How is maple syrup made and what is it good for? Carob syrup: beneficial properties

Carob or St. John's bread is an evergreen fruit tree that grows up to 20 meters in height. The tree blooms in the sixth year of its life; after the flower, pods appear, 3 cm wide and 20 cm long. The pods are filled with seeds and sweet, juicy pulp. The carob tree bears fruit for 90 years. The youngest trees bear about 7-10 kilograms of fruit per year, and the yield increases every year.

Beneficial features

The fruits of St. John's bread have the following beneficial properties:

  • A good substitute for chocolate and coffee. The taste and aroma of the fruit is very similar to the taste of cocoa; chocolate is made from it. The fruits do not contain theobromine and caffeine, which are harmful to the heart. It contains 50% fructose, glucose and sucrose. When using drinks based on carob syrup, it helps people stop drinking coffee. It is also an excellent option for diets and diabetes.
  • The composition of the blood is restored. The fruits contain a high concentration of iron, which significantly improves not only the composition of the blood, but also its quality. The beneficial properties of the fruit actively help in rehabilitation after injuries and serious illnesses. It is very helpful for people suffering from anemia.
  • The functioning of blood vessels and the heart improves. The beneficial properties of the fruit are due to the high concentration of magnesium and potassium. These components normalize the functioning of the heart muscle, restore blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Has a diuretic effect. The composition mainly contains potassium, which helps remove toxins and excess fluid from the body. A great way to relieve stress on the heart and restore electrolyte metabolism.
  • The digestive system is put in order. The beneficial properties of carob fruits prevent intestinal diseases, relieve fermentation in the stomach and symptoms of diarrhea, eliminate nausea and gas formation.
  • Treats throat. The medicinal properties of the fruit are effective for sore throats and colds. You can gargle with the decoction, as this procedure makes breathing easier.
  • Good for the eyes. Taking the syrup relieves eye fatigue well due to its beneficial properties and high content of vitamin B2. Used in the prevention of hemeralopia and cataracts.
  • Helps with weight loss. Nutritionists recommend taking this syrup as part of complex therapy for weight loss. The glucose contained in the syrup can create the effect of satiety, so you can reduce the amount of food you eat.
  • Increases libido in men. The zinc elements that the fruits of the tree contain are involved in the synthesis of testosterone. Effective in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis and adenoma.
  • Strengthens the immune system. The beneficial properties lie in the content of vitamins that stimulate the immune system. Recommended for young children as a means to prevent rickets.


No harmful or allergenic substances were found in carob. Pregnant women and nursing mothers can consume in small quantities. If you have diabetes, it is best to consult your doctor. It is recommended not to exceed the dosage to avoid an allergic reaction.

Carob fruits: benefits and harms

Fans of healthy food only welcome the consumption of fruits, since they are non-toxic and do not cause allergies. Due to the high content of sugar and chocolate substitutes, it is widely used in the confectionery industry. The syrup is used to make chocolate, which does not affect the functioning of the heart, and the powder is used to make sweets.

The syrup has a negative effect on people with poor absorption of fructose and individual intolerance.

Use of carob in folk medicine

Carob syrup: beneficial properties and contraindications
The syrup contains starch, pectin, organic acids, vegetable protein and tannins.

Some tips for using carob:

  • For gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhea, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. Not recommended for children under two years of age.
  • For ARVI, cough and flu, dissolve 1 tablespoon of syrup in hot water and drink until complete recovery.
  • A good remedy for headaches and migraines. Drink a tablespoon 6 times a day, for results you need to drink for 3 months, then take a two-week break and repeat the course again.
  • When losing weight, before meals, dilute a spoonful of syrup in a glass of warm water. Drink on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. The drink will not only help you feel full and stay energetic throughout the day, but also remove harmful substances from the body.


Fruit oil has many beneficial properties. It stimulates the immune system well and increases hemoglobin. The oil is very popular; it is used in folk medicine and pharmacology. They treat anemia, vascular and heart diseases, poisoning and diarrhea, nervous diseases and insomnia.
Contraindicated for children under 2 years of age and for people with allergies.

Herbal tea

Tea brewed with crushed carob pods is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty. A cup of tea drunk in the morning energizes you for the whole day.
To prepare herbal tea, you need to pour a tablespoon of the dried mixture with a glass of water and leave for 15 minutes. It is good to drink for colds and nervous breakdowns.

