Interesting experiments for children 10 years old. Science show or chemical experiments at home

Did you know that May 29 is Chemist's Day? Who among us in childhood did not dream of creating unique magic, amazing chemical experiments? It's time to make your dreams come true! Read on quickly and we will tell you how to have fun on Chemist Day 2017, as well as what chemical experiments for children can be easily done at home.

Home volcano

If you are not already attracted, then... Do you want to see a volcanic eruption? Try it at home! To set up a chemical experiment “volcano” you will need soda, vinegar, food coloring, a plastic glass, a glass of warm water.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into a plastic cup, add ¼ cup of warm water and a little food coloring, preferably red. Then add ¼ vinegar and watch the volcano “erupt”.

Rose and ammonia

A very interesting and original chemical experiment with plants can be seen in the video from YouTube:

Self-inflating balloon

Do you want to conduct safe chemical experiments for children? Then you will definitely like the balloon experiment. Prepare in advance: a plastic bottle, baking soda, a balloon and vinegar.

Pour 1 teaspoon of baking soda inside the ball. Pour ½ cup of vinegar into the bottle, then put a ball on the neck of the bottle and make sure that the soda gets into the vinegar. As a result of a violent chemical reaction, which is accompanied by the active release of carbon dioxide, the balloon will begin to inflate.

Pharaoh snake

For the experiment you will need: calcium gluconate tablets, dry fuel, matches or a gas burner. Watch the algorithm of actions on YouTube video:

Colorful magic

Do you want to surprise your child? Hurry up and conduct chemical experiments with color! You will need the following available ingredients: starch, iodine, transparent container.

Mix snow-white starch and brown iodine in a container. The result is an amazing mixture of blue.

Raising a snake

The most interesting home chemical experiments can be carried out using available ingredients. To create a snake you will need: a plate, river sand, powdered sugar, ethyl alcohol, a lighter or burner, baking soda.

Place a pile of sand on a plate and soak it in alcohol. Make a depression in the top of the slide, where you carefully add powdered sugar and soda. Now we set fire to the sand slide and watch. After a couple of minutes, a dark wriggling ribbon that resembles a snake will begin to grow from the top of the slide.

How to conduct chemical experiments with an explosion, see the following video from Youtube:

For the development of a child, it is necessary to use all possible means, including experiments for children, which trained parents can conduct at home. This type of activity is very interesting for preschoolers, it helps them learn a lot about the world around them and take direct part in the research process. The main rule that mothers and fathers should adhere to is the absence of coercion: classes should be conducted only when the child himself is ready for experiments.


Such scientific experiments will interest an inquisitive little one and help him gain new knowledge:

  • about the properties of liquid;
  • about atmospheric pressure;
  • about the interaction of molecules.

In addition, under clear parental guidance, he will be able to repeat everything without difficulty.

Bottle filling

You should prepare your inventory in advance. You will need hot water, a glass bottle and a bowl of cold water (for clarity, the liquid should be pre-tinted).

The procedure is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to pour hot water into the bottle several times so that the container warms up properly.
  2. Pour out the hot liquid completely.
  3. Turn the bottle upside down and place it in a bowl of cold water.
  4. You will see that water from the bowl will begin to flow into the bottle.

Why is this happening? Due to the effect of the hot liquid, the bottle was filled with warm air. As the gas cools, it contracts, causing the volume it occupies to decrease, forming a low-pressure environment in the bottle. As water flows in, it restores balance. This experiment with water can be done at home without any problems.

With a glass

Every child, even at 3-4 years old, knows that if you turn over a glass filled with water, the liquid will spill out. However, there is an interesting experience that can prove the opposite.


  1. Pour water into a glass.
  2. Cover it with a piece of cardboard.
  3. Holding the sheet with your hand, carefully turn the structure over.
  4. You can remove your hand.

Surprisingly, the water will not spill out - the molecules of the cardboard and the liquid will mix at the moment of contact. Therefore, the sheet will hold on, becoming a kind of lid. You can also tell the child about atmospheric pressure, that it exists both inside the glass and outside, while in the container it is lower, outside it is higher. Due to this difference, water does not spill out.

