Yogurt kilocalories. Calorie content of drinking yogurt from different manufacturers, calorie content of natural yogurt

Many people know that classic natural yogurt contains live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it strengthens the immune system. But some refuse to frequently consume this dairy product because they do not know how many calories are in yogurt and are afraid to get better. Let's figure out what nutritionists think about this.

How many calories are in 100g yogurt?

It should be immediately clarified that we are talking about a natural product, and not solid chemicals, which not only will not bring any benefit, but may even harm the body. How many calories are in 1 piece of yogurt depends in this case on several factors, including:

  • fat content;
  • presence or absence of fillers;
  • the type of these fillers and so on.

About 58 kcal per hundred grams - that’s how many calories are in yogurt without filler with a fat content of 3.2 percent. True, this indicator may differ from one manufacturer to another.

If you are interested, how many calories are in yoghurt with fruit filling? the same fat content, then this figure is 102 kcal per hundred grams. Thus, fruits alone almost double the calorie content of this dairy product.

How does fatness affect calorie content of yogurt

This indicator certainly affects the calorie content of yogurt. This is confirmed by the example of how many calories are in low-fat yogurt (fat content - 2.5 percent) with strawberry filling - about 76.1 kcal per hundred grams. If the fat content is increased to just 2.9 percent, the calories increase by 80 percent!

The lowest calorie yogurt is drinking yogurt. Even with such “heavy” additives as prunes or cereals, one hundred grams of this product will contain no more than 80 kcal. On average, the fat content of liquid yogurt is two percent.

In general, it is additives that most significantly affect the calorie content of the final product. 136 kcal – that’s it how many calories are in yogurt one hundred grams with chocolate pieces, and yogurt with banana in chocolate glaze weighs even more - 147 kcal.

Nutritionists say that it is absolutely possible to lose excess weight using yogurt; there is even a special diet designed for 14 days. But only if you do not use a store-bought product, but a homemade one, prepared from special additives. The fact is that almost any factory-made yogurt contains preservatives, dyes and thickeners, which in no way contribute to weight loss and health.

Updated: January 8, 2017 by: Punisher

Much has been said about the benefits of lactic acid products, especially yogurt, which, unlike many other products, is well absorbed by the body at any age. In addition, yogurt has a beneficial effect on the human gastrointestinal tract, improving digestion and normalizing the activity of other systems. The first yogurt was invented on the territory of modern Bulgaria, which is why the special bacterium used to make yogurt is called Bulgarian. Industrial production of yogurt began only at the beginning of the 20th century, and today there are numerous enterprises offering a wide range of yogurts. Yogurt is also made at home, but due to its great popularity, the question arises - how many calories are in yogurt, and whether it can be included in your diet, especially if you are on a diet.

How many calories are in different types of yogurt?

Yogurts are indeed extremely beneficial for the body, but it is worth separating them, first of all, by fat content, which determines the calorie content of the product. There are low-fat yoghurts, the percentage of fat content of which is insignificant, and there are yoghurts, the fat content of which reaches 5%. There are many packaging options for yogurt, but drinkable ones deserve special attention. Consuming them in unlimited quantities, we don’t think about how many calories are in drinking yogurt. The calorie content in this case directly depends on the components that make up the yogurt, but on average it is 72 kcal per 100 grams of product. Manufacturers offer a wide range of yogurt, but among them there are well-known companies whose quality of products cannot be doubted. We suggest finding out the calorie content of yoghurts from different manufacturers

Yogurt is a type of fermented milk product. Its difference from kefir or, say, yogurt is that it is fermented with the help of special bacteria. With a relatively low calorie content, yogurt has many beneficial properties due to its composition. It contains a lot of easily digestible protein, and the presence of special enzymes and bacteria in it allows it to be consumed even by people who have problems digesting lactose. It contains vitamins A, C, PP, B vitamins, choline, as well as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, fluorine and others. The calcium contained in this fermented milk product is absorbed much better than calcium from regular milk or kefir. The lactic acid bacteria it contains give yogurt a special benefit – they improve digestion and promote efficient bowel function.

Calorie content of natural yogurt

How many calories are in yogurt and is it suitable for weight loss?