Today, a product such as maple syrup is very popular. The demand for it is rapidly growing among people who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their weight. In our article we will tell you how it is made and what the benefits are.

What, how and where are they made from?

For the production of syrup they use sweet sap from maple trees, which grow almost all over the globe. But, since maple syrup is a traditional Canadian delicacy, about 80% of the products are produced in Canada.
The delicacy production technology consists of several stages:

  1. Collection of raw materials. In order to extract sap, in spring, select trees with a trunk of at least 20 cm and swollen buds, drill a hole in it, insert a tube through which the sap will slowly flow into the container.
  2. Then the liquid is necessary boil so that it becomes thicker, while the plant juice will evaporate from it.

Typically, sap from trees of the Sapindra family is used to make syrup. It includes black, sugar and red maple.

Important! When collecting sap, you need to make a hole in the tree not exceeding 5 cm in diameter. Otherwise, the product will have a slightly different, worse quality.

The resulting product can be different colors- from light gold to dark amber. The shade depends on exactly when the juice was collected. The later the collection was carried out, the darker the product will be. The dark variety has a pronounced aroma, so it is more often used for cooking. But light varieties are more often used directly as syrup (it is this type that is most often poured over pancakes).

Video: How to make maple syrup

Calorie content and chemical composition

Calorie content of 100 ml of maple syrup is 260 kcal.

The same amount of product contains:

  • - 0 g;
  • fat - 0.1 g;
  • - 67 g;
  • - 0 g;
  • - 32.39

The product contains the following:

  • - 0.066 mg;
  • - 1.27 mg;
  • - 1.6 mg;
  • - 0.036 mg;
  • - 0.002 mg;
  • - 0.81 mg.

In addition, regular consumption of maple syrup helps the body receive many useful minerals that affect the level of “bad” and “good” cholesterol in the blood.

For the male genitourinary system

It has been noted that with a low level of zinc in the prostate, the risk of prostate cancer increases significantly. That is why doctors recommend that men consume maple syrup, as it reduces the size of the gland and acts as a catalyst for fatty acids and cholesterol levels, and is also directly involved in the production of sex hormones.

For brain activity

According to research, maple syrup can be used to prevent neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimer's disease.

As a result of consuming the product, the fusion of two types of proteins present in the brain stops. When they are connected incorrectly, plaque is formed, which provokes the development of Alzheimer's disease and other brain diseases. Thanks to regular consumption of the aromatic liquid, tangling and the appearance of this plaque does not occur.

For skin

Maple syrup is also used to maintain healthy skin. When applied to the skin, you can get rid of inflammation, redness, blemishes and dryness. Recipes are also used that, in addition to syrup, include components such as raw, raw. Applying such a mask to the skin perfectly moisturizes it, reduces the number of bacteria and eliminates irritation.

Is it possible

Let's consider when a product can benefit the human body and when it can cause harm.

During pregnancy

It can be consumed, but in limited quantities. It is recommended to consult with your doctor before introducing this product into your diet. In moderation, the zinc contained in the syrup will promote protein absorption.

When breastfeeding

During the period, a young mother can treat herself to a small amount of maple syrup. It contains natural sugars that will act as a sweetener for milk, and at the same time, beneficial minerals will enter the baby’s body with them. However, it is worth remembering that you should start introducing the product into your diet gradually, while observing the baby’s reaction.

For diabetes

Despite the fact that the composition includes glucose, fructose and sucrose, it can be used to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus even if it is already diagnosed. The fact is that the product contains a high concentration of abscisic acid, which stimulates the secretion of insulin and increases sensitivity to it in fat cells.

For gastritis

Since the syrup contains unrefined sugars, it can be used as a sweetener for gastritis. Of course, you should not use this product too often, especially as an independent unit, but as an ingredient in dishes it will not harm your health.

Use in cooking: where to add it, what to eat with it

The most common method of using natural sweetener is as a gravy for pancakes and pancakes.
It goes perfectly with flour products, and at the same time will not affect the figure of those with a sweet tooth, since it does not contain refined sugars.

