How to open a coconut at home. How to open a coconut at home without loss and with minimal effort

If earlier it was problematic to buy coconut, since the cost of the product was too high, today everything has changed for the better. Coconut can be bought in any supermarket at a very affordable price. But not everyone knows how to open it correctly, and for beginners this process can take a lot of time. But thanks to our instructions and video, you can crack a tough nut very quickly.

How to open a coconut at home: instructions

You don't need to be a professional to crack the peel. Even fragile girls can cope with the task, you just need to know where to start. There are several ways to open a coconut, which we will discuss below. Well, which one to use is up to you to decide.

How to open a coconut correctly at home? Before you begin the procedure, be sure to rinse the nut, then dry it with a paper towel. During transportation, germs and dirt collect on its peel.

Before buying coconut, check its freshness . How to do it? Just shake it from side to side. If you hear splashing inside it, it is fresh because it contains juice.

Using a knife. We need to extract the juice from the coconut, since the presence of liquid will prevent us from cutting the peel. On one side, you will see the so-called “eyes” - small round holes. We insert a thin knife or knitting needle into them one by one. We pierce the eyes completely, pour the juice through them into any suitable container.

Place the nut on a flat surface and measure approximately 1/3 of the distance from our eyes. Then we strike with a knife (not with the sharp side, but with the blunt side) at the intended point. We turn the nut a little and strike again at the same distance. If necessary, make 1 more turn. As a result, a crack forms in the peel; insert a knife into it and split it.

Using a kitchen hatchet . Surely you have this tool at home, don’t you? Place the fruit in a plastic bag and beat the peel several times until it cracks. Why do we use the package? It's simple - so that the peel doesn't lie all over the room.

Extreme way. If you don't have the right tools at hand, just throw the nut as hard as you can on a hard surface (the floor). This method is inconvenient because you will have to collect pulp throughout the room. To prevent this, first wrap the nut in a towel and hit it on the floor.

How to open a coconut in the oven at home?

This is an unusual and effective way to crack the fruit, do not forget to express the coconut juice before doing this. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the nut on a baking sheet and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, a crack should form in the shell.

How to open a coconut at home with a hammer?

We pour the milk out of the fruit, then hit it with a hammer until a crack appears. Insert a knife into the crack and cut the nut.

After splitting, you need to extract the pulp. Also, don't forget to remove the brown skin from the coconut using a knife, we don't need it. The pulp can be eaten just like that (pieces) or used to prepare any dishes, the same goes for juice.

How to open a coconut correctly: video instructions

This video will help you deal with coconut shells in just a couple of minutes. All that remains is to remove the peel and enjoy the pulp. Bon appetit!

Men's site site

Coconut is a delicious, aromatic, unusual tropical fruit. At times it seems that he is completely unavailable. The problem is in the peel - a rounded drupe, which is very difficult to split. In fact, it is enough to have a few auxiliary tools and know a couple of simple tricks to make the process of opening a coconut easy.

Start by preparing your tools and material. For comfortable work we will need: a hammer, a nail, a glass and the coconut itself. Having collected everything on the list, proceed to examine the fetus. On one side there are three eyes - specific spots. Two of them are tightly closed, the third is less durable. Place the nail on the weaker eye and tap with a hammer. The partition will give in easily. After twisting the nail several times in the hole, carefully remove it. Place the coconut on the glass with the hole facing down. While the coconut water (water, not juice) is flowing out, prepare a hammer with a narrow end.

After removing the fragrant water, take the coconut in your hand with the eyes facing up. Divide it visually into three levels. Under the top third, mentally imagine a circular rim and tap it with the narrow end of a hammer.

After 5-10 minutes of circular tapping, a small crack will form. Continue the process until it becomes solid. Next, you can divide the fruit into two halves at the splitting point.

Now nothing will stop you from enjoying the juicy pulp, preparing extraordinary desserts or extracting coconut milk. We will continue to talk about it in the following tips.

To enjoy fresh coconut, you need to work with it a little. This often frightens buyers in the fruit department and forces them to leave this exotic product on display. But, if you know a few secrets on how to properly open this fruit, then everything doesn’t look so difficult.

How to cut a coconut

The first step is to get coconut milk. This is a sweet liquid that is released by ripe pulp.

