How to make Gorgonzola. Gorgonzola – blue cheese

Delicate taste with a spicy note. Mosaic structure. An old and beautiful creation story. Cheese born out of love. It's all about him. Gorgonzola is a famous Italian cheese with a mysterious history, rich taste and enormous popularity among healthy food lovers. There are still disputes between several cities in Italy for the right to be called the historical homeland of the famous cheese. But what matters is not where it is prepared, but how! Gorgonzola will decorate the table not only on a cheese plate, but also in desserts, salads and sauces.

History of origin

Gorgonzola cheese received its nobility and taste thanks to a shepherd in love, who, forgetting about his responsibilities, ran on a date with his beloved. The next day, he mixed the unripe cheese mass with fresh milk. And after a few weeks, blue veins began to appear in the head of the cheese, which added not only a specific taste to the cheese, but also a refined appearance.

In his book “The Cheese ABC,” Stephen Jenkins suggested that the shepherd could prepare Stracchino, another cheese known at that time. Stracchino means “tired” in Italian.

Gorgonzola received its first name thanks to its “great-grandfather” and was called “green stracchino”.
The starting point for the popularity of Gorgonzola cheese was the 20th century. Exports at that time exceeded more than 10 thousand tons. And the whole world has already been able to experience the taste and usefulness of this product.

At the same time, the British gave their preference to soft, sweet and slightly spicy Gorgonzola, while the French and Germans preferred hard double-curd cheese.

A new recipe was developed in the mid-twentieth century. A penicillin fungus was discovered and added to cheese. This method was more accessible and less expensive. And most importantly, hygienic.

Currently, there are 30 cheese factories that produce authentic cheese, adhering to the old recipe.

Manufacturing method

Over time, the recipe and cooking methods have changed and improved. The only thing that has remained unchanged is the use of exclusively whole cow's milk.

Add salt, add rennet and curdle at a temperature of 26-27 degrees. Fungal spores penicillium roqueforti or penicillium glaucum are added. Since these mushrooms are aerobes, they need constant access to oxygen. The curd dough is sent into a mold wrapped in natural fabric so that it can be completely removed. For full effect, the forms are sometimes turned upside down. After complete removal of the whey, the cheese heads are covered with sea salt and sent to a warm room. Soft Gorgonzola takes up to 50 days to ripen, spicy Gorgonzola takes 3 to 4 months.

There are two types of cheese:

  • Gorgonzola Dolce is a younger cheese, with few veins of mold, the taste is sweetish, curdish, with a subtle nutty note;
  • Gorgonzola picante is a hard cheese with more pronounced veins of blue mold, has a spicy taste and enhanced aroma.

The nutritional value

Vitamin composition
424 mg
362 mg
196 mg
26 mg
390 mg
171 mg
0.8 mg
198 mg

Beneficial features

Gorgonzola has a number of beneficial properties:

  1. Scientists have discovered peptides that have an antithrombotic factor. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and normalize blood pressure.
  2. Due to the easily digestible proteins that are formed due to the breakdown of milk proteins, many athletes add it to their diet.
  3. Gorgonzola, like most blue cheeses, is a strong aphrodisiac.
  4. The abundance of calcium, which is quickly absorbed by the body, helps bone growth and strengthening. Which is indispensable for children and the elderly.
  5. Colonies of mold fungi not only add a special taste, but also increase the protective functions of the immune system.
  6. Vitamins A, PP and have a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails, strengthen the nervous system.
  7. Has antioxidant properties.

How to choose the “right cheese”

There are often cases when manufacturers neglect food storage rules. To avoid making a mistake with your choice, always pay attention to the color of the cheese. Too yellow a color indicates improper storage, namely that the cheese has been over-stayed.

The cheese should be creamy and soft. After pressing there should be a trace.

How to cook and what to serve

Blue cheese itself is an independent appetizer that can be served before the main course. It makes a wonderful dessert in combination with nuts, dried fruits, and chocolate. Gorgonzola sauces will give you new taste sensations. Pairs ideally with dessert fortified drinks (sherry, Madeira).

It is advisable to remove the cheese from the refrigerator an hour before use. This will help restore all taste and smell.

Onion salad with gorgonzola

The salad will be a wonderful appetizer and just a table decoration.


