual for some recipes appear from sweets, bananas, oranges, coffee and so on.

The easiest way is to mix six kg of sugar, 800 grams of yeast, 20 liters of water and place in a warm place for ripening. Recipes for making mash from cereals

Grains are often used to make alcoholic beverages and here are some options:

  • Shredded wheat. Take about 4 kg of crushed wheat and mix it with 3 liters of water and 1.5 kg of sugar and leave for 7 days. This will turn out to be a kind of sourdough, to which about 18 liters of water and 4.5 kg of sugar are added a week later. After infusion, when the mash acquires a bitter taste, it is filtered and distilled; it is recommended to do this twice. The peculiarity of the recipe is that the leftovers after decanting can be reused, you need to add 4.8 sugar, 7.5 liters of water, leave for 9 days, strain and distill a couple of times;
  • Sprouted wheat. You should wait until the wheat sprouts (5 kg), grind it, add 250 grams of yeast, add 15 liters of water and wait until high-quality fermentation occurs;
  • Millet. You need to boil 5 kg of millet, dilute it with 2.5 liters of warm water and dissolve 125 grams of yeast, and then add 0.5 kg of yeast dough and leave everything for the fermentation period. The yield is not large and it is better to distill several times;
  • Rice. You should take 3 kg of dry rice, boil it, cool, add 3 cups of ground malt, leave for 10-12 hours and pour in 10 liters of water with 200 grams of yeast diluted in it;
  • Any cereals. Whether it is wheat, barley or any other cereal, it is suitable for making mash according to the following recipe. The grains are first germinated, dried, or even in the oven, crushed, and the whole mixture is poured with boiling water. The result should be a solution resembling jelly, which is left until cooled, and only then yeast is added in a proportion of 400 grams per 5 liters of liquid. Sometimes yeast is replaced with peas.

There are other ways to prepare mash from cereals, but to prevent specific odors, such a product recommends distilling it several times, and then aromatizing it and infusing it.

Recipes for making mash from vegetables

  • Potato. Boil the potatoes, mash them to a puree consistency and add 30 liters of water and 6 kg of sugar, then add the yeast solution at the rate of ½ liter per 200 grams. This mash will be ready in about 10 days. There are other potato recipes that use raw grated vegetables, flour, shredded wheat, oats and other ingredients;
  • Regular beets. The option is almost the same as making mash with potatoes. Take 8 kg of boiled beets, add 6 kg of sugar, 10 liters of water and ½ kg of yeast. Fill with warm water. There are more complex options, when the beets are boiled in water, which is drained three times and is also used for infusion; sugar and yeast are required everywhere. Can also use cereal;
  • Peas. You can take 2 kg of peas, which must be crushed to the consistency of flour and this mixture must be boiled in sweet water, equal to 7 liters and a glass of granulated sugar. When the solution becomes homogeneous, cool it, add malt and after 5-6 hours yeast in the amount of 100 grams. Braga takes 10-12 days to prepare;
  • Carrot. For 5 kg of boiled and chopped carrots, take a liter of water, ½ kilogram of flour, 100 grams of yeast. The mixture is ready for distillation in 8-9 days;
  • Tomato. It is better to use tomato paste, but you will need a lot of sugar. For 1 kg of tomato paste – 10.5 kg of sugar, 30 liters of water, and beer (1/2 liter) will help stimulate fermentation;
  • Pumpkin. The vegetable is boiled to a porridge state, mixed with malt and yeast, and poured with warm water. Proportions: 5 kg of pumpkin, 2.5 liters of water, 100 grams of yeast and ground malt;

This is only a small part of the ways to use vegetables not only for stews and salads, but for making alcohol at home. Recipes for making mash from fruits and berries

Distillation liquor made from fruits and berries is considered more flavorful than those made from vegetables or grains, although the distillate will have a subtle hint of the raw material. The use of such ingredients is very beneficial for those who have their own summer cottages, gardens with fruit-bearing trees and shrubs. There are practically no restrictions on the type of berries or fruits, but the most popular recipes include the following methods:

