How to use parchment paper in the oven. Baking paper: the main assistant of every housewife in the kitchen

How to properly use parchment paper? You will find answers to this and other questions below in the article.

Confectioners began using parchment to make baked goods back in the last century. Such paper can be purchased at any hardware store, eco-goods store, grocery store, supermarket or market.

  • Almost every housewife has parchment, but many do not know what it is for, and often such paper is used for other purposes.
  • What is parchment? Where can I buy such paper? How to use it correctly to make baked goods tasty and healthy?
  • You can find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Parchment paper is sold in packages and is often called "baking paper." During the Soviet Union, food products were wrapped in such paper when sold in grocery stores. But what is parchment paper, and what is it used for?

  • For its production, porous paper is used - 100% cellulose.
  • During production, fiber is treated with a solution of a special prepared acid. Hydrolysis of cellulose occurs and parchment is obtained.
  • It is washed with water, dried, cut into strips and rolled.
  • The result is thick parchment paper that does not swell from moisture and withstands high temperatures well.

Parchment paper is very convenient to use when preparing various dishes. Previously, it was used only for baking confectionery products. Modern housewives use parchment for preparing various meat, fish, and mushroom dishes, as well as for baking dough products.

  • Place a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet and place the baked goods on top. You can grease the paper with a small amount of vegetable oil or butter.
  • Bake the products as usual: temperature, time.
  • Thanks to the parchment layer, baked goods or other dishes will not burn. This makes the pan easy to clean after use.

Parchment is also used for packaging food products - convenient and economical. After all, such paper is inexpensive.

Important: You can bake on parchment paper without adding oil. This often helps when you need to prepare meals for proper nutrition.

How to buy parchment paper for baking and packaging on Aliexpress?

If parchment paper is needed for home baking, then housewives often go to supermarkets or the market to get it. If you need a lot of this material, for example, for the operation of a confectionery shop or an entire production, then such paper can be purchased at Aliexpress.

  • Here the price is several times lower than in the store, and if you order the product in large quantities, you can negotiate a good discount with the seller.
  • If you are not yet registered on the largest online trading platform, then here is how to do it correctly.
  • You can also register by viewing instructions in the video clips at the link.

How to buy parchment paper for baking and packaging at Aliexpress? Follow these steps:

After registration, go to the main page Aliexpress, and in the search bar enter the words: “ parchment baking" or " parchment paper". A page with the product will open in front of you. Select, click on the image icon or product name.

How to buy parchment for baking and packaging on Aliexpress?

How to buy parchment paper for baking on Aliexpress?

Important: You can also type a query in English in the search bar: “ parchment paper baking », « cheap paper baking" If you need paper for packaging, dial " paper baking" If a page with other products opens in front of you, then using the filter on the right, you can find what you need. Click the necessary active links and the site will redirect you to the appropriate pages.

How to buy parchment paper for baking and packaging on Aliexpress?

Parchment, like foil, has two sides. Housewives often don’t know which side is correct to place parchment paper on a baking sheet in the oven. The parchment is placed on a baking sheet with the glossy side up.

In Soviet times, only those housewives who had “blat” in the store could afford to use such paper. Others baked on ordinary notebook sheets, greased with vegetable oil, so that the products did not stick to the baking sheet.

Many manufacturers impregnate parchment paper with silicone. Therefore, it does not need to be greased with oil before baking. Whether there is impregnation or not is usually indicated on the packaging. If there is no such information, then to bake yeast dough it is better to grease the parchment with a small amount of vegetable oil. Shortbread dough lubricates the paper with the oil released during baking. When baking meat or fish, it is better to grease the parchment.