A similar experiment is best carried out over a basin, since gradually the paper material will get wet and the liquid will drip.

Developmental experiments

There are a lot of really interesting experiments for kids.


This experience is rightfully considered one of the most exciting and therefore loved by children. To carry it out you will need:

  • soda;
  • red paint;
  • citric acid or lemon juice;
  • water;
  • a little detergent.

First, you should build the “volcano” itself by making a cone out of thick paper, fastening it along the edges with tape and cutting a hole on top. Then the resulting blank is put on any bottle. To resemble a volcano, it should be covered with brown plasticine and placed on a large baking sheet so that the “lava” does not spoil the surface of the table.


  1. Pour soda into the bottle.
  2. Add paint.
  3. Add a drop of detergent (1 drop).
  4. Pour water and mix well.

For the “eruption” to begin, you need to ask the child to add a little citric acid (or lemon juice). This is the simplest example of a chemical reaction.

Dancing worms

This simple, fun experiment can be done with both preschoolers and elementary school students. Necessary equipment:

  • corn starch;
  • water;
  • baking tray;
  • paints (food coloring);
  • music column.

First you need to mix 2 cups of starch and a glass of water. Pour the resulting substance onto a baking sheet, add paint or dye.

All that remains is to turn on loud music and place the baking sheet on the speaker. The colors on the workpiece will be mixed in a chaotic manner, creating a beautiful, unusual spectacle.

We use food

To make an experiment that is unusual, interesting for your child and educational, it is not at all necessary to purchase complex equipment and expensive materials. We invite you to get acquainted with very simple options available for execution at home.

With egg

Necessary equipment:

  • glass of water (tall);
  • egg;
  • salt;
  • water.

The idea is simple - an egg immersed in water will sink to the bottom. If you add table salt (about 6 tablespoons) to the liquid, it will rise to the surface. This physical experience with salt helps illustrate the concept of density to your child. So, salted water has more water, so the egg can float on the surface.

You can also show the opposite effect (which is why it was recommended to take a tall glass) - when you add plain tap water to a salted liquid, the density will decrease and the egg will sink to the bottom.

Invisible ink

A very interesting and simple trick, which at first will seem like real magic to the baby, and after the parents explain it, it will help to learn about oxidation.

Necessary equipment:

  • ½ lemon;
  • water;
  • spoon and plate;
  • paper;
  • lamp;
  • cotton swab.

If lemon is not available, you can use analogues, such as milk, onion juice or wine.


  1. Squeeze the citrus juice, add it to a plate, mix with an equal amount of water.
  2. Dip the tampon into the resulting liquid.
  3. Use it to write something the child can understand (or draw).
  4. Wait until the juice dries, becoming completely invisible.
  5. Heat the sheet (using a lamp or holding it over a fire).

Text or a simple drawing will become visible due to the fact that the juice has oxidized and turned brown when the temperature rises.

Color explosion

The little ones can enjoy a fun experiment with milk and paints, which can be carried out without any problems in the kitchen.

Required products and equipment:

  • milk (preferably high fat content);
  • food coloring (several colors - the more, the more interesting and brighter it will be);
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • plate;
  • cotton buds;
  • pipette.

If dishwashing liquid is not available, liquid soap can be used.


  1. Pour milk into a plate. It should completely hide the bottom.
  2. Let the liquid sit for a while until it reaches room temperature.
  3. Using a pipette, carefully drop several different food colors into the bowl of milk.
  4. By lightly touching the liquid with a cotton swab, you need to show the baby what is happening.
  5. Next, take a second stick and dip it in detergent. It touches the surface of the milk and holds for 10 seconds. There is no need to mix colorful stains, a gentle touch is enough.

Next, the baby will be able to observe the most beautiful thing - the colors begin to “dance”, as if trying to escape from the soap stick. Even if you remove it now, the “explosion” will continue. At this stage, you can invite the child to participate himself - add dye, immerse a soapy stick in the liquid.

The secret of the experiment is simple - the detergent destroys the fat contained in the milk, which causes the “dance”.

With sugar

For children 3-4 years old, various experiments with food will be very interesting. The child will be happy to learn about new qualities of his usual food.

