Cottonseed oil - beneficial properties and contraindications. How to use cottonseed oil in cosmetology and cooking for health and beauty

Cottonseed oil- it's useful and nutritious product plant origin. It is made from the seeds of plants belonging to the mallow family. The output is a viscous liquid of light or dark brown color.

Benefit plant product has been known to mankind since ancient times. It was used in cooking folk medicine and cosmetology. For example, the peoples of Central Asia used it to prepare national dishes, believing that the properties of this oil strengthen their body and ward off evil spirits.

Benefits and properties of oil

Cottonseed oil is considered a strong antioxidant, so its regular use reduces the rate of skin aging, improves heart function and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

Fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect on the human body, which has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system. Cottonseed oil contains a record amount of vitamin E. Tocopherol acetate improves mood and calms the nervous system.

The unique properties of fatty acids (arachidonic, linoleic, palmitic) contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and the elimination of inflammatory processes. They reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes and allergic reactions. Also unique properties oils are ideal for healing burns and deep scars.

Properties of microelements and vitamins.

  • Phytosterols take part in the dissolution of cholesterol plaques, which reduces the likelihood of developing a heart attack. The benefits of phytosterols are obvious - the amount of “unnecessary” cholesterol is reduced by 15%.
  • Vitamin F accelerates wound healing and regenerative processes in cells.
  • Vitamin D takes part in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus (the properties of these microelements strengthen bone tissue).
  • The properties of unsaturated fatty acids make cottonseed oil suitable for use in cosmetology. It provokes the production of ceramides - bioactive substances, the high concentration of which improves the condition of the epidermis - elasticity returns to the skin with a gradual normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Harm and contraindications

Most herbal preparations are applied various harms body if used incorrectly. Cottonseed oil is no exception. Therefore, in order not to cause serious harm to the body, it is necessary to use only a refined product for treatment (among others, it has a lighter color).

Unrefined oil contains the pigment gossypol, a plant suppressor of spermatogenesis. A high concentration of gossypol in the blood leads to reproductive dysfunction. In especially severe cases, active enzymes involved in metabolism at the cellular level are blocked. As a result, pathogenic processes develop in almost all organs.

The refining process removes harmful enzymes from the composition, leaving healthy vitamins, microelements. Therefore, refined cottonseed oil will not harm your body, provided that you use it correctly:

  • salad dressing. 1 tbsp is enough. l. exotic oil on a medium-sized plate so that the salad is filled with a subtle nutty taste and vitamins. The benefits of such a salad are obvious;
  • Hair Mask. If it is used as a base, then its share should not exceed 5% of the total mass;
  • depressant. If you suffer from insomnia or mental disorder, then before going to bed you can take 1 tsp. cottonseed oil;
  • for prevention oncological diseases and restore intestinal function, it is recommended to take 30 grams of oil 3 times a day;
  • The herbal preparation is suitable for relieving irritation and alleviating pain after insect bites. Apply a few drops of oil to the damaged area and slowly rub it over the area - after 10-15 minutes the pain, irritation and itching will go away.


The beneficial properties of the herbal product can be used in different ways.

To cleanse blood vessels and lift your mood, you need to drink a decoction. Recipe:

  • pour a cup of boiling water over the shaggy cotton plant (the plant will not lose its beneficial features from hot water);
  • cook for about 30 minutes;
  • strain the broth after cooling.

The benefits of the decoction will be observed only if you drink it 3 times a day, 50 ml. Caution: Increasing the dose may cause harm to the intestines and stomach.

Recipe for eliminating roughness and dry skin on the hands. Rub the oil on your hands and put on gloves. Keep your gloves on for 30 minutes. The benefits of such a recipe will be seen instantly - in upper layers the epidermis will restore its water-lipid balance, and the skin will regain its former elasticity.

Mask against comedones (a type of acne). To combat skin diseases, scrubs are prepared and steam baths based on cottonseed oil are taken. Contraindications for use: do not use harsh abrasive substances to prepare scrubs, as they can damage the comedone and lead to infection of the upper layers of the epidermis or blood.

Video: Effects of cottonseed oil on the body

Cottonseed oil is very beneficial for health and keeps the skin youthful.

Cottonseed oil is produced by pressing or fusing from cotton seeds after preliminary removal of fiber from them and appropriate processing. The oil content in the seeds is in the range of 17 - 27%.

