How to get beer out of your body faster. How long does it take for beer to leave the body? Foamy drink release time

Today, beer is perhaps the most popular low-alcohol drink. Its main drawback is its specific smell, which immediately identifies the person who has embroidered even a small amount of this product. However, the smell is a minimal problem. The main thing that interests drivers is how long it takes for beer to dissipate (1 liter, half a liter, etc.) so that they can drive without fear.

About the norms

In accordance with the new legislation, the concentration of ethyl alcohol per liter of exhaled air must be less than 0.16 mg. This is a very small indicator; weak household breathalyzers will not even record it, but devices used by traffic police inspectors will certainly record it.

Factors influencing the rate of weathering of beer

How long it takes for a bottle of beer to dissipate depends on body weight and body characteristics. It is known that as weight increases, the rate of alcohol processing also increases. However, there is another factor: . With the normal functioning of this organ, the body quickly gets rid of the toxic compounds that are formed. Other circumstances affecting the withdrawal period of beer:

  • general health;
  • gender;
  • the strength of the drink, its unique composition;
  • food consumption with beer, quantity of products and their quality;
  • frequency of drinking;
  • time of year and time of day.

There are also average data on how long it takes for a liter of beer to dissipate. Doctors say that with a normal build this takes 6 to 8 hours.

The effect of beer on the driver's reaction

  • After drinking a bottle, the alcohol concentration reaches approximately 0.5 ppm. In this case, a person experiences difficulty in determining the speed of moving objects.
  • After a liter (about 0.8 ppm), the eye's reaction to red light and changes in lighting worsens, and the viewing angle decreases.
  • Having drunk more than 2.5 liters, the driver is unable to drive.

The approximate rate at which the body releases beer is from 0.1 to 0.15 ppm per hour. For women the figures are lower – approximately 0.08. There are also approximate data regarding the withdrawal period of beer alcohol.

  • Narcologists say that it takes about 5-6 hours to dry out a bottle of beer. A person may not feel intoxicated, but a breathalyzer will certainly record an excess of the norm.
  • If you consume a liter of beer, you should not drive for up to 8 hours.
  • 2 liters of beer will disappear in a period of 12 to 15 hours. How long it will take for it to be safe to drive is determined by the factors listed above.

Other data may be found in some sources. Thus, some experts claim that 0.5 liters of beer, the strength of which is 4%, is removed in approximately 2-3 hours, a liter in 3.5-4 hours, and it will take approximately 8 hours to evaporate 2 liters of such a drink. In principle, all the given data are averaged, since much depends on human physiology and other factors.

Myths about ways to speed up beer elimination

Myth 1. Walking in the cold quickly brings you back to normal.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels dilate; when exposed to cold, they narrow. Such compensation creates the illusion of sobering up, but in reality the alcohol remains in the blood. In warmth, its action is resumed.

Myth 2. The sauna helps the beer to fade.

A very dangerous misconception, since the simultaneous influence of high temperatures and alcohol exposes the heart to double stress. This is fraught with serious consequences.

Myth 3. You can fool the breathalyzer with the help of the Anti-Policeman.

It's practically impossible. The device records even the minimum alcohol concentration.

An exact answer to the question “How much alcohol leaves the body?” when drinking vodka, beer and alcohol, does not exist. Each person has a different body, so alcohol disappears in different ways. It is necessary to know general information about when a person sobers up and the breathalyzer does not detect traces of yesterday's holiday. Why does the elimination of alcohol in the blood of women take longer than that of men?

How long does alcohol stay in the blood?

In various life situations where information about the percentage and concentration of alcohol is required, information about the duration of alcohol in the blood will be useful. The period of neutralization of ethanol in the body depends on the individual indicators of the person. If a healthy man drank about 100 g of vodka, then the intoxication will not go away within four hours. There are devices like an alcohol laser that help you find out the concentration. The duration of ethanol withdrawal is determined by a number of factors:

  • the person has depression;
  • hunger;
  • body weight;
  • age;
  • type of drink;
  • liver condition;
  • amount of alcohol consumed.

