Ginger compotes. Ginger compote recipes Ginger compote with lemon

Healthy food should be complemented by the right drinks. In addition to priceless water, these are juices, fruit drinks, smoothies, teas and, of course, homemade compotes. They can be very diverse, but with the addition of spices they become unique in taste and degree of benefit to the body.

Beneficial features

Ginger is added to first and second courses and even desserts. It is often put into compote. During heat treatment, it loses a minimum of useful substances and releases a lot of complex components. Cooking ginger compote is quick and easy. This spice is unique in that it combines with most fruits and berries that are usually added to compote.

We are, of course, talking about fresh ginger root. It is this that gives the drink a subtle spicy note, a mixed lemon-sage aroma and great health benefits. Ginger must be thinly peeled and the juicy pulp cut into rings. Approximately 2 cm of peeled root is taken per 1 liter of water.

Ginger compote is rich in vitamins B, C, calcium, potassium, monosaccharides and organic acids. Due to the phytoncides contained in ginger, the compote can be stored for a long time without refrigeration without losing its freshness.

Among the most significant beneficial properties of compote are the following:

  • antioxidant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • warming;
  • tonic;
  • stimulating.

Ginger with rosehip is a good remedy for colds

This drink quenches thirst well, helps to cheer you up, improves digestion, and promotes weight loss. It is nutritionists who often recommend using it while on a diet. It enriches the diet with useful substances, helps fight appetite, speeds up metabolism, promotes rapid recovery from colds and alleviates the condition during exhausting sports.

Compote with ginger can be drunk hot or cold. In the first case, it will help you warm up, relax and prepare your digestive system for eating. When cold, it perfectly tones, quenches thirst, and simply puts you back on your feet when you are tired. Everyone chooses for themselves in what form they should consume this healthy and tasty drink.

Cooking recipes

Ginger goes well with citrus fruits, apples, cherries, rose hips, black currants, cinnamon and other ingredients. There are many recipes for making spicy compote, but they all boil down to following a few simple rules.

  • Ginger must be finely peeled.
  • The root is placed first in the pan and boiled for a few minutes to release the maximum benefits and flavor from it.
  • After cooking and infusion, all ingredients are removed from the compote.
  • Sugar and honey can be added to this drink.

Ginger compote takes only 10 minutes to prepare, half of which is spent on preparing the ingredients, and the other half on the cooking itself. Sugar or honey is added after infusion to the already cold liquid. Below are several recipes that allow you to prepare compote that is healthy and healthy for your figure at home.

Recipe for apples and ginger:

  1. For 2 liters of water take 4-5 cm of root, 3 apples, half a lemon.
  2. Ginger is peeled and cut into thin circles, apples are cut into slices with skin and seeds.
  3. The lemon is doused with boiling water and cut into circles along with the zest.
  4. Place ginger in a saucepan, add water and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. Add apples and lemon, cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for 2 hours.
  7. Next, the compote is filtered, poured into a decanter and consumed during the day, warm or cold, with sugar, honey or dried fruit.

This compote is available for preparation all year round, since the ingredients present in its composition can be bought in any store every day of the year.

You can use both fresh and dried apples for compote.

Recipe with rose hips:

  1. Cut the peeled ginger into rings and cook as in the first recipe for 5 minutes, avoiding strong boiling.
  2. During this time, 2 oranges are doused with boiling water, and the nose and tip are cut off from the rose hips.
  3. For 2 liters of water take 3-4 cm of ginger, 2 oranges and a handful of fresh or dried rose hips.
  4. Cook all the ingredients together for another 3-5 minutes and infuse for 2 hours.

This is a good alternative to any cold tea or fruit drink. It contains a lot of vitamin C, natural phytoncides and anti-inflammatory components. To enhance the effect, honey is added to the compote.

To prepare compote, you can use the following combinations of ingredients:

  • black currant berries and leaves, ginger;
  • ginger, cranberry, raspberry;
  • ginger, mint, cinnamon sticks;
  • ginger, orange, lemon.

