Gingerbread cookies recipe plus stencils for cookies. How to make stencils for gingerbread with your own hands, ready-made templates

Currently, there are a considerable number of culinary online stores where you can familiarize yourself with the main types of cooking molds. If you want to create something of your own and creative, then you can draw a template on a piece of paper. It is worth noting that small parts should be avoided, as they are very difficult to transfer to stencils.

Using improvised means

Using several techniques, you can create the most best options molds for the production of high-quality and tasty gingerbread. If you don’t have time to make stencils and molds, then you can use improvised materials.

In this case, these may be the most various options:

Mugs, cups, glass, wine glasses
You can use a knife to cut anything yourself.
Borrow toys from your child that he uses to make Easter cakes (just wash and disinfect them first)

There are many methods, but each person finds the method that is easiest for him to implement. The most important thing is the dough. If you did delicious cookies, then no one will pay attention to their shape. This method is already practiced by many housewives. You can use a mug to make simple circles that you can decorate.

These cookies will be in great demand, so hurry up, New Year is coming and you need to prepare for production. Cookies and gingerbread can be prepared in advance, as they will not spoil, and this is the best treat for tea.

How to make stencils

Stencil, one of the simplest and effective methods creating optimal molds for gingerbread. You will need to find and download special templates online that you will use to cut out the finished shapes. To complete the task you will need: cardboard, scissors, template, stationery.

First, we cut out the template from the printed sheet, then we apply the resulting sketch to the cardboard and also cut it out. Thus we get finished workpiece, which is fully suitable for making cookies. You can find the required materials at home without any problems. Cardboard should only be from food products.

It cannot be used from household appliances, shoes and other goods, as it has an unpleasant odor.
Roll out the dough and place stencils on top. Cut out a cookie for each and place on the prepared baking sheet. Everything is simple, economical and effective. With minimal investment of money and time, you have achieved the best result.

Metal blanks

The second method is much more complicated and requires the use of more important materials. You will need tin tape, a hammer, nails, a block, scissors, cardboard, and paper. You can make figures of almost identical quality to those sold in the store.

You must follow the instructions exactly:

1. Cut out the optimal template from cardboard, the contours of which will be the shape. In this case, you can show all your ingenuity.
2. Next, using a block, install the prepared stencil on it. You need to hammer nails around the contour. In this case, their height should be about four centimeters. Nails are installed only in places where the stencil bends.
3. Next, the resulting contour is covered with tape and bent where the nails are. The result is a ready-made mold that can be used at home.

It is worth remembering that for gingerbread cookies, all molds must be of high quality. You can file the edges to make them sharper. If you don’t know where you can print out New Year’s gingerbread stencils, then you have the opportunity to use all your artistic skills and draw them with your own hands.

Storing stencils and molds

After you have used your stencils and molds, you need to save them. In this case, you will need to use several basic techniques that will protect the material from external factors. In fact, the cookie stencils, which are made of high quality food grade cardboard, can be put into plastic bag. This way they will be kept away from humid air and stored for a long time.

Metal molds require more careful handling. After you have used these parts, you need to wash them thoroughly. In this case, you will remove the remains of the dough, which can become an excellent place for a population of bacteria. Then you wipe it dry and put it in a closet, in a dry place.

In recent years, New Year's templates for gingerbread have become very popular and widespread. You can print these stencils completely free of charge from this material, but we would like to tell you how to make delicious gingerbread cookies and how to decorate them with glaze to make it not only tasty, but a beautiful and bright dessert.

In Europe, gingerbread is prepared for Christmas and is considered important element gifts, desserts throughout the entire period before the New Year. In our country, both Christmas and New Year are equally loved, so curly gingerbread cookies can be prepared on the holiday winter period whenever your heart desires. The figures for gingerbread cookies can be very different, but they always have a New Year or Christmas theme: bears and Christmas trees, mittens, boots, a crescent and a horseshoe, a snowman, stars and snowflakes, deer and much, much more.

Making this treat yourself is very easy. Several recipes suitable test given in this material, but in fact, here you can choose a recipe for any baked goods such as cookies or gingerbread, and simply cut out figures from the dough. We remind you once again that you can download stencils for cookies directly from this material and this is done extremely simply. You just need to enlarge a picture or several pictures that you like. Left-click and save it to your computer, so you can open it and print it or translate it directly from the screen.

Of course, there can be many recipes for a dessert of this type and it is not necessary to do everything as described in our material. If the family has any family recipes, then you can safely take them as a basis, and then simply make not round cookies, but use holiday stencils as a basis. If you don’t have time to look for a recipe for a suitable dough, then use this New Year’s classic.

