How to color eggs with dyes. How to Dye Eggs with Beetroot, Wine, Tea and Walnut Shells

For original design Easter eggs do not need to bother with expensive dyes and iron-on stickers. Cute marble-like eggs are easily prepared using such household staples as brilliant greens and onion skins. The result exceeds all expectations: the drawing turns out truly marble, with many shades and transitions - a real work of art! And all this can be easily done at home using improvised means.
Don’t be afraid to paint eggs with greenery - it’s quite safe, even if the shell cracks a little during cooking (and we will try our best to prevent this from happening). Zelenka does not stain egg white through the shell, and after peeling the colored eggs, your fingers also remain clean. You just need to be careful when handling the substance; it is not so easily washed off. You can also find improvised materials in every home, and the process of cutting and wrapping Easter eggs can captivate restless children. The only difficulty is keeping all the eggs intact, but this will be discussed in the recipe itself. Let “Marble” eggs for Easter become a traditional decoration for the holiday table, along with elegant Easter cakes. So original, beautiful, artistic step by step recipe with photo.

In order to beautifully and unusually paint eggs you will need:

  • 1 jar of greenery;
  • onion peel (1 packet);
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • threads;
  • toothpick;
  • wide bandage;
  • gloves;
  • scissors;
  • a pair of notebook sheets;
  • large saucepan wide;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil for rubbing.

How to paint eggs in greenery and onion skins

1. For coloring at home, we use only white eggs; the pattern and color appear much better on them. As a last resort, you can take brown ones, but then the pattern will be darker and without pronounced white veins, which create the marbling effect. Before cooking, carefully wash all the eggs and check for small cracks in the shell.

2. Cut the paper small pieces. I used notebook sheets, you can take white A4 - there is no difference. The only thing is do not use colored printed materials.

3. We also chop the onion peel and mix everything. Cutting paper and husks is not a quick task; the pieces must be small in order for the design to come out more beautiful. But the more carelessly they are cut, the more interesting the pattern will be. You can involve children in the process, cut out triangles, squares, circles or even snowflakes with them. Here you can give free rein to your imagination to make the drawing look unusual. If you cut out, for example, snowflakes, you can make them large, the size of an egg. By the way, you can roll eggs not only in onion peels and pieces of paper. Interesting option– grains of rice, sprigs of fresh herbs.

4. Prepare the gauze: fold a small piece into 3-4 layers. The egg should fit freely in the gauze so that it can be tied into a knot.

5. Wet the eggs in water and roll them in a mixture of paper and husks. Immediately move to the center of the bandage.

6. Roll up the bandage: lift all four corners and connect them in the center so that the mosaic on the egg does not move. Tie tightly with thread.

7. Place in a pan in one dense layer. It is better to take a container made of stainless steel, since an enameled one may not be washed after such chemical experiments. Stainless steel can be washed in two minutes.

8. Fill the gauze bags with water so that it covers the eggs. But they should not float freely, since during cooking these movements are fraught with the appearance of cracks. By the way, water is poured into the pan at the same temperature as the eggs. If they were recently taken from the refrigerator, then the water should be cold. Conversely, if the eggs were at room temperature, take warm water. Temperature changes are one of the reasons for the formation of cracks in the shell.

9. Now add brilliant green to the water. A 10 ml bottle is enough for a dozen eggs. Be careful when opening the cap of the green stuff, as the substance may spill. Zelenka is not so easy to wash off; it is a strong dye. Therefore, either use protective gloves or purchase bottles with a convenient cap. There is no need to stir the brilliant green, it quickly dissolves in water. Add additional salt to the water, this will also reduce the risk of cracks.

10. And the last secret: Add a toothpick to the pan. Fun fact: If you boil eggs with a toothpick, they won't crack. Cook the eggs with the greens for 15-20 minutes after boiling. During this time, they will definitely be completely cooked, and the pattern will be well fixed on the shell. Important: after the water boils, it is better to reduce the heat to medium.
To easily remove the shell from an egg, there is one trick: after cooking, place the pan under running water. Pour it hot first to avoid sudden temperature changes. Gradually reduce the water temperature. When the pot is full cold water, leave the eggs for 3-5 minutes. This simple procedure makes cleaning much easier. By the way, regular eggs can be immediately placed in cold water. But since we're cooking holiday option, do not be lazy and preserve the integrity of the shell.

