Interesting information about melon seeds. Melon: history and facts

Melon (lat. Cucumis melo)- a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, species of the genus Cucumber, melon culture, false berry.
Melon is a warm and light-loving plant, resistant to soil salinity and drought, does not tolerate high humidity. On one plant, depending on the variety and place of cultivation, from two to eight fruits can be formed, weighing from 1.5 to 10 kg. Melon fruits are spherical or cylindrical, green, yellow, brown or white in color, usually with green stripes. The aging period is from two to six months.

First mentions (lat. pepones) found in the Bible (Numbers 11:5).
The birthplace of most of the now known melon varieties is India and tropical Africa. It is believed that the first melon plantations appeared several centuries before our era in the territory that is now occupied by Northern India and the adjacent regions of Afghanistan. Over time, culture began to be grown much to the west - in the territory in Central and Asia Minor. So, the Egyptians knew about the melon, the fruits of which were brought as a gift to the gods, more than 3 thousand years ago. Separate plantations appeared in China. Melon was brought to Europe only in the Middle Ages. In the 18th century, at the court of Louis VIII, it was considered the most exquisite delicacy. In England, at the end of the 19th century, melons began to be grown in protected ground.

Wild-growing melon is now practically not found. Cultivated forms were obtained by selection from Asian weed-field species, which have survived to this day. Cultivation supposedly took place in Northern India and in the adjacent regions of Iran and Central Asia many centuries BC. e. Gradually, the cultivated melon began to spread to neighboring areas both to the west - to Central and Asia Minor, and to the east to China. It is known that it was grown in ancient Egypt. In Europe, they recognized the melon in the Middle Ages.

Melon came to Russia from Central Asia, where some of the most famous melon varieties in the world (for example, Chaijui) are still grown.

Oddly enough, in some countries, until recently, they did not distinguish between watermelon and melon, calling them in one word - “harmelon”. But where these marvelous fruits of the pumpkin family have been common since antiquity, melons are considered one of the fruits of paradise, which were allegedly brought to Earth by the archangels.

First of all, melon is valued, of course, for its high taste and unsurpassed dietary properties. It is difficult to find a better dessert than fragrant, tender melon.

The juicy fragrant pulp of the fruit contains easily digestible sugars, starch, proteins, vitamins, fiber, pectins, organic acids, various mineral salts. There are especially a lot of iron and potassium salts in the fruits, and therefore melon is used in clinical nutrition for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as gout and rheumatism.

Melons are rich in silicon. According to scientists, human life, health, regulation of physiological processes is closely related to silicon. It affects hard tissues, the condition of the skin and hair. Silicon has a wonderful effect on the cerebral cortex, it is needed by nerves, intestinal walls, the digestive tract and the entire system of internal organs.

There is more vitamin C in the melon than in other gourds. The fiber from the melon has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body, and improves the digestion process.

Melon has excellent anti-aging properties. In the East they say: "Melon makes hair shiny, eyes young, lips fresh, desires are strong, opportunities are feasible, men are desirable, and women are beautiful." Dried melons are an exquisite delicacy.

As a rule, melon is eaten fresh, as nature created it. But in addition, jam, honey, jam, marmalade, jam, compotes, candied fruits are made from it.

Melon is rich in sugars (up to 13%), vitamins C, PP, carotene, folic acid, as well as iron and fiber. Due to its healing properties, melon is useful for constipation, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, diseases of the blood, kidneys and cardiovascular system.

Useful and medicinal properties of melon are widely used to strengthen the nervous system. In the pulp of the melon there are substances that help the production of serotonin - the "happiness hormone". If you feel sad, eat a couple of slices of melon - and your mood will improve! It also contains a lot of enzymes necessary for hematopoiesis, which helps to recover from operations, ulcerative exacerbations. Has a diuretic effect. But there are a lot of sugars in the melon, diabetics and liverworts should not lean on it.

