What is the abbreviated name of the director's structural unit? What is the correct name of the juvenile affairs department? What is the name of the department where

Target: expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic “food”, development of the grammatical structure of speech, development of coherent speech.

products; fridge; butter, milk, cheese, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ice cream; meat, sausage, frankfurters, sausages, cutlets, ham, minced meat; Ryab, poultry (chicken, turkey, etc.); eggs; wheat, rye, flour, bread, rolls, bagels, crackers, pies, pasta; chocolate, candies, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, pastries, cake; seller, store; vegetables fruits; spices: salt, sugar, pepper; cereals, rice, buckwheat, oats, millet, semolina.

buy, store, sell, make, cook, boil, fry, salt, eat, cut.
grocery, dairy, meat, fish, bread, flour, vegetable, confectionery; salty, sweet, spicy, soft, stale, delicious, chocolate, fresh, fried, boiled, hot, cold, healthy, harmful

“Name what products you know”

What is made from milk?
Cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, yogurt, yogurt, kefir are made from milk
- What is made from meat?
Meat is used to make cutlets, sausages, frankfurters...
- What is made from flour?
Flour is used to make bread, bagels, bagels, cookies, rolls,…

“What types of products are there?”

What are milk products called? - Dairy
What are meat products called? - Meat products.
What are flour products called? – Flour products.

“Which of which?”

What can you cook
from milk - milk porridge, cottage cheese, butter...,
from meat - cutlets, minced meat, meat soup (broth) ...
vegetables – salad, soup, vegetable stew,…
made from flour - bread, rolls, cake, cookies, bagels, ...

“What kind of porridge is there?”
- Tell me what the porridge is called.
from rice – From rice - rice porridge
from millet – From millet - millet porridge
from buckwheat – From buckwheat - buckwheat porridge
from oats – From oats - oatmeal
from semolina – From semolina - semolina porridge

“Choose words-signs”

bread (what?) – wheat, rye, white, black, fresh, soft, tasty, ...
ice cream (what?) – white, sweet, tasty, cold, milky, creamy,…
candy (what kind?) – sweet, chocolate, caramel, small, tasty,…

“Name the store/department of the store”

Tell me the name of the store that sells the products. - This is a grocery store.
- Tell me the name of the department of the store where they sell milk. - This is the dairy department.
- Tell me the name of the department of the store where they sell meat. - This is the meat department.
- Tell me the name of the department of the store where they sell fish. - This is the fish department.
- Tell me the name of the department of the store where they sell bread. - This is the bread department.

“What do they do with the products?”

Tell me what they do with the products.
Products are sold, bought, made, cooked, fried, boiled, salted, cut, eaten,...

“What is where?” (prepositions)

(using pictures or showing actions)
- Where is the milk?
Milk is in the refrigerator (on the table, on the shelf)
-Where did you get the bread from?
I took bread from the breadbox (from the dish, from the table).
-Where did you put the meat?
I put the meat on a plate (in a pan, in the refrigerator).
- What have you done)?
I poured milk from the bag into a glass. And so on.

"Compare Products"

The milk is thin and the sour cream is thick.
The bread is soft, but the cracker is hard.
The ice cream is cold and the pie is hot.
The candy is sweet, but the onion is bitter.

"Count from 1 to 10 and back"

one carton of milk, two...
one loaf of bread, two...
one stick of butter
one bottle of vegetable oil, two...

the first candy, the second...
first ice cream...
the first cracker, ... Etc.

“What did you see in the store?”
"What did you buy?"

I saw sausages, frankfurters, candies,...
I bought bread, kefir, sour cream,...

“What’s not in the store?”

The store has no sausages, sausages, candy,...

"Call me kindly"

butter - butter
bread - bread
sour cream - sour cream
kefir - kefir
bun - bun
sausage - sausage

"One is many"
- Tell me what there is a lot in the store. - The store has a lot of sweets, bagels, crackers, milk, ....