11. Ready eggs We remove from the pan wearing protective gloves so that the skin of our hands does not become stained. Now you need to carefully cut off the gauze bag, remove the wrapper and thoroughly rinse the egg in water. All that remains is to grate the shell vegetable oil: moisten a cotton pad with a drop and use polishing movements to process Easter eggs. Now they shine beautifully and can be moved to festive table. Beneath the marble shell is a pure boiled protein, the dye does not penetrate the shell. It also doesn’t stain your hands when cleaning. This is such an interesting and safe way egg coloring: all natural and without extra costs.

12. Beautiful eggs ready in onion skins. Bon appetit and happy Easter!

We continue the theme of Easter colors. Here are a few more interesting ways How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands without dyes. Everyone is already quite fed up with bright chemistry, and already almost everything around is artificial, I want to try to use it as much as possible natural products, at least when possible. So I want to show you how to color eggs natural dyes: beets, red wine, black tea and shells walnuts. To get an intelligible saturated color, certain proportions must be observed. Painting takes a lot of time, because unlike chemical paints, natural dyes are absorbed into the shell very slowly. You will get a light shade in an hour and a half, and a bright color in 5-6 hours.

For this we need the following ingredients:

  • Walnut shells (6 pcs.);
  • Black tea (3 tablespoons);
  • Fresh beets (1 piece);
  • Red wine (1 glass);
  • Parsley leaf (1 pc.);
  • Chicken eggs – white (5 pcs.)

Instructions for coloring eggs with natural products

The shell will give a light yellow color, tea - brown, wine - blue, beets - pink.

The amount of each product, except tea, is given for one egg. The following can be placed in coloring solution, only when the previous one is colored. If you want to speed up the process, multiply the volume of products by the number of eggs you want to paint at the same time in a certain color. Otherwise your "paint" will not be required concentration and the color will come out pale.

Let's start with beets. We clean it directly raw and grate it. Place in a cup so that the beets give juice. We do not add water!

We brew regular black tea in the proportion of 3 tablespoons of tea per half liter of water.

Pour the wine into a glass.

Place the walnut shells in a small ladle and fill with half a glass of water. They will need to be boiled for 10 minutes.

Before coloring the eggs, you need to wash them thoroughly; you can even use a sponge. We check that there are no numbers or anything else left on them.

Out of five eggs, I will immediately put one in a ladle with nut shells and let it cook for 10 minutes on the stove.

I'll put a saucepan with the remaining four eggs on another burner.

After 10 minutes, when the eggs are hard-boiled, place the saucepan with four eggs under cold water. And we transfer what was boiled in walnut shells hot into an earthenware mug and pour the entire contents of the ladle on top along with the shells.

Place the cooled white eggs in all the dyes. Place one in a glass of wine.

We put the second one in the beets so that the eggs are not visible from it.

The third one is dipped in strong tea.

We will also color the fourth one in tea. But not just like that, but we will try to make a pattern on it. To make a barely visible image appear on the egg, like an ancient fresco, we will tie a parsley leaf to it with thread. Like this.

The longer you keep the eggs in our natural dyes, the brighter the final color will be. I kept it on for about 5 hours. Due to the fact that I did not remove the shell from the broth, but from the tea leaves, the color turned out not uniform, but with texture, the same with the beets. You can do it differently. Then just grate the boiled egg beet juice, and put the rest into the already strained infusion.

After painting, all eggs need to be dried on a napkin, especially beet eggs; if you wash off or wipe off the not-dried paint, it will become much paler.

All that remains is to wipe the finished eggs with cotton wool or a napkin soaked in sunflower oil and place them beautifully on a plate.

Happy Easter!

  • powder dyes,
  • table vinegar,
  • hard-boiled hot chicken eggs,
  • glass jars, volume half a liter,
  • paper towels,
  • tablespoons,
  • boiling water.

Cooking process:

Step-by-step instruction

First step. Carefully pour one sachet of powder into clean and dry half-liter glass jars. food paint. We do this carefully so that the powder does not get on your hands or the table; it is quite difficult to wash it off later. You can also use regular ones instead of cans. plastic bottles, only for this purpose they should first be cut in half to obtain containers of the required size. Next, pour in the dyes for the eggs. boiling water and as a dye fixer, add one tablespoon of vinegar to each jar.

