How to open a coconut at home: effective methods and tips. How to break a coconut: different methods and tips

Coconut is a delicious, aromatic, unusual tropical fruit. At times it seems that he is completely unavailable. The problem is in the peel - a rounded drupe, which is very difficult to split. In fact, it is enough to have a few auxiliary tools and know a couple of simple tricks to make the process of opening a coconut easy.

Start by preparing your tools and material. For comfortable work we will need: a hammer, a nail, a glass and the coconut itself. Having collected everything on the list, proceed to examine the fetus. On one side there are three eyes - specific spots. Two of them are tightly closed, the third is less durable. Place the nail on the weaker eye and tap with a hammer. The partition will give in easily. After twisting the nail several times in the hole, carefully remove it. Place the coconut on the glass with the hole facing down. While the coconut water (just water, not juice) is flowing out, prepare a hammer with a narrow end.

After removing the fragrant water, take the coconut in your hand with the eyes facing up. Divide it visually into three levels. Under the top third, mentally imagine a circular rim and tap it with the narrow end of a hammer.

After 5-10 minutes of circular tapping, a small crack will form. Continue the process until it becomes solid. Next, you can divide the fruit into two halves at the splitting point.

Now nothing will stop you from enjoying the juicy pulp, preparing extraordinary desserts or extracting coconut milk. We will continue to talk about it in the following tips.

The exotic taste of coconut is familiar to everyone. Numerous confectionery products containing it are especially popular. Real lovers buy nuts and only then think about the question of how to open a coconut at home.

It is better to buy nuts in places where they are sold in large quantities, for example, in supermarkets. A single fruit on a display case can lie for many months, the contents can turn sour or moldy.

When choosing a product, you should carefully examine its peel: the color should be even and without spots. If traces of mold are found, you should immediately put the product aside; it is dangerous to eat it.

On one side of the nut, three circles should be visible, through which the coconut received nutrition from the palm tree. The peel in these places should be intact and elastic. Try pressing it with your finger; if it gives in, it means the fruit has begun to deteriorate and is not suitable for food.

After assessing the appearance, the coconut should be shaken. Splashes of liquid indicate good quality of the product.

What will you need to open the nut?

After choosing a suitable nut, the question arises of how to open a coconut at home. The peel of the fruit is extremely strong and thick, so opening it will require skill and working tools or a large, strong knife.

Suitable tools for opening the nut:

  • hammer;
  • large knife, cleaver;
  • screwdriver, awl;
  • a strong, large enough cutting board.

The most popular methods

Before opening the shell, you should make a hole in the place of one of the three coconut spots and pour out the juice.

After the liquid contents have been extracted, you need to get to the juicy pulp. The question arises of how to properly open a coconut using available tools.

To open the thick peel, you should choose a suitable knife. It must be strong and big. You can use a cleaver to chop meat and bones. Open the nut like this.

  1. We take the coconut in our left hand and hold the knife with our right.
  2. We apply strong blows to the side of the nut, gradually turning it along the longitudinal axis.
  3. As soon as the sound changes, you should inspect the peel - a crack has appeared in it.
  4. Apply several blows to the damaged area until the coconut cracks completely.

In this case, the nut is separated in half. Once the pulp is separated, the peel can be used for crafts and other purposes.

With a hammer

Provided you have sufficient physical strength, you can crack a nut with a hammer.

  1. The fruit is placed in a strong plastic bag.
  2. Installed on a solid surface, concrete floor.
  3. The hammer strikes the nut hard.

As a result of this method, the peel splits into irregularly shaped fragments.

You can crack the shell in the area where the three holes are located. After the holes have been made and the milk has been extracted, you can begin to open the shell through the existing holes.

To do this, insert a strong knife into one of the holes. Then hit the handle with your hand or any strong object. The blade of the knife will go deep into the nut. After this, you should carefully turn the tool by the handle; as a result of these actions, the nut will crack.

In the oven

If you don’t have the necessary tools at hand or lack physical strength and determination, the thermal method will come to the rescue. The instructions on how to open a coconut in the oven are as follows.

