How to cook diet chicken soup. Tasty and healthy - prepare dietary chicken soup

The concept of beauty of a female body is closely related to impeccable health and the absence of excess weight. Poultry and vegetables are ideal for body shaping. Light fat-burning soup with chicken breast “Your Diet” has high nutritional value and helps get rid of hunger and overeating.

Traditional chicken soup for weight loss

Dietary properties of the first course

The undeniable benefit of chicken fillet lies in its low fat content and low calorie content. It is reliably known that the calorie content of a 100-gram serving of this product is about 110 kcal. Please note that this meat does not contain cholesterol. At the same time, the first chicken-based dish is filled with an extensive range of substances beneficial to the human body - vitamins, amino acids, minerals.

The healing properties of chicken soup

A delicious chicken breast dish is called “Your Diet”, but can be used both for weight loss and for restoring health and preventing gastrointestinal diseases. It is believed that eating such food contributes to the successful treatment of ulcers and gastritis. A food system that includes light first courses with chicken strengthens the immune system.

How to properly cook and eat chicken?

We recommend consuming chicken breast along with vegetables and always stick to small portions in your diet. Remember that poultry is consumed exclusively in skinless diets. The fact is that the skin of chickens contains fats, and possibly substances injected into the bird to increase carcass weight. It should be noted that dietary dishes should not contain salt; in extreme cases, they are added with just a little salt. To improve the taste of dishes, use soy sauce. Diet recipes should not contain fried foods, only steamed foods. In order for the diet to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to adhere to the correct drinking regime, namely drink about 2 liters of pure water daily.

A proper diet involves consuming 4 medium servings of chicken soup per day, other foods should be kept to a minimum or eliminated.

Duration of the chicken broth diet

It is advisable to eat chicken soup for 5 days. For everyone who wants to prevent gastrointestinal diseases and create protection from excess weight in the future, it is permissible to extend the nutrition system for 2 weeks.

Fat burning soup with chicken breast: tasty, nutritious, dietary, everyday first course for the whole family

Chicken Fat Burning Soup Recipe

Description and proportions of dietary soup ingredients

We present to your attention a brief overview of the products that together form a delicious fat-burning chicken breast soup “Your Diet”:

Chicken bouillon

Chicken broth is indispensable for combating excess weight and suppressing hyperappetite, improves digestion, has a low calorie content, and has a good effect on the gastric mucosa (an arbitrary volume of purified water is used as a liquid base).

Chicken fillet

Chicken fillet is a high-quality and affordable source of valuable protein that helps preserve muscle mass and quickly normalize your figure (one whole chicken breast, freed from the skin, will go into the soup).


Carrots are rich in coarse dietary fiber, give a feeling of satiety, supply the body with a lot of vitamins and microelements, and are well suited for diets (for soup you will need 2 carrots).


Potatoes are a safe source of starch, an optimal product for the diet, have many vitamins, and are perfectly filling (you only need 1 potato).


Onions are a low-calorie cleansing product that helps get rid of excess fat and remove harmful substances (put half an onion in the soup).


Cabbage - the kohlrabi variety contains a range of useful minerals, contains vitamins important for health, is welcomed by nutritionists, is safe for weight loss, and is used in reputable nutrition systems (kohlrabi cabbage is taken in a volume of 300 grams).


Parsley - normalizes fat metabolism, helps suppress hunger, removes harmful substances, speeds up metabolism (you will need a bunch of fresh herbs).


Dill also has a hunger-quenching effect, helps cleanse the intestines, and prevents the creation of excess fat (prepare a medium bunch of dill).


Garlic - helps break down fats, known as a fat burner plant (put the desired amount of garlic in the soup).


Tomato is a powerful source of valuable vitamin A, a low-calorie product, and maintains carbohydrate balance (3 tomatoes are enough).


Black pepper is a useful ground seasoning for dietary soup; it has a positive effect on metabolism.