  • lettuce – 1 piece;
  • oil (olive or sunflower) – 3 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • shallots – 1 piece;
  • mustard – 1 teaspoon;
  • chives - 1 bunch;
  • gorgonzola.

To prepare you need:

Wash the lettuce, dry with paper towels, and tear into small pieces. Finely chop, add lemon juice and oil. and pepper to taste. Cut the chives into slices 3–5 cm long. Add the onion and dressing to the salad. Crumble the cheese and sprinkle it on the dish.

Gorgonzola cheese sauce


  • gorgonzola – 110 g;
  • butter – 60 g;
  • cream – 230 ml.

Cut the butter and cheese into cubes and mash with a spatula to obtain a homogeneous mass. Add, mix. This sauce goes well with all dishes and becomes a wonderful addition.

Product storage

Gorgonzola cheese must be wrapped well, otherwise there is a risk that mold will spread to other products. For storage, it is better to use cling film or foil. Suitable storage temperature is between -4 and 6 degrees. Also, do not cut the cheese in advance, it will begin to dry out.

Contraindications and possible harm

Once upon a time, a thousand years ago, a small village, which was located not far from, glorified itself by learning how to make an extraordinary cheese - gornizola, which to this day is in great demand among everyone. Let's look at what gornizola is, what and how it is eaten with, what it is made from and other interesting facts about this unique type of cheese.


Italian Gorgonzola cheese, which is so famous to this day, is classified as a blue cheese. Blue cheeses are cheeses that have sprouted in the cheese mass from blue-greenish mold cultures. Very often, the appearance of something new happens completely by accident, which is what happened with Gorgonzola. The predecessor of Gorgonzola was a cheese called stracchino, which translated means “tired.” The herds that came down from the mountains and grazed near the village were very tired, and it was from the milk of such tired cows that fatty and very soft cheese was made. There is a legend that once, one cheesemaker accidentally changed the technology, and in order to hide it from the owners, he combined unprocessed cheese dough with fresh milk into one, resulting in a cheese with elements of mold, which immediately captivated cheese connoisseurs with its unique aroma and taste.

Many centuries have passed, but the technology for producing this cheese has remained virtually unchanged. Like almost all blue cheeses, they are made from cow's milk, Gorgonzola is no exception. Once the cow's milk has curdled, it is immediately placed in cylindrical containers. In order for the whey to drain better, the formed forms are often turned over. And after a couple of weeks, they are taken out, rubbed with salt and pierced with long needles, delivering noble mold spores into the cheese - namely Penicillium roqueforti.

But in order for mold to fully develop and grow, it absolutely needs oxygen, and for this, the thinnest metal tubes are also inserted into the cheese.

Gorgonzola, photo:

Gornonzola cheese comes in two different types - dolce and picante. It is worth understanding these two types to understand the main differences.

Gornonzola Dolce is a young cheese that has a sweetish taste, with delicate nutty notes, as well as an unusually pleasant aroma and taste. Experts also call this type “a una paste,” which means “single-curd.” And among the common population you can hear such names as “farmer's gorgonzola”.

To make this cheese, milk from one milk yield is used. After which all the necessary actions are carried out (pasteurization, addition of rennet). Next, 50 long days the whole mass ripens. And then comes the most crucial moment, which we talked about above - the introduction of mold spores. The Gorgonzola species ripens for approximately 60 to 80 days, being in a dry, cellar room. This cheese has a buttery texture and is also ivory in color. And there is much less mold in dolce than in picante. The cheese turns out very tender and is easy to “put” on a cracker or bread. This cheese is an ideal addition to an evening table where wine is present. Also, it can be used to dress salads, as it is easily digestible.

Gorgonzola DOP, photo: wikipedia

Gorgonzola picante, in other words traditional Gorgonzola, is a denser cheese, with a rich, characteristic aroma and a deep, sharp, spicy taste. Cheesemakers call this cheese “a due paste,” which means made from two different curds. This is the same legendary, traditional Gorgonzola, which was allegedly made by an inattentive cheesemaker.

To make picante, we use a technology that has been preserved since ancient times. The milk, which is collected in the evening, is curdled and left overnight, during which time the cheese itself naturally acquires fungal spores from the external environment. The next day, the entire mass of cheese is placed in a mold, then curdled morning milk is placed on it. After this, everything obtained is left in a cool, dark place, and after a few days dry salting is carried out. After which, as with dolce, penicillin fungus is added. The aging period for picante is much longer - from 80 to 150 days.