The fruits of different varieties of melon are diverse - spherical, oblong, elongated (like a cucumber) and even serpentine. The length of the fruit ranges from 45 cm to 2 m, and the weight sometimes reaches 20 kg. Melon is usually consumed fresh, because it is well stored until the next harvest. As you might guess, the cheapest melons now are last year's ones, but young ones have already appeared - fragrant and juicy. But you need to be able to choose them.

As it was known in ancient times, the healing properties of melon depend on its ripeness. For example, insufficiently ripe fruits are not recommended for patients with stomach ulcers and acute gastritis. It is also not recommended to eat melon on an empty stomach - it is considered safest to eat melon between meals so that it can mix with other foods eaten.

In folk medicine, melon has long been prescribed to malnourished patients, especially after liver diseases, after operations. But! Both sick people and absolutely healthy people should not drink cold water after a melon, and especially sour milk, kefir and yogurt - this leads to indigestion. A similar result happens after a combination of melon with alcoholic beverages, however, especially resourceful sufferers, tired of sedentary work, can adopt this particular couple to solve delicate problems. Melon is generally famous for its ability to cure ailments that are not customary to advertise. Once upon a time, gonorrhea was treated with a decoction of the seeds, and the stomach was cleansed with a decoction of the peel and roots. Today, melon juice or its pulp is recommended by nutritionists to improve digestion. In addition, this is an excellent remedy for helminths - especially for children.

Another delicate area of ​​application is the use of melon seeds to increase male power. Fresh seeds can be simply chewed (2-5 g per day is enough). But since their use, and especially an overdose, can be harmful to the spleen, honey is added to the “chewing gum” - it eliminates the harmful effect.

Like watermelon, melon is quite effective in treating kidney stones: even Avicenna pointed out the ability of melon to remove small stones from the kidneys and bladder. Moreover, you can use not only the pulp, but also the seeds. The folk remedy recommends that the seeds be crushed well in a mortar or grind in a coffee grinder, add cold boiled water, mix thoroughly, strain, and then drink - 0.5 cups before meals. As you understand, this method of treatment is very good in the south, where melons are almost free, but even in our conditions, seeds and pulp should not be ruthlessly thrown away - by adding flour, you can bake very fragrant pancakes (unless, of course, the seeds inside are “aged”) . It is very convenient to prepare melon cakes - they can then be used to cleanse the skin, especially if there are teenagers in the family who suffer from acne. Add to the melon pulp - the very fibers that are usually thrown away - a little flour, knead and make very thin cakes (like pita bread). Then you dry it in the sun or in the oven - the cosmetic and therapeutic agent is ready. When needed, moisten with water and use as a mask - it works wonderfully.

Both the pulp and the melon seeds contain up to 30% fatty oil, which is quite suitable for food use. In addition, melon is famous for its high content of carotene and vitamin C, as well as delicate fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. There are quite a lot of carbohydrates in the melon - easily digestible sugars, as well as folic acid, which is involved in hematopoiesis. All this, as well as the high content of iron, gives reason to consider melon very useful in atherosclerosis, anemia, and cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, not everyone can enjoy melon. It is contraindicated in nursing mothers (it can cause severe dyspeptic symptoms in the baby), with diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, with intestinal disorders, especially dysentery.

But if you find a common language with a capricious melon, you are guaranteed heavenly pleasure. If you hurry now, you can prepare a cheap melon for a whole year.

How to choose a ripe melon

There are several ways to determine the ripeness of a melon. First, take a look at the stem. In a ripe melon, it is usually thick in diameter. Then you need to press the crust on the opposite side of the stem. In an unripe melon, the rind is firm, while in a ripe one, it gives in slightly when pressed. But with cantaloupe melon it can be a little more complicated. On the peel of a ripe melon, depending on the variety, there may be a large mesh, or maybe an even color. First of all, you must smell the melon. Ripe melon has a strong aroma. Then you need to carefully examine it: there is usually a scar (a speck at the flower end), which gives in slightly when pressed. No less important is the color of the pulp. The rich color indicates that there is a lot of vitamin A in the melon. In addition, if you knock on a ripe ripe melon, there will be a dull sound. If a green skin appears effortlessly when scraped off, then the melon is ripe and ready to eat.