Basil greens

Fresh or dry basil - predisposes to the removal of excess fluid, combines harmoniously with garlic, supports fat burning (you can put any amount of basil in the dish).

The process of preparing dietary chicken soup

First, boil the breast in water. A minimum amount of salt may be added. Lay out the meat. Chop the food, namely potatoes, carrots, kohlrabi, tomatoes, onions, put it all in the broth, continue cooking for about 25 minutes. Season the dish with garlic, parsley, dill, pepper, and basil. Cook the dish for another 10 minutes, then stop heating, and at the end add the chopped fillet.

A completely safe diet with chicken breast helps you quickly feel full and improve your well-being. Judging by the reviews of real people, it is possible to lose 5-7 kilograms. Authoritative nutritionists, known throughout the world, recommend chicken soup to people with excess weight and obesity.

During a diet, it is very important that the diet is complete and varied. Be sure to include soups in your diet. With a well-designed menu, a person does not feel hungry between meals. Diet meals should be satisfying, but at the same time easy to digest. Soups are often cooked with chicken broth. For dietary nutrition, it is best to choose recipes that combine chicken meat and vegetables.


Water – 2-2.5 l
Chicken meat – 500-600 g
Potatoes – 2-3 pcs.
Broccoli – 500 g
Onions – 1 pc.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
Salt, pepper - to taste
Bay leaf – 2-3 leaves
Natural herbal seasonings - to taste
Dill, parsley

Cooking method:

    For dietary chicken soup, you can use any part of the chicken. You can, for example, take two thighs, or one thigh and half a breast. The least fatty soup will be obtained if you use only the breast for this soup. Wash the chicken, remove the skin, trim off the fat, if any. Place the meat in a saucepan, cover with cold drinking or filtered water and put on fire. After the water boils, cook the broth for 20 minutes, periodically skimming off any foam that forms.

    While the chicken is cooking, prepare the vegetables. Clean and wash them. Cut the potatoes into cubes or cubes, cut the carrots and onions into smaller pieces, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. To prepare dietary soups, you can take frozen broccoli, but it is better to use fresh vegetables. The taste of this soup is more interesting and rich. Wash the head of broccoli thoroughly and separate it into small florets.

    In dietary soups, you should not use frying; it is better to add onions and carrots raw or sautéed. Many people don't like boiled onions. If you are using raw vegetables, you can add a whole, peeled onion to the soup, cook it for 10 minutes, and then remove it. This way, the soup will acquire a characteristic taste, but the onion itself will not stick to your teeth. To sauté, heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and place finely chopped onions and carrots in it. Fry over low heat for two minutes, avoiding the formation of a crust. Add a little water and simmer for a few more minutes until the vegetables soften.

    When the chicken is cooked, remove it from the broth. If you are using chicken with bones, you will need to remove them, shred the meat and place it back into the broth. Place the potatoes into the boiling broth. Wait for the soup to boil again, and after 10 minutes, add the broccoli, onions and carrots. Add salt, pepper, seasonings, bay leaf, cook for another 5-7 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the soup sit for 10 minutes. Serve with finely chopped herbs.

    Tip: when serving dietary soups with chicken broth, you can add half a boiled egg. This will not only make the soup taste more interesting, but will also increase its protein content and make it more filling.

Dietary chicken soup is very popular and loved throughout Russia and the CIS countries; it will not only fill you with energy and a great mood for the whole day, but will also help you get rid of a couple of annoying kilograms!

It is about this dish that one can say - eat and lose weight! After all, chicken meat is an excellent source of proteins, amino acids and even phosphorus! And all this with very little calories.

However, not all recipes for this healthy soup will be considered dietary. It is worth considering that dietary chicken soup should not contain flour products (pasta, noodles, etc.), chicken skin (it contains a lot of fat), and you should not use a lot of salt, which is known to be has the property of retaining water in our body.

Another very important factor is the chicken breast; it is this part that has the lowest calorie content in chicken, unlike the legs, and does not contain as much cholesterol.