To prevent the ginger from seeming too hot in the compote, you can first hold it in cold water for 1-2 hours or drain the water after boiling after 1-2 minutes and add new water. This is not necessary, but is important for those who do not accept spicy notes in liquid or have individual contraindications for its use.

You can drink compote between meals. If it is used as an additional means for weight loss, then it is drunk 30 minutes before meals, warm. So it will help reduce the amount of food eaten in the future, stimulate the production of digestive juice and help with the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Ginger compote is not considered a drink for everyone. It is unusual, but does not cause negative feelings, but rather, on the contrary, surprise and delight. After all, the aroma alone, mixed with lemon spice and fruity notes, makes it desirable on every person’s table. It can also be given to children from 3 years old, 100 ml per day. This is one of the easiest ways to help your immune system become stronger.

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

First, we lay out all the necessary products on the kitchen table. Then we rinse the fruits and roots under cold running water and dry them with paper kitchen towels. After this, using a sharp kitchen knife, peel the ginger and cut it into thin rings or chop it on a coarse grater.
We remove the zest from the lemon, trying to do it so as not to touch the white layer, it contains oils that give bitterness. Then we put it on a cutting board and chop it into small strips.

We remove the stem of each apple, cut them into 2 halves, get rid of the core with seeds, chop the fruit pulp into small slices 1 to 2 centimeters thick and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: cook ginger and apple compote.

Pour the required amount of purified water into a deep saucepan, add the prepared ginger, lemon zest, apple pieces, cinnamon, honey and place it over medium heat. After boiling, add granulated sugar and continue cooking the compote for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden kitchen spoon.
As soon as it starts to bubble again, keep it on the fire for another 3–5 minutes and using a kitchen towel remove from the stove. Cover the pan with a lid so that there is a small gap left, and infuse the drink 30–40 minutes. Then strain the aromatic liquid through a fine mesh sieve into a clean container, such as a decanter. Then we proceed as desired: either we put the compote in the refrigerator for a while, or we serve it immediately warm or at room temperature.

Step 3: serve ginger and apple compote.

Compote of ginger and apples is served warm or chilled or at room temperature. It is served in a decanter or a bowl specially designed for this purpose, and is also very often poured into glasses in portions, ice cubes are added and garnished with fresh apple slices. It is a pleasure to savor this yummy with any main or dessert dishes and baked goods. This drink perfectly tones and strengthens the body in cold weather. Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

Very often, a set of spices is supplemented with star anise or ordinary anise;

A good substitute for lemon is orange or lime;

Along with the apples, you can put a couple of chopped pears and a small handful of dry rose hips;

Do you want your drink to be healthier? Add honey at the end of cooking, boil the compote for 1 minute and remove from the stove.

Hot ginger is an oriental spice and a remedy for boosting immunity. The root helps the body cope with frequent colds. The plant is consumed both fresh and pickled. Drinks made from ginger are also famous for their health benefits. Compotes have proven themselves excellent in diets. There is no point in preparing it for the winter, because the product is sold in stores throughout the year. If you can't find fresh ginger, you can use dry ginger. It is sold in the spice aisle.

To diversify the taste, citruses, apples or mint leaves are added to it. Compote with ginger and lemon has a yellowish-beige tint, as in the photo. In hot summers, such a drink perfectly quenches thirst, replenishes strength and energy, and in winter it warms the body from the inside, boosts immunity and gives vigor.

Ginger and lemon compote recipe


Servings: – + 10

  • ginger root 1 PC.
  • lemon 2 pcs.
  • sugar 1 glass
  • water 2 l

Per serving

Calories: 261 kcal

Proteins: 3.3 g

Fats: 2 g

Carbohydrates: 57.5 g

20 minutes. Video recipe Print

    Peel the root. Use a sharp knife to cut thin rings.

    Place ginger into the pan. Fill with clean water and place on the stove. After the compote boils, turn the heat down and simmer for another 7 minutes.

