How to stop drinking alcohol and return to normal life.

People are proving that drinking in moderation is incredibly healthy. But what does “moderate” mean? How do you know when alcohol damages your health? In fact, even scientists admit that alcohol in certain (small) doses is beneficial; take the example of red wine, in which antioxidants, vitamins and microelements can be found. Harm occurs when alcohol damages a person’s internal organs, and this will certainly happen if you drink more than 170 g of alcohol more often than once every 8 days.

So is it possible to drink in moderation? What risks does a person who drinks alcohol face? At what point does moderate drinking end and alcohol abuse begins?

All the most important things about drinking in moderation

“The main thing is to drink in moderation,” a person who is already one step away from terrible and destructive alcoholism often thinks.

The dose, after taking which the human liver is in serious danger, is equal to 90 g of pure ethanol per day. For a moment, this is 285 ml of vodka (a little more than a glass of vodka). Harm to the human brain occurs from a much smaller dosage - 19 g of ethanol (or 60 ml of vodka) in 24 hours. And this applies to absolutely healthy people with a normal and working liver, a healthy brain, kidneys and other organs.

Now imagine what awaits a person if he drinks a glass of vodka every day:

  • an intractable dependence on alcohol will begin to develop;
  • in six months he will begin to suffer from such susceptibility to alcohol in the presence of a hereditary predisposition to this disease;
  • this trouble will manifest itself within 36 months (3 years) in the absence of a hereditary predisposition.
  • after a couple of months there will be a strong desire to regularly increase the dose.

If we assume that a person has suffered a significant disease (for example, viral hepatitis), then the moderate dose for him will be 2 or even 3 times less.

It should be clear: moderate drinkers - how much can you drink without causing harm to your own body? How much can you drink so that all body systems have time to recover?

All calculations are based on the fact that a healthy person metabolizes alcohol in the amount of 170 g per day. As a result, interesting results and conclusions are obtained:

  1. If a person ingests 170 g of pure alcohol in 1 day, then for the next 8 days he must refrain from drinking any (even the weakest) alcoholic beverages.
  2. The permissible (acceptable) dose per month is 586 grams.
  3. In other words, you can drink a little more than one and a half classic bottles of vodka per month.

If it turns out that you have to drink more than 170 g in one holiday, then you need to increase the time interval between drinks, and next time drink alcohol, say, not after 8 days, but after 10-12. This will significantly reduce the harm and negative consequences of alcohol.

What conclusion should you come to in such a situation: drink much less often or drink more moderately? Experts are more inclined to the first option. Less often means once a month and not more often than that. Although some argue that if the dosages are followed correctly, it doesn’t really matter how often a person drinks.

Wine: is it useful or not?

Moderate drinkers, at least those people who call themselves that, insist on the following - drinking dry red wine is extremely healthy. Their rationale is based on the fact that wine contains a strong antioxidant, prevents cancer, etc.

On the contrary, scientific research shows the following: drinking wine in large quantities is harmful. It contains certain substances, an excess of which will involuntarily cause complications, so such a drink will be harmful.

You need to know some well-founded facts about the benefits of wine:

  • The drink contains the antioxidant resveratrol, which is also found in grape juice, only in much smaller quantities.
  • There are valuable microelements that improve human health.
  • An acceptable dose for a person in good health is approximately 3 glasses of wine per 7 days (450 ml drink).

It should also be mentioned that talk about the effectiveness of red wine in the treatment of atherosclerosis turned out to be just rumors, since modern research proves the opposite.

It turns out that drinking wine is useful, but only when you comply with the established standards and do not exceed the safe dosage of the drink consumed.

Is it okay to drink beer in moderation?

Another drink, besides wine, that many people claim is healthy is beer. Yes, indeed, unpasteurized or live beer can be beneficial for the body, but even here there are certain restrictions, after which the drink becomes harmful to humans. 600 ml per day is a completely acceptable norm, although this norm is also specified, since drinking even a small amount of beer for several years leads to the development of the third stage of alcohol dependence.

Beer in moderation has beneficial effects:

  1. Cosmetic effect on skin condition.
  2. Normalizes blood pressure.
  3. Calms the human nervous system.
  4. Maintains necessary cholesterol levels.