If you often use parchment for baking, then perhaps you have had cases when you ran out of this paper at the most inopportune moment. You just have to cook food on a baking sheet. The products burn, and the frying sheet is then difficult to clean. But is it possible to replace parchment paper with tracing paper, foil, Teflon, and silicone baking paper? A few nuances:

  • Tracing paper- this paper is perfect for baking in the oven, but its top layer, on which the products will be placed, must be greased with vegetable oil.
  • Foil for baking products, place the matte side on a baking sheet. The top shiny side should be greased with vegetable oil if you bake dough products. There is no need to do this when baking fish or meat.
  • Teflon paper allows you to bake products not only in the oven, but you can also fry dishes in a frying pan. If you are afraid that the product will burn during cooking, feel free to place Teflon paper on any frying surface. The dish will turn out appetizing and tasty.
  • Silicone paper- excellent material for baking. This paper does not come into contact with food and holds high temperatures well. Housewives often use regular silicone table mats for baking. They are much denser than paper - the baked goods will not burn, they will be rosy and beautiful.

For baking, you can even use ordinary office paper, but clean and oiled on both sides, as well as food parchment, from which paper bags and packaging on products in supermarkets are made.

A multicooker, like a microwave oven, is found in almost every home. We cook, fry and bake in it. But is it possible to put parchment paper in a multicooker to make the dish more juicy, and the “saucepan” itself can be easily and quickly cleaned? Yes, parchment is used for baking and frying various dishes: meat, fish, and dough products.

A good, high-quality non-stick frying pan is expensive, and frying with a lot of oil on cast iron or steel kitchen utensils is unhealthy. Therefore, women often wonder: is it possible to bake meat, chicken, fish, or fry cutlets on parchment paper?

As mentioned above, parchment is actively used by housewives for cooking meat, fish, chicken and mushrooms. In addition, you can fry cutlets on such paper, both in the oven and in a frying pan. To bake cutlets in the oven, parchment paper does not even need to be greased, and for frying in a frying pan you will need a few drops of vegetable oil.

Tip: If you still want the dish in parchment to turn out golden brown and slightly fried, then the inside of the paper must be greased with vegetable or butter.

If we use the oven for a long time, then we know all the nuances of how to bake or fry a dish so that it turns out golden brown and does not burn. But, if the oven is new, and you want to cook everything at once as tasty and beautiful as in the old oven, then you should use parchment.

But often housewives do not always turn out products perfectly with this paper. Why do baked goods, dough, meringues, pies, pizza, meat and fish stick to parchment baking paper?

  • This may happen because you are using parchment incorrectly. It should be placed on a roasting pan or frying pan with the glossy side up.
  • But if the dough is liquid, then it can stick, just like meat, fish or meringue. Therefore, it is better to use special impregnated parchment paper.
  • Its cost is a little higher than the usual one, but nothing will stick to it.

Important: If your oven has its own characteristics and bakes products so much that even soaked paper sticks, then use special Teflon or silicone paper or a mat.

If the parchment does stick to the finished product, how can you remove it from baking? Do not try to remove paper from a hot product - nothing will work. Wait for the baked goods to cool or place them on a damp towel. After such actions, the parchment should come away from the product well.

It happens that it is difficult to remove baking paper, and you have to serve the dish to the table with it. Naturally, it is not always possible to completely clean it while eating, so the question arises: what will happen if you eat parchment paper? Parchment is made from a natural material - cellulose or fiber. Once in our stomach, it only swells a little, but is easily digested. Therefore, there will be no harm from eating a small piece of parchment.

The nutritional properties of food cooked on parchment paper are preserved, and the taste becomes even better. If you tie the ends of the paper tightly, you will get a kind of bag with which you can even cook food in water.

Video: Choosing baking paper - Advice from Everything will be fine - Issue 403 - 06/04/2014 - Everything will be fine

Baking paper is a very convenient thing, especially for those who do not like to wash dishes. Its main purpose is to protect the baking sheet from burning and help the housewife cope with kitchen chores faster.