The seeds contain from 0.5 to 1.5% gossypol (CzoH3o08) and its derivatives. This pigment has toxic properties; when pressed, it turns into oil and colors it dark color. Complete liberation of the product from gossypol is achieved by refining. Therefore, cottonseed oil must be refined for consumption.

In the east, cottonseed oil is the main edible vegetable oil. It is eaten daily. For example, real eastern pilaf It is prepared with cottonseed oil, which gives it a special aroma and taste.

Botanical name: Gossypium hirsutum L, Gossypium barbadense

Synonyms: Cottonseed oil (English), Huile de coton (French), Baumwollsamen ol (German), Olio di semi di cotone (Italian), Aceite de semila de algodon (Spanish)

Family: Malvaceae (Malvaceae)

Color: Light yellow

Receipt method: Pressing. The raw oil undergoes refining, during which impurities are removed; under the influence of sodium hydroxide, gossypol, which is highly toxic, is destroyed.

Oil output: 16-18%

Plant part used: Cotton seeds

Growing area: Cotton is native to Central America. In cultivation, it is widespread in most cotton-growing areas.

Chemical composition of cottonseed oil

The composition of cottonseed oil depends on the cotton variety, as well as the region and conditions of its cultivation:

Up to 90 mg% of tocopherols (of which up to 70% a-tocopherol).

Approximate fatty acid composition:

Saturated fatty acids (%)

  • Myristic acid (C14:0) – 0.3-0.4
  • Palmitic acid (C16:0) – 23-28
  • Stearic acid (C18:0) – 2-3
  • Arachidic acid (C 20:0) –
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids (%)
  • Palmitoleic acid (C16:1) – 12-24
  • Oleic acid (C 18:1) – 15-35
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids (%)
  • Linoleic acid (C 18:2) - 40-55
  • Effect of cottonseed oil

    Vegetable oil obtained by pressing cotton fruits improves the structure of the skin, increases its protective functions, has moisturizing and restorative properties, and stabilizes lipid balance.

    The high percentage (more than 40%) of unsaturated fatty acids in cottonseed oil explains its special value in dermatology. Unsaturated fatty acids play an important role in the metabolic processes of skin cells:

  • contribute to the restoration of damaged cellular structures, which, in particular, leads to the preservation of the required level of water in skin cells;
  • regulate the maturation processes of skin cells, which manifests itself in improving the structure of the skin ( appearance and elasticity);
  • perform the function of immunoregulators;
  • initiate the synthesis of hormone-like substances (prostaglandins and triacylglycerols);
  • promote the production of ceramides, and, as a result, improve the protective functions of the skin;
  • have an active regenerating effect when applied locally (cutaneously);
  • Methods of application

    Precautionary measures

    May cause skin irritation and allergic reaction. Comedogenic.

    Shelf life: up to 12 months

    Interesting Facts:

    They say that in cotton pickers, everything ages with age except the skin of their hands - it remains young, smooth and tender until old age.

    Today there are many cosmetics, which are produced under various brands. However, they always include some chemical components. In branded products, these components do not cause much harm, but everyone’s dermis is different, and therefore it is difficult to say in advance how it will react to the elements.

    Not everyone wants to take risks with chemical cosmetic products. Thus, there is a return to the gifts of nature, as it was in ancient times.

    One of the useful natural products cottonseed oil appears, which can be eaten and also applied externally.

    Before talking about the benefits of cottonseed oil, you should understand how it is obtained. In order not to be confused when choosing a product, you should understand that the initially obtained oil has a red color and a characteristic pungent odor. After refining, it loses its strong aroma and becomes light in color.

    The benefits of cottonseed oil for the body are due, first of all, to its composition. Its main thing positive quality is that it contains many phytosterols and tocopherols, and, in addition, linoleic acid. In addition, its kit also includes ceramides, proteins, vitamin E. It is worth clarifying that it contains omega 6 and 3 acids.

    Thanks to this impressive composition, cottonseed oil has the following properties:

    1. Promotes healing of cuts, abrasions, wounds, burns and eliminates inflammation;
    2. Removes bad cholesterol from the body;
    3. Helps get rid of allergies, diabetes, dermatitis;
    4. Acts as a powerful antioxidant (strong immunity, good mood And so on);
    5. Prevents the development of heart attack and atherosclerosis.

    Its miraculous characteristics can be supported by a number of other properties. Its main advantage is that it can be used both in food and to create cosmetic care products from it.

