How to make soup dumplings from flour. With flour dumplings

Dumplings are small flour products, the recipe for which is available in many countries, but they are called differently. So in Belarus - these are jackdaws, In Ukraine - dumplings, In the Czech Republic - dumplings. Every housewife knows what soup dumplings are and the recipe for making them, although not everyone is happy with their results. Many products turn out tough, which means it’s time to reveal all the secrets of making fluffy and soft dumplings.

Soup dumplings - classic recipe

A simple recipe for dumplings requires the most common set of ingredients that can be found in every housewife’s kitchen.


  • 225 g flour;
  • one large egg;
  • water;
  • a couple of grams of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the egg into the sifted flour, add salt and pour in water. Knead the not very stiff dough.
  2. Make a thick sausage from the dough and cut it into pieces of the same size.
  3. Roll each piece into a ball with a diameter of 2 cm and place it in the soup approximately 10 minutes before it is ready.
  4. Some housewives cook the dumplings separately and add them when serving. ready-made dish. This way the soup remains clear and the dumplings do not lose their taste. Regular water You can replace it with sour cream, this will increase the satiety of the products.
  5. Dumplings can be served separately, topped with sour cream, tomato or cream sauce.

Soup dumplings recipe

If you prepare dumplings only from eggs and flour, then the products turn out to be harsh, but if you add a little melted butter, you can get tender-tasting dumplings for soup.


  • 245 g flour;
  • 34 g ghee;
  • two raw eggs;
  • 155 ml milk;
  • a couple of grams of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the saucepan with cool water and pour into it milk drink, put on the stove, let it boil, add butter, salt and add flour in portions.
  2. As soon as the resulting dough has cooled a little, pour in the eggs and quickly stir everything.
  3. Now we make a sausage, divide it into equal pieces, roll it into small balls and put it in the soup 10 minutes before the dish is ready.
  4. You can also add any seasonings, fresh herbs, and even pureed vegetables to the dumpling dough.

Dumpling dough without eggs

If you are cooking lean soup, then you need a recipe for simple dumplings without adding eggs or any dairy products.


  • 35 ml lean oil;
  • spoon of ripper;
  • 385 g flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the sifted flour into a container along with the baking powder and salt, pour in the oil, and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Roll the pieces of dough into small balls and add them to the soup at the final stage.

Cooking with semolina

Instead of flour you can use semolina, the dumplings turn out softer.


  • 65 g ghee;
  • one raw egg;
  • two grams of salt;
  • 25 g flour;
  • 95 g semolina.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the butter in a bowl and rub it with the egg, adding some salted granules. It is better to remove the oil from the cold first so that it becomes soft and easy to work with.
  2. Mix semolina with flour and pour into the resulting mass of eggs and butter, knead the dough, which should not spread.
  3. As soon as the soup is almost ready, take a dessert spoon, scoop up a little dough, transfer it to hands moistened with water and quickly roll it into a ball.
  4. During cooking, the dumplings will increase in size and become soft and fluffy.

Potato dumplings

Many housewives know how to make dumplings from flour, but do they know how to make them from potatoes? Such products can be served separately with any sauce or used to prepare vegetable, meat or fish soup.


  • five potato tubers;
  • 95 g flour;
  • two raw eggs;
  • 35 ml cream;
  • fennel and cumin seeds, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the potatoes, boil and mash. Do not let the mashed potatoes cool completely and immediately pour in the cream, add salt and stir.
  2. Now beat in the eggs, add the fennel seeds, cumin and flour, and thoroughly knead the potato dough.
  3. All that remains is to roll the dumplings and add them to the soup. Or you can serve it separately with onions fried in melted butter. Either with mushroom or creamy garlic sauce, it will be very tasty.

Cheese dumplings

Another interesting option dumplings are cheese dumplings with the addition of nutmeg and sesame seeds.


  • 315 g cheese;
  • 185 g flour;
  • 115 ml kefir (milk);
  • two large eggs;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • 37 g sesame seeds.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the cheese, add flour to it, pour in the eggs beaten with a fork and any milk product, mix.
  2. Now add a little grated nutmeg and sesame seeds, stir again and make dumplings from the resulting dough.
  3. Add the products to the soup or boil separately for eight minutes.