Types of paper

To help you choose the best option, check out this list:

  1. Tracing paper. This is thin paper that can become soggy when cooking a dish that releases a lot of liquid. It’s not very pleasant to then remove the remaining paper from the pies. Another disadvantage of tracing paper is that it sticks to the biscuit dough. Of course, you can use it, for example, to prepare yeast dough, cheesecakes, and shortcrust pastry.
  2. Parchment is more durable and brown in color. You can easily bake various products on it, even those that release a lot of liquid. Parchment paper absorbs fat better than others, so it’s great for cookies: this way they don’t lose their shape. When baking dough on it with a minimum amount of fat, you will need to lubricate it with some kind of oil.
  3. Silicone-coated parchment is a very convenient, durable thing that can easily come off of baked goods. Does not absorb fat and does not require lubrication with oil. Suitable for any dough except biscuits. This paper will be an excellent helper when baking fish and meat.
  4. There is also silicone paper, which can be found in rolls. It is the best, most durable and comfortable among the above.
  5. A separate item is paper cups for cupcakes and other baked goods. They are convenient because each product is placed in a separate mold, and during the cooking process the cupcakes will not stick together.

Baking paper has a number of advantages:

  • can be cooked with minimal use of fats;
  • the dish will not burn;
  • it is very convenient to roll out thin dough on this sheet and then transfer it to a baking sheet;
  • by rolling the paper into a ring and putting it on a cake or pastry, you can decorate the confectionery with cream;
  • You can pack food in it;
  • It will be easier to remove the cake layers from the pan by pulling the edges of the parchment;
  • Food for freezing is placed in such sheets.

This paper can be used to make various dishes: these can be buns, pies, cakes, fish or meat casserole and much more.

It is very convenient to use it when rolling out dough. Firstly, the dough will not stick to the table and rolling pin, and secondly, the paper will take away excess fat.

The device also has a number of disadvantages:

  1. If the dish takes too long to cook, it is better to use foil, otherwise sticking may occur.
  2. Cannot be used for dishes that produce large amounts of fat. In this case, it is also better to use foil.

There are a number of recipes where the use of such paper is mandatory.

How to replace baking paper

If you don't have baking paper on hand, you can replace it:

  • tracing paper or regular office paper, greased with oil;
  • baking sleeve;
  • foil;
  • special silicone mat.

What to do if baked goods stick to paper

There are several ways to easily separate it:

  • It is enough to simply cool puff pastry products. As a rule, they are easy to remove after this;
  • baked goods made from yeast dough are cooled, the back of the paper is wiped with a damp cloth, after which it is easily removed;
  • If the product cannot be lifted without damaging it, separate the paper from the baked goods with a sharp, thin knife.

How to use baking foil

If you don't have parchment, you can replace it with foil. Cover a baking sheet with it and grease it with oil. However, it is worth remembering that the foil heats up more than the paper, so the lower heating element should be turned off before the upper one.

Foil can be used not only for baking, but also for preparing other dishes.

Making cupcakes in paper tins


  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • 0.5 tsp. slaked soda;
  • 120 g peasant butter (pre-melted);
  • Wheat flour;
  • raisins, dried apricots, prunes.

Preparation steps:

  1. Beat the eggs until foam appears. It is best to beat the egg yolks separately from the whites. The dough will be softer and airier.
  2. Add sugar and mix thoroughly, pour in mayonnaise and butter. Mix again.
  3. Add soda to the prepared mixture and wait until the dough sizzles. When extinguishing soda, you need very little vinegar so that there is no unpleasant taste.
  4. It is better to sift the flour. You need to add it slowly, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. You will need enough flour so that the consistency of the dough resembles thick sour cream.
  5. Add various dried fruits to the finished dough. You can also add a chocolate bar or fresh fruit.
  6. There is no need to grease paper muffin tins. The dough should be poured so that there is some space left, since the cupcakes will still rise.
  7. Place the pan with the muffins in the preheated oven until browned.

After preparing the mold, you don’t have to remove it, this makes it more convenient to serve the baked goods to guests, and they won’t get dirty.