Among women

The sensitive female body is more difficult to tolerate the harmful effects of alcohol. How long does alcohol leave a woman's body? Women get drunk faster and the process of sobering up takes longer for them. The body's ability to eliminate the consequences of alcoholism directly depends on the content of gastric enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of ethanol. The female body contains 2-3 times less gastric enzymes than the male body, so more ethanol enters the blood.

In men

The stronger sex is more resistant to the influence of alcohol. The male body is prone to quickly eliminate ethanol, and drinking alcohol has a less detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs than drinking the same amount of alcohol by a woman. This phenomenon is justified only if a person has a healthy liver. If the functioning of the cleansing organ is disrupted, a large amount of alcohol is deposited in the liver and the formation of acetaldehyde compounds occurs.

What determines the time it takes for alcohol to leave the body?

The rate of ethanol absorption and its release depends on the presence of food in the human stomach. These are two proportional indicators. If a person has eaten a hearty meal, the absorption of ethanol into the circulatory system will occur later. Fatty foods coat the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus and reduce absorption, but prolonged consumption of such foods together with alcohol causes pancreatitis. By drinking on a full stomach, you will slow down the absorption of alcohol, breakdown and elimination. A person’s weight plays a role: the larger it is, the faster alcohol is eliminated.


A complex of factors determines the duration of ethanol leaving the human body. One of these factors is age. As years pass by, a person’s life systems begin to function worse. In young people, alcohol withdrawal occurs faster due to active metabolism. Fast metabolism allows you to quickly eliminate the remaining ethanol from the body.

Drink strength

Depending on the strength of the drink, withdrawal of alcohol can occur from a few minutes to a day. The fastest way to eliminate beer is 4% (at 60 kg, 100 ml will be eliminated in half an hour), and the most difficult is cognac 42% (at 70 kg, 500 ml will be eliminated after 26 hours). It is easier to sober up from low-alcohol drinks than from vodka, which has a strength of 40%. The period of breakdown of alcohol in the blood affects the health of internal organs and the nervous system. The liver is involved in processing, the functioning of which determines the removal of ethanol when drinking high-strength drinks.

Alcohol sensitivity

Completely removing alcohol from the body means eliminating an alcohol metabolite such as acetaldehyde. People with hypersensitivity to alcohol may have problems with this task. After a medical study, it turned out that a person’s reddened (flashing) face after drinking alcohol is a symptom of alcohol intolerance or a sign of high sensitivity. The body of people with this pathology contains a small amount of the enzyme that destroys acetaldehyde, which begins to accumulate without elimination.

Dose taken

The period of its disintegration depends on the amount of alcohol. In other words, drinking half a glass of vodka will bring you back to your senses faster than drinking a liter of alcoholic drink. You can find a special calculator for alcohol in the body (alcohol meter), into which you enter the amount of alcohol taken (ml), strength, weight and gender. Do not forget that the dose taken goes together with the strength parameter. If you drink 1 glass of beer with 4% and the same amount of drink, but with 12%, then the alcohol content will be different.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

The generally accepted rate of alcohol reduction is on average 0.2 ppm per hour. Also, you can calculate how long it takes for alcohol to leave the body using the formula: 90-130 ml per kilogram of body weight is destroyed in 1 hour. The female body needs 20% more time to cleanse itself of ethanol residues than the male body. The type of drink has a big influence on the elimination time. Each alcohol has a concept of hydrophilicity - an environment with a maximum amount of water will accumulate a greater concentration of ethanol.


It is an old tradition to drink an alcoholic drink with bubbles on every holiday or significant occasion. Champagne is not a strong drink and it is not customary to drink it in liters. A couple of glasses and a toast for a reason to get together are the main components of a banquet. How long does alcohol leave the body? In most cases, champagne contains 11%, and for a person weighing 100 kg, the alcohol withdrawal will occur in an hour. The smaller the person’s body weight, the longer the process will be.


Beer is divided into two types - light and dark, each of which is characterized by its own alcohol concentration in the drink. The percentage of alcohol in light beer is less than in dark beer. The strength starts at 3% and can go up to 20%. The destruction of ethanol can be done in two ways: by oxidation and in its pure form. The average withdrawal time for 100 g of beer is about 40 minutes. How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body in the amount of a glass of beer (0.5 l) - after 2.5 hours.