Chicken Soup Recipes

Today, thousands of different recipes for preparing delicious dietary chicken soups are available to us. These recipes are not only easy to prepare, but also quite economical.

Chicken breast and vegetable soup

The soup has a very delicate taste and is enriched with useful microelements and vitamins. Your whole family will definitely appreciate it!

  • chicken - 0.5 kg
  • zucchini – 2 pcs.
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • broccoli - small head
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • celery - ? from the head
  • onion - leek - 1 pc.
  • greenery
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • spices.

Cooking method

  1. Wash the celery and carrots and cut into small cubes (the soup will turn out transparent, they will look very beautiful in it)
  2. Pre-wash the chicken breast and dry it. Cut it into small cubes. Then place the chicken in a saucepan and let it boil, then add salt and add carrots and celery. Cook for 15 minutes without covering.
  3. Chop the onion and broccoli, and chop the zucchini and potatoes.
  4. Place all remaining ingredients in a saucepan and place it all over low heat. Stirring, cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Chop the greens as finely as possible, add to the pan, and leave the soup for about 5-10 minutes, then it will really be ready. And then enjoy the aromatic and healthy dish.

Ratatouille with tender chicken

To prepare this soup you will need:

  • chicken – 400 g
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • celery - 1/2 pcs.
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • spices (to taste).

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water over the chicken - 500 ml. Boil chicken broth, add spices. , And then let it cool and chill in the refrigerator.
  2. To peel a tomato, you need to scald it with boiling water, after which the tomato will peel easily. Cut the peeled tomato into cubes and place in the pan.
  3. Chop the potatoes, carrots and celery and put it all in the water.
  4. Lastly, peel the bell pepper, chop it and put it in a saucepan. Cook for 20 minutes.
  5. At the end, season the ratatouille with herbs and enjoy the magical aroma.

Carrot soup with champignons

To prepare you will need

  • celery – 200 g
  • chicken – 500 g
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • garlic – 2 cloves.
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • olive oil – a teaspoon.
  • champignons – 250 g
  • basil – 20 g
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.

Cooking method

  1. Cooking chicken broth
  2. Then, after 35 minutes, add finely chopped onion and celery, as well as potatoes and carrots, to the broth.
  3. You need to cook this soup over low heat, covering it with a lid.
  4. Cut the champignons into thin slices and fry in a frying pan (about 2 minutes).
  5. After frying, add the mushrooms to the pan with the remaining ingredients and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Season our wonderful soup with basil and let it brew for a while.

Chicken soup (plain)

This soup is not only suitable for dietary nutrition, it is perfect for unloading the body after the holidays!

For the soup:

  • chicken breast – 200 gr.
  • potatoes – 1 pc.
  • cabbage – 50 gr.
  • green vegetables – 50 gr.
  • carrots – 50 gr.
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • onion – 1 head.
  • herbs and spices to taste.

To prepare:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice into a small plate, add a pinch of sugar, and leave to brew.
  2. Fill the chicken breast with half a liter of cold water, add a small onion and carrot.
  3. Instead of a bay leaf, we take sage and wrap it in gauze. And we put it all on the stove.
  4. After the water has boiled, reduce the heat and leave the broth to simmer for about half an hour. Add lemon juice.
  5. During this time, cut the potatoes into strips and rinse them under cold water. Shred a leaf of cabbage and add Brussels sprouts and broccoli (or any other green vegetables). We also cut carrots.
  6. We put the potatoes into our broth, and after about five minutes we put all the other vegetables.
  7. We wait a couple of minutes and the soup is ready! Bon appetit!

Lemon juice plays an important role here; it does not add acid to the soup, but has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It speeds up metabolism and replenishes vitamin C reserves.

You can't do without hot soup. It warms you in winter, gives you strength in summer, and is very good for the stomach.

When cooking any meat soups, you need to follow some rules.

The meat is placed only in cold water, as it draws out the meat juice when heated. Hot water helps to quickly close the pores in the meat.