The easiest way to choose a ripe melon: the main thing is that it exudes aroma. Fragrant melon - ripe melon. And the melon should also be heavy, weighty and, when tapped, make a dull, “dense” sound.

Note to the owner

Melons are well stored in a suspended state (in nets) or in one row on the shelves. For storage, it is better to choose unripe melons - they will ripen during the maturation process. The main thing is that the air temperature does not fall below zero, and the room has a fairly high relative humidity. The higher the temperature, the greater the risk - melons overripe and lose their taste. By the way, if the peel is dry and wrinkled, melons are stored better.

For long-term storage, the melon is best dried. To do this, it is cut in half, and then into such straps 2-4 cm thick (peeled and seeds). You can dry in the oven at a temperature of 70-75C or in the sun. It is most convenient to dry in a colander or sieve, if necessary, covering the pieces with gauze (from wasps, flies and other insects). Dried slices are soft to the touch, light yellow or light brown in color (depending on the variety). You can store them in a cool place (like dried fruits). Dried melon with tea is very good (“half is sugar, half is honey”), it is added to muesli, various cereals, desserts, pies, served with ice cream.

Interesting Melon Facts

  • King Henry VI of France sentenced the melon to court for an attack of indigestion caused by its excessive consumption during one of the meals. The melon was publicly found ... guilty of insulting the king and officially cursed. True, then this story was forgotten and they again began to eat melon.
  • But the Roman emperor Claudius Albinus easily ate a dozen melons for breakfast and did not complain about his stomach. “You don't like melons? You just don't know how to cook them."
  • Sorcerers and healers from different countries and peoples prepared a love remedy from melon seeds. History is silent about its effectiveness.

Melon is a very interesting, unlike anything plant. Bright, juicy fruits that will not leave anyone indifferent. Amazing taste and aroma, as well as the variety of varieties is really amazing.

In this article we will try to tell interesting facts about melon, how it is useful, which varieties are most popular in our country, and which, on the contrary, are rare.

The origin of the yellow beauty

The name of the plant comes from the English Melon, which means "melon". The birthplace of this culture is Asia.

The plant was first cultivated in India thousands of years ago, then it began to be grown in Iran, Egypt and a number of other countries.

At present, the selection work carried out by scientists makes it possible to cultivate melons in Russia as well.

This is interesting: in Turkmenistan there is an official holiday dedicated to this culture. On this day (the second Sunday of August) it is customary to illuminate the fruits of this plant in Orthodox churches. Mass celebrations, exhibitions, conferences are held all over the country.

Melon, as a species and its characteristics

Melon is a prominent representative of gourds. Very often you can hear disputes among gardeners. Is it a vegetable or a fruit, or maybe a berry?

All disagreements arise because of its species, and the melon belongs to the genus Cucumber, the Pumpkin family.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the closest relatives of melons are vegetables (cucumber, pumpkin), and, therefore, melons can also be attributed to them. But there is one “but”: this culture has a sweet taste, which is not at all typical for vegetables. And, therefore, melon should be attributed to berries. The most accurate name for a false berry is pumpkin.

The plant is an annual herb. The culture has a developed root system and a creeping stem, a large leaf plate.

Not only tasty, but also very useful

, and the harm from its use is minimal. Melon fruits have valuable properties:

  • are a source of nutrients. Melon contains many vitamins (C, B9) and trace elements such as silicon, iron, sodium. It is also useful for pregnant women, as it contains folic acid, which is necessary for the formation of the baby;
  • eating melon will not harm the figure, because it is a low-calorie product;
  • contribute to the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, as they are easily digested;
  • improve the condition of the skin and hair;
  • have a positive effect on the nervous system, help get rid of insomnia, relieve symptoms of fatigue and irritability;
  • bright, fragrant and juicy fruit will cheer you up and strengthen your immunity.