The energy value of this fermented milk product depends on its type, fat content, thickness, etc. The calorie content of natural yogurt (without additives) with 1.5% fat content is 57 kcal per 100 g. A glass (250 ml) of such yogurt will contain 142 calories, and a tablespoon - about 10 kcal. The calorie content of 3.2% yogurt without additives will be 68 kcal.

How many calories are in yogurt with additives?

The taste of natural yogurt is unusual for those who are accustomed to sweet “yogurts” from store shelves; it is more reminiscent of sour cream, Varenets or cream cheese. Natural yogurt is not sweet, which explains its low popularity. This fermented milk product with various flavoring additives is more tasty (more precisely, sweeter), but also higher in calories. It is less healthy than natural - it contains added flavors, dyes, sugar and, of course, preservatives. The calorie content in this yogurt is 1.5-2 times higher than in natural yogurt.

For example, the calorie content of Activia yogurt is 82 kcal per 100 g, Fruttis - 79 kcal,“Miracle” - 92 kcal, “Bio balance” - 82 kcal; thick yoghurts contain more calories not only due to sugar, but also due to starch, which is used as a thickener; the calorie content of fruit and berry yoghurts ranges from 100 to 140; cereals – not less than 108 kcal.

Obviously, it is best to use natural yogurt for weight loss. It contains less sugar, fewer additives, and is lower in calories.

In addition to being low in calories, yogurt has many other health and body benefits. It improves digestion, intestinal motility and its microflora, cleanses the body, removing waste and toxins from it, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, reduces the risk of intestinal cancer, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin, strengthens immunity, promotes the breakdown of fats. Yogurt for weight loss can be consumed as a low-calorie snack during the day or as a substitute for dinner. Natural yogurt can be used to dress salads instead of sour cream or fatty and unhealthy mayonnaise. This fermented milk product can be added to baked goods instead of butter and milk or used as a soak for biscuits. You can make natural smoothies from yogurt, nuts, berries and oatmeal, which will be equally useful for girls on a diet, athletes, children and the elderly.

How to choose the right yogurt

It's no secret that food manufacturers are often more concerned about reducing production costs than about our health. Meanwhile, this product will only bring benefits if it is natural. Natural healthy yogurt can be distinguished by several parameters.

The calorie content of yogurt with unwanted additives is almost always higher than that of natural yogurt.. The more calories there are in yogurt, the more sugar that is harmful to your figure. Also, when choosing this product, you should pay attention to its fat content. The low calorie content of industrially (chemically) low-fat yogurt is not an indicator of its usefulness. The optimal fat content in this product is from 1.5 to 4.5%.

On the label, reading the composition, you can see that “harmful” yogurt contains, in addition to natural ingredients, sugar, starch, additives, flavors, stabilizers, etc., and due to preservatives, it can be stored without refrigeration for a long time. Natural yogurt is stored only in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 6 degrees and no more than a few days - then the bacteria that live in it simply die. “Yogurts” whose shelf life exceeds 1 month are unnatural and will not bring any health or figure benefits.

Is it possible to lose weight on yogurt?

There are practically no restrictions on the use of this product, with the exception of individual intolerance. To lose weight with yogurt, eat it for breakfast, as a snack, dessert, or as a dinner replacement.. Thanks to yogurt's low calorie content and high nutritional value, you can significantly reduce your total daily calorie intake. For example, by drinking a glass of yogurt instead of an afternoon snack, you will satisfy your hunger for 2-3 hours, while consuming only 150 kcal. This product goes well with cereals, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, cheese, herbs, nuts, berries and dried fruits. Yogurt's low calorie content and beneficial health and digestive properties have made it possible to use it as the basis for a variety of yogurt diets. As a rule, during such diets, in order to lose weight on yogurt, you need to consume about 500 g per day. In addition to yogurt, these diets include vegetables, fruits, cereals, and fish. It is useful to combine the consumption of yogurt and green tea - each acting in its own direction, they have a comprehensive healing, drainage and fat-burning effect on the body.

