How to make ghee from butter. Ghee at home - how to make the most healthy product possible

Ghee gained wide popularity in ancient Rus'. In those days, hard-working peasants stood at the stove from morning to night, wanting to get a product of the right consistency. The heating was carried out according to all the rules, taking into account a certain technology, so the process lasted a long time. Today, you can prepare high-quality ghee at home. It is enough to have an oven, gas stove or microwave.

Benefits of ghee

  1. The valuable qualities of the product have a favorable effect on the entire functioning of the body. This includes the nervous and vegetative-vascular systems, the activity of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and digestive tract.
  2. Linoleic acid, which is included in the oil, promotes natural tissue regeneration at the cellular level. The element is responsible for cleansing blood vessels, producing new blood cells, and water-salt metabolism. Acid cannot be replaced; it must be obtained from food.
  3. The anti-aging effect protects the body from premature aging, and the hair from early gray hair. Ghee tones the psycho-emotional background, increases physical endurance and accelerates brain activity.
  4. Antioxidants release cells from free radicals, prevent atherosclerosis, and cleanse the liver of toxins. Dosed consumption of oil promotes normal intestinal motility and the removal of old toxins.
  5. The product is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of burns, wounds and microcracks. Ghee is used to lubricate joints to relieve discomfort due to arthritis. During menstruation, girls are advised to rub oil on their lower back to relieve pain.
  6. The composition is useful for colds and flu. It increases the body's protective functions and relieves fever. Just rub the product on your palms and feet, then lie down under a warm blanket and sweat. To increase effectiveness, the oil is mixed with natural balms and ointments.
  7. Retinol, or vitamin A, is responsible for the beauty of hair, skin and nails. Most often, ghee is used to moisturize and nourish the skin of the face; masks are prepared from it for hair and fingers (nails in particular). The element is also responsible for the reproductive function of men and women.
  8. Ghee is used to cure many ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. The composition accelerates metabolic processes and allows valuable enzymes to be quickly absorbed into the blood.
  9. Regular butter contains proteins that form harmful carcinogens when heated. You can fry food using the melted product without fear, and in the end you will receive only benefits.

Ghee in the oven

  1. Select a container in which you can cook food using the oven. The size of the cookware depends on the volume of butter that will be heated in the future. You cannot fill the container “heaped”; step back from the edges by 7-8 cm.
  2. Chop the entire volume of butter into pieces of relatively equal size. Each serving should not exceed 100 grams. Place the ingredients in a container; it is advisable that the container has thick walls and a bottom.
  3. After filling the container, preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Send oil into it, watch the process. Throughout the simmering, the oil will be cleared of moisture and impurities. You'll end up with a golden amber colored mass with a thin crust at the top. There will be a light golden sediment at the bottom.
  4. When you get homemade ghee of the desired color, remove the pan from the oven. The duration of heat treatment depends on the amount of original oil. For example, by 0.5 kg. composition requires 1.5 hours.
  5. Now, armed with a wooden spoon, remove the hardened top part (crust). Transfer to a small glass container. In the future, you can cook dishes from the crust.
  6. Now pass the clear oil through cheesecloth or a sieve without touching the sediment. It should remain in the pan. Allow the oil to cool (room temperature), then pour into a container suitable for storage. Seal tightly.

  1. Select a thick-bottomed pan with a volume of about 5 liters. This is enough for you to process 2 kg. butter. Make sure you have a slotted spoon, a ladle, a sieve lined with gauze, and a container for storing oil with a lid.
  2. Chop the butter into equal sized cubes. The quantity of one serving should not exceed 80 grams. Send the raw materials into the cavity of the container, do not compact them.
  3. Set the gas burner to a level between medium and minimum. Cook the oil without letting it boil. Heating must be carried out systematically.
  4. When the butter has melted, increase the heat to high. Bring the mixture to a boil and wait for bubbles to form. After this, stir the mixture and reduce the power to minimum.
  5. Leave the mixture to simmer without covering the container with a lid. Stir the contents periodically. Simmer the mixture until a stationary crust appears on the surface and sediment appears on the bottom.
  6. Remove the dry crust with a slotted spoon; you can use it for frying various dishes. Pass the oil through a sieve lined with cheesecloth. Cool at room temperature and transfer to a container for storage.