Duck in baking paper


  • 1 medium duck;
  • 400 g offal;
  • 200 g buckwheat;
  • egg;
  • onions – 3 pcs.;
  • celery, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Marinate the duck in spices.
  2. Boil buckwheat. Mix with egg.
  3. Mix offal with onion, add salt and pepper.
  4. Mix the buckwheat mass with offal and celery.
  5. Fry the resulting mass in a frying pan until the existing liquid evaporates.
  6. Stuff the duck with the fried mixture and sew it up with thread.
  7. Take baking paper, wet it and wrap it around the duck. In this case, it is better to use a variety that is not afraid of moisture.
  8. Place a baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake until done.

Apple pie


  • wheat flour – 3.5 tbsp;
  • sour cream – 240 g;
  • peasant butter – 100 g;
  • cream with 10% fat content – ​​150 ml;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • cinnamon, apples, baking powder, salt.

How to cook:

  1. Mix melted butter with sour cream.
  2. Combine flour with sugar, add cinnamon, salt and baking powder.
  3. Mix the butter mixture with the flour mixture.
  4. Divide the resulting dough into two parts and roll it into a layer. To make the dough stick better from your hands, you need to knead it well, while lubricating your hands with sunflower oil. In order for it to roll out well, you must first put it in the freezer.
  5. Place the first layer of dough on baking paper and cover with apples. If the dough is too fatty, it is better to put some foil on it. To prevent the apples from turning black, you can pour lemon juice over them.
  6. Pour cream over apples. It is better to twist the edges of the first layer so that the cream does not spill out.
  7. We lay the second layer on top and fasten it to the first.
  8. Place the pie in the preheated oven and cook until browned.

To make the top of the pie golden, you need to grease it with egg yolk.

Cookies with chocolate


  • 250 g chocolate or cocoa;
  • 50 g peasant butter;
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • vanillin;
  • Wheat flour;
  • 1 packet of baking powder.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. If chocolate is used, it must be melted first. Then mix with butter and add sugar. Mix everything well. It is advisable to add sugar to the warm mixture so that it melts. If this moment is missed, then the prepared mass can be kept on fire.
  2. Add eggs, vanillin, flour, baking powder and mix thoroughly. Place the prepared mixture in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Cover with film to prevent the dough from drying out.
  3. After an hour, you need to take out the dough, roll it out and cut out any shapes.
  4. Take a baking sheet, cover it with paper, oil it and lay out the cookies, which you first need to dip in powdered sugar.

Cookies bake very quickly, on average 20 minutes.

Soft and juicy meat


  • any meat – 500 g;
  • salt, pepper, other spices;
  • tomatoes – 4-5 pcs.;
  • onions – 4 pcs.;
  • cheese – 200 g.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the meat into medium pieces and beat.
  2. Sprinkle with spices and wrap in a roll, leave for an hour so that everything is absorbed.
  3. Wash and thinly slice the tomatoes.
  4. Cut the onion into rings.
  5. Take a baking sheet and cover it with greased paper.
  6. Lay the soaked meat in a layer on paper, put onions, tomatoes on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. It is best to pour the cheese 15 minutes before cooking, so it will retain its taste and will not melt too much.
  7. Place in a preheated oven for 40 minutes. It turns out to be a very tasty and satisfying dish.
  1. Pay attention to the material for making paper: there is disposable, and there is reusable. This should be taken into account when preparing.
  2. If, according to its characteristics, the product is intended exclusively for baking (this is indicated on the package), then do not bake meat or fish in it.
  3. If you bought reusable paper, then do not bake meat and cookies on one sheet; it is better to use two different sheets.

Instead of baking paper, you can use parchment, plain paper, greased with oil, foil, or a special baking mat.

Choosing baking paper (video)

Baking paper is very useful in the kitchen of any housewife. This is an irreplaceable thing, it is inexpensive. Cooking with such a device is a pleasure!

Parchment paper is one of the indispensable kitchen utensils, without which baking may not work at all. The material can be used to cover the surface of the baking sheet and line any molds that you plan to use for baking. Parchment prevents food from sticking to the bottom of the pan during cooking. How to use parchment paper? What is it like and how is it different? You will learn about this from our article.