Cheese dumplings are great for chicken and rice soup, but for pickle it is better to make garlic dumplings, for milk soups and vegetable broths- semolina, for buckwheat soup- potato.

Flour dumplings are added to broths or served as a separate dish. To make the products tasty and perfectly complement another dish, it is important to use only fresh food for their preparation. And the dough for them turns out surprisingly airy if you sift the flour several times.


Wheat flour 6 tbsp. Milk 100 grams Chicken eggs 2 pieces) Butter 30 grams Bulb onions 1 piece(s) Caraway 1 tsp

  • Number of servings: 5
  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 10 minutes

How to make dumplings from flour

Dumplings according to this recipe are prepared from wheat or rye flour. A mixture that includes barley, buckwheat and Rye flour. But no matter what flour is used, the dough for the products should be made elastic.

The dumplings should be prepared in the following order:

  1. Mix milk, butter and egg yolks. Grind these ingredients until white.
  2. Add flour to the resulting mass. Pour in the milk.
  3. Season with salt and caraway seeds.
  4. Add to dough egg whites, which must be pre-beaten with a mixer. Grind all the ingredients again. The result will be a paste-like dough.
  5. Soak a teaspoon in water, take a little dough and place it in boiling water, which must first be salted.

The cooking time for the dumplings is 5 minutes. Products are considered ready when they begin to float on the surface. Then they can be taken out onto a plate to be used to complement any broth.

Recipe for dumplings made from custard flour

To make custard dumplings you will need:

  • wheat flour (50g);
  • butter(3 tbsp);
  • eggs (2 pcs);
  • milk (100g);
  • parsley (1 bunch);
  • dill (1 bunch);
  • salt according to taste preference.

They prepare like this:

  1. Add butter to milk and boil.
  2. Add flour to the mixture. Without removing from the heat, quickly stir the mixture - you should get elastic mass, easily lagging behind the walls of the container.
  3. The result choux pastry remove from heat. Add salt and herbs, stirring continuously.
  4. Let the dough cool and mix it with the mashed yolks. Beat the mass.
  5. Add the egg whites that have been beaten with a mixer. Stir thoroughly again.
  6. Soak a teaspoon in water, use it to take small pieces of dough and place them in boiling water.

Cook them over low heat. They will be ready as soon as they swim to the surface.

To do delicious dumplings, it takes no more than 15 minutes. Any recipe for dumplings made from flour offers only an approximate amount of flour to create the desired thickness of the dough - this depends on the flour used and the percentage of fat in the milk.

Translated from German, the word “dumpling” means “lump”. In fact, dumplings are lumps of dough that are prepared as an independent dish or a filler for other dishes, usually soups. However, there is still no consensus on the origin of dumplings. This dish, under one name or another, is present in the cuisines of the most different nations.

It is prepared not only by Germans, but also by Poles, Czechs, and Lithuanians, and their recipes for preparing dumplings are very different from each other. However, in terms of the main ingredients (flour, eggs, milk), the methods of preparing this dish in all cuisines are very similar. Some peoples make dumplings more flavorful with the help of spices and herbs, and Germans and Hungarians, for example, supplement dough for dumplings with sausages and cracklings.

As we have already said, flour, eggs and water are used to prepare dumplings, however, they are also prepared from semolina, potatoes and other products. In some recipes, dumplings are prepared with meat, adding it either to the dough or as a filling.

Dumplings - food preparation

The main products for making dumplings are flour, milk and eggs. As in other cases, taste and appearance The finished dish largely depends on the quality of the original products.

Before preparing the dumpling dough, you should definitely sift the flour more than once to enrich it with oxygen and make the dough more airy. It must be remembered that the amount of flour in the recipe is always given as an approximate amount, because the density of the resulting dough is determined not only by the amount of flour, but also by its quality, fat content and density of milk, etc. Therefore, the housewife should be prepared for the fact that the dough for dumplings may use more or less flour compared to the amount specified in the recipe.

