Hollandaise sauce or “Hollandaise” comes from France! Recipes for new and classic hollandaise sauces with lemon, mustard, wine, juices. Classic recipe for making hollandaise sauce hollandaise sauce recipe at home

1. Cut 230 g of butter with a fat content of 82.5% into small pieces, place in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Place over medium-low heat, melt the butter, and let the foam begin to rise. Watch very carefully - as soon as the foam begins to brown slightly, remove the pan from the heat and carefully skim off the foam.

2. Set the pan aside and let it sit quietly. Do not touch it or stir the oil. After 5 min. very carefully drain the oil from the sediment. Lightly salt 4 large (C0 eggs) cold yolks.

3. Fill the pan one third with water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Place a heat-resistant bowl on the pan - it should be stable and its bottom should not touch the boiling water. The water should only be boiling slightly. Place the yolks in a bowl, pour in 2 tbsp. l. cold water and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

4. Reduce heat to low, beat the yolk mixture with a whisk or mixer at low speed until foamy - this will take about 30 seconds.

5. Now, without ceasing to stir the yolk mass with a whisk or mixer at minimum speed, in a very thin stream (!) slowly begin to pour in the melted butter. If you pour in too quickly, the mixture may separate.

6. If you still see that the sauce has begun to separate, quickly add 1 tbsp. l. ice water. Even if it doesn’t work out, the sauce can be corrected (see point 10). If everything is in order, then pour in a little more than half of the oil; you can pour in the rest of the oil in a thicker stream.

7. Strain the finished sauce through a thin sieve - this will allow you to get rid of pieces of cooked protein “threads” - they are difficult to get rid of when separating eggs into yolks and whites.

8. Season the sauce to taste with Dijon mustard (0.5-1 tsp) and more lemon juice (1-2 tsp), as well as salt. Keep warm until serving.

9. If the hollandaise sauce has been standing for a long time and has frozen, it can be diluted with either another half portion of the hot hollandaise sauce just made, or just hot heavy cream - it turns out delicious, although then it can hardly be called hollandaise.

10. To fix a separated sauce, place 2 fresh yolks and 1 tbsp in a blender glass. l. cold water. Turn on the motor. Pour the separated sauce through the hole in the lid in a thin stream - now everything should work out.

11. To make a Bernese sauce based on Hollandaise sauce, remove the skins and top layer from the shallots. Chop very finely - you will need 50 g. Chop the leaves of 2-3 tarragon sprigs.

12. Combine shallots, tarragon and 50 ml of white wine vinegar in a saucepan. Season with a pinch of salt and quite generously with freshly ground black pepper. Cook over medium heat until the mixture reaches the consistency of syrup. Add this mixture, after cooling it for 5-7 minutes, to the hollandaise sauce instead of mustard and lemon juice.

Hollandaise is one of the five main sauces in French cuisine. It is well known as a key ingredient in eggs Benedict and is also often served with vegetables. Its international name sounds like “Hollandez”. Its name implies Dutch origins, but the actual history behind the name of this product is unknown.

Such a name is documented in English as early as 1573, although without a prescription. The first recorded classic recipe for hollandaise sauce is found in an English cookbook from 1651. It goes like this: “Make a sauce of good fresh butter with vinegar, salt, nutmeg and egg yolk.”

It was first mentioned in Dutch cuisine in 1667. Thus, the popular theory that its name comes from the country of invention is chronologically untenable.

In this article we will look at ways to prepare the named sauce.

How is it prepared?

As with other emulsion sauces (for example, mayonnaise), the egg in its composition is not heated, but serves as an emulsifier. This allows the immiscible oil and lemon juice to combine, which in turn produces a stable emulsion.

Classic Hollandaise sauce ingredients include:

  • egg yolks;
  • acidifying agent (wine vinegar or lemon juice);
  • butter.

Also use salt and any type of pepper to taste. Often a little cream or water is added for a better combination of ingredients.

To make hollandaise sauce, combine beaten egg yolks with oil, lemon juice, salt and water. Heat gently while mixing. Some cooks use a double bottom pan to control the temperature.

Different recipes have different requirements. Some involve adding melted butter to heated yolks. Others require unmelted butter and yolks to heat together. Still others combine warm butter and eggs in a blender or food processor. Temperature control is critical as excessive heat can ruin the sauce.

