How to prepare compote from dried apples. Dried apple compote

Drying fruit is a great way to prepare food for future use while preserving a huge amount of vitamins. Below you will find recipes for making compote from

How to cook compote from dried apples?


  • dried apples – 2 cups;
  • sugar – 240 g;
  • water – 3 l;
  • cinnamon (stick) – 1 pc.;
  • raisins – 100 g.


We wash the dried fruits, then add water and bring to a boil, then add sugar and cook for about 15 minutes over low heat. When the compote is almost ready, add cinnamon and let it brew under the lid for about 1 hour. The compote can be cooled before serving, or you can serve it along with dried fruits.

Compote of rhubarb and dried apples


  • dry apples – 200 g;
  • rhubarb stems – 250 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • water – 2 l;


Wash the apples well, place them in an enamel saucepan, add water and cook until boiling. Then turn the heat down to a little less than medium and cook the compote under the lid for another 10 minutes. After this, put the rhubarb stems, cut into pieces, into the compote, add sugar, add cloves and cook the compote over the same low heat for about 20 minutes. Then let the compote brew under the lid.

Dry apple compote for babies


  • dried apples – 30 g;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • fructose.


Ideally, apples need those that have been dried in the oven. First soak them in warm water, and when they swell, rinse them thoroughly. After this, pour in boiling water and cook the compote for about 15 minutes over low heat. Then cover it with a lid and let it brew. Next, strain the compote through a strainer and, if necessary, sweeten it with fructose, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Using fructose for babies is preferable to using sugar. In general, it is better to give children compote without sweeteners - the child will quite like the taste of a natural product, and the sweetness that is in apples will be quite enough.

Dried apple compote- This is a universal finish to any dinner. It will appeal to both kids and adults. You can cook this compote in a variety of ways. As a result, you will get a delicate drink with a delicate taste and delicate aroma. Apple compote is perfect for cool winter and autumn days.

Compote from dry apples: recipes.

Recipe No. 1.


Apples – 320 g
- water – 2 liters
- sugar – 220 g
- lemon – 1.2 pieces


1. Sort the dried apples, rinse them, place the fruits in a saucepan and cover with cool water.
2. Bring the liquid to a boil, reduce heat, add sugar, and simmer until the apples soften.
3. Squeeze lemon juice into the finished compote and serve warm or chilled.

Prepare too!

Fruit compote. Recipe No. 2.


Dried fruit mixture – 420 g
- sugar – 200 g
- water – 2.5 liters
- allspice
- carnation


1. Sort the fruits, wash them thoroughly, place them in a saucepan, add cold water, sugar, and simmer over moderate heat until the fruits soften.
2. In order to give the compote a piquant taste, add allspice and dry cloves to it.

It also turns out very tasty

Recipe No. 3.


Dried apples – 255 g
- dried strawberries or wild strawberries – 155 g
- water - a couple of liters
- sugar – 155 g


1. Wash the strawberries and apples.
2. Place the apples in a saucepan, add cold water, and cook over moderate heat.
3. Add sugar, bringing the fruit until partially cooked.
4. Pour in the strawberries.
5. Serve the compote warm with the addition of berries.

Recipe No. 4.


Dried apples – 355 g
- water - a couple of liters
- light raisins – 120 g
- brown sugar – 220 g
- cinnamon stick


1. Place the prepared fruits in a saucepan, add light raisins, add cold water, and boil.
2. Reduce heat, add a few cloves and a cinnamon stick, cook until the apples are tender.
3. Add brown sugar, stir, cook for another two minutes, remove from heat. If desired, you can add a tablespoon of cognac.

As you can see, dried apple compote can be very diverse. You can add cinnamon, raisins, dried apricots, lemon and orange juice to apples. All these products will significantly improve its taste.

Fragrant, moderately sweet, with a pleasant delicate sourness, apple compote is good both hot and chilled. Moreover, the drink made from dried fruit has a richer taste.

If desired, you can add orange or lemon zest, cardamom, star anise, and cinnamon to the apple compote. Spices are added to the drink during the boiling process. Then it is infused, filtered and served.