Important! The opinion that syrup neutralizes the effect of regular sugar is erroneous: these products cannot be used together, as a large amount of glucose enters the body, which can adversely affect health.

In addition, maple syrup is used to prepare meat and fish marinades, icing for confectionery, and gravy for ice cream.
He can be wonderful sugar substitute if you want to drink

Video: recipe for making pancakes with maple syrup

How to choose a quality product when purchasing

Unfortunately, due to the high cost of natural maple syrup, you can often find fakes on store shelves. If you find a corn composition on the label, as well as maple tree extracts, you should know that this is not a natural product, but a cheap substitute.

The original syrup has a translucent color and should not be cloudy. Its normal color is light or dark amber. The consistency should be thick, slightly oily, reminiscent of honey.

Storage conditions

If the product is sealed, it can be stored for several years at room temperature. If the container has been opened, then you need to pour it into a plastic or glass container, close it tightly with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. If you decide to store the product at room temperature, choose dry, dark places. Storing syrup in the freezer is prohibited.

Shelf life in the refrigerator is 3-6 months.

Can it harm

Real maple syrup contains no dyes, preservatives, or flavors, so it has almost no contraindications. It can harm a person only if it is individually intolerant. However, despite its harmless composition, you should not abuse the product.

Did you know? To get 100 g of syrup, you need to boil 3-4 kg of maple sap.

Maple syrup is a popular, tasty and healthy sweet additive, which is actively used both for the prevention of various diseases and as an ingredient for preparing many dishes. Moderate consumption of this product will improve your health and enjoy its unsurpassed taste.

Carob is a crop that has a long history. Since biblical times, the fruit of the tree has been used as a constant measure of weight. Each of its fruits is equal to a non-systemic unit of measurement - the carat. They use not only the fruits and seeds of the tree, but also the bark. The benefits and harms of carob syrup are still discussed today due to the properties that this exceptional plant has.

What is carob syrup

Capsicum ceratonia or carob is a member of the legume family. This accessory determines the properties of the fruit. They have the shape of a pod and can reach a length of 25 cm and a width of 5 cm.

Inside there are seeds and dense pulp, which consists of 50% sugars. The product in dried and crushed form is used as a substitute for cocoa powder.

Carob syrup is prepared from the fruit on an industrial scale. To do this, the pods are crushed. The ends are sifted out as they contain substances that impart bitterness. Then the mass is evaporated using special equipment. The result is a viscous liquid of a dark brown rich hue.

Information! Ceratonia grows in countries with mild climates. In Europe, these are countries along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea; in Russia, it has successfully taken root in the Caucasus.

Carob syrup, due to its exceptional beneficial properties, is used as a means of strengthening the immune system. It is also widely used as an additive to desserts. The benefits of application depend on what substances remain after heat treatment.

Chemical composition and calorie content of syrup

Elements that contain carob fruits are characteristic of the composition of the syrup. They are supplemented with useful substances obtained after reactions during the preparation of the product.

Syrup, like all products with a high sugar content, is rich in carbohydrates.

Per 100 g there are:

76 g carbohydrates;

2.6 g protein;

0.3 g fat.

Calorie content – ​​320 kcal per hundred grams of finished product.

The chemical elements with which the syrup is saturated are represented by beneficial B vitamins.

Water-soluble vitamin. Participant in the breakdown of proteins and their synthesis. Beneficial in regulating the growth and development of the human body.

Pantothenic acid

Participant in the breakdown of fats for easier absorption. Promotes the production of important hormones.


The main beneficial property of this vitamin is its assistance in the absorption of protein foods.


Participant in the growth processes of hair, nails, and epithelial cells. Responsible for many metabolic processes, improves the state of the body's immune forces.

It is beneficial for normalizing the state of the nervous system and has the ability to improve human memory.

In addition to vitamins, the syrup contains:

  • tannins;
  • amino acids;
  • starch;
  • pectin, sugar;
  • microelements.

Benefits of carob syrup

The beneficial properties of carob syrup are determined by its effect on the body's systems.

For the cardiovascular system, the product is important as a means that can lead to normal heart palpitations. When consumed regularly, it has a positive effect on strengthening the heart muscle.

The benefit for digestion lies in helping to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. This mechanism is triggered due to the beneficial properties of tannins.

