Chocolate icing for Easter cakes. Protein glaze for Easter cake: recipe for custard fudge

This option is the simplest and most affordable. To prepare sugar glaze for Easter cakes, you only use powdered sugar and water, as well as, if desired, flavorings (vanillin, etc.) and food coloring.

Simply sift a glass of powdered sugar and add 120 ml of warm water and flavouring. Mix the mixture well with a wooden spatula and heat to 40 °C (also stirring constantly). If the glaze is too thick, add a little water, if too thin, add a little powdered sugar.

Apply to the cake immediately after cooking. Sugar glaze takes a long time to dry, so you can dry the glazed product a little in the oven (at a temperature of about 80 ° C).

Protein glaze

Protein glaze is the most common option for decorating Easter cakes. Surely many remember how grandmothers stubbornly beat egg whites with crossed forks or a whisk. Fortunately, nowadays there is probably no housewife without a miser, so the cooking process has become as simple as possible.

So, pour 1-2 chilled egg whites (depending on the size of the eggs) into a bowl, add 1 tsp. powdered sugar and start beating with a mixer at low speed. Then gradually add sifted powdered sugar (1 tbsp), increasing the speed of the mixer. Beat until a thick, stable mass is formed. Important: try not to kill the whites!

Chocolate glaze

Easter cakes decorated with regular chocolate icing, which we use to decorate cakes and pastries, also turn out incredibly tasty. Chocolate lovers will appreciate it!

The simplest, and most importantly, delicious option is to mix 100 g of natural dark chocolate and 50 ml of cream. To do this, break the chocolate into pieces, pour in hot cream and grind thoroughly until all the chocolate has melted and the mass becomes elastic.

If you want the cake icing to be firm, add a little less cream. Conversely, if you prefer a fairly liquid ganache, you need to use more cream.

Also You can make glaze for Easter cakes from cocoa and condensed milk. Melt 100 g of butter in a saucepan, add 4 tbsp. l. cocoa and stir well. Then remove from heat and pour the can of condensed milk into the mixture. Mix everything well and put it back on the stove.

Boil the glaze over low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. You need to use the glaze right away, as it hardens quickly. If the glaze has hardened and you haven’t had time to pour the cakes, heat it in a water bath.

White chocolate frosting

The white chocolate glaze is made in the same way as the previous one. Only cream and chocolate are used in equal proportions: boil 100 ml of cream (33% fat) and pour it over 100 g of broken white chocolate. Knead until smooth. Cool for 15 minutes in the refrigerator and spread onto cakes.

Fudge for Easter cakes

Fudge is often used as a glaze for Easter cakes. This is how she prepares. Mix 1 tbsp. sugar and 1/2 tbsp. water, put the mixture on the fire and cook, stirring constantly. You need to cook until the syrup, when added to cold water, begins to roll into a white soft ball.

Remove the finished syrup from the heat and cool to 40 °C. You can sprinkle the syrup with water to prevent a crust from forming. Beat the cooled syrup with a mixer until a homogeneous white mass is formed.

By the way, it’s convenient to cook the Easter cakes themselves in a slow cooker or in a bread maker. If you have a muffin tin, you can use that too - you can place the most in the round “nest” in the middle.

A lot of recipes have already been written. But in addition to the white delicacy, colored glazing is also quite common. One that can be used not only for Easter bread, but also for all kinds of cakes, muffins and pastries on any other holidays and quite ordinary ones.

To simply please your household with all sorts of goodies.

Interestingly, the main ingredient of this sweet decoration can be not only proteins, gelatin and powdered sugar. Great taste and a beautiful smooth surface for baking can be achieved using chocolate, yolks, lemon, starch and even cheese!

Don't believe me! But in vain! Both the taste and color of such a product are quite rich without any dyes or flavoring additives!

It’s somehow already customary that the glaze is prepared mainly with egg whites. But a rather interesting and tasty option can also be made from yolks.