“Tell”, “Riddle -KA”

Writing stories about food.

Story plan:
- What is this?
- What type of product?
- How are they produced?
- Where they sell it (in which department?)
- What are they cooking?
- Do you like it?

Sample story. "Cake"

This is cake. A cake is a confectionery product. It is made from flour, eggs, butter, sugar. Cake is usually eaten on holidays. He's sweet. I love the cake: it is beautiful and delicious.

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, fluffy and fragrant.
He's black, he's white,
And sometimes it’s burnt.

Sits on a spoon
Dangling my legs.

It might get cooked
It might break
If you want, into the bird
It may turn.

White, sweet stone
It melts in our cup,
Tea, compote flavors.

Separately - I’m not so tasty
But everyone needs food.

Liquid, not water
White, not snow.

Starts with "K" -
We drink a product made from milk.

The second article from a series of articles about the company’s internal social policy. The first text can be read here: . Four differences between the HR department and the personnel management department, how the personnel block in the company can be structured (options). What place in the structure should a “social worker” occupy?

Novikova Marina Lvovna , business consultant and career coach. Website:www.ipmru.ru. Education: economist, MBA in Human Resources Management, internships: Germany, Switzerland, France. Work experience: head of the remuneration department, head of the social policy department (EAST LINE Group), deputy chairman of the PPO of JSC Russian Railways (more than 1 million employees), advisor to the general director (ASK "Corporate University of JSC Russian Railways"), coach.

Having worked for more than 10 years in management positions and dealing with issues of personnel motivation, I can say that the great misconception of company managers is that they consider social policy only in terms of spending money on personnel, whereas it can become an anchor that holds the “ship” of high labor productivity is afloat. That is why the methodology appeared: “Integration of an individual social package and company remuneration methods in order to save payroll without reducing labor productivity,” which is the basis of motivational policy.

In this article I would like to say this: there is a persistent stereotype in the profession of personnel officer and head of a personnel department. The stereotype is called “they have nothing to do there and don’t need to know anything in particular.” That is why the personnel block is often headed not by a specialist with an education as an economist, lawyer, in the field of personnel management and with experience in the personnel field, but by an acquaintance of the director or someone who is about to retire, and this could be a former military man, chief engineer, specialist in wages, etc. Naturally, the work of this personnel department leaves much to be desired, and the director - after a visit by the labor inspectorate and the imposition of appropriate penalties - only becomes convinced that the personnel officers are not very, say, smart specialists.

You may be indignant and say that the HR direction is developing in Russia, and many directors place employees who have the necessary education in the position of head of the personnel department. But this will be the first difference between the personnel management service and the human resources department. So:

First difference - the head of the personnel department has experience in the field of personnel management and is fluent in the issues of forming and managing budget funds.

Second difference - department functionality.

In the HR department, as a rule, this is personnel document flow, hiring and dismissal, and often also includes labor protection. In the personnel management department you will also find psychologists, motivators, trainers, social workers and, oddly enough, “veiled economists” involved in budget planning.

Third difference - attitude towards staff.

The HR department can look at the entire company’s personnel from the perspective of “what are you doing here?” I think every reader has encountered such an attitude in his life. The HR department cannot afford this. There is the McDonald's spirit here: no matter what happens, always with a smile and “free cash register!” ;)

Fourth difference - operating mode.

You won't find anyone in the HR department after the official end of the working day. In the personnel management service, as practice shows, at this moment the only personnel missing are those providing hiring and dismissal services and maintaining personnel document flow. The rest go about their business for at least another hour.

However, I would like to point out that if your HR department sits after eight o'clock in the evening and works, then either they are not doing anything during working hours, or they do not have enough staff. This is one of the alarm bells for the manager!!! It is necessary to pay attention to the work of the unit!!!