    Harm and contraindications of natural remedies

    The harm of cottonseed oil is associated primarily with intolerance to the product. Each body is individual and can react differently, even causing an allergy. To avoid such a negative situation, you must first try it in a small dose (literally a couple of drops), and also apply it to the skin of the elbow.

    If the body does not tolerate oil, then there is no need to “force” yourself and continue to use it. When negative symptoms continue long time, you must seek medical help.

    Another pretty one important point is due to the fact that if unrefined oil If consumed by a man, it can cause infertility. Therefore, the product must be processed before being used as food or calcined in a frying pan. Before consuming cottonseed oil, its benefits and harms must be taken into account.

    Cottonseed oil exhibits its beneficial properties most actively when consumed. You can use it to cook hot dishes or simply dress salads. It is believed that it gives more in pure form nutrients, however, in combination with other products it complements their properties and also enhances its effect.

    It has pleasant taste and consistency, and also gives a more appetizing aroma to food. They can replace the usual sunflower oil, on which pies, donuts, whites, etc. are often fried. Then ready product The dough acquires a slight nutty smell and is fluffy.

    For those who prefer healthy eating and actively eats salads, can cook light salad using cottonseed oil. So, for example, you can take fresh cucumbers and tomatoes (any variety), radishes. After grinding all the ingredients, add a little salt and pepper, and then season with a few tablespoons of oil. After the salad is thoroughly mixed, you can add spices if desired and sprinkle lemon juice. You can eat it right away, or you can put the salad in the refrigerator so that it soaks and begins to release juice, after which a delicious sauce is formed.

    For those who like to enjoy themselves sometimes fried food, for example potatoes, you should take a suitable amount fresh potatoes. It should be peeled and washed thoroughly, and then cut into cubes or strips. After preheating the frying pan, spray it with cottonseed oil and add the chopped slices.

    During the frying process, add salt, pepper and spices to taste. When the potatoes are browned, you can turn off the heat and leave in a hot frying pan for a couple of minutes so that the dish “cooks.” For those who like a more crispy and dried crust, you can keep it a little longer until it takes on a brownish tint. In fact, everyone decides for themselves how to take cottonseed oil.

    In pursuit of beauty and eternal youth, cottonseed oil is also used in cosmetology. It is used in pure form, in combination with other essential oils to create cosmetic masks, or homemade balms and soaps are prepared with it.

    It is worth noting that soap products, prepared on the basis of such oil, when washed, give a stable, but not too voluminous foam, and also moisturizes the skin. In addition, it is ideal for those who are allergic to nut products, making it an ideal substitute.

    You can make various masks for the face and other parts of the body from the oil, use it as a fatty base for creating creams and lotions, or you can simply use its pure version.

    It is great for the skin of the hands, softening and moisturizing it. You just need to smear your hands with it after washing them with soap. Lotions based on it are suitable for removing makeup, and creams should be used for dry skin and when you want to get rid of age signs.

    By using cotton oil for your hair, you can give yourself soft, smooth and shiny hair and get rid of dandruff and itching at the roots.

    Recipes for face and body skin

    Some people prefer to add an oily liquid to a ready-made cosmetic product, such as a cream or mask. The main condition for this is that the amount of oil should not exceed 25% of the amount of product to which it is added.

    • You can take a few teaspoons of cottonseed oil, one spoon of your favorite essential oil, as well as a few spoons of olive. After carefully mixing, the resulting mixture should be left to brew for literally 5 minutes, and then applied to the face with massage movements. This is applicable for dry skin and also for smoothing wrinkles.
    • For anti-cellulite massage procedures, it is recommended to use a composition of 1 tsp. cottonseed oil, 5 drops of lemon essential oil and 3 drops of grapefruit oil. The mixture is rubbed into clean, dry skin after showering.
    • Dry and dull skin that needs extra care will benefit from a mask based on 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. bee honey and 1 tsp. cottonseed oil All components perfectly nourish the epidermis and help eliminate flaking. The composition stays on the skin for up to 15-20 minutes.
    • It is recommended to lubricate skin irritated after shaving with a mixture of equal amounts of cottonseed oil and grape seed oil.

    In addition, cottonseed oil for the skin is used for general and. It can again be mixed with other oils (mint, lavender, apricot kernel, almonds), or can be used in its pure form. Combined with proper massage movements, it nourishes the skin well and makes it velvety.

