Cooking pork schnitzel in the oven. Pork schnitzel in the oven - a dish worthy of kings

Fragrant fish in tomato marinade with vegetables is a win-win (although not very suitable for aesthetes, unless the bones are removed in advance) classic of Soviet cuisine. The chronic shortage of everything awakened remarkable ingenuity and culinary ingenuity in cooks. They prepared simple but delicious dishes from literally nothing. Through their common efforts, many favorite and still popular delicacies appeared - milk shortcakes, “Herring under a fur coat”, semolina balls with jelly, sausages in dough, including delicious marinated fish. The classic recipe with photos is presented step by step and, I hope, in an accessible way in this article. Cooking fish with lots of vegetables and tomato sauce is actually quite simple. The most difficult stage is probably filleting the main ingredient. And you can handle chopping, frying and stewing vegetables with ease. As a result, you will get the most tender fish, soaked in fried onions and carrots in a spicy tomato sauce. Well, very tasty!

Required Products:

For the marinade:

For the base of the dish:

How to prepare fish with tomato marinade (classic recipe with photos step by step):

The dish actually consists of two parts. They can be prepared in parallel or sequentially. I suggest starting with the marinade. It is made on the basis of simple vegetables - onions, carrots and tomatoes. Moreover, in Soviet times, tomato paste, fruit drink or juice was more often used, because fish was served under marinade mainly in winter. First prepare the carrots. Wash it and cut it into thin strips. If you like the marinade to be more homogeneous, similar to gravy, then grate the carrots on a coarse grater. This way it will boil better during stewing and will be less noticeable in the finished dish.

Chop the onion into small cubes or half rings.

Fry chopped vegetables in vegetable oil. First - carrots.

When it becomes soft, add the onion. Stir. Cook over low heat until the vegetables are browned and soft.

You can also add parsley or celery root to the fish marinade. Peel and cut it into thin strips. Place to fry at the same time as the carrots. But keep in mind that these roots have a strong aroma and specific taste. Therefore, you shouldn’t put a lot.

When the vegetables are soft, add concentrated tomato paste. You can immediately add spices, salt and sugar. Stir.

Instead of tomato paste for the marinade, you can use canned homemade juice or tomato puree. The fish also tastes delicious with the addition of fresh tomatoes. To do this, you need to peel them and grind them in a blender or twist them through a meat grinder. If desired, press the mixture through a fine metal sieve to remove any pits. In this case, much less additional liquid will be needed.

Pour in hot water. At the same time, stir the contents of the pan to achieve uniformity of the tomato sauce. You need about 1-1.5 cups of liquid (depending on the desired thickness of the marinade). Cover with a lid. Simmer for 15-20 minutes until the vegetables are ready. If there is not enough acid in the tomato for the classic taste of fish in the marinade, add vinegar at the end of stewing. It is advisable to remove the bay leaf, as it will give the finished dish a bitter taste. You can leave the rest of the spices.

Instead of drinking water, you can use fish broth. It will make the taste of the dish more intense. You can cook the broth from the tail, head, fins and bones of the fish, which will remain after cutting. Vegetable broth is also suitable.

The marinade is ready, it's time to fish. In principle, it can be prepared and processed while stewing vegetables in a tomato. Almost any fish is suitable for this dish. But it’s better to take a thick one so that it holds its shape well. I usually use pollock or hake. It is advisable to fillet the fish so as not to be distracted by removing the bones while eating. But if you're in a hurry, just cut the carcasses into small portions. It is better not to remove the skin. In general, it is not necessary to fry the fish before pouring the marinade. This is, of course, a classic version of heat treatment. But if you want to make the dish less caloric, boil or bake the fish.

Blot the resulting pieces with napkins and roll in flour.

Fry on both sides until golden brown. The fish should not remain raw inside, because we will not stew it anymore, we will simply pour marinade over it. There is another way to prepare this dish, in which pieces of fish are briefly stewed in tomato and vegetable sauce. You can familiarize yourself with it here. If the fish remains damp, finish baking for 5-7 minutes at 180 degrees.

Place the fried fish pieces in a deep pan. Pour sauce over each layer. After cooling completely, refrigerate the dish for 6-8 hours.

This marinated fish is traditionally served cold. When serving, you can sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Once upon a time, this dish was often found on tables. Moreover, both on ordinary days and on holidays. Moreover, in restaurants, cafes and canteens, marinated fish was also very often present on the menu. And now she is practically invisible.