Naturally produced wine contains small amounts of alcohol. An integral component of a wine drink is alcohol. Wine is removed from the body in two ways: as a breakdown product (acetic acid) and in its original form. The oxidation process is the conversion of alcohol into acid. Alcohol in red and dry wine is eliminated faster than other drinks. How long does it take for alcohol to leave the blood? Drinking wine with a degree of 11% in the amount of a bottle (0.5 l) will excrete in 8 hours for a person weighing 60 kg and in four hours for a person weighing 100 kg.


A glass of this alcoholic drink is not as strong as cognac, but it causes an equally devastating blow to the body. Absorption begins from the mouth, then moves to the stomach. Next comes the process of mixing vodka with other liquids. The drink is detected in tissues and blood 30 minutes after consumption. The liver is responsible for the process of removing residual components of vodka from the body. Taking into account standard approximate data, the conclusion of a strong alcoholic drink occurs depending on how much a person drinks:

  • 50 g – one and a half hours;
  • 100 g – after four hours;
  • 500 g – 24 hours.


This drink, like wine, is made from grapes. The complex process of preparing cognac is known only to professionals, but everyone knows that it is classified as a strong drink. The resulting grape juice is distilled several times. Next, the final distillate should come out with a strength of 70%. How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body? The absorption of two-year-old cognac is easy to calculate: the drink is eliminated after almost the same period of time as vodka, you just need to add 10% of the time.

Alcohol output table

There are remedies that will not help you restore the functioning of your internal organs, but their use will improve your appearance. Among such drugs, Antipolitsay (to cleanse breath) and Vizin drops (against red eyes) are used. At a holiday, it is better to give preference to one type of drink. Knowing in advance how much you have to drink, you can calculate how long it will take to completely wear off or when the driver will be able to drive the car and get behind the wheel. Below is a graph of the yield rate, based on the volume of 100 grams drunk and a person’s weight from 60 to 100 kg:

Drink/Body weight, kg 60 70 80 90 100
Beer 4% 35 minutes 30 minutes 26 minutes 23 minutes 21 minutes
Champagne 11% 1 hour 36 minutes 1 hour 22 minutes 1 hour 12 minutes 1 hour 4 minutes 57 minutes
Vodka 40% 5 hours 48 minutes 4 hours 58 minutes 4 hours 21 minutes 3 hours 52 minutes 3 hours 29 minutes
Cognac 42% 6 hours 5 minutes 5 hours 13 minutes 4 hours 34 minutes 4 hours 4 minutes 3 hours 39 minutes
Whiskey 43% 6 hours 14 minutes 5 hours 21 minutes 4 hours 41 minutes 4 hours 9 minutes 3 hours 46 minutes
  • a small amount of milk;
  • foods rich in starch (cereals, potatoes, bread);
  • solving intellectual problems;
  • fruits with fructose (grapes, bananas, strawberries, apples, oranges);
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • drinking brine;
  • products with potassium (tomato paste, bananas, dried apricots, parsley, potatoes, dates, avocados);
  • prepared product - add 10 ml of ammonia to 100 milliliters of water (drink every 20 minutes);
  • infusions and decoctions of herbs (plantain, mint, chamomile, St. John's wort);
  • raw chicken proteins;
  • dairy products.
  • Cleansing dropper

    To remove ethanol, medical workers use one proven method - the use of a dropper with a special composition, which helps restore the functioning of all body systems. This method causes alcohol to be excreted through the kidneys. The composition of the dropper includes a vitamin complex for filling with energy (B, C), insulin, glucose (5%) and one of the medications (Reamberin, Trisol).

    Alcohol elimination drugs

    The removal of toxic substances by accelerating the process of urination can be carried out not only by using droppers, but also by using tablets (Glutargin, Zorex). The latter drug is used both for the treatment of chronic alcoholism and for one-time use. The intake of activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg) will improve the condition. Among solutions, Medichronal helps well, and Enterosgel is taken orally as a paste or gel. Panangin and Asparkam are used to replenish potassium deficiency.