Gorgonzola Piccante, photo:

Gorgonzola picante cheese is almost completely white in color. This cheese is placed on the table in small pieces. Picante adds extraordinary flavor notes to any dish. It can also be combined with dessert, or simply used as an addition to salads. In its native Lombardy, this cheese is a favorite product on any table. There are many national dishes using gorgonzola picante. And its various flavor shades never cease to amaze those who taste it for the first time.

Noble blue mold, photo: Italy in Russian

It is also worth noting the fact that the ingredients for creating Gorgonzola are used only from the vast expanses of Lombardy or Piedmont. Only here all the ingredients are considered environmentally friendly. The herbs and plants that the cows feed on, providing milk for the cheese, are very different in all corners of this area and have their own characteristics, which affects the milk, and therefore the cheese itself. Experienced cheese makers and tasters can easily distinguish cheese that is made from milk from Piedmont rather than Lombardy. And no matter what, Lombardy and the surrounding area of ​​this city are considered the main place where the most authentic Gorgonzola cheese is produced.

Finally, we want to talk about the beneficial properties that Gorgonzola has. Of course, like all high-quality cheeses, our Gorgonzola is very healthy and nutritious. Just 100 grams of this cheese provides a person’s daily need for the most important amino acids and vitamins. In addition, Gorgonzola is rich in calcium and phosphorus, that is, elements that are responsible for the normal functioning of the bone, as well as the cardiac and vascular systems.

To summarize, we can say that Gorgonzola is a phenomenon of Italian culture and cuisine. The combination of extraordinary taste, aroma and beneficial properties makes this cheese loved in all countries of the world, despite the fact that its cost is far from cheap, but, you see, Gorgonzola deserves it.

How much does Gorgonzola cheese cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

The Italian province of Lombardy, which is considered one of the pearls of Italy, is conveniently located on the border with Switzerland. The nature of Lombardy is varied. The province is surrounded on one side by picturesque Alpine peaks that separate Italy and Switzerland from each other. In the south of Lombardy there is a plain and numerous crystal clear lakes.

In such an idealistic and beautiful atmosphere of alpine meadows, the inhabitants of Lombardy raised sheep, goats and cows in order to later produce the greatest masterpieces of cheese-making culture. We will talk about one of these masterpieces today.

During the Middle Ages, in the village of Gorgonzola, one enterprising Italian cheese maker spoiled a whole batch of Alpine curd cheese Stracchino. In order not to incur losses, the cheese maker decided to add some fresh cheese to the spoiled cheese and sell the goods to visiting merchants.

So he did, and after a while all the same merchants came to visit the cheese maker, plus some friends. The cheese maker decided that the traders had discovered the deception and wanted to inflict reprisals. However, he was wrong. Everyone liked the new cheese so much that it was named Gorgonzola, and the cheesemaker became rich.

In the suburbs of Milan there is the town of Gorgonzola, whose residents were the first to produce the famous cheese. To make Gorgonzola cheese, cheesemakers use special Penicilla mushrooms, which are implanted into young heads of cow cheese.

Mushrooms are implanted into the cheese using injections, which makes it possible to achieve a distinctive pattern on the cut of the cheese. Gorgonzola cheese is also characterized by its mold color - green. The cheese must be ripe, and the ripening period affects the taste of the cheese and, of course, the price. Gorgonzola cheese matures from 2 to 4 months.

Gorgonzola cheese is divided into two types. The first young cheese, with a sweet taste, is Gorgonzola Dolce, the second name is Cremificato. The second cheese is mature and seasoned, a delicacy for gourmets and a significant loss of money for the wallet - Gorgonzola Piccante cheese.

Gorgonzola cheese It is distinguished by its piquant and even spicy taste. This cheese is usually served as an appetizer, so that guests can “whet up” their appetite before the main course before lunch or dinner. Blue cheeses are often served as dessert.

Gorgonzola cheese, which is a mandatory ingredient for a cheese plate, was no exception. Gorgonzola cheese goes well with fruits and nuts. In addition to being used as a snack, Gorgonzola cheese is used in the preparation of soups, salads and cheese sauces for real gourmets.