Ghee in a slow cooker

  1. To prepare melted mixture, choose butter with a fat content ratio of at least 80%. If possible, use a homemade product, you will need 1 kg.
  2. Prepare a multicooker bowl and start cutting the butter into cubes of equal size. It is better if the pieces do not exceed 70 grams. Set the multicooker to 860 watts, turn on the “Multicook” function for 5 minutes (heating temperature - 120 degrees).
  3. Wait for the moment when the butter melts and begins to bubble. You can't miss the moment of boiling. Immediately reduce the temperature to 105-110 degrees, cook for another 2 hours 45 minutes.
  4. Monitor the process throughout the cooking process. The oil should not boil, otherwise the final product will smell unpleasant. If you notice boiling, reduce the temperature to 100 degrees.
  5. The preparation of ghee is carried out in an open multi-bowl. A film will begin to accumulate at the top, which needs to be removed. After the completion signal, drain the hot oil from the sediment, cool and keep in a glass container with a lid.

Indian ghee in a slow cooker

  1. To prepare ghee using Indian technology, it is better to use a farm product that does not contain salt. The fat content ratio is at least 82%.
  2. Place 1-1.5 kg. cubed butter into a multi-bowl. You can load the container almost to the brim, leaving a distance of 7 cm. Turn on the “Bake” function for 10 minutes. This period is allotted for the complete melting of the composition and the beginning of its boiling. Intense seething should not be allowed.
  3. The melted mixture is prepared without a lid. As soon as the oil boils slightly, switch the device to the “Extinguishing” mode and set the duration to 1 hour 25 minutes. Watch for the formation of a film and remove it from the surface.
  4. Do not mix the contents. As the oil heats, it will release protein that forms as sediment at the bottom. After the specified period of time, evaluate the shade of the oil. It should be transparent amber with no visible whitish film on top. At this moment you can turn off the device.
  5. Prepare a sieve, line it with gauze, filter the oil without sediment (it remains in the multibowl). Take a dry storage container and transfer the finished product into it. Cool to 23 degrees, close and store refrigerated.
  6. In India, the sediment is not thrown away; people use it as a dressing for salads, side dishes, and first courses. The consistency of the product resembles sour cream and does not cause any particular harm to the body. As for the film, you can fry eggs or onions on it.

The benefits of ghee have been proven repeatedly. The composition has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, fights chronic constipation and gastric ailments. Wounds are lubricated with oil, and face masks are prepared with it. There are 3 main ways to prepare the product, everyone chooses an option for themselves.

Video: how to prepare ghee

Ghee (ghee) has been revered in India for centuries. In this country, its presence is considered a sign of wealth and wealth. Nevertheless, this product has rightfully earned enormous popularity among us because of its taste and healthy qualities.

Ghee at home - general principles

Ghee is not only healthy and tasty, but also very convenient. Firstly, it can be used as a regular vegetable. Secondly, this product does not burn, so it is very convenient to fry something with it. It can also be stored for a very long time - it can be stored in the refrigerator for about a year and a half - the oil will be the same as on the first day of preparation.

The product is obtained by heating regular butter. During the procedure, excess moisture, various impurities and milk elements are removed from the cream.

Ghee is extremely useful for maintaining liver health, maintaining youth and beauty, as well as restoring the body’s immunity after illness.

The procedure for preparing ghee at home is not only the process of heating it and melting it in a frying pan, but also removing the foam of the resulting milk impurities and bringing the mixture to an amber color and a characteristic nutty smell.

It is very easy to prepare ghee at home - all you need to do is buy regular butter in a supermarket or grocery market. The percentage of fat in it must be at least 70%.

Ghee at home - cook on a gas stove

Regardless of the volume, ghee at home is always obtained using the same method. The only difference is in the size of the pans for heating, the strength of the fire and the volume of containers for storing the newly received product.

One of the most popular methods of melting butter is using a gas stove. We will need the following ingredients:

Butter (for example, 2 kg);

A saucepan of approximately 5 liters, made from a mixture of heavy metals and having a thickened bottom;


Glass jar with a volume of 0.5 l;


A sieve previously lined with layers of gauze;

Container with a tight-fitting lid.

