How to make cottage cheese with calcium chloride. Calcined cottage cheese: benefits and harms, home recipes


Oddly enough, but in our time, when the shelves of pet stores are bursting with an abundance of various vitamins, mineral supplements and nutritional supplements, it is quite difficult to choose what is right for your dog, and not run into a fake or low-quality drug. But when -we cooked many things with our own hands and managed to raise beautiful, healthy dogs without sponsoring the chemical industry. Let's remember the old, half-forgotten recipes, perhaps many dog ​​owners will find them useful. We will talk about calcium - an extremely important macronutrient for the body. A dog needs calcium for: the formation of healthy bones and teeth; maintaining muscle tone and the mechanism of transmission of nerve impulses; ensuring a normal hematopoietic process , namely blood clotting, platelet reproduction; normal functioning of digestive enzymes; maintaining cellular metabolism and reproduction of healthy cells. Calcium reserves in the body must be regularly replenished. And the best food is natural sources of calcium. The most easily digestible calcium is found in cottage cheese. Calcined cottage cheese is especially useful for puppies and adolescents during the period of active growth, for older dogs that experience age-related changes in bone tissue, as well as for pregnant and lactating bitches. The development of a puppy from birth to the end of lactation mainly depends on proper nutrition of the mother, since for the first two weeks of a newborn puppy, the only food for him is her milk. After this, you can start feeding the baby. To prevent the puppy from developing rickets, you can give him calcined cottage cheese. WHAT IS CALCINATED COOK? Calcined cottage cheese differs from ordinary cottage cheese in its increased calcium content. To do this, during preparation, one of the pharmaceutical calcium preparations is added to it. The most commonly used is calcium chloride, it costs a penny and is sold in any pharmacy. Ask for a 10% solution of calcium chloride, it comes in ampoules, vials or droppers. Another drug used for these purposes is calcium lactic acid, available in powder. BENEFITS OF COOK. Calcined cottage cheese is an excellent source of calcium necessary for the development of animal bones and teeth. In addition, calcium activates some enzymes, can help normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, and is involved in blood clotting processes. Calcined cottage cheese is very useful in the diet of a young puppy. METHOD OF PREPARATION: Calcined cottage cheese is prepared as follows. Three tablespoons of ten percent calcium chloride, which can be bought at any pharmacy, are quickly poured into 1 liter of milk, heated to a boil, and mixed thoroughly. After the milk has curdled, the curd should be separated from the whey and cooled. Puppies up to the age of one month are given no more than twenty grams of calcined cottage cheese daily, from one to three months - no more than fifty grams. To help the baby eat better, the calcined cottage cheese is diluted with whey to a mushy state and one tablespoon of sugar is added. The remaining serum can be given to the puppy's mother. Remember - everything is good in moderation, so do not increase the portions, as in this case a violation of mineral metabolism in the puppy’s body may occur. OTHER PREPARATION RECIPES: A liter of milk usually produces 180-200 grams of cottage cheese. Milk must be natural, not reconstituted from milk powder! You can use cow's milk, but goat's milk is even better. For 0.5 liters of milk, take 1 tablespoon (1 ampoule 10 ml) of 10% calcium chloride or 3 grams of calcium lactic acid powder. In a clean container, heat the milk to approximately 40°-50°, then, stirring continuously, pour calcium chloride or add calcium lactic acid powder. Continue to heat the milk until almost boiling so that it is hot, but do not boil. Remove the pan from the heat and stir. After some time, the milk will separate into two fractions - thick curd mass and transparent whey. To separate the curds from the whey, strain through several layers of cheesecloth. It’s most convenient to put it in a colander covered with gauze. Whey is also saturated with calcium and can be used in food, for example, to dilute cottage cheese if it is a little dry. Recipe No. 3 Take 1 liter of milk, 1 liter of kefir, 2 tablespoons (2 ampoules of 10 ml) 10% calcium chloride, i.e. a tablespoon for each liter of liquid. Mix milk and kefir in a saucepan, put the mixture on low heat and heat without stirring. When curdled flakes begin to appear, add calcium chloride. Without allowing the curdled mass to boil, remove from heat and cool slightly. Remove the cottage cheese from the pan using a slotted spoon, gently squeezing it on the edge of the pan. For greater deliciousness and healthiness, you can add fruits, berries, and vegetable puree to the cottage cheese. Important: do not store ready-made cottage cheese and whey in the refrigerator for more than 2-3 days, it is better to make it every time fresh portion.