This is how the above differences look in the table:

Human Resources Department Human Resources Department
The manager does not have specialized education and experience in the field of personnel management (or experience less than 3 years). The manager has one or more higher education in the field of economics, personnel management, jurisprudence (most often specializing in labor law), as well as relevant work experience in the field of personnel management (experience of more than 5 years).
Functionality: personnel document flow, hiring and firing functions, labor protection. Functionality: training, development, adaptation, personnel reserve, placement of personnel, personnel document flow, remuneration, provision of benefits and guarantees at a professional level, budgeting of personnel and social cost items, psychological assessment, etc.
The attitude towards the staff is based on the principle of “what have you forgotten here, or - I don’t care, I’m just doing my job!” Attitude towards staff: “We need you.”
Working hours: “at 17-30 - everyone left, see you tomorrow, at 17-45 - we are already dressed, at 18-00 - start, attention, march. Life - wait for me, I’m coming!” Working hours: “at 18-00, of course, we will finish everything today, at 18-30 - we will sum up the results of the day, at 19-00 - “Goodbye, work! Hello life!

The main functionality of the HR department:

    Personnel block (hiring, dismissal, maintaining personnel records, personnel movement, personnel records management, training, advanced training, placement of personnel, personnel reserve).

    Social block (staff support, adaptation, retention).

    Motivational block (staffing, remuneration, development of motivational techniques, budgeting of personnel and social activities).

    Psychological block (personnel assessment).

In the HR department there is always a place for a social block and a motivational block. I will note right away, in order to avoid questions and indignation from those who are involved in remuneration in the economic bloc. At the time of writing this article (perhaps an experienced “payer” will be able to convince me otherwise in the future) the author sincerely believes that the remuneration department should be located in the personnel block, with all the ensuing consequences, namely planning functions, expense analysis, management in general, the wage fund.

The compensation specialist carries out methodological work to develop wage methods, plans the wage fund, uses financial analysis provided by the financial service, and conducts individual planning of wage payments. (Based on the developed methods for remuneration, the approved staffing table and time sheets, the financial unit carries out payroll calculations. Who will be given this honor - financiers or accountants, the manager decides. In large organizations the function is divided, in medium and small ones it is carried out by an accountant).

A social work specialist develops local regulations regarding non-material and material motivation of personnel, while understanding what the organization’s budget is, possessing the skills of its planning and accounting (which is why there are so few competent specialists) and can be responsible for social payments. When developing benefits, a social work specialist works closely with the personnel block and the remuneration block. The benefits and guarantees provided should be based on the enterprise development strategy, the importance of positions for the company, the personnel reserve, and remuneration methods.

Considering the above, “payers” and “social workers” can be combined into one motivational block, which, in fact, is reflected in the flowcharts below for constructing a personnel block.

Structure options:

The first option is preferable, because with this scheme, the head of the HR department has complete information on the personnel block, or more precisely, on the personnel block.

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History of the creation of departments for juvenile affairs of internal affairs bodies

History of the creation of departments for juvenile affairs of internal affairs bodies

To the 80th anniversary of creation

In December 1940, children's police rooms were created on the basis of police detention rooms for minors.

In 1950, departments of children's colonies and children's colonies were abolished, and in Russia the creation of children's police rooms was resumed, which were transferred to the Ministry of Justice, and in 1954 they were again transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 1961, the service for combating juvenile delinquency was transferred to the subordination of the criminal investigation apparatus.

Today, all city and district internal affairs bodies of the Tambov region have their own juvenile affairs units, where 50 inspectors work.

At that time, the age range of children delivered was from 3 to 18 years.

Now the Temporary Detention Center for offenders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Tambov Region has started operating for its intended purpose - the prevention of child neglect and crime.

But, no matter what this unit was called at different periods of time, a team of like-minded people always worked here, building their relationships with students, first of all, on goodness and justice.

Juvenile police work

The object of the study is the Anadyr city department of internal affairs, juvenile affairs unit. The subject of the study is the activities of the department for juvenile affairs of internal affairs bodies.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks have been set: To clarify the general principles of the activities of the PDN unit. Study the regulatory framework that establishes the general operating procedure.