Let’s correct the injustice, since marinated fish is tasty, easy to prepare, impressive on the table, and it won’t hurt to remind both yourself and your guests about such a dish. I have been meaning to cook it for a long time, but either there is no fish (my family prefers meat), or I have time, or I am too lazy. However, the day came when the stars aligned in the right composition, all the ingredients were available, and the marinated fish was finally cooked.

To prepare marinated fish you will need:

Everyone determines the amount of starting products for themselves, depending on the size of your form, where you will “collect” the fish under the marinade, as well as the desired number of layers, and the amount of marinade.

Here I indicated the number of products that I used this particular time. Most often I cook because the weights of fish, carrots and onions are approximately the same.

  • Fish fillet. ~ 800 gr. You can use any fish - it all depends on your personal preferences. I used cod.
  • Onion. 5-6 large onions.
  • Carrot. 5-6 large carrots
  • Tomato paste 1-2 tablespoons
  • Tomatoes. In winter, it is better to use not fresh tomatoes, but canned tomatoes in their own juice or ready-made passata.
  • Black peppercorns
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Flour, 2-3 heaped tablespoons for dredging the fish. (Not pictured).
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Bay leaf
  • Optional - vinegar. I do without it.

Cooking fish with marinade:

It is best to start with the marinade, since the marinade takes the longest to prepare.

Cut the onion into half/quarter rings.

Heat the vegetable oil, preferably in a saucepan, and add the chopped onion.

While the onion is frying, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

When the onion has softened and started to become translucent,

add carrots and peppercorns to the onion.

Fry/simmer, stirring, until the carrots are soft.

Move the fried carrots and onions aside, freeing up a lot of free space in the dishes, and fry the tomato paste in the free area, also stirring.

Lately I have been buying tomato paste in small 25 gram jars. Just one jar - about 2 tablespoons, but very convenient - I opened the jar and immediately used it completely.

Frying the paste removes the sourness from the paste and enhances the flavor and sweetness of the tomatoes. Due to the fact that tomato paste begins to burn very quickly, we don’t get distracted, but stir constantly. The entire process of frying tomato paste will take 2-3 minutes.

Mix pasta with onions and carrots.

If you use fresh tomatoes, or canned in their own juice, but not peeled, then peel the tomatoes. The canned ones are very easy to clean, but cut the fresh ones crosswise, pour boiling water for 3 minutes, and then lower them into ice water. After this procedure, the skin of the tomatoes is very easy to peel.

Add peeled and chopped tomatoes to carrots and onions; if there is juice in the jars, then add that too.

Mix everything, add half a glass of water if necessary and salt to taste. If the tomatoes are sour, add a little sugar.

We also put 1-2 bay leaves on top

Over low heat, with the lid closed, simmer the marinade until tender.

The finished marinade should not contain free liquid, and at the same time be moist enough to have something to soak the fish.

This is what we will now cook while the marinade is stewing.

I had pieces of cod fillet already skinned and boned. More precisely, initially there were frozen pieces of cod, which, after defrosting, I cleaned myself. In my deep conviction, already prepared cleaned fish fillets behave worse when cooked - they sometimes break down into fibers, contain too much water, etc. So, whenever possible, I buy frozen fish carcasses, and not ready-made fillets.

Cut the fish into pieces about one and a half to two centimeters thick.

Salt and pepper.

Lightly coat each piece of fish in flour.

and place in a frying pan in which the vegetable oil has been preheated.

Fry the fish on both sides until golden brown.

If the marinade is already ready, then Let's proceed to the final stage of preparing fish under marinade.

Place some of the marinade on the bottom of the mold; the layer should be at least a centimeter thick. We carefully remove the bay leaf and throw it away. Place fish pieces in one layer onto the marinade.

Spread the marinade again on top of the fish, again in a layer of at least 1 cm.

Depending on the size of the mold, the amount of fish and marinade, we calculate the number of layers. There should be at least 3 of them. Marinade-fish-marinade. I used a muffin tin and the amount of marinade and fish was enough for 5 layers.

This is where the second layer of fish appears in the photo.

The bottommost and topmost layers should be marinade.

You can, of course, eat the fish marinated and hot, but it’s much tastier to put the whole thing in the refrigerator after it’s cooled and serve it the next day - that is, give the dish the opportunity to soak in the juices, especially for fish, and even more so as dry as cod. It is best to leave it to soak for at least 8 hours - that is, overnight.

This dish tastes incomparably better when cold.