  • dried apples – 250 g;
  • granulated sugar – 5 tbsp;
  • water – 2 l.


Before cooking, sort out the dried apples and sort out the spoiled slices. Then rinse the fruits in slightly warm water. Do this with special care, especially if the drying is not homemade, but purchased in a store or market. After all, it is unknown under what conditions the fruits were dried.

Then place the dried fruits in the pan in which you will cook the compote, and fill them with drinking cold water so that the liquid completely covers the fruit slices. Leave the apples to infuse for 4-6 hours (overnight is possible).

Typically, dry fruits take longer to cook than fresh ones. How long does it take to cook dried apple compote? As you know, prolonged heat treatment destroys almost all vitamins. Therefore, to get the most healthy drink possible, just bring the apple infusion to a boil over low heat, then add sugar, and hold for 10 minutes over low heat on the stove with the lid closed.

Before use, dried fruit compote must be left to steep for at least an hour, but in general, the longer, the better. Then they will give the broth as much flavor and aroma as possible.

  1. To improve the taste, you can add lemon slices, a sprig of mint or lemon balm, a cinnamon stick or vanilla sugar to the compote.
  2. For variety, dried apples can be mixed with frozen or fresh fruits and berries.
  3. The drink will be even healthier if you add honey instead of sugar.
  4. Be sure to provide dried fruits with the correct storage conditions - in a dry cabinet (with minimal air humidity).
  5. In addition to the classic recipe discussed, you can cook compote from dried apples with various additives. Good combinations would be the following:
  • prunes, raisins and cinnamon;
  • dried pears;
  • figs, dried apricots, cloves, lemon zest, cinnamon;
  • rosehip and cinnamon;
  • frozen raspberries or strawberries;
  • dried cherries and plums.

Benefits of dried apple compote

Dried apples are of great benefit to the human body. Even doctors who rarely recognize traditional medicine treat this product with respect and strongly recommend including dried apples in the daily diet for people suffering from vitamin deficiency, those with low hemoglobin, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

As apple slices dry, their content of indigestible fiber and pectin increases. These two components provide the body with an invaluable service. They form a jelly-like mass inside us, which concentrates all the worst that is inside a person (toxins, waste, decay products) and brings it out.

Also, dried apples increase the amount of potassium; they are a good diuretic product. The compote of their dried apples will help remove excess fluid from the body and, accordingly, reduce swelling.

I would like to warn you! Since when drying apples, water leaves them, as they dry, the amount of all useful elements per unit of specific gravity increases sharply. This is, of course, wonderful. But in the same way, the number of calories in dried apples increases many times over. 100 g of product contains about 250 kcal. Therefore, for those who are planning to go on a diet or a fasting day, dried apples are in no way suitable, and it is better to cook compote from them without sugar.

It’s quite simple to please all family members - for this you can prepare compote from dried apples.


Dried apple compote has long become an obligatory component of children's menus - people are usually introduced to this drink at a fairly early age. This tasty drink is definitely included in the diet of preschool children, but not only kids, but also adults drink this drink with great pleasure.

The undoubted advantage of apple compote is that it can be prepared at any time of the year., because this requires a minimum of necessary products. This drink is also quite inexpensive. Dried apples, harvested in season, usually store well and retain all their beneficial properties for many months.

To make apple compote, you need good quality apples. Spoiled apples can harm the body and even contribute to the development of food poisoning. That is why, before preparing compote, you should carefully examine the dried fruits for traces of rot.

You can make compote from fresh apples, but many people like the taste of the drink when it is made from dried fruits. They believe that such a drink has a slightly different taste. Also, when preparing apple compote, you can add other additional aromatic additives to it - cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise and other spices. This will give the finished drink a new taste and unique aroma.

Composition and calorie content

The nutritional value of the drink can vary significantly. In many ways, the calorie content of apple compote is determined by how many apples and sugar were used to prepare the drink; the type of apple also matters. The more carbohydrates contained in dried fruits, the more calories there will be in the finished compote.

