How to cook pancakes from corn flour. Cornmeal pancakes with milk recipe

Corn pancakes are very tasty and very easy to prepare baked goods. Their texture and color are quite different from pancakes made from the more familiar wheat flour. Pancakes made from corn flour have a magnificent golden color and an indescribable aroma. They have a sweetish taste, so don't add too much granulated sugar.

Corn pancakes with milk

The recipe is completely without wheat flour, so the dough does not contain gluten. Baking can be classified as a healthy and dietary dish. Corn pancakes are prepared with kefir and water, but we offer readers of the site Good Recipes to bake thin pancakes with milk.

step by step photo recipe


  • corn flour - 0.5 tbsp;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 0.25 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • butter for greasing - to taste.

Cooking process:

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add a little granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. The proportions of sugar can be easily changed to suit your taste. But it is worth remembering that corn flour has a sweeter taste than wheat flour.

Whisk the egg mixture a little so that the eggs are mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

Heat the milk and pour it into the beaten egg mixture. The liquid should not be at an excessively high temperature, otherwise the eggs may curdle.

Add corn flour little by little to the liquid mixture. This should be done in small portions, stirring each time.

When all the corn flour has been added, mix well again.

Now you should add a little vegetable oil, mix and leave the dough for 15-20 minutes. Stir again before use.

Lightly grease the frying pan with oil and heat it up. Pour a little dough, tilting the pan in different directions, distribute it along the bottom.

When the corn pancake is browned on the bottom, turn it over to the opposite side. Fry until beautifully golden brown.

Use the same method for the remaining dough. Place the resulting pancakes in a stack, brushing them with a little butter.

Delicious and aromatic pancakes made from corn flour with milk are ready! They can be served with jam, jam, condensed milk or any syrup to your taste.

1 cup of milk (cup = 240 ml),
200 ml corn flour,
2 eggs,
3 tsp Sahara,
a pinch of salt,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Corn flour is made from yellow corn, has many beneficial properties and is often used in cooking.
The nutritional properties of this flour are superior to wheat flour. Corn flour is considered the best among other similar products. It contains a huge amount of vitamins important for humans: PP, B, D, A, etc. In addition, it is rich in microelements. It contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium.
Its most important value specifically for me is that it is gluten-free.
In the Dominican Republic, corn flour is more popular than wheat flour.
Tasty and healthy corn flour can be finely or coarsely ground. The finely ground product is used for baking. Coarse flour is used to make bread.
Many national dishes are prepared from corn flour: porridge, hominy, polenta, ugali, banush, bulamik, traditional Mexican flatbreads, etc. Well, I made Russian pancakes from this flour! It turned out very tasty and bright!


1. Mix dry ingredients: corn flour, sugar and salt.

2. In a separate bowl, beat milk and eggs.

3. Pour the egg-milk mixture into the flour mixture. Mix well with a whisk.

5. Mix well with a whisk again and leave the dough to stand for 30 minutes. The dough should not be thick, but rather liquid, just like pancake dough. If you think the dough is thick, add a little milk, add gradually, a tablespoon at a time, so as not to overdo it.

6. Grease a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. I bake these pancakes in a small frying pan, but you can use any one, it just seems to me that a small-diameter frying pan is ideal for this kind of dough. Pour the dough into the pan and quickly and evenly distribute it over the surface. Fry for about 1 minute.

7. As soon as holes appear on the pancake and the edges are slightly browned, turn it over! Fry for about 30 more seconds.

8. Since the pancakes turn out a little dry (especially corn flour), grease each pancake with butter (optional).

9. That's it! Sunny, bright, delicious cornmeal pancakes are ready! It's best to serve them right away while they're still hot, with honey, maple syrup, jam, condensed milk, or various jams, like I did!

Pancakes are an amazing dish of Russian cuisine, amazing with their variety of recipes and fillings, which can be wrapped in “golden flat cakes”.

Be sure to try making pancakes from corn flour (without wheat) at home; this healthy treat with a crispy crust will undoubtedly please your taste.

Corn flour is a rich source of zinc, manganese, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, PP and many other useful substances.

Homemade corn pancakes: recipe without wheat flour


  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 1.5 cups + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 3 tbsp. + -
  • - 0.5 tsp + -
  • - 4 tbsp. + -

How to make homemade corn pancakes

Maize (corn) flour differs from wheat flour in that it contains very little gluten. Often, regular flour is added to corn pancake dough to give it more uniformity and elasticity.

Today we will look at a recipe exclusively based on maize grinding, because such pancakes also turn out excellent, and most importantly - incredibly healthy.

  1. Heat the milk until warm, then pour it into a deep container so that it is convenient to knead the dough.
  2. Add eggs, salt, sugar, spices (if desired) to the milk and mix everything.
  3. Gradually start pouring flour into the dough, stirring the mixture with a whisk. Mix all the ingredients so that there are no lumps left.
  4. After this, add vegetable oil and mix it with the dough.