For this entertaining activity you will need:

  • 10 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • water;
  • food colors of several colors;
  • two spoons (teaspoon, tablespoon);
  • syringe;
  • 5 glasses.

First you need to add sugar to the glasses according to this scheme:

  • in the first glass - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • in the second - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • in the third - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • in the fourth - 4 tbsp. l.

Add 3 tsp to each of them. water. Mix. Then you need to add a dye of your own color to each of the glasses and mix again. The next step is to carefully take the colored liquid from the fourth glass using a syringe or a teaspoon and pour it into the fifth, which was empty. Then colored water is added in the same order from the third, second and finally from the first glasses.

If you act carefully, the colored liquids will not mix, but, when layered on top of each other, they will help create a bright, unusual pyramid. The secret of the trick is that the density of water changes depending on the amount of sugar added to it.

With flour

Let's consider another interesting experience for children, simple and safe. It can be carried out both in kindergarten and at home.

Necessary equipment:

  • flour;
  • salt;
  • paints (gouache);
  • brush;
  • sheet of cardboard.


  1. In a small glass you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. flour and salt. This is a blank from which we will later make paint of the same color. Accordingly, the number of such blanks is equal to the number of flowers.
  2. Add 3 tbsp to each glass. l. water and gouache.
  3. Using paint, ask your child to draw a picture on cardboard using a brush or cotton swab, one for each color.
  4. Place the finished creation in the microwave (power 600 W) for 5 minutes.

The paints, which are dough, will rise and harden, making the drawing three-dimensional.

Lava lamp

Another unusual children's experiment allows you to create a real lava lamp. After watching just once, even a novice researcher will be able to repeat the experiment with his own hands, without the help of adults.

Required equipment and materials:

  • vegetable oil (glass);
  • salt (1 tsp);
  • water;
  • food coloring (several shades);
  • glass jar.


  1. Fill the jar 2/3 full with water.
  2. Add vegetable oil, which at this stage forms a thick film on the surface.
  3. Add food coloring.
  4. Slowly add salt.

Under the weight of the salt, the oil will begin to sink to the bottom, and the dye will make the spectacle more colorful and impressive.

With soda

An experiment with soda is perfect for demonstrating to a preschool child:

  1. Pour the drink into a glass.
  2. Drop a few peas or cherry pits into it.
  3. Watch how they gradually rise from the bottom and fall again.

An amazing sight for a child who does not yet know that the peas are surrounded by bubbles of carbon dioxide, which brings them to the surface. Submarines operate on a similar principle.

With water

There are several educational optical experiments that, despite their simplicity, are very interesting.

  • The missing ruble

Water is poured into a jar and an iron ruble is dropped into it. Now you need to ask the baby to find the coin by looking through the glass. Due to the optical phenomenon of refraction, the eye will not be able to see the ruble if it is directed from the side. If you look into the jar from above, the coin will be in place.

  • curved spoon

Let's continue exploring optics with a preschooler. This easy but visual experiment is carried out like this: you need to pour water into a glass and dip a spoon into it. Ask your baby to look from the side. He will see that at the boundary of the media - water and air - the spoon appears curved. By taking out the spoon, you can make sure that everything is okay with it.

The child should be explained that a ray of light bends when passing through water, which is why we see a changed image. You can continue the water theme and lower the same spoon into a small jar. Curvature will not occur since the walls of this container are smooth.

This biological experiment will help the child get acquainted with the world of living nature and observe how a sprout is formed. Beans or peas are required for this.

Parents can invite the young botanist to independently moisten a piece of gauze folded several times with water, place it on a saucer, place peas or beans on the cloth and cover with damp gauze. The baby’s task is to carefully ensure that the seeds are moistened at all times and check them regularly. In a couple of days the first shoots will appear.

Photosynthesis process

This plant and candle activity is best suited for younger students who know that trees and grass absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

The gist is this:

  1. Carefully place burning candles into two jars.
  2. Place a living plant in one of them.
  3. Cover both containers with a lid.

Observe that the candle in the jar with the plant continues to burn because oxygen is present in it. In the second bank it goes out almost immediately.