The structural divisions of an organization are the basis on which various formations are based. They must be as relevant as possible to the activities being carried out and be most effective in fulfilling their direct responsibilities.

general information

In small organizations, a common situation is when the performance of one function is assigned to a specific employee or he performs several tasks. As it grows, several employees are already doing the same thing. At this stage of development, there is a need to unite these individuals into certain units called departments, groups, sections, sections, units, workshops. This is done in order to optimize handling. The functions performed are used as a unifying factor. This is how the structural divisions of the organization are formed.


The creation of units is based on data on the type of activity, number of personnel, location and other characteristics. Consider this example: a company produces concrete blocks, the advertising department handles sales, and accounting is the responsibility of the accounting department. But there is a significant difference between different subjects. Thus, the structural divisions of a construction organization differ significantly from what is included in banking institutions. The specifics of coordinating the actions of various departments are also taken into account. The larger the organization, the more important the issue of management becomes.

Ideally, care must be taken to ensure that all units are connected by a common goal and have all the necessary information support. As you grow, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain this state of affairs, which affects the interaction and communication network. In this case, it is very important to ensure a clear division of responsibilities. Otherwise, you can expect internal conflict. To avoid uncertainty, clear criteria should be used. And then it doesn’t matter what is the object of influence - structural divisions of a credit institution, bank, IT company, factory or agricultural entity - their efficiency will be at its best.

Types of divisions

The classification was taken as a basis, within which 61 departments are distinguished. They will be more or less structured according to the similarity of the duties they perform. It should also be noted that in practice their names may have a slightly different appearance, but this does not change the essence. The internal situation will help you to familiarize yourself with this in more detail. The structural divisions of an educational organization and a commercial enterprise differ due to different goals. So when studying specific subjects, this must be taken into account. After all, different goals are pursued, and the structural divisions of the organization work to achieve them. The following types exist.

Administrative, financial, accounting and support services

The functioning of the foundations and the balancing of the organization’s work depend on them. These include:

  1. Office.
  2. Secretariat.
  3. Office management service.
  4. labor.
  5. Personnel management service.
  6. Labor Organization Department.
  7. Accounting.
  8. Operational management service.
  9. Financial division.
  10. Department of Foreign Economic Relations.
  11. Warehouses of finished products and materials.
  12. Planning and Economic Department.
  13. Standardization Service.
  14. Legal service.
  15. Human Resources Department.
  16. Security Service.
  17. Computer center.
  18. VOKhR - paramilitary security.

You can also often find structural divisions of an educational organization. They often operate in higher educational institutions, large engineering, scientific, agricultural, industrial and other companies where advanced products are developed. Among them are research, technical and production departments.

Research and technical departments

The following divisions operate in this area:

  • Research department.
  • Technical and Economic Research Service.
  • Technical control department.
  • Laboratory of measuring equipment.
  • Design department.
  • Technical service.
  • Pilot production.
  • Testing shop.
  • Automation (mechanization) department.
  • Service
  • Experienced workshop.
  • Department
  • Personnel training service.
  • Tool department.
  • Design and technical service.
  • Chief Mechanic Department.
  • Personnel Training Bureau.
  • Experimental workshop.
  • Marketing Research Bureau.
  • Research laboratory.
  • Bureau of Nature Conservation.
  • Department of Invention and Patenting.

Production divisions

These are departments, workshops and services that directly create goods in large quantities for their sale to end consumers. These include:

  1. Logistics department.
  2. Service for procurement and external cooperation.
  3. Production and dispatch department.
  4. Capital Construction Division.
  5. Auxiliary production workshops.
  6. Energy and mechanical department.
  7. Department of the Chief Power Engineer.
  8. Chief Designer's Department.
  9. Production shops (assembly, machining and the like).
  10. Special design bureau.
  11. Repair and construction workshop.
  12. Energy shop.
  13. Mechanical repair shop.