  • Apples. It can even be used dried or in jam. If there are fresh fruits, then they need to be cleaned of damage, seeds, and crushed to a puree. For 15 kg you should add 10 liters of water, 50 grams of yeast, 2 kg of sugar. If the apples are dry, then the process will consist of brewing 2 kg of fruit in 12 liters of water, then mixing 3 kg of sugar and 300 grams of yeast. Sometimes apples and pears are combined, as well as some berries;
  • Pears. Everything is done by analogy, as with apples. You can also take 5 kg of already slightly rotten pears, cut them, boil them, let them cool and only then add 20 grams of yeast, a liter of water and a glass of sugar. There are special recipes for wild pears;
  • Plum. One of the simplest recipes is to ferment two buckets of plums, which are previously crushed. If the varieties are not very sweet, then you can stimulate fermentation with sugar and yeast;
  • Cherry. For such mash you will have to spend some time, since you will need to remove the seeds. You can take 10 kg of cherries, peel them, crush them, add a kilogram of sugar, 100 grams of yeast and a liter of water;
  • Rowan. It is better to take rowan juice. It is enough to take 4 liters of rowan juice, 100 grams of yeast;
  • Grape. Grape pomace is most often used, and the juice itself can be drunk or made into wine. For 5 kg of pomace you will need 2-2.5 kg of sugar, 15 liters of water and 250 grams of yeast;

Almost all berries and fruits are suitable for mash, the main thing is to maintain the proportions of sugar, for example, for cranberries you will need more sugar than for strawberries or raspberries. You can find a large number of options for using fruits and berries, including forest ones, and without any problems you can find the best way or come up with your own. Dried fruits are also actively used, including dried apricots, raisins and prunes.

Unusual recipes for mash

For mash, cereals are considered more common, as well as berries, some vegetables and fruits, but there are recipes that at first glance seem unusual, especially for beginners. Some of them include:

  • Cream. If someone doesn't like melted ice cream, then it can be converted to. To do this, 5 kg of ice cream is dissolved in 20 liters of heated water, supplemented with sourdough and aged for 10-14 days;
  • Candies. It is preferable to choose caramel with filling, but assorted candies also make a good base for alcohol. Proportions may vary, but as quantitative indicators you can take 5 kg of sweets, 20 liters of warm water and 100 grams of yeast (dry). After just 6 days, the solution can be distilled into alcohol;
  • Coffee or cocoa. Prepare syrup from ½ kg of sugar and 2.5 liters of water, into which 200 grams of ground coffee or cocoa is mixed. In a warm place, the solution will soon begin to ferment and after 4 days you can add another 100 grams of coffee. Distillation in several stages is recommended;
  • Oranges. The mash will be fragrant. For 10 kg of oranges you need to take 100 grams of yeast and 2 kg of sugar, 100 grams of yeast, a liter of water. The fruits are peeled, ground, even with seeds, and if the oranges are initially juicy, then you can infuse them without water, only with sugar and leaven;
  • Bananas. It is better to use overripe fruits, they are well kneaded and they have already gained sweetness. The calculation takes 10 kg of bananas, 10 liters of water, 1/5 kg of yeast, 5 kg of sugar;
  • Watermelon. A whole watermelon needs to be peeled and pitted, and if its weight is 6 kg, then for fermentation it is enough to add 2 cups of sugar and 100 grams of yeast. This mixture needs to be kept for 10 days and can be distilled;
  • Zucchini, ginger, lemon. All these ingredients are mixed in the ratio of 3 kg, 50 grams, 3 pieces and filled with 5 liters of water. You also need sugar - 1.5 kg, 50 grams of yeast.

These are just some unusual recipes, since every experienced winemaker may have his own original way of obtaining a solution for making alcohol.

Some rules for making mash

Making alcoholic beverages at home is quite a profitable activity, but in order for the final product to be pleasant to the taste and the desired strength, certain rules must be followed. This applies not only to the distillation process itself, the use of high-quality equipment, and not homemade designs of questionable performance, but also to the stage of preparing the mash. These include:

  • When choosing raw materials, you need to be guided by the fact that its taste will be partially transferred to the finished product. For example, when made from bread and pressed yeast, you should not expect a refined taste; the result will be more classic with a characteristic taste;
  • Mash made from cereals, vegetables, in particular legumes must be distilled several times, since during the cooking process a large amount of fusel oils and related compounds are released;
  • The mash container must be equipped with a water seal that allows carbon dioxide to escape, but at the same time, block the access of oxygen. Such products are easy to purchase in specialized stores; in extreme cases, you can use a glove;
  • The ripening of mash depends not only on the raw materials and starter culture, but also on the temperature regime, the observance of which must be monitored;
  • The speed of maturation, strength of the solution and taste depend on the quality of the yeast. If you need to prepare a tasty strong drink, then it is better to use special alcoholic yeast and refrain from pressed ones.