Juices, fruit salads, pancakes, puffs with melon filling, jam and even soup - and this is not the whole list of dishes that can be prepared using this wonderful berry.

Melon goes well with foods such as cheese, ham, fruits, berries, shrimp. Also, the pulp can be dried, dried, candied fruit made and even pickled (useful properties and a recipe for making dried melon are described in).

Melon varieties

Currently, there are a huge number of varieties of melon. They differ not only in size (the smallest 200g, the largest - 20 kg), color (yellow, greenish, with and without a pattern), taste (sweet and insipid), shape (round, oblong), but also the conditions necessary for their cultivation.

Chardzhuy melon is a world favorite among melons. It has an extraordinary taste, and can also be stored for a long time.

In Russia, it received the greatest recognition among the population. Rounded fruits are small in size and have a pleasant-tasting pulp.

Melon "Kolkhoz Woman"

The most beloved variety -. The fruits are elongated, medium in size, the pulp is juicy and very sweet. As a rule, the cost of the first grade is much lower than that of the second.

Melons varieties "Torpedo"

rare fruits

These varieties of melons, although rare, are becoming increasingly popular among vegetable growers in our country every year:

    • (musky). The fruits are small in size, the surface of the skin is covered with a kind of mesh, the flesh is orange in color, has a tart taste and aroma. This variety is the ancestor of many European varieties;

    • Yubari, or Royal melon. It is a hybrid with the correct shape, juicy and very sweet berry. It is considered a delicacy, the cost of which can reach several tens of thousands of yen. Most often, the fruits of this culture are presented as a gift in order to express their respect and gratitude to the recipient. Grown mainly in the city of the same name in Japan;

  • . The fruits are small in size, about 150-200 grams. Oval or round shape, bright orange berries. An early ripening variety that allows, under favorable climatic conditions and proper care, to collect about 2 dozen small melons. The pulp is oily, pale orange in color, very pleasant to the taste. This variety has proven itself among melon growers. It is quite suitable for growing in central Russia.

Features of care

When growing various varieties of melon, it must be remembered that this plant is photophilous. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant it in dark areas.

Excessive moisture can also harm this culture, namely, lead to decay.

Many varieties tolerate drought well, but a long-term lack of moisture can also negatively affect both the fruit and the plant as a whole.

By following some simple rules, you can grow a wonderful crop. Make them happy for yourself and your loved ones. Delicate aroma and sweet taste of melon improves health and also improves mood. Just do not forget that they take melon separately from all meals.

See interesting video fact about Yubari melons:

Melons were grown as early as 2000 BC in Egypt. This tradition was continued by the inhabitants of Ancient Greece and Rome. The modern melon is considered the result of a mixture of two main ancestral varieties: from Central Asia and Equatorial Africa.

Melon in the Bible

One of the oldest mentions of melon can be considered its description in the Bible (Book of Numbers, chapter 11, verse 5). The melon is mentioned as one of the heavenly fruits brought by the archangels from heaven to the mortal earth.

King and melon

King Henry VI of France had the unpleasant experience of eating melons in excess. Due to an upset royal stomach, the melon was even judged - and sentenced to a curse. But the bad fame did not last long for a tasty fruit - soon after the incident, its use did not cause any unpleasant associations.

Melon in medicine

For a long time, shamans and sorcerers have been preparing various potions from melon fruits. The most common of these was the love potion (apparently due to the sweetness of the resulting drink).

In modern medicine (especially oriental) melon still occupies a place of honor. In the course are not only fruits, but also seeds, and leaves, and even the roots of the plant.