    Wash the lemons, remove the seeds and chop as desired.

    Add lemon slices and sugar to the pan. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Switch off.

    Let it brew and cool.

    Instead of sugar, you can sweeten with natural honey. Then the compote will bring more benefits and become a complete source of nutrients and vitamins.

    Important: Add honey when the drink reaches room temperature. When cooked, all the beneficial substances in it are destroyed.

    Adding Apples to a Classic Recipe

    You can add notes of sweetness and fruit to the traditional method of preparing compote. An excellent friend of ginger and lemon are apples. The fruits are boiled in a saucepan along with the roots. Then lemon is added to them. For a more spicy aroma, housewives add a few grams of cinnamon to the drink.

    If you cook compote for weight loss, you can use sour lime instead of lemon. The result is an excellent fat-burning and thirst-quenching compote with a citrus aroma. In addition, you can add fresh pears or a small handful of rose hips to the pan along with the apples.

    The drink is served in a decanter, after dropping ice cubes into it, and garnishing with an orange slice or a sprig of mint.

Residents of southwest Asia have known about the use of a magical drink made from ginger since ancient times. Recently, this remedy has become widely known throughout the world. What is the secret of the drink’s effectiveness? What options for preparing it exist? What harm can a miracle remedy cause to the body?

There is a huge amount of evidence of the ability of a drink made from ginger root to reduce body weight. In order to achieve a positive result, you need to properly prepare the product and take it in accordance with the recommendations of specialists. The main condition for achieving visible results in the process of fighting excess weight is the regular use of the drug, as well as the use of high-quality raw materials.

Healing properties of Ginger that help reduce body weight

During the infusion procedure, essential oils, vitamins and microelements are released from the crushed root into the drink.

This balanced composition of nutrients gives the drink a number of pharmacological properties, namely:

  • Improving digestion and absorption of food;
  • Stimulating blood circulation and metabolic processes, including accelerating the breakdown and removal of excess lipids from the body;
  • The calming effect prevents stress from “eating” and prevents the tendency to overeat.

No remedy will help you get in shape if you don't change your lifestyle. Stop lying on the couch and waiting for a miracle from a ginger drink. Start exercising and adjust your diet. And the fat-burning properties of Ginger root will help speed up the process of acquiring an ideal figure.

Original recipe for drinks with added ginger for weight loss

Depending on your taste preferences and the availability of food in the refrigerator, you can change the composition of teas at your discretion, but in order to get the desired result, weight loss, and not harm the body, you must follow some rules:

  • A highly concentrated decoction can cause harm to the stomach and intestines, so strictly adhere to the quantities indicated in the recipes;
  • Always add honey to a slightly chilled drink;
  • Steam the spices with boiling water or pre-boil them.

Dried ginger reduces the feeling of hunger, while fresh ginger, on the contrary, increases it, but has more pronounced beneficial properties. Therefore, if you lead an active lifestyle, opt for the second option.

Recipe No. 1

Morning traditional coffee or tea can easily be replaced by a pleasant-tasting and healthy ginger drink for weight loss with the addition of aromatic ingredients such as lemon, cinnamon and honey. You will need: a liter of boiling water, ½ cinnamon stick, 5 cm of ginger root, half and 1 - 3 tbsp. l. honey (depending on taste). Pour boiling water over chopped ginger and cinnamon, cook over low heat for 25 minutes, cool slightly and add honey and lemon juice.

Recipe No. 2

A garlic-ginger infusion has proven itself well in the fight against excess weight, which is prepared as follows: a peeled and grated five-centimeter piece of ginger and ½ clove of garlic are poured with boiling water (1 liter) and infused for about 15 minutes. After straining, the infusion is ready for use. The entire volume should be drunk during the day.