How to cut a coconut: prepare a hammer and screwdriver

In this difficult matter, it is important to know some secrets:

  1. Find 3 eyes on the surface of the coconut. One of them should open, the other two can be pryed out with a screwdriver or drilled. Having found the real eye, pierce it with the tip of a knife. It would be good if we could expand it as much as possible.
  2. Pour the coconut milk through the hole. If it flows poorly and too slowly, make additional holes in other pseudo-eyes.
  3. After it has completely drained, you can drink it or freeze it in a plastic bag - it can then be used to prepare sweet pastries or exotic salads. If you want to drink the juice right away, this is easy to do with a straw - just insert it into the open hole.

You can also immediately proceed to the second stage without preliminary manipulations, and drain the liquid after opening the nut, if, of course, you have time to do this.

How to get coconut meat at home

Now let's try to get to the middle:

  1. Look at the surface of the nut - it has a continuous line around the circumference, reminiscent of the equator. Hold it over the sink and tap directly on this strip with a hammer - the fruit should open.
  2. If that doesn't work, use a knife to create a crack. Do not press too hard; after this procedure, the nut will definitely split in half.
  3. If you missed the first stage with milk extraction, now is the time to do it. Once opened, place a glass or cup and collect the liquid.
  4. To prevent shell fragments from remaining on the pulp, rinse both halves under running water.

To extract the pulp, cut it into strips with a knife. And after that you can also use a spoon.

The exotic taste of coconut is familiar to everyone. Numerous confectionery products containing it are especially popular. Real lovers buy nuts and only then think about the question of how to open a coconut at home.

It is better to buy nuts in places where they are sold in large quantities, for example, in supermarkets. A single fruit on a display case can lie for many months, the contents can turn sour or moldy.

When choosing a product, you should carefully examine its peel: the color should be even and without spots. If traces of mold are found, you should immediately put the product aside; it is dangerous to eat it.

On one side of the nut, three circles should be visible, through which the coconut received nutrition from the palm tree. The peel in these places should be intact and elastic. Try pressing it with your finger; if it gives in, it means the fruit has begun to deteriorate and is not suitable for food.

After assessing the appearance, the coconut should be shaken. Splashes of liquid indicate good quality of the product.

What will you need to open the nut?

After choosing a suitable nut, the question arises of how to open a coconut at home. The peel of the fruit is extremely strong and thick, so opening it will require skill and working tools or a large, strong knife.

Suitable tools for opening the nut:

  • hammer;
  • large knife, cleaver;
  • screwdriver, awl;
  • a strong, large enough cutting board.

The most popular methods

Before opening the shell, you should make a hole in the place of one of the three coconut spots and pour out the juice.

After the liquid contents have been extracted, you need to get to the juicy pulp. The question arises of how to properly open a coconut using available tools.

To open the thick peel, you should choose a suitable knife. It must be strong and big. You can use a cleaver to chop meat and bones. Open the nut like this.

  1. We take the coconut in our left hand and hold the knife with our right.
  2. We apply strong blows to the side of the nut, gradually turning it along the longitudinal axis.
  3. As soon as the sound changes, you should inspect the peel - a crack has appeared in it.
  4. Apply several blows to the damaged area until the coconut cracks completely.

In this case, the nut is separated in half. Once the pulp is separated, the peel can be used for crafts and other purposes.

With a hammer

Provided you have sufficient physical strength, you can crack a nut with a hammer.

  1. The fruit is placed in a strong plastic bag.
  2. Installed on a solid surface, concrete floor.
  3. The hammer strikes the nut hard.

As a result of this method, the peel splits into irregularly shaped fragments.

You can crack the shell in the area where the three holes are located. After the holes have been made and the milk has been extracted, you can begin to open the shell through the existing holes.

To do this, insert a strong knife into one of the holes. Then hit the handle with your hand or any strong object. The blade of the knife will go deep into the nut. After this, you should carefully turn the tool by the handle; as a result of these actions, the nut will crack.

In the oven

If you don’t have the necessary tools at hand or lack physical strength and determination, the thermal method will come to the rescue. The instructions on how to open a coconut in the oven are as follows.

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Drain the liquid from the coconut.
  3. Place the fruit in a deep form.
  4. Leave in the oven for twenty minutes.

After this treatment, the nut shell will burst, and the pulp will easily break off from the walls of the peel.