You should follow the following step-by-step instructions to make ghee at home on a gas stove:

Cut the butter into small pieces, each of which should weigh about 100 g;

Place the chopped pieces in a metal pan;

Heat the butter over medium heat, making sure that the melting process is slow;

After the butter has completely melted, turn up the heat to maximum and bring the mixture to a boil;

As soon as foam bubbles begin to form on the surface of the melted butter, you need to take a slotted spoon or a regular spoon and stir a little, reducing the heat on the gas stove to the very minimum;

We leave the mass to boil (there is no need to stir the oil or cover the pan with a lid) until the milk protein begins to settle to the bottom of the pan - the beginning of the process will be noticeable by the change in color of the protein masses from white to golden and the formation of a thin oil on the surface of almost motionless crust - almost transparent;

At the last stage of making ghee at home, pay special attention to the existing color and smell of clear butter. If a sediment that is not golden in color at the bottom of the pan forms, but is darker in color, and there is a very strong odor, this means that the oil was heated for a long time or over very high heat. In this case, it is recommended to discard the sediment, but the oil itself can be used. However, when preparing the product next time, you need to carefully monitor the strength of the fire.

Ghee at home - cooking in the oven

This method is the most optimal if you need to make a considerable amount of ghee at home. In this case, the heating procedure will be carried out practically without human intervention - since the heat in the oven surrounds the container with oil from almost all sides, and not just at the very bottom.

The size of the container depends on the initial amount of oil that will need to be melted. In any case, it is highly undesirable to fill the pan to the brim - there should be at least 8 cm of free space from the surface of the oil to the edges of the pan.

So, how is ghee prepared at home in the oven? There is the following algorithm of actions:

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees;

Take the butter and cut it into small pieces, each weighing approximately 100 g;

Place the pieces in a pre-prepared metal pan with thick walls and a thick bottom;

We leave the mass in the oven and carefully monitor the process - at the moment of heating, the product will slowly clear itself of impurities, and will eventually form into an amber-golden mixture with a thin crust on the surface and a light golden hue of sediment at the bottom;

As soon as the ghee at home is ready, remove the pan from the oven (the cooking time depends on the weight of the original product - to melt half a kilogram of butter, it will take about an hour and a half, 15 kg of butter will take about half a day);

The next step is to strain the clear oil through a sieve with gauze - pour through it as much oil as can be poured without affecting the sediment;

Scoop out the remaining oil (about 2.5 cm from the bottom of the pan) with a spoon;

Wait for the oil to cool slightly;

Pour the homemade ghee into a storage container, and after it has cooled to room temperature, cover with a tight lid;

The remaining ghee along with sediments should be poured into a small jar, into which the hardened foam has previously been poured, and used for cooking various dishes.

How to make ghee at home, flavored with cumin

The oil produced in this way will give any dish - no matter whether it is steamed, baked or eaten raw - a pleasant smell and taste. A similar flavoring agent is sesame oil, which is widely used in oriental cuisine.

But since ghee is not as heavy as sesame oil, when steamed with cumin, it can be used to impart a subtle aroma and flavor that other spices and oils cannot achieve.

Ghee at home using a seasoning such as cumin can be made either in the oven or on a gas stove, using the following ingredients for every one and a half kilograms of oil:

3 tablespoons of cumin;

6 to 8 curry leaves (if available).

Cooking method:

Take cheesecloth and wrap the appropriate seasoning in it;

Tie the gauze into a knot;

After the butter in the pan has completely melted, put cheesecloth with cumin in it;

Prepare the product according to the instructions given above for the selected method - in a gas stove or oven.

Homemade ghee made with black pepper

Using pepper will allow the dish, which is cooked in ghee, to acquire a slightly islandy taste without a sense of bitterness.

Making butter using pepper should be done with the following ingredients for every one and a half kilograms of butter:

2 tablespoons black peppercorns.

For preparation you need:

Take gauze and wrap the pepper in it;

Melt the butter in a saucepan and place a gauze knot in it;

Prepare ghee in accordance with the algorithms presented above.

Since ancient times, ghee has been considered as an exclusively healing product. Over time, the tradition of eating it began to be forgotten. Now, in connection with the widespread propaganda of the cult of a healthy lifestyle, the time has come to revive this tradition. And how good it is that anyone can prepare ghee right at home without much effort.

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Butter is one of nature's most luxurious gifts to humanity.
The most delicious butter is born where natural conditions favor man and his pets. After all, all you need to make good butter is excellent milk, a little skill and a clear conscience.