In addition to maintaining proportions, the technology itself is also important, which must be observed. There is no need to skimp on ingredients, including sugar, which may also differ. Alternatively, everything you need for the wort can be purchased in specialized stores for those who professionally prepare alcohol at home. This applies to equipment, as well as other auxiliary devices, utensils, and measuring devices.

The final result of the distiller’s efforts—moonshine that is pleasant to drink—entirely depends on the products used and control over the process: from preparing the ingredients to distilling according to all the rules.

It all starts with . You need to know how to put the mash in order to create ideal conditions for single-celled organisms - yeast, so that they convert the sugars of the wort into ethyl alcohol. At the same time, ferment as few by-products as possible - fusel oils.

It is impossible to do without a meticulous approach to all stages of the path from wort to distillate. Following the basic rules for preparing mash will ensure rapid fermentation and a good yield of raw alcohol.

Features of choosing water

For mash, take water that meets the hygienic requirements for drinking water:

  • from the tap, if it is soft in your area. To get rid of chlorine, leave the water for a day or two in an open container;
  • If water is hard, it needs filtration. A home filter (including a filter jug) copes well with this task. The main thing is that the filters are relatively new and have not yet exhausted their service life;
  • Well water is not always a good choice. Often it exceeds permissible sanitary standards both in terms of the content of microelements and microorganisms. Therefore, it is worth asking about these parameters. Give it a try. If the water is sour, bitter, or hard, you should not spoil the wort with it;
  • tasty spring water is an ideal choice, but you won’t travel fifty kilometers to get it.

Important. To make mash, do not use boiled or distilled water.

These are dead liquids in which the yeast has nothing to feed on and will die, ruining your efforts and financial costs.

Yeast selection

You can understand our grandmothers and mothers who had no choice. You could only buy baker's yeast, so they seasoned the mash with it. Today the choice is incomparably greater. Here's what the manufacturers offer us:

  • Bakery. They will go if there are no others in nearby stores and markets. But keep in mind that they have two serious drawbacks. The first is mash, and then moonshine has a yeasty taste. The second is that they are able to process sugars into alcohol only up to a wort strength of 12°. Then they die.
  • Alcohol. Like the previous type, they come in dry and pressed (raw). Most people like it raw, although that doesn't mean it's better. It’s just that not everyone knows what dry yeast is needed distance Before adding: add a little sugar, dissolve with warm water and wait until the cap comes up. With alcoholic yeast, you will get mash with a strength of 16 and even 18°.
  • Turbo yeast. Typically dry. Used for baking and mash. They die at a brew strength of 20°.
  • Wine. They produce a soft distillate without the slightest yeasty smell. But they are more expensive and delicate - they will not ferment in the mash above 10-11 degrees.

Correct container

If in the last century the main fermentation container was an aluminum milk flask, today it has become clear that aluminum is not the best material. It is prone to oxidation and the formation of new compounds in the brew, which will then go into moonshine. What, then, to choose from?

  1. Plastic. A popular material, they even produce special fermentation containers equipped with water seals. Although safety is questionable. Chemists claim that high-quality plastic does not form harmful compounds. This is confirmed by quality certificates presented by bona fide manufacturers. But under no circumstances should you use technical plastic for a container for brewing. In addition to the fact that you are guaranteed a plastic taste in moonshine, it is simply dangerous to your health.
  2. Glass is inert; the processes occurring in the wort can be seen through it. Even without a water seal, you can put on a medical glove, attach it to the neck, punch a hole in your finger with a needle, and no third-party microorganisms or oxygen will get into the container. Apart from fragility, glass has no disadvantages.
  3. Stainless steel. The most reliable and safe material. We are, of course, talking about food grade stainless steel. Separate fermentation tanks are sold with a water seal, a faucet for draining the mash ready for distillation, and even with a thermostat to maintain the optimal temperature of the wort. One drawback is the price. But if you have a stainless steel still, make it a fermentation vessel. Moreover, a water seal can be installed on the cube.

Is a water seal necessary?

We've already mentioned this little detail, but is it really necessary? To understand, let’s look at the functions that the water seal performs:

  1. It prevents oxygen from entering the fermentation tank, thanks to which vinegar bacteria feel at ease; they can hopelessly spoil the mash.
  2. It does not allow alcohol to evaporate, although its loss in a container covered with a lid is insignificant.
  3. Indicates the end of fermentation by stopping gurgling. You will accurately determine the time of readiness for the haul.