Gorgonzola is the most famous Italian cheese. Its rich taste, combined with spicy notes, is loved by everyone who has ever tried this variety. Thanks to its mysterious creation story, it has aroused the interest of many people.

Until now, regions of Italy are arguing for the right to be considered the historical homeland of this product. In fact, it doesn’t matter where it was prepared; it’s much more interesting how it was prepared. Gorgonzola looks great on a cheese plate, and is also used as a separate ingredient in many dishes.

What it is?

Many people are very interested in the history of the preparation of this cheese. Disputes about the specific place and time of creation of the product led to the emergence of various legends about cheese making. According to one version, Gorgonzola was first received in 879 near Milan. Others claim that the cheese comes from the small town of Valsassina. This version is justified only by the presence of a large number of caves, where the temperature remains at about 10 degrees - ideal conditions for ripening cheeses.

The most incredible story of the discovery of a variety with blue mold is as follows. The guy in love was in such a hurry to go on a date with his beloved that he decided to leave his cheese-making job until tomorrow. When he returned in the morning, he had to hide his absence and failure to complete his work. To do this, he added fresh milk to yesterday’s curd mixture.

A couple of weeks later, he discovered blue streaks on the finished product, which scared him. But when he tried the cheese, he realized - this is a discovery! After this story, blue cheese began to be made in almost all regions of Italy. The first regions where one could find and taste such cheese were Lombardy and Piedmont. But here it was prepared less often than other varieties. Later the cities of Pavia, Como, Navaria and Milan joined the cause.

Gorgonzola cheese began its journey around the world in the 20th century. More than 20 thousand tons were exported to France, Germany and England. True, the British preferred the soft, slightly spicy white Gorgonzola, while the German and French residents bought tart double-curd blue cheese. In the post-war period, experts developed a new recipe for making cheese using the “single curdling” method. This technology was much cheaper, more hygienic and, most importantly, better quality.

Cheese factories were always built on the banks of the Po River. In the late 70s, small factories had to close due to the financial crisis. Therefore, at this time, a decree was adopted, which designated regions that received the right to produce Gorgonzola.

Surprisingly, today there are only 30 cheese factories that produce the original Gorgonzola cheese. 45% of production comes from the city of Navar, 22% from Pavia and 15% from Milan.

The cooking method has long been automated. It is a special process that uses salted goat's or cow's milk. Next comes the curdling method - liquid rennet is added to the mixture. All this happens at temperatures above 30 degrees.

The most important thing is the introduction of Penicillium glaucum or Penicillium roqueforti mold into the curd mass. Next, the resulting clot is sent into special cylindrical vessels, at the bottom of which natural fabric is spread. To get rid of excess whey, the mold must be turned over frequently.

In order for Gorgonzola to acquire its unique taste, the cheese wheel should be rubbed with a mixture of sea salt. After this, you can place it in a warm place with the humidity set for proper ripening. After a week, you can check the cheese for taste and structure. If the quality meets the standards, the cheese is pierced with special long knitting needles to form breathable veins and placed in a cool place: it is in such conditions that blue mold will develop.

The mild type of Gorgonzola takes about 60 days to ripen, while the spicy type takes 4 months. You can distinguish genuine Italian Gorgonzola by the “G” marking on the packaging foil. When making a dairy product, cheese makers do not resort to the use of additional components and preservatives. Strict production control and pasteurization of milk make it possible to fully preserve the taste properties, thereby making the product safe.

The energy value of 100 g of Gorgonzola is quite high - 315 kilocalories. The number of carbohydrates is almost zero, which makes this product very useful for the human body. In addition, 100 g contains 19 g of protein and 28 g of fat. Of particular importance are mineral substances, which are quite sufficient to replenish the daily norm of useful elements - 520 ml of calcium and 270 mg of phosphorus.

In this regard, we note the main beneficial properties of Italian Gorgonzola:

  • the presence of peptides activates the antithrombotic function and regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • quickly absorbed calcium for bone tissue;
  • allowed even for people who are lactose intolerant;
  • the relative percentage of fat content will not affect your physical fitness;
  • a suitable food product for those engaged in physical activity.

Judging by customer reviews, what they remember most is the rather intense aroma that fills the entire kitchen when using the product. The taste properties are appreciated. The pleasant creamy texture allows you to spread the cheese on a piece of bread, resulting in very tasty sandwiches.