We catch electricity. This small and safe experiment can be done with kids.

  1. One inflated balloon is placed on the wall, several others lie on the floor.
  2. The mother invites the child to place all the balls on the wall. However, they will not hold on and will fall.
  3. The mother asks the baby to rub the ball on his hair and try again. Now the ball has been attached.

After this, you need to tell that the “miracle” happened thanks to the electricity that was generated when the ball was rubbed on the hair.

Another option for the curious is an experiment with foil. It goes like this:

  1. A small piece of foil needs to be cut into strips.
  2. Ask your little one to comb her hair.
  3. Now you need to lean the comb against the strip and observe. The foil will stick to the comb.

You can also demonstrate “The Lost Chalk” to children. To do this, a piece of ordinary chalk is placed in vinegar. The limestone will begin to hiss and decrease in size. After some time it will completely dissolve. This is due to the fact that chalk, when it comes into contact with vinegar, turns into other substances.

Experiments with preschool children are an excellent opportunity to develop their curiosity and answer many questions in a visual and understandable form. In addition, by offering children a variety of experiments, attentive parents will help them outline their own range of interests at an early age. And the research itself will be a great and fun pastime.

At-home experiments are a great way to introduce children to the basics of physics and chemistry, and make complex, abstract laws and terms easier to understand through visual demonstrations. Moreover, to carry them out you do not need to acquire expensive reagents or special equipment. After all, without thinking, we carry out experiments every day at home - from adding slaked soda to dough to connecting batteries to a flashlight. Read on to learn how to conduct interesting experiments easily, simply, and safely.

Chemical experiments at home

Does the image of a professor with a glass flask and singed eyebrows immediately come to mind? Don't worry, our chemical experiments at home are completely safe, interesting and useful. Thanks to them, the child will easily remember what exo- and endothermic reactions are and what the difference is between them.

So let's make hatchable dinosaur eggs that can be used as bath bombs.

For the experience you need:

  • small dinosaur figurines;
  • baking soda;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon acid;
  • food coloring or liquid watercolor paints.

Procedure for conducting the experiment

  1. Place ½ cup baking soda in a small bowl and add about ¼ tsp. liquid colors (or dissolve 1-2 drops of food coloring in ¼ teaspoon of water), mix the baking soda with your fingers to create an even color.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. citric acid. Mix dry ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Add 1 tsp. vegetable oil.
  4. You should have a crumbly dough that barely sticks together when pressed. If it doesn’t want to stick together at all, then slowly add ¼ tsp. butter until you reach the desired consistency.
  5. Now take the dinosaur figurine and mold the dough into an egg shape. It will be very fragile at first, so you should set it aside overnight (at least 10 hours) to harden.
  6. Then you can start a fun experiment: fill the bathtub with water and throw an egg into it. It will fizz furiously as it dissolves in the water. It will be cold when touched because it is an endothermic reaction between an acid and alkali, absorbing heat from the environment.

Please note that the bath may become slippery due to the addition of oil.

Elephant toothpaste

Experiments at home, the results of which can be felt and touched, are very popular with children. That includes this fun project that ends with lots of dense, fluffy colored foam.

To carry it out you will need:

  • safety glasses for children;
  • dry active yeast;
  • warm water;
  • hydrogen peroxide 6%;
  • dishwashing detergent or liquid soap (not antibacterial);
  • funnel;
  • plastic glitter (necessarily non-metallic);
  • food colorings;
  • 0.5 liter bottle (it is best to take a bottle with a wide bottom for greater stability, but a regular plastic one will do).

The experiment itself is extremely simple:

  1. 1 tsp. dilute dry yeast in 2 tbsp. l. warm water.
  2. In a bottle placed in a sink or dish with high sides, pour ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide, a drop of dye, glitter and a little dishwashing liquid (several presses on the dispenser).
  3. Insert the funnel and pour in the yeast. The reaction will begin immediately, so act quickly.

The yeast acts as a catalyst and accelerates the release of hydrogen peroxide, and when the gas reacts with soap, it creates a huge amount of foam. This is an exothermic reaction, releasing heat, so if you touch the bottle after the “eruption” has stopped, it will be warm. Since the hydrogen immediately evaporates, you're left with just soap scum to play with.