    It would be a good idea to use cotton seed oil to strengthen and nourish your hair. It allows you to strengthen your hair, make it smooth, and also get rid of split ends. In addition, it perfectly helps in the fight against dandruff and dry scalp.

    • It can be applied in its pure form to your hair before washing your hair, wearing a plastic cap or a regular plastic bag and wrapping it with a towel. This mask should be kept for about an hour, and then thoroughly washed with shampoo. At oily hair, such a remedy should not be used.
    • Three to four times a month, you can add cottonseed oil to your favorite shampoo while washing your hair. To give your hair a healthy shine and moisturize your curls, 15-20 drops of the product are enough per application.
    • If you want to grow long hair or increase its thickness, use the following composition: 1 tbsp. cottonseed oil, 2 tbsp. full-fat sour cream or yogurt without additives, 2 tsp. mustard powder. The composition is applied exclusively to the hair roots and lasts no more than 10-15 minutes.
    • Damaged, thin curls will appreciate next recipe: 1 tbsp. mix cottonseed oil with 1 tsp. jojoba oil and 2 tbsp. yeast powder, diluted a small amount warm decoction of chamomile or green tea. A slightly heated mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length, without affecting the roots, for 20-40 minutes.
    • The following mask will complement the care for lifeless split ends: 1 tsp. cottonseed oil, 1 tbsp. castor oil, 1 tsp. almond oil, a few drops of orange essential oil. The oil mixture is slightly heated and applied to the ends of the hair for 40-50 minutes.

    The ideal option would be to add coconut, peach or olive oil to the cottonseed oil, in the proportion of one teaspoon of cottonseed to 10 teaspoons of the other. Apply and keep this mask in the same way as described above.

    We are accustomed to using vegetable oils in cooking - usually sunflower or, some dishes require the use. However, few people know about the existence of cottonseed oil. This unique product obtained from the seeds of the cotton plant, which is better known to us as cotton, and it has many amazing properties. In this article we have collected information for you about the benefits and harms of cottonseed oil - perhaps after reading this you will add this wonderful product to your diet!

    Description and application of cottonseed oil

    In our area, cottonseed oil is still considered a curiosity and is not in great demand. However, let’s say, in Central Asia it is as popular as sunflower in our country. In addition, the product is produced and actively used in countries North America– and the USA is the largest producer of cottonseed oil in the world.

    Today there are two types of oil on sale - refined and unrefined. The first, due to thorough cleaning, has a light yellowish tint, almost no smell and has a faint nutty taste - thanks to these qualities it is used in cooking and cosmetology. Unrefined unrefined is a strong-smelling liquid of a reddish color. It contains many impurities and harmful substances, however, it also has its uses.

    Refined used in:

    • Cooking. A great many dishes require the use of cottonseed oil. The product is most often used in the preparation of excellent salad dressings, caviar, pilaf, and some types of dough.
    • Food Industry. Cottonseed oil is one of the main ingredients of margarine, which is widely known to us. It is also used in the manufacture of canned vegetables and meat.
    • Cosmetology. Cottonseed oil is a “favorite” base for most cosmetic products - balms, emulsions, creams, including sunscreens. This is mainly due to the presence of unsaturated organic acids in it.

    Unrefined has found application in the chemical industry. Lamp oil, lubricants and drying oil are prepared from it. Attention! You should not use unrefined cottonseed oil for other purposes - for example, cosmetic, and especially food! The unrefined product contains gossypol, a toxic substance. It is thanks to gossypol pigments raw oil has a bright shade.

    In addition to all these applications, there are Another - medicinal. It contains many substances beneficial to the body.

    Composition of cottonseed oil (refined)

    Speaking about the composition of the oil, it is necessary to mention its nutritional quality. The product, of course, consists entirely of fats, and 100 grams of it contain 899 kcal. Concerning useful substances, then cottonseed oil contains:

    • Vitamin E. And in huge quantities– 99 mg per 100 grams of product.
    • Plant sterols.
    • Valuable unsaturated fatty acids – stearic, palmitic, linoleic, oleic, myristic.

    Thanks to these substances, cottonseed oil has many therapeutic effects.

    Amazing healing product is cottonseed oil. This is one of the subspecies vegetable oil, for the production of which the seeds of cotton, which belongs to the Malvaceae family, are used. Oil production is profitable because cotton waste is used to obtain it. Today you can buy refined and unrefined product. Where is cottonseed oil used? What is its use?