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Drain the liquid from the coconut.
  3. Place the fruit in a deep form.
  4. Leave in the oven for twenty minutes.

After this treatment, the nut shell will burst, and the pulp will easily break off from the walls of the peel.

Extracting juice and pulp

Before opening the fruit, you should drain the liquid contents - coconut milk. To do this, you need to use an awl or a screwdriver to pierce three holes that are clearly visible on one side of the nut. The peel in these places is not so dense, so this is not difficult to do.

To quickly drain the milk, two holes are enough: liquid will come out through one, air will enter the fetus through the other. The liquid can be drunk or used in cooking or home cosmetology.

If coconut milk or pulp has an unpleasant or sour odor, it is better to throw out the fruit. This is evidence of product damage.

You can insert a straw into the hole and enjoy coconut milk straight from the nut.

For better separation of the pulp, the nut is placed for several minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees or for ten minutes in. Before this, the juice must be poured out. The white mass can be consumed fresh or made into coconut flakes and used in cooking.

When cracking a coconut, you should remember to be safe, as its thick shell can break off and fly apart if hit hard. In addition, you must carefully handle tools: a knife, a screwdriver, a hammer.

In order to protect yourself and others, you should follow the recommendations given.

  1. When cracking a nut with a hammer, you can use more than just a bag. A fruit wrapped in a towel is easier to hold on the work surface. For the same purposes, cling film is suitable, which is wrapped around the coconut several times. In this case, you need to leave a tail of polyethylene for better fixation.
  2. Protect your eyes from possible small fragments.
  3. Do not try to cut the shell with the sharp side of a knife. The blade may slip.
  4. When piercing the eyes with an awl or screwdriver, you should fix the fruit; you can ask another person to help.
  5. Do not crack nuts in the presence of small children. An accidental fragment can cause serious injury.

When eating coconut, you should pay attention to these recommendations.

  1. Before opening, drain the liquid.
  2. Once the skin is damaged, for example to extract milk, the nut is considered opened. It must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of plus five degrees for no longer than 48 hours.
  3. The removed pulp dries quickly; for storage in the refrigerator, it can be filled with water.
  4. Whole nuts can be stored for up to three months.
  5. Coconut milk can be frozen in ice cube trays and stored that way for up to three months. When fresh, it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to seven days.
  6. To prepare coconut flakes, the pulp should be grated and dried in the oven at a low temperature of up to 50 degrees.

The nut shell is quite strong and durable. If the nut is split into two parts, the peel can be put to interesting uses. There are a large number of children's crafts using it.

It can be used as a candlestick, an unusual box, or a glass for pencils. If there is an aquarium in the house, then parts of the shell will become a wonderful home for fish. Its structure does not change the composition and chemical parameters of water.

In the same role it is suitable for other small pets. Gardeners can use the nut shell as small pots for flowers or strawberries.


The hard shell of the coconut should not be an obstacle for those who want to enjoy the refreshing and healthy contents. The main thing is to follow safety rules, then the process of opening the shell will not take much time and effort.

How to open a coconut? Often, when we see a coconut in a store and rush to buy it, we think - how am I going to open it? Or, having already purchased it, we begin to take up saws, axes and hammer it on the floor.
And, unfortunately, such barbaric methods do not always help out or even lead to dire consequences. We suggest you try one very good and simple way - how to open a coconut beautifully, while leaving the flesh intact!

Advice. When choosing a coconut in a store, be sure to shake it near your ear and listen. The coconut should gurgle inside. If it doesn't gurgle, it means there is no water left in it. This is an old coconut, you don’t need to buy one.

How to open a coconut correctly

Here are the steps to correctly and accurately open a coconut.

1. Each coconut has round dark dots - the so-called eyes. One of these eyes is always soft and easily opened. We take a thin knife, an awl or other sharp object that can be found on the farm.
This video shows a thin knife for citrus fruits and tomatoes. We find a soft peephole and pierce it through. Twist the knife to widen the hole as much as possible. Now pour the coconut water into a glass, or drink through a straw directly from the coconut.