The main thing that buyers say is that you shouldn’t skimp on buying real Gorgonzola.


This incredibly soft snow-white cheese with greenish veins has a pleasant creamy taste with a special, memorable aroma. Cheese makers present it in two varieties:

  • Gorgonzola Dolce (Dolce) - a young variety with a pasty consistency, slightly noticeable bluish inclusions, a sweetish taste with light nutty notes;
  • Gorgonzola Piccante (Picante) - this type is denser, crumbles well, has a large number of veins with mold, flavor notes of spice are accompanied by an intense aroma, and has a longer shelf life than Dolce.

Both types are ideal for preparing dishes of varying complexity. To create a weightless, light taste, use Dolce.

Picante will help give the dish a bright aroma.


Ingredients needed to make Italian Gorgonzola at home:

  • cow's milk – 10 l;
  • mesophilic starter – 1/8 teaspoon;
  • mold of the Penicillium Roqueforti variety – 1/16 part;
  • 20 percent cream – 200 ml;
  • 100 ml classic yogurt without additives;
  • 2 ml of 10% calcium chloride solution;
  • rennet – 2.8 ml;
  • 4 tsp. salt.

Let's look at the detailed cooking technique.

  • Pasteurize milk and cream.
  • Leave to cool to 30 degrees, after which you can add the starter.
  • After a couple of minutes, the powder will take effect - you can stir.
  • Pour the potassium chloride solution into one bowl and rennet into the other.
  • Pour the prepared mixtures into a saucepan and let sit for about an hour and a half. We are waiting for the clot to appear.
  • Next you need to check the mass. To do this, make a cut in the clot: if the edges are smooth and the cut area is filled with whey, then you can proceed to the next stage. Otherwise, wait 15 minutes.
  • Cut the resulting curd into cubes. Do not forget to stir the mass for about half an hour, this time is enough to compact and round the grain.
  • To drain the whey, you need to hang the curd mass in a drainage bag for one hour.
  • We advise you to lift the corners of the bag so that the grain does not stick together.

  • A third of the mass should be placed in a separate bowl. Let the mixture remaining in the bag stay in it for another 50 minutes.
  • After 50 minutes, place the drainage bag in a colander, place a weight on it and leave for an hour.
  • You need to introduce mold in small parts into crushed pieces of mass from the bag. Stir.
  • Place the reserved part of the grain along the walls and bottom of the cheese mold, as if you were preparing a pie. Leave a little to cover the cheese.
  • Pour the moldy mixture inside the cheese mold and cover it with cheese dough on top.
  • Next, you need to periodically turn the mold over. In the first hour - 4 coups. The cheese head should sit for another two hours. And repeat the procedure again.
  • The salting process takes 4 days. Before this, you should rub the head with sea salt and send it to a place with a temperature of about 10 degrees.
  • After salting, you need to wrap the cheese with a drainage net. The product needs to be kept for a week at a humidity of 95% and a temperature of 13 degrees.
  • As soon as you notice traces of blue mold, start piercing the cheese using thin sticks (Chinese ones are suitable).
  • The final stage will be aging the product for 90 days under the same ripening conditions.

What are they used with?

Before you start eating the cheese, remove it from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for half an hour. This is exactly how long it will take for the product to acquire the desired consistency and reveal all its flavor richness.

This unique ingredient is often used to prepare all kinds of salads, sauces, and soups. Ideally combined with vegetables, nuts (especially walnuts), dried fruits, chocolate, honey and a separate Mascarpone cheese variety. Italians usually eat Gorgonzola as a dessert, paired with fortified wine.

Any cheese gourmet, having tasted a certain dish, can easily determine the type of cheese and its ripening period. The unique nutty flavor, slightly creamy texture and savory flavor notes have made this cheese one of the most popular for use as a main ingredient in cooking. This variety ideally complements various types of dishes.

If necessary, you can replace Gorgonzola with any other cheese with green or blue mold: it can be Dorblu and Roquefort. Don't think that the taste of the dish will change dramatically. You will simply feel different, but still similar notes of a familiar cheese.

Cheese traditions arose many centuries ago. But even today Italian cheese factories do not change the old cooking technology. This provides the dairy product with original taste. The right Gorgonzola will undoubtedly be remembered for a long time. And then you can decorate every meal with pieces of cream cheese.