The special thing about this product is that it can be easily frozen.

Is it possible to make sauce at home?

The recipe for classic hollandaise sauce cannot be called complicated. Therefore, you can prepare it at home without any problems. It will require:

  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cream;
  • 1 cup melted butter, cooled to room temperature;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or white wine vinegar;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • a little cayenne pepper.

How to cook

For cooking, use a small, thick ceramic bowl set in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. A special container for a water bath is also suitable:

  1. Place the egg yolks and cream in a bowl or the top of a double saucepan. Mix with a wire whisk until combined. The mixture should never be beaten, but it must be stirred: evenly, vigorously and continuously.
  2. Place the container in hot water. If you are using a bowl, there should be about 4cm of water in a regular saucepan. In double - it should not touch the top.
  3. Stir the sauce continuously and slowly, bring the water to a boil.
  4. Do not let the egg mixture boil. Stir very thoroughly so that there is no film at the bottom.
  5. Once the mixture has thickened to the consistency of cream, begin adding the cooled, melted butter with one hand while vigorously stirring the sauce with the other.
  6. Do this slowly so that each addition of butter is completely incorporated into the egg mixture.
  7. Then add lemon juice or vinegar a drop at a time and immediately remove the container from the heat.
  8. Add salt and a little cayenne pepper.

If you are careful, the hollandaise sauce should not curdle. If this does happen, don't despair. Add more oil. Transfer the sauce to another container and clean the bowl. Place a fresh egg yolk in it and start cooking again, using the curdled sauce instead of butter.

Cooking options and derivative sauces

As you can see, the classic recipe for Hollandaise sauce involves using yolks, butter and lemon juice (or vinegar) as a base. Over time, many different versions of this product and its derivatives have appeared. The most famous of them:

  • Béarnsky. It is the most common derivative and is known as Béarnaise. Prepared by adding an acidifying agent (usually wine or balsamic vinegar) with shallots, fresh chervil, tarragon and (optional) crushed pepper. In some cases, no vinegar is added at all. Béarnaise sauce and its derivatives are often used on steaks or other hearty grilled meats, as well as fish.
  • Shoron. This is a type of béarnaise sauce. It is prepared without tarragon or chervil, plus it contains tomato puree.
  • Foyot (Valois). It is also a type of béarnaise sauce containing meat broth.
  • Colbert. This is a foyot sauce with the addition of white wine.
  • Paloise. Béarnaise sauce with mint instead of tarragon.
  • Vin Blian. Hollandaise sauce with white wine and fish stock.
  • Bavaruz. A type of hollandaise sauce with cream, horseradish and thyme.
  • Moutard or Girondine. It is Hollandaise with Dijon mustard.
  • Maltase. Hollandaise sauce with orange zest and juice.
  • Muslin, also known as Chantilly. It is Hollandaise with whipped cream. It also has several variations. One of them involves the addition of sherry, the other - whipped egg whites instead of cream.
  • Nouzette. Hollandaise sauce made with melted butter.

A modern take on eggs Benedict

The classic recipe for Hollandaise sauce comes in different variations. To prepare eggs Benedict, a slightly simplified version is often used. What kind of dish is this? This is a classic French breakfast consisting of two halves of an English muffin topped with a poached egg, bacon or ham, and hollandaise sauce. Despite its French origins, this dish was first popularized in New York. There are many variations on the basic recipe.

The key to making the perfect Eggs Benedict is fresh eggs and good lemon juice. In fact, this is a very simple recipe that requires just a little skill and experience. It may take several tries to get a tender and tasty dish.

How to cook Eggs Benedict

Because making butter and egg sauce requires precise temperature and timing, make sure all of your ingredients are measured and ready the day before. All you need is:

  • four eggs plus the same number of yolks separately;
  • two English muffins, halved (or four slices of toast);
  • two tablespoons each of fresh lemon juice and water;
  • 100 grams of cold salted butter, cut into 1 cm cubes;
  • salt and white pepper - to taste;
  • fresh grated nutmeg - optional.

How to cook a poached egg at home?

Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a low boil. Add salt and turn the heat to low. Fill a medium-sized container with cold water and place it next to the stove. Carefully crack one egg into a small bowl, being careful not to break the yolk.