Growing melon

The melon fruit ripens for about 3-4 months and cannot ripen when taken from the garden (therefore, one should not count on a miracle when purchasing an unripe melon).

The Chinese again turned out to be the leaders in the production of this melon crop - about 25% of the global volume of all melons is produced in the PRC.

Choosing a ripe melon

Ripe melon has the following properties:

  • melon stalk - thick in diameter;
  • peel on the opposite side of the stem - slightly amenable to pressure;
  • a strong pleasant smell is also a sign of ripeness;
  • when tapped, a ripe melon makes a hollow sound.

The most expensive melon

Asians are able to surprise not only with the huge production of melons, but also with their exquisite varieties. In Japan, the most delicate and delicious variety of melon Yubari King was bred. The fruits of this variety are sold exclusively at auctions and can cost up to 20 thousand dollars.

melon cooking

In addition to the classic way of eating - raw and ripe - melon can be prepared in various ways. In different parts of the world, you can taste dried, pickled, dried, frozen and many other types of melons. In addition, sweet jam or jam is made from delicious pulp, and marmalade is also boiled.

Variety of melon varieties

We are accustomed to the honey taste of ripe melons. But around the world, a wide variety of varieties of this plant are grown with unusual tastes: strawberry, cucumber and even bitter. The latter is used mainly for medical purposes.

Melon rejuvenates

Since ancient times, in the East, melon was considered an elixir of youth, vigor and beauty. Modern science partially confirms this fact - melon fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy lifestyle, and fiber will help cleanse the body, lose weight and maintain the beauty of the body.

Melon is an unusual and useful product. Oddly enough, in the dictionaries of many countries until recently there was not even a single word for the name of this product. Both melon and watermelon were denoted by the common word "harmelon". But in countries where the melon has been known for a very long time, it is called the “fruit of paradise”, which was secretly delivered to our world by one of the angels. For which he was expelled from paradise by Allah ...

Melon fruits are very diverse in shape - round, elongated like a cucumber, oblong or even serpentine. Many are interested in the question "melon is a vegetable or a fruit?". Actually, neither.

Melon is a pseudo-berry from the gourd family and the cucumber genus. The length of the fruit can reach 2 m, and the weight sometimes reaches 20 kg. Melon is usually eaten fresh as it keeps well until the next harvest. Garden How to grow watermelon from seed at home

What is useful melon?

Previously, melons were prescribed as a restorative remedy for malnourished patients, since this berry contains a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates, sugars and vitamins. It is also used as a diuretic or decongestant for specific melon diets. Previously, gonorrhea was treated with a decoction of melon seeds, although there is no scientific evidence for their effectiveness against this unpleasant disease. In addition, there is a theory according to which melon seeds increase male power. Whether this is so or not is not known for certain. But it is known that the use of seeds in large quantities adversely affects the spleen.

Melon, like watermelon, is good for kidney diseases, in particular, for urolithiasis. Dried cakes made from seeds and pulp are used to treat problem skin.

The seeds and pulp of melon contain about 30% fatty oil, which can be used as food. Melon also contains a lot of carotene, folic acid and ascorbic acid. It is rich in fiber, which improves digestion. The high content of iron makes melon an indispensable remedy for anemia and atherosclerosis.

There are also contraindications to the use of melon. Those who suffer from diabetes, stomach ulcers, intestinal disorders, dysentery should not eat melon. It is also contraindicated for nursing mothers.

How to determine the ripeness of a melon?

There are several simple methods to determine the ripeness of a melon. First of all, you should pay attention to the stem. If the melon is ripe, it should be thick in diameter. Another way is to press on the rind of the melon on the opposite side of the stem. If the melon is ripe, the rind lends itself a little to pressure. In immature melons, the rind is hard and does not lend itself to pressure. The third method to distinguish a ripe melon from an unripe one is to smell it. Ripe melon has a strong pleasant smell. Also, a ripe melon makes a dull sound when tapped.