It’s a pity that natural butter is a perishable product. After all, in addition to fat, it contains water, protein and sugar in the form of lactose, which can serve as a breeding ground, including for bacteria that are not the most healthy and worsen the taste of foods.
It’s a pity that it’s not so easy to cook with natural butter: until the water evaporates, the butter sizzles and splashes, its temperature is so low that you can’t really fry it, and when there’s no water left in the butter, the proteins and sugars will soon burn.
But people have learned to separate water, proteins and sugars from milk fat, which can be stored indefinitely, and cooking with it is a pleasure, and its taste fully matches the aroma of meadow herbs and flowers that the cow ate.

The easiest way to make ghee is to put the butter on the fire and wait until the water evaporates. During this time, some of the proteins will rise to the surface along with the foam; they, of course, can be removed.
But the other part of the proteins will be held at the bottom by water that is heavier than fat. There these proteins will burn when the water evaporates, from there the breakdown products of the proteins will color the butter with the taste of burnt milk. Now do you understand why you didn’t like the taste of ghee before?
But perhaps you didn’t like it also because it wasn’t fresh butter that was heated, but slightly “sweetened” butter, which can no longer be eaten in its pure form. So to speak, they “saved the product.”
Another reason is that some people confuse ghee with once heated butter. That's right - who would like the grains that form when it hardens?

In addition, in heated oil, water, proteins and carbohydrates remain in place. Perhaps some of the bacteria die when heated, but they will inevitably start again. And cooking with such oil is the same as with butter - the same problems.
But if the oil is heated very slowly and not brought to the boiling point of water, then sooner or later it will separate into its components. Lighter fat will rise to the top, and water, proteins and carbohydrates will settle down. The slower the heating was, the longer the temperature of approximately 85C was maintained in the oil, the better the result.
How to do it? Multicookers, rice cookers, slow cookers and other kitchen appliances that can maintain the temperature in a given range for a long time will help. For example, five to six hours, if we are talking about three to four kilograms of butter. If none of the above is present, build a water bath.

And you shouldn’t mess with less! And the hassle is unjustified, and the amount of oil turned out to be offensively small. After all, even if the butter was sour, crumbled when trying to spread it on bread, tended to spoil or at least turn yellow at the edges - in a word, it behaved like the most ordinary natural product, all the same - the result is surprisingly tasty ghee.
How to separate one liquid from another? It’s very simple if you remember that when it cools, milk fat hardens faster than water. Just put the container with butter in the cold, and then take out the solid ghee. The remaining cream from the bottom of the piece can be washed off with a stream of cold water. After this, the oil must be heated again to 125C to evaporate the remaining moisture from it and remove a small amount of foam. Properly prepared ghee does not even need a refrigerator for storage.

How to make ghee, or ghee (ghee), is pure milk fat with a light nutty aroma and a pleasant caramel flavor. This oil is healthy, has a number of advantages over other cooking fats and has a long shelf life, so it can be prepared in large quantities at once. The recipe for making ghee is very simple, as you can see for yourself.

How to make ghee

Benefits of Ghee

Ghee allows you to enjoy the taste and aroma of the oil, without fear of gaining excess weight, getting cholesterol plaques and harming the cardiovascular system. Although ghee contains not only monounsaturated fatty acids, but also saturated ones, there is just enough of the latter to support immunity, bone and nerve health, and the functioning of brain cells. Ghee is free of hydrogenated and trans fats, rich in vitamins A, D, E and K. In addition, it has a high melting point (251 degrees), making it an ideal oil for cooking. When frozen, ghee does not become grainy, but remains even and smooth. An important fact is that ghee is suitable for people with lactose intolerance, since lactose-containing particles are eliminated from it. Ghee is often used even externally, lubricating dry, irritated skin.

According to Ayurveda, ghee has a rejuvenating effect; in addition, it can heal wounds, some chronic diseases, promote joint flexibility and mental alertness

Ways to get ghee

Ghee is known in many countries around the world. It was made in Rus', India is famous for it. They also burned oil in other countries, for example, Pakistan and Uganda, Ethiopia and Egypt, Brazil and Morocco. You don't need butter to make ghee. A useful product is also obtained from milk or cream, and dairy products can be obtained from goats, buffalos, and sheep. The milk (cream) is left to ferment, and then the resulting curd mass is melted. This method is more typical for ghee made in African countries. In Morocco, various spices are always added to homemade ghee, and then the vessel with the finished product is buried in the ground and left for several months.