The BJU of apple compote is determined mainly by the apples that were used to prepare the drink. So, on average, 100 grams of apples contain 2.1 grams of vegetable proteins, 0.1 grams of fat and about 60 grams of carbohydrates. If sweeter fruits were chosen to prepare the compote, the natural sugar content will be higher. Calorie content of 100 grams of dried apples is 260 kcal.

Dried apples can be called a storehouse of vitamins.

Among the substances necessary for the body, they contain the following:

  • a nicotinic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • vitamin A;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium.

Natural sugars are one of the main components of dried fruits. Thus, their content is more than 10% of the mass of dried fruits. The presence of natural sugars determines the sweet taste of apple compote.

Beneficial features

It is believed that if a child drinks apple compote regularly, he will not get sick. The fact is that this drink has an antibacterial effect. It contains natural components that help fight viruses and bacteria that cause many dangerous diseases. If you drink apple compote systematically, you can strengthen your immune system, since the drink contains substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system.

The health benefits of consuming this compote are great. Dried fruits are a natural source of chemicals that can equalize the acid-base balance in the human body. Consumption of apple compote has a positive effect on kidney function. This drink also helps to remove from the body unnecessary metabolites that are formed during the body’s vital functions.

During illness, various toxins accumulate in the body, and harmful substances in this case appear both in the body cells of the baby and in an adult - his nursing mother. In order to remove them from the body, a sufficient amount of fluid is required. Doctors recommend drinking warm compotes, including apple compote. This will help the body quickly cope with the consequences of infectious intoxication.

The chemical composition of dried apples also contains pectin. This substance is necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines. Scientists have found that this component is able to restore the motor function of the colon. This biological effect contributes to the fact that stool becomes regular and the intestinal microflora improves.

Dried apples contain dietary fiber, which also affects intestinal contractions. In order to improve digestion processes, a person needs to consume a sufficient amount of fruit. Apple compote can be an excellent option for replenishing the body's physiological need for dietary fiber. It should be noted that to improve intestinal function, it is necessary not only to drink the liquid from the compote, but also to eat boiled apples.

Many mothers of babies are familiar with the problem when the baby flatly refuses to eat fruit. Typically, such resistance leads to the child having difficulty with regular bowel movements. Eating apple compote can help solve this problem. In order for your baby to quickly get used to drinking such a drink, you can turn the process of drinking compote into an exciting game.

Apple compote is an excellent dessert for people who are watching their figure or are in the process of normalizing weight. Many diets exclude the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, but following such weight loss systems is quite difficult. You can treat yourself with apple compote, but you should not add sugar when preparing it. It is better to choose sweet apples, but do not additionally sweeten the drink. In this case, the calorie content of the drink will not be increased due to the calories contained in sugar.

We also note that a person who wants to quickly achieve the desired weight should not drink apple compote in large quantities. A couple of glasses a day instead of dessert will help you bring your weight back to normal faster.


Apple compote is a fairly safe drink, but in some cases, taking it can cause harm to a person. This is manifested by the fact that after consuming apple compote, adverse symptoms appear. Also, in some people, taking this drink can provoke the development of exacerbation of certain diseases that have a chronic course.

Doctors do not advise patients to consume apple compote during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. Dried apples are rich in natural acids, and these substances can increase pain during an exacerbation of an ulcer. You can drink apple compote after the inflammatory process begins to subside.

Also, diabetics who are forced to monitor their blood glucose levels for life should not abuse apple compote, because drinking the drink can cause a rise in glucose concentration. In case of uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus, this is very dangerous, as it can even provoke the development of hyperglycemic coma.

People who are obese and forced to stick to a diet should include sweet apple drinks in their menu only after visiting a nutritionist. The doctor will evaluate the possibility of adding such a drink to the diet, and will also make individual recommendations on how much apple compote a particular person on a diet can drink.

Allergy or individual intolerance to apples is a contraindication for taking apple compote. In this case, drinking a sweet drink is fraught with the development of very dangerous conditions that may even require immediate medical attention and possible hospitalization.

People who are unsure whether they can drink apple compote for health reasons should first discuss this with their doctor. The doctor will be able to assess the current state of the body and dispel doubts regarding the possibility of drinking apple drink.

How to dry?