    Video: period of alcohol removal from the body

    Surely each of us has encountered something similar: tonight we want to spend time with friends, have a glass with them, but tomorrow early in the morning we will have to get behind the wheel. Or tension has accumulated, it’s easy to relieve it with the same beer, but in a few hours there’s an important meeting or something else. In such situations, it is very useful to know how much beer is excreted from the body. Then you can correctly calculate the volume of the drink and avoid unpleasant consequences.


    We provide affordable assistance in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. Call! Consultations by phone 8-800-200-99-32 The call is free and anonymous

    Own feelings and objective reality

    Many of us may say: why do any calculations, I already know my limits. Or: does it matter how long it takes for the beer to leave the body? If I have clarity in my head, what if I can’t handle things?

    Here it is very important to separate your own feelings and the general state of the body. What is it for? Here are some examples.

    Usually, when you are intoxicated with alcohol, you feel dizzy and your sense of orientation in space worsens. But there are lucky ones among us with an amazingly stable vestibular apparatus. These people never get sick in any kind of transport; they are not afraid of the most sophisticated carousels and puzzling attractions. And when intoxicated, the gait remains smooth, no swaying or tangling legs. But this does not mean that there is no intoxication! All the same, the body is saturated with alcohol and its breakdown products. In a serious situation, something unexpected and negative may happen.

    For your information:

    You can calculate the approximate time for alcohol to leave the body using our

    What to focus on

    Below is the table. It will show how long you will have to wait until the beer is removed from the body.

    Beer strengthVolume drunk, mlBody weight of the drinker, kg
    up to 6070 80 90 100
    4% 100 35 minutes30 minutes26 minutes23 minutes21 minutes
    300 1 hour 44 minutes1 hour 29 minutes1 hour 18 minutes1 hour 10 minutes1 hour 03 minutes
    500 2 hours 54 minutes2 hours 29 minutes2 hours 11 minutes1 hour 56 minutes1 hour 44 minutes
    6% 100 52 minutes45 minutes39 minutes35 minutes31 minutes
    300 2 hours 37 minutes2 hours 14 minutes1 hour 57 minutes1 hour 44 minutes1 hour 34 minutes
    500 4 hours 21 minutes3 hours 44 minutes3 hours 16 minutes2 hours 54 minutes2 hours 37 minutes

    How long it takes for beer to be removed from a particular person’s body is a matter of practice and basic self-test.

    How to sober up faster

    There are several methods that can speed up the elimination of alcohol. They can be successfully used when there is an urgent need to recover after drinking alcohol:

    1. Drink water – mineral water or with the addition of citrus juice. The part of alcohol that is excreted in the urine will “leave” the body faster.
    2. The previous method plus diuretic herbs or preparations. You can ask them at the pharmacy and keep them in reserve. This method is only suitable for home use (unless, of course, you prepare a decoction/infusion in advance and have it with you). There are many medicinal diuretics, but without a doctor’s prescription they can have a very negative effect (for example, dangerous dehydration of the body).
    3. Cold and hot shower.
    4. Walk in the fresh air, especially at a brisk pace.

    Many will ask: what about strong tea and coffee? These and other tonic drinks are not suitable. They can only give an external sobering effect, but all alcohol vapors will remain with you, the rate of their elimination will not improve at all. Moreover, when the tonic effect is completed, your health may deteriorate greatly, because the body will exhaust its reserve forces.

    The same can be said about all sorts of “anti-police” means that are so popular among drivers. These “chewing gums” only mask the smell of alcohol, but do not in any way reduce the amount of alcohol in the blood.

    Doctors' opinion

    Alcohol intoxication, its manifestations and consequences are a long-standing and serious subject of study by many medical specialists. Narcologists believe that after serious intoxication, the body needs about a day to cleanse itself.

    The question of how much beer is excreted from the body is very important. Especially for drivers and for those who need to show increased attention and concentration. Such knowledge will help you avoid many unpleasant situations.


    The information in the article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for use. Consult your healthcare provider.

    If you don’t have a breathalyzer, and you don’t trust the readings of alcohol calculators from the Internet, there is a simple table: “Time for removing alcohol from the blood.” Having examined it, you can immediately determine the values ​​that interest you. In addition, you can find out how long it takes for alcohol to dissipate in cases where you stirred drinks; examples are given for this. Here are the links on the topic:

    There are a variety of tables from which you can find out how long it takes for ethyl alcohol to leave the human body. Their essence is the same. Based on the initial data, that is, the amount of alcohol consumed, as well as the individual characteristics of the person himself, the time of sobering up is determined. After all, it is very important for the driver to know when he can get behind the wheel after “breastfeeding”.