The color of the pulp usually has little to do with the maturity of the melon, but it can indicate the presence of nutrients in it. If the color of the pulp is bright yellow and saturated, then it contains a lot of vitamin A. The taste of melons, as a rule, also differs depending on the color of the pulp.

  • King Henry VI of France sentenced the melon to court for an attack of indigestion caused by its excessive consumption during one of the meals. The melon was publicly found ... guilty of insulting the king and officially cursed. True, then this story was forgotten and they again began to eat melon.
  • But the Roman emperor Claudius Albinus easily ate a dozen melons for breakfast and did not complain about his stomach. “You don't like melons? You just don't know how to cook them."
  • Sorcerers and healers from different countries and peoples prepared a love remedy from melon seeds. History is silent about its effectiveness.

The benefits of melon have been known since ancient times, and the modern agricultural market continues to delight us with its achievements. This melon culture is already represented by several thousand varieties. Thanks to this diversity, we can enjoy melons of various shapes, colors and even taste.

The most famous varieties - "collective farmer", "torpedo", "honey" and "nutmeg" - this fragrant sunny fruit is familiar to every gardener.

Melon - berry, fruit or vegetable?

The appearance of melon in the history of mankind was already noted in biblical scripture. India is considered to be a melon deposit; it appeared in our country only in the 15th century.

Scientists to this day do not stop arguing about which vegetable crop to attribute the melon to: some consider it a berry, others consider it a fruit.

Let's try to figure it out. First of all, the gourd family and the cucumber genus directly indicate that melon is a vegetable, but its similarity to watermelon (appearance, shape, method of cultivation) indicates that melon is a berry. There is no evidence that melon is a fruit.

Is melon good or not?

The benefit of melon is that it contains a large number of important substances. It is saturated with proteins, carbohydrates and organic acids. Also in the fiber of the fetus there are enzymes that are so necessary for digestion and minerals. The fetus has a positive effect on almost all systems of the human body. All the nutrients in the fruit are balanced and grouped in such a way that one group affects the heart and the other affects the liver.

The melon has only one drawback - it is heavy for the stomach, so you should not combine it with other products. Eating melon with different food groups can seriously affect your health and even lead to dehydration.

Benefits of melon

Melon is very useful due to the high content of nutrients in it. It has a beneficial effect on the circulatory, nervous, immune systems of the human body.

The effect of melon on the circulatory system of the human body

The gourd culture is largely enriched with iron. It is this substance that is the main component of the circulatory system involved in the work. Iron particles contribute to the movement of oxygen through all the vessels of the human body and are involved in the production of hormones and the maintenance of a natural immune background.

The effect of melon on the immune, nervous systems and the condition of the bones and heart?

Melon is rich in calcium, magnesium, silicon and other substances necessary for our body. All these trace elements contribute to the normal maintenance of the immune system, stimulate the nervous system, and have a positive effect on the activity of the heart muscle.

In addition to nutrients, vitamins are also present in melon fiber. They have a fruitful effect on the strength of the bones of the skeleton.

Vitamin IN 1 helps to strengthen the nervous system and significantly improves human memory, AT 2 affects the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Melon contains one of the most important vitamins for humans - vitamin A . It protects the cells of the body from bacteria and viruses, and its antioxidant properties help cleanse free radicals. Melon also has a positive effect on the lungs. Eating melon helps improve eyesight.

The melon is rich and vitamin C which contributes to the prevention of serious diseases and has a preventive effect. It is noteworthy that even a small amount of melon contains the daily norm of vitamin C. It is worth noting that the melon also contains important for the body folic acid, vitamin PP and vitamin E.

How does melon affect the digestive tract?

Melon mainly consists of coarse fibrous fiber. It helps the full functioning of the stomach. In addition, the melon contains such a rare element as inulin- a substance that contributes to the enrichment of the microflora of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

Most importantly, don't overdo it. If you use a large amount of melon, then intestinal upset cannot be avoided and the benefits of melon will be washed off on faience.