It is important to remember that beer addiction progresses secretly and little by little, which is why it is difficult to notice at the initial stage. Subsequently, this same disease is more difficult to treat than, for example, addiction caused by the abuse of vodka or other alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is fundamentally wrong to prove that beer is a safe alcoholic drink.

Hormesis effect

As for all other alcohol, you can get benefits from moderate consumption, taking into account the so-called hormesis effect (sometimes hermesis).

What is the meaning of this principle? This is the stimulating effect of small doses of exposure to those substances that in higher doses cause a toxic effect. In simple words, if alcohol in excess doses harms the body, then in small quantities it can have a stimulating effect.

This effect is obtained not by moderately drinking groups of people, but by those who consume just insignificant (about 50 ml of vodka 2 times in 7 days) doses of alcohol, and not a gram more.

What is better: drinking in moderation or not drinking alcohol at all?

And what do you want to do now, knowing all these numbers that speak either about the benefits of alcohol or about its harm? Should you quit drinking forever or should you drink in moderation for your health?

Previous studies showing the benefits of moderate drinking turned out to be erroneous. Today scientists from leading countries of the world, including the United States and Canada, have started talking about this.

Those experiments showed the following result: moderate and moderate drinkers were much healthier than absolutely non-drinkers. But what's the catch? The fact is that everyone was recruited into the category of abstainers: people with already poor health, those people who drank a lot in their youth, those who could not drink alcohol for medical reasons, etc.

Thus, the result was unreliable. Scientists conducted a number of additional studies, correcting their mistake, and it turned out that non-drinkers are healthier than those who drink in moderation, and the former live much longer than the latter.

Are there any benefits to alcohol and should you drink in moderation?

One study conducted in 1999 by physician-scientist T. J. Cleophas demonstrated that drinking alcohol in moderation has benefits for a person's cardiovascular system. A similar study was conducted in the same year in the USA, when the benefits of alcohol for the human brain were proven.

The results of the experiments were as follows:

  • Those patients who learned to drink in moderate doses were less likely to experience myocardial infarction. They drank from 14 to 56 g of pure alcohol daily (less than 1 glass of vodka). Also, people who adhered to moderate doses were less likely to develop an intellectual disorder.
  • Those who made the bold decision not to drink at all had a slightly increased risk of heart attack, and were slightly more likely to develop dementia.
  • The most noticeable health problems were experienced by those who frequently drank alcohol in large quantities. In such situations, myocardial infarction occurred, and brain diseases more often manifested themselves.

After such research results, several pressing questions immediately arise in my head: can an alcoholic drink in moderation? So, it means it’s still better to drink a little alcohol than to become a teetotaler?

But here it is important to mention another experiment performed by American and Japanese scientists (K. A. Paul and K. Fukuda) in 2008, which showed a completely different effect - patients who drank alcohol in moderation were more likely to experience serious brain ailments than those who who have completely given up alcohol.

Conclusions: Is it possible to drink in moderation?

As you can see, the experiments showed completely different results, which is nothing abnormal, because health and how long a person will live on earth are influenced by many factors, in addition to alcohol intake: daily nutrition, lifestyle, working conditions, climate etc. This is why one specific study cannot provide 100% objective information.

Only one thing can be said for sure - there are benefits from drinking alcohol in small quantities, but this benefit is not particularly noticeable against the backdrop of the danger that awaits you if you drink alcohol. In addition, the harm from alcohol manifests itself instantly, and it is easily detected by scientists and doctors when examining a person.

How to drink in moderation and is it worth doing it at all? If you really care about your own health, then it is better to forget about alcohol altogether. Consume only what brings real benefits and does not contain harm, so that you no longer have any doubts.

There is a common misconception that alcohol consumption can be controlled. They say that if you drink not regularly and “little by little”, then there is no harm, and sometimes it is beneficial. This is not entirely true, or even not true at all. A person who drinks alcohol, in principle, cannot control this process. Rather, alcohol controls a person.

Very soon the New Year 2016 will come, which will be celebrated by all humanity. And what would New Year be without champagne wines, liqueurs, vodka, cognac and other domestic and overseas alcoholic beverages? What to do: drink or not drink? To give the correct answer to this complex question, you need to compare all the pros and cons.