Extracting juice and pulp

Before opening the fruit, you should drain the liquid contents - coconut milk. To do this, you need to use an awl or a screwdriver to pierce three holes that are clearly visible on one side of the nut. The peel in these places is not so dense, so this is not difficult to do.

To quickly drain the milk, two holes are enough: liquid will come out through one, air will enter the fetus through the other. The liquid can be drunk or used in cooking or home cosmetology.

If coconut milk or pulp has an unpleasant or sour odor, it is better to throw out the fruit. This is evidence of product damage.

You can insert a straw into the hole and enjoy coconut milk straight from the nut.

For better separation of the pulp, the nut is placed for several minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees or for ten minutes in. Before this, the juice must be poured out. The white mass can be consumed fresh or made into coconut flakes and used in cooking.

When cracking a coconut, you should remember to be safe, as its thick shell can break off and fly apart if hit hard. In addition, you must carefully handle tools: a knife, a screwdriver, a hammer.

In order to protect yourself and others, you should follow the recommendations given.

  1. When cracking a nut with a hammer, you can use more than just a bag. A fruit wrapped in a towel is easier to hold on the work surface. For the same purposes, cling film is suitable, which is wrapped around the coconut several times. In this case, you need to leave a tail of polyethylene for better fixation.
  2. Protect your eyes from possible small fragments.
  3. Do not try to cut the shell with the sharp side of a knife. The blade may slip.
  4. When piercing the eyes with an awl or screwdriver, you should fix the fruit; you can ask another person to help.
  5. Do not crack nuts in the presence of small children. An accidental fragment can cause serious injury.

When eating coconut, you should pay attention to these recommendations.

  1. Before opening, drain the liquid.
  2. Once the skin is damaged, for example to extract milk, the nut is considered opened. It must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of plus five degrees for no longer than 48 hours.
  3. The removed pulp dries quickly; for storage in the refrigerator, it can be filled with water.
  4. Whole nuts can be stored for up to three months.
  5. Coconut milk can be frozen in ice cube trays and stored that way for up to three months. When fresh, it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to seven days.
  6. To prepare coconut flakes, the pulp should be grated and dried in the oven at a low temperature of up to 50 degrees.

The nut shell is quite strong and durable. If the nut is split into two parts, the peel can be put to interesting uses. There are a large number of children's crafts using it.

It can be used as a candlestick, an unusual box, or a glass for pencils. If there is an aquarium in the house, then parts of the shell will become a wonderful home for fish. Its structure does not change the composition and chemical parameters of water.

In the same role it is suitable for other small pets. Gardeners can use the nut shell as small pots for flowers or strawberries.


The hard shell of the coconut should not be an obstacle for those who want to enjoy the refreshing and healthy contents. The main thing is to follow safety rules, then the process of opening the shell will not take much time and effort.

There is no person who has not tried coconut at least once in his life, since products with the addition of coconut flakes or milk are available for sale in any supermarket. But not everyone can boast that he was lucky enough to taste such exotic food in its natural form. Having bought an unusual fruit for the first time, most people do not know how to get to its contents, that is, how to crack a coconut. Indeed, the nut has a very hard and thick skin. You don't know how to approach it.

How to open a coconut at home

Opening a coconut

First, wash it and only then begin to extract the tasty liquid and aromatic pulp from the inaccessible fruit. Throwing the fruit on the floor or hitting it with a hammer will not be the best idea, since by cracking the coconut, you will lose the precious liquid. First you need to remove it.

The most vulnerable point of a nut is its dark eyes. Locate them on the dark, fibrous surface of the shell and pierce them with a knife, nail, or drill a hole. Carefully pour into a prepared container. You can drink milk using a tube by inserting it into the hole.

How to crack a coconut

To chop you will need a large knife. Mark a place on the nut closer to the eyes and strike it with the blunt side of the knife. In this place the shell is not so hard and cracks easily. Insert a knife into it and separate the fruit in half, after which you can split it into as many pieces as you need.

There is another effective way to open a coconut. Place the fruit in a preheated oven and keep it there for about 10 minutes. The “shell” becomes less dense and can be easily opened.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to open a coconut at home.

Let's eat and enjoy!

By the way, not everyone will like the specific taste of milk, but for housewives who love to pamper their homemade gourmet baked goods, coconut flakes are a real godsend.