    Simple alcohol calculator

    For the most impatient, here is a quick way to find out the alcohol withdrawal time without entering any numbers from the keyboard. First of all, for mobile users, click on the picture:

    The standard dosage for vodka is 50 g, for port wine and cognac - 100 g, a glass of wine - 200 g, a mug of beer - 0.5 liters. You just move the sliders to the required values. They must correspond to your weight, the amount of alcohol consumed and the type of drink (we focus on the bottle and label). If we don’t have what we need, we take an analogue of the nearest fortress.

    We press the result and get driving when you can after vodka, cognac, port, wine, beer or their analogues. If desired, we clarify the result using the table for the time of weathering of alcoholic beverages from the human body. The table allows you to calculate how long a person’s alcohol lasts in a more accurate way.

    Alcohol: methods of testing in the body

    Only 3 ways to determine how much ethyl alcohol is in the body are used in practice:

    • Breathing test. The test is based on identifying the concentration of ethanol in the gas mixture that a person exhales from the lungs. The method is easy and fast. And modern breathalyzer devices allow you to obtain data with sufficient accuracy;
    • Determination and testing of alcohol in urine. The easiest way. The data obtained is reliable. However, this requires compliance with the known rules for collecting urine for research. This includes rapid transportation and proper storage. Otherwise, the results are distorted;
    • Alcohol analysis in blood tests. Reliable and reliable method. With one significant drawback. A vein puncture is required to collect blood. The result still depends on the qualifications of the medical personnel. But if the basic principles of the study are followed, the error is minimal.

    Although the generally accepted alcohol limit varies by country and state, there is a general guideline. This is the natural level of ethyl alcohol in the body, which is less than 0.4 ‰ (ppm). Tests, regardless of the chosen testing methods, have proven this.

    Exceeding this level is regarded as a state of alcohol intoxication. Changes in the activity of the nervous system and the appearance of signs of intoxication begin to manifest themselves at concentrations of 0.5 ‰ in the blood.

    Table 1. Time to remove alcohol from the blood

    Attention: The first column and the first row are guidelines for you (weight and amount of drink). And all the numbers below and to the right in the table show the number of hours how long alcohol stays in the blood with the corresponding water data. It is accepted that the strength of vodka is 40%, the strength of beer is 5%. Correction factors for other alcoholic beverages are lower.

    How much does a person weigh, in kg 50 ml. vodka/
    0.5 l. beer
    100 ml. vodka/
    1 l. beer
    150 ml. vodka/
    1.5 l. beer
    200 ml vodka/
    2 l. beer
    250 ml. vodka/
    2.5 l. beer
    Up to 59 kg 3 hours 7 hours 10 o'clock 13 o'clock 16 hours
    60-69 kg 3 hours 6 hours 8 hours 11 o'clock 2 p.m.
    70-79 kg 2 hours 5 hours 7 hours 9 o'clock 12 o'clock
    80-89 kg 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours 8 hours 10 o'clock
    90-99 kg 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours 7 hours 9 o'clock
    From 100 kg 2 hours 3 hours 5 hours 7 hours 8 hours

    Note: The rate of alcohol utilization in the female body is lower, therefore 1 hour should be added to the table readings for women.

    How to use the table

    Taking into account that the table most often has to be used in a less than adequate state (alcohol intoxication or hangover), we give specific examples:

    Example No. 1.

    Given: A man weighing 85 kg drank half a bottle of vodka. Question: How many hours will it take for the alcohol to leave the body before he can drive?


    1. 85 kg is between 80-89, which corresponds to the 4th line in the table of time for alcohol leaving the body
    2. Half a bottle of vodka in physical quantities is 0.5/2=0.25 l=250 ml. What corresponds to the last column of the table
    3. At the intersection of the fourth line and the fifth column, we get the answer: You can get behind the wheel in 10 hours.