Physics experiments at home

Did you know that lemon can be used as a battery? True, very low-power. Experiments at home with citrus fruits will demonstrate to children the operation of a battery and a closed electrical circuit.

For the experiment you will need:

  • lemons - 4 pcs.;
  • galvanized nails - 4 pcs.;
  • small pieces of copper (you can take coins) - 4 pcs.;
  • alligator clips with short wires (about 20 cm) - 5 pcs.;
  • small light bulb or flashlight - 1 pc.

Let there be light

Here's how to do the experiment:

  1. Roll on a hard surface, then squeeze the lemons lightly to release the juice inside the skins.
  2. Insert one galvanized nail and one piece of copper into each lemon. Place them on the same line.
  3. Connect one end of the wire to a galvanized nail and the other to a piece of copper in another lemon. Repeat this step until all the fruits are connected.
  4. When you're done, you should be left with 1 nail and 1 piece of copper that are not connected to anything. Prepare your light bulb, determine the polarity of the battery.
  5. Connect the remaining piece of copper (plus) and the nail (minus) to the plus and minus of the flashlight. Thus, a chain of connected lemons is a battery.
  6. Turn on a light bulb that will run on fruit energy!

To repeat such experiments at home, potatoes, especially green ones, are also suitable.

How it works? The citric acid found in lemon reacts with two different metals, which causes the ions to move in one direction, creating an electrical current. All chemical sources of electricity operate on this principle.

Summer fun

You don't have to stay indoors to do some experiments. Some experiments will work better outside, and you won't have to clean anything up after they're done. These include interesting experiments at home with air bubbles, not simple ones, but huge ones.

To make them you will need:

  • 2 wooden sticks 50-100 cm long (depending on the age and height of the child);
  • 2 metal screw-in ears;
  • 1 metal washer;
  • 3 m of cotton cord;
  • bucket with water;
  • any detergent - for dishes, shampoo, liquid soap.

Here's how to conduct spectacular experiments for children at home:

  1. Screw metal tabs into the ends of the sticks.
  2. Cut the cotton cord into two parts, 1 and 2 m long. You may not strictly adhere to these measurements, but it is important that the proportion between them is maintained at 1 to 2.
  3. Place a washer on a long piece of rope so that it hangs evenly in the center, and tie both ropes to the eyes on the sticks, forming a loop.
  4. Mix a small amount of detergent in a bucket of water.
  5. Gently dip the loop of the sticks into the liquid and begin blowing giant bubbles. To separate them from each other, carefully bring the ends of the two sticks together.

What is the scientific component of this experiment? Explain to children that bubbles are held together by surface tension, the attractive force that holds the molecules of any liquid together. Its effect is manifested in the fact that spilled water collects into drops, which tend to take on a spherical shape, as the most compact of all existing in nature, or in the fact that water, when poured, collects into cylindrical streams. The bubble has a layer of liquid molecules on both sides sandwiched by soap molecules, which increase its surface tension when distributed over the surface of the bubble and prevent it from quickly evaporating. While the sticks are kept open, the water is held in the form of a cylinder; as soon as they are closed, it tends to a spherical shape.

These are the kinds of experiments you can do at home with children.

Such a complex but interesting science as chemistry always causes an ambiguous reaction among schoolchildren. The children are interested in experiments that result in the production of substances of bright colors, the release of gases, or precipitation. But only a few of them like to write complex equations of chemical processes.

The importance of entertaining experiences

According to modern federal standards, a curriculum subject such as chemistry has been introduced in secondary schools and has not been left without attention.

As part of the study of complex transformations of substances and solving practical problems, the young chemist hones his skills in practice. It is through unusual experiences that a teacher develops an interest in the subject in his students. But in regular lessons, it is difficult for a teacher to find enough free time for non-standard experiments, and there is simply no time to conduct them for children.

To correct this, additional elective and optional courses were invented. By the way, many children who are interested in chemistry in the 8th and 9th grades become doctors, pharmacists, and scientists in the future, because in such classes the young chemist gets the opportunity to independently conduct experiments and draw conclusions from them.