That is, it performs the function of a check valve - it releases carbon dioxide, but does not allow outside air into the container.

There are many objectors who claim that carbon dioxide already accumulates above the surface of the wort and does not allow oxygen to reach it.

This is true, but what happens when its release is stopped? Are you sure that you will distill the mash on the same day? So don't be surprised if it turns sour. But this will not happen with a water seal.

Is it necessary to insulate the container?

If you have ideal conditions for fermentation, and the temperature in the room where the precious liquid is stored is 23-25°C, you don’t have to insulate it. But if you cannot provide such heat, then it is better to insulate. Home craftsmen even sew cute covers for bottles and other mash containers from building insulation materials.

The fact is that during fermentation, heat is released, albeit insignificant. Which helps the brew to warm itself. Cooling occurs through the container. In order not to lose the fermented warmth, use insulation - an old blanket, jacket, etc.

Attention. Even if you do not insulate the mash in any way, be sure to place it on a warm substrate so that the container does not draw cold from the floor.

Oxygen restriction

When using a water seal, the problem is solved simply. But its functions will be taken over by other devices:

  • Place a medical glove over the neck of the bottle and secure it with an elastic band so that the pressure does not release. Immediately, or as you inflate the glove, pierce one or two holes with a needle.
  • Make a hole in the plastic lid on the jar and insert a rubber/silicone tube into it. Seal the joint with plasticine or sealant (do not use dough, as it dries, it bursts and forms microcracks). Place the straw in a jar of water and place the lid on the bottle.
  • Using a distillation cube, place a tube on the fitting of the lid and lower it into the water.

Craftsmen have come up with many other devices that act as a water seal - from droppers, syringes and other improvised materials.

Conditions for the right mash

In order for the mash to be successful and the moonshine to turn out without a fusel smell, create conditions for the mash under which it will quickly and vigorously ferment without the dominance of fusel oils. Let's talk about the main requirements for creating a basis for distillation.

Maintaining proportions

By adding ingredients “by eye”, you take a big risk, because the wort may not have enough yeast or sugar and you will not get the amount of moonshine you expected. If there is an excess of components, then this also threatens a shortage of distillate, and it will have a strong yeasty smell.

For sugar mash, the optimal proportions are: for every kilogram of sugar - 4-5 liters of water and 100 g of raw (20 g of dry) yeast.

For other types of mash, it is important to know the initial density (sugar content). To do this, before adding yeast to the mash, measure its density with a saccharometer (wine meter). A good indicator is 20%. Will give the expected yield of strong distillate.

Hydraulic module calculation

- This is the ratio between sugar and water in the wort. Hydraulic modules acceptable for mash are 1:3; 1:3.5; 1:4;1:5. Where one is 1 kilogram of sugar, and the second number is the amount of water in liters. Moreover, the choice of hydromodule directly depends on the type of yeast used:

  • bakeries require a hydromodulus of 1:5;
  • alcohol -1:4;
  • turbo yeast 1:3.5, or even 1:3, if indicated by the manufacturer.

Carefully. Do not try to create a small hydro module (less than 1:4) with baker's yeast to save space.

They will die when the alcohol concentration is above 12% without converting all the sugar in the wort into alcohol.

Mixing components

There are many types of mash, so the mixing sequence is check the recipe. For example, grain requires the creation of a mash, fruit requires preliminary preparation of fruit, etc.

But there are also general rules. First, heat the water to 30 degrees and dissolve the sugar in it. And only then add yeast, preferably pre-distinguished.

Ideal fermentation temperature

Yeast remains active from 18 to 31°C. But this does not mean that you can keep the mash at critical temperatures. If you place it on water at room temperature, and the temperature in the room is 18°C, then you can’t hope for fast and vigorous fermentation.

Repeated experiments have proven that the best viability of yeast is 25 - 31 ° C, then the decline and death of yeast cells begins. Therefore, keep the mash warm, then it will ferment faster.

Yeast feeding

In order to unanimously attack the processing of sugar into alcohol, yeast needs feeding. They mainly get it from water (that's why you can't use boiled or distilled water). Without sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus, fermentation becomes sluggish or even stops altogether.

