How to clean an enamel bowl from burnt jam. How to clean a burnt enamel pan

Enameled cookware requires careful cleaning. To wash it, it is unacceptable to use hard metal sponges, otherwise you can damage the coating. How can you clean an enamel pan from burnt jam?

A sharp temperature change has an unfavorable effect on the enamel coating, so you cannot immediately place a container with such a coating under running cold water. You need to let it cool.

Products you can use for cleaning

To wash enamel you can use:

  • table salt;
  • activated carbon;
  • table vinegar;
  • citric acid;
  • apple peel;
  • baking soda.


Salt is poured onto the bottom, left for several hours, and washed with hot water. This method may not remove too much contamination the first time, so you will have to repeat the procedure.

Saline solution

You need to prepare a strong solution in the affected container - put 6 tablespoons of salt for each liter of water, boil this liquid for 40 minutes. Afterwards, the remains of burnt jam should easily move away from the walls.

You can clean burnt enamel with soda. To do this, pour half a glass into a bowl and fill it with water so that all contaminated areas are covered by the resulting solution. Place the container on the fire and boil so that the sugar crust comes off the walls and bottom of the container.

Milk serum

Serum is poured into the container so that the burnt areas are covered with a margin of 1-2 cm on top. Leave the dishes to soak for a day. After this period, the whey is poured out and the dishes are washed in the usual way.

The whey contains various acids that help to easily clean the enamel of sugar crust.

Place citric acid in a dirty bowl (at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), add 5 tablespoons of salt, and add water. Boil.

Apple peel

It contains acid, which works in the same way as citric acid, breaking down fructose and sugar well.

To use this method, rub the burnt areas with peel, leave for a quarter of an hour, and rinse.

If after this the jam does not come off, the peel should be boiled.


This method is suitable for cleaning dishes from light stains.

Pour hot water into the affected container, add liquid soap or dishwashing detergent, and stir thoroughly. Boil for 20 minutes. Clean the cooled pan with a kitchen sponge.

Any type of vinegar will cope with burnt jam. It is poured onto problem areas and left for 2 hours.

The number of tablets depends on the degree of contamination. The coal is crushed, sprinkled on the burnt area, and left for 30 minutes. After this time, fill the dishes with cold water and leave again for half an hour. Wash with regular liquid detergent.

If there are stains on the inside walls of the white pan, boiling it with bleach will help clean it. The main thing is to rinse it well after this.


Sugar crust can be removed without using special tools. Place the pan in the freezer and leave for an hour. After this, wash in cold water. After freezing, all contaminants come off easily.

Do not use hot water, otherwise the enamel will crack.

Special mixture

Clearing a thick layer of jam from the bottom of an enamel pan is not easy. This may require a special tool.

You need to take 50 g of soda and citric acid and 100 ml of “Whiteness”.

Mix everything, add 300 ml of water, mix thoroughly and pour into a contaminated container. Boil for 30 minutes. Wait until the liquid cools down and drain.

All these products will help clean an enamel pan without damaging its coating.

HOW TO WASH A PAN OR BASIN FROM BURNT JAM Are you making preparations for the winter? Then you definitely need to know how to wash a saucepan or basin of jam, especially if the sweet syrup has stuck to the bottom. There are also sadder circumstances when the jam burns badly. In this case, it is not known what is more pity, your labors, juicy fruits or damaged dishes. But the dishes can be cleaned, and now we will find out how. Soaking off burnt marks There are different ways to wash dishes from sweet syrup that has stuck to the walls, and from pieces of stuck fruit. The oldest and simplest method involves soaking. The sequence of actions when laundering using soaking is very simple. Wait a few minutes for the pan to cool slightly. Fill it with plain water. To soften the crust stuck to the bottom, you can add detergent or simply sprinkle soda. After some time, the sweet film will dissolve in the water, and the burnt material will become wet, after which the burnt pan can be quickly washed without effort or scratching the bottom. The most important thing in this method is not to forget that you set the dishes to soak. If there is no strong burn, then just wait 15-20 minutes, and all traces of cooking will be easily washed off, since the sugar will dissolve in the water. Features of some pans It must be taken into account that there are different pans, and they can be washed using different means. Enamel Quite often, slices of apricots, apples and pears stick to the bottom of a light enamel pan, and not only do they stick, but they also burn, forming a dense black crust. To wash the burnt brew, you need to pour water into the pan and add a packet of citric acid. The water is then boiled, causing all the black crust to come off. If any traces still remain, they can be removed using any dishwashing detergent. Aluminum and copper About 10-20 years ago, aluminum cookware was very common. Then they proved that cooking in it was harmful, and aluminum saucepans began to disappear from store shelves. The metal itself is still actively used today, but it is covered with a protective coating to avoid contact with food. If you are using an old but very convenient aluminum pan, then do not cook acidic foods in it. The acid destroys the protective oxide film, and the metal enters our body. If the jam sticks to the bottom of the bowl, then you need to soak it in water. It is not advisable to rub with hard brushes. Read also: how to clean a burnt aluminum pan Similar recommendations can be given regarding the use of copper basins. You can clean burnt copper or brass utensils using sand or salt sprinkled on a sponge; be sure to rinse the basin, dry it and rub it until shiny with a fleecy cloth. Stainless steel This is the best option for preparing sweet preparations. You can cook jam in a stainless steel container for a long time, slowly. This will make it very tasty and will not burn. If such a problem occurs, then you need to fill the pan with hot water with the addition of vinegar and salt. Leave this solution overnight, after which you can safely wash the burnt container with a hard sponge. Modern dishes There are modern dishes with a special coating. It must be washed very carefully, and some brands even produce their own detergents for pots and pans. As a last resort, such a burnt pan is simply poured with boiling water and soaked. The easiest way to do this is with ceramic containers. You can rub them, if necessary, and apply almost any cleaning substance to them. Another advantage of ceramics is that it heats up slowly and retains heat for a long time, so jam can simmer in it for hours without burning.

