Delicious capelin caviar Santa Bremor. Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor"

Delivery terms


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Cost of delivery: The cost of delivery to TK is 600 rubles.

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Terms of payment


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A healthy and tasty product that many respect and welcome in their diet. And if this caviar is also prepared correctly, then it’s absolutely wonderful! In this article, we invite you to consider one of the main manufacturers who produces this product in different versions. Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor" is very popular among buyers. What kind of product is this?

Company "Santa Bremor". Products

The company, operating under the Santa Bremor brand, began its activities back in 1999. In the first years of operation, the organization distinguished itself by the best quality of equipment and, as a result, higher quality of products in comparison with other fish processing plants.

Over the course of so many years of operation, the enterprise constantly developed and opened new workshops in which the production of other goods was mastered. The range of products provided was constantly growing.

At the moment, Santa Bremor products are known not only in our country, but also in Belarus, the former CIS countries, the USA, Canada, Israel, Lebanon, Georgia, New Zealand and more.

Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor". Its types

The company currently offers the following types of caviar, which are completely ready for consumption:

Benefits and harms of products

Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor" has many beneficial properties, but nutritionists also find negative ones. Let's look at both in more detail.

First, we bring to your attention the positive qualities of this product.

Surprisingly, capelin caviar is highly recommended for those who often have to experience stressful situations in life. If this product is introduced into the diet, it helps strengthen the nervous system and also improves metabolism in the body, thereby preventing skin aging.

Capelin caviar contains an increased amount of iodine, which has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and the development of mental abilities in children.

Phosphorus in its composition promotes the production of important hormones such as serotonin and testosterone. The first is responsible for our positive emotions, and the second is responsible for sexual activity in men.

Snacks and sandwiches with capelin caviar

Let's look at what interesting snacks and sandwiches you can make with these products.

As mentioned earlier, Santa Bremor capelin caviar is a finished product that does not need to be processed in any way before being used for food. But what is the best way to use it? If you eat this product with a spoon, the taste will be too concentrated, so it is best to make sandwiches or snacks with this caviar.

Smoked versions will be good with black bread. Delicious classic and with shrimp - with white. This caviar also goes well with fresh cucumber, and sandwiches can be topped with thin slices of this vegetable.

This manufacturer also has another product that will also be good for making sandwiches. Krill "Santa Bremor" is also very popular among buyers. This is a very delicate creamy pasta that will go very well with white bread and fresh lettuce.

Capelin or pasta can also be made with grain bread or even pita bread.

There are recipes for interesting appetizers that will look great even on a holiday table. Let's give an example of one of the options.

For this appetizer you will need ready-made store-bought tartlets, quail eggs, butter and Santa Bremor capelin caviar.

Boiled eggs need to be peeled and cut crosswise in half.

Place a piece of butter on the bottom of the tartlet, then half an egg and place caviar on top.

Bon appetit!

A popular commercial fish in the domestic and foreign markets is capelin, which belongs to the smelt family. The main habitat is warm waters in the upper layers of all oceans except the Indian (calorizer). The weight and size of an adult fish are relatively small - body weight up to 53 grams, length reaches a maximum of 26 centimeters.

Calorie content of Santa Bremor classic capelin caviar

The calorie content of Santa Bremor classic capelin caviar is 365 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of Santa Bremor classic capelin caviar

Ingredients: salted capelin caviar, vegetable oil, sugar, stabilizers (E1422, E412, E410), natural flavoring “Dry cream extract”, salt, dried egg yolk, acidity regulators (E270, E296, E260, E330), preservatives (E211, E202), water.

Beneficial properties of Santa Bremor classic capelin caviar

Santa Bremor classic capelin caviar is healthy and quickly digestible. Capelin caviar contains a concentrated complex of amino acids, as well as the most essential vitamins (calorizator). Among them are B-group vitamins, vitamins E, D, A.

Santa Bremor classic capelin caviar contains a wide range of minerals: phosphorus, potassium, iodine, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium and others.