To prepare dumplings you should select fresh eggs having a clean shiny shell. Milk is usually taken fresh or pasteurized.

Dumplings - best recipes

Recipe 1: Flour dumplings

These dumplings are used in soups or as a separate dish. For cooking, you can take wheat or buckwheat flour, or you can use a mixture of rye, barley and buckwheat flour. Milk in the recipe can be replaced with water. Besides this, since different kinds flour and oils have different properties, then the amount of liquid in the recipe can be varied to obtain the desired consistency of the dumpling dough.


6 tbsp. spoons of flour (without top);
100 gr. milk;
2 eggs;
30 gr. butter (depending on circumstances, you can use sunflower);
1 small onion;
0.5 teaspoon of cumin.

Cooking method:

1. Grind butter and milk with egg yolks until white, then gradually add flour and water to this mass in small portions.

2. Having salted the resulting dough and flavored it with spices, add the previously beaten egg whites into it and grind again. We get a dough that has the consistency of porridge-smear.

3. From the resulting dough, using a teaspoon moistened in water, separate small pieces, which we cook for about 5 minutes (after adding water). The dumplings are ready when they begin to float to the surface.

Recipe 2: Custard flour dumplings

To prepare such dumplings, flour is boiled. The recipe for custard dumplings involves slightly different proportions of flour and other components, unlike previous recipe, so they taste a little different.


50 gr. flour;
3 tbsp. spoons of butter;
2 eggs;
100 gr. milk;
2 tsp. chopped herbs (parsley with dill),
salt on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

1. After boiling the milk and butter, add the flour and, without removing from the heat, quickly stir the mixture to form an elastic mass that will lag behind the walls.

2. Then remove the resulting choux pastry from the heat and add salt and spices while stirring continuously. After the dough has cooled, mix it with the pre-pounded yolks and beat. Then gradually add the whipped whites and mix the dough thoroughly again.

3. Then, moistening a teaspoon in water, separate small pieces from the resulting dough and, lowering them into boiling salted water, cook over low heat until the dumplings appear on the surface.

Recipe 3: Semolina dumplings

Semolina dumplings have a very delicate taste; they can be used as an independent dish or as a filler for soup. Semolina dumplings can also be made sweet.


10 tbsp. l. semolina;
500 gr. milk;
20 gr. butter;
2 eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Bring the milk to a boil over low heat, then, with constant stirring, pour semolina into it in a thin stream. Add sugar and salt, cook over low heat for about 3 minutes, then remove from heat and leave to cool under the lid.

2. Beat the eggs with a mixer, add them to the cooled semolina porridge, then add the butter and beat the resulting mixture into a homogeneous fluffy mass.

3. Take a pastry cone bag in which a metal tube is inserted, and fill it three-quarters with the porridge that we have prepared. We twist the wide free end of the bag, then, taking it in our left hand, squeeze the porridge over a bowl in which water is boiling. When the porridge is squeezed out pastry bag, we cut the dumplings into even pieces with a knife, which we dip in water from time to time.

Recipe 4: Millet dumplings

Even if you don't like millet porridge, be sure to try millet dumplings. They have absolutely special taste, nutritious and healthy.


50 gr. millet;
100 gr. milk;
2 tsp. Sahara;
2 eggs;
50 gr. sour cream;
1 tbsp. l. flour;
40 gr. butter

Cooking method:

1. Cook from millet, sugar and milk viscous porridge, cool it to about 70 degrees, then mix the porridge with eggs, sour cream and wheat flour, mix everything well.

2. Form dumplings from the resulting mass and cook them in salted water. Serve with melted butter or sour cream.

Recipe 5: Potato dumplings

In the cuisines of almost all nations, potato dumplings occupy a special place of honor. They are very tasty and nutritious, and they are very easy to prepare. If you can cook mashed potatoes, then you can also master potato dumplings without difficulty.


5 potatoes;
100 gr. rye or wheat flour;
50 gr. butter;
2 eggs;
1 onion;
1 tsp each salt and cumin.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the potatoes in salted water and mash them into a puree, add butter to it.