These are the structural divisions of an organization. There are also different types of implementation: departments, laboratories, services and bureaus. Each approach has its own advantages, which is why it is chosen. Now let's look at a small example of the functioning in which the structural divisions of an educational organization will operate. How do they function? What is the basis of the communication system within the organization itself when transferring data between different structural divisions?

Example in the educational sector

Let's take a large university as the subject of the study. This organization is suitable due to its scale, numerous divisions and the very wide range of activities carried out. So, first let's highlight the administrative divisions. Each university has management components (rector’s office, dean’s office), human resources department, accounting department, and system administrator service. There may also be separate research institutes and centers.

Further division goes to the level of departments. Each of them leads 4-6 groups. And if there is distance learning, then 8-12. Thus, student groups are the smallest numerical divisions in large universities. These educational institutions have built a literally perfect (on paper) interaction. So, the rector’s office receives information from the Ministry of Education in general terms. Then he transfers it to the dean's office in the planning departments, which divide all the necessary material into the required number of hours, take care of the provision of classrooms and the absence of conflicts. This information subsequently goes to the department, which can make its proposals.


As you can see, structural units implement the principle, which ultimately allows them to obtain higher efficiency from their activities. To bring this indicator to the highest possible level, care should be taken to ensure that each person has clearly defined workplace instructions, which indicate the responsibilities and capabilities of each person. For effective cooperation and interaction, it is necessary to ensure that information is transmitted quickly and without delay.

Also call a branch a division in the banking sector for territorial distribution. 3 Call a division structured along industry and functional lines a “department.” The department, like the management, is responsible for certain areas of the organization’s activities. Create a department in representative offices of foreign companies and in enterprises with a Western management model. 4 Call a unit a “department” if it will be responsible for organizational and technical support for specific areas of the enterprise’s activities. 5 Call a unit a “service” if it includes structural units that are united by their functions and have similar goals and objectives. Please note that the service is managed centrally by one person. Also name the department responsible for enterprise safety or the labor protection department as a service.

Procedures for staff reduction and renaming of departments

An exception to this rule is the positions of “chief engineer” and “chief accountant”: the first is the deputy head of the organization, and the second can be called the chief, without having employees or a structural unit under his command. Clause 6 of the General Provisions of the ECSD also establishes that the position of “manager” belongs to the category of managers and, if necessary, may provide for the presence of subordinate employees.


This position, as a rule, is introduced if there is no need to create a separate structural unit. Stop making people laugh and calling every salesperson or consultant a manager.

Remember: a manager is a leader! Specialists According to paragraph.

We combine departments: how to register

The structural divisions of an organization are the basis on which various formations are based. They must be as relevant as possible to the activities being carried out and be most effective in fulfilling their direct responsibilities.
General information In small organizations, a common situation is when the performance of one function is assigned to a specific employee or he performs several tasks. As it grows, several employees are already doing the same thing.

At this stage of development, there is a need to unite these individuals into certain units called departments, groups, sections, sections, units, workshops. This is done in order to optimize handling.


The functions performed are used as a unifying factor. This is how the structural divisions of the organization are formed.

What is the name of the position of the person responsible for the structural unit of the school?

The following types exist. Administrative, financial, accounting and support services The work of the foundations and balancing of the organization’s work depend on them. These include:

  1. Office.
  2. Secretariat.
  3. Office management service.
  4. Occupational Safety and Health Department.
  5. Personnel management service.
  6. Labor Organization Department.
  7. Accounting.
  8. Operational management service.
  9. Financial division.
  10. Department of Foreign Economic Relations.
  11. Warehouses of finished products and materials.
  12. Planning and Economic Department.
  13. Standardization Service.
  14. Legal service.
  15. Human Resources Department.
  16. Security Service.
  17. Computer center.
  18. VOKhR - paramilitary security.