How to bake on parchment paper?

Parchment paper for baking: how to use?

There are several ways to use baking paper. In addition to the classic lining of the inner surface of the mold, you can use other methods:

  1. Cut a square of the required size from the roll. Place the food prepared for baking in the center. Now take the opposite corners in your hands and connect them together using a skewer. Carry out the same actions with the other two corners.
  2. Cut a rectangular piece of paper from the roll. In this case, we place the products on one side of the rectangle. The remaining part will be used as a lid. Then the edges of the rectangle must be tightly twisted together.
  3. Cut out two circles from paper. On the first we place products. Cover with the second one. Now we fold the sides like a pie and pinch it well.

All options for use are good because they prevent the food from burning and drying out during cooking. You now know how to bake on parchment paper.

What types of baking paper are there?

Manufacturers offer several types of parchment. The simplest option is tracing paper. It is very thin and gets wet easily. It is not recommended to use it for baking biscuits and muffins, the recipe of which includes a lot of butter. Tracing paper will be appropriate for products made from yeast and shortbread dough. It must first be lubricated with oil.

Parchment is considered more durable. This paper is distinguished by a smooth surface and a brownish color due to special impregnation. Sulfuric acid is used as such. It is this that makes parchment more durable and resistant to high temperatures combined with humidity.

It is recommended to use paper for baking products containing a lot of oil.

The skill of cooking in the oven is one of the most important for a healthy diet. A minimum of fat, uniform heating, and the simmering effect make baked dishes much healthier than those cooked in a frying pan or open fire. Autonomy of cooking is also important: the housewife only needs to prepare the ingredients, set the desired temperature and feel free. One of three baking tools can help you achieve perfect dishes: foil, a baking bag, or parchment paper. Let's decide which one is preferable.

The advantage of all three types of baking means is to speed up the cooking process. So, if you need about 2.5-3 hours on an open baking sheet for 2 kg of meat, then meat wrapped in foil will be ready in 1-1.5 hours, wrapped in a bag - in 1.5 hours, placed in parchment - in less than 2 hours.This effect is achieved due to the fact that the walls prevent steam from escaping and increase the temperature in the internal space.

You can bake in foil at the highest temperatures and do this not only in the oven, but also on coals. The best way to bake potatoes is to wrap each potato in foil and place it in hot coals.

Foil can withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees, baking bags (they are made from heat-resistant high-quality polyethylene, which does not emit harmful substances when heated) - up to 220 degrees, parchment (siliconized paper) - up to 200 degrees. Be sure to comply with the temperature requirements: if it is violated, the paper may catch fire and the film may begin to melt.

In addition to the difference in permissible temperatures, the difference between the three specified baking agents will be the following: cooking in foil and a sleeve is more like simmering or stewing. If you do not open the foil until the very end of cooking, the products will be close to what we get in a double boiler. Cooking in parchment paper will make the food crispier, due to the lack of airtightness.

All three methods allow you to cook without using fat or oil, but we recommend greasing a parchment sheet when preparing baked goods or vegetables. This way they won’t burn and will become juicier.

For meat and fish, it is preferable to use a bag or foil; they will prevent the meat juice from leaking out and retain the aroma. It is better to use paper for baking.

When baking in foil, avoid acids and alkalis., so you should not pour lemon juice or vinegar marinades on meat or fish placed for baking - they corrode the foil.

Remember, at high temperatures the bag swells in the oven, therefore, make sure that it is correctly positioned and filled. It should not be placed on a wire rack, but on a baking sheet or other flat baking dish. If you want to get a beautiful, appetizing crust, then 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, cut the sleeve with scissors, turn away the edges and bake a little more. To check the readiness of the dish, you can pierce the meat or fish through the sleeve with a toothpick. If the toothpick passes smoothly and no red juice flows out, then you can turn off the oven.

Be sure to choose your favorite baking method: in addition to the taste and speed of cooking, a clean oven will be an additional bonus.