And what’s remarkable is that if you cook it from store-bought eggs, it turns out almost white. But if the eggs are from domestic chickens with bright yellow yolks, then the coating will take on a delicate, orange-lemon hue.

We will need:

  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - ½ cup.
  • Powdered sugar - ½ cup.
  • Water – 2 tbsp. l.


1. First, you need to remove the eggs from the refrigerator so that they reach room temperature. Then carefully separate the yolks from the whites using a special device, an egg separator. Or just carefully pour it from shell to shell in the old “old-fashioned” way.

In order to get an excellent coating, it is best to use fresh eggs that are no more than a week old. Then it is much easier to separate the whites from the yolks, and the required consistency of the finished sweet is obtained much faster.

2. Pour granulated sugar into the pan. Then add water and mix well until all the sugar becomes “wet”.

Place on low heat and stir constantly until it is completely dissolved and a clear, homogeneous syrup is obtained. Immediately turn off the heat and give the mixture some time to cool.

It is important that during further manipulations during preparation of the product, the yolks do not brew in the syrup. While it’s cooling, let’s prepare the other ingredients.

3. To obtain a more delicate consistency of the finished mixture, powdered sugar must first be sifted through a strainer. This must be done in order to give her the opportunity to get enough air during this.

4. Combine the sifted powder with the yolks and beat the mixture thoroughly using a mixer. Beat until a beautiful, fluffy egg foam forms. This must be done without delay, because the syrup will not wait, it also cools down quite quickly.

5. As soon as the sugar liquid has cooled to 40 degrees, add the whipped yolk mixture into it in small parts. And immediately stir quickly.

You can do this with a mixer. In this case, a beautiful and slightly viscous glaze forms much faster.

6. Don’t wait too long for our coating to harden. It is best, as soon as it is prepared, to immediately begin decorating the finished baked goods.

Just don’t forget that the baking must be already cooled down, otherwise the smooth “cap” may slide off.

This is such an interesting recipe. I like him. And you try to cook according to it. I think that he will not leave you indifferent either.

Video on how to make glaze with gelatin that does not crumble or stick

I have already brought this recipe to your attention on this topic. But it is so good that it cannot be ignored here either.

And it should be noted that you can prepare our decoration using it without eggs at all. You will probably be surprised and say that this is impossible. So it’s possible, and how. For cooking we will need gelatin.

In my opinion, the recipe is simply wonderful. And there are practically no worries with him. Everything is fast and simple, like twice two. This glaze can be prepared for any other baked goods.

And since today we are more concerned with preparing it in colored versions, then, of course, this delicacy can be obtained in any color with the addition of additional natural ingredients.

Chocolate fudge made from powdered sugar and starch without eggs

You can quickly make beautiful chocolate fudge from dark chocolate. But it turns out much more interesting when prepared using cocoa powder. Moreover, it is also much more tender, be it in color or in taste.

In fact, the result of the recipe for making such fudge is reminiscent of homemade chocolate paste.

We will need:

  • Powdered sugar – 1 cup.
  • Milk – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa powder – 2 tsp.
  • Starch – 1 tsp.


1. First you need to melt the butter. This can be done in several ways:

  • just let it sit in an iron cup on the table at room temperature
  • put in the microwave
  • pour boiling water into a plate and place a cup of oil in it

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to melt it to a liquid state. It is enough for it to become very soft and pliable.

Let me remind you that it is better to have oil with a fat content of 82.5%.

2. Sift all bulk ingredients through a strainer into a cup with soft butter: cocoa powder, powdered sugar and starch. And mix everything well until smooth.

3. Heat the milk slightly above room temperature (at least 30 degrees), and pour it into the buttery brown mixture in two batches. Careful not to spill, stir until smooth.

Why exactly heat the milk, and why should the butter be warm?

And the answer is very simple. In order for the ingredients to be easily and simply combined, and the bulk components do not form lumps when mixed.

If you wish, at this moment you can also add a spoonful of cognac, liqueur or condensed milk to give the fudge a little piquancy and amazing aroma.