To learn how to make blue cheese, watch the following video.

Gorgonzola cheese with noble mold. How it is made, energy value and chemical composition. The benefits and harms of a delicious product, recipes. History of the variety.

Gorgonzola is an Italian blue cheese made from cow's milk in Lombardy, in the vicinity of the cities of Como, Milan, Novara. The pulp can be white, yellowish and beige, with streaks of emerald or bluish mold, the consistency is soft, the crust is light brown interspersed with mold cultures. The head shape is cylinder, weight is from 6 to 12 kg. Consumers are offered young and ripened cheese. The first is Gorgonzola Dolce - soft, pasty, sweet, with a nutty tint, the second is Gorgonzola Piccante - dryish, dense, crumbling when cut, with a pungent aroma and piquant taste. Certified in 1995. In Italian the variety is called Gorgonzola, other names are Gorgonzola or Gorgonzola.

How is Gorgonzola cheese made?

In most cases, cow's milk is used as the starting raw material (goat's milk or mixture is allowed), rennet is used for curdling, and a complex of mesophilic cultures and Penicillium Roqueforti mold are used as starter culture. In food factories, before making Gorgonzola cheese, the milk is pasteurized, fortified and cooled.

When producing at home, it is possible to change the recipe. The evening and morning milk yield is collected, curdled separately and combined before cutting the grain, and cream or natural fresh yogurt is added to the raw material. Factories abandoned double folding.

The contents of the vats are heated to 28-36°C, the starter and a small amount of mold spores are introduced. Check the calla for a break by lifting it with a sharp knife. If the curd layer easily separates and the crack is filled with whey, you can proceed to cutting the cheese grains.

The size of the cubes is 2x2x2 cm. Mixing vigorously, ensure that the cheese grains are compacted and rounded. Some of the whey can be removed after settling.

Gorgonzola cheese, like other varieties, is not produced by pressing into molds. The cheese mass is laid out in drainage bags made of tightly woven cotton fabric and, to prevent the cheese mass from sticking together in the bag, rolled from one corner to another. A third of the grains are set aside, the rest is processed for another 1 hour.

Then they proceed to pressing, without removing the intermediate raw material from the drainage bag, installing pressure. Turn over every hour. After separating the whey, the “cakes” are broken into several pieces and mixed, adding mold in portions. The deposited grain is laid out along the edges of the mold, and a mass with spores is placed inside. Cover with a layer of clean curd layer.

No pressure is required at this stage - self-pressing occurs. The mold is turned over every 15 minutes for 1 hour, and every 40-60 minutes for another 3-4 hours.

The heads are not immersed in brine. Treatment with dry salt occurs in 4 stages. Every day the surface is rubbed with dry salt and placed in a chamber with a temperature of 10-13°C and a humidity of 93-95%. The manipulations are repeated for 4 days.

Then they activate the blue mold. To do this, the heads are wrapped in a drainage mesh and put back into the chamber. A week later, punctures are made in the crust, which has already begun to form. This is necessary so that the fungi can “breathe”. The distance between the holes must be at least 2 cm.

You can taste young cheese after 50-60 days, mature cheese - no earlier than after 3 months. During this time, the variety acquires a piquant characteristic taste and multiple veins in the tender pulp.

In food factories, pressed heads are not kneaded like dough, separating the cheese grains, but to speed up the cooking process they are injected with mold spores. Therefore, the green-bluish veins are located almost parallel.

  • see also

Composition and calorie content of Gorgonzola cheese

The energy value of the variety when produced on farms is slightly higher than indicated. After all, goat milk is often added to the raw material.

The calorie content of Gorgonzola cheese made on a large food line is 315-330 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 17-18 g;
  • Fats - 26-27 g;
  • Carbohydrates -<1 г;
  • Inorganic substances - 5 g.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Retinol - 0.192 mg;
  • Beta Carotene - 0.074 mg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.029 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.382 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 15.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 1.729 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.166 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 36 mcg;
  • Vitamin B12, cobalamin - 1.22 mcg;
  • Vitamin D, calciferol - 0.5 mcg;
  • Vitamin D3, cholecalciferol - 0.5 mcg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol - 0.25 mg;
  • Vitamin K, phylloquinone - 2.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP - 1.016 mg.