The vitamins and amino acids in the compounds help normalize sleep and improve the emotional state, which indicates the benefits of the product for the nervous system.

Researchers claim that due to its beneficial properties of strengthening the body's defense reactions, syrup is valued by Europeans as a means of preventing cancer.

Indications for use of carob syrup

The medicinal properties of carob syrup are used to treat certain diseases. It is used as a means:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • cough treatment;
  • improving metabolism.

These techniques are gradually entering medical practice. According to doctors, carob syrup as an immunomodulatory drug has shown a high effect for children and adolescents.

How to drink carob syrup

Despite the fact that the syrup has exceptional properties and benefits the body, its intake must be carefully dosed. Take it half an hour before the main meal, the daily norm for an adult is 4 - 5 tbsp. l.

Children from 5 to 12 years old can take up to 2 tbsp. l daily. For young children, syrup is recommended to be introduced into the diet gradually so as not to harm the intestinal tract that is not fully formed.

For medicinal purposes

At the first symptoms of a cold - coughing and sore throat - it is recommended to dilute 1 tbsp. l. syrup with a glass of warm water and take before meals. This drink relieves inflammation of the larynx and eases smooth muscle spasms.

Carob syrup for coughs for children is used in reduced doses. Instead of 1 tbsp. l. 200 per ml of water diluted with 1 tsp. syrup.

To obtain a sedative effect, drink 1 tbsp of syrup. l. 5 times a day - every day for a month. The course is repeated if necessary. This healthy drink has a positive effect on sleep problems and relieves symptoms of nervous tension.

Warning! The syrup is not used simultaneously with milk or milk-based drinks: such a mixture can lead to the development of diarrhea.

For weight loss

To improve metabolic processes and reduce excess weight, 1 tbsp. l. The liquid is diluted with a glass of water, the juice of a lemon slice is added, and drunk half an hour before meals 4-5 times daily. Adding lemon juice to the drink enhances the ability of the syrup to have an effect on digestion: the processes of cleansing the body of harmful toxic substances are activated.

Nutritionists have developed a diet based on the intake of ceratonia molasses. The benefits and harms of carob syrup for those who want to lose weight have a fine line. Overdose may have a negative effect on obese people. Therefore, taking carob syrup when losing weight should be carefully dosed.

Cosmetological properties of carob syrup

The beneficial properties of the product are widely used for cosmetic purposes: some women actively use molasses as an additive to creams and lotions for the skin of the face and scalp. A good solution would be to use it as a natural thickener for preparing face and hair masks.

Researchers claim that the beneficial substances of the product’s compounds can replace collagen in their properties. Therefore, face masks using a small amount of molasses are in demand.

Important! The astringent and bactericidal properties of the product can be beneficial in the fight against inflammation on the face.

Use of carob syrup in cooking

For cooking, imported Turkish carob syrup is purchased: Turkey has become the main supplier of industrial raw materials, producing ceratonia molasses in volumes sufficient for consumption within the country and for sale outside its borders.

The product is added to drinks as a thickener and as an additive to sweet sauces and glazes. It has the property of giving liquids a chocolate tint. Many children love to eat pancakes, pancakes, and porridge with the addition of a small amount of molasses.

Harmful effects of carob syrup

Those who have allergic reactions to foods should be careful when taking such sugar-containing substances.

Important! Eating molasses will cause harm to those who have fructose intolerance.

Contraindications to the use of carob syrup

Carob syrup should not be used as food during pregnancy or breastfeeding: this can harm the development of the child due to the increased sugar content, since it is during these periods that the bodies of women and infants are especially at risk of developing allergic reactions.

How and for how long can carob syrup be stored?

During long-term storage, a sediment may form at the bottom, which is not harmful to health and disappears with active shaking. The syrup can be stored for no more than 24 months from the date of manufacture. Dates and expiration dates must be indicated on the original packaging.


The benefits and harms of carob syrup are determined by its basic properties. The peculiarity of the product lies in its ability to completely replace sugar, making dishes healthy, tasty and rich. Consuming within reasonable limits will not cause harm, can have a healing effect and strengthen the body's immune forces.

Many people are wondering if there are any that are fully capable of replacing sugar or honey? Based on this article, you can make your own choice in favor of honey, sugar or syrups.

