Bread with wheat cereal in a bread machine. Healthy lean bread with wheat cereal

Good day everyone)) I tried another type of bread, healthy, grain... I’m sharing).

Wheat groats (the type of groats was not specified, in appearance - approximately “Poltava” No. 3 or 4, slightly larger than buckwheat. - 200 g.

Hercules - 2-3 tablespoons. Fill with hot water (about 60-70 degrees) - 200 ml. And let it swell, wrapped like dough (in a towel and under a blanket). We make the dough: plain flour - 130 g (cut glass to the chamfer), yeast 6-10 grams, a pinch of sugar, warm water - 100 ml (half a glass). First, we dilute the yeast in half the water and let it bubble.

Then add flour. Stir into a homogeneous mass and add the remaining water. Place it next to the cereal, covering the bowl with cling film. When the dough bubbles and becomes viscous, it is ready.

For me this happened in about an hour and a quarter. We pour the swollen grains into the dough... I’ll make a reservation right away, it’s better for the grain to swell longer, I think three or four hours. Stir, add salt (a teaspoon) and vegetable oil (two tablespoons).

Blend the mixture with an immersion blender.

The dough seemed runny to me, but I didn’t want to add wheat flour. Added 5 tablespoons of peeled rye flour and the dough turned out to be the desired consistency. Knead the dough with a mixer for 5-7 minutes, it turns out sticky and does not roll into a lump, so we bake the bread in a mold.

Let the dough rise for an hour and a half, its volume will increase approximately 2.5 times.

before fermentation:


Place the dough in a mold that has been lightly greased with vegetable oil. Cover with cling film and place on the stove in which the oven is already heating.

The dough rests for 40-50 minutes and increases in volume by one and a half to two times.

The oven must be heated to 200 degrees. My “bar” was baked for 40 minutes. Place the bread on a board (preferably on a wire rack, if available), cover with a clean towel and leave to cool completely.

The taste of the bread is a little sweet, reminiscent of “Barvikha” (if anyone remembers). And most importantly - fresh)).

Bon appetit)

Good day everyone)) I tried another type of bread, healthy, grain... I’m sharing).

Wheat groats (the type of groats was not specified, in appearance - approximately “Poltava” No. 3 or 4, slightly larger than buckwheat. - 200 g.

Hercules - 2-3 tablespoons. Fill with hot water (about 60-70 degrees) - 200 ml. And let it swell, wrapped like dough (in a towel and under a blanket). We make the dough: plain flour - 130 g (cut glass to the chamfer), yeast 6-10 grams, a pinch of sugar, warm water - 100 ml (half a glass). First, we dilute the yeast in half the water and let it bubble.

Then add flour. Stir into a homogeneous mass and add the remaining water. Place it next to the cereal, covering the bowl with cling film. When the dough bubbles and becomes viscous, it is ready.

For me this happened in about an hour and a quarter. We pour the swollen grains into the dough... I’ll make a reservation right away, it’s better for the grain to swell longer, I think three or four hours. Stir, add salt (a teaspoon) and vegetable oil (two tablespoons).

Blend the mixture with an immersion blender.

The dough seemed runny to me, but I didn’t want to add wheat flour. Added 5 tablespoons of peeled rye flour and the dough turned out to be the desired consistency. Knead the dough with a mixer for 5-7 minutes, it turns out sticky and does not roll into a lump, so we bake the bread in a mold.

Let the dough rise for an hour and a half, its volume will increase approximately 2.5 times.

before fermentation:


Place the dough in a mold that has been lightly greased with vegetable oil. Cover with cling film and place on the stove in which the oven is already heating.

The dough rests for 40-50 minutes and increases in volume by one and a half to two times.

The oven must be heated to 200 degrees. My “bar” was baked for 40 minutes. Place the bread on a board (preferably on a wire rack, if available), cover with a clean towel and leave to cool completely.

The taste of the bread is a little sweet, reminiscent of “Barvikha” (if anyone remembers). And most importantly - fresh)).