Macroelements per 100 g:

  • Potassium, K - 256 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 528 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 23 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 1395 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 387 mg.

Microelements per 100 g:

  • Iron, Fe - 0.31 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.009 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 40 μg;
  • Selenium, Se - 14.5 μg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 2.66 mg.

Fats in Gorgonzola cheese per 100 g:

  • Fatty acids - 0.8 g;
  • Saturated fatty acids - 18.669 g;
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids - 7.8 g;
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - 0.8 g;
  • Cholesterol - 75 mg.

Amino acids per 100 g:

  • Essential - 10.7 g;
  • Replaceable - 12.3 g.

Gorgonzola cheese contains mono- and disaccharides (sugars) - 0.5 g.

When assessing the impact of this variety on the human body, one should take into account not only the vitamin and mineral composition, but also the influence of mold cultures.

In addition, the product is made without flavoring additives, preservatives or flavors, and sanitary and hygienic rules are strictly observed. Therefore, it can be safely introduced into any diet - even if necessary to control your own weight. True, you will have to limit the amount you eat.

Useful properties of Gorgonzola cheese

Despite the presence of penicillin, grown as a pharmaceutical drug, this fermented milk product does not have a medicinal effect. However, beneficial effects on the human body have been proven.

Benefits of Gorgonzola cheese:

  1. The easily digestible milk protein in the composition not only helps to replenish the reserve of nutrients, but also creates favorable conditions for increasing the activity of the intestinal flora.
  2. Normalizes intestinal function, thereby increasing the functioning of the body's defenses.
  3. Reduces blood clotting, stops the formation of blood clots.
  4. Regulates blood pressure and heart rate.
  5. Amino acids that come with cheese accelerate the synthesis of organic protein.
  6. Due to the increased bioavailability of calcium in cheese, it increases the strength of bone tissue and facilitates the production of synovial fluid. Improves the quality of skin, hair and nails.
  7. Reduces blood sugar levels.
  8. Has an antimicrobial effect.
  9. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it prevents the synthesis of atypical cells of the intestinal mucosa, isolates free radicals circulating in the lumen of the loops, and promotes natural elimination from the body.
  10. Improves visual function, stops age-related changes.
  11. Stimulates appetite, increases the production of digestive enzymes and bile acids.

A subspecies of the Gorgonzola Piccante variety, aged for more than six months, can be introduced into the diet for lactase deficiency, since casein is almost completely transformed and does not cause digestive disorders if this substance is intolerant in its pure form.

This variety is believed to be an aphrodisiac for both women and men. Drinking with a glass of wine puts you in a romantic mood, and the complex of beneficial substances has a stimulating effect.

  • Read also about

Contraindications and harms of Gorgonzola cheese

You should not introduce this variety into your diet if you are intolerant to penicillin, regardless of the symptoms that occur when taking this drug. Even if the reaction is mild and is expressed by redness or minor rashes on the skin with limited localization, use should be discontinued. It is unknown what effect untreated molds will have on the body.

Harm from Gorgonzola cheese may occur:

  • with increased acidity, against the background of exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer;
  • in case of bronchial asthma - mold spores can provoke another attack and cause a relapse;
  • for gout - due to high sodium content, for kidney and liver dysfunction.

This product should not be introduced into the diet of pregnant women, women during lactation, the elderly, people with a history of diseases that reduce general immunity, and young children. The consequences of consumption in people of these groups cannot be predicted in advance.

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Recipes with Gorgonzola cheese

The product is delicious on its own. To fully reveal the “bouquet” and enjoy the aroma, you need to remove it from the refrigerator 30 minutes before serving to warm up. Cheese is served as an appetizer and with delicacies, combined with honey, chocolate, various types of nuts and juicy fruits. It is used as a component for preparing sauces, salads, soups and casseroles. This ingredient can be added to any dish instead of Roquefort or Dor-blue.