2. We proceed to the next stage of coconut processing. Take a hammer, large stone or other heavy and strong object. And we begin to tap the coconut over the entire surface. We are not trying to break the shell! Just tap, firmly and evenly. Tapping separates the coconut meat from the shell. You need to tap for about 1-2 minutes.

3. And the last stage is the actual extraction of the coconut from the shell. Using the same hammer or stone, hit the shell hard to create cracks.

Another option is to wrap the coconut in a rag, spin it and hit it hard against a wall or asphalt. Just make sure your walls don't crack instead of the coconut.

4. Free the coconut from the cracked shell. Ready!
The end result is a beautifully open coconut.

And another note

You can cut it in half and put something in each half, like on a plate. For example, homemade popsicles. Or make coconut milk from the pulp.

Take note. Round coconuts open more beautifully than elongated ones. When broken, an elongated coconut may break into several pieces. And the flesh of elongated coconuts is more difficult to remove from the peel; they need to be tapped longer. There is no need to scrape the brown skin off the coconut meat! Directly under this skin is all the most useful things. And the peel itself improves digestion.

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Coconut is known for its unique taste as well as its absorbent properties. When consuming the nut, its unique composition is able to remove toxins and waste from the body. Coconut is also used in the treatment of certain diseases. The only disadvantage of the nut is the thick shell; it is not so easy to split it without the proper skill. To extract the pulp, you need to equip yourself with some tools.

Coconut selection

  1. It is best to choose an exotic nut in a place where there are a lot of nuts. This could be a supermarket or a vegetable market. First, compare the coconuts with each other in appearance.
  2. Next, take the nut you like, bring it to your ear, and shake the coconut. You should hear the characteristic bubbling of the liquid. Also keep in mind that the nut should have a relatively large weight relative to its size.
  3. After this, carefully inspect the coconut for abrasions and cracks. The integrity of the shell should not be compromised. Avoid buying moldy specimens, take a closer look at healthy nuts.
  4. Carefully examine the coconut eyes; there should be no rot or similar factors on them. Press down on the indentations to assess hardness. If the eye sockets are soft, the nut is not suitable for consumption. Choose a coconut with a light-colored shell.

Step #1. Extracting coconut milk

  1. To open the nut you will need a screwdriver with a cross on the end. Take a coconut and apply force to pierce the eye sockets. Take your time, start with the middle depression, then probe them in order.
  2. Prepare a container in advance that will fit the size of the coconut. Once you have pierced the eye sockets, turn the nut over and drain the milk. When doing this, try not to shake the coconut, otherwise shell particles will fall into the liquid.
  3. Be patient and leave the coconut upside down for a few minutes. Milk has a viscous structure, so it will take a long time to drain. After this, check over the sink for any remaining liquid. Shake the nut a little and get rid of any remaining milk.

Step #2. Preparatory part

  1. After you have removed the milk from the nut cavity, proceed directly to opening the shell. Do not rush to resort to barbaric methods; it is better to use a thick, sharp knife and a hammer.
  2. In this case, you need to act carefully, do not rush to hit the coconut with a heavy device. Take a foam sponge, wet it and place it on a wooden cutting board. Next, place the nut on its side.

Step #3. Opening the shell

  1. Place the tip of the knife exactly in the middle of the coconut. Using a hammer, hit the kitchen appliance with a little force. Scroll the coconut a little and repeat the manipulation, repeat the steps with the entire circumference of the nut.
  2. Secure the board in any convenient way; such a little thing will help protect you from injury and the fruit from damage. Place the coconut on its side so that you can clearly see the cut.
  3. Start tapping the line, turning the nut. Next, you should tightly hold the coconut and move on to drastic measures. Start vigorously hitting the shell with a hammer, applying sufficient force. After these manipulations, the coconut should split into equal parts.