To drink or not to drink: the disadvantages of drinking

Let's consider the most popular consequences that can occur in a person who drinks alcohol.

Alcohol: health problems

All those who systematically or frequently drink alcohol may encounter problems such as:

  • obesity;
  • liver cerosis;
  • poor vision;
  • subcutaneous swelling (bags under the eyes);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • improper digestion;
  • breathing problems;
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • stroke;
  • atrophy of the cerebral cortex;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.

It is worth noting that every health problem resulting from constant alcohol abuse, sooner or later, but it will certainly lead to death.

Alcohol: human appearance

Surely everyone has seen people who have completely drunk themselves. And most importantly, in addition to the loss of moral character, a person acquires irreversible health problems. But, if you stop the supply of “poison” to the body, then there is every chance of its recovery.

Alcohol: the financial side

If you don't drink, you can save a lot of money. It’s not at all difficult to calculate all the costs of alcohol. There are many people who do not consider themselves drinkers. They may not drink a lot of cheap alcohol, but they often buy expensive alcohol in smaller doses. This does not make the financial burden any less.

Alcohol: how the mind suffers

A person who drinks regularly naturally becomes dependent. Every day his body requires a new dose. When he receives it, the mind immediately ceases to function normally. For a drunk person, everything floats by as if in a fog, although from the outside it seems to him that everything is normal. Every intoxication causes a hangover. Its strength depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. A person, in fact, experiences severe poisoning of the body.

Alcohol leads to personality degradation

As a result of alcohol abuse, a person also suffers from periodic mental consequences. Due to constant stressful moments, the drinker begins to fall into a depressive state. Naturally, the psyche cannot withstand such great emotional stress, as a result the personality is destroyed and gradually degrades. Such people are prone to suicide.

Sex after alcohol

There has long been an opinion among people that if you take a certain dose of alcohol on your chest, sex will be much better than if the partners did not drink at all. Let us then “liberate ourselves” before each sexual intercourse. But few people thought that due to the fact that a drunk person’s brain processes slow down and he thus gets rid of stiffness and shyness.

In addition, it is worth emphasizing the fact that over time, alcohol has a negative effect on erection and libido. If you drink alcohol regularly, you can become impotent.

A drunk person will not be able to feel the full thrill of sexual pleasure, since his senses are dulled. But there are people who are so shy that without a glass of vodka they are not able to have sex at all. Such people should look for other ways to overcome the barrier of their shyness.

Lots of free time and energy

People who drink, without realizing it, become slaves to alcohol. Their life is limited to one problem: where to find time to drink. A drunkard who is constantly intoxicated needs a hangover after sobering up. He has no time for sports, family and work. If you don’t drink, you immediately have time and money for the gym, family and work.

Alcohol is the same drug

Alcohol is a state-legalized drug. Everyone knows about this, but not everyone wants to admit it, especially for drinkers. Alcohol producers have adapted to qualitatively mask the unpleasant taste of alcohol with the help of juices, various sweeteners, and so on. After all, there is a difference in taste between pure alcohol and an alcoholic cocktail. But on a chemical level, alcohol has the same effect on the body.

Large single doses of alcohol can cause severe poisoning. There are those who recommend drinking alcohol in “moderate” doses to increase tone or appetite. Let us then consume mercury or arsenic in the same small doses. We will, so to speak, temper the body.

Is it more fun to socialize after drinking alcohol?

For some reason, in the lives of many people there is such a stereotype that without alcohol, communication with friends is boring. Maybe drug addicts are bored in communication until they receive a new drug dose. You immediately become more cheerful and have topics for communication in your head.

80% of drunken parties end with a hangover or vomiting. A good price for “fun communication”, isn’t it? Why can’t you communicate soberly in a group? It's not difficult to check. It is enough to get together one or several times without drinking.

Try this experiment: go into a group with a bottle of some alcohol, let one person drink, and everyone else should not drink. Then chat a little and see how communication with a drunk person will be boring and uninteresting.

Alcohol leads to depression

All people who drink often walk around sad. Alcohol addiction makes their lives difficult. Constant impotence, illness, and even withdrawal symptoms, like drug addicts.