Then stir the water in the pan so that it forms a funnel in the center. Pour the egg into it and carefully run a spoon along the bottom so that it does not stick. Because you want the yolk to remain runny, you'll need to watch the cooking time carefully. It should take no more than 3-4 minutes. After this, carefully move the egg into a container of cold water to stop it from heating. Repeat with the remaining three eggs.

Preparing the sauce

Next, you need to make the hollandaise sauce. To do this, whisk the egg yolks, fresh lemon juice and water in a heatproof glass or ceramic bowl set over a small saucepan of simmering water. Slowly add the butter, a few cubes at a time, until it is combined with the yolks, stirring constantly.

Continue cooking for another minute or two until the sauce thickens. Season with salt and white pepper. Remove from heat immediately. Classic hollandaise sauce with lemon juice is ready.

Finishing cooking

Heat English muffins or toast. Using a large spoon, place an egg on each bun half or piece of toast, drizzle generously with hollandaise sauce and sprinkle fresh nutmeg on top (optional).

You can also add a slice or two of bacon or ham, but the classic version calls for fresh eggs and a mild sauce. American and Canadian versions of the dish suggest adding smoked salmon or seafood.

Hollandaise sauce, despite its name, is a French invention and is one of the most popular sauces in French cuisine. It is also called hollandaise sauce. It is usually served with fish or vegetables, but it goes well with other dishes. This thick, creamy sauce can decorate any table.

Cooking features

Making sauce is like a test for a chef. An experienced cook will make it so that it will decorate any dish, but an inept cook can make the sauce not only tasteless, but also unappetizing in appearance. To prepare Hollandaise sauce you need at least a little culinary skill. However, this does not mean that an inexperienced housewife cannot do it. The advice of experienced chefs will help her cope with the task.

  • Hollandaise sauce is based on raw chicken yolks. A lot depends on their quality. Eggs from farm-raised chickens often have brighter yolks and produce a nicer sauce. In addition, you should pay attention to the freshness of the eggs. It is also important not to use eggs unless you are sure that they will not give you salmonella. If you are not so sure, you need to wash them, and also take measures to ensure that some of the protein does not get into the sauce, which comes into contact with the shell and can also be infectious. If you take the above precautions, there is no need to fear any unpleasant surprises.
  • If the sauce seems too pale, add a little turmeric to it, at the very tip of the knife. This will be enough to give the sauce an appetizing tint.
  • You need to prepare the sauce in a water bath. Otherwise, there is a risk that the yolks will cook and the sauce will acquire an unpleasant-looking consistency. Its taste will also suffer greatly from this.
  • An important component of the dish is butter. Its quality also matters. If the oil is low in fat and high in water, the sauce will be less thick and less tasty.
  • To improve the taste of the sauce and add sourness to it, use lemon juice or vinegar. You cannot reduce their quantity, even if you want to get a less sour sauce than the original one. The fact is that lemon juice and vinegar are preservatives that increase the shelf life of the sauce. Without them, he will disappear the very next day. When prepared according to all the rules, it can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container for several days.

Knowing the basic rules for preparing Hollandaise sauce, any housewife can make it. However, to avoid failure, she will have to carefully follow the instructions accompanying the specific recipe.

Classic hollandaise sauce recipe

  • chicken egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 100-150 g;
  • lemon juice – 30 ml;
  • salt, white pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the butter into small pieces, place in a bowl and melt on the stove or in the microwave.
  • Let the oil cool to room temperature. If it's a little warmer, that's okay, but it shouldn't be hot under any circumstances.
  • Wash the eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks. Proteins are not required to make the sauce; they can be used to prepare other dishes, such as meringue cake. The yolks need to be beaten with a whisk.
  • Add lemon juice to the yolks and whisk everything together.
  • Place the container with the yolks in a water bath and heat, whisking them vigorously with a whisk or mixer until the mass becomes fluffy and light in color.
  • Add oil little by little while continuing to beat.
  • Add salt and pepper. Whisk without removing from the water bath until the sauce becomes thick enough.
  • Remove the sauce from the water bath and leave it to cool.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Be sure to put the sauce in the refrigerator as soon as the temperature allows. The fact is that it cannot be kept warm for more than an hour, otherwise it will no longer be possible to eat it.

