How to make birch activated carbon. What is activated carbon made from?

Charcoal consists of pores, cracks going deep. The pores have different diameters. Pores of larger diameter are macropores, medium mesopores and small micropores. These cracks are where the molecules we want to get rid of get stuck. Activated carbon differs from regular carbon in that its pores are longer and more molecules can get stuck there. The efficiency of activated carbon is higher.

How will we activate the carbon?

At the first stage, we will drive water into the pores. You can soak the charcoal or boil it in a saucepan or pressure cooker. Under the influence of heat, water molecules will move deeper into the pores, will hit the walls and slightly expand and deepen them.

At the second stage, place the swollen coal in a hot oven to the maximum. Water molecules will receive sharply greater energy and will begin to rush around in the pores, tearing them apart. To make charcoal with long pores, heat shock is required, the oven must be heated to maximum.

To activate the carbon, we buy it in the store. The most important thing is that it is clean and does not smell of smoke, otherwise the moonshine will take on the smell.

Pour the coal into a sugar bag and hit it with a hammer or the butt of an ax, crushing it. Pour the crushed coal into a colander located above the pan. Stirring it with your hand, the dust settles into the pan; we place large coals back into the bag for grinding. We do all this outside because there is a lot of dust. You can do it another way: soak the coal in water and then crush it, there will be less dust.

I pour the crushed coal into the pressure cooker and fill it with water. I put it on the fire, let the coal sit under pressure in water vapor for an hour and an hour. I don’t know exactly how long to boil, maybe more is needed.

At the second stage of charcoal activation, I pour it onto a baking sheet and place it in a hot oven. The coal will crackle. I keep it there until it dries and smells like coal. After which I turn off the oven, the coal dries out.

We check the coal for activation. I pour it into the water, the coal begins to hiss and bubble.

Activation of charcoal.

This absorbent is often used to cleanse the body during food-borne intestinal infections and similar symptoms. What is activated carbon made from? The following components are used in its production: charcoal/stone and peat, which are heated in specialized containers (up to 100 C). After which they are subjected to further processing - shaping and packaging. Now every person will know what activated carbon is made from.

What was it made of before?

First they burned birch and fruit trees. The resulting coals were treated with steam at high temperatures. But since there was no special laboratory before, the whole process was carried out in a well-heated steam room. So, not most of the birch coals were taken out of the furnace and left in the bathhouse until the activation process began. Such coal had a fairly small weight, but due to its high porosity, its absorbent and absorptive qualities increase. Coal in those days was used as a multifunctional tool. They used it to purify drinking water, low-quality alcoholic products, and treat livestock and poultry. In principle, the latter is hardly any different from its modern use.

What is activated carbon used for:

  1. To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. It is allowed to drink in cases of poisoning by various toxic agents. It reduces the absorption of harmful elements into the intestinal tract by more than 50%.
  2. At home it is used as a universal antidote. It neutralizes the harmful effects of alcohol, fatty foods, etc. By the way, experts advise drinking activated charcoal during a hangover, and not during a feast, in order to avoid the opposite effect - increased intoxication. It is also actively used as an effective method for weight loss. To do this, you need to drink 1 tablet three times a day - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. Consult a nutritionist first.
  3. Helps in the fight against gas formation. Therefore, when flatulence and associated colic occur, it is necessary to take charcoal.
  4. Stops diarrhea.
  5. Prescribed for chronic diseases. Does not allow components that can intensify allergic reactions to be absorbed into the blood. But first you need to consult with your doctor, it is possible that he will have something to add to this.

ATTENTION! Activated carbon should not be taken in long courses. It removes useful elements from the body that come with food. First of all, these are microelements and vitamins. Also, when used together with it, the effect of the drug is neutralized. Therefore, be very careful when treating it.

How does activated carbon work?

It removes all harmful substances accumulated in the body through adsorption and absorption. It is important to know that along with harmful elements, it also absorbs carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which the human body needs daily. In addition, it can, like a magnet, attract negative pollutant particles to the positively charged active oxygen contained in it. This process is called catalytic reduction. This means that during treatment they need to take a short break, which will be filled with vitamins by eating fresh fruits, vegetables and meat, according to the instructions of a specialist.

This drug has the following beneficial effects:

  1. Firstly, these are detoxification, adsorbing and antidiarrheal properties.
  2. Secondly, it removes elements that may contribute to the development of an allergic reaction.
  3. And, finally, thirdly, it does not have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes.

It can be purchased in the form of tablets, capsules, granules, powder and paste for preparing a suspension for oral administration.

Indications for use:

  • with impaired metabolism;
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals, various medications, chemicals. substances. It is also used in case of poisoning with low-quality (expired) products;
  • hepatitis, occurring in acute or chronic form;
  • withdrawal syndrome. Typically used for alcoholism.