There are special fertilizers that are sold in specialized stores. But home inventors have adapted for this purpose:

  • nitrogen-phosphorus mineral fertilizers (in microscopic doses!);
  • chicken manure diluted in water. The method causes disgust, but there is no smell of droppings in the finished moonshine;
  • a piece of black bread thrown into a container with mash will activate the yeast and fermentation will speed up.

Determining the readiness of the mash

There are several proven ways to determine the readiness of mash for distillation:

  1. Foaming and gurgling in the water seal have completely stopped. If you use a glove, it will deflate.
  2. A lit match brought to the surface of the mash does not go out. When carbon dioxide is still released, combustion stops “on the approaches” to the surface.
  3. The liquid self-clarifies: starting from the top, it becomes transparent, and sediment sinks to the bottom.
  4. Braga tastes bitter. There should be no sweetness in the taste.

Before draining the wort from the sediment and pouring it into the still, check it for readiness in several ways. It is possible to distill unfermented mash, but loss of alcohol is inevitable.

Preparation for distillation

After making sure that the mash is ripe, it is advisable to lighten it. By doing this, you will simultaneously get rid of some of the fusel oils that will not turn into moonshine, and from sediment.

To do this, use one of the popular methods:

  • Add to the mash at the rate of 1 heaped tablespoon of bentonite (white clay) per 10 liters of wort. Grind the bentonite with a coffee grinder and dissolve it in water to form a kefir-like mass. Then mix with mash. After a couple of hours, the sediment will lie in a thick layer at the bottom.
  • Take 1 liter of milk (preferably skim) for the same amount of mash. It will take 1-2 days for the flakes to fall out. First, drain the clarified mash through the filter, and then filter the remaining flakes.
  • Add a tablespoon of salt and soda, let it sit. Filter thoroughly.

Important. Even if you don’t carry out clarification, be sure to strain the wort through a thick cloth so that the sediment does not burn in the still and spoil your efforts.

What is the mash made from?

In addition to the most common type - sugar, there are other mashes:

  • Cereal. The best organoleptic moonshine is obtained from it.
  • Fruit and berry. For the wort they take fruits, berries, grapes. Both commercially produced yeast and wild yeast that lives on the skin of the fruit are used.
  • Potato. Schnapps, by the way, is made from potatoes.
  • Beetroot. The famous “buryachikha”, which is not very pleasant to drink.

You can make mash from Jerusalem artichoke, starch, cereals, honey, jam, sweets and other sugar-containing products. The scope for the distiller's imagination is wide.

What can be made from mash besides moonshine?

  • At its core, homemade wine is the same as mash, only its fermentation takes longer and occurs with wild yeast.
  • Purified mash is used to create cakes and homemade baked goods: buns, pies, pastries.
  • There are also drinking mashes with a pleasant taste and a low percentage of alcohol content.

Braga is one of the oldest alcoholic drinks, appearing long before vodka and moonshine. Even before our era, people noticed that any sweet juice left in a vessel for a long time produces a cloudy, foamy drink containing alcohol. Mash recipe for the preparation of moonshine appeared by accident, but thanks to the experiments carried out, as well as work to improve the taste and quality of the drink, it has survived to this day, having gained enormous popularity among the peoples of the world, especially the Slavs.

Moonshine is a high-strength intoxicating drink, which is the result of distillation of mash (alcohol-containing raw materials). We will tell you how to properly distill moonshine at home in this article.

One of the main components of mash is sugar, the quality of which determines the final result of alcoholic products.

When using bad sugar, you are guaranteed an unpleasant smell and taste of the mash. However, on the other hand, different sugars allow you to experiment with the taste of the resulting moonshine.

Water is also important, which must be potable and absolutely clean. Under no circumstances should the liquid be boiled - the water must contain oxygen.

At the next stage, we select yeast, because without this product you will not get a high-quality drink. There are the following varieties of yeast, each of which has its own characteristics:

In addition to yeast wort, you can use other minerals, for example, dried black bread or well-cooked grain. To prepare 10 liters of mash, use 1 kg. other elements.

And the last rule is to block the release of carbon dioxide.

How to make mash at home?

The moonshine brewing process includes the following steps:

Choosing raw materials

As mentioned earlier, sugar is needed to produce wort. You can simply take granulated sugar or use products that contain sugar. These can be various fruits, berries, sugar beets, etc. Also used as raw material starchy ingredients (rice, corn, rye, wheat). Starch itself does not have fermentation properties, however, under the influence of enzymes contained in malt, it is easily converted into sugar. Remember that the quality of moonshine is, first of all, determined by the quality of raw materials.