Alcoholics realize that they are heavily dependent on alcohol, so their suppressed protest often causes a bad mood. In addition, problems with health, family and work push you to take a new dose of alcohol. A person thinks that if he drinks, he will make his life easier, but in reality he only makes it harder. You can stop drinking alcohol once and for all, if you want it badly enough.

Conflicts in the family due to alcohol

Almost all families where there is a drinking husband or wife cannot do without scandals. Sometimes a wife does not allow her husband to drink, but he still manages to get drunk with his work colleagues, or, simply put, with his drinking buddies. Wives usually don’t spend decades on this struggle. A year, maximum two, and divorce. The opposite happens when the wife drinks. Women get used to alcohol faster, so they shouldn’t even smell alcoholic drinks.

How can a woman not drink alcohol at all? E That question is easier to ask than to answer.

The double morality first says: decent girls don’t drink, and then a foreign film shows a beauty with a glass on a high stem or a pumped-up billionaire with something strong in a comfortable chair by the fireplace.

Yes, alcohol is evil! Don't believe it? And I never believed it, especially when everyone around was drinking, having fun and looking absolutely happy.

But all this is a beautiful façade, and behind it are health problems, 100% addiction and other related troubles.

Perhaps some signs have already become noticeable to you, and you want to say “stop” to the poison, but you don’t know how.

I have been drinking alcohol for over 15 years.

“Was” - because I gave up this bad habit and for two full years I haven’t allowed myself even a glass of white wine on the weekends.

The truth is that I never liked white wine - gin, rum, absinthe were former favorite drinks, the absence of which I don’t miss one bit.

Frankly, I have long dreamed of writing this article, because I have something to say to those who plan to make their lives cleaner and healthier and say a firm “no” to the green serpent!

Why do we drink alcohol if it is harmful?

Our society strongly supports the idea that drinking a little, in moderation, is completely acceptable and even healthy.

Everyone drinks - show business stars, actors, politicians, influential people, neighbor Petya from apartment 5.

And it seems that the worse I am, I’m like everyone else and even better. The biggest and most dangerous misconception is the idea that a glass or two of beer at the end of a hard work week is well deserved, nay, necessary!

This is the insidiousness of alcohol - it is a real drug that weaves into our lives slowly, gradually crowding out all other pleasures.

Alcohol makes our problems worse

Interest is fueled in every possible way by the very attitude towards him in society.We talk a lot about this, but in ordinary life they don’t blame it.

And if they criticize you, well, just go to any of the nearby bars or shops and have fun with your friends.

It has become part of the culture. For example, in my life it all started with a sweet tincture along with new ones.

Children, especially, carefully observe what surrounds them, and now I understand why I first tried poison.

I just saw dozens of holidays where adults drink and laugh, TV series where a romantic couple holds a glass of sparkling wine at the most important moment of their lives.

I am more than sure that your environment has given you many similar images that are so tightly ingrained in the subconscious that we don’t even notice them.

How to stop drinking alcohol altogether ? The main idea I want to convey to you is to stop and re-realize what is happening in reality. And very strange things are happening here.

It's pointless to look for positive aspects in a bad habit.

We pour poison into ourselves, knowing for sure that it destroys the body, destroys the brain, stomach, heart.

We fall into a stupefying state, and the next day we feel disgusting or much worse than we could have been.

Just think how many bonuses life without alcohol will bring you!

Low, animal feelings are released while the body dies from alcohol (10 ml is enough).

I had a reason for this

For some reason, many people believe that since ancient times alcohol has been used to celebrate weddings, birthdays, and to see off the deceased on their last journey.

In fact, in Rus', drinking at your own wedding was considered a bad omen.

Even then it was noticed that problems with fertility appeared in drinking couples.

And even earlier, the villagers simply could not have this habit.

Firstly, the villages were located far from each other; secondly, it promised loss of efficiency; and, thirdly, on such days everyone consumed pancakes, jelly and kutya, and alcohol cost exorbitant amounts of money and was unavailable.

It’s strange where such a tradition even came from.

A glass in the evening relaxes

Is it true? No! What actually happens: you return home and simply use a strong drink to distract yourself.

A glass or two after work relaxes you, but soon the problems return in double quantity

You can just as easily go to the cinema or listen to an audiobook, cook a dish, whatever.