What you need for the test: Glass natural honey and 80 grams butter, 60 grams of sugar, one chicken egg and a pinch of baking powder, 350 grams of flour, a pinch of cinnamon and ginger, salt, food coloring optional.
Initially, in preparation you need to mix honey with sugar and put it on the fire to bring the mixture to a boil. Then immediately remove from heat and cool. Separately mix flour with egg, add salt, baking powder and spices. Mix all the products and knead into an elastic dough.

Cut out figures from cardboard using stencils downloaded from this article or simply from the Internet. Now roll out the dough into a thin layer, apply cardboard templates and cut out shaped cookies. How to do it.

Spicy New Year's cookies

For the dough you need 800 grams of sugar and a glass of boiling water, three chicken eggs and two packs of butter, one and a half kilograms of flour, a teaspoon of soda, ground cardamom and cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg, carnations. Don’t be afraid to use as many different spices as possible to make the dough, and then the cookies, fragrant.

If the dough is this recipe It will stick to your hands a lot, this is bad. You can correct the situation by adding a little flour to the dough. Then roll out an even layer and attach cardboard stencils, cut out figures from the dough and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. All that remains is to place the baking sheet with cookies in the oven, which by this time has already been preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes, no more.

How to make glaze

To decorate the New Year and Christmas cookies you can do it yourself if you wish colored glaze. Everything here is extremely simple and clear. Add to water powdered sugar. Leave one part of the mass white, add blue dye to one, and green dye to another.

It is clear that, depending on your desire and imagination, you can take the icing of any color and decorate the Christmas New Year's cookies at your own discretion. It is important that it turns out cheerful and elegant. See how to cook

To make unusual gingerbread cookies and cookies for the New Year, you can find or come up with your own templates; there are a considerable number of sites on the Internet that provide interesting options manufacturing New Year's gingerbread. In fact, these stencils can be made in two main ways.

One of which is simpler and cheaper, the other requires a more professional approach.
Currently producing good stencils you can do it without any problems. To do this, you will need material and the desire to achieve your goal. The dough that is rolled out for cookies has a thin layer, so you can easily cut out certain figures from it, you just need to make a stencil out of cardboard.

  • Cardboard stencils

Cardboard stencils

It’s very easy to create stencils or so-called cookie figures at home. All you need is a little patience and as a result you will achieve the optimal version of the blanks. The following are instructions on how to make and how to use cardboard blanks. They are done within a few minutes.

1. To implement the task, you will need to use special templates. On any website dedicated to the New Year theme, we find suitable options and print them out. If you want to do something creative, you can draw your own templates on paper.
2. Next, transfer the resulting sketch onto thick cardboard from under food products. We cut out the resulting figure and our stencils are obtained. They can be used for several years.

By and large, you can print out New Year's stencils for gingerbread and cookies right at home, without having to go anywhere. Therefore, prepare the dough and start producing these stencils. In fact, the work is not at all difficult, you just need to be good with scissors.

It is quite inconvenient to use such obtained templates. It all has to do with the fact that you need to cut out cookies using a knife using a knife. In this case, the technique is suitable if you want to make some large and one-time versions of gingerbread cookies. But for constant use of stencils, you will need to use the second production method.

Metal stencils for the New Year

On the eve of the New Year, we begin to think about how to make something so delicious and please the children. In this case, cookies are perfect, but you need to approach the work with enthusiasm. Stores sell a wide variety of stencil options that you can buy; if you don’t want to spend money, then we can recommend one fairly simple manufacturing method. In this case, you will need a husband.

To make stencils you will need:

Wood block
Thin tin
Future cookie template

The presented materials can be found at home without any problems. If you ask your husband to help you, he will gladly agree, since New Year is family celebration. Currently, you can download templates for manufacturing online.

1. Everything is done quite simply. Place pre-prepared cardboard templates on a block.
2. Next, hammer in nails along the bends. This way we get a three-dimensional model.
3. We make a strip from a tin, about 3 centimeters wide. Carefully go around all the carnations.
4. We get a ready-made stencil for the production of cookies or gingerbread. For convenience, you can process the edges of the resulting workpiece so as not to cut yourself.

Using the resulting gingerbread stencil, you can easily make delicious cookies. In this case, the resulting metal blanks do not require maintenance. You can wipe them free of flour and hide them until next use. In some families, such stencils are passed down from generation to generation, thereby emphasizing the significance of the product.

Professional gingerbread preparations

Many people may not like these methods. You can use a third method if you want to get your own size cookie figurines. Today you can contact a specialized workshop, where professionals will make interesting stencils based on your proposed sketches. In fact, their technique will not differ too much from the previous one, so it is best to entrust the work to your husband. At the same time, the costs for the services of a master will cost more than these templates cost in the store.