After completing the wort preparation stage, it undergoes fermentation, which results in the conversion of sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. The quantity and quality of the final product directly depends on the correctness of the fermentation process. At all stages of moonshine brewing, including this one, adherence to technology is very important.

In the room where the fermentation tank is located A certain temperature must be maintained, and temperature changes should be avoided. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the mash, since it heats up during the fermentation process. The optimal room temperature is considered to be 25-28 degrees. If the temperature is lower, fermentation will slow down, or even stop altogether (below 20 degrees). The mash itself should not heat above 40 degrees, otherwise the yeast will begin to die. The duration of the fermentation process is determined by the selected yeast, raw materials, as well as temperature and ranges from 1-14 days or more.

To prepare mash at home, granulated sugar is most often used, so the most popular recipe is the classic one.

How to properly prepare sugar mash?

This method is considered the simplest and most accessible, and on its basis you can prepare a drink in various variations. To prepare the mash you will need the following ingredients:

Water - 5 l;

sugar - 1 kg;

pressed yeast - 100 gr. (or 18 grams of yeast such as Saf-Levura, Saf-moment).

First, sugar is dissolved in warm water, after which yeast is added. If they are pressed, they are pre-diluted in a small amount of sugar solution and wait until activated (3-5 minutes); if they are dry, they are simply scattered over the surface of the syrup. The container is closed with a water seal and left for 7 days for fermentation. After this period, the liquid (without yeast sediment) is drained and distilled through a moonshine still.

In order to refine classic moonshine, you can add any berries, fruits, such as blackthorn, plums, grapes, etc. to the mash, which not only improve the taste of the drink and give it a delicate aroma, they also actively promote the fermentation process thanks to wild yeast, present on their surface.

How to put mash on moonshine from starch raw materials: recipe

Moonshine made from grain has an original taste and aroma, therefore it is one of the most noble drinks. The process of preparing it is a little more complicated than the classic one, however, the end result will please you very much. Flour, grain or cereal can be used as raw materials. The grain contains a large amount of starch containing sugar molecules. They are the main component necessary for fermentation.

The conversion of starch into sugar occurs under the influence of enzymes found in malt - sprouted grains. First you need to sprouted grain (1 kg), grind it and mix it with crushed (not sprouted) grain, flour or cereal. Since the starch in these components is locked inside the cells, the cereal (flour, crushed grains) should first be boiled, which helps to destroy the shell to facilitate the release of starch out. This solution is the wort.

The main difficulty in preparing starch moonshine lies in the density of the fermented wort, which is why classical distillation through the apparatus is impossible: the product will certainly burn to the walls of the apparatus and the moonshine will be spoiled.

It is necessary to distill the grain wort using steam or using a water or any other bath (for example, glycerin).

How to prepare mash for moonshine: alternative methods

To prepare a high-quality and aromatic drink, you can use other ingredients besides sugar and starch.

How to make mash for moonshine from jam: recipe

We will need the following components:

  • Warm water - 30 l;
  • fermented jam - 6 l;
  • pressed yeast - 200 g;
  • sugar - 3 kg.

Mix the jam with water, add yeast, then sugar. Leave for 5 days. The result is 6 liters of tasty and high-quality mash, suitable for distilling moonshine.

How to put mash on apples?

For the recipe we need:

  • Warm water - 20 l;
  • dry yeast - 100 g;
  • whole apples - 30 kg or chopped - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg.

Cut well-washed and peeled apples into small pieces, removing rotten parts. The fruit is then crushed, but not to a puree. To do this, you can use a grater, crusher or blender. The result should be 10 liters of apple mixture.

The ratio of water and sugar is mandatory should be 5:1, regardless of the number of ingredients taken.

To prepare apple mash, it is better to use dry yeast - this will help avoid souring. But if their specific smell annoys you, you can use wine ones.

First, sugar syrup is prepared, to which apple wort is then added, everything is thoroughly mixed. Before adding yeast, you need to prepare it - dilute it in a small amount of water (warm only) and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, all components are connected.

When using baker's yeast, such mash is prepared for 10 days, with dry yeast - up to 21 days.