Long-term use leads to ignoring the problem.

In addition, it is alcohol that leads to fixation on one thought, because it causes nervousness and suspiciousness.

The negative side is the disappearance of the ability to truly relax without a glass in our hands; we are less able to withstand daily stress.

High-grade poison contributes to personality degradation and mental destruction.

I rarely drink. One drink is even useful

“You see, I rarely swallow poisonous liquid,” sounds funny. How rare? Once a week, 4 days a month, on vacation?

It doesn’t matter how much, if you still drink, it means you’re hooked, and you’ll almost certainly gradually increase the dose.

It is also capable of accumulating in adipose tissue and other hidden parts of the body, so even after a while its negative consequences will still be felt by the body.

Think about how much pain you cause to your loved ones

Forum, where such topics are discussed, recommends admitting to yourself: yes, I drink, and to some extent I am dependent on this rubbish.

By the way, medicine has not yet established whether it is useful in small doses or not. This is partly due to respondents misreporting the amount they drank.

In any case, the harm caused does not cover the “benefit” and leads to a number of quite tangible diseases (it’s difficult to list, because these are literally all internal organs).

I have heredity, I won't be able to quit

This factor is always present, but believe me, everything is within your power.

If you simply stop drinking, not a single negative side of heredity will affect your health and psyche.

Just stop and start a new life!

A bad habit systematically destroys your body

Let's look at the other 5 myths:

  1. I'm sick and can't control myself. Perhaps this is true. It's good that you realized the problem. Now you can give up your bad habit and move on. Physical dependence is too exaggerated. I was surprised at how easy it was for me. It worked for me - it can work for you too!
  2. This is how I get inspiration! At first, it seems that uncontrolled emotions make you feel the world acutely. Oh, this is so wrong! Alcohol dulls, concentrates on something painful and traumatizes. The pure sources of creativity are revealed where it is clean, calm, serene and free. You will no longer be torn apart by inner demons, creating and being creative will become much easier.
  3. Alcohol heals because it is part of medicines. This is a consequence of the gross mistakes of medicine of the past. But let’s be lenient; previously, 85% of diseases were treated with bloodletting or leeches. The alcohol component is used in tinctures as a solvent and preservative. It will rather weaken the body than heal it.

Stop communicating with provocateurs

Advice: do not give children alcoholic tinctures under any circumstances, this can contribute to addiction and in the future will serve as a catalyst for alcoholism.

Let's move on to specifics. So you've decided to quit a bad habit.


Alcoholism is a terrible scourge that destroys families and the human personality. No one is immune from this misfortune. And it all begins with a harmless desire to rest and relax after hard everyday life, to move away from heavy worries at work and worries. And gradually, without noticing it, the person begins to drink more and more often, getting drawn into a deadly circle from which it becomes very difficult to escape.

But probably. Thanks to modern methods of getting rid of alcohol addiction, many people have already managed to overcome their addiction and live a sober and healthy life. For an addict, quitting drinking is a very serious act, associated with poor health and negative symptoms. What will happen if you stop drinking alcohol, how will your body react to being deprived of its usual doping?

When a person stops drinking, he has to deal with a number of unpleasant symptoms

It is very difficult to predict and anticipate what consequences a person will have to face after giving up alcohol (especially if you quit drinking abruptly). Each person is unique and all possible troubles depend on many factors, in particular:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Gender and age of the person.
  3. Quality of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Drinking a regular amount.
  5. Duration of alcohol consumption.
  6. Features of the body (psychosomatic and physical).

Experts, studying what happens to the body when you stop drinking, have divided possible negative symptoms into two large groups. These are failures and problems occurring in the body itself (physical consequences) and troubles associated with psychological factors.

Alcohol harms all internal systems and organs of a person

If feasts accompanied by alcohol were infrequent, giving up alcohol will go much smoother and without any serious consequences for the body.

Physiological problems

In a long-term drinker, all metabolic processes are completely dependent on the presence of residues of alcohol compounds in them. Without receiving the next usual dose, the drinker faces great troubles that come with withdrawal syndrome.