Santa Bremor capelin caviar, smoked

For culinary purposes, smoked or salted capelin (calorizer) is most often prepared. From the contents of a special shell, which is called “yastyk,” perhaps the most favorite fish delicacy – caviar – is obtained.

Calorie content of Santa Bremor capelin caviar, smoked

The calorie content of smoked Santa Bremor capelin caviar is 382 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of Santa Bremor capelin caviar, smoked

Smoked Santa Bremor capelin caviar is healthy and quickly digestible.

Capelin caviar contains a complex of amino acids, as well as the most essential vitamins. Among them are almost all B-group vitamins, vitamins E, D, A. The product contains a wide range of minerals: phosphorus, potassium, iodine, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium and others.

Due to the optimal complex of macro and microelements, minerals, and vitamins, capelin caviar helps remove toxins, strengthen vision, and increase bone strength (calorizator). Such caviar is also necessary for a woman’s body due to the content of unsaturated omega fatty acids (index 3 and 6).

The use of smoked Santa Bremor capelin caviar in cooking

Smoked Santa Bremor capelin caviar is the main ingredient in various sandwiches and tartlets.

Santa Bremor capelin caviar with smoked salmon

A popular commercial fish in the domestic and foreign markets is capelin, which belongs to the smelt family. The main habitat is warm waters in the upper layers of all oceans except the Indian. The weight and size of an adult fish are relatively small - body weight up to 53 grams, length reaches a maximum of 26 centimeters.

For culinary purposes, smoked or salted capelin (calorizer) is most often prepared. From the contents of a special shell, which is called “yastyk,” perhaps the most favorite fish delicacy – caviar – is obtained. The consistency of the product is puree-like (you can feel the eggs), and the taste is delicate and pleasant.

Calorie content of Santa Bremor capelin caviar with smoked salmon

The calorie content of Santa Bremor capelin caviar with smoked salmon is 367 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of Santa Bremor capelin caviar with smoked salmon

Ingredients: smoked salted capelin caviar, smoked salmon pieces, soybean oil, water, sugar, pepper oil extract, stabilizers (E1422, E412, E410), dried egg yolk, acidifiers (E270, E296, E260, E330), preservatives (E211, E202).

Beneficial properties of Santa Bremor capelin caviar with smoked salmon

Santa Bremor capelin caviar with smoked salmon is healthy and quickly digestible. Santa Bremor capelin caviar with smoked salmon contains a concentrated complex of amino acids, as well as the most essential vitamins. Among them are B-group vitamins, vitamins E, D, A.

The product contains a wide range of minerals: phosphorus, potassium, iodine, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium and others (calorizator). Due to the optimal complex of macro and microelements, minerals, and vitamins, Santa Bremor capelin caviar with smoked salmon helps remove toxins, strengthen vision, and increase bone strength.

Santa Bremor capelin caviar with shrimp

The capelin fish belongs to the smelt family. Habitat: warm waters in the upper layers of all oceans except the Indian.

For culinary purposes, smoked or salted capelin (calorizer) is most often prepared. From the contents of a special shell, which is called “yastyk”, the most favorite fish delicacy – caviar – is obtained.

The consistency of the product is puree-like (you can feel the eggs), and the taste is delicate and pleasant.

Calorie content of Santa Bremor capelin caviar with shrimp

The calorie content of Santa Bremor capelin caviar with shrimp is 374 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of Santa Bremor capelin caviar with shrimp

Ingredients: salted capelin caviar, vegetable oil, boiled shrimp meat, sugar, salt, stabilizers (E1422, E412, E410), dried egg yolk, natural shrimp flavoring, natural food colors (E120, E160c), thickener (E415), antioxidants ( E307, E304), preservatives (E211, E202), water.

Beneficial properties of Santa Bremor capelin caviar with shrimp

Santa Bremor capelin caviar with shrimp contains a complex of amino acids, as well as the most essential B-group vitamins, vitamins E, D, A. The product contains a wide range of minerals: phosphorus, potassium, iodine, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium and others.

Due to the optimal complex of macro and microelements, minerals, and vitamins, Santa Bremor capelin caviar with shrimp helps remove toxins, strengthen vision, and increase bone strength.