From the age of 6 months, children are given cottage cheese in the dairy kitchen. It is located on the other side of the city and it was not possible to go there every day with the child. I am afraid to buy ready-made curds because of frequent poisoning from them. I didn’t dare make cottage cheese from store-bought milk for an 8-month-old baby until I saw Tema Baby Milk in a small package.

Due to hip dysplasia, my daughter needs calcium and vitamin D. Therefore, I make cottage cheese using a 10% calcium chloride solution. By the way, in a dairy kitchen, milk is curdled with calcium chloride.

Pour the contents of the ampoule into a saucepan with milk and place on the stove. The cottage cheese curdles within 3 minutes, but I boil it for 5 minutes. All. All that remains is to put it on a sieve. This makes 80 grams of cottage cheese. After 10 minutes it has cooled down and you can eat it.

Previously, I immediately put half of the cottage cheese in the refrigerator in a jar of puree, this was our portion for tomorrow, I didn’t store it for more than a day. The more dairy products cost, the greater the likelihood of various bacteria multiplying in them. Now we eat this portion immediately for an afternoon snack. We love it with banana.

For children whose fontanel closes prematurely, cottage cheese is limited to 2 times a week. And it should be done without the use of calcium chloride.

Quite often we don’t know what we buy in the store, whether store-bought cottage cheese is suitable for feeding babies, or whether there will be an allergy to some additive? To be sure of what we feed the baby, it would be best to give the child our own homemade cottage cheese. You can do it yourself. Nothing could be simpler.

Below are several recipes for making homemade cottage cheese.

To feed a child, you can beat homemade cottage cheese with a blender, add grated apple, banana, pear, peach - whatever you already eat well. Sweeten it a little with fructose, and the child will be happy.

1) For a long time I made both kefir and cottage cheese at home. And various delicious yoghurts are made from homemade cottage cheese.
I bought kefir at the store. I poured kefir into a glass jar (1.5 l), about a glass, maybe less. The rest is milk. You can do both straight from the refrigerator. I simply left this full jar in the kitchen. In 12-20 hours
(it depended on the temperature in the kitchen) all this turned into very tasty kefir.
Now comes the most important part! You should not drink all the kefir, but pour it into a glass or cup. And put it in the refrigerator. This will be the starter when you want to make new kefir in a few days (or even more).
It’s easy to make cottage cheese from kefir. We put the same jar of kefir (minus a glass of kefir!) in a pan of water. And on a small fire. When the curd separates from the liquid, i.e. rises to the top, carefully pour it all into a sieve. After a few minutes you can eat cottage cheese.
And if you put the cottage cheese in a bowl with high sides, maybe in a jar, and add a little sugar, and a little bit (1-2 tablespoons) of COLD boiled water, beat with a hand blender, you will get wonderful homemade yogurt.
And by replacing water with juice, jam, etc., adding vanilla powder or a pinch of cocoa, you can get a lot of goodies.

And if you mix cottage cheese in a blender (or hand blender) with butter (a little) and sugar, you will get a curd mass, exactly the same as it once was. And you can add raisins.
Experiment. And that first kefir, from the store, you can make pancakes with it. But you no longer need it for homemade cottage cheese; you have your own in the refrigerator. And this process is almost endless, if only there was a desire and milk in the refrigerator. And that treasured glass of kefir.

2) method 1: 0.5 l of milk + 2 tsp. granulated sugar without top - boil, cool, add 50 ml of kefir, and then put in a warm place for 12 hours, and then in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
Method 2: 200 ml of warm boiled milk + 1 tablespoon of sour cream + 5 doses of any biological product, for example: bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, etc. Leave the resulting mixture overnight at room temperature, and by morning the kefir is ready. Leave 30 ml daily for fermentation, the rest can be given to the child. The biological product and sour cream are added only the first time, and in subsequent days add only 200 ml of milk to the remaining starter.
Method 3: bring 1 glass of milk to a boil and at the moment of boiling add 1 tablespoon of calcium chloride. Rub through a sieve.
Method 4: put regular kefir in a water bath, bring the water to a boil and turn off the heat. Cottage cheese is what rose to the top.

3) At home you can prepare two types of children's cottage cheese: unleavened (calcined) - from milk and sour - from kefir.
Fresh. Add calcium lactic acid or calcium chloride solution to cold, freshly boiled milk. After heating the milk to a boil in an enamel bowl, immediately remove from the heat and cool to room temperature. Place the resulting mixture on sterile gauze and squeeze lightly. Store this cottage cheese in a glass container in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.
To get 50 g of cottage cheese, you need 300 ml of milk and 1.25 g of calcium lactic acid - 2.5 tablets of 0.5 g each (or 3 ml of a 20% calcium chloride solution = 1/2 teaspoon).
Sour cottage cheese is made from kefir (preferably from a dairy kitchen or baby food prepared in a baby food shop). Kefir is poured into an enamel bowl and heated over very low heat until a clot forms. The resulting clot is discarded onto sterile gauze. Store sour cottage cheese, like unleavened cottage cheese, in a glass container in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

4) The most traditional way to prepare cottage cheese at home: you can heat sour milk, without bringing it to a boil, until it curdles. Transfer to a sieve with cheesecloth placed over a saucepan. The whey drains off, leaving the most tender curd. The yield per liter of milk is 1 small bowl. The taste is like children's cottage cheese. And if you bring it to a boil, the cottage cheese becomes rough and crumbles.

Other ways to make cottage cheese at home

Recipe 1. Cottage cheese, medicinal. Heat fresh, skim, raw milk on the stove. While stirring the milk, pour into it a 10% solution of calcium chloride (calcium chloride), which can be bought at any pharmacy. For 0.5 liters of milk you will need 1-1.5 tablespoons of calcium chloride.
Caution: excessive amounts of calcium chloride will make the cottage cheese bitter! Bring the milk to a boil. After the milk has curdled, remove the pan from the heat and cool. To separate the whey, place the curd mass on a sieve or double-folded gauze. To prevent the curd from becoming too dense, first remove the milk from the heat and only after a minute add calcium lactic acid. Take it a little less than last time. Try cooking in the same way, but instead of calcium, add fresh kefir: half a liter of kefir per liter of milk. Such unleavened cottage cheese can only be stored for a day, that is, no more than 10 hours, always in the refrigerator. It can be prepared in small quantities so that storage is not necessary. There is no need to sweeten the cottage cheese, but if the baby is accustomed to sweets and does not agree to do without it, you can add a little sugar.
The whey can be used to prepare a drink for adults. If you prepare cottage cheese not with calcium, but with kefir, you can give the whey to your children. Pancakes also turn out well with whey.

Recipe 2. Cottage cheese, medicinal. Since, when adding an excessive amount of calcium chloride to milk, it can give the cottage cheese an unpleasant bitter taste, you can also use CALCIUM LACTATE to prepare cottage cheese, at the rate of 4 g per 1 liter of milk. Naturally, lactate tablets must first be crushed. And then, according to the same scheme as with calcium chloride.
Calcium lactic acid (lactate) can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tablets or powder. Add a teaspoon of calcium lactate to one liter of milk, just removed from the heat (immediately after boiling). Naturally, the tablets must first be crushed. Milk curdles immediately after adding calcium. Once cooled, place it in a sieve.

To prepare calcined cottage cheese, you need to slightly heat (to about 40°) raw milk and, stirring continuously, pour in a ten percent solution of calcium chloride (calcium chloride) or add calcium lactic acid powder: for half a liter of milk 1-1.5 tablespoons of solution or 3 grams of powder. These drugs are purchased at the pharmacy. The milk must be brought almost to a boil; After it curdles, remove the pan from the heat and cool. Then the curdled mass is thrown onto a sieve covered with gauze folded in half. So that the cottage cheese is not very liquid, you can put it under pressure for a few minutes

Calcined cottage cheese is a valuable nutritious product. However, don't get carried away with it; In order not to disrupt mineral metabolism in the body, you should eat no more than 100 grams per day.

*Calcium chloride and lactate.

Calcined cottage cheese is an excellent source of calcium, which is necessary for our teeth and bones. In addition, calcium helps normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, activates a number of enzymes, and participates in the process of blood clotting. Calcined cottage cheese will be especially useful in the diet of the younger generation and the elderly. The daily norm for human consumption of calcined cottage cheese is 100 grams.

product can lead to disruption of mineral metabolism in the body. Homemade cottage cheese - simple, tasty, healthy! Cottage cheese is an indispensable component of a complete and healthy diet. Cottage cheese is a dietary product that is useful for people of any age.

Composition and benefits of cottage cheese.

You can also heat sour milk on a flame spreader without a water bath, lifting the curd with a slotted spoon so that it does not stick to the bottom. However, to make the cottage cheese really tasty, it is important not to overheat the semi-finished product.

Recipe 3. Yogurt or kefir cottage cheese.

To prepare such cottage cheese, you can use regular kefir and pure yogurt without fruit additives.

Pour kefir or yogurt into a saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring constantly. When the whey begins to separate, remove the pan from the heat and cool. Separate the curds from the whey using cheesecloth or a slotted spoon.

Recipe 4. Simple homemade cottage cheese.

Place fresh milk on the fire. At the moment of boiling, throw a few grains of citric acid into the pan - on the tip of a teaspoon - and immediately turn off the heat. The resulting cottage cheese will be tender and airy, but there will be very little of it. It is best to eat this cottage cheese fresh, with sour cream. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use it to prepare cottage cheese dishes.

Recipe 5. Old cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese has long been one of the most beloved products in Rus'. If you have a “village house” or a dacha with a Russian stove, be sure to prepare cottage cheese according to an old Russian recipe.

Pour regular yogurt into a pot and place in a low-heat oven for several hours. Drain the resulting contents into a linen bag, strain off the whey and place the bag of cottage cheese under the press.

If a refrigerator is not available to you, use the original, old-fashioned way to keep homemade cottage cheese fresh. Place the finished cottage cheese in a low-heat oven for a few more hours, then again under the press. Do this operation twice. When the curd is completely dry, place it tightly in a clay pot and pour ghee on top. Cottage cheese prepared in this way could be stored for months.

Cottage cheese: warning.

Cottage cheese is, without a doubt, a very healthy product for our body. But it is necessary to keep in mind that cottage cheese is a highly concentrated protein product, and nutritionists recommend consuming it 2-3 times a week.

Cottage cheese provides favorable soil for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, to avoid poisoning, store cottage cheese in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit. Description

Narine is a lactic acid product, an acidophilic form of lactobacterin.

Narine dry starter is a lyophilized culture of acidophilic lactic bacteria.


  • Narine normalizes the intestinal microbial biocenosis, restores anaerobic flora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) in a shortened time, suppresses the growth of opportunistic flora, and increases the activity of normal E. coli.
  • Narine is used for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases such as dysentery, dysbiosis, salmonellosis, staphylococcal infection.
  • The fermented milk product Narine can be used as a substitute for mother's milk, as well as as an additional nutrition for infants, including premature, weakened children born from mothers with a negative Rh factor or low hemoglobin content in the blood.
  • Clinical trials have confirmed the effectiveness of Narine in correcting intestinal microflora in individuals exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation. Positive results have been obtained in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, allergies (in particular to antibiotics), periodontal disease, and gynecological diseases.
  • Effective use of Narine as a general restorative prophylactic for adults in enterprises with hazardous working conditions.
  • Narine can be used as an independent remedy or in combination with other antibiotic and chemotherapeutic drugs.


There are no contraindications to the use of Narine starter culture and fermented milk.

Directions for use and doses

Orally, “Narine” in capsules is used 1-3 capsules 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. When prescribing to children, open the capsules and dissolve the contents in a small amount of water or other liquid at room temperature (juices, milk, soups, etc.). For gynecological diseases, use a tampon soaked in suspension or douche with a solution prepared at the rate of 3-2 capsules per 10-15 ml of water or saline.

Preparation of fermented milk product “Narine”

Dissolve the contents of 3 Narine capsules in 50 ml of warm milk, previously boiled and cooled to 40-42°C. Mix with 0.5 liters of boiled milk at the same temperature. Mix well, wrap to maintain the set temperature for 16-18 hours (until the milk ripens).

It is advisable to carry out the process in a water bath, maintaining the temperature at the desired level. After ripening, a viscous, homogeneous mass is obtained. The product must be kept in the refrigerator to obtain good organoleptic characteristics.

The shelf life of ready-made “Narine” in the refrigerator is no more than 2 days. From the resulting product it is possible to prepare a new portion of “Narine” at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of milk. The process is similar to that described above.

Application of fermented milk product “Narine”

Before consuming the fermented milk product “Narine”, fruit juices or syrups, rice or wheat broth are added to it, and mixed with vegetable or fruit puree.

The amount of product and the frequency of feeding of children of different ages are similar to the scheme of artificial feeding of children in the absence of mother's milk.

  • As a remedy, “Narine”, as a rule, should be taken 100-200 ml 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for 15-20 days. After obtaining a therapeutic effect, the frequency of administration can be reduced to 1-2 times a day. It is advisable to take the product before bedtime.
  • To prevent relapses of previous diseases, Narine can be taken for a long time as a fermented milk product, or in a mixture with other dairy products with the addition of syrups, juices, fruits, vegetables, etc.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Shelf life 2 years. It is recommended to store the dry drug Narine at a temperature of plus 2 - plus 6 degrees C.