Despite the abundance of various preserves, jams and confitures in modern supermarkets, some housewives prefer to make sweet preparations themselves. As cooking utensils, many people prefer to use enamel pans the old fashioned way. They are quite capacious and quite cute, and they are inexpensive.

The process of making jam requires constant attention, because... It’s worth distracting yourself for a while and forgetting stir the boiling mixture, soot immediately forms at the bottom. And if you leave it unattended for a long time, then the pan can be hopelessly damaged.

Features of enamel cookware

Enameled cookware is made of metal (less commonly cast iron) and coated with one or several layers of special enamel. Thanks to enameling, the metal does not oxidize and does not release harmful chemicals. But at the same time, the enamel is quite fragile: when hit, a chip can form on the coating, and with a sharp temperature change, cracks can form. It is also not recommended to clean enamel using metal brushes or any abrasives.

How to clean a burnt enamel pan

If it does happen that an enamel pan is burnt, how can you clean it safely and effectively?

Important try to do it right away, because The longer the time passes from the moment of the incident, the more difficult it will be to wash the burnt off. But we should not forget that hot enamel dishes cannot be filled with cold water without first cooling them.

There are several proven ways to clean an enamel pan from burnt jam.

The easiest way out in this situation is to try soaking the burnt area with water. The pan needs to be cooled and filled with warm water. Slightly burnt jam will begin to dissolve after 15 minutes. Otherwise, the pan will need to be soaked for several hours. To improve the effect, add two tablespoons of regular detergent or baking soda to the water.

If soaking doesn't help, try the solutions with the addition of one of the following components:

  1. Salt. Cover the burnt area with salt and leave for 2-3 hours. Then fill the pan with a strong salt solution (about 5-6 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and boil for an hour.
  2. Activated carbon. Finely crush the tablets (usually use a 6-liter package) and sprinkle the resulting powder onto the burnt areas. Leave in this form for 30-40 minutes, then add cold water and leave again for half an hour.
  3. Apple peel. Its properties are similar to citric acid. Peel the apples (preferably sour ones), rub the burnt areas and leave for a while. If the stains have not disappeared, add water, the peels of several apples and boil for an hour.
  4. Ash. This option is suitable if you are in a summer cottage or in nature. Fill the pan one-third full, add water and, if possible, boil for half an hour.

If the first attempt was not very successful, try repeating the procedure again.

Cleaning a pot with food products

A good effect can be achieved by using one of the following products, which are practically always found in the kitchen:

Use of household chemicals

If your kitchen has a dishwasher, you can use the ones designed for it. “Finish” tablets. To do this, pour water into the burnt pan to a level of 2 centimeters and add the tablet. Bring the resulting solution to a boil over very low heat. If the jam is very burnt, cook for about 20 minutes. If not, turn off the heat and cool.

The retail chain offers a wide range of household chemicals intended for cleaning dishes from carbon deposits. It is worth paying attention to the following:

  • "White";
  • "Shumanite";
  • "Mister Muscle";
  • "Sanita-gel";
  • "Comet" (gel);
  • "Cillit Bang".

Before use, you must read the instructions in order to know in what proportions to use the dish cleaner without harming the enamel. You should not forget about your safety and wear rubber gloves while working to protect your hands from exposure to chemicals.

Important: Do not use sink and toilet cleaners that contain hydrochloric acid, as If the dishes are not washed properly after processing, the acid may get into the food.