In cases of increased gas formation and intoxication caused by radiotherapy, this absorbent is also used.

Contraindicated for bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, colitis, and stomach ulcers. It is not recommended to take activated carbon along with antidote medications, it can adsorb it.

Caution - side effects

As a rule, this can be hypothermia, dyspepsia, low blood pressure, constipation. With the simultaneous use of laxatives and activated carbon, the appearance of loose stools is possible.

Even ancient people noticed that if wood does not come into contact with fire during the firing process, the resulting charcoal better absorbs all foreign odors. Initially, in order to achieve the desired “activity,” coal was placed in a closed clay pot and thus subjected to heat treatment. Such carbon was called activated only when they learned how to produce it on an industrial scale. The name comes from the process of activation of the absorbent properties of such coal, when it becomes capable of absorbing foreign molecules and compounds.

Activated carbon no longer contains charcoal. This product uses more adapted material: coconut shells, fruit seeds, charcoal, silicone gels and organic polymers. Through special processing, a very high percentage of microcracks per specific gravity of the finished product is achieved. Thus, in production, using special technologies, they achieve a content of more than 1000 pores per gram of coal. For comparison, at home you can get activated carbon with only a few dozen pores per gram of product.

Types of activated carbon

When finished, activated carbon looks like granules about 1 mm in size. After production, finer dust also remains, which, however, is no less valuable, since it has the same absorbing ability. Granular coal is often briquetted and pressed for ease of use. Powdered carbon is often used for water purification filters. But the most popular form of activated carbon is carbon tablets. The granules are compressed into tablets - they can also be crushed into powder for use for various purposes.

The meaning of the action of this medicine is that the original raw material, processed at high temperature, turns into porous coal with many microcracks, seeking to fill their empty space with any materials of suitable size. The enormous sorption (absorbing) capacity of a product such as activated carbon determines its effectiveness.

However, will activated carbon be able to cope with all the toxins and dangerous substances that have entered the body or the water filter? What activated carbon is made from determines the size of the cracks and pores on its surface. If the cracks are smaller than the substance that the coal particle collides with, it will not be able to absorb it. For example, some heavy metals, minerals and trace elements.

Composition of activated carbon tablets

The “activation” of activated carbon, from which it got its name, is that during the heat treatment of raw materials at high temperatures there is no contact with fire. The raw materials are isolated directly from the flame or electrical heating methods are used.

The tablets contain:

  • Activated carbon;
  • starch;
  • "black salt"

This form of release is used for some food intoxications. It should be remembered that the properties of activated carbon are not only the absorption of toxins, but it also absorbs beneficial microelements to the same extent. In this case, first of all, potassium, magnesium and calcium are “washed out”. Therefore, the presence of black salt in the composition is a very useful additional source of these microelements for the body. Not all tablet forms come in the same composition, and the presence of black salt must be checked in the composition information on the package. There is another type of tablet, which consists of activated carbon, starch and sugar.

Activated carbon acts on substances by binding their active properties. It binds alkaloids, barbiturates and many other active substances, absorbing them and removing them from the body through natural cleansing. It does not have a sufficient adsorbing effect on acids and alkalis, as well as on iron salts, cyanides, malathion, methanol, ethylene glycol.

The drug is most effective when taken either before or immediately after poisoning. Can be taken topically on ulcers and other injuries to speed up healing.

Operating principle of activated carbon

In this article, we found out that coal tends to fill many of its voids that appeared in its structure after being treated at high temperatures. Once in contaminated water or other liquid (for example, among the contents of the stomach or intestines), coal absorbs everything that can linger in its cracked pores. It is worth remembering that if there was not enough coal, then its adsorbing effect may be ineffective if the amount of sorbed substances exceeds the ability to absorb them.

Food can also interfere with this process and its presence in the stomach should be accompanied by an increase in the dose, which on average is 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight - with a slight upset. The main effect of coal, leading to its “activity,” is the number of pores, which reaches maximum sizes with proper processing of the raw material. Thanks to this porosity, coal becomes weightless and one gram of coal can accommodate a thousand or more pores and microcracks, which is achieved using ultra-high temperatures.

Activated carbon is a universal drug that has been successfully used for many years in medicine, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Filters containing activated carbon are used in many modern models of drinking water purification devices, as they can even remove chlorine.

Many moonshiners are greatly mistaken, thinking that their craft is only distilling mash into moonshine. But those who trust homemade alcohol more than industrial vodka need to take care of the high quality of their own drink.

This is not so simple, because you need to know exactly all the secrets and recipes of the correct one, and most importantly, determine for yourself what is the best way to purify moonshine.