Today there are a considerable number of sites on the Internet that provide a variety of stencils for gingerbread cookies at the best prices. By ordering products through them, you can save your energy and time. Just in time for the New Year, your stencils will be delivered by mail, and their cost will be below the market price.

New Year is a holiday for children, which should be celebrated with an abundance of sweets. If you have never prepared various gingerbread cookies or cookies, then you should start doing so. In this case, using our tips, you can make a variety of stencils for cookies. Your children will be satisfied and will ask you to make gingerbread or cookies for them again and again using stencils.

Cardboard stencils are the best and easiest way to make beautiful gingerbread cookies on New Year. Using these blanks, you can cut out the optimal cookies from the dough that everyone will like. First, you will need to download the templates that you will use to cut out the stencils.

In fact, the execution process itself is very simple. You will need to create an optimal model of a cardboard mold that will be used to form gingerbread cookies. We transfer the drawn or downloaded template to cardboard and cut it out. This is where all your manipulations end. Roll out the dough and cut out the required shapes along this contour. Everything is quite simple and effective.

You can store the resulting gingerbread stencils for more than one year. They will not spoil and will help you create the most delicious and beautiful pastries. If you have long dreamed of creating own idea gingerbread, then feel free to experiment and everything will work out for you. Today, mold manufacturing companies deliberately inflate prices. All molds for gingerbread cookies will serve you for a year, then you can replace them with new ones.

Metal molds

Currently, stores sell metal and plastic versions for making cookies. In fact, these products do not require any professional approach to production.

To create the molds you will need:

Thick wooden board
Nails and hammer
Templates and cardboard

This method requires compliance with symmetry in order for the workpieces to be of high quality. If you cannot cope on your own, then call a man who could help you.

1. Prepared and downloaded New Year's stencils for gingerbread must be printed in advance. If you haven't done this, you can draw it yourself on paper. Next, we transfer the resulting sketch directly onto the cardboard. The thicker the material, the better.
2. We cut out a stencil from cardboard according to the template, that is, we repeat the previous manipulations.
3. We fix the stencil on the board.
4. In places of certain folds we drive in nails that will form the outline.
5. We cover the cardboard blank with tin tape.
6. As a result we get ready-made molds, which can be further sanded for convenience.

This way, making quality cookie cutters is not that difficult. Your husband can help you with this work. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact him, together you will do everything much faster. Then you can start preparing the dough and baking.

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The resulting figures are convenient to store after use. They don't take up much space and will help you create the most delicious gingerbread cookies any time. If you want to buy molds, then you have a large selection in supermarkets and culinary stores. The cost of such goods is quite high, so not everyone can afford them. Using our methods, you will do no worse.

Peculiarities modern production gingerbread

Modern cookeries and other companies that make gingerbread use a wide variety of techniques and recipes. In fact, it can be noted that the product contains a large number of preservatives. But what a pleasure it is to cook on your own. delicious gingerbread using traditional recipes, where there is nothing superfluous.

By taste qualities, your cookies will be no different from store-bought ones, but in some respects they will even be superior. If you have already familiarized yourself with how to make molds and stencils, then it is worth studying the basics of dough production and preparation.

Every year, a previously widespread but half-forgotten tradition - making New Year's gingerbread - is again becoming more and more popular in Russia. In the New Year's bustle, housewives begin to look for different stencils for gingerbread.

Every housewife wants to please her household with something unusual, colorful and tasty. New Year's Eve, and this especially applies to children. It is mainly for them that all this cheerful chaos is started with “sweet pictures” (Christmas trees, angels, stars, houses, animals) in the form of cookies and gingerbread.

To make stencils for gingerbread, just read the information on the Internet. You can buy many different ones ready-made forms for gingerbread, but they are not cheap, and you may not like the molds included in the kit. Or you can make stencils with your own hands, because it will not be expensive and fast.

The stencil figures can be anything you want, and this will add a touch of exclusivity to your baked goods. There are many available different options making stencils, but there are two main ones:

  • cardboard templates;
  • metal stencils.

Dough for gingerbread and cookies is usually rolled out in a thin layer, and to cut out figures different shapes A knife and stencils of different shapes will be enough.

Cardboard version

Making cardboard stencils for gingerbread cookies and gingerbread is very easy. To do this you need to prepare:

  • template and cardboard;
  • scissors and pencil for tracing.
  1. You can draw the templates yourself, or you can download them from the Internet. These can be a variety of figures on a New Year's theme, in the form of snowmen, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens, snowflakes, deer, circles, candies. But if you don’t have time, then instead of a template you can use, for example, an inverted glass to quickly form cookies into circles.
  2. The templates are cut out and the design is transferred by tracing along the edge with a pencil onto the prepared cardboard. It is better if the cardboard is from food bags: after milk or juice. This cardboard is moisture resistant and will last longer than usual.
  3. The resulting stencil is carefully cut out with scissors.
  4. Next, the resulting stencils are laid out on the rolled out dough and figures are cut out using a knife along their contours. Everything is very simple and fast!