Do not add salt to the broth before removing the foam, but add a little salt after boiling. It is better to add salt at the end of cooking. The broth will be clear if it is simmered over low heat after boiling. If desired, add onions or roots to the broth to add color to the future soup.

Chicken soup is considered dietary. It is lighter compared to Weakened patients are recommended to use chicken broth and chicken soup as a therapeutic diet.

Soup? There are a lot of recipes. Chicken goes well with a variety of foods. You can make chicken soup with potatoes, or you can make it with any cereal filling (rice, pearl barley, millet), with pasta or vegetables. It’s good to have several types of chicken seasoning at home. Based on this, the housewife can dream up and create her own unique recipe. Here are some examples.

Chicken soup with rice recipe.

Cut ½ of the chicken into pieces, cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and cook for an hour. Cut 2 potatoes into cubes and add to the broth. Rinse 100 g of rice and add to soup. Prepare frying in a frying pan. To do this, grate 1 carrot, finely chop 2 onions, cut 1 bell pepper into strips. Fry the vegetables in oil (vegetable or melted), add to the broth. A few minutes before the end of cooking, pour ½ cup into the broth and add spices. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and remove from heat.

Chicken onion soup recipe.

From 400 g broth. Chop 4 onions and fry in 2 tablespoons of butter until golden brown. Add 1 tablespoon of flour, and then lower the onion sauce into the broth. Season the soup with bay leaf. Sprinkle grated cheese and chopped herbs directly onto a plate.

Chicken cabbage soup recipe.

Prepare chicken broth from 600 g of poultry, and cook the whole carrots in it. Cut 4 potatoes into cubes and place in a saucepan. Peel ½ kg of tomatoes and then mash in a cup. Stew tomatoes and onions (2 pcs) in butter and broth (½ cup). Finely chop fresh cabbage (¼ fork) and add to the broth. After 10 minutes, add tomatoes, salt and pepper, add bay leaf and chopped herbs. Before serving, season the soup with sour cream.

Creamy chicken soup recipe.

Boil the wings, necks, and legs of the bird. In a frying pan you need to fry chicken liver (about 150-200 g) with 1 onion in butter. Add 2/3 cup of broth to the pan and simmer over low heat. Pass the contents of the frying pan through a meat grinder and mix with 1 glass of milk. Slowly pour the resulting mixture into the broth, stirring constantly. Once boiling, add spices, salt and beaten egg yolk to half a glass of broth. The soup can be served with herbs and white croutons.

Recipe for chicken soup with vegetables.

Boil chicken legs (400 g), strain the broth. Remove the chicken meat, remove the bones, and cut into large pieces. Cut one medium carrot into strips, finely chop two onions, cut two small bell peppers into strips, grate one small zucchini. Lower the vegetables into the broth one by one: carrots, onions, peppers, zucchini. At the end of cooking, add chicken spices, green dill, drain the chicken pieces, and coarsely chopped boiled egg. In a bowl, sprinkle chicken soup with finely chopped green onions.

If you want to make this soup more hearty, add 1 spoon of small vermicelli.

Dietary chicken breast soup can often be found in many government agencies. It is served in hospitals, kindergartens and schools.

The benefits of chicken broth have been known for a long time, and it is widely used in the rehabilitation of patients after surgical interventions, for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and colds.

In addition, a lady who counts calories and watches her figure would not be ashamed to eat such a soup. Chicken breast meat is one of the leanest meats; when cooked, the broth turns out to be almost transparent, free of fat, but still tasty.

Thanks to all sorts of combinations with the other components of the dish, the soup can turn out unique every time, inimitable in taste, but still invariably healthy.

The soup may include vegetables, pasta, herbs and cereals. To preserve the dietary content, it is recommended to only boil all the components, but sometimes you can indulge yourself in the form of frying them in vegetable oil to make the taste more rich.

To prevent the chicken breast from becoming dry during the cooking process, add salt shortly before cooking.