Keep in mind that maize flour is grainy, so it will settle. Therefore, before scooping up the dough for the next pancake, stir it.

Pancakes are fried from corn flour without wheat in a pre-heated and greased frying pan. Despite the lack of stickiness in the dough, the “cakes” do not tear and bake quite easily and quickly (literally 2 minutes on each side).

Corn flour itself has a special and very pleasant smell. But if this is not enough for you, then you can add spices to the dough, for example, a little ginger, cinnamon, rosemary or vanillin - at your discretion. Such seasonings will add flavor and piquancy to baked goods.

You can come up with dozens of different fillings for cornmeal pancakes - it all depends on your taste and imagination. Experiment with the filling - and enjoy a delicious, hearty dish that does not threaten your figure and health.

Two video recipes for pancake dough from the chef of our website

Povarenok has many proven pancake recipes, which you can find in the video or on our website.

Bon appetit!

Probably few housewives know that pancake dough can be made from corn flour. The finished pancakes from it turn out golden brown with a crispy crust. In addition, this flour has an increased level of nutrients; it contains zinc, manganese, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, PP and many other useful components.

Basic recipe

Prepare pancakes from corn flour with milk like this:

Dietary pancakes made from corn flour on water

We will prepare from the following components:

  • water – 750 ml;
  • a glass of corn flour;
  • wheat flour – 1 cup;
  • two eggs;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • 1 small spoon of starch powder;
  • a pinch of baking soda;
  • 1 teaspoon table salt.

The cooking process will take 1 hour.

Calorie content – ​​195 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Break chicken eggs into a large cup, add salt and add granulated sugar;
  2. Beat everything well, this process can be done with a whisk or mixer;
  3. After this you can add water. It is recommended to use boiled water at room temperature;
  4. Beat everything again with a whisk or mixer. A cap of foam should form on top;
  5. Mix wheat flour with starch and baking soda. Sift this dry mixture into a mixture of water and eggs;
  6. Next, sift the corn flour;
  7. Using a mixer or blender, stir. It is important to obtain a uniform mass without lumps;
  8. After this, add vegetable oil and stir again;
  9. Let the dough sit for about 20 minutes, during this period the flour will swell a little and the mixture will become thicker;
  10. Grease the surface of the frying pan with vegetable oil and place on the fire;
  11. Pour the dough onto the surface and distribute;
  12. Fry each side for 2 minutes and place on a plate;
  13. Ready-made pancakes can be greased with butter or sour cream. You can also add jam, sugar or honey or wrap any filling.

Read how to cook - a delicious and unusual dish that is perfect for Sunday lunch.

Delicate and satisfying leek cream soup will appeal to real gourmets. Try cooking it.

Take note of the recipe for flank beef - it will work out.

Corn pancakes with kefir

For cooking you will need products from the following list:

  • 400 grams of corn flour;
  • two eggs;
  • 1 liter of kefir or yogurt;
  • half a glass of hot water;
  • 130 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of baking soda;
  • a couple of drops of lemon juice;
  • a small piece of unsalted lard.

Calorie content – ​​210 kcal.

Culinary process:

  1. Pour kefir into a deep container;
  2. Break the chicken eggs and place them in the kefir, stir well with a spatula;
  3. Next, add a pinch of salt and add granulated sugar;
  4. Stir thoroughly with a whisk until a homogeneous consistency is formed, it is important that there are no lumps;
  5. At the next stage, you need to add hot water. You need to pour boiling water in parts, and be sure to stir everything;
  6. At the end, we extinguish the baking soda with lemon juice and add it to the dough;
  7. Leave the dough to stand for 30 minutes, during this period all the lumps will disperse;
  8. Heat a frying pan with a thick bottom and grease it with a piece of lard;
  9. Pour the dough onto the heated surface of the frying pan and leave to fry;
  10. Cook pancakes for 2 minutes on each side;
  11. Place thin pancakes on a flat plate;
  12. Openwork pancakes can be immediately greased with oil. They will also go well with cream, condensed milk, honey, jam and any jam. If desired, you can wrap any filling in them.

Cooking pancakes in mineral water

What we need:

  • 500 ml mineral water;
  • about a glass of cornmeal;
  • wheat flour – 200 ml;
  • 60 grams of granulated sugar;
  • three eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil.

Calorie content – ​​198 kcal.