Second step. Then take the hot hard-boiled egg, place it on a tablespoon and carefully immerse it in a jar with one of the dyes.

Third step. After seven to ten minutes, carefully remove the egg from the paint can and place it on a plate previously covered with three layers. paper towels or regular table napkins. Important! To color eggs, use a separate tablespoon for each color of paint, and do not put colored eggs in different colour on one plate.

Fourth step. Let the egg dry completely, then painted eggs You can additionally rub it with vegetable oil to make it shine.

We hope you find our tips on how to color Easter eggs with dry dyes useful.

If just multi-colored eggs do not seem interesting to you, then you can additionally decorate them using regular gel pens.

Another method, perhaps the most common, which was used by the majority of our grandmothers (and many housewives still paint eggs this way to this day), is painting using onion peels. The recipe is simple: put more onion peels into boiling water along with the eggs, wait until the eggs change color and take them out. The color is very rich, from golden yellow to deep red. Your attention step by step photo recipe from one of our authors Svetlana Kislovskaya.

How to color eggs in onion skins

For the wonderful holiday of Easter, I always paint eggs in onion skins. I don’t like dyes - that’s all! My mom always does this and she taught us and her daughters this. Everything is very simple, the result is wonderful, and most importantly, without chemicals, everything is natural. Even if the eggs burst during cooking, there is nothing to worry about; they can be crumbled into a salad. I offer a very simple recipe for coloring eggs. The most important thing is that you must accumulate this husk in advance, and the more of it there is, the brighter and more saturated the color of the painted eggs will be.
We will need:
  • Eggs 8-15 pieces,
  • Onion peel - a few handfuls,
  • Water,
  • Salt.

How to prepare onion broth

Rinse the husk onions under the water. You don't have to do this if yours is clean. Next, put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. For such purposes, it is better to take an old saucepan, since then it will be “colored” for some time. Over time the color will wash off.

We put it on the stove and wait for everything to boil. The water has boiled, reduce the heat, and cook the husks for several minutes. Previously, I painted eggs along with the husks. But I noticed that when you put eggs with the husks in cold water, they turn out spotty. If this doesn’t bother you, then you can cook like this. It's much faster this way. But now I cook exactly in the way that is presented today. First, prepare the onion broth, and then (even the next day, this can be done when the water has completely cooled), you can boil the eggs in it.

So, when the water has boiled for about ten minutes, turn off the stove and let the water cool completely. Let cool, as hot water It is not recommended to lay eggs to prevent them from cracking. When the dyed water has cooled, we catch the feathers of the husk and throw them away; they will no longer be needed. I usually prepare onion broth the night before, and in the morning or during the day I paint eggs in it for Easter.

In the cold natural dye lay in the eggs and cook them as usual on the stove, after they boil, for five to seven minutes. Place the boiled colored eggs in another cup and fill them with cold water so that they can be cleaned well in the future. Many housewives do not do this at all, but while the eggs are hot, lubricate them with vegetable oil using a cotton pad or napkin.

If desired Easter colors You can decorate it with different stickers, which children love to do. This is how we prepared for the glorious Easter holiday!

Eggs can be boiled not only in onion skins, you can use an infusion of various herbs. Painted marble eggs using onion peels and brilliant green are very beautiful. Or you can boil them in one of the decoctions, having previously wrapped them in colored threads.

All of these methods are very easy to put into practice, but they may seem a little boring to some. In this case, try coloring the eggs with paints. Nowadays there are different food colors on the market that you can use for painting. This option is especially suitable for families with children. They will definitely enjoy it and can also help them develop their creativity.

But now with the help acrylic paints, beads, decoupage you can create masterpieces. Put all your imagination into action. To complete the effect, you can add rhinestones or sparkles. These eggs can be given to friends and acquaintances, or distributed on the street in honor of Easter.

Beliefs and signs associated with Easter eggs

There were many rituals and beliefs associated with the Easter egg. For example, it was unforgivable to eat an egg and throw the shell out the window or over the fence. Christ himself with the apostles walks the streets, and one could accidentally get into them.