That's all. All that remains is to cut into portions and serve. By the way, you can immediately take portioned molds (for example, small salad bowls) and immediately lay out layers of marinade and fish in them. And serve immediately in these molds.

Please your loved ones with the most delicious marinated fish. This is a simple and incredibly tasty appetizer that is suitable for both the everyday menu and the holiday table. The recipe is very simple, and the result is simply amazing: the fish turns out very tender, incredibly aromatic, with a rich taste - it just melts in your mouth. My family eats this dish with great pleasure. Be sure to take note of this recipe and spoil your loved ones.


  • 400 grams of fish fillet;
  • 1-2 pieces of onions (or one large onion);
  • ground black pepper to taste;
  • 4 medium sized carrots;
  • salt to taste:
  • flour for frying fish;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste (you can use fresh tomatoes);
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • ground red hot pepper to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar (optional);
  • 5-7 black peppercorns;
  • sugar - to taste.

The most delicious marinated fish. Step by step recipe

  1. Let's prepare the onions: they need to be peeled and cut into cubes or thin half rings, quarter rings.
  2. Then peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. You can also cut the carrots into thin strips. To cut into strips, I first cut the carrots into slices, and then cut them into strips.
  3. Advice. You need to cut the carrots so that when cooked they don’t lose their shape and turn into mush.
  4. You can use any fish for this recipe. For this recipe I use fish fillets, cut into portions, but you can use whole fish or small fish. The fish must be salted, peppered, rolled in flour and fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil until lightly crusted on both sides, until half cooked. If desired, the fish does not need to be fried.
  5. Advice. Before frying, I shake off excess flour so that it does not burn.
  6. If necessary, add vegetable oil to the frying pan where the fish was fried and lay out the chopped onion. I fry it for two or three minutes until transparent.
  7. Then I add grated carrots to the onion and fry for three to four minutes so that they become softer
  8. Next, add tomato paste: it needs to be diluted with water until the consistency of sour cream. You can use fresh tomatoes, but they must be peeled and finely chopped. You can also grind tomatoes in a meat grinder. If desired, you can add fresh tomatoes with a little tomato paste: adjust to your taste.
  9. I add water to the vegetables in the frying pan so that they are completely covered, bring to a boil, add bay leaf, peppercorns, salt and sugar to taste, let it simmer for one or two minutes and add vinegar, ground red hot pepper (optional) .
  10. Advice. Be sure to try the marinade: if the acidity of the tomato is enough for you, then you don’t need to add vinegar. The marinade should have a pleasant sweet and sour taste.
  11. Add all other spices according to your taste.
  12. Place the fish in a frying pan with vegetables, distributing it so that the vegetables are both under the fish and on it.
  13. If you have a lot of fish, you can lay it out in layers: the first and last layer should be vegetables, and in the middle there should be fish.
  14. When all the ingredients are laid out, add a little water so that its level is just below the last layer. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer until the fish is cooked (cooking time depends on the size of the fish pieces).
  15. Then let the dish cool completely, put it in the refrigerator to brew for three to four hours - and you can serve.

The most delicious marinated fish is ready: it is very appetizing and aromatic. Prepare this dish at home and see that preparing such deliciousness is not at all difficult. This dish can be served with any side dish: my family loves it with mashed potatoes, pasta and rice. On the “Very Tasty” website you can find many interesting and original recipes for cooking fish. Bon appetit - and cook with pleasure.

It is very easy to cook any type of fish under a vegetable “coat” or marinade. To do this, you just need to choose a cooking method (frying, stewing, baking) and your favorite fish - mackerel, pollock, hake, sea bass, limonella, cod. The variety of this product is amazing, and onions and carrots, accessible to everyone, can be turned into an excellent juicy marinade.

Fried fish marinated with carrots and onions

The classic version of the recipe for preparing a dish with vegetable marinade is to use simple, commonly available products that everyone has in their kitchen.

All that remains is to buy your favorite fish and start creating a fragrant, juicy dish that goes perfectly with a side dish of cereals, pasta, vegetable purees and baked vegetables.

Hake is usually sold frozen, so after defrosting and washing it, you should first remove moisture from the surface with a paper towel. Then cut the fish into pieces 3 centimeters wide (portioned), put them in a deep container and add salt, leave to soak for half an hour.

In order not to waste time, you can prepare a delicious vegetable “coat”. To do this, cut the peeled vegetables in a convenient way (carrots on a grater, and onions into smaller cubes).