    Cottonseed oil in cooking

    Chefs have long noted unusual taste qualities product. Refined cottonseed oil is added to various salads. The product is also the basis for margarine. Now the product is actively used in Pakistan and India. Cottonseed oil is a high-quality culinary fat product, it has a pleasant nutty taste, rich and healthy composition.

    Medicinal properties of cottonseed oil

    Cleaning blood vessels and lifting your mood

    Cottonseed oil contains a large number of fatty acids: linoleic, palmitic, oleic, stearic, palmitoleic. There is also a sufficient amount of tocopherol - vitamin E and phytosterol. Additionally, in addition to oil, you need to drink a decoction. At home, use this recipe: you need to take shaggy cottonseed (root bark), pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil everything for about half an hour. When the broth has cooled, strain. Drink 50 ml morning, afternoon and evening. Additionally, the product can be used for stomach tumors. The course of therapy is about 2 months.

    How does each substance affect the body?

    Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, it can be used to strengthen immune system. The vitamin prevents early aging, improves the condition of the central nervous system, lifts the mood.

    Heals wounds and helps stop inflammatory process, improve the patient's condition diabetes mellitus. The substances are extremely necessary for dermatitis, allergies, and restore the skin after a severe burn.

    Phytosterols restore the necessary level of cholesterol, get rid of cholesterol plaques, and are the best preventive measure for myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. Due to this component, the oil is used to care for the skin of children and adults. With its help you can heal abrasions, bites, cuts, and get rid of pimples on your hands. Before use, be sure to consider the harms and benefits of cottonseed oil.

    When using cottonseed oil with vitamin D, phosphorus and calcium are absorbed faster. These substances are essential for the full formation of bone tissue.

    Application of cottonseed oil in cosmetology

    This is an excellent nourishing and moisturizing product. Cottonseed oil helps get rid of flaking and irritation. Its advantage is that the product is immediately absorbed into the skin without leaving a greasy residue.

    Do you dream of smooth and delicate hands? You don't have to buy expensive masks. Buy cottonseed oil, rub it on your hands and put on gloves. Leave for 30 minutes. After the procedure, you will immediately notice how the condition of the skin on your hands has improved.

    Cotton seed oil can be added to homemade creams and masks. The product combines perfectly with olive oil. It helps smooth out wrinkles, heal various cracks, and actively nourishes the skin with vitamins.

    Have you long dreamed of getting rid of comedones on your face? Prepare yourself a mask with the addition of cottonseed oil. To ensure that the product does not clog pores, cotton oil must be combined with others. At home, you can prepare a facial scrub or steam bath.

    Benefits of cottonseed oil for hair

    The product has a healing and nourishing effect, with its help you can restore metabolism in cells. This is one of the best natural products.

    It has been proven that cottonseed oil helps awaken weak bulbs and accelerates. Using the product you can soften your hair, eliminate problems such as split ends, and stop the inflammatory process. The product also helps to moisturize the scalp, while eliminating excess oil. After using the product, hair gains strength and shine.

    Remember, the product must not be used in its pure form, otherwise it may cause harm. To do this, pay attention to several ways.

    The first way to use cottonseed oil

    The second way to use cottonseed oil

    Take 10 teaspoons of base oil - peach, olive, coconut and add a teaspoon of cottonseed oil. At the end, you can add 3 drops of mint, geranium, and grapefruit ether. The fragrant mixture is rubbed into the scalp. Walk around with the mask for about an hour. After the mask, the hair becomes soft, manageable, for a long time remain clean and well-groomed.

    Harm of cottonseed oil

    The product should not be used if you are hypersensitive because it can lead to a serious allergic reaction. Sometimes oil is the main cause of impaired metabolism. Due to the fact that the product contains gossypol, the oil leads to sperm suppression, which subsequently leads to serious problems with reproductive function. It is best to use refined cottonseed oil, it is safe.

    Therefore, cottonseed oil is healing agent. With its help, you can restore cellular structure, improve skin elasticity, calm down, and relax. The main thing is to take into account the main contraindications and side effects. It is important to buy only high-quality and natural products. For internal use, it is best to use unrefined cottonseed oil. The refined product is more concentrated, so it can be used for external use in for cosmetic purposes. Don’t forget to dilute cottonseed oil with other beneficial essential products.