No matter how you try to save your pan from burning, after any manipulation, be sure to thoroughly rinse and rinse it to completely remove any remaining cleaning products. This is especially true for chemicals. It is necessary to rinse using a sponge with a drop of any dishwashing detergent. For greater safety, after using purchased products, it is better to do it twice. boil water in a cleaned pan to exclude the possibility of poisoning.

Preparation of a special solution

If, after using all the simple techniques, you have not achieved the desired result, you should try a more labor-intensive method on how to clean the pan from burnt jam.

You will need 73% laundry soap and PVA glue. In combination, these two components can help even in the most seemingly hopeless case.

At first prepare the solution in the following proportions:

  • 4 liters of boiling water;
  • 1/3 laundry soap (shaved into shavings);
  • 1 tablespoon PVA glue.

If only the bottom is damaged by the jam, pour the solution into the pan. If you need to clean it entirely, then pour the solution into a large container and place the pan in it. Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. After this procedure, not only the burnt jam will come off, but also the oldest dirt.

Instead of laundry soap, you can use baking soda, the effect will be the same.

If, despite all your efforts, it was not possible to clean the long-suffering pan from carbon deposits, or its enamel surface was damaged during rescue operations, it is better to refuse further use of this cookware. Otherwise, there is a possibility of causing irreparable harm to your health.

Frozen sugar can form a viscous, difficult-to-remove crust. To prevent this from happening, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with ways to remove traces of baked jam or syrup using improvised means.

Kitchen utensils can be made from various materials. Depending on the type of material, a method for removing burnt-on food remains is selected.

Teflon pan

Teflon-lined pans are easy to clean because they are made with anti-caking elements that prevent food particles from sticking.

Simply fill the dishes with water and a small solution of liquid detergent, soak for half an hour, and then rinse.

It is important to remember that the Teflon coating can deteriorate from the action of alkaline agents, so in this case natural products are suitable: unpeeled onion, apple peel or lemon. The listed products must be boiled in soiled utensils, and then rinsed.

Aluminum pan

Aluminum utensils rarely burn, but if trouble does occur, the following substances will help: soda, citric acid, silicate glue, laundry soap.

It is better not to use abrasive powder detergents when deciding how to clean an aluminum pan from burnt jam.

In order to remove remaining jam using citric acid, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Remove remaining food with a tablespoon. It is important not to scratch or scrape the delicate aluminum surface.
  2. Pour water into the pan just above the soot line. If the jam is burnt only to the bottom, you need to pour no more than 2 centimeters of water.
  3. Place one teaspoon of citric acid in a container in a ratio of 1 liter of water.
  4. Cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

Another way to clean aluminum utensils is to use a combination of baking soda and silicate glue. To do this you need:

  1. Fill the pan with water.
  2. Add a tablespoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of glue.
  3. Stir thoroughly.
  4. Boil for half an hour.
  5. Pour the mixture and wipe the bottom and sides with a stiff brush.
To clean the outer walls of the pan, you can boil it in a larger container.

To do this you need:

  1. Rub the outer surface of the pan with laundry soap and add a few tablespoons of glue.
  2. For a liter of water you need to take 20 grams of soap in a ratio to 10 grams of glue.
  3. Rinse the dishes under running water.

Ceramic tableware

Pots with an environmentally friendly and low-stick ceramic coating are easy to clean from the sugary jam crust.

To do this, you can use citric acid diluted with water. You should boil the dirty container, and after the food soot has softened and gone away, wipe it with a hard sponge.

A common and affordable cleaning method that does not harm the ceramic surface is salt. To do this, pour 5 tablespoons of salt onto the dirty surface, evenly distributing it over the bottom of the utensil, and leave for a couple of hours.

Enamel pan

Enameled dishes require a delicate approach when deciding how to clean such utensils from burnt jam.

It is important not to use harsh steel wool, scratch the enamel layer, or cook in a pan with damaged enamel. In this case, the sugary essence will burn on the damaged area every time.

Enamel does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, so do not immediately pour cold water into it after the jam has burnt.

Enameled cookware can be cleaned using common household products:

  • Activated carbon;
  • baking soda;
  • table vinegar;
  • Activated carbon;
  • abrasin powders;
  • lemon acid;
  • apple peel;
  • salt.

An enamel pan can be easily cleaned with baking soda. To do this, pour half a glass of soda dissolved in enough water to cover the dirty surface. Then you need to boil the resulting mixture, which will loosen the sugary crust.

In a similar way, soda can be replaced with citric acid or salt and boil the container. The ratio of water and acid should be the same as when cleaning aluminum cookware, and 5-6 tablespoons of salt per liter of water is enough.

An original natural way to remove sugar bark is apple peel. It contains an acid that, similar to citric acid, breaks down sugar particles and fructose.