You can also often find structural divisions of an educational organization.

How to correctly name a structural unit

In this case, it is very important to ensure a clear division of responsibilities. Otherwise, you can expect internal conflict. To avoid uncertainty, clear criteria should be used.


And then it doesn’t matter what is the object of influence - structural divisions of a credit institution, bank, IT company, factory or agricultural entity - their efficiency will be at its best. Types of divisions The classification was taken as a basis, within which 61 departments are distinguished.

They will be more or less structured according to the similarity of the duties they perform. It should also be noted that in practice their names may have a slightly different appearance, but this does not change the essence.

The internal situation will help you to familiarize yourself with this in more detail. The structural divisions of an educational organization and a commercial enterprise differ due to different goals.

Structural subdivision

As practice shows, not all employers understand the meaning of the above requirements of the Labor Code, and many do not even imagine the consequences that violations of this norm can lead to. And the consequences can be tangible for both the employer and the employee. And, it should be assumed, it is precisely in order to protect the rights of the employee that the state considers it necessary to strictly regulate these issues. After all, such a seemingly harmless thing as an incorrect job title can, for example, violate the employee’s right to fair remuneration for his work, not to mention the fact that the employee in the future may have problems with calculating length of service - as a general ( upon retirement) and in a certain specialty (profession).
For the employer, the consequences of violating the norm of clause 3, part 2, art. 19TC can result in large fines.

What would you call the position...

The title of the manager's position depends on the level of management, organizational structure, nature of authority, responsibility and other factors (head of the organization, head of a separate unit, head of a structural unit, other managers, their deputies). In this regard, it should be borne in mind that, for example, a position such as general director is established for heads of organizations that have subsidiaries and separate divisions (branches, representative offices) in their structure, and without them the position will simply be called director.
Therefore, if your boss, wanting to elevate his status, called himself inappropriately, try to somehow tell him about it. We often come across the question: how many deputies can a manager have? The legislation does not establish clear requirements in this regard.

Structural divisions of the organization: types

Secondary school Located 3 km away. The head was laid off. The director of the secondary school has been in office for 3 months. Who will be responsible for the WORK - methodological, for the work of the staff and so on, .... (no staffing - the payment budget is empty) Has anyone thought about this in the country?? ????If they leave, who will be the manager??? Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Pravoved.ru Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:

  • Is it legal to reduce the position of deputy director for preschool education and introduce the position into the staffing table of the head of a structural unit?
  • Number of groups for the music director of a compensatory kindergarten (speech therapy), now one of the structural divisions of the Moscow Education Center

Lawyers' answers (2)

  • All legal services in Moscow Collection of sick leave compensation Moscow from 15,000 rubles.

The last month of the year in all organizations, as a rule, passes not only under the auspices of preparation for a corporate New Year's event. Almost all services and structural divisions are in one way or another involved in the development of one of the most important local regulations of any enterprise - the staffing table. The secretary also gets it. In general, the staffing table is a document that mostly relates to the accounting and personnel departments. But if the organization is small and does not have its own lawyer, in such cases it is most often the secretary who manages personnel issues. And there’s no way to get out of this, you have to bear this burden together with the chief accountant, and it’s good if together, on an equal basis. In the course of the activities of any enterprise, questions constantly arise with the names of positions, the construction of an organizational structure and the correct configuration of the relevant structural units.
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What is the abbreviated name of the director's structural unit?

The legislation does not provide for special sanctions for incorrect job titles. However, paragraph 4 of Art. 9.19 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Offenses Code) establishes the employer’s liability for other violations of labor legislation, except for the violations provided for in Art. 9.16–9.18 and parts 1–3 art. 9.19 of the Code of Administrative Offences, causing harm to an employee - imposition of a fine in the amount of 4 to 20 basic units. Thus, it can be assumed that if, as a result of an incorrect job title, the employee suffers any harm, as discussed above, there are grounds for applying the specified sanction to the employer.