How to prepare dietary chicken breast soup - 15 varieties

A light soup with the addition of small vermicelli, popularly called “spider web”.


  • Chicken breast - 500 g
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vermicelli - 50 g
  • Spices, herbs - to taste


Place carrots, onions and meat into an empty pan. You can add bay leaf and other spices if desired.

Boil the broth. Once cooked, remove the vegetables and chicken. Disassemble or cut the meat and put it back into the broth.

Add diced carrots and potatoes there. Add vermicelli five minutes before turning off.

Meat tastes better when cooked in large pieces rather than in small pieces. That is why it is better to boil broths in whole parts, and after cooking, cut them and pour them back into the pan.

Soup using buckwheat, which has a unique flavor and imparts it to the entire soup. Buckwheat is also very dietary, but at the same time full of useful microelements.


  • Chicken breast - 200 g
  • Buckwheat (cereal) - 50 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Boil the broth. At this time, fry the buckwheat in a dry frying pan for three minutes.

Transfer it to the broth and cook for another 10 minutes. Dice the carrots and onions and add them to the pan.

After two minutes, add the pepper pieces and chopped tomatoes.

To get a delicious, rich broth, place the meat in cold water. If you are more interested in the taste of meat, go hot.

Soup filled with vegetables to the fullest. The unusual combination of mushrooms and two types of cabbage will certainly be appreciated by lovers of healthy cuisine.


  • Chicken breast - 400 g
  • Mushrooms (champignons) - 100 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Broccoli - 50 g
  • Cauliflower - 50 g
  • Spices - to taste


Boil chicken broth from whole breasts. Cut the onion into cubes.

Cut both cabbages into florets. Place everything in a saucepan for about five minutes.

At this time, cut the chicken, add it back and cook for another five minutes.

Light soup with herbs, potatoes and boiled egg. Beautiful presentation and delicate taste are the advantages of this recipe.


  • Chicken breast - 300 g
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Boiled egg - 2 pcs.
  • Greens - to taste
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Boil broth from the fillet. Remove the meat, add the chopped potatoes and cook until tender.

Add chopped herbs (in large quantities), let simmer for a minute and turn off.

Pour the soup into a plate, top with half a chopped egg and, if desired, sour cream or cream.

An easy potato soup that doesn't contain any extra pasta or grains.


  • Chicken breast - 500 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Herbs, spices - to taste


Make broth from chopped chicken meat. Peel and grate the carrots. Chop the onion into cubes.

Fry the carrots in a frying pan, greased with oil, then the onions.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the broth. Boil for about twenty minutes, add roast and herbs.

Adding fried carrots and onions to the soup gives it a tempting golden color, a distinctive aroma and a richer taste.

A hearty but low-calorie soup with rice. Its composition is simple, and it may well become your family's favorite everyday soup.


  • Chicken breast - 200 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Rice - 50 g
  • Spices, herbs - to taste


Place washed rice in cold water along with the meat.

After an hour, you need to put any chopped vegetables in there and boil until soft.

At the end, add herbs (you can add them in a plate).

An unusual soup containing only greens and beaten eggs. Light, piquant, unique, it can surprise even experienced guests.


  • Chicken breast - 300 g
  • Greens (preferably cilantro and dill, but may be different) - 2 bunches
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Spices - to taste


Cut the meat into small pieces. Scald with boiling water and cut into cubes up to a centimeter in size.

Grind the greens in a blender. Add turmeric, nutmeg (ideally), pepper to the broth.

Add herbs, salt and let it boil well. Break and stir two eggs in a cup, pour the mixture in a thin stream into the broth with vigorous stirring.

Add a knob of butter if desired.

An easy version of beetroot soup. Perhaps it is not as attractive as rich borscht on the bone, but it is much more healthy and easy to prepare.


  • Chicken breast - 300 g
  • Beetroot - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • White cabbage - 200 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Spices, herbs - to taste


Let the broth simmer and at the same time start chopping the cabbage. Grate beets, tomatoes and carrots. Chop the onion, cut the potatoes into cubes.