What courses involve fun chemical experiments?

In the old days, chemistry for children was available only from the 8th grade. The children were not offered any special courses or extracurricular chemical activities. In fact, there was simply no work with gifted children in chemistry, which had a negative impact on the attitude of schoolchildren to this discipline. The children were afraid and did not understand complex chemical reactions, and made mistakes in writing ionic equations.

Due to the reform of the modern education system, the situation has changed. Now in educational institutions they are also offered in lower grades. The children are happy to do the tasks that the teacher offers them and learn to draw conclusions.

Elective courses related to chemistry help high school students gain skills in working with laboratory equipment, and those designed for younger students contain bright, demonstrative chemical experiments. For example, children study the properties of milk and become familiar with the substances that are obtained when it sours.

Experiences related to water

Entertaining chemistry is interesting for children when, during the experiment, they see an unusual result: the release of gas, a bright color, an unusual precipitate. A substance such as water is considered ideal for conducting a variety of entertaining chemical experiments for schoolchildren.

For example, chemistry for 7-year-old children can begin with an introduction to its properties. The teacher tells the children that most of our planet is covered with water. The teacher also informs the students that in a watermelon there is more than 90 percent of it, and in a person it is about 65-70%. After telling schoolchildren how important water is for humans, you can offer them some interesting experiments. At the same time, it is worth emphasizing the “magic” of water in order to intrigue schoolchildren.

By the way, in this case, the standard chemistry set for children does not involve any expensive equipment - it is quite possible to limit yourself to affordable devices and materials.

Experience "Ice Needle"

Let us give an example of such a simple and at the same time interesting experiment with water. This is the construction of an ice sculpture - a “needle”. For the experiment you will need:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • ice cubes.

The duration of the experiment is 2 hours, so such an experiment cannot be carried out in a regular lesson. First you need to pour water into an ice tray and place it in the freezer. After 1-2 hours, after the water turns into ice, the entertaining chemistry can continue. For the experiment you will need 40-50 ready-made ice cubes.

First, children should arrange 18 cubes on the table in the form of a square, leaving a free space in the center. Next, after sprinkling them with table salt, they are carefully applied to each other, thus gluing them together.

Gradually all the cubes are connected, and the result is a thick and long “needle” of ice. To make it, just 2 teaspoons of table salt and 50 small pieces of ice are enough.

You can tint the water to make the ice sculptures multi-colored. And as a result of such a simple experience, chemistry for 9-year-old children becomes an understandable and fascinating science. You can experiment by gluing ice cubes in the shape of a pyramid or diamond.

Experiment "Tornado"

This experiment does not require special materials, reagents or tools. The guys can do it in 10-15 minutes. For the experiment, let's stock up:

  • plastic transparent bottle with a lid;
  • water;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • sparkles.

The bottle should be filled 2/3 with plain water. Then add 1-2 drops of dishwashing detergent to it. After 5-10 seconds, pour a couple of pinches of glitter into the bottle. Screw the cap tightly, turn the bottle upside down, holding it by the neck, and twist it clockwise. Then we stop and look at the resulting vortex. Before the “tornado” starts working, you will have to spin the bottle 3-4 times.

Why does a “tornado” appear in an ordinary bottle?

When a child makes circular movements, a whirlwind appears, similar to a tornado. The rotation of water around the center occurs due to the action of centrifugal force. The teacher tells the children about how scary tornadoes are in nature.

Such an experience is absolutely safe, but after it, chemistry for children becomes a truly fabulous science. To make the experiment more vivid, you can use a coloring agent, for example, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Experiment "Soap Bubbles"

Do you want to tell your children what fun chemistry is? Programs for children do not allow the teacher to pay due attention to experiments in lessons; there is simply no time for this. So, let's do this optionally.

For elementary school students, this experiment will bring a lot of positive emotions, and it can be done in a few minutes. We will need:

  • liquid soap;
  • jar;
  • water;
  • thin wire.

In a jar, mix one part liquid soap with six parts water. We bend the end of a small piece of wire into a ring, dip it into the soap mixture, carefully pull it out and blow out of the mold a beautiful soap bubble of our own making.