Bon appetit)


Bread made from premium flour is beautiful and tasty. However, in its production, flour is used that is almost completely devoid of nutrients and vitamins as a result of purification. To increase the value of bread, housewives are increasingly abandoning store-bought loaves and loaves. Baking bread at home has become fashionable, useful and... interesting. In fact, today you can bake a loaf with bran, tomorrow - with sprouted wheat, the day after tomorrow add pumpkin and sunflower seeds to the dough when kneading.

At the same time, each time you will get a tasty, healthy and energy-rich product. We suggest baking lean bread with wheat cereal in the oven. The recipe is accompanied by step-by-step photos.

For this Lenten bread recipe you will need:

  • 1.5 faceted cups of wheat cereal
  • baking flour (how much dough will take)
  • 1.5 tsp. salt
  • water 300 ml
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil (as any vegetable oil is called)
  • packet of yeast
  • 2 tbsp. exactly with the edges of sugar.

Description of making bread from wheat cereal:

1. Take wheat cereal and, without rinsing, pour it with hot, 60 degrees, water. Leave the cereal in a warm place to swell for 3-5 hours.

2. When the cereal swells, add the remaining ingredients according to the recipe.

3. Replace elastic dough.

4. Place the container with it in a pan with hot, about 60 degrees, water. Knead the dough twice.

5. Place the risen mass on the table, cut it into two or three loaves.

6. Leave the future bread in a warm place to proof.

7. Place the baking sheet in a hot oven.

8. At a temperature of 210 degrees, lean bread is baked for about an hour. About ten minutes before the product is completely ready, grease it with vegetable oil, which will give the golden brown baked goods a shine.

9. Place the baked bread on a cotton towel.

Note. Wheat groats retain a certain hardness in the finished product. Therefore, those who like a more uniform crumb structure should additionally grind the cereal in a hand mill or coffee grinder before steaming.

Once again I am convinced that bread is multifaceted, and you can learn about it endlessly, sometimes this is facilitated by chance and absurdity, which suddenly open up new sides of the familiar. So recently I had the opportunity to bake bread from very coarse flour, almost cereal, and this cereal was ground in two different ways: one in a burr mill, the second in a roller mill, and all this happened completely unplanned, almost by accident.

We are accustomed to the fact that flour should be fine, thin, and the finer it is, the more beautiful and fluffy the bread will turn out. Accordingly, the mill, if it is called such, must be able to make flour suitable for bread, and in our country it is small flour that is considered suitable, and everything larger is no longer flour, but flakes, meal, grits, etc., and for bread is not suitable. Actually, I thought so too! Until recently.

That was the introduction, now it's history. Recently on Ukrainian grain grinders The inexpensive Marcato also appeared from the Italians, which the manufacturers positioned as both a manual grain press and a flour mill. It has additional rollers installed inside, which should grind the crushed grain even better to make flour. They immediately ordered this grain mill from me, and in my own city. But, having tested it in practice, it turned out that it does not make any flour; the result is flakes, quite small, but not flour. However, they decided not to return the grain crusher; it was made very well and of high quality: completely metal, heavy, removable hopper with a strong magnet, two sets of rollers, flakes can be made of completely different finenesses, in a word, good grain press. But this situation still haunted me: a man (a good one, at that)) bought it because he wanted a mill, but in the end the mill makes not flour, but cereal. And I asked to be given temporary use for a few days so that I could see, touch and bake from what I could grind. And it turned out to be real flakes, quite large, but I decided that whatever I had, that’s what I’d bake with.

I used proportions that were familiar to me for a long time whole grain wheat bread, that is, 200 gr. sourdough starter with 100% humidity on white flour, 400 gr. whole grain flakes, 250 gr. water, salt 10 and 25 gr. vegetable oil.

From the very beginning it was clear that these flakes needed to swell well before kneading the dough, so I mixed the starter, water and flakes and left it not for 15 minutes, as usual, but for 30-40, adding salt to slow down the work a little enzymes. The mass looked more like wheat porridge than dough, but my good friend, the world's best specialist in kneading bread dough, his name is Ankarsrum Original, quickly turned the indistinct porridge into elastic dough. And then I was surprised: there were noticeably many large particles of wheat grain in it, which were connected to each other by light, almost white threads and films - gluten! She was not restrained by the rough coarse grinding, she still freed herself and began her amazing work - gently but firmly connecting everything together. Look, this is what dough looks like when made from regular fine whole grain flour, and this is what it looks like when there are flakes instead of flour.