In addition to diets on this product, you can arrange fasting days on it. The diet for such a fasting day is 500 g of natural yogurt and an unlimited amount of green tea. With an average calorie content of yogurt of 65 kcal per 100 g, you will consume only 325 kcal this day, and spend at least 2000 - that is, in one fasting day you have the opportunity to burn up to 250 g of pure fat. In addition, thanks to cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid from the body, you will lose about 1-1.5 kg, and your well-being will noticeably improve - swelling will disappear, skin color will improve, abdominal discomfort will disappear, and your sleep will improve.

But even if you are not on a diet, eating yogurt daily will help you not only keep your weight under control, but also avoid health problems. It normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, fights various unwanted fungi (including consuming yogurt reduces the likelihood of thrush in women), accelerates regeneration processes in the body and improves immunity, strengthens teeth, bones, improves the condition of skin, nails and hair and their appearance, and gives you good health and a great mood.

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The calorie content of yogurt per 100 grams depends on the type and composition of the product. This note presents the caloric content, fat content, protein and carbohydrate content of the products Savushkin, Danone, Activia, Sloboda, Danissimo, Biomax, Miracle Yogurt, Epika, Biobalance.

The calorie content of Sloboda drinking yogurt per 100 grams is 82 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • 2 g fat;
  • 2.8 g protein;
  • 13.4 g carbohydrates.

The composition of yogurt includes skim milk, fruit filler, sugar, cream, skimmed milk powder, yogurt starter, and lactobacilli. According to the manufacturer, the product contains only natural ingredients and does not contain artificial additives or GMOs.

Calorie content of Greek yogurt Savushkin per 100 grams

The calorie content of Greek yogurt Savushkin per 100 grams is 91.2 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of the product:

  • 7 g protein;
  • 2 g fat;
  • 11.3 g carbohydrates.

The composition of yogurt includes normalized milk pasteurized using a starter culture. The composition may contain traces of gluten. The manufacturer allows the separation of whey.

Calorie content of Danone yogurt per 100 grams

Calorie content of Danone thermostatic yogurt per 100 grams is 71 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 4 g fat;
  • 3.6 g protein;
  • 5.2 g carbohydrates.

To make yoghurt, normalized milk and yoghurt starter are used.

The calorie content of Danone drinking yogurt per 100 grams is 54 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of the drink:

  • 3.2 g protein;
  • 2.5 g fat;
  • 4.6 g carbohydrates.

The composition of the product is represented by normalized milk and yoghurt starter.

The calorie content of natural Danone yogurt per 100 grams (we are talking about yogurt with a mass fraction of fat of 3.3%) is 74 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 4.6 g protein;
  • 3.3 g fat;
  • 6.4 g carbohydrates.

Yogurt starter and normalized milk are also used to make yogurt.

Calorie content of Activia yogurt per 100 grams

Calorie content of Activia thermostatic yogurt per 100 grams is 65 kcal. A 100 gram serving contains:

  • 3.5 g protein;
  • 3.5 g fat;
  • 4.8 g carbohydrates.

For the production of yoghurt, normalized milk obtained from skim milk, cream, skimmed milk powder, bifidobacteria and yoghurt starter are used.

The calorie content of Activia drinking yogurt per 100 grams is 52 kcal. In 100 g:

  • 3.2 g protein;
  • 2.4 g fat;
  • 4.5 g carbohydrates.

The composition of drinking yogurt includes water, skim milk, cream, skimmed milk powder, bifidobacteria and yogurt culture.

The calorie content of natural Activia yogurt per 100 grams (meaning natural curd Activia) is 80 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 5.9 g protein;
  • 4.5 g fat;
  • 3.9 g carbohydrates.

The product contains low-fat cottage cheese, cream, skim milk, gelatin, milk protein concentrate, bifidobacteria, and yogurt starter.

Calorie content of Epika yogurt per 100 grams

The calorie content of Epika drinking yogurt per 100 grams (data given for yogurt with cherries) is 120 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 5.7 g protein;
  • 4.8 g fat;
  • 13.9 g carbohydrates.

The product composition includes fruit filling, skim milk, cream, probiotic cultures, yogurt starter.

Calorie content of Biomax yogurt per 100 grams

The calorie content of Biomax natural yogurt per 100 grams is 104 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 2.9 g protein;
  • 2.5 g fat;
  • 17.5 g carbohydrates.

Yogurt contains normalized milk, fruit filler, stabilizers, sugar, bifidocultures, and a vitamin premix.