The peasants believed that Easter Egg has the power to make it easier for the souls of the deceased to remain in the next world. To do this, it was necessary to christen the deceased three times, and give the egg to the “free” bird to taste, and as a sign of gratitude it would remember the dead and ask God for them. The Easter egg also helps the living and alleviates their illnesses and ailments. An egg received by a person from a priest must be kept on the shrine for 3 years, and it will relieve the illness of the patient.

But with particular trepidation, the peasants believed that the egg helps in farming. It was necessary to bury the Easter egg in the grains and go out to sow, and then a good harvest would be ensured. It was also believed that rolling eggs on plowed land contributed to its fertility.

Many of these customs and beliefs have survived to this day. Like many centuries ago, people to this day paint eggs on the eve of Easter, and on the day of Christ’s Resurrection they give them to each other, saying the phrase “Christ is risen!”

Easter cakes, eggs, Curd Easter- this is the main attribute of Bright Resurrection.

Choose recipes on our website in the appropriate section and get ready for Easter with our Notebook!

Best regards, Anyuta.

Have a nice time on Easter Eve!

Beautifully decorated boiled eggs- an integral attribute of such a great Orthodox holiday, Easter. Every housewife wants to decorate eggs in a special, exclusive way. This article will help both seasoned housewives and those who are still completely inexperienced in making Easter eggs truly beautiful and unique, without spending a lot of money and time.

Materials needed to color eggs with dyes

On the eve of Easter, markets and supermarkets have a large selection of food dyes for making Easter eggs. So to color the eggs in the classic way using dyes, just buy it.
To color eggs with food coloring you will need:

  • Eggs.
  • A packet of dye in the desired color.
  • Tablespoon.
  • Vinegar – 2 tbsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.

The classic version of painting eggs using dyes

Having cooked necessary materials to work, paint the eggs step by step:

  • Eggs room temperature add cold water and boil hard for 10-15 minutes.
  • Pour cold water over the finished hot eggs and wait until they cool completely.
  • While the eggs are cooling, start preparing the dye solution. Usually, the packets of purchased food colorings contain instructions for preparing the coloring solution.
  • If it is not there, then you need to do the following actions: pour the contents of the package into 0.2-0.5 liters of water, stir well. The color concentration depends on the volume of water used.
  • Pour the coloring solution into a shallow, flat container.
  • Treat eggs with vinegar before painting. Soak a small linen cloth in vinegar and wipe the shell of each egg. This is done to degrease the surface to be painted.
  • Place ready-to-paint on a tablespoon dry egg and dip it into the prepared solution.
  • We perform these actions with the number of eggs that you want to paint in the chosen color.
  • The eggs should stand in the coloring solution for 5 minutes.
  • Using a tablespoon, remove them from the solution and place them on a paper napkin to excess water glass
  • After complete drying, rub the painted shell sunflower oil, this will give the egg shine, the color will become more saturated and will play in the sun.

An unusual way to paint eggs with dyes

For in an unusual way We prepare the eggs for painting in the same way as described above. Package with food coloring dilute in 100 g of water and perform the following steps:

  • Pour the coloring liquid into a tall glass so that it covers the bottom by 2 fingers.
  • Place the prepared egg there. It should be half immersed in the dye solution.
  • Wait 3-5 minutes and add to the glass plain water until it completely covers the egg.
  • After 5 minutes, take out the egg.

The Easter egg will turn out darker on one side, and on the other side the color will not be as saturated.

Painting eggs with dyes using electrical tape

The method is quite interesting. In addition to the above materials, you will need electrical tape.

  • We cut the electrical tape into narrow strips.
  • Wrap the prepared egg with electrical tape and a spiral.
  • Dip it into a dye of the same color, for example yellow, and let it sit for 5 minutes.
  • We take it out, let it dry, remove the electrical tape.
  • We wind the electrical tape on the other side, overlapping the previous strips.
  • Dip it into a dye solution of a different color, blue or green, and leave for another 5 minutes.
  • Place on a napkin and wait until dry, remove the tape.

The result is an original Easter egg with multi-colored spirals. The vowel condition is that the first dye should be several tones lighter than the second.
You can also cut out various figures from electrical tape, stick them on and follow the steps described above. Such eggs will not yield to their originality.