Most people know that sugar is processed in preparation for use, including coke, sulfur dioxide, lime and even ash from animal pelvic bones. It is this sugar that is called refined. Among the consequences of its consumption are metabolic disorders, increased cholesterol, the development of atherosclerosis, the formation of caries and other amenities.

Sugar substitutes (chemical - saccharin, xylitol, sorbitol, aspartame and others like them) have terrible consequences for the functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as all kinds of allergic reactions.

Scientists have also long proven that sugar, like morphine or nicotine, can cause severe addiction. So, among all our dishes, are there any useful substitutes? Sweeteners such as honey, agave syrup, maple syrup and corn syrup will help you get rid of sugar addiction.

Who doesn't know about the benefits of honey? However, be careful when choosing it. Too much of it is now diluted with water, and is also produced in conditions unsuitable for good honey (bee diseases, unsanitary conditions). And do not forget that after a year of storage, the usefulness of honey disappears, even if stored correctly. You can judge your body’s need for it yourself. For example, I always feel a surge of strength, as well as some kind of calm. So for me the issue was resolved a long time ago.

Canadian maple syrup useful for its content of iron, potassium, calcium. By evaporating maple sap from sugar maples (Canada), maple syrup is obtained. If you continue to evaporate the maple syrup, you will get maple sugar. Maple syrup flavor unforgettable, tart-sweet.

The rich amber color of Jerusalem artichoke syrup cannot deceive an experienced raw foodist - it is truly healthy and natural. And quite often lemon is added to its composition, adding sourness, which is very appropriate in many dishes. It is an environmentally friendly plant extract due to the fact that Jerusalem artichoke is grown without the use of any harmful fertilizers. Jerusalem artichoke syrup- is included in more than one recipe, successfully used in the preparation of raw cocktails, cookies, and desserts. Needless to say, it strengthens the immune system, improves vision, and improves the microflora in the intestines.

Agave syrup has a bactericidal, anti-purulent and calming effect. From a plant that blooms once a year (agave), juice is obtained, which, turning into syrup, tastes very much like delicate honey. Properties of agave, however, they are contraindicated for liver and gallbladder diseases.

Stevia syrup It gives dishes a very pleasant taste and has a strong aroma. It is so sweet that sugar cannot even compete with it. And the list of useful properties cannot be contained in this article. Among the most effective: preventing aging, improving the condition of nails and hair, strengthening blood vessels, immunomodulatory and bactericidal effects. Stevia for weight loss simply irreplaceable.

All this variety is for you, sweet tooth! Indulge yourself with sweets, whether you are vegan, vegetarian, regular or raw foodist! Are syrups a completely raw food product? No, unfortunately they are not. However, their advantage over honey is that they are 100% vegetable in origin and for their production you do not have to kill bee colonies, or indeed exploit them.

And even if you are against sweets in general, no one is stopping you, at least on holidays, from preparing goodies for your loved ones and trying them a little. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle will appreciate the benefits of such healthy syrups.

Syrups They are actively used in cooking (especially for making desserts), as well as in medicine and the preparation of alcoholic beverages. Usually the word “syrup” itself is associated with something sweet and tasty. But let's figure out what this product actually is. The word "syrup" is borrowed from the French language. It came there from Arabic (“sarab” means “drink” or “wine”). Today, most people understand the word “syrup” as “a solution of sugar in significant concentration that has been dissolved in water or juice.”

Often the product contains from 40% to 80% sugar, depending on the intended purpose of the finished product. Syrup is considered a non-alcoholic drink, but it can be used to make alcoholic cocktails.

It is important! Syrup is not made from vegetable juices, since the liquid is expected to contain sugar.

What does it look like?

The syrup looks like a viscous liquid. The sugar product is transparent, and fruit juice analogues have the aroma and shade of the fruits from which they are prepared. Syrups with a concentration above 70% have a preservation effect and inhibit the fermentation process.

Types of syrup

Types of syrup are presented in a huge variety. The most popular are those listed in the table.



What is it made from?