Apples have been used by people for drying for many centuries. These fruits are so loved by the people that they tried to dry them well and preserve them for the whole winter. If necessary, you could take a small portion of apples and use them to prepare a delicious compote.

Many years ago, fruit could only be dried in the usual way - in the open air. This drying method is still occasionally used. Drying apples in this way is quite simple, but first you need to decide what type of fruit you need to use for drying. Many people advise choosing sweeter varieties - in this case, the dried fruits will be more aromatic and sweet.

For drying, you should choose fruits that do not show signs of spoilage. Rotten fruits tend to dry poorly, especially naturally. Also, such fruits have a significantly reduced shelf life.

After all the apples have been selected, they need to be washed well and cut into slices. You can also dry the fruits by cutting them into slices. The thinner the apples are cut, the faster they will dry.

The juicier the fruit, the longer it can take to dry. During drying, most of the natural moisture from the fruit evaporates, and this leads to the fact that the dried fruit loses some weight. Thus, the weight of dried fruits ready after drying is always less than the weight of the apples that were used to make them.

It takes several days for the fruit to dry well. It all depends on the conditions under which drying occurs. Ambient humidity and ambient temperature affect the rate of evaporation of natural moisture from cut fruits. That is why lovers of dried apple fruits recommend drying apples in warm and fairly dry weather. Thus, the fruits will dry out more quickly and turn into dried fruits.

Modern housewives have in their home arsenal quite a lot of useful technical devices that significantly simplify life. Using them, making dried apples is a fairly simple task. So, you can prepare this delicious dessert using a microwave, electric dryer or even a regular oven.

When using technical devices, the cooking time for dried apples is noticeably reduced. So, dried fruits, when cooked in the oven, will be ready, as a rule, in 5-7 hours. Apples should be dried at a relatively low temperature - up to 60 degrees. In this case, the fruits dry well, but cannot burn.

After the dried apples are ready, they should be transferred to a container where they will be stored. If necessary, you can take a small amount of fruit and use it to prepare a delicious compote.

How to cook?

Making a delicious compote from dried apples is quite simple. The classic recipe for making apple compote at home includes only three products: apples, water and sugar. The remaining additives serve only as an addition to the main, traditional method of preparing the aromatic drink.

Dried apple compote can be prepared without sugar. This is good news - it can be drunk by both those losing weight and people suffering from diabetes. A fragrant compote can easily replace harmful and expensive juices and soda from the store. And if you have one, it is not necessary to roll up apple compote for the winter. At any time, you can brew as much of a delicious, refreshing drink as you want without using jars and a seaming wrench. It's convenient, you'll agree.

The recipe for compote made from dried apples is the simplest. He is also my favorite. If you wish, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, star anise, cloves or mint. These spices are added to the broth a few minutes before the end of cooking. But if you are making compote for the whole family, make sure that no one in the household is an opponent of spices. Otherwise, you know how it happens - they will later say that they would drink it if it weren’t for cinnamon or star anise. And you will have to drink 4 liters of compote yourself :)


  • 3 liters of water;
  • 500 grams of dried apples;
  • sugar to taste.


Sort the dried apples, select only the highest quality fruits. For a tasty, rich compote, 150 grams of fruit is enough. If you don’t have dried apples, this can be quickly fixed. Cut fresh apples into slices and dry them in the microwave or oven.

Pour cold water over the fruit until it completely covers the apple slices. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Place the swollen fruit in a saucepan of clean (filtered) cold water, cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes.

Cook the compote over low heat, then the drink will retain the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Also note that compote made from dried apples takes twice as long to cook than compote made from fresh fruit. Add sugar to the compote, mix thoroughly and leave to simmer over low heat for another 10 minutes. Some housewives prefer to use honey instead of sugar, but then it is added after the pan with compote has been removed from the heat.

Remove the finished compote from the stove and let it brew under the lid for about 30 minutes. During this time, the apples will completely give up their aroma and taste to the liquid. The drink will become rich, fragrant, with a pleasant light sourness. Strain the cooled, infused dried apple compote, fill the carafe with it and serve.

Finally, I will say that I almost never make a drink using only apples. I prefer a mix of dried apples and pears. Just like in the photo.