In a frying pan, lightly brown the onion with 5 ml of oil for three minutes, add the carrots.

Fry the vegetables until they become soft and golden brown. Then pour in the juice from the tomatoes, add spices and laurel leaves. After simmering the marinade for ten minutes, transfer it to a separate container.

The salted hake must be fried on all sides before being rolled in flour. When the fish pieces become golden, they need to be evenly transferred to another frying pan.

After completing the process of frying the fish, the marinade is poured onto the surface.

After heating for 10 minutes over low heat, the fish will be soaked in vegetable juice, which in turn will add a wonderful aroma of fried hake to the entire dish and its side dish.

Stewed fish

When cooking predatory fish, most of its juices are usually lost. You can use an excellent recipe for stewing fish, in which, with a small amount of ingredients, the dish will acquire the greatest juiciness and aroma, soaked in vegetable marinade from onions and carrots. To create fish with a beautiful vegetable “coat” you need:

  • pike perch (pike, perch) – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • onions and carrots – 300 g each;
  • tomato paste – 150 g;
  • water – 0.3 l;
  • salt – 15 g;
  • flour – 190 g (1.5 cups);
  • pepper (ground black) – 15 g;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • cloves – 3 pcs.

The fish is cooked in parallel with the marinade, which allows the dish to be prepared directly in just an hour. The calorie content of 100 grams of fish, which goes perfectly with all side dishes, is 94 kcal.

Cleaned fish should be cut into transverse pieces six centimeters long, sprinkled with salt, and left to soak for 20 minutes. After dredging in flour, quickly fry. The pieces must have a beautiful, golden crust.

To create a marinade, you need to chop peeled vegetables as desired, but carrots cook faster if they are coarsely grated, and onions are chopped into cubes. Fry the onion in a “drop” of oil (5 minutes), and when it becomes transparent, add carrots to it.

After another seven minutes, pour water into the vegetables, add pasta, sugar, salt, cloves and pepper. After simmering for ten minutes, pour the marinade over the pike perch.

Place layers of marinade and pike perch into the pan, alternately. The top layer should be marinade (you can prepare a little more of it). Simmer the dish and heat over low heat for twenty minutes. You can serve it with a side dish, salad or simply with rye bread.

How to bake fish in the oven

With a little imagination, you can create a culinary masterpiece that will delight your family, friends and guests with its originality and wonderful taste.

Baked fish marinated with onions and carrots can be made into separate portioned pieces, which will make it easier to serve a hearty and healthy dish. To create an appetizing and juicy fish you will need:

  • cod (fillet) – 1 kg;
  • carrots, cheese (hard variety) and onions - 0.2 kg each;
  • mayonnaise – 70 g;
  • tomato paste – 100 g;
  • spices (salt, fish seasoning) – 15 g each;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml.

Cooking time takes a little longer and is about an hour and a half. Moreover, 100 g of this wonderful dish contains 113 kcal.

The cod fillet should be cut into portioned squares measuring about 8x8 cm. Then sprinkle them with spices, set aside to soak, and let in the juice.

Cut the peeled vegetables into strips (half rings), coarsely grate the carrots. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the vegetables until golden brown and fried. Add the paste to the onions and carrots and mix well, keeping the marinade on the stove a little longer.

Place the cod on a lightly greased baking sheet with high sides at a distance of a couple of centimeters from each other. Place the marinade on top of each fish piece and make a light mesh of mayonnaise on top. Bake the cod in the oven at 180° for an hour.

The cheese should be grated and sprinkled onto portioned pieces 20 minutes before the end of cooking. The dish can be served hot, slightly cooled, sprinkled with herbs.

Fish for cooking under marinade should be selected with a low bone content, not too fatty and juicy. Other ingredients can be added to the onions and carrots included in the marinade to enhance the flavor.

It could be honey, wine, mushrooms, salad peppers. A finished dish that has been stewed, fried or baked is best left to cool for several hours, but before cooking you must:

  1. Any type of selected fish is washed under running water, so it must then be wiped, dried, removing unnecessary moisture - the batter will be more evenly distributed over the surface of the portioned pieces;
  2. When adding tomato juice, ketchup or paste, you need to taste the marinade before adding salt;
  3. During baking, you can avoid excessive evaporation of juices by tightly wrapping the fish in foil.

By choosing a frying pan with a thick bottom, the marinade and fish will be evenly fried. You can reduce the cooking time by simultaneously frying the fish in one pan and the marinade for it in another.