Hollandaise sauce with vinegar and mustard

  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • wine vinegar (3 percent) – 20 ml;
  • water – 20 ml;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • mustard – 5 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Melt the butter and leave it on the counter to cool slightly.
  • Dilute vinegar with water. If you were unable to get wine vinegar, you can use 6% apple cider vinegar, but in this case you need to take twice as much water. In this case, the amount of butter will also have to be increased by about 40-50 g.
  • Wash the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites.
  • Pour diluted vinegar into the container with the yolks, add salt. Whisk everything together.
  • Place the bowl with the egg mixture in the water bath. Beat, heating until the mixture becomes thicker and more tender.
  • Gradually add oil and whisk, continue heating the mixture until the sauce reaches the desired consistency.
  • Remove the sauce from the water bath, add mustard and pepper. Beat for a minute with a whisk or a few seconds with a mixer until the mustard is evenly distributed throughout the sauce.

Hollandaise sauce, prepared with mustard and vinegar, has a piquant taste and appetizing color, also due to the inclusion of mustard in its composition.

Hollandaise sauce with wine

  • egg yolks – 4 pcs.;
  • dry white wine – 60 ml;
  • lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • water – 20 ml;
  • butter – 120 g;
  • sugar – 2-3 g;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the eggs with soap, separate the yolks from the whites.
  • Place the yolks in a bowl, pour in the wine, juice and water. Add sugar and salt.
  • Prepare the butter by cutting it into small pieces and melting it on the stove or in the microwave.
  • Heat water in a large saucepan, place a bowl of yolks in it and start whisking them. Heat them in a water bath, whisking until you notice that the yolk mass has become much thicker.
  • Start adding the cooled butter, vigorously whisking the yolk mass with a whisk or mixer.
  • Add pepper. Continuing to whisk, cook the sauce in a water bath until the optimal consistency is obtained.

After this, just pour the sauce into a gravy boat and serve. It is better to use the sauce at room temperature. If it is too hot, let it cool, if it is cold, let it stand for a while at room temperature, beat again and only then serve.

Hollandaise sauce with cream

  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • heavy cream – 50 ml;
  • lime juice – 40 ml;
  • salt, white pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Melt the butter in any way convenient for you, let it cool.
  • Add salt and pepper to the cream, stir well.
  • Place the egg yolks in a separate container and pour in the lime juice.
  • Place the yolks in a water bath. Whisk them vigorously until the yolk mass becomes fluffy and slightly lighter.
  • Add cream without stopping stirring. When the mixture begins to thicken again, begin adding oil.
  • When all the butter is in the bowl with the yolks, heat and whisk the sauce until thick.
  • When the desired consistency is reached, remove the bowl of sauce from the water bath. Add pepper and beat with a mixer for another three minutes.

Hollandaise sauce with orange

  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • orange juice – 40 ml;
  • orange zest from one fruit;
  • butter – 80 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Grind and melt the butter.
  • Wash the orange thoroughly and wipe it dry with a napkin. Squeeze the juice out of it. Grate the zest on a special grater.
  • Place the yolks, lemon and orange juice in a bowl in the amount specified in the recipe.
  • While heating in a water bath, beat well with a whisk or mixer.
  • Add zest and salt, beat for another minute.
  • Gradually add the butter while continuing to beat the yolks. Heat the sauce, whisking continuously, until it thickens.
  • Remove from the bath, add pepper, beat for a couple of minutes with a mixer.

Hollandaise sauce prepared according to this recipe is ideal for pork and chicken. It can also be served with barbecue.

With some skill, any housewife can prepare hollandaise sauce at home. The main thing is to follow the recipe and strictly follow the instructions.

A classic French sauce with a pleasant lemon aroma. Consists of hollandaise sauce from egg yolks and lemon juice, heated to a creamy consistency, to which butter is mixed. It is not as widely used in our latitudes as it is for one simple reason: it is served immediately after serving while still warm. Accordingly, it is almost impossible to store it for more than two hours at home. Hollandaise sauce is served with asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, boiled fish, and egg dishes.

There are two main methods of preparation hollandaise sauce: complex and simple. In the first case, the yolks are first heated in a water bath, and then oil is added to them. In the second case, hot oil is poured into the cold yolks. The sauce prepared in the first, traditional way is thicker, but it is very easy to spoil. I only succeeded the third time, after half a dozen eggs and almost half a kilogram of butter went into the trash can. Just for fun, I prepared the sauce the second way – it worked the first time. The sauces tasted no different. And if there is no difference, why the extra torment? Now I prepare this sauce only in the second way, using a blender or mixer.