For beginners and those who are in this business or have not yet decided which method is more suitable, I suggest you learn how to clean homemade alcohol with charcoal, what are the pros and cons of this method and how to make a charcoal filter for moonshine.

It is known that in unrefined alcohol contains fusel oils and other harmful impurities. The principle of coal efficiency lies in its ability adsorb on its porous surface are all substances we do not need. The quality of cleaning also depends on how much coal you added and how many times you distilled it. Since this material itself is environmentally friendly, there is no reason to doubt its harmlessness if you did everything correctly.

It is worth noting that not all types of carbon products are suitable for this purpose. It all depends on the size and number of pores on the surface, because they contain adsorbed molecules of dangerous substances. From this point of view, for example, purification of moonshine pharmaceutical charcoal is not effective— there are small pores that will not allow large molecules of fusel oils and dangerous impurities to pass through.


Let’s return to it again and tell you how to clean moonshine with activated carbon.

More recently, animal bones were used in production. As a result of heat treatment, small pores formed on the coal surface. As you already understood, this is bad.

Today the raw material is wood, which means it is much more effective. But, according to the recipe, it contains talc and starch, due to which the drink becomes unpleasant and bitter in taste. In general, charcoaling moonshine with such a product has many disadvantages. But if that doesn't stop you, use 45 tablets per 1 liter alcoholic drink.


It is produced as a result wood pyrolysis or decomposition under high temperatures, preserving its structure. Due to this, this high-carbon product has a large number of capillaries and pores, and this increases adsorption capacity. Cleaning alcohol with charcoal is much better than other options. Among its different types, it is better to use birch charcoal brand BAU-A.

Charcoal for barbecue

They are also made from charcoal, but since barbecue coals must burn well, they are impregnated with special solutions for better flammability. It is unknown how these mixtures will affect alcohol, so cleaning moonshine with charcoal for barbecue not a good idea.

Coconut charcoal for cleaning

Purifying moonshine with coconut charcoal has long been a very popular method used to purify homemade alcohol. There are pores on the coal surface special structure due to coconut shell from which they are made. This helps purify the moonshine much faster, better and gives the drink a softer taste.

Charcoal for wine

Since it also contains harmful impurities and needs to be cleansed, the coals for them are made specifically for this. If used correctly, you can safely use this product.

Summarizing, birch and coconut coals are the undoubted leaders in the charcoalization process. If you still think that purifying moonshine with activated carbon is quite effective, we advise you to combine this method with any other that you like.

Charcoaling methods

There are two known cleaning options: using carbon filters and directly immersing the carbonaceous product in alcohol. Let's look at them in more detail.


The first method is harder, but better quality. First you need the filter itself. Filter is perfect from a gas mask, but it contains specific ingredients that can ruin the already terrible smell. The usual one will also suit us household water filter, but with its help you will have to distill it many times. You can also make a carbon filter to clean moonshine with your own hands. More on this a little later.

To speed up and simplify the process, you can purify moonshine directly through a coal column. It is connected to, so the filtered product enters the container. But since it is very expensive, a charcoal column for cleaning moonshine with your own hands will help us.

How it's done? Take a two-liter bottle and cut off the bottom. A large hole is made in the lid, and 5-6 small ones in the bottom. The already filtered alcoholic drink will flow through the hole in the lid, and the crushed coals need to be pressed to the bottom with the bottom so that it does not float around the bottle.

In a jar, neck down, we place the base of the column - a bottle. Then we pour the product that suits you into it, for example, coconut charcoal for cleaning moonshine and cover it with the bottom. Don't skimp on coal add it as much as possible. It should occupy at least 2/3 of the dishes, otherwise the cleaning will not be as high-quality and effective as you would like.

Don't be alarmed if the liquor comes out of the dispenser black, this is quite normal at this stage. In the future, the finished alcohol will be cleared of coal dust and become crystal clear. From time to time the lid hole will become clogged. Overcoming this problem is very simple: shake and squeeze lightly bottle. If it doesn't work, unscrew the cap and clean the neck with your finger. We distill the alcohol through a coal column another 2-3 times.

Next, add charcoal powder in a ratio of 30 grams per 1 liter, close tightly and leave for a day. During this time, all the coal settles to the bottom of the can. In this simple way you can make a carbon filter for moonshine with your own hands.

At the next stage, moonshine is needed strain to remove sediment. Fill the neck of the watering can with cotton wool and pour moonshine through it. The cotton wool will remove all carbon particles and the alcohol will become transparent.

Cleaning with coal

The second method is much simpler. First you need to collect all the ingredients, study the recipe, and then get down to business.

Since fusel oils are hydrophobic, we reduce the drink to 40 degrees. This will bring them together and help the coal absorb them. First of all, grind the coals as much as possible, and then add them to homemade alcohol in a ratio of 50 grams per liter.