It contains only water and sugar. It can also be called sugar.

water and sugar


The syrup is prepared from fruit or berry juices.

apple, pear, plum, strawberry, raspberry, wild strawberry, lemon, orange and other fruits (berries)


This is a simple solution in which granulated sugar or powdered sugar is dissolved in water and whole milk is added.

powdered sugar, water, whole milk


A distinctive feature is the presence of molasses in an aqueous solution in which sugar is dissolved.

sugar (powdered sugar), water, molasses


Lactic acid is often used to prepare it. The product differs in that in simple syrup (it is very concentrated, since the percentage of sugar exceeds 80%) sucrose is split into two components: glucose and fructose. The product is sweeter than sugar syrup, and due to its hygroscopicity, it is not candied.

sugar, lactic acid, water

Sugar-agar and sugar-molasses-agar

Agar-agar is additionally added to it to form a gelatinous mass (the product resembles a runny jelly). You can use not only agar-agar, but also other gelling agents.

sugar, water, gelling agent (for example, agar-agar)


This is sugar-treacle syrup, which is further boiled.

sugar, water, molasses


It is a simple syrup to which various essences have been added.

sugar, water, essences (for example, dessert wine, cognac, coffee)

Product concentration

The concentration of the product varies. If a product of increased concentration is required, then the syrup needs to be boiled. With the thickness of the product, both the boiling point and the density of the finished mass increase. In factories and plants for the production of syrup, professional devices (hydrometers and saccharimeters) are used to measure the boiling point of liquid and chilled liquid.

Fact! If the concentration of the product exceeds 85% (and in other cases when there are no professional thermometers at hand), organoleptic-type methods are used. They allow you to determine the approximate sugar content based on the following factors: appearance, stickiness and taste of the product.

You can see how the sample is determined in everyday life in the table.

Sample serial number



Sticky drop

You need to use a dessert spoon to take a little syrup out of the container, take one drop in your hands and mash it between your fingers (thumb and forefinger).

Thin thread

You need to pour a small part of the syrup onto a cold plate, take a spoon, quickly press it onto the product and immediately lift it up. If a thin thread (similar to sewing thread) follows, this means that this is the second type of syrup concentration.

Thick thread

The check is performed in the same way as in the case of a thin thread. But there should be a thread trailing behind it, which resembles a computer wire.

There is a second verification method. It involves the following: you need to take (by blowing) a drop of syrup with your thumb and forefinger. Several times you need to quickly bring your fingers together and spread them apart, observing the thickness of the thread. Remember that there is a possibility of getting burned.

Soft ball

You need to drop the syrup into cold water and wait until it cools down. If, when it cools down, you can make a soft ball from it, then this indicates type 4 concentration of syrups.

hard ball

The test is carried out in the same way as described in the case of a soft ball. The only difference is that the resulting ball has a hard consistency.


The check is performed in the same way as described in the case of a soft ball. The difference is that you cannot roll a ball. A solid golden lump forms in the water, which is easy to break, and during the use of the product it does not stick to the teeth.

There is practically no water in the product. The product is dark brown in color and may produce choking smoke during cooking. The product is not used in the manufacture of confectionery products in its pure form. But when diluted with water, it produces a permanent brown food coloring with a bitter aftertaste.

Where is the syrup used?

Syrup is used in various industries. The most popular include:

  1. Confectionery production. Sweet liquids are in demand here for glazing various fruits and confectionery products (buns, dragees, cookies and gingerbreads), impregnating a variety of flour products, and ingredients for fondants and caramel.
  2. Preserving compotes and making jam. In this case, water-sugar syrups are used, the concentration of which ranges from 30% to 60%.
  3. Carbonated drinks. Fruit syrups are used to make liqueurs, compotes, liqueurs, and fruit drinks.
  4. In its purest form. Light fruit syrups can be drunk. If the sugar concentration is significant, they are further diluted with water or juice.
  5. Medicine. Here, the sweet liquid is intended to correct the bitter or other unpleasant taste of the medicine. Medicines are also sometimes prepared based on syrup, which is prepared from the juice of medicinal herbs.


The preparation of syrups is done in different ways, taking into account the ingredients. You can see the most common technologies in the table.




  1. You need to sort out the raspberries from debris and rinse them.
  2. The berries should be lightly pressed down and filled with water (you need to take one third less than the volume of the berries).
  3. In this form, the berries should be infused for 12 hours.
  4. The juice is filtered using cheesecloth.
  5. Sugar is added to it (it is taken in the same volume as the berries).
  6. The mass is heated to 70 degrees, citric acid is added.
  7. All that remains is to pour the liquid into a container and leave it for storage.