Calorie content of Danissimo yogurt per 100 grams

Calorie content per 100 grams of Danissimo yogurt (data presented for a curd product with pieces of biscuit and strawberries) is 145 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 5.1 g protein;
  • 5.6 g fat;
  • 18.4 g carbohydrates.

For the production of yoghurts, cream, low-fat cottage cheese, sugar, skim milk, filler, wheat germ, thickeners, acidity regulators, and flavorings are used.

Calorie content of Miracle yogurt per 100 grams

The calorie content of drinking Miracle yogurt per 100 grams is 98 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of the drink:

  • 3 g protein;
  • 2.5 g fat;
  • 15.8 g carbohydrates.

Components in the product: normalized milk, fruit filler, flavorings, dyes, stabilizers, sugar, starter culture. Yogurt is made using milk powder.

Calorie content of Biobalance yogurt per 100 grams

Calorie content of Biobalance drinking yogurt per 100 grams is 88 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 2.9 g protein;
  • 1.5 g fat;
  • 15.7 g carbohydrates.

The composition of yogurt is represented by whole and skim milk, fruit filler, acidity regulators, flavorings, sugar, skimmed milk powder, milk protein, yogurt culture starter, probiotic culture starter.

Calorie content of low-fat yogurt per 100 grams

The calorie content of low-fat yogurt per 100 grams (using the example of MilkLabel products) is 31 kcal. In 100 g of this yogurt:

  • 3.2 g protein;
  • 0.5 g fat;
  • 4.4 g carbohydrates.

The composition of the product is represented by whole and skim milk, modified starch and starter culture.

The benefits of yoghurt

If you decide to switch to a healthy diet, then yogurts will probably be present in your diet. The beneficial properties of such products traditionally include:

  • yoghurts stimulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including a positive effect on the functions of the stomach and intestines, helping to avoid dysbacteriosis;
  • lactic acid bacteria of the product inhibit putrefaction processes in the intestines (due to the ability to suppress the growth of opportunistic and pathogenic microbes), which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of flatulence and bloating;
  • Research by American scientists has confirmed that yogurt increases the body’s resistance to the development of fungal infections, and also improves the condition of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Quite often, such products are used to prepare face masks. After such procedures, the skin stops peeling, is saturated with moisture, becomes less oily, and acquires a healthier color;
  • yoghurts stimulate metabolic processes in the body, thereby accelerating weight loss processes.

Harm of yoghurts

It is important to understand that only high-quality yogurts bring health benefits. Let's look at in what cases a product will be harmful or useless:

  • An examination of the most popular yogurt products showed that in the majority (85% of cases) of the types of goods that we purchase in stores every day, the amount of beneficial bacteria is 10 to 100 times less than what is stated on the label. Products without food additives and stabilizers with the prefixes “lacto”, “acido”, “bifido” (for example, bifidokefir) have probiotic properties;
  • Products with a shelf life of more than 14 days probably do not have even half of the declared beneficial properties. The fact is that preservatives and long shelf life contribute to an intensive reduction in the number of lactic acid bacteria;
  • The presence of stabilizers in such yoghurts contributes to the disruption of the structure of the product. Natural yogurt without added stabilizers may separate during storage. This is a completely normal process: for the product to return to its original consistency, it is enough to stir it. When stabilizers are added, delamination processes are prevented, but this negatively affects the number and activity of beneficial lactic acid bacteria;
  • The examinations carried out confirm that in a number of cases the product contains false information. Manufacturers do not specify what kind of milk (powdered, skim, whole) they use, what flavors are added to the yogurt, etc.;
  • If sugar is added to yogurt, then the product not only does not bring benefits, but is also harmful to health. When consuming such products, you can gain weight and disrupt the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the possibility of consuming yoghurts is agreed with a doctor in case of intestinal and stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, kidney diseases, genitourinary system, as well as diarrhea;
  • Some people may experience intolerance to components in the product.

Activia natural yoghurt rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B12 - 13.3%, calcium - 12.4%, phosphorus - 11.9%

What are the benefits of Activia natural yogurt?

  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformation of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interconnected vitamins that are involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Calcium is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, and is involved in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increasing the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.

You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.