It is immediately obvious that dough made from regular flour is at least darker and more homogeneous and smooth. Many small particles completely and evenly filled the gluten film, giving it a beige color. In addition, this dough is more elastic and durable, again, due to the size of the particles; small ones do not have such a strong and dramatic effect on the gluten, while large ones openly tear it apart.

By the way, it ferments like a reactive fermentation, fermentation always takes less than two hours, and in an hour and a half of proofing it rises to its maximum, so much so that it is not clear whether it is worth cutting, will it deflate?

This is a subtle point with this bread. Whole grain dough already ferments faster than dough made from white wheat flour; it loses its elasticity and structural strength faster and easier, but here it is not very strong to begin with, so the relevance of making cuts before baking is sometimes a big question.

And here is the finished bread. The crust turned out to be grainy and this made it more crunchy and durable, the bran clicked when bitten, I liked it.

The crumb is wonderful, fluffy, similar to doctor’s bread, as it was a long time ago. But the aroma!!! This bread smells even better than just whole grain sourdough bread, the aroma has become even deeper, richer, homemade, my mother said that it smells like when I was a child.

Having received such an interesting experience with bread made from flakes, of course, I wanted to repeat it, but only with cereals from mills. I tried grinding on different divisions and came to the conclusion that the cereal ground on the fifth division is most similar to what I need. This is how it turns out, a little flour, but otherwise - medium-sized crushed grain.

Mixed with water and sourdough, this cereal gives this “it’s not clear what”, I can’t even believe that it will then come together into dough and be elastic and elastic.

But during the kneading process, amazing things happen - the porridge turns into dough! Although it is still different from what was made from flakes, nevertheless, the cereal is coarser than the flakes, and part of the grain is still ground into fine flour, this is a feature of millstone grinding. In general, grains take longer to develop gluten, which is why the dough looks a little different.

Here it is in a bowl, rolled up into a ball.

During fermentation it is just as active and fast, proofing takes an hour, no more, however, mine was hot.

The proofing was like this:

Ready bread.

It cooled down when it was already dark, so the photo is so-so. The crust, by the way, is a little tough at first due to the grains.

Actually, this is the fourth one made from cereal, and it turns out better every time :) Delicious bread, the aroma is crazy, probably only familiar to our great-grandmothers. If you have a grain press or mill, be sure to bake it. By the way, I specially made the flakes using a grain press. Eschenfelder AB It turns out what you need, you need to bake!

And here is a video with cereal bread

Good luck and delicious bread!

If we want to add a little variety to our diet, we can bake bread. But the bread is not made from ordinary flour, but from corn flour. This flour does not contain gluten, which is not beneficial to the human body. The recipe for baking bread from corn flour is very simple and it will not be difficult to prepare even for novice housewives. The bread turns out porous, fresh and appetizing.

What's included in the recipe:

  1. Corn flour - 1 cup;
  2. Egg - 2 pieces;
  3. Milk- 1 glass;
  4. Soda- 3/4 teaspoon;
  5. Sugar - 0.5 teaspoons;
  6. Salt - 3/4 teaspoon.

How to cook:

  • Place flour in a bowl.

  • Add eggs.

  • Heat the milk, pour into a bowl and add salt. Stir slightly without beating.

  • Add sugar.

  • Mix everything again. No need to beat. The dough should have a liquid consistency.

  • Grease the mold with vegetable oil.

  • Pour the batter into the hot oven and bake at 180 degrees until done.

Advice: We check readiness with a wooden splinter or a thin stick. If you pierce the bread and the stick remains dry, then the bread is ready.

Recipe: Homemade cornbread without wheat flour, with the addition of rice flour

What's included in the recipe:

  • Corn flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Rice flour - 1/2 cup;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoons;
  • Baking powder - 3 teaspoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons.