How to make pumpkin cutlets. Pumpkin cutlets

Pumpkin is popularly considered a storehouse of vitamins; the pulp of the orange vegetable is healthy and nutritious. It is used as a basis for preparing tender cutlets. If you add spices and fresh herbs to the ground pumpkin pulp, and roll the cutlets in a crispy breading, they will turn out bright, juicy and tasty.

Bright-looking and delicious pumpkin cutlets will decorate the table and delight your household. Even a beginner can handle the recipe.


  • Pumpkin;
  • Egg;
  • Onions, head of garlic;
  • Spices (salt, pepper);
  • Flour;
  • Oil;
  • Fresh herbs (onion, parsley, dill);
  • Breadcrumbs.

On a note! You can choose any pumpkin. The bright orange vegetable contains more vitamin A. Beautiful small decorative pumpkins are not suitable for eating.

Cooking instructions:

  • Preparation. You will need 0.5 kg of pumpkin. Cut the vegetable in half, remove the seeds. Peel and cut into medium pieces. Pumpkin is crushed using a blender, grater or meat grinder. If there is a lot of juice in the grated vegetable, you can remove it with a spoon;
  • Peel the potatoes and onions. Grind the ingredients separately in a blender or on a fine grater. Place the onions and potatoes in a bowl and mix thoroughly;
  • Place the grated pumpkin, a lot of potatoes and onions in one bowl. Add pepper, salt. Mix the ingredients and leave for 10 minutes. It is necessary for the vegetables to release their juice. Squeeze the mixture a little so that it is slightly moist;
  • Add garlic, grated in a blender, chopped fresh herbs (onion, dill, parsley) to the bowl with chopped vegetables, mix everything. Let the vegetable mixture sit for a bit, 5 minutes will be enough. Then add a little flour to make it easier to form pumpkin cutlets;
  • Take a tablespoon of pumpkin mince, form a cutlet, sprinkle with breading. Carefully place the resulting cutlets into a preheated frying pan. Fry until the crust appears golden brown;

You can prepare the cutlets by lightly frying them in vegetable oil, then baking them in the oven. Thus, they turn out more juicy and retain the beneficial properties of pumpkin. Bake for 30 minutes, set the oven temperature to 200 degrees.

You should get about 15 small pumpkin cutlets. The finished dish can be decorated with the remaining herbs. Serve with sour cream sauce.

Pumpkin cutlets with minced meat in the oven

To prepare vegetable cutlets, you can use minced meat. The dish will be tasty, satisfying and healthy.


  • Pumpkin
  • Garlic clove, onion;
  • Egg;
  • Minced meat (pork, beef);
  • Bread;
  • Milk;
  • Spices (salt, ground black pepper, breading);
  • Flour;
  • Refined oil.

Cooking instructions:

  • Peel the pumpkin (500 g) from seeds and peel, cut into pieces. Grate or grind in a meat grinder. Squeeze the vegetable mass with your hands, remove excess juice;
  • Grind onion and garlic in a blender;
  • Separate the pulp from the cooked pieces of bread, pour in a small amount of milk, they should be soaked;
  • Add bread, pumpkin mixture, grated garlic and onion to the minced meat (300 g), mix everything;
  • Beat 1 egg and add to the minced meat. Add spices to taste. If the cutlets fall apart, add a little flour to make the cutlets easier to form;
  • Place the frying pan on the stove, pour a little oil. Roll the cutlets in breading and place in a frying pan. Fry over medium heat until golden brown. Then place the cutlets in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Cutlets with pumpkin and minced meat look appetizing and very tasty!

Healthy cutlets with oatmeal

Cutlets made from minced pumpkin with the addition of oatmeal are healthy and easy on the stomach. They are served hot as a separate dish. In addition, you can prepare yoghurt or sour cream sauce.


  • Pumpkin;
  • Onions, garlic clove;
  • Hercules flakes;
  • Small potatoes;
  • Flour;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Breading;
  • Sunflower oil.

Cooking instructions:

  • Pour hot water over the flakes (1 cup) and leave for 10 minutes;
  • Prepare pumpkin (500 g): peel, cut into pieces, grate;
  • Grind the peeled potatoes and garlic using a blender or grater;
  • Finely chop the onion;
  • Take a large bowl, place the pumpkin mass, potatoes, onions, garlic, add salt and pepper to taste;
  • Squeeze the water from the cereal and add to the bowl with the vegetables;
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly. For the viscosity of the mass, you can add a few tablespoons of flour;
  • Place the frying pan on the fire, pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Wet your hands with cool water so that the “minced meat” does not stick. Form small cutlets, roll in crushed breadcrumbs. Fry the cutlets over medium heat until golden brown.

Healthy cutlets are ready!

Vegetarian option, with semolina

You can make lean and tasty cutlets with the addition of semolina.


  • Pumpkin;
  • Semolina;
  • Onion.;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Water;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking instructions:

  • Prepare the pumpkin. Remove seeds, peel, and grate. Heat a frying pan, add a little sunflower oil, add the chopped pumpkin pulp and simmer over medium heat;
  • When the pumpkin is ready, add water, add salt and pepper to taste, and boil. Then pour in 2-3 tablespoons of semolina, stir constantly until the mass thickens;
  • Place the pumpkin and semolina mixture into a bowl and let cool;
  • Finely chop the onion, fry in a frying pan;
  • Add the sauté to the pumpkin mixture and mix thoroughly. Form cauldrons, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in a heated frying pan;
  • Place the finished cutlets on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with herbs.

Chicken cutlets with pumpkin


  • Pumpkin;
  • Chicken fillet;
  • Bulb onions
  • Spinach;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Cream;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper.

Cooking instructions:

  • Boil chicken fillet (500 g) in salted water. While the meat is cooking, you can prepare the pumpkin (1 kg). Peel and grate;
  • Chop the spinach (50 g), hold it a little in a dry, heated frying pan, it should settle;
  • Chop the onion. Cool the chicken fillet, chop finely or pass through a meat grinder or blender;
  • Place chopped pumpkin, fillet, onion, and spinach into a bowl. Add egg, spices to taste. Pour in a little cream so that the cutlet mixture does not become liquid;
  • Form small cutlets. Cook in a steam bath for 40 minutes. Serve chicken cutlets with pumpkin hot; you can garnish with fresh herbs on top.

You get delicious cutlets with pumpkin and minced meat in the oven. To do this, you need to fry a little in a frying pan, place on a baking sheet, place in the oven for 30 minutes, set the temperature to 200 degrees.

  • Mix minced liver and pumpkin puree, add spices to taste. To stir thoroughly. Pour 50 ml of milk into the resulting mass. If the minced meat turns out liquid, add a little flour to thicken it;
  • Form into cutlets, fry on both sides until golden brown;
  • Decorate the finished cutlets with fresh herbs. Serve hot.
  • Bon appetit!

    Pumpkin is a paradoxical vegetable. On the one hand, it’s the only thing they don’t cook with. Lunches, snacks, desserts, cereals, pies and cakes, juices, preparations - all culinary genres are subject to pumpkin. I know at least a few real fans and collectors of pumpkin recipes. They will serve you pumpkin-chocolate muffins with pumpkin ice cream if you refuse pumpkin puree soup, pumpkin cutlets or baked pumpkin-melon slices with honey.

    On the other hand, not everyone loves pumpkin; there are not only indifferent, but also active haters. They say: a good product is not used on Halloween! They add: oh, it’s not for nothing that the carriage turns into a pumpkin when the magic ends! Pumpkin is an anti-food with an anti-taste! Hmmm, what an orange fate...

    Today my post is for pumpkin lovers. We prepare pumpkin cutlets according to all the rules! Let's make them juicy, aromatic and super healthy! We will cook with the addition of potatoes and without eggs; We use oatmeal as a binding component, so feel free to take the recipe for a Lenten table. A mixture of Provençal herbs will add a special flavor to the cutlets. During cooking, the house will immediately be filled with their aroma.


    • potatoes 3 pcs.
    • pumpkin 300 g
    • oat flour 1 cup.
    • breadcrumbs 0.5 cup.
    • onions 2-3 pcs.
    • sunflower oil for frying
    • mixture of Provencal herbs 0.5 tsp.
    • salt 0.25 tsp.

    How to cook pumpkin cutlets

    1. I am preparing everything necessary. I always use sweet varieties of pumpkin. I cut off the skin and remove the seeds. I peel the potatoes and onions.

    2. I grate the pumpkin on a beet grater.

    3. I do the same with potatoes.

    4. Sprinkle with salt, stir and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the vegetables will release a lot of juice, which must be drained, and the mixture itself must be squeezed out well with your hands.

    5. I add finely grated onions, add oatmeal and Provençal herbs.

    6. I mix everything well. It is necessary that the flour is distributed more or less evenly throughout the entire volume.

    7. I set the dough aside for 5-7 minutes, during which time the oatmeal will swell and stick the mixture together. With wet hands, I take about a tablespoon of pumpkin-potato mince and compact it well. I form cutlets of the desired shape, I like “pucks” better, but you can also make traditional ones. I roll the pieces in breadcrumbs.

    8. I place the pumpkin cutlets in a frying pan heated with sunflower oil. Fry over medium heat on both sides until golden brown.

    9. I put it in a fireproof form and finish it in the oven at 180 degrees. within 20 minutes.
    10. I serve immediately, adding fresh vegetables, herbs, or any sauce.

    On a note:

    • You can prepare oatmeal yourself by grinding oatmeal in a grinder;
    • You need to squeeze the vegetables well, otherwise the cutlets will fall apart from the large amount of liquid.

    Don't you like eating pumpkin? You probably don't know how to cook it!

    Recently, dietary and simply healthy foods have been considered very popular among gourmets. pumpkin cutlets.

    Recipes for quick and tasty cooking We will present this delicious dish below.

    Recipe No. 1. Pumpkin cutlets

    Pumpkin cutlets with milk and semolina

    To prepare these cutlets you need:

    • kilogram of pumpkin
    • half a glass of milk (it’s better to take homemade milk, it’s richer)
    • half a cup of semolina
    • three to four large spoons of sugar
    • salt - half a dessert spoon
    • two chicken eggs, medium size. If the eggs are small, then take three
    • parsley
    • vegetable (refined) oil, for frying cutlets
    • breadcrumbs

    When all the ingredients are prepared, you can proceed to cooking. Where to begin?

    • pumpkin good Rinse , free from seeds. Peel peel and grate on a grater. Taste add salt, pepper and place on fire until the vegetable is ready.

    Advice! Grate the pumpkin using a medium or coarse grater . If you chop the pumpkin finely, you will get a lot of pumpkin juice.

    • Leaving the pan with the finished pumpkin on the fire, pour in into her milk, add semolina and mix thoroughly. Interfere necessary until the moment Bye in a saucepan a homogeneous mass is not formed , no lumps. Now you can remove it from the stove.
    • Removed? Wait until the mass will cool completely . When did it happen - beat the eggs and again carefully stir – the minced meat is ready!
    • Out of him form small cutlets , at both sides roll in breading , and you can fry .
    • They look perfect on the table if decorated with greenery.

    Recipe No. 2. Delicious pumpkin cutlets

    Pumpkin cutlets with sour cream

    The recipe for the second quick and tasty dish that will delight others.

    What ingredients do you need to prepare?

    • kilo pumpkin
    • half a cup of semolina
    • two large spoons of premium or first grade flour
    • a tablespoon of sour cream. If you don’t have it, you can use homemade yogurt
    • a pair of eggs
    • You can choose seasoning according to your taste, ground salt and pepper
    • breadcrumbs for frying
    • refined oil for frying cutlets

    How can we now make cutlets from these products? Don't worry - everything is very easy. Let's get started:

    • Wash and peel the pumpkin.
    • Slice into small bars. Wrap in foil and place in preheated oven up to two hundred degrees. The vegetable will be completely ready in half an hour, maximum forty minutes. Let it cool.

    Advice! You can bake pumpkin in an air fryer , if you have one.

    • Grind the cooled pumpkin into puree , you can use a blender. If you don't have one, use a regular meat grinder. You should get a homogeneous mass, without lumps.
    • Pour in into her sour cream (or yogurt). Mix thoroughly again.
    • Mix in all remaining ingredients. No need to mention mixing thoroughly! And leave for a short period of time, this is a necessary measure - the semolina should increase in size.

    Advice! If you mixed everything but the dough is still liquid, add a few large spoons of flour . The consistency of the dough should be soft and practically not stick to your hands. But don’t spread.

    • From the resulting dough form cutlets .

    Advice! If the dough sticks to hands , it's not a problem - slightly soak them in water, it will be easier for you to sculpt .

    • Formed roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs .
    • Place on a preheated frying pan and fry until done on both sides .

    Pumpkin cutlets prepared according to this recipe will certainly cause delight and admiration.

    Surely someone will ask for the recipe!

    Recipe No. 3. Quick and tasty pumpkin cutlets

    Pumpkin and minced meat cutlets

    Pumpkin cutlets prepared according to the following recipe are quick and, most importantly, delicious. No less delicious recipes that can be prepared easily and quickly can be found at this link.

    What is needed to prepare delicious cutlets? Stock up on the following products:

    • half a kilogram of minced meat (it is better to take half and half beef and pork)
    • two hundred grams of pumpkin
    • one onion, medium in size
    • one clove of garlic, you can take two (as you like)
    • slice of bread (preferably white)
    • egg, one, medium
    • You need five tablespoons of milk
    • the same number of spoons of flour
    • salt and pepper solely to your taste.

    In what order should we now combine these products? Begin:

    1. Previously soak bread in milk .
    2. Grate the pumpkin.
    3. Chop the onion using a blender or meat grinder.
    4. We do the same with garlic.
    5. Add all ingredients to minced meat and mix thoroughly.
    6. The resulting homogeneous mass put in the refrigerator for sixty minutes .
    7. Time has passed, we take the mass out of the refrigerator and out of it start forming cutlets .
    8. Place in a hot frying pan and fry a few minutes on one and the other side.
    9. Then we put all the cutlets in a small saucepan, add water and simmer. Ten minutes will be enough.

    Now you know how to cook tender and healthy pumpkin cutlets. Quick and tasty recipes are now in your pocket!

    Bon appetit!

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    I think it would be superfluous to write about the benefits of such a delicious vegetable as pumpkin. You can use it to make not only delicious cutlets, you can bake bread, pancakes, make casseroles, porridges, or simply fry it for a side dish. There are probably a lot of recipes for making pumpkin cutlets; I will write about the recipe that I have known since childhood. Pumpkin cutlets turn out very tasty and tender, besides, they are very nutritious, and they are not difficult to prepare. Moreover, if you add more sugar, then they are quite suitable for a sweet dish, and if not, then they can be prepared for dinner. These pumpkin cutlets are best served with sour cream and vegetable salad.


    • pumpkin 1 kg
    • semolina 1/2 cup
    • 1 - 2 tbsp flour
    • 1 tbsp sour cream or natural yogurt
    • 2 eggs
    • salt, pepper to taste
    • seasonings
    • bread crumbs
    • vegetable oil for frying

    Cooking method

    Usually, I peel the pumpkin, cut it into cubes, approximately 2x3 centimeters, wrap it in foil and bake in the oven or air fryer until soft and ready, 30 - 40 minutes at a temperature of 190 C. Let it cool and puree in a blender until smooth. Then I add sour cream or natural yogurt, eggs, salt, pepper, seasonings, semolina and flour. Mix well and leave for a while so that the semolina swells and the dough becomes a little stiffer. If you see that the dough is liquid, you can add one or two more spoons of flour, it should be tender and stick a little to your hands, but not spread. With slightly damp hands, form cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil on both sides until cooked and golden brown. Bon appetit.

    The first pumpkin dish I tried was samsa with pumpkin. Amazingly tasty thing, I tell you! And from that day on it went: I tried to place pumpkins literally everywhere, I really wanted something new, original. Some dishes turned out well, others not so much. But what was especially sad was that I couldn’t make delicious pumpkin cutlets. And what didn’t I add to them! Some were more like pancakes, others were dull and a little dry, and others were simply not particularly tasty. And now I finally found my perfect recipe. I’ll tell you about it now.


    • piece of pumpkin – 500-600 g,
    • one potato (about 200 g),
    • egg – 1 pc.,
    • small onion,
    • garlic (large) – 3-4 cloves,
    • oat flakes – 1 tbsp. with a mound,
    • flour – 2-3 tbsp. l.,
    • salt - to taste,
    • seasoning for vegetables - to taste,
    • other seasonings and spices - optional,
    • vegetable oil - for frying cutlets.

    How to make delicious pumpkin cutlets in a hurry

    Peel the pumpkin and potatoes; for convenience, you can cut them into smaller pieces. Scrape out all the pulp from the pumpkin along with the seeds. Using a medium grater or blender with a suitable attachment, grind first the pumpkin, then the potatoes. Mix vegetables in one cup.

    Next, add finely chopped onion and garlic passed through a garlic press into the cup. Their taste in cutlets will not be very noticeable, but the aroma of this mixture is simply amazing.

    Beat the egg into the mixture, add salt and seasonings to taste. Mix everything well.

    Next, measure out a glass of oatmeal and grind it into flour with a blender. The finer you can grind it, the better. Another important point: the flakes must be proven, tasty and not the largest. Cereals No. 2 (those that cook for about 10 minutes) are ideal. In addition, low-quality flakes can taste bitter, which will certainly affect the taste of the finished cutlets in a negative way.

    Add the resulting oatmeal to the vegetable mixture. Add some flour there too. The correct cutlet mass is of medium thickness; it is better to add a little less flour than to overdo it.

    When the minced meat is ready, let it stand for 5-10 minutes, after which we put a frying pan on the stove and heat the oil. With wet hands, form cutlets from minced vegetables. Don't worry if you think the cutlets are too flat - when frying, they will rise one and a half times.

    Fry the cutlets on both sides over medium heat.

    Be sure to close the lid, otherwise the cutlets will turn out flat and sticky.

    Serve the cutlets with your favorite sauce and a cup of hot sweet tea. Amazingly delicious!