Step #4. Extracting the pulp

  1. To easily extract the tasty part of the coconut, use a little trick. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Place the halved nut on a baking sheet. Once the oven is warm, place the coconut in it.
  2. The procedure takes 4-5 minutes. The high temperature helps the flesh shrink without damaging it. After the allotted time, remove the coconut from the oven and easily remove the fruit. Peel the peel in a way convenient for you, the pulp can be consumed.

  1. After opening the coconut, pay attention to the smell. Milk should have a characteristic pleasant and fresh aroma. Otherwise, the fruit will have a sour smell and the taste will be bitter.
  2. There is a significant difference between a young and an old coconut. The second one has hard and unpalatable flesh; it may taste a little soapy. You will not get pleasure from eating such a fruit.
  3. Also, do not rush to purchase unripe coconuts. This factor can be evidenced by the easily separated pulp from the shell.
  1. If you are unable to pierce the eye sockets with a screwdriver, use a hammer, thick awl or nail. Land several accurate and strong blows. Next, drain the liquid from the nut.
  2. If you have small eye sockets, milk will drain slowly. To speed up the process, use a drill and drill a hole in the opposite side of the nut. Place the coconut over the container and blow air into the cavity if necessary. The liquid will drain much faster.
  3. If you carefully examine the nut, you will see two depressions located next to each other, and the third will be at a considerable distance. It is the last eye socket that has a weak spot, so start piercing the shell from there.
  4. Before you start splitting the coconut, you should secure it to the surface to avoid injury. Once you start making holes in the eye sockets, place the nut in the sink drain.
  5. If you are not going to consume the coconut in the classic way, cut it in half with a jigsaw and drain the milk. Walnut halves can be used as a container for cocktails or a themed Hawaiian swimsuit.

Many people have difficulty opening a coconut, and this is not surprising. Due to the hard shell, there is a risk of damage to the pulp. The process must be approached thoroughly, armed with a hammer, knife, screwdriver and a bit of patience. Follow step-by-step instructions and follow practical advice.

Video: how to open a coconut correctly

A tough nut is not very eager to be eaten. Behind the dense, shaggy skin lies something tasty and healthy, but first you have to work hard. The question of how to cut a coconut and get its contents arises with the appearance of the magical fruit. When you try really hard, everything will work out. There is no need to be afraid of the upcoming manipulations, but simply take the advice of lovers of overseas nuts, and at the same time learn about.

Description of coconut

The nut is a fruit produced by coconut trees growing in the tropics. Among the many islands of the Pacific Ocean are palm groves surrounded by salt water. For normal growth, each tree needs 1.5 kg of salt per year. The tree blooms only at 12 years old. Instead of inflorescences reaching a length of 2 m, nuts appear, which are called coconuts. They grow throughout the year and reach a weight of 2 kg. The ripening time of the nut depends on the age of the palm tree. The fruits of older palms ripen faster. Ripe nuts themselves fall into salt water, do not drown, but are carried by the ocean current. This is how the coconut began its journey around the world. Residents of tropical countries quickly began to take advantage of its beneficial properties.

Coconuts are not all the same. There are a large number of types of nuts, differing in shape, color, and taste. Fruits of varying degrees of maturity are eaten. According to the classification of the population of Asian countries, coconuts are divided into young, medium, and old. The degree of ripening is checked by the appearance of the outer skin of the nut, called copra. Most often, it is removed before transportation, so residents of European countries will not be able to perform this test. Young coconuts have smooth, green skin. It becomes dry and brown during the formation process. You can try young coconut while traveling. The process of cutting a coconut of this age does not cause any difficulties. The top with a soft shell is easy to cut off with a knife. Drink the sweet juice that quenches your thirst, and eat the juicy pulp with a spoon.

Medium-ripe fruits are often used in culinary works. At the moment the peel begins to darken, carefully remove it with a knife, which is done simply. The extracted nut is baked on hot coals. Boiled milk acquires an original taste.

Old coconuts develop a large layer of pulp. The amount of liquid becomes less. Its taste changes. The fruits are used to make oil and coconut flakes. The copra of this type of coconut is dry and easy to clean.

Markets most often offer coconuts that have had their outer shell removed. To determine their quality, you need to carefully examine the peel, which should not be damaged, with dents or cracks. While rocking the nut, the sound of the liquid present in it should be clearly audible.

We cut the coconut. How?

The nut reliably protects the contents with a strong, fibrous rind. It's difficult to get inside the first time. Having completed the process of cutting a coconut several times, the question of how to cut a coconut at home will disappear, turning into a fun, exciting activity. The correct sequence of actions is to perform the following operations:

How to get coconut milk

The beneficial properties of coconut have been known for a long time. They have been tested by centuries of use by residents of different countries of the planet. You can enjoy the taste and receive the magical solar energy hidden under the shaggy peel by using the first-priority product for consumption, called milk. We must remember that the quality and condition of the coconut liquid depends on the degree of its maturity. In young coconuts it is called sap. Milk is formed during the ripening process of the fruit, when the fats of the nut turn into juice. It thickens, acquires a white tint, and becomes milky. They drink it, add it to cocktails and sweet dishes. It is easy to get milk from the depths of a coconut. Why do they find three spots in its upper part, pierce one or two of them, and pour milk into a glass through the holes formed. You can place the coconut while the liquid drips onto the vessel. Milk spoils quickly. It should be used immediately after mastering all the information on how to cut a nut.

How to crack a coconut

Having successfully dealt with the milk, you need to continue the procedure of revealing the secrets of the mysterious nut. Various technologies have been tested in this matter. The simplest and most reliable of them is a careful search for the equatorial line, the blow along which splits the coconut. Among your friends, you can perform the procedure of opening a nut with an artistic effect. To do this, take it with your left hand and notice the equator line. Hit it with the back of the knife. Insert a knife into the invisible crack that appears and press. The coconut will break into two pieces. With a certain skill, the process will be fast, effective, accompanied by applause.

A simple way to open a coconut is to place it in an empty bag and hit it with a hammer. The bag will contain many pieces, from which the long-awaited pulp can be easily separated.

If you have a great love for saws and hacksaws, you can use them too.

Experienced natives open coconuts by hitting them one against the other, holding them in both hands.

What to do with the pulp

The harmonious combination of beneficial properties contained in coconut represents the unique value of this gift from nature. Therefore, all its contents must be applied correctly. The pulp makes up the bulk of the nut. Thanks to its use in human food, important processes necessary for the human body occur. Such as cleansing the intestines by removing harmful toxins. Improving the functioning of the hematopoietic organs and the condition of blood vessels, which is important for the treatment and prevention of heart disease. Regular consumption of coconut pulp will ensure the natural rhythm of the work of all internal human organs and create conditions for normal metabolism. Drops are prepared from coconut pulp and are used to treat otitis media and impaired vision. Drugs used to prevent cancer. From the snow-white mass, coconut oil is industrially produced, which is a valuable raw material for the production of cosmetics.

The flesh is usually surrounded by a thin brown skin. It is not recommended to remove it, but to eat it along with neat slices of soft mass. If the coconut is overripe, it may be hard. In this case, the pulp is turned into chips. You can do this at home using a regular grater. The resulting product is used in recipes for cakes, pastries, cookies, and regular homemade pancakes. Here is an easy recipe to make birthday coconut cake at home.

Prepare the dough from 300 g flour, 150 g butter, 30 g sugar, 150 ml water. For the filling, take 150 g of coconut flakes, two egg whites, 100 g of butter, 3 tbsp. liqueur. Create an elastic dough and refrigerate for 40 minutes. Beat the egg whites. Add shavings and sugar to melted butter, liqueur, stir. Place the dough in a greased pan covered with baking paper and bake in a preheated oven for 15 minutes. Open the oven, remove the paper, place the filling on top, continue baking for 40 minutes. Take out the finished cake, cool, decorate with berries and fruits.

Having learned how to cut coconut at home, you can invite friends to visit. Along with delicious Raffaello candies made from coconut, treat them with fresh soft pulp, milk, and original dishes made not from shavings, but from fresh coconut.

See some extravagant ways to open a coconut.