How to make pancakes from corn flour using mineral water:

  1. Pour wheat flour into a cup, add corn flour to it;
  2. Add salt and a little granulated sugar to the dry ingredients, to your taste;
  3. Break the eggs into a separate cup and beat thoroughly with a mixer until foam appears;
  4. Next, pour the eggs into the flour mixture piece by piece;
  5. Mix the dry mixture with the beaten eggs well;
  6. Then we begin to dilute everything with mineral water, and do not forget to mix everything with a whisk;
  7. Stir very thoroughly so that there are no lumps left in the dough;
  8. At the end, add vegetable oil and stir again;
  9. Cover the container with the dough with a towel and leave to stand for 30 minutes;
  10. Quickly coat with oil and warm up;
  11. Pour the batter onto the heated surface and set to fry;
  12. Cook the pancake for 2 minutes on each side;
  13. Carefully remove the pancake using a spatula and begin preparing the next ones;
  14. Ready-made pancakes can be greased with butter or cream;
  15. If you like sweets, you can sprinkle with sugar, jam, condensed milk or honey;
  16. If desired, you can wrap any filling in them - vegetables, fruits, meat, liver, cottage cheese.

Recipe for pancakes made from corn flour and starch

For preparation you will need the following components:

  • milk – 400 ml;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 grams of corn starch;
  • 60 grams of sugar;
  • 2 large spoons of olive oil;
  • table salt to your taste;
  • lard for greasing - a small piece.

It will take 1-1.5 hours to prepare.

Calorie content – ​​185 kcal.

How to do it:

  1. Break chicken eggs into a deep cup, add sugar and salt;
  2. Beat all ingredients thoroughly using a whisk or mixer. The result should be a fluffy mass with foam on the surface;
  3. Next, using a spoon, we begin to add corn starch, add it in parts;
  4. During the pouring process, do not forget to mix everything so that large lumps do not form;
  5. During the stirring process, dilute the mass with milk, and also pour it in portions;
  6. After completely pouring in the milk, stir thoroughly with a whisk until smooth;
  7. Let it sit for a while (20-30 minutes), during this period all the lumps will disperse and the dough will thicken;
  8. Next, pour in the oil and mix;
  9. Place a thick-bottomed roasting pan on the fire and heat it up;
  10. Lubricate the hot surface with lard;
  11. Pour in the batter, spread it over the entire surface and leave to cook;
  12. Fry each side for no more than 2-3 minutes;
  13. Remove the pancake with a spatula and start preparing the rest of the pancakes;
  14. Ready-made pancakes will go well with sour cream, jam, condensed milk, fruit syrup or natural honey.

Custard pancakes

To prepare, we will need ingredients from the list below:

  • corn flour – 100 grams;
  • half a glass of wheat flour;
  • pasteurized milk – 2 cups;
  • low-fat cream – 50 grams;
  • fast acting yeast – 10 grams;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • granulated sugar – 2 large spoons;
  • 60 grams of butter.

It will take 1.5 hours to prepare.

Calorie content – ​​245 kcal.

How to properly make custard pancakes with corn flour:

  1. Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil;
  2. Pour corn flour into a cup, pour hot milk over it, stir, cover with a lid and leave to brew;
  3. Heat the remaining milk until warm, pour dry yeast into it and leave to stand for 20 minutes;
  4. Pour yeast into the cooled mixture of corn flour and milk and stir well;
  5. Next, add wheat flour, stir thoroughly and leave to stand for 15 minutes;
  6. Break the egg, separate the white and yolk;
  7. Grind the yolk well with sugar, and beat the white thoroughly;
  8. Add the yolk with sugar into the dough, then the white and cream;
  9. Stir everything quickly until smooth. Let stand covered for another 15 minutes;
  10. Grease the frying pan with oil and set to warm up;
  11. Pour the dough onto a hot surface and level it with a spoon;
  12. Fry each side for 3 minutes;
  13. Remove the finished pancakes with a spatula;
  14. Grease each pancake with butter and stack it in the form of a stack;
  15. Serve with sour cream and sugar. If desired, you can brush with honey or fruit syrup.

Pancakes prepared according to these recipes are not only tasty, but also very healthy. They may be a little different from the traditional Russian treat, but you'll still love them. Additionally, you can grease them with oil or wrap them with your favorite filling. They can be an excellent breakfast, as they can easily be combined with tea, coffee or milk.

Pancakes made from corn flour and whey turn out to be an appetizing sunny color. I’ll immediately make a reservation that the dough for the pancakes shown is prepared with finely ground corn flour, and if it is of a different type or from a different manufacturer, the amount of liquid may differ. Also, the amount of liquid depends on how thick the pancakes you want to bake. I like thin, tender pancakes made with milk or whey the most.

You can add spices to the corn pancake dough according to your taste: vanilla, dry ginger, poppy seeds, lemon zest or cinnamon.

For cornbread pancakes, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

It is advisable that all ingredients be at approximately the same temperature, for example room temperature.

First of all, beat the eggs with sugar and salt until fluffy.

Pour in whey (or milk) and stir.

Sift corn and other flours. Add the selected spices, for example vanilla sugar in the amount of 1.5 tsp. Stir until smooth and beat lightly. If you do not plan to grease the pan before each pancake, then add vegetable oil directly to the dough.

Fry cornmeal pancakes in a frying pan on both sides.

Corn flour pancakes are ready.

Bon appetit!