It is necessary to rub the places where the jam has burnt with apple peel and leave the utensil for 15 minutes, and then rinse. If there is no effect, it is recommended to boil the apple peelings.

Any table vinegar is suitable for dissolving burnt crusts. It needs to be poured onto problem areas and left for a couple of hours.

Several tablets of activated carbon need to be crushed and then sprinkled on the contaminated area and left for half an hour. Next, fill the container with cold water and leave for another half hour, and then rinse with regular liquid detergent.

If there are dark spots on the surface of a snow-white pan, they can be removed by boiling with. It is important to rinse the dishes thoroughly after this.

Cast iron cookware

It is better to clean cast iron utensils before they cool down. You can fill it with water with 4 teaspoons of salt.

Like stainless steel cookware, it does not require special care. You can rub such utensils with a steel wool, use alkaline detergents, citric acid, vinegar, and powder detergents.

Stainless steel cookware does not require special care. You can rub such a pan with a steel wool, use abrasin powder or salt.

Professional detergents can also save you from burnt jam: “Gala”, “Komet”, “Fairy”, “Forte Plus” and others. It is recommended to use rubber gloves, since the chemical components included in the products can damage the skin of your hands.

When preparing some dishes, the dishes can become very damaged. For example, jam often burns on the pan and it is very difficult to clean it. There are several ways to wash kitchen utensils after this. The material used is of great importance.

How to clean an enamel pan from burnt jam

Enamel is a material that requires careful handling. Under no circumstances should products containing it be filled with cold water if the bottom and walls have not yet cooled down. To avoid damaging the coating, try cleaning with table salt:

  1. Take a metal bowl.
  2. Pour a liter of water into it, add 7 tbsp. l. salt, wait until all the crystals dissolve.
  3. Pour the solution into the dirty container.
  4. Put it on fire. Boil for half an hour.
  5. Wash the container with a sponge.

For enamel kitchen items, you can use baking soda. Try cleaning it like this:

  1. Prepare a solution at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. soda for every 250 ml of water.
  2. Fill the damaged product with the resulting liquid and leave for an hour.
  3. Place on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash with a sponge.

You can clean an enamel pan from burnt jam with vinegar. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fill the container with any 6% vinegar.
  2. Leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. Clean with detergent.

Aluminum pan

It is believed that objects made from this material cannot be cleaned with soda, because it gradually destroys its structure. Aluminum is afraid of strong alkalis, while soda belongs to the category of weak alkalis. If you use a small amount to clean an aluminum pan, there will be no harm. How to wash it:

  1. Fill with hot water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. soda
  3. Leave to soak for 90 minutes.
  4. Place the container on the fire and keep it there for a quarter of an hour from the moment it boils.
  5. Throw out the water. Cool the dishes and wash them with a sponge.

There is another cleaning method. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We fill the aluminum product with a mixture prepared at the rate of: for each liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. silicate glue.
  2. Place on medium heat.
  3. Bring to a boil, cook for half an hour.
  4. Cool the dishes and wash them thoroughly to remove any glue residue.

If the carbon deposits are not stagnant, the method of washing with soda water is suitable. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite into the dirty container.
  2. Do not touch for half an hour.
  3. Clean the dishes.
  4. If it doesn’t work out the first time, then pour a new portion of the drink.
  5. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. Let cool slightly and try cleaning again.

Stainless steel pan

A saline solution is suitable for dishes made of this material, but it must be used with caution; such a mixture can leave dark spots and streaks on the stainless steel. It’s better to try cleaning the pan from burnt jam in the following way:

  1. Take coffee grounds and cover the stained areas with a thick layer.
  2. Do not touch for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Wipe off the burnt residue.
  4. Leave for 2 hours again.
  5. Wash it off.

The method described below is suitable for products made of stainless steel and other materials. Instructions:

  1. Take activated carbon (at the rate of 10 pieces per 6 liters of volume).
  2. Grind the tablets.
  3. Sprinkle activated carbon powder onto contaminated areas.
  4. Leave for half an hour.
  5. Fill with cold water to cover all charcoal-treated areas.
  6. Wait for half an hour.
  7. Clean with a sponge and detergent.

Cast iron cookware

Products made from this metal are the easiest to clean. It is better to wash cast iron while it is still hot. If the sweet is not too burnt, then you can remove it without additional means. In difficult cases, use cleaning powders, any alkalis or acids, or chemicals. If the jam cannot be washed off, you can try soaking. Effective cleaning methods:

  1. Cut the lemon into several pieces and place the pulp on the burnt areas. You can squeeze out the juice and pour it in. After three hours, rinse under running water.
  2. Mix 50 g of citric acid and soda. Add 100 ml of bleach and 1.5 cups of warm water. Pour into a container with burnt jam and boil for 15 minutes. Cool slightly and peel.