The mash distillation process quite simple and consists of the following:

To obtain good moonshine, an important role is played not only by the quality of the ingredients taken, but also by the cleanliness of the dishes. Of course, no special sterilization is required; just rinse the containers with boiling water and dry thoroughly.

Neglecting this rule can lead to the distillation of stinking moonshine. Therefore, before starting the process Be sure to soak hoses, pots and other necessary utensils in order to completely remove even small particles.

How to distill moonshine correctly at home?

After all the preparatory activities have been completed, we proceed to the main stage of preparing moonshine. This truly Slavic drink is prepared in stages:

Drink, manufactured in compliance with technology, will undoubtedly delight you with its taste and purity. When you use it, you will always feel joy, and the next morning you will not feel any headache.

Each experienced craftsman has his own secrets for producing mash, which is subsequently planned to be distilled to produce strong, transparent moonshine. And in order for the drink to turn out to be of truly high quality, a number of certain conditions must be met.

These include well-selected components for the mash, a clean fermentation tank, the correct temperature conditions for fermentation, the tightness of the water seal, and many more secrets.

What to make mash for moonshine from?

The most popular mashes are perhaps sugar or grain mashes. But they also make mash from fruits, berries, vegetables, and legumes. There are even recipes where the wort is prepared, for example, from exotic fruits. Owners of private farmsteads, who like to stock up on compotes and jams for the winter, make mash from them (including fermented ones). And beekeepers often use candied honey. In a word, you can list for a long time exactly which products can be used to make mash. From wheat grain mash, for example, you can get a distillate that is quite mild in taste, comparable to good, expensive vodka. Preparing a drink from fruits “gives” the drinker moonshine with a fairly pleasant aftertaste and a light aroma of the raw materials used.

Most mash recipes require yeast to ferment properly. They convert sugar into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. The best choice is alcoholic yeast, which not only works quickly (from 3 days), but also does not produce a large amount of foam. The resulting moonshine from such yeast contains much less harmful impurities. True, baker’s yeast – dry or pressed – is still popular in everyday life. The wort sometimes ferments with such yeast for up to 10 days. In addition, mash made with baker's yeast contains a high content of fusel oils, aldehydes and volatile acids, so it is advisable to distill moonshine with yeast for baking bread twice, and also clean it of impurities (for example, with charcoal, potassium permanganate, etc.). Sometimes fermentation is provided by wild natural yeast, which is present, for example, on the peel of unwashed fruits and berries.

By the way, if we talk about the speed of fermentation, it cannot always be achieved using a certain type of yeast. There are recipes thanks to which you can get ready-made mash in 3-4 days (for example, with sour cream and peas, potatoes, etc.). But experienced craftsmen still advise sticking to more traditional home brewing products.

Sometimes it is not possible to provide all the conditions for favorable yeast functioning (temperature changes in the room, “weak” yeast, etc.). In this case, some amateur moonshiners purchase fermentation activators (they contain B vitamins, amino acids, nitrogen-containing substances) - these drugs improve yeast division and speed up fermentation.

Another common ingredient in mash is water. Its quality directly determines whether the wort will ferment and how active the conversion of sugar into alcohol will be. The best choice is tap or spring water, which should preferably be allowed to steep for a day before use (or purified through a filter). You should not boil water as this will deprive it of the oxygen needed for proper fermentation. It is advisable that the water hardness be in the range of 3-8°F; too soft or hard water interferes with normal fermentation. The ideal water temperature is 20-28 °C. In water that is too cool (17°C and below), fermentation will either be too slow, weak, or not start at all. In hot liquid (over 35 °C) the yeast will simply die.

About containers for the production of mash

Traditionally, mash is kept in glass bottles (cylinders) or stainless steel cans, but now fermentation containers made of food-grade plastic are also popular. They must have sufficient capacity, since the mash wort is a foamy product. It is better to take a container whose volume is 30-40% larger than the resulting liquid. The main thing is that any vessels are well washed and dried. And of course, they should not contain substances with a strong odor (including poisonous ones).

An airtight water seal will be required to release carbon dioxide and prevent oxygen from reaching the wort. In stores selling alcoholic equipment, prices for it start from 50 rubles. And the easiest way is to place a rubber glove on the neck of the container with wort, which should be pierced in place of one of the “fingers”.

Sugar mash recipe

Braga, and then moonshine according to this recipe, comes out better than most store-bought vodka. It is worth noting that the yeast used here is alcoholic – the best for moonshine brewing. Before you begin, it is advisable to read the instructions on the yeast label and take the amount of ingredients suggested by the manufacturer.