2. Finely chop the onion and fry it on vegetable oil, mix it with puree, mashed yolks, flour (we introduce it gradually), as well as lightly beaten whites. Add cumin to the resulting mass, add salt and mix everything thoroughly.

4. Boil the dumplings in salted water, serve them with butter and fried onions.

Although you can replace milk with water when preparing dumplings, if possible, you should not do this, as dumplings made with milk are softer and tastier.

You should not neglect the advice to first beat the yolks with butter, and only then, after mixing them with the dough, add the whipped whites. Only in this case the dumplings will turn out tender, airy and very tasty.

The most simple dumplings for soup you can make it from flour - with an egg, milk, cream, or lean with water!

In this recipe I will show you how to prepare soup dumplings.

You can cook soup with dumplings and chicken broth. For example, if you boil the broth in advance, then preparing delicious fragrant soup with dumplings it will only take 20 minutes.

It is necessary to add dumplings to the soup at the very end, since the time for preparing them is 4-5 minutes maximum. The soup dumplings themselves can be prepared with either wheat flour or semolina. To improve the taste, you can add various spices, herbs, or even cheese to the dumplings.

  • Flour 5-6 tbsp. spoon
  • Cream 50 ml
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste

How to cook dumplings for soup? First, lightly beat the egg.

Add cream or milk to the egg. Add a little salt. You can also add spices.

Add flour to the mixture and knead the dough. The consistency should be slightly thicker than pancake batter.

When the soup is almost ready, you can start boiling the dumplings. To do this, it is best to use a teaspoon, moistening it in the broth. You need to take half, maximum two-thirds of a teaspoon, as the dumplings greatly increase in size. For convenience, I scoop the dough into one teaspoon and remove it with a second teaspoon.

Boil the dumplings for 4-5 minutes. At the end add greens.

Recipe 2: Soup dumplings made from flour and eggs in a slow cooker

  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Water - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Wheat flour / Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - to taste

5 minutes before the end of cooking the soup in the slow cooker, start making dumplings. We need to put them in the soup immediately after cooking, because if the dough for them sits for a long time, they will turn out to be stone. Break an egg into a bowl, grind it with a pinch of salt, add warm water, rubbing vigorously with a broom, add flour. The result should be a loose dough that can flow off a spoon. Be sure to add water, otherwise the dumplings will again be tough.

At the end of the program at 150 degrees, open the lid, immediately set the multicook program for 10 minutes at 110 degrees and spoon the dumplings into the boiling soup. Stir gently, add dill, close the lid and let the soup cook under the lid for the remaining 10 minutes so that the dumplings swell. It took me 5 out of 10 minutes.

And you can eat!

Recipe 3: Lean soup dumplings made from flour (step-by-step photos)

Let's make water dumplings for soup today? Simple, quick and delicious at the same time! For what soup? For any - mushroom, vegetable, fish, and also for chicken or meat.

  • filtered water - 150 ml
  • premium wheat flour - 2 cups
  • sunflower oil - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • universal seasoning - 1 tsp.

Combine 2 cups of sifted flour, all purpose seasoning and salt. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly.

First I poured in 130 ml of water, then, while kneading, another 20 ml. You can use your flour as a guide, because gluten and absorbency are different.

And I kneaded the dough thoroughly - it did not stick to my hands and was quite elastic.

For convenience, I divided it into 4 parts. I rolled each of them into a sausage.

I cut the sausage slightly diagonally with a sharp knife. If cutting is difficult, dust the knife blade with flour.

I dropped the dumplings into the soup so that the broth covered them. After they floated up, I boiled them for 3-4 minutes and turned off the gas.

That's it - you can pour it into plates!

The dumplings turn out delicious and add extra richness to the soup! In my opinion, bread is no longer needed for this first course...

Recipe 4: how to make flour dumplings for soup (with photo)

Even a novice cook can make these dumplings for soup. For soup for five people you will need only one portion of this recipe. These dumplings expand greatly in size when cooked, so I advise you to take no more than half a teaspoon of dough at a time. The dumplings themselves are soft and tender, and the addition of seasoning makes them delicious. You can make any soup: with meatballs, just vegetable soup, fish soup, today I’m making it with meat.