Who is melon good for?

Most people enjoy eating melon. However, there are those for whom it is contraindicated.

Melon is useful for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • disease of the immune system;
  • disease of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • insomnia;
  • constipation;
  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

Of course, by eating melon, you do not cure these diseases, but they soften their course.

How many calories are in a melon?

Nutritionists have calculated that 100 grams of the fetus contains about 70 kcal. Of course, these indicators depend on the melon variety and the sugar content in the fiber of the fruit. Due to the high sugar content, the fruit is not the lowest calorie, but nutritionists recommend including melon in the diet of losing weight - fiber prevents sugars from being quickly absorbed.

How melon cleanses the human body

Cleansing the body can be done with the help of ordinary melon. This fruit contributes to the quick and easy removal of toxins and harmful substances from the human body. The fruit is especially useful for cleansing the intestines. It is there that the bulk of harmful substances accumulate.

Melon improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver, thereby cleansing the body and reducing weight. For those wishing to lose weight, experts recommend unloading the body several times a season and eating only boiled vegetables and, of course, melon.

What is made from melon?

Melon is best consumed fresh. In this form, it retains the maximum amount of nutrients.

The melon season is very short, and so you want to enjoy the fruit in winter. We suggest freezing it. To do this, you just need to peel the fruit, cut into small pieces and put in the freezer. After a while, transfer the frozen pieces to a closed container and put them back in the freezer. Melon can be consumed immediately after defrosting.

In general, melon is used to make delicious desserts and various sauces. But we must remember that the melon has a pronounced aroma, a certain consistency and a high sugar content.

And you can make delicious smoothies. To do this, you first need to cut the melon into pieces, break it with a hand blender, add water and beat again.

Melon smoothie has a diuretic effect and helps cleanse the digestive tract.

What can not be combined with melon?

Melon should be eaten as an independent dish. Combining the fruit with other foods can cause indigestion. You should not use it along with fermented milk products and alcohol - such a load on the digestive tract can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

This culture contains a very large amount of sugar. It is for this reason that a person constantly has a desire in the use of the fetus. Daily consumption of melon in large quantities can provoke indigestion, so it is worth limiting yourself to a few slices per day.

Who better not to eat melon?

Melon is not good for everyone.

To whom melon is contraindicated:

  • patients with diabetes;
  • people who have foci of inflammation and infection of the stomach or intestines;
  • breastfeeding mothers, as this can cause intestinal upset in the child.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a melon?

When choosing a melon, first of all, it is worth carefully examining the fruit for external damage. If there are any, then it is better to immediately refuse to buy, since such a melon can be not only spoiled, but also dangerous to humans.

How to understand that the melon is ripe?

It emits a wonderful aroma (if the fruit does not exude a pleasant smell, then you should not buy it: either the melon is not ripe or spoiled).

Some ripeness is determined by slapping the melon with the palm of your hand. The louder the sound, the less ripe the melon. Another way is to make a scratch on the peel. If the melon skin is easily removed, then the melon is ripe. A soft melon also indicates readiness to eat, because the green fruit is firm and resilient.

Understanding people prefer to eat melons that ripen later than the main varieties. The benefit of melon is that there are very few harmful substances in it and they grow in a natural environment.

Methods for storing melon

Do not cut the melon completely. It is recommended to cut off as much as possible to eat at one time. Sliced ​​melon should be stored for no more than a day - after a few hours, the melon loses a significant part of its taste. The room temperature should not be higher than room temperature.

Storage in the refrigerator is also allowed, but do not forget that the shelf life should not exceed seven days, and it is better to store the fruit in a closed container.

The best way is to buy a melon that you can eat right away. If it is not possible to eat the fruit right away, then it is better to freeze it and prepare a sauce or dessert.