  • Before purchasing, pay attention to the recommendations for use and composition. The manufacturer indicates this on the packaging: there is a disposable one - made of cellulose, and for repeated use - with silicone impregnation.
  • If you bought paper intended only for baking, you should not bake vegetables, meat or fish in it. It will get wet, tear, and the product will stick - and you will have to separate it in a plate.
  • Thick, reusable baking paper is equally good for baking various dishes and for baking. But this does not mean that after baking fish or meat you can cook cookies, pizza or cakes on it.
  • Indispensable when rolling out thin cakes. Some types of shortcrust pastry can only be rolled out between two layers of baking paper.

Which baking paper to choose?

  • Thin and fragile Baking paper can be called several different materials. The least durable (and cheapest) is thin tracing paper. Translucent, thin, easily soaked and sticks to biscuit dough products and muffins with a small amount of fat. Another disadvantage of tracing paper is that during prolonged baking it can become brittle and even crumble. It is suitable for yeast and shortbread baked goods, as well as cold confectionery products, such as cheesecakes based on cookie crumbs mixed with butter. It is recommended to lubricate it with fat.
  • Dense and durable The next strongest one is ordinary parchment, similar to packaging parchment. This is smooth parchment paper for baking, often brown in color, impregnated with a solution of sulfuric acid and because of this it has become more durable, plastic, resistant to moisture and high temperatures. Does not change its properties depending on temperature and absorbs fat relatively well. Perfect for baking dough products with a large amount of fat. If parchment is used for baking low-fat dough, it must be greased with oil.
  • Universal The most popular option is parchment baking paper with a thin silicone coating, which best adheres to finished products, including biscuits, does not allow moisture to pass through, almost does not absorb fat and does not require additional lubrication. It can be used for baking any type of dough, and for everything except biscuits, repeatedly. Meat, poultry and fish dishes are usually baked in it. There is a variety that can withstand temperatures up to 250−300°C and is intended for baking.
  • Silicone A separate, expensive option is baking paper with a double-sided silicone coating that forms air chambers and a three-dimensional baking structure. Features a thicker layer of silicone. Typically brown in color and sold in sheets.

How to use baking paper

There are many options for paper envelopes for baking dishes. We offer the most popular - proven practices over the years.

  • Place a square of paper on the table and place the food in the center. Lift the two opposite ends, connect, tuck and secure with skewers, and do the same with the remaining two.
  • Cut a rectangle, place food on one side, cover the other. Bring the edges together and twist tightly.
  • Cut out two circles from baking paper. Place the food on one, cover with a second circle. Bring the edges together and, tucking them in 2-3 times, twist and pinch tightly. This option is good because when served on a plate, the top circle of paper can be easily removed.

How to replace baking paper

There are also paper molds for cupcakes and other dough products: they are usually placed in metal or ceramic molds so that they do not have to be washed, and baked goods at high oven temperatures do not spread, but retain the desired appearance. In addition, small cupcakes and muffins in bright paper wrappers can be served on the table - beautiful and convenient.

  • Please note that molds for baking Easter cakes, muffins, shortbread pies and rolls are inexpensive and are sold in the hardware departments of supermarkets. 9 common mistakes when baking.
  • In addition to baking in such forms, you can prepare minced fish and meat rolls and casseroles.

Mini pizzas with caramelized onions


12 pizzas


50 minutes


  • 200g ready-made frozen pizza dough
  • 100 g mozzarella
  • 3 large onions (peeled, cut into thick slices)
  • 100 g ketchup or other tomato sauce
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter and olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara

1. Fry the onion in slices on both sides in a mixture of oils. Pepper, salt, sprinkle with sugar.

2. Cut out 12 circles from the rolled out dough and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Grease the dough with tomato sauce, add a slice of onion and a slice of mozzarella.

3. Preheat the oven to 200°C, bake the pizzas for 10-15 minutes. Serve hot.

Advice: Mini pizzas are good with cheese, capers and olives or with fried bacon and pickled cucumber.