Hollandaise sauce

Total and active cooking time – 20 minutes
Cost – $2.2
Calorie content per 100 g – 577 kcal

How to make hollandaise sauce


Egg yolk – 3 pcs.
Lemon juice – 2 tbsp.
Salt – ¼ tsp.
White pepper – 1 pinch
Butter – 110 + 110 g.


Pour the yolks, lemon juice, salt and pepper into the bowl of a blender or food processor. Close the lid and stir at maximum speed for 30 seconds.

Remove the lid and, still stirring at high speed, pour in the hot butter in a very thin stream, literally drop by drop.
The oil will warm the yolks; By pouring it in very slowly, you give the yolks time to absorb the oil. When 2/3 of the oil is gone, the sauce will turn into a thick cream, and then you can add the remaining oil a little faster.

Place all the resulting sauce from the blender bowl into a bowl and beat another 110 g of butter into it with a wire whisk or mixer.

In the event of a disaster: If the sauce refuses to thicken or the finished sauce curdles, remove it from the blender bowl. Then, at high speed, pour it back drop by drop.

How to keep the sauce warm. Hollandaise sauce is served warm, not hot; if you keep it too warm, it will become liquid or curdle. If you made the sauce ahead of time, place the sauce pan in a warm place on the stove or in a bain marie of lukewarm water. Or add a minimal amount of butter to the sauce, and before serving, heat the rest of the butter until it bubbles and whisk into the sauce in a thin stream.

Hollandaise sauce, or hollandaise, has only a very distant connection with the Netherlands. This French sauce is prepared on the basis of butter and raw eggs, has many variations, one of which is fluffy Hollandaise sauce with the addition of whites whipped into a strong foam.

Hollandaise sauce, or hollandaise, turns out delicious - but how could it be otherwise, because if you mix fresh eggs and good butter, add a little lemon juice, then it is almost impossible to spoil these products! You should prepare the sauce very carefully in a water bath, monitor the temperature, since the line that separates the sauce from the omelet is very thin.

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Quantity: 250 g

Ingredients for Hollandaise sauce

  • 2 large chicken eggs;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 100 g high fat butter;
  • 2 g ground red pepper;
  • sugar, salt to taste.

Method for making Hollandaise sauce

Ingredients for making a fluffy Hollandaise sauce. Mandatory conditions are fresh, large, high-quality chicken eggs, preferably organic, from a trusted supplier. Butter with high fat content - 82%. You can't make a delicious sauce from cheap eggs with tiny, pale whites and sandwich butter!

Separate the whites from the yolks. The most convenient way to prevent spoiled foods from getting into your sauce: break the eggs into a bowl, and then carefully, using your hand, remove the yolks, straining the whites through your fingers. Transfer the yolks to a separate bowl.

Mix the yolks with a whisk, then add the juice squeezed from half a lemon. Be sure to strain the juice so as not to fish out the lemon seeds from the sauce.

Melt butter in a small saucepan. Add salt and sugar to taste to the mixture of yolks and lemon juice, grind it with a whisk and place in a water bath.

Remove the melted butter from the heat and set aside to cool. At this stage, the sauce cannot be ignored! Stirring constantly, bring it to thicken in a water bath. We stop the process when the temperature of the yolks reaches approximately 85 degrees Celsius. Pour in the oil in a thin stream, constantly stirring the sauce. The resulting yellow, thick mass is the classic Hollandaise sauce, which is usually served warm with meat, fish dishes or eggs Benedict.

In order for the sauce to keep its shape (at the same time, the whites will not disappear), add the whites whipped into a strong foam and a pinch of red hot pepper. Mix the ingredients again until smooth.

Return the mixture to the water bath. Make sure that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the boiling water. The mixture must again be constantly stirred and the sauce removed from the heat when its temperature reaches 85 degrees.

The lush hollandaise sauce is simply delicious. Thick, with a delicate and silky texture, it holds its shape well and is suitable for many dishes, even replacing traditional mayonnaise in meat salads. Unlike classic hollandaise sauce, this fluffy sauce can be used either warm or cold.