Close the solution tightly and place it in a non-plastic container for a week, shaking 1-2 times a day. As in the previous example, a precipitate forms. To get rid of it, you need to strain the alcohol through a layer of cotton wool.

This method attracts with its simplicity, but behind it danger lurks. The fact is that with prolonged contact of coal with alcohol, even the most suitable for this, for example BAU-A, KAU-A, aldehydes are formed, as a result of which your moonshine will not only not be purified, but will also acquire additional harmful substances. Also, over time, the coal will begin to return all the impurities that it has absorbed.

  1. Don't rush to clean until you are confident in the quality of the carbon product. Test it on a small amount of alcohol, before main cleaning. High-quality coal for moonshine should not leave a burning smell.
  2. Embers are used just one time.
  3. In order for the charcoal of moonshine to be successful, carefully wash the coals. This will prevent dust from getting into the final product.
  4. There is no need to filter moonshine in a cold room, since cold slows down the process.

In conclusion of the article, it should be noted that coal will not help you completely get rid of the typical “moonshine”, which is better dealt with soda, potassium permanganate or plant tinctures.

But purifying moonshine with coal at home is in no way inferior to these methods in terms of efficiency, and from the point of view of health safety, it is far ahead of them. Which method to use is up to you. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, as well as recipes, and enjoy your creation.

>how to make activated carbon

What is activated carbon?

First of all, you need to figure out what activated carbon is?
Activated carbon is a porous substance, an absorbent, obtained from various carbon-containing materials of organic origin, that is, charcoal, walnut shells, hazelnut shells, coconut shells, coal coke, petroleum coke. We are, of course, interested in the simplest, most affordable and clean product. Therefore, further we will talk only about activated carbon, which can be obtained from wood.

What is activated carbon used for?

Activated carbon is used in medicine and manufacturing. In medicine it is used for various intestinal disorders, helps to cope with many types of poisoning or at least significantly reduce the harmful effects of toxins on the body (including alcohol, chemicals and radioactive ones).
In production, activated carbon is used in treatment systems. Most of all air filters for gas masks and protective masks are made using activated carbon. Industrial and home filters for water purification are also made with activated carbon.

Activated carbon at home

Making activated carbon yourself is quite simple, but for internal use, this is certainly not the best idea, since carbon can be bought at every pharmacy. But to make coal, for example, for filtering water, or in the absence of industrial designs, to make a filter for a gas mask yourself, this knowledge can be useful. Moreover, the prices for coal in the pharmacy are not low and making a large water filter from “pharmacy” coal will be expensive.

It doesn’t matter what you use (cans, barrels, pots, pans, a gas burner or a fire), the principle of making activated carbon at home or on the go is the same. It consists of three stages: the first is the production of coal, the second is its “activation” and finally drying.

So, let's start making activated carbon.
First stage:
Take a container, for example a wide tin can. The jar must be tightly closed with something. It is desirable that the jar be flat, that is, its width (diameter) should be greater than its height. You need to make several small holes of 1-2 mm in the bottom of the jar. Next, put small dry wooden chocks in a jar, close the lid tightly and put on fire. Wooden chocks are best made from wood that does not contain a large amount of resin; birch is good for this, but spruce and pine will produce a lot of smoke and there is a high probability of the resin igniting inside the can, then the process of making activated carbon will be ruined.
This stage can be called dry distillation of wood. In this case, all flammable gases (provided the lid is tightly closed) will escape into the holes made in the bottom of the jar and immediately burn in the fire. This way there will be virtually no smoke or odor, which means this method can literally be used to make activated carbon at home. But if instead of holes in the bottom you use the absence of a lid or distill wood in a saucepan or frying pan, there will be a lot of smoke, so you can only make charcoal in the open air. Using the “without a lid” method, it is better to sprinkle the lumps with dry sand so that the distillation proceeds evenly and the wood does not ignite.
Next, when the release of gases and steam stops, remove the jar from the heat and allow to cool. We open the lid and see black carbon there, but it is not yet activated carbon.
Let's move on to the second stage.
We take the coal out of the can and pour it into a pan or another can and completely fill it with water. Place on fire and boil for 20-30 minutes. This is the activation process, boiling water washes the pores of the charcoal, washing away all the minerals.
Third final stage.
We put the still damp, but already activated carbon again into a jar with holes in the bottom and put it on fire. We dry the coals in this way, now instead of flammable gas, pure water vapor comes out of the pores. After all the moisture has evaporated and the coals have cooled, the entire action can be considered complete. Activated carbon is ready! By weight, such coals feel almost weightless, because all the pores are free.

Activated carbon should be stored in a glass jar with a lid or in a sealed plastic container, so the activity of the carbon will remain for several years. But with access to oxygen, the properties of coal are lost within a few months.