In a deep frying pan, fry onions, carrots and tomatoes in a tiny amount of oil.

Then add beets, after a couple of minutes cabbage, let simmer for another two minutes.

Then pour some of the broth from the pan into the pan and cover with a lid.

Meanwhile, add potatoes to the broth. When it is almost ready, transfer the entire contents of the pan into a saucepan, sprinkle with herbs and cook until fully cooked.

Interesting, healthy and sunny soup. The softness and sweetness of pumpkin goes well with chicken breast broth.


  • Chicken breast - 100 g
  • Pumpkin - 100 g
  • Rice - 50 g
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Spices - to taste


Boil 1.3 liters of broth. When the chicken is cooked, remove it and cut it, and at this time add the rice into the broth, and a little later the cubed pumpkin.

Chop the garlic and herbs and add to the soup along with the chopped chicken.

Boil, let stand and serve with herbs.

Soup that can be useful on a protein diet. Beans can be a good source of protein and add variety to your diet.


  • Chicken breast - 200 g
  • White beans - 50 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Spices, herbs - to taste


Soak the beans at least an hour before cooking, or even better, overnight.

Place it in a saucepan, add cold water and cook for about twenty minutes until it swells.

Then add the meat and continue cooking together. At intervals of 15 minutes, add carrots and potatoes.

Check for spices; serve with herbs.

If desired, beans can be replaced with another type of legume - lentils. It is no less tasty and healthy.

Another option for a light soup with the expressive taste of broccoli. In addition, the meat is pre-fried, which makes the taste of the soup more interesting.


  • Chicken breast - 300 g
  • Broccoli - 200 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Cream and spices - to taste


Cut the chicken into cubes and fry a little. Place in a saucepan, add water and cook.

Chop the potatoes and carrots and add them to the pan. Disassemble the broccoli and add to the broth. Cook until the broccoli is tender for about five minutes.

Serve with cream or sour cream.

Lentils are high in protein and low in calories.

Its taste is unlike any other product, which is why it is a favorite of many chefs and their customers.


  • Chicken breast - 100 g
  • Red lentils - 200 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Celery - 1 stalk
  • Leeks and herbs - to taste
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Place the washed lentils in the pan at the same time as the meat and cook for an hour.

Cut carrots, onions, peppers and celery into strips. Squeeze the garlic into a frying pan with oil and add the vegetables.

Fry lightly and then transfer to the pan.

Taste for spices, sprinkle with herbs.

A soup that is called “fat-burning” because it is believed that it takes more energy to digest it than it provides. The soup is truly rich in vegetables.


  • Chicken breast - 300 g
  • Broccoli - 100 g
  • Cauliflower - 100 g
  • White cabbage - 200 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Leek - 1 stalk
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Cut the meat into cubes and cook the broth.

Cut and put in it one by one: white cabbage, carrots, onions, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower.

When serving, sprinkle with leeks.

Incredibly easy to prepare and just as delicious. The texture of the creamy soup will help hide the zucchini in the composition from those who turn their noses up at it. The sweetish, delicate taste of the soup will appeal to even the smallest tasters.


  • Chicken breast - 200 g
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Herbs and spices - to taste


Boil the broth. Peel the zucchini and cut into cubes. Also cut the carrots.

There is no need to grind, as everything will be put through a blender later. Throw the vegetables into the broth and simmer until tender.

Then extract it and turn it into puree, return it back to the broth. Best served with cream, sour cream or crackers.

Green spinach soup is refreshing and different. Its lightness will appeal to many tasters.


  • Chicken breast - 300 g
  • Spinach - 1 bunch
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Leek - 1 stalk
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Spices - to taste


Boil chicken broth. Once cooked, remove the chicken.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and add them to the broth. Cut the carrots into strips and send them to cook too.

Cut the onion into rings, chop the spinach and place in the pan. Let it cook and insist.