    Answer: If a man weighing 85 kilograms drank half a bottle of vodka, then alcohol will remain in his blood for another 10 hours later.

    Example No. 2.

    Given: A girl weighing 64 kg drank 3 small aluminum cans of beer. Question: How many hours should I wait for the breathalyzer to show “zero” ppm?


    1. 64 kg is between 60-69, which corresponds to the 2nd line in the table for the time of alcohol removal from the blood
    2. Three small cans of beer in physical quantities are 0.33*3=0.99 liters. What corresponds to the 2nd column of the table
    3. At the intersection of the second line and the second column, we get the answer: The breathalyzer will not show anything after 6 hours (for a man). And for a girl/woman, according to the note, add 1 hour, for a total of 7 hours.

    Answer: If a girl weighing 64 kilograms drank 3 small cans of beer (or 2 large aluminum cans), then the ethyl alcohol from the drink will stay in her blood for up to 7 hours. Only then will the readings on the alcohol content tester be 0.

    Switching rates from strong alcohol to vodka (40%)

    Table 2. Ratio of conversion of consumed drinks into vodka

    Conversion rates for low-alcohol drinks to beer (5%)

    Table 3. Ratio of conversion of low-alcohol drinks into conventional beer

    Additionally, we will learn how to determine how to convert any alcoholic drink into a conditional one. How to find out your correction factor for any type of alcoholic drink and how to use it? Everything is just a simple correction. Example: vodka contains 40% ethyl alcohol, rum contains 60%. Transition coefficient to vodka: 60/40= 1.5. Switching to an equivalent amount of vodka (and if 1.25 liters of cognac was drunk): 1 liter. rum = 1.5 l. vodka. And if you drank 0.5 rum, how much vodka is that? Also just 0.5*1.5=0.75 in vodka equivalent.

    In addition, let's take a drink that is not the most common, for example Tutovka from the North Caucasus. We look at the bottle, wow - 75%. We are looking for the “conversion” coefficient to vodka (exact): 75/40 = 1.875. We drank, say, 100 grams (ml, IMHO). As a result, we get intoxication in the usual vodka as: 100 * 1.875 = 187.5 grams. Let’s look at the table - the nearest column (200 ml), that is, the minimum time for removing alcohol from the blood from such a dose of Tutovka is 7 hours, it will be more accurate if you compare it with your weight.

    The same thing applies to beer, it can be considered similarly. For example, let’s indulge in a cocktail from a can (0.5 liters), look at the “turnover” - let’s say 10%. We are looking for the exact correction factor for beer ourselves: 10/5 = 2. What this means is that 1 can of such an alcoholic cocktail will be equivalent to 2 cans of the same capacity of beer with a “turnover” of 5%.

    You drank 2 cans of this cocktail, but how much is it in beer and how long until you sober up completely? We get: 2*2=4 equivalent jars, and in liters 4*0.5=2 liters. (conventional beer with a strength of 5%). Looking at the table, we see that complete sobering up is at least 7 hours, and for women 8. If you want to be more precise, compare it with your weight.

    Gallery “Alcohol in the blood: exit and consequences”

    How long does alcohol from different drinks last in the body? Detailed table of alcohol elimination for drinks of various strengths Alcohol while driving: standards and sanctions for excess
    Alcohol limits for drivers in different countries and sanctions for violating them
    Results of “weathering” of alcohol from the blood Blood alcohol graph: fasting and with a snack

    How accurate is all this?

    The rate of elimination of alcohol in the blood according to tables and alcohol calculators is conditional and determined theoretically. This is especially true. After all, the formulas are based on average statistical patterns. The time for complete sobering up, strictly speaking, is individual. It varies from many factors, somehow depending: on the level of metabolism, medications taken, health status, and so on.

    Therefore, there is no need to immediately rely entirely on this table; common sense should remain the guide to action. Although everyone can find out approximately when they can drive after a feast.

    The point of using this table is to understand when a person will get fit and how long it will take for the alcohol to leave his blood.

    Now, to control alcohol in the blood, they are guided primarily by the readings of a breathalyzer, if the alcohol content measured by it shows strictly 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air and you can drive less. But we are still used to measuring alcohol content by blood, so for those for whom this is important, we will tell you how much it will be: 0.16 mg per 1 liter is 0.34 ppm.