Options for gingerbread templates:

Ready-made molds

If you don’t want to work with cardboard stencils and don’t have time to cut out each element with a knife, it’s better to buy ready-made gingerbread molds in stores. Gingerbread cookies are formed by squeezing out figures from rolled out paper using a metal stencil. gingerbread dough, or cookie dough.

Advantages and disadvantages

Purchased metal stencils have undeniable advantages:

  • service life will be very long;
  • use is very simple;
  • in a short period of time it is possible to quickly cut out many different shaped gingerbread cookies and cookies;
  • Caring for stencils is very simple: wash and dry.

The disadvantages are that with this choice there will be no room for imagination. And if the set does not include, for example, Christmas trees, but you want exactly this shape of gingerbread cookies, then you will have to choose the next option - make the stencils yourself from metal.

Option using metal stencils

DIY gingerbread cookie molds are a universal opportunity to prepare something exceptional and unique. They can be made from metal stencils, the creation of which will require the following materials:

  • small wooden block;
  • several nails;
  • cardboard on which you will need to draw a template for the future stencil;
  • hammer;
  • metal, tin blank.

Some may find this option somewhat complicated and time-consuming, but as practice shows, the result is worth it. Now you can start making:

  1. As in the first preparation option, you can choose a template on the Internet, or you can draw any desired design yourself on a sheet of paper. Then cut it out.
  2. Transfer the resulting sketch onto thick cardboard, then cut it out.
  3. The cardboard gingerbread template needs to be secured to a wooden block using nails. The nails are driven in with a hammer at the bends of the template.
  4. It is better to make a metal blank from a can of canned food (corn, green peas, squash caviar). A strip is cut out with a length corresponding to the contour of the template and a width of 2–3 cm.
  5. Bend the metal blanks along the contours of the cardboard template, forming them according to the hammered nails of the silhouette. The result is ready-made stencils for homemade gingerbread cookies and gingerbread.

Advantages and disadvantages

These stencils have undeniable advantages:

  • these molds will serve for many years and can even be inherited from mothers to daughters;
  • exclusive shapes of gingerbread and cookies thanks to metal stencils will always stand out at the holiday and complement it;
  • they are practical, easy to use and maintain: just wash and wipe dry;
  • When stored, they do not take up much space.

The only downside is that it takes time to make, but then only you will have your own unique stencils for decades to come. There will be no need to rack your brains on the eve of the holidays about what and how to cook.

Positive little things

By making stencils with her own hands, the housewife receives additional advantages for herself in preparing confectionery:

  1. The confectionery industry adds preservatives to its products, this is no secret. And with the help of stencils, it becomes possible to prepare wonderful sweet treats at home without unnecessary additives. In addition to this, you have the opportunity to improve recipes according to your taste preferences.
  2. When molding gingerbread cookies, you can make small holes on each of them so that you can then thread strings or multi-colored ribbons into the finished sweets and hang them on the Christmas tree. Or you can make beautiful garlands from several pieces at once. A gift in the form of a gingerbread with a ribbon bow for Christmas and New Year is also very effective.
  3. The most common and popular figurines of gingerbread and cookies on New Year's themes are stars, snowflakes, Christmas trees, deer, men, snowmen and Santa Clauses with Snow Maidens, candies, sleighs, mittens, angels and bells.

Some secrets

Using stencils according to the options described above, gingerbread and cookies made by yourself are guaranteed to be beautiful and original. But to make them also very tasty, there are also some secrets:

  • for crispy cookies, it is better to roll out the dough thinner to 3-4 mm;
  • roll out the dough until soft, crumbly cookies and gingerbread 7-8 mm;
  • Gingerbread and cookies are made with butter, so before rolling out the dough and shaping the sweets, the dough must be chilled in the refrigerator for twenty or thirty minutes;
  • Due to the fact that gingerbread contains many different herbs and spices (ginger, vanilla, cinnamon), it is good to use a coffee grinder to grind them, the consistency of the dough will become more homogeneous.

New Year's treat recipe

To immediately try new stencils in action, there is a simple classic recipe gingerbread:

  1. Mix three tablespoons of soft butter in a saucepan with half a glass of sand, a glass of honey and heat slightly until dissolved.
  2. Add spices to the cooled mixture: a teaspoon each of ginger and cinnamon, a pinch of cloves and coriander, salt to taste and a teaspoon of cocoa.
  3. Add two glasses of flour and an egg, knead the dough. Cool.
  4. Roll out the dough and cut out gingerbread cookies and cookies using cutters.
  5. Bake at 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Cover with glaze.