Recipes with Gorgonzola cheese:

  1. Celery soup. It’s interesting that they cook it not in a saucepan, but in a deep frying pan. Melt 2 tbsp. l. butter, fry a finely chopped onion - preferably red. When the pieces become soft, add crushed garlic cloves - 2 pcs. Lay out thyme - whole sprigs, 750 g of grated celery root, pieces of large Chinese pears - 2 pcs. Fry for 5 minutes, pour in 1.5 liters of pre-prepared vegetable broth and leave for 20 minutes over low heat. Mix everything with a blender, add 150 g of Gorgonzola, wait until the cheese dissolves. This takes 4 minutes. During this time, salt and pepper. You can add greens before serving.
  2. Salad with pear. The salad mix is ​​chosen according to your own taste. It is better to tear the leaves with your hands - it will turn out juicier. Take a pear that is ripe, but not so ripe that it spreads, cut into thin slices, and spread on the greens. The cheese can be broken into small pieces and randomly placed between the fruit. For dressing, mix 1 tbsp. l. liquid buckwheat honey and balsamic vinegar, 1 dessert spoon of mustard and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Heat for 2 minutes in the microwave. Pour the dressing onto a plate and serve until it cools.
  3. Cheese sauce. Suitable for any hot meat dishes. Beat 450 ml of heavy cream, 120 g of butter (you can melt it first), 220 g of Gorgonzola in a blender. Cool before serving.
  4. Cheesy polenta. 200 g of finely or medium-ground corn grits are boiled until tender and allowed to cool. Pour in 140 ml of cream, 2 tsp. butter, heat in a water bath or low heat, add some salt and add white pepper - a pinch is enough. Place a sprig of basil and small pieces of cheese on the surface and “sink” them a little. Let stand for 2-3 minutes covered. Served hot.
  5. . Chop 1 onion and 2 garlic cloves and fry in butter until the pieces become transparent and a rich spicy aroma appears. Bring pre-cooked vegetable broth to a boil - 1 liter. While it is heating up, add 400 g of arborio rice into the frying pan and fry, stirring constantly until it has absorbed all the oil. Pour in a glass of red wine, and when it has evaporated, add 1 glass of broth, also gradually evaporating until 250 ml remains. While the liquid is evaporating, blend the boiled beets with a blender, add them to the pan, pour in the rest of the boiling broth, 150 g of Gorgonzola and Parmesan each. Stir for 1 minute and cover with a lid. Salt and pepper to taste, you can sprinkle with herbs.

According to one legend, the variety appeared thanks to an irresponsible shepherd in love. He ran off on a date, forgetting about the dripping cheese mass, and when he returned, without thinking twice, he added fresh cottage cheese to the raw material, which had already begun to mold, and formed the heads.

According to another legend, a drunken monk who was making the Stracchino variety forgot about the curd mass leaking with whey. He mixed raw materials, which had already begun to deteriorate, with fresh ones, pressed them, and set the heads to ripen. I cut it open and saw streaks of mold, but didn’t refuse to taste it. The cheese, which he called green Stracchino, was to his taste and began to be made specially.

Both legends were composed at the end of the 9th century, but in the first the place of residence of the shepherd is indicated in the town of Gorgonzola, located near Milan, and in the second the small town of Valsassina was chosen for the monk’s residence. In this area there are caves with a unique natural microclimate - temperature 10-13°C and humidity 90-95%. It was these conditions that made them the main areas of cheese making.

Written descriptions of the blue cheese variety date back to the 12th century. The use of different types of raw materials, piercing the crust with a wooden knitting needle and, very important, double folding were also mentioned. Only in the middle of the twentieth century was the recipe improved so much that they were able to abandon mixing different types of raw materials. Production accelerated, became cheaper, and, very importantly, hygiene rules began to be observed.

At the same time, Gorgonzola gained worldwide popularity. About 10 thousand tons were produced for export of the noble relative alone. By the end of the twentieth century, exports doubled. It is interesting that preferences were divided: the British preferred young cheese with pasty pulp, but the French and Germans bought spicy Gorgonzola Piccante.

Small dairies and farms closed in the 1970s, and now only 30 cheese factories produce the variety. 15% of the cheese is produced in Milan and Pavia, 45% in the city of Navarro, and the rest in small towns on the banks of the Po River. Gorgonzola produced on farms is sold on domestic markets; only heads from large food factories are exported.

When purchasing cheese, you should limit yourself to a piece that is eaten within 3-4 days. This product is considered alive: after exposure to air during cutting, mold cultures can increase activity, which will affect the taste and quality of Gorgonzola. If there is too much mold, you can simply get poisoned.

Watch a video about Gorgonzola cheese:

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