    How long alcohol will last for a particular person depends not only on the strength and amount of alcohol taken and the weight of the individual, but also on other factors. Most often, a pattern works: if a person quickly gets drunk, then the time for the breakdown of alcohol in the blood will be very short. However, using the table above, it will not be possible to add another hour to the value determined from it, so to speak, just in case of fire.

    What to do?

    But alcohol in the blood is primarily to blame; its negative effects turn even a good person into a destroyer and murderer.

    When determining the true blood alcohol content in laboratory conditions, this is the unit that is used, because 1% is too much for this.

    comments 252

  • Gavrila
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      Vitya Pegs
      Sep 10, 2015 @ 20:15:32

      Sep 06, 2015 @ 15:49:36

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      Aug 28, 2015 @ 17:20:43

      Aug 27, 2015 @ 18:52:35

    For many years, beer has been one of the most popular drinks among people. Young people value it for its pleasant, refreshing taste, while adults prefer beer for its low-alcohol effect. Many people believe that no matter how much you drink this drink, there will be no harm, because there are very few degrees in it, and they are quickly eliminated from the body. But everything is not as rosy as it seems at first glance. Before you get behind the wheel, you should ask, for example, how long it will take 1 liter of beer to dissipate. The consequences of drinking even light alcohol can be unpredictable.

    To drink or not to drink?

    Beer has its drawback - it is a peculiar smell that immediately betrays a person, even if he has only drunk a mug of the drink. Drivers urgently need to know how long it takes for 1 liter of beer to dissipate. The problem is not only the smell; it can also be muffled. It is important to calculate when the alcohol has completely left the blood, the breathalyzer readings will be normal and you can hit the road.

    According to the new legislation, alcohol standards should not exceed 0.16 mg of alcohol per liter of air exhaled from the lungs. This indicator is insignificant, but it is recorded by anyone, even a household breathalyzer. For this reason, every responsible person will not drive a car, even if he has drunk a little alcohol. By getting rid of the smell of alcohol, in some cases you can deceive the inspector, but if he uses the device, the picture will immediately become clear, it will show the state of intoxication. Therefore, be sure to familiarize yourself with how long it takes for certain doses of alcohol to leave the body.

    Alcohol release conditions

    Those who are interested in the question of how long it will take 1 liter of beer or more to dissipate should take into account additional factors that influence the speed of the process:

    • The strength of the alcoholic drink. Naturally, the higher the degree of beer, the longer it will take to remove alcohol from the blood. Typically the drink contains 4-5 degrees.
    • Gender of a person. This factor is significant, since women and men have different body structures. Men consist of 70% water, the fairer sex - only 60%, which means the concentration of alcohol will be higher and it will take longer to dissipate.
    • If beer is drunk without a snack, it will remain in the body much longer.
    • Season. Many have noticed that in the summer you practically don’t get drunk from beer, but in the winter small doses lead to this state. This is explained simply: in the heat, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation accelerates and alcohol enters the bloodstream faster, and then disappears.
    • State of health, in particular the liver. Everyone knows that this organ is the body’s filter. And if the functions are impaired, then alcohol will be eliminated from the body much longer.
    • Body build and weight of a person. Large people have a larger volume of blood in the body, so the concentration of alcohol from drinking will be significantly lower.

    By time

    If a person drank a half-liter bottle of beer, then at least 3-4 hours should pass before getting behind the wheel. Accordingly, it becomes clear how long it takes 1 liter of beer to disappear from the blood - twice as long. But there is no need to take risks when you get behind the wheel; you can get punished by the inspector. The fact is that even after a person stops feeling intoxicated, breathalyzers still detect ethanol residues in the blood.

    If more than one liter of beer (no more than two) is drunk, concentration and attention are disrupted for at least 10 hours. Only during this period all traces of intoxication, psychological and physical, disappear. It is important to remember that no matter how long it takes for 1 liter of beer or a smaller dose to dissipate, the smell of fumes can give away the driver. It is excreted only after the blood is completely cleared of ethanol.

    If more than three liters of beer are drunk, full recovery of the body occurs only after 18 hours.