  • Wheat flour - 2-2.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable seasoning - 1 tsp.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.

Break the egg into a bowl, add salt and seasoning, stir.

Stir in the flour in parts until a viscous consistency is achieved, mixing thoroughly. The consistency of the dough should be thicker than for pancakes.

We begin adding the dough to the soup 8-10 minutes before the end of cooking. Dip a spoon into the boiling soup before the first portion of dough. Dial half and less dough on a spoon, dropping it into the boiling soup, keep it in the soup for a few seconds. We do this with the entire portion of the dough.

Our dumpling soup is ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 5: the simplest flour dumplings (step by step)

Dumplings for your favorite soup are delicious boiled “balls” of dough that many have known since childhood. Dumplings are added at the end of cooking the first course; their preparation is very fast and requires a minimum of ingredients.

  • Flour - 100 g
  • Eggs - 1 piece
  • Salt - to taste

Add salt to the egg and beat with a fork.

Add sifted flour to the mixture, mix everything.

If it turns out too thick, you can add a little water.

Spoon the dough into the boiling soup. It is advisable to soak the spoon in boiling water so that the dough does not stick.

The dumplings cook quickly, and after just a few minutes you can enjoy the soup.

Recipe 6: How to make dumplings from flour in broth

Dumplings can be an addition, or rather, a filling chicken broth, and as a separate dish. You can make dumplings for soup. The same dough products, but fried in oil or stewed in sour cream - independent culinary recipes second courses.

In addition, dumplings are an excellent side dish for pickled meats. Also, cooked in milk, they can be served as a dessert - a third course. IN Ukrainian cuisine their analogue can be the so-called dumplings, and dumplings are also dumplings.

Soup or broth in our recipe is an important addition. But nothing more. I think a liter will be enough. Dumplings for chicken soup are prepared from wheat flour, but can be made from semolina and even oatmeal. For soup based on broth from chicken hearts(and this is our case), we will prepare dumplings from ordinary premium flour.

  • premium flour - 100 g,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • chicken soup (broth) - 1 liter,
  • salt - to taste.

Sift the flour. In a bowl, beat one egg, adding lightly (to taste).

Add the sifted flour to the beaten egg and mix very well with a fork until the mixture is smooth and beautiful. yellow color. The mixture should be plastic and soft. If it turns out very thick, you can dilute it a little with warm boiled water or the same broth.

Dumplings for chicken soup are formed as follows. We take the mass from the bowl with a teaspoon, which was dipped into the boiling broth before this procedure (so that the dough does not remain on the spoon).

Having collected the dough in this way, press the spoon against the wall of the container so that it lies tightly on it (the spoon).


On cold winter days it is especially pleasant to eat hot dishes for lunch. These can be all kinds of broths, creamy soups, rich borscht. Recipes for hot dishes are very diverse, some use cereals, others use a large amount seasonal vegetables. We will consider the option of making soup with flour products called "dumplings".

Fragrant light soup on a strong meat broth will be wonderful a separate dish for lunch. Pieces of dough swell during cooking and turn into dumplings. The dish is widespread all over the world; dumplings can be called dumplings or gnocchi. Let's look at the intricacies of the recipe for making soup with dumplings; for 4 servings we will need:


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 0.5 kg of lean meat;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil;
  • Salt, ground pepper, greens to taste.

For dumplings take:

  • 8 tablespoons of premium flour;
  • Small egg;
  • 150 grams of cold milk;
  • A little salt.


  1. We clean the meat from excess fat and films, soak in cold water so that our broth is as clear as dew;
  2. Pour the prepared meat cold water, cook until it boils, remove the resulting foam regularly with a slotted spoon;
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables: wash, peel, and chop potatoes, onions, carrots in the same style (cubes will look good);
  4. Place the chopped potatoes in the broth, cover with a lid and cook for 7 minutes;
  5. Saute chopped onions and carrots in any oil until they have a beautiful golden color;
  6. Place the vegetables into the broth;
  7. We make the dough for the dumplings: in a separate bowl, mix the flour sifted with salt with a beaten egg, pour in cold milk in a thin stream, knead the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream;
  8. Prepare 2 teaspoons and a cup of cold water;
  9. Type carefully a small amount of dough with a spoon, periodically dipping it into cold water, and using another spoon, lower the dough into the boiling soup, cook for approximately 5 minutes from the moment it boils;
  10. The finished dumplings will float to the surface, increase in size and swell by half during cooking;
  11. Let the soup sit for about an hour in a warm place;
  12. Serve with chopped fresh herbs, adding a piece to each serving. boiled meat. Serve bread if desired; soup with dumplings is very filling.

