How yeast rises. A simple way to propagate yeast (alcoholic, wine, regular)

Yeast is a fungus that requires favorable conditions to reproduce. This living microorganism absorbs sugar, converting it into alcohol and carbon dioxide, which loosens and rises the dough.

Yeast loses its properties when interacting with boiling water and when re-freezing. In order not to destroy the fungus, the temperature of the liquid should be no higher than thirty-two degrees.

Today there are three types of yeast:

Fresh. In pressed form, live, different in smell fresh bread. They are diluted a small amount water with temperatures up to 32 degrees. Liquid that is too hot or too cold will prevent the dough from rising. A product from 600 to 700 grams contains on average 15-20 grams of pressed yeast. Baking requires doubling this dose, since butter, margarine, and sugar used to knead such dough inhibit the fermentation process;

Dry. Active. Most often they come in the form of round granules, which are soaked in water before use, softened for a few minutes and then mixed;

Dry. Fast-acting (instant). They differ from active ones in the drying mode and method of application. Typically they look like cylindrical granules. They should not be dissolved; you can immediately add them to the flour.

Dry yeast produced by different companies does not have the same strength, which determines the time it takes to rise the dough. In one case, its volume increases in half an hour, in another, in one and a half hours.

Lifting force decreases with prolonged storage of dry yeast, by approximately five percent in one month compared to the original characteristics. Most manufacturers prefer to produce a packet of yeast sufficient to raise one kilogram of flour, although there are packets designed for half a kilogram (for example, Dr. Oetker).

The weight of dry yeast can be easily measured with a teaspoon. About four grams of yeast are placed in it heaped. A piece of pressed yeast, about the size of a matchbox, weighs twenty-five grams.

Dry yeast can be replaced with fresh yeast and vice versa. The proportions here also depend on the manufacturer. For example, fifty-five grams of fresh yeast is equal to ten grams of dry yeast, SAF-MOMENT brand. The same amount of fast-acting Dr. Oetker is replaced with thirty grams of fresh yeast.


  • A standard calculation has been developed for replacing one yeast with another: 1:3 - instead of ten grams of fast-acting yeast, take thirty grams of fresh yeast.
  • One level teaspoon contains three and a half grams of dry yeast, replaced by ten grams of fresh.
  • One and a half teaspoons are equal to fifteen grams of fresh yeast.
  • Two teaspoons can replace twenty grams of compressed yeast.
  • Two and a half teaspoons are equivalent to twenty-five grams of fresh compressed yeast.

Don't know how to work with fresh yeast? No problem. Our article will tell you and show you how to do it correctly so that the dough turns out soft and fluffy.

Not every housewife has the courage to work with fresh yeast.

Many people think that dough based on them is much more difficult to make than dough with the addition of dry powder.

Despite the apparent complexity, working with live yeast can give you real pleasure.

Baking based on such a product turns out to be very tender, light, airy and porous.

To easily cope with the creation of any dessert or hearty pie, you need to know some subtleties and nuances.

Knowing how to properly “handle” pressed doges, you can easily make any baked goods.

Hearty bread, snacks, fried pies, pampushki, buns and cheesecakes - just a minimal list of what can be made based on a natural yeast product.

Depending on what components are used to create baked goods, the amount of yeast can vary from 30 to 50 grams of product per 1000 grams of flour.

Remember: if we use large quantity yeast than recommended in the recipe, we risk getting bad smell finished baked goods. If you use less product, the pies may turn out dense and of poor quality.

To make the mass “come to life” and “breathe”, use any sweetener for the preparation (sweetener, licorice syrup, granulated sugar, natural honey). Its rate will depend on the desired sweetness of the finished dish.

How to work with fresh yeast?


  • salt - to taste;
  • sweetener - to taste;
  • flour;
  • yeast.


Depending on the recipe we choose, we use different quantities recommended products. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations described in the recipe. To make the preparation “work”, pour a spoonful of sweetener into warm water (milk). Be sure to follow all the recommendations specified in the recipe according to which we prepare the baked goods.