Abstinence can be compared to drug withdrawal, which torments a person for a long time. This condition is accompanied by:

  • nausea;
  • insomnia;
  • gagging;
  • severe migraine;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • indigestion;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • muscle and joint aches;
  • an irresistible desire to drink.

Withdrawal syndrome can last up to 2-3 weeks. This is the consequence of not entering the body with the usual poison-doping. After all, alcohol not only has a detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs and systems, but also becomes an integral part of their functioning.

Psychological symptoms

Alcohol addiction manifests itself not only on the physical level. The human psyche also suffers from it. After all, being in a consciousness altered by alcohol, a person perceives the surrounding reality in a completely different way and is unable to adequately respond to a changing reality.

Alcohol lingers in the internal organs for a long time and has a destructive effect on them.

After giving up alcohol, the withdrawal syndrome, which manifests itself on the physical plane, is combined with manifestations of a mental disorder. Sometimes a person even loses the meaning of his existence.

During the period of close “communication” with alcohol, the psyche and brain structures undergo irreversible changes. Unfortunately, the degradation processes occurring in the drinker’s body are irreversible.

The sooner the decision is made to forget about alcohol, the greater the chances of preserving the personality, its mind and level of intelligence. Anyone who decides to quit drinking will have to make a huge effort on themselves, working in the following directions:

  • undergo social adaptation;
  • change your usual routine and living conditions;
  • completely part with your usual social circle;
  • change all the old habits that have already become familiar;
  • rebuild a new life where there is no place for drunkenness.

These steps are extremely difficult and they are always on the edge. There is a very high risk of breaking down and returning to your previous existence. Comprehensive support from relatives and close people who care about the fate of this person will help overcome these problems.

But the individual himself will have to make enormous efforts on himself. Find the strength to fight depression. Nurture and instill in yourself an internal attitude towards sobriety and instill the idea that alcohol is a terrible poison that breaks the whole person, destroying life.

Quit drinking calendar by day

To understand what consequences will follow and what the person who quits drinking will have to face, there is a certain calendar. With its help, you can mentally prepare for troubles in advance and meet them fully armed..

How does alcohol affect the body?

Narcologists say that the most difficult in terms of negative symptoms are the first 2-3 weeks from the moment of parting with alcohol.

So, when you quit drinking, you can find out the consequences for the body by day using the following table:

Time since parting with alcohol Symptoms Notes
1 day

These days, a person experiences a well-known hangover, which is accompanied by:




increased excitability;


mood swings;

gastrointestinal disorders

According to observations, some people often experience insomnia, but others experience the opposite effect - drowsiness, they literally “hibernate” and can sleep for days on end
2-3 day hangover symptoms continue, irritability and nervousness increase, but stomach and intestinal problems recedeSometimes hallucinations may begin and seizures may develop.
4-7 days

a person’s apathetic state and lethargy go away, energy appears, and working capacity is restored (though not fully);

the skin returns a healthy color, the skin becomes more elastic, swelling decreases;

restoration of the liver and pancreas continues, heartburn goes away;

sleep is normalized

the cause of favorable changes is the complete cleansing of the blood from toxic ethanol toxins
8-30 day

after a month without alcohol, a person’s brain function is restored, the result is the return of clarity of thinking and the return of a long-forgotten human personality;

there is also an improvement in the functioning of the heart and lungs (shortness of breath, arrhythmia disappears)

the period of the first month without drinking is the most difficult in the process of personality restoration; experts advise quitting drinking under the guidance of experienced doctors and using the necessary auxiliary medications

This calendar is appropriate in all cases of parting with alcohol, even if you quit drinking beer, the consequences from day to day will be the same. After all, negative symptoms are based on a lack of ethyl alcohol in the body, which is present in all alcoholic drinks without exception.

Reanimation of the body

Is it possible to alleviate the negative consequences that significantly worsen the life and condition of a former alcoholic? The body's recovery process affects the entire body. Therefore, the first month, the most difficult after quitting drinking, passes against the background of problems in the functioning of almost all organs:

  1. The cardiovascular system. You will have to endure surges in blood pressure and heart failure. You will often feel dizzy and have a headache.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract. Digestive problems are accompanied by long-term disorders (constipation/diarrhea), nausea, vomiting. Very often there is a sharp loss of weight in a person.
  3. CNS. Disorder of the nervous system is based on a background of prolonged headaches and sudden mood swings. In special cases, a person may experience auditory/visual hallucinations and develop a seizure disorder.