Recipe No. 3

Drink with lemon zest, apples, honey, ginger
A very tasty drink that perfectly quenches thirst and helps reduce body mass index. From 5 apples, the zest of 3 lemons, a five-centimeter ginger root, a cinnamon stick and 2.5 liters of water, cook lemon-apple compote (after boiling, cook for 3 - 5 minutes). Cool slightly, add honey.

Recipe No. 4

You can also make a popular refreshing cocktail called Sassi water, named after the author. This product, in addition to its fat-burning effect, relieves the body of excess fluid, eliminates swelling and dehydration, improves the condition of hair, nails, skin, and fights flatulence. To prepare the infusion you need to take: juice from half a lemon, ½ tsp. dry ginger powder, 5 torn fresh mint leaves, a small peeled and chopped cucumber. The listed ingredients must be infused for 10–15 hours in the refrigerator. Strain and take a glass throughout the day.


The remedy should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding; inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the digestive system, as well as in the presence of gallstones.

Views: 737

All people are well aware of the main role of ginger in the cuisine of the CIS countries. For everyone, it has always been a spice first and foremost. Both sweet and savory dishes are prepared with its addition. Ginger liver, for example, has become a symbol of Christmas in the West, because its spicy characteristic taste cannot be confused with anything else. Ginger is very widely used as an additive to meat or fish when they are grilled - it is what gives such dishes their characteristic aroma and taste. Compote with ginger also turns out very tasty. Together with fruit, it acquires a special taste, and the drink plays completely differently. However, if we put aside the method of using ginger in the kitchen, then a truly wide range of possibilities for this root vegetable in the field of medicine and weight loss opens up before a person.

The use of this root vegetable has a very positive effect on people suffering from impaired blood pressure. The substances that make up ginger help activate the metabolism, as a result of which a person eliminates a lot of health problems. Including the problem of obesity and extra pounds. With its help, you can get rid of saturated fats in the body and also remove toxins. Simply put, the benefits of ginger are undeniable from any angle, but they began to use it for weight loss relatively recently. And it should be noted, not in vain! Firstly, ginger is not a phantom remedy that supposedly helps you lose weight, because it is really effective. In addition, it is quite easy to take, and it has a pleasant taste and smell. Ginger can be eaten dried or pickled, as it is served in Japanese restaurants.

However, in a seasoning or in any other cooking method, the ginger will not be very concentrated, and therefore the effect will be somewhat less than expected. In this case, the best way out of the situation is compote or any other drink made from ginger, since thanks to the tincture, it contains a larger amount of ginger itself. Compote prepared with ginger is extremely tonic, so it can be an excellent substitute for coffee or green tea, but it will also have a weight loss effect. Also for the same reason, you need to drink ginger tea at least three hours before bed. The main thing in using ginger compote for weight loss is regularity. The drink should be drunk without missing a single dose. Only in this way will the metabolic process in the body be launched for the future.

Experts recommend drinking ginger compote three times a day. For those who work and cannot drink compote during the day, you should drink one half of the daily dose in the morning, and the second in the evening. The great news is that you can add natural flavor enhancers such as honey or lemon to the compote for a more pleasant, familiar taste. Ginger compote is often called ginger tea. Well, both options are not devoid of common sense, because it’s not about the name, but about the effect. In order to prepare tea or compote for weight loss with ginger, you will need half a teaspoon of dry ground ginger and a cup or teapot of boiling water. A more practical approach says that it is best to brew ginger in a teapot and drink it throughout the day. For one day, the recommended dose of tea is two liters.

If you need a more concentrated drink, then boil ground or fresh ginger root for several minutes and leave to infuse for at least six hours with the lid tightly closed. For a more pleasant taste, you can add a little orange or lemon. To brew concentrated ginger compote, you should choose only fresh roots, since dried ones will not have the same effect. Ginger compote should be drunk half an hour before meals. Thus, the previously launched metabolic process will remove unnecessary ones from the body faster and better, and will help to absorb useful elements. Before drinking this tea, you need to strain it through a sieve. By following all the above rules, losing weight with ginger is as easy as shelling pears. The main thing is desire and patience.