We wait 12-15 minutes. The mass will increase significantly in volume. At the next stage, add oil into the container (if it is specified in the recipe). The next stage is adding salt and flour.

We combine all products.

Many gardeners have been using this for several years now. culinary product on their own plots. If you study the literature, it will become clear that this is absolutely folk way feeding. Since the literature contains only advice from summer residents.

Therefore, the editorial staff of the site studied this issue in detail. And now here are the basic recommendations on how to dilute yeast for feeding. After reading the article, there should be no questions about the use of this bakery product.

Some tips on how to dilute yeast to feed plants:

  1. The choice of yeast variety for feeding plants in the garden remains with summer residents. They can be dry, pressed or raw.
  2. They can be replaced with crackers, stale bread and other flour products. Everything that is no longer suitable for food can be used as fertilizer.
  3. The maximum benefit will come from fertilizing if it has passed the stage of active fermentation. Therefore, it is advisable to leave the solution for some time.
  4. By the way, the starter will be ready the moment fermentation stops.
  5. To prepare the fertilizer, it is recommended to use water without chlorine, that is, let it stand.
  6. The amount of sugar in preparing the crust should be minimal. There should just be enough for fermentation. Because all the excess will end up in the ground and become food for harmful bacteria.
  7. Dilute the concentrated yeast solution for watering as indicated in the recipe.
  8. The use of additional ingredients. For example, weeds, leaves, hops, potato tops.
  9. This fertilizer should be applied at the root.

Simple recipes for diluting yeast to feed plants

Perhaps we should start with the type that is more often found in modern stores. Dry product sachets.

IN liter jar It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of granulated sugar. Then add a packet of yeast. Leave to complete fermentation. It is recommended to dilute this infusion in 50 liters of water for irrigation.

The next recipe can be titled “Nothing Extra”, since nothing else is required except yeast. Place a pack of yeast (100 grams) in a bucket of water. This mixture should infuse and ferment for 24 hours. Then feed the plants, you need to pour half a liter of them under the bush.

Another method of breeding live yeast is presented in two versions. In the first on three liter jar Water is supposed to take 100 g of yeast and half a glass of sugar. In the second, 500 g of yeast is consumed for the same volume of water and sugar. It is recommended to keep them in a warm room for several hours. Dilute before use.

If you just need to water the plants, then take one glass per bucket of water. For intensive feeding, pour a liter of yeast mixture into the same bucket.

The use of dry yeast in baking. Dear cooks, while looking through recipes today, I came across a dialogue between our respected alarm clock cook (Allochka) and a brand new cook. The dispute was about yeast. After reading their messages, I was horrified by my ignorance. It turns out that I am making baking dough without knowing almost anything about yeast. And when something doesn’t work out for me, I blame the products, not myself. So I decided to look for information on the Internet. Dear cooks, I understand that I will not reveal this information to many of you from America, but I really hope that it will be useful to those who are just beginning their friendship with baking.

Yeasts are living organisms, they belong to single-celled fungi. Under their influence, starch or sugar is converted into carbon dioxide or alcohol. Yeast is especially valued by bakers, brewers and winemakers: without it nothing would be possible. good bread, no wine or beer.

Yeast that is used to cook yeast dough, are called bakery ones. This product is divided into fresh and pressed yeast, dry or “live”. Dry yeast, in other words inactive, is obtained as a result of artificial dehydration.

To use dry yeast for its intended purpose, you will need, in addition to the yeast itself, water and granulated sugar. And remember: dry yeast is divided into active and instant. There are no differences in the selection and storage conditions of both types, but they are used differently.
How to propagate active dry yeast

Active dry yeast appearance resemble fractional beads of beige tone. Just about such yeast we're talking about in almost all cookbooks, compiled by Western authors. There it says about the amount of yeast: a bag or a certain amount of grams.

To bring dry yeast into an active state, you need to pour it into a container required quantity warm water or milk (how much liquid to take is indicated in the recipe or on the packaging itself). Since you are dealing with live yeast, you should “wake up” the product, but under no circumstances “brew” it! That is why the temperature of the water or milk with which you will breed dry yeast should fluctuate between 35-42 degrees Celsius.