Oddly enough, but in our time, when the shelves of pet stores are crowded with an abundance of various vitamins, mineral supplements and nutritional supplements, it is quite difficult to choose what is right for your dog, and not run into a fake or low-quality product.

But once upon a time we prepared many things with our own hands and managed to raise beautiful, healthy dogs without sponsoring the chemical industry. Let's remember the old, half-forgotten recipes; perhaps many dog ​​owners will find them useful.
We will talk about calcium - an extremely important macronutrient for the body.
Dogs need calcium for:
Formation of healthy bones and teeth;
Maintaining muscle tone and the mechanism of transmission of nerve impulses;
Ensuring the normal hematopoietic process, namely blood clotting and reproduction.
Normal functioning of digestive enzymes;
Maintaining cellular metabolism and reproduction of healthy cells.
Calcium reserves in the body must be replenished regularly. And the best food is natural sources of calcium. The most easily digestible calcium is found in cottage cheese. Calcined cottage cheese is especially useful for puppies and adolescents during the period of active growth, for older dogs that experience age-related changes in bone tissue, as well as for pregnant and lactating bitches.
The development of a puppy from birth to the end of lactation mainly depends on the proper nutrition of the mother, since for the first two weeks of a newborn puppy, the only food for him is her milk. After this, you can start feeding the baby. To prevent the puppy from developing rickets, you can give him calcined cottage cheese.
What is calcined cottage cheese?
Calcined cottage cheese differs from regular cottage cheese in its increased calcium content. To do this, during preparation, one of the pharmaceutical calcium preparations is added to it. The most commonly used is calcium chloride, it costs a penny and is sold in any pharmacy. Ask for a 10% solution of calcium chloride, it comes in ampoules, vials or droppers. Another drug used for these purposes is calcium lactic acid, available in powder.
The benefits of cottage cheese.
Calcined cottage cheese is an excellent source of calcium, necessary for the development of animal bones and teeth. In addition, calcium activates some enzymes, can help normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, and is involved in blood clotting processes. Calcined cottage cheese is very useful in the diet of a young puppy.
Cooking method.
This is how calcined cottage cheese is prepared. Three tablespoons of ten percent calcium chloride, which can be bought at any pharmacy, are quickly poured into 1 liter of milk, heated to a boil, and mixed thoroughly. After the milk has curdled, the curd should be separated from the whey and cooled. Puppies up to the age of one month are given no more than twenty grams of calcined cottage cheese daily, from one to three months - no more than fifty grams.
To make the baby eat better, calcined cottage cheese is diluted with whey to a mushy state and one tablespoon of sugar is added. The remaining serum can be given to the puppy's mother.
Remember - everything is good in moderation, so do not increase the portions, as in this case a violation of mineral metabolism in the puppy’s body may occur.
Other cooking recipes.
A liter of milk usually produces 180-200 grams of cottage cheese. Milk must be natural, not reconstituted from milk powder! You can use cow's milk, but goat's milk is even better. For 0.5 liters of milk, take 1 tablespoon (1 ampoule 10 ml) of 10% calcium chloride or 3 grams of calcium lactic acid powder.
In a clean container, heat the milk to approximately 40\xB0-50\xB0, then, stirring continuously, pour calcium chloride into the milk or add calcium lactic acid powder. Continue heating the milk until almost boiling so it is hot, but do not boil.
Remove the pan from the heat, stir. After some time, the milk will separate into two fractions - thick curd mass and transparent whey. To separate the curds from the whey, strain through several layers of cheesecloth. It’s most convenient to put it in a colander covered with gauze. Whey is also saturated with calcium and can be used in food, for example, to dilute cottage cheese if it is a little dry.
Recipe number 3.
Take 1 liter of milk, 1 liter of kefir, 2 tablespoons (2 ampoules of 10 ml) 10% calcium chloride, i.e., a tablespoon for each liter of liquid.
Mix milk and kefir in a saucepan, put the mixture on low heat and heat without stirring. When curdled flakes begin to appear, add calcium chloride. Without allowing the curdled mass to boil, remove from heat and cool slightly. Remove the cottage cheese from the pan using a slotted spoon and lightly squeezing it on the edge of the pan.

More information about healthy diets here