For this experiment, only wire that does not have a nylon layer is suitable. Otherwise, children will not be able to blow soap bubbles.

To make it more interesting for the children, you can add food coloring to the soap solution. You can arrange soap competitions between schoolchildren, then chemistry for children will become a real holiday. The teacher thus introduces the children to the concept of solutions, solubility and explains the reasons for the appearance of bubbles.

Entertaining experience “Water from plants”

To begin with, the teacher explains how important water is for cells in living organisms. It is with its help that nutrients are transported. The teacher notes that if there is not enough water in the body, all living things die.

For the experiment you will need:

  • alcohol lamp;
  • test tubes;
  • green leaves;
  • test tube holder;
  • copper sulfate (2);
  • beaker.

This experiment will require 1.5-2 hours, but as a result, chemistry for children will be a manifestation of a miracle, a symbol of magic.

Green leaves are placed in a test tube and secured in a holder. In the flame of an alcohol lamp, you need to heat the entire test tube 2-3 times, and then do this only with the part where the green leaves are located.

The glass should be placed so that the gaseous substances released in the test tube fall into it. As soon as heating is completed, add grains of white anhydrous copper sulfate to the drop of liquid obtained inside the glass. Gradually the white color disappears, and the copper sulfate becomes blue or dark blue.

This experience brings children into complete delight, because before their eyes the color of substances changes. At the end of the experiment, the teacher tells the children about such a property as hygroscopicity. It is due to its ability to absorb water vapor (moisture) that white copper sulfate changes its color to blue.

Experiment "Magic Wand"

This experiment is suitable for an introductory lesson in an elective course in chemistry. First you need to make a star-shaped blank and soak it in a solution of phenolphthalein (indicator).

During the experiment itself, the star attached to the “magic wand” is first immersed in an alkali solution (for example, in a solution of sodium hydroxide). Children see how in a matter of seconds its color changes and a bright crimson color appears. Next, the colored form is placed in an acid solution (for the experiment, using a hydrochloric acid solution would be optimal), and the crimson color disappears - the star becomes colorless again.

If the experiment is carried out for children, during the experiment the teacher tells a “chemical tale”. For example, the hero of a fairy tale could be an inquisitive mouse who wanted to find out why there are so many bright flowers in a magical land. For students in grades 8-9, the teacher introduces the concept of “indicator” and notes which indicators can determine the acidic environment, and which substances are needed to determine the alkaline environment of solutions.

"Genie in a Bottle" Experience

This experiment is demonstrated by the teacher himself, using a special fume hood. The experience is based on the specific properties of concentrated nitric acid. Unlike many acids, concentrated nitric acid is capable of chemical interaction with metals located after hydrogen (with the exception of platinum and gold).

You need to pour it into a test tube and add a piece of copper wire there. Under the hood, the test tube is heated, and the children observe the appearance of “red gin” vapors.

For students in grades 8-9, the teacher writes an equation for a chemical reaction and identifies signs of its occurrence (change in color, appearance of gas). This experiment is not suitable for demonstration outside the walls of a school chemistry lab. According to safety regulations, it involves the use of vapors of nitrogen oxide (“brown gas”) that pose a danger to children.

Home experiments

In order to whet the interest of schoolchildren in chemistry, you can offer a home experiment. For example, conduct an experiment on growing table salt crystals.

The child must prepare a saturated solution of table salt. Then place a thin twig in it, and as the water evaporates from the solution, crystals of table salt will “grow” on the twig.

The jar of solution should not be shaken or rotated. And when the crystals grow after 2 weeks, the stick must be very carefully removed from the solution and dried. And then, if desired, you can coat the product with colorless varnish.


There is no more interesting subject in the school curriculum than chemistry. But in order for children not to be afraid of this complex science, the teacher must devote sufficient time in his work to entertaining experiences and unusual experiments.

It is the practical skills that are formed during such work that will help stimulate interest in the subject. And in the lower grades, entertaining experiments are considered according to the Federal State Educational Standards as independent project and research activities.