General negative symptoms in the form of fever, tremors, and complete weakness usually leave the former drinker 5-6 days after parting with alcohol. But you will have to endure problems with sleep for several months.

Alcohol is especially dangerous for the liver, so it needs to be restored

All negative symptoms will gradually go away as the body recovers and cleanses itself of accumulated toxic metabolites of ethyl alcohol.

Help the gastrointestinal tract

Being constantly in a drunken stupor, a person practically does not eat normal and healthy food. Alcohol replaces food. By the way, ethyl alcohol is quite high in calories, but it only supplies the body with toxic and poisonous energy, where there are no nutrients and essential vitamins.

To establish digestion processes and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to include enzyme preparations in the rehabilitation program. These products will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and restore the digestive system. The weight lost in the first days will soon return.

Pressure recovery

Regular drinkers constantly experience surges in blood pressure. Drunkards complain that they often feel pain and feel dizzy, and stop only after complete detoxification of the body.

If a person suffers from serious headaches for a long time after breaking up with alcohol, he should undergo a full medical examination.

You should know and remember that no matter how bad it is, you cannot drink alcohol to reduce unbearable pain. This is fraught only with a deterioration of the condition and the development of long-term binge drinking. The best solution would be to see a doctor and agree to hospitalization. After all, when you give up alcohol, the load on the heart increases in the first days, which can lead to the development of a heart attack.

Normalization of sleep

Alcohol makes it impossible to have a normal night's rest. Even if sleep comes to a person, it is restless, superficial and dreamless. Therefore, it is very important to restore normal rest. To rehabilitate a person in this regard, psychotherapy sessions and the use of medications provide good assistance.

How does ethanol affect the human brain?

According to the observations of specialists, sleep disorders associated with nightmares are often based on the activation of subconscious fears. A man dreams that he started drinking again. To relieve negative symptoms, doctors will prescribe a course of antidepressants, tranquilizers and sleeping pills. Therapeutic rehabilitation treatment is quite long and can last up to 8-10 months.

Creating favorable conditions for proper rest also provides good assistance. Every evening walks, frequent ventilation of rooms, active sports. Try to do yoga, get involved in an interesting hobby.

Relieving irritability

By removing forever the natural and habitual stimulant of emotions – ethyl alcohol, a person risks falling into a protracted and long-term depression. The ideal way out and natural treatment can be a passion for what you love, an exciting activity. A personal attitude towards the desire to become necessary for someone during this difficult period of life is very important. You should not refuse the help of loved ones.

Long-term consumption of alcoholic beverages makes the addict intolerant of others and extremely irritable. Such acquired character traits are quite difficult to remove. You should strictly control yourself, stop the manifestation of negative messages and emotions.

Group sessions with a psychotherapist will be of great help here. You should review and diversify your diet by including protein-rich foods in your menu. It is necessary to eliminate the consumption of black tea and coffee, replacing them with herbal decoctions/infusions with the addition of honey.

Six months without alcohol

The most important and difficult time is behind us. Six months is enough for the body to fully restore its strength and regain lost health.. But an important condition for well-being is the absence of various pathologies that often visit an alcohol addict:

  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • pancreatitis;
  • alcoholic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis and liver failure.

Such problems will have to be dealt with under the supervision and guidance of an experienced physician. But after six months of giving up alcohol, my psychological background was completely restored. And, despite the fact that my friends have decreased, my relationships with my family, children, and relatives have improved.

An improvement in your financial condition will also be a pleasant surprise. After all, large sums of money were previously spent on obtaining alcohol for oneself, and prices for alcohol tend to rise. The former drinker himself adds a lot of effort to this by increasing his ability to work and work activity.

This can be explained from a psychological point of view. Someone who quit drinking seems to be trying to make up for lost time due to long years of alcoholic passivity and rehabilitate them in the eyes of loved ones. And it works out great!

Alcohol addiction is a serious disease, and many doctors consider it incurable. Even if you don't drink alcohol at all, cravings can persist for many years. But long-term abstinence from a negative habit will have a positive effect on the state of the body and the general well-being of the addict.