  • Sugar – 3 kg;
  • Yeast (alcoholic) - 250 g or pressed (50 g dry);
  • Water – 12 l.

Cooking process

  1. Bring the water to a temperature no hotter than 30 °C;
  2. Pour sugar into the fermentation container, and then mix it with water until completely dissolved (mix, for example, with a clean hand, a wooden spoon, etc.);
  3. Pour 0.5 liters of water from the fermentation container into a clean container, add alcoholic yeast there, mix and place in a warm place for 0.5-1 hour until foam appears (carefully follow the instructions of the alcoholic yeast manufacturer!);
  4. When the yeast is activated, pour it into a container with water and sugar. Install a water seal or punctured medical glove;
  5. Move the container with the wort to a place where there is no access to light with a temperature not lower than 20 °C and not higher than 30 °C for a period of 3 to 7 days;
  6. Check the mash for readiness: its taste should be bitter, the color of the liquid should lighten, and sediment will be noticeable at the bottom of the container. The water seal will stop gurgling (the glove will fall off);
  7. Remove the finished mash from the sediment through a tube with a small diameter;
  8. Clarify the mash before distillation, for example, using regular gelatin (this item is not necessary, but it improves the quality of the finished moonshine). For every 5 liters of mash you will need 1 g of gelatin. Calculate the required amount of gelatin, pour it into a convenient container, and then add chilled water (200 ml of water for every 1 mg of gelatin). Leave the water in the container in the room for 24 hours, periodically (every 6-8 hours) changing it with a new one. When the gelatin grains increase significantly in size, pour warm water over it, and then place it in a container with ready-made mash for 3 days. Remove the clarified mash from the sediment, after which you can begin making moonshine.

Apple mash recipe

You can use high-quality apples and carrion, but fruits that are too spoiled are not suitable for mash (the drink will be bitter, the smell will be much worse). You will need to sort the apples, unwashed (so as not to destroy the wild yeast, which will ferment), and clear them of seeds, stalks, and all rotten areas. It is advisable to use fruits of sweet varieties, otherwise you will need to add sugar.


  • Apples – 15 kg;
  • Water – 10 l;
  • Sugar – 2 kg (if the apples are sour).

Cooking process

  1. Do not wash the apples, sort them (including removing seeds and rotten areas) and prepare puree (for example, using a meat grinder or blender);
  2. Place the apple mass in a fermentation container, add water (and sugar if the apples are sour). Mix everything;
  3. Install a water seal (glove) and transfer the container with the wort to a room with a temperature of 18-30 °C. Fermentation of apple wort lasts about 20-50 days. When the wort ferments, a whitish sediment will appear at the bottom, the liquid will taste bitter, the valve will stop releasing gas (the glove will fall);
  4. When ready, pour the mash through a tube (hose) into another clean container and clarify. After these procedures, you can begin making apple moonshine.

Wheat mash recipe

Wheat moonshine drinks smoother than sugar moonshine and has a light grain aroma. This recipe does not require the addition of purchased yeast, but you will need to initially make a starter.


  • Wheat – 4 kg;
  • Sugar – 4 kg;
  • Water – 30 l.

Cooking process

  1. Wash the wheat and remove any debris that floats to the surface of the water. Separate 1 kg of grain, pour it into a convenient container, add water so that the wheat is covered by a couple of centimeters. Close the container with the future starter and place it in a room at room temperature for 1-2 days (until sprouts appear);
  2. Add 500 g of sugar to the sprouted grain, mix well, cover the container and place in a warm place for 7-10 days. Stir the starter twice a day;
  3. Combine the remaining wheat, water, sugar and sourdough in a fermentation container. Stir, install a water seal (glove) and place the container in a place deprived of light at temperatures up to 30 °C for 7-10 days;
  4. When fermentation is complete (sediment appears, bitter taste of the mash, glove falls off, no bubbling from the valve), remove the liquid from the sediment;
  5. Before distillation, lighten the mash, for example, with bentonite - white clay (necessarily without aromatic additives). To do this you will need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of clay for every 1 liter of mash. Grind the clay, add water (500 ml of water per 1 tablespoon of bentonite), shake well with a spoon and pour into a container with mash. Close with a lid for a day, then drain from the sediment;
  6. Distill the clarified grain mash (preferably twice).