Olga Guzhova

Experiments for children preparatory group in kindergarten

In the preparatory group, conducting experiments should become the norm; they should be considered not as entertainment, but as a way of familiarization children with the surrounding world and the most effective way to develop thought processes. Experiments allow you to combine all types of activities and all aspects of education, develop observation and inquisitiveness of the mind, develop the desire to understand the world, all cognitive abilities, the ability to invent, use non-standard solutions in difficult situations, and create a creative personality.

Some important tips:

1. Conduct experiments are better in the morning when the child is full of strength and energy;

2. It is important for us not only to teach, but also interest the child, make him want to gain knowledge and create new ones himself experiments.

3. Explain to your child that you cannot taste unknown substances, no matter how beautiful and appetizing they look;

4. Don't just show it to your child. interesting experience, but also explain in a language accessible to him why this is happening;

5. Do not ignore your child’s questions - look for answers to them in books, reference books, Internet;

6. Where there is no danger, give the child more independence;

7. Invite your child to show his favorites experiments for friends;

8.And the most important thing: Rejoice at your child’s successes, praise him and encourage his desire to learn. Only positive emotions can instill a love for new knowledge.

Experience No. 1. "Vanishing Chalk"

For spectacular experience We will need a small piece of chalk. Dip chalk into a glass of vinegar and see what happens. The chalk in the glass will begin to hiss, bubble, decrease in size and soon disappear completely.

Chalk is limestone; when it comes into contact with acetic acid, it turns into other substances, one of which is carbon dioxide, which is rapidly released in the form of bubbles.

Experience No. 2. "Erupting Volcano"

Necessary equipment:


Make a cone from plasticine (you can take plasticine that has already been used once)

Soda, 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Vinegar 1/3 cup

2. Red paint, drop

3. A drop of liquid detergent to make the volcano foam better;

Experience No. 3. "Lava - lamp"

Needed: Salt, water, a glass of vegetable oil, several food colors, a large transparent glass.

Experience: Fill the glass 2/3 with water, pour vegetable oil into the water. Oil will float on the surface. Add food coloring to water and oil. Then slowly add 1 teaspoon of salt.

Explanation: Oil is lighter than water, so it floats on the surface, but salt is heavier than oil, so when you add salt to a glass, the oil and salt begin to sink to the bottom. As the salt breaks down, it releases oil particles and they rise to the surface. Food coloring will help make experience more visual and spectacular.

Experience No. 4. "Rain Clouds"

Kids will love this simple activity that explains to them how it rains. (schematically, of course): Water first accumulates in the clouds and then spills onto the ground. This " experience" can be done in a science lesson, in a kindergarten, in an older group, and at home with children of all ages - it enchants everyone, and children ask to repeat it again and again. So, stock up on shaving foam.

Fill the jar with water about 2/3 full. Squeeze the foam directly on top of the water until it looks like a cumulus cloud. Now pipette onto the foam (or better yet, entrust this to a child) colored water. And now all that remains is to watch how the colored water passes through the cloud and continues its journey to the bottom of the jar.

Experience No. 5. "Red Head Chemistry"

Place finely chopped cabbage in a glass and pour boiling water over it for 5 minutes. Strain the cabbage infusion through a cloth.

Pour cold water into the other three glasses. Add a little vinegar to one glass, a little soda to the other. Add the cabbage solution to a glass with vinegar - the water will turn red, add it to a glass of soda - the water will turn blue. Add the solution to a glass of clean water - the water will remain dark blue.

Experience No. 6. "Blow up the balloon"

Pour water into a bottle and dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in it.

2. In a separate glass, mix lemon juice with vinegar and pour into a bottle.

3. Quickly place the balloon on the neck of the bottle, securing it with electrical tape. The ball will inflate. Baking soda and lemon juice mixed with vinegar react to release carbon dioxide, which inflates the balloon.

Experience No. 7. "Colored milk"

Needed: Whole milk, food coloring, liquid detergent, cotton swabs, plate.

Experience: Pour milk into a plate, add a few drops of different food colors. Then you need to take a cotton swab, dip it in the detergent and touch the swab to the very center of the plate with milk. The milk will begin to move and the colors will begin to mix.

Explanation: The detergent reacts with the fat molecules in the milk and causes them to move. That's why for experience Skim milk is not suitable.