    All data is given for an average person with a build of 60-65 kg.

    How is beer removed from the body?

    From the body of any person it is carried out in two ways: by oxidation or in its pure form.

    In other words, a third or fourth of ethanol leaves our body through the kidneys, through sweat, and through the air. The express test, which is carried out by traffic police officers using a breathalyzer, is based on the latter indicator. In these cases, knowing how long it takes for 1 liter of beer to dissipate will come in handy.

    The rest of the alcohol is eliminated due to the intensive work of the liver. In people who are excessively addicted to alcohol, the liver begins to function more slowly over time, fails to cope with its tasks, and the effect becomes less pronounced. Regular consumption of ethanol leads to liver destruction (cirrhosis). In such cases, any alcohol, including beer, takes much longer to dissipate.

    Safe doses for health

    Beer is a relatively safe product and contains a minimum of ethyl alcohol. For men, a dose of up to 0.5 liters per day will be harmless to health, while for women - up to 0.3 liters. Moreover, men are allowed to drink this drink up to 5 times a week, women - no more than three times. There must be a break between doses - 1-2 days without alcohol.

    If you are a driver and often drive, knowing how long it takes for 1 liter of beer to wear off, you should not abuse this drink. The numbers for those driving should be pretty tough. Drinking even a liter of beer can lead to distortion of peripheral vision, loss of the sense of perception of changing traffic lights, and the driver does not clearly distinguish how many cars are in the stream or in a row. The sense of perspective and the ability to adequately assess the situation on the road are lost.

    Specific examples. Men

    For clarity, let's look at specific examples of how alcohol affects the body.

    A 37-year-old man with a body weight of 75 kg, height 180 cm.

    I consumed 1.5 liters of beer, the strength of which was 5.4 percent.

    • After drinking the first 0.5 liter bottle, the breathalyzer reading was 0.63 ppm.
    • After the second dose of 0.5 l - 0.73 ppm.
    • After the third dose - again 0.63 ppm.

    Sharp changes in indicators are explained by the fact that beer is quickly eliminated from the body when compared with vodka or wine. Within an hour, the breathalyzer showed 0.49 ppm. Such data is acceptable for drivers in some countries, for example, India, but not for Russia. The breathalyzer showed zero only seven hours later. Thus, you can approximately calculate how much beer (1 liter) is eliminated from the body.

    More details on the hours from our example when drinking 1.5 liters of drink:

    • an hour later, in the blood - 0.49 ppm;
    • after three - 0.30 ppm;
    • after five hours - 0.2 ppm;
    • after seven hours - 0 ppm.


    From the examples given, it is now clear how many hours it takes for 1 liter of beer to dissipate. Consider the option if dry red wine was consumed. Woman 35 years old, weighing 65 kg, height 175 cm.

    • After one glass of wine - 0.49 ppm.
    • After the second - 0.67 ppm.
    • After one bottle of wine - 1.16 ppm.

    Only after 12 hours the breathalyzer showed that there was no alcohol in the blood, zero ppm. In details:

    • Immediately after drinking - 1.16 ppm.
    • After one hour - 1.36 ppm.
    • After three hours - 0.76 ppm.
    • Six hours later - 0.7 ppm.
    • Eight hours later - 0.25 ppm.
    • After twelve hours - 0 ppm.

    The example shows that alcohol takes longer to disappear from the female body and the concentration increases faster.

    We figured out how many hours it takes for 1 liter of beer to dissipate and when you can get behind the wheel. Let’s draw general conclusions and formulate them in the form of useful recommendations:

    • If you feel completely sober after drinking beer, don't flatter yourself. Alcohol is not immediately eliminated from the body; a breathalyzer will quickly determine this.
    • Even a small amount of beer drunk will immediately give the driver away with its specific smell. You shouldn’t rely on chance; the traffic inspector will quickly expose you.
    • Eating some hot dish, such as hot soup or borscht, helps speed up the dissipation of alcohol. It will help dilute the blood and dilate blood vessels. Physical activity and regular walks in the air also contribute to this.

    Even if you feel great after drinking, do not drive! In any case, the reaction speed decreases, and this can lead to dire consequences. Don't take risks, and think about the people around you.