  1. The cherries need to be sorted out of debris, washed, pits and stems removed.
  2. Make cherry puree through a sieve.
  3. The mixture is filled with water (it needs to be taken a little more than the volume of fruit) and filled with the same volume of sugar.
  4. You need to cook the syrup for 25 minutes.
  5. As a result, it is filtered and poured into a container.


  1. The berries are sorted, washed and crushed in a saucepan.
  2. The berries are placed in the refrigerator for 20-24 hours.
  3. The juice released by the berries is filtered using cheesecloth.
  4. Sugar is added to the liquid (it must be taken in the same volume as the initial volume of berries).
  5. The syrup is cooked until thickened, and at the end of cooking you can add a teaspoon of citric acid.
  6. All that remains is to pour the liquid into a storage container.


  1. You need to prepare sugar syrup (use a quarter more sugar than water).
  2. Add a vanilla bean to the liquid and cook for a few more minutes.
  3. Now the syrup is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth.


  1. In a container you need to heat clean water in a suitable volume.
  2. When the water heats up, you need to pour out one glass of water.
  3. Sugar is diluted in a saucepan with water (take half as much as water) and a little butter (about a quarter of the amount of sugar taken).
  4. A little cocoa powder is diluted in a glass.
  5. The syrup must be stirred constantly, pouring in the dissolved cocoa.
  6. After cooling, the syrup is poured into storage containers.


  1. You need to brew ground coffee.
  2. After this, bring it to a boil, add sugar and cook for a short time over medium heat.
  3. The syrup should be stored in the refrigerator, preferably in a glass container.


  1. You need to take the ginger, peel it and cut it into thin slices or grate it.
  2. Add ginger to water and bring it to a boil.
  3. After five minutes, you can add sugar and cook until thickened.

If you add spices, it will add piquancy to the product. Nutmeg or saffron will do.

Lemon (tangerine, orange and other citruses)

  1. You need to take citrus fruits, wash them, squeeze out the juice and finely chop the peels.
  2. Both the juice and the crusts are poured with boiling water and cooked over low heat for an hour.
  3. Add sugar to the cooled syrup and boil for another 15 minutes.

From tea rose petals

  1. You need to remove the petals, get rid of the stamens and rinse with water.
  2. The petals are doused with boiling water, lemon juice and sugar are added and left for 20-24 hours in the refrigerator.
  3. After this, you need to squeeze out the liquid and cook the syrup for an hour (skim off the foam).
  4. When ready, cool the syrup and store it in the refrigerator.
  1. The mint needs to be washed, chopped, poured with a small amount of water and crushed.
  2. Next, fill it with water and let it brew.
  3. After this, the mint water is filtered, sugar is added to the liquid and cooked until thickened over low heat.

You can add vanilla, ginger, cinnamon, citric acid or lemon juice.

If you prepare a syrup based on medicinal herbs, it can be used to treat colds, coughs and sore throats. The properties of the syrup will directly depend on the herbs used.

Best before date

The shelf life of sweet treats directly depends on the degree of sugar content. Increased sugar levels prevent fermentation processes from occurring. In other words, the more sugar in the syrup, the longer it can be stored. For example, store-bought syrup can be stored without loss of quality for two years.

Fruit syrups are considered the most common. They carry both benefit and harm. The beneficial properties are explained by preparing syrups from fresh fruits (and they contain useful minerals and vitamins). Of course, a significant amount of useful components will disappear during the cooking process, but many vitamins will still remain.

The harm to the products is due to the fact that some people may experience allergic reactions to certain components of the syrup (for example, sugar or fruit). Also, you should not consume syrup in significant quantities, as it is very high in calories and contains a large amount of sugar. As a result, you can develop various diseases and there is a possibility of extra pounds.

It is important! People who suffer from diabetes are not recommended to eat syrup.

Syrup is a universal product with a huge scope of application. It is used in the process of baking delicious products, creating desserts, medicines, and alcoholic beverages. It’s easy to make syrup at home, which will be healthy and very tasty. And if you don’t have the time or desire to cook, you can purchase a finished product in the store.