The main concentration of ethanol accumulates in the liver and brain - these are the organs that suffer the most. At first, the drinker can expect only a hangover and severe toxicity of the body, but the main troubles are delayed and appear gradually.

When drinking alcohol regularly, a person can expect:

  • decreased brain activity;
  • decreased cellular excitability;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • fatty degeneration;
  • inflammatory liver diseases;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • hypoxia of the brain.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not drink alcohol at all. Otherwise, toxic substances will be passed on to the child, which will lead to the development of numerous developmental pathologies.

Alcohol has a mild psychotropic effect on consciousness. A couple of sips are enough to feel the change: a slight feeling of euphoria sets in. Under its influence, you want to drink more, and it can be very difficult to stop yourself. When the pleasant sensations pass, the body is in a stressful state.

Permissible doses of alcohol

If an addict is going to live without alcohol for the rest of his life, it is recommended to give up the dangerous habit abruptly. Those who quit are often deceived by a long-term plan, the essence of which is to gradually reduce alcohol consumption.

The permissible “harmless” dose of alcohol has been determined by the World Health Organization. So, the daily norm for a man is 30 ml. pure ethyl alcohol (about 250 ml of beer), and for women - no more than 20 ml. Moreover, the body’s reaction depends not only on gender.

It is necessary to take into account the weight of the drinker and the amount of the enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. According to medical data, the male body copes better with alcohol.

What changes happen in life without alcohol?

If a person decides to no longer drink alcohol at all, this may be difficult at first. Giving up a bad habit is not very easy, and noticeable withdrawal symptoms are possible over the course of several days. The physical desire to relax with the help of alcohol alternates with the psychological. But with each sober month, positive changes become more and more obvious.

Sports activities

Evening gatherings with beer can easily be replaced by a gym, and the morning fight against a hangover can be easily replaced by a run. To process alcohol, the body expends a sufficient amount of energy, which could be spent on more useful purposes. Alcohol has a depressing effect on muscles, disrupting protein synthesis.

Weight loss

A person who quits drinking quickly loses excess weight. Alcohol is made up of empty, useless calories. The most popular snacks are heavy and fatty, with a lot of spices and sauces. It also promotes fluid retention, which makes the drinker edematous and visually he appears much larger.

Normalization of blood sugar levels

Frequent alcohol consumption is one of the causes of diabetes. Such drinks have a toxic effect on the pancreas, which guarantees the release of insulin. Resistance to this hormone gradually increases, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted, and proper liver function is suppressed.

The liver ceases to cope with maintaining the level of glycogen, the substance responsible for normalizing glucose levels. Additional problems arise if a person prefers to drink sweet drinks - wines, liqueurs, cocktails with sparkling water.

Good dream

If a person falls asleep while intoxicated, he does not get the necessary rest. According to medical research, alcohol triggers alpha activity in the brain. A body that is trying to deal with toxicity and stress is unable to fully relax. The result is a state of weakness in the morning, even if the drunk slept for a long time.

Increased mental abilities

Even one-time alcohol abuse leads to an imbalance between the brain neurotransmitters responsible for transmitting impulses and information in the body. It leads to:

  • lack of coordination;
  • forgetfulness;
  • speech problems;
  • hot temper and lethargy.

It is enough not to drink alcohol at all for at least 2-3 months to start the process of restoring structural damage. Analytical abilities will increase to the previous level, memory and mood will return to normal.


Alcohol is a strong diuretic and quickly leads to dehydration. Not only the internal organs suffer from this, but also the appearance of the drinker. If you stop abusing alcohol and introduce a sufficient amount of clean water into your diet, the changes will be “obvious”:

  • Thick hair;
  • healthy soft skin;
  • ringing voice;
  • strong nails;
  • sparkling eyes.

When alcohol, which prevents the body from absorbing vitamins, disappears, the quality of life will become completely different.

Boosting immunity

Violation of protein metabolism in cells leads to dysfunction of the immune system. The body's natural defense reactions are reduced. Regular drinking contributes to the rapid development of existing viral and infectious diseases, including HIV. If a person can eliminate alcohol from his life, the body's systems will begin to work at full capacity.