In Rus', oil was heated in clay pots, placed in a cooling Russian oven, and then filtered. When stoves fell out of widespread use, they came up with a method that was later outlined by E. Molokhovets in her famous cookbook. According to it, the oil was slowly heated with water (for 1 kilogram of oil, 10 glasses of water), allowed to harden, then the water was released, the oil was heated again and mixed, cooled again - and so on until the water that was drained from the ghee became completely transparent.

How to make ghee

To melt 1 kilogram of unsalted butter, you will need:

  • a wide saucepan with a thick bottom (best with a diameter of 20 cm)
  • metal funnel
  • clean gauze
  • wooden spoon
  • glass vessel with a tight lid
To get delicious ghee, you need to buy natural unsalted sweet cream butter 82% fat for the base

Cut the butter into cubes with a side of 4–5 centimeters and place in a dry, clean pan. Start heating the oil over medium heat. Leave the butter undisturbed for the first 8-10 minutes while the butter melts, then start stirring with a wooden spoon and stir every minute for 5 minutes. About 15-18 minutes after you start cooking, the oil will begin to boil. Boil it for about 7-10 minutes, stirring every now and then.

After about 30 minutes from the start of cooking, the oil mixture will begin to quietly gurgle and smell like real ghee - nuts, and white solid particles similar to milk powder will collect on its surface. Continue stirring and watch the color change. When the ghee turns a beautiful orange color and the solids are soft brown and tiny bubbles appear on the surface every now and then, it is time to strain the oil. The whole process will take about 45 minutes. Fold the cheesecloth in several layers and place it in a funnel set on a glass container (a jam jar with a “clasp” is ideal) and drain the melted butter. You will have pure ghee in the jar, and milk sugar and protein in the gauze. Let the ghee cool and cover with a lid. Ghee can be stored in the refrigerator for a year and will remain solid for quite a long time at room temperature.

Some cooks advise starting to skim off the solids a little at a time before straining. If you wish, you can do the same

Ghee recipe: video master class

For experienced cooks, the question of how to melt butter will most likely make you smile, since there is nothing complicated in the heating process. But, in addition to experienced chefs, there are also beginners who are taking their first steps, mastering the intricacies of cooking. For beginner cooks, it is important to understand that there is ghee and there is melted butter. The oil is the same, but the process and result of preparation are different.

Ghee is oil that is ready to use, and melted butter is a product necessary for baking in cooking.

There are several ways to melt butter. Take the amount of butter you need for your dish (to make the process go faster, divide it into small pieces) and choose the method that is most convenient for you from those listed below.

  1. Over the fire. Place the oil in an iron pan (ladle, Turk) with a small bottom. The smaller the diameter of the bottom of the container, the better - the oil will not spread and burn. Adjust the stove burner so that the fire is low, bring the ladle to it, but do not place it on the stove grate. Hold the ladle suspended over the fire while stirring the butter with a fork or spoon. The oil should not boil, otherwise it will lose all its beneficial properties. At the first sign of boiling, move the ladle away from the fire. So, stirring and alternately bringing the ladle closer to the fire and then moving it away from it, you will melt all the butter.
  2. In a steam bath. Pour water into a saucepan (a small amount is enough) and bring it to a boil. Place a wire rack on the pan, on top of which place a container of butter (finely chopped). The steam from the boiling water will heat the container of oil and melt it. Just remember to stir constantly. This process is not fast, but the butter, when melted over steam, is guaranteed not to boil.
  3. In a water bath. The process of melting in a water bath is similar to a steam bath. The only difference is that the container with oil is not steamed, but in boiling water. Boil water in a deep frying pan or any other container whose bottom diameter is larger than the container with oil. Place the container in the water and stir the butter until it completely melts.
  4. In the microwave. The process of melting butter can be a matter of minutes if you have a microwave in your kitchen. In this case, you only need a microwave-safe container, a special lid (to avoid splashing the oven) and the oil itself. Place the butter cut into pieces into a special container, put it in the oven, close the lid, set the time for 10-15 seconds and get melted butter. You can melt the butter in different modes: in the heating mode (10-15 seconds) and in the defrosting mode (from 2 to 2.5 minutes). Cooks advise using the defrost mode, this way the oil retains more of its beneficial properties.
And one more little secret - if the melted butter needs to be cooled quickly, add a few tablespoons of milk to it. In this case, the oil will not harden.