A few teaspoons of sugar will become a kind of “food” for the yeast. Granulated sugar should be added to a warm liquid and ensure that it is completely dissolved there.

Next, sprinkle dry yeast on the surface. warm milk and after a few seconds, crush the liquid with the yeast. This time will be enough for the granules to be saturated with liquid and turn into a paste-like mass.

If the kitchen area is warm, then it will be enough to cover the container with yeast with polyethylene; if it is cold, add a towel to it. After 5-10 minutes. The yeast should begin to sparkle and foam. If this does not happen, then you should not use them in baking; they were never “awakened.” The reasons for this may be different: the shelf life has expired, storage conditions have been violated, the liquid in which they were dissolved was too hot. If, as a result, the yeast starts to play, feel free to put it into the dough.
How to use instant dry yeast

Instant dry yeast is also called instant, fast, fast-rising, in other words, fast yeast. (You will certainly come across one of these names in one of the recipes). Such yeast in appearance resembles finely ground powder light brown shade.

Instant yeast does not need to be brought into an active state; it can be immediately combined with the dry ingredients. Plus, during kneading, dough with this type of yeast is proofed only once.

However, despite all the visible advantages of this yeast, the resulting baked goods are not so aromatic. True, this circumstance does not matter if you put a lot of sugar and aromatic spices in the products.

Yeasts are living organisms, they belong to single-celled fungi. Under their influence, starch or sugar is converted into carbon dioxide or alcohol. Yeast is especially valued by bakers, brewers and winemakers: without it, no good bread, no wine or beer would be made.

Yeast that is used to prepare yeast dough is called baker's yeast. This product is divided into fresh and pressed yeast, dry or “live”. Dry yeast, in other words inactive, is obtained as a result of artificial dehydration.

To use dry yeast for its intended purpose, you will need, in addition to the yeast itself, water and granulated sugar. And remember: dry yeast is divided into active and instant. There are no differences in the selection and storage conditions of both types, but they are used differently.

How to propagate active dry yeast

Active dry yeast in its appearance resembles fractional beads of a beige tone. It is precisely this kind of yeast that is discussed in almost all cookbooks compiled by Western authors. There it says about the amount of yeast: a bag or a certain amount of grams.

To bring dry yeast into an active state, you need to pour the required amount of warm water or milk into the container (how much liquid to take is indicated in the recipe or on the packaging itself). Since you are dealing with live yeast, you should “wake up” the product, but under no circumstances “brew” it! That is why the temperature of the water or milk with which you will breed dry yeast should fluctuate between 35-42 degrees Celsius.

A few teaspoons of sugar will become a kind of “food” for the yeast. Granulated sugar should be added to the warm liquid and ensure that it is completely dissolved there.

Next, sprinkle the dry yeast on the surface of the warm milk and after a few seconds, crush the liquid with the yeast. This time will be enough for the granules to be saturated with liquid and turn into a paste-like mass.

If the kitchen area is warm, then it will be enough to cover the container with yeast with polyethylene; if it is cold, add a towel to it. After 5-10 minutes. The yeast should begin to sparkle and foam. If this does not happen, then you should not use them in baking; they were never “awakened.” The reasons for this may be different: the shelf life has expired, storage conditions have been violated, the liquid in which they were dissolved was too hot. If, as a result, the yeast starts to play, feel free to put it into the dough.

How to use instant dry yeast

Instant dry yeast is also called instant, fast, fast-rising, in other words, fast yeast. (You will certainly come across one of these names in one of the recipes). Such yeast looks like finely ground light brown powder.

Instant yeast does not need to be brought into an active state; it can be immediately combined with the dry ingredients. Plus, during kneading, dough with this type of yeast is proofed only once.

However, despite all the visible advantages of this yeast, the resulting baked goods are not so aromatic. True, this circumstance does not matter if you put a lot of sugar and aromatic spices in the products.