Recipe for chicken soup with dumplings

Chicken broth is considered the most dietary and suitable for all ages. This broth rich taste due to use whole chicken And large quantity vegetables


  • Fresh chicken weighing just over a kilogram;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • A couple of potatoes;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • White onion – 1 pc.;
  • Celery stalk;
  • Fresh parsley, salt, pepper - to taste.

For the gnocchi dough recipe:

  • 4 tablespoons wheat flour;
  • The same amount of corn flour;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • 30 gr. grated cheese;
  • 125 ml cold low-fat milk;
  • 40 grams of softened butter;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt.


  1. First, prepare the vegetables (wash, peel);
  2. Cut the washed chicken carcass in portioned pieces, put in a saucepan;
  3. Cut the carrots into pucks, onion half rings, celery - rings;
  4. Place chopped vegetables in a saucepan with chicken and pour specified quantity water, put on the stove;
  5. Bring to a boil, turn to very low heat, cook for about 30 minutes;
  6. Meanwhile, prepare the dumplings: mix two types of flour (wheat and corn), salt, baking powder, grated cheese;
  7. Rub butter, softened to a smooth consistency, into the resulting mass;
  8. At the final stage, pour in cold milk in a thin stream;
  9. Knead soft dough;
  10. We wet our hands periodically in cold water and form dough balls slightly smaller in size. walnut(the dumplings will swell during cooking);
  11. Place the dough balls into the boiling broth and cook for 10 minutes;
  12. Remove the chicken from the soup and cool;
  13. We remove the meat from the skin and bones and return it to the broth;
  14. Before serving, heat the plates, pour a portion of soup with meat, add 6-7 dumplings, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Fragrant, thick soup The dumplings are ready, call everyone to the table!

Recipes for different types of dumplings for the first course

The traditional recipe for dumplings for soups is a version made from wheat or other flour, semolina. Add to dumplings if desired Dutch cheese, spinach greens.

Dumplings are made from potato and pumpkin puree- the so-called gnocchi, can also be part of a variety of sweet milk soups - called dumplings, and can also be a completely independent dish, served with fried onions and sour cream - dumplings. Let's look at the most popular recipes dumpling.


  • Flour – 100 gr.;
  • 1 egg;
  • Milk – 0.5 liters;
  • Butter - to taste;
  • Salt, granulated sugar– optional.


Mix the flour with the egg, spoon the resulting dough into boiling milk, cook for 5 minutes, let it brew, during which time the dumplings will increase in size. Add a little salt and place a cube of butter on the plate before serving.


  • Potatoes – 1 kg;
  • Flour – 300 grams;
  • Egg – 1 piece;
  • Salt, spices - to taste.


  1. Wash, peel, and boil potatoes. In a bowl, mash the potatoes until pureed, add the egg, salt and pepper.
  2. Knead the resulting dough thoroughly, divide into equal sausages and cut as for dumplings. Then use a fork to gently flatten each piece of dough to create deep grooves that will trap the sauce. Boil.
  3. As sauce will do ketchup, garlic Sause with sour cream.


  • Flour – 2 cups;
  • Water – 0.5 cups;
  • A couple of eggs;
  • Onions, lard for frying;
  • Salt, ground pepper.


  1. Mix flour with beaten eggs and water, add salt and pepper. Roll the dough into sausages and cut into portions.
  2. Pour boiling water into the bottom of the steamer, grease the mold with oil, place the dumplings and steam for 10 minutes. At this time, fry the lard and onions in a frying pan until beautifully golden.
  3. Place the finished dumplings on a serving dish and pour over the top onion sauce. Serve hot.