4. Now the mixture needs to be simmered a little over low heat until it thickens slightly and resembles liquid chocolate spread. But this should not be done for more than 5 minutes.

You can also adjust the thickness yourself during cooking: adding a little milk, you can get a slightly liquid mixture, but adding powder, on the contrary, will help thicken it slightly.

If instead of cocoa powder you add 100 grams of melted dark or white chocolate to this recipe, you will get an amazingly delicious chocolate-based fudge.

So experiment and end up with a delicious product.

Recipe with white chocolate and butter

Making coatings with chocolate is very popular not only for Easter cakes, but also for sponge cakes, and even Bird's Milk cakes. You can, of course, use the previous recipe and the advice at the end, but this option is still different from the previous one.

The result of cooking gives a more glossy and shiny surface of the glaze. And by adding food coloring to the recipe, you can get it in any desired color.

We will need:

  • Powdered sugar – 1 cup.
  • White chocolate – 100 gr.
  • Butter – 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Water – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.


1. Pour powdered sugar into a small saucepan, add water and lemon juice. Mix all ingredients with a spoon and then put on low heat. With constant stirring, boil the resulting sweet liquid by 1/4 volume (you should get ¾ syrup). Then cool a little.

1 tbsp. l. lemon juice can be replaced with lemon water. To do this, it is enough to take citric acid in an amount of ¼ tsp. and mix it with one tablespoon of water.

2. At the same time, melt white chocolate and butter in a water bath. This can be done directly in one cup. Once they have melted, we still need to carefully mix them until they have a homogeneous consistency.

3. Allow the sugar syrup to cool slightly, then, with constant stirring, pour in the buttery chocolate mixture in a thin stream. Beat it well with a whisk until you get a beautiful, delicate and slightly stretchy glaze.

4. To prevent it from hardening and turning into a thick paste, it is advisable to immediately use a spatula and apply it to the cooled baked goods.

The sweet, fudge-like mixture adheres well to the surface and is very tasty. As I said above, if desired, you can tint it with food coloring of any color.

The perfect starch-based recipe without eggs

Remember glazed gingerbread cookies like in childhood? They had an incredibly tasty and at the same time translucent delicious coating. This is what we ate first, simply gnawing on it.

It was truly a perfect coating that always lay evenly on the gingerbread cookies, did not drip and never stuck to your hands after it hardened on the baked goods.

Now is the time to remember this noteworthy recipe! And although eggs (in particular, whites) were not involved in the preparation, the fudge still turned out to be “glossy.” And it always looked quite original, even on Easter baked goods, even on the same gingerbread cookies, and even shortbread cakes.

We will need:

  • Starch – 10 gr.
  • Milk – 4 tsp.
  • Unscented sunflower oil – 1 tsp.
  • Powdered sugar – 150 gr.


1. Sift the bulk ingredients (starch and powdered sugar) into a cup and mix them well together with the usual stirring with a tablespoon or spatula. What will be more familiar and convenient for you.

2. Pour in warm milk (you can simply let it warm to room temperature, taking it out of the refrigerator in advance) and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

3. Add sunflower oil and mix all the ingredients thoroughly again so that they do not separate, and you get a homogeneous plastic mixture.

You won't need to beat this for a long time. Just good mixing is enough to get a thick consistency that will flow fairly slowly down the spoon.

4. After cooking, apply the glaze evenly to the baked goods and leave it to “harden” for about 20-40 minutes. Then you can serve it to the table, or arrange Easter cakes close to each other. They will no longer be afraid to stick to each other.

Bon appetit!

The easiest recipe for making lemon glaze

Although lemon coating is usually an opaque white color, when viewed from the angle of light it appears slightly yellowish. At the same time, it has a fragrant lemon scent. And although its taste is sweet, it still has a gentle sourness.

If you want to get a bright yellow color for this glaze, you can add a little yellow dye or orange juice to the mixture.

There are quite a few different recipes for lemon sweetness, but my family loves it prepared exactly according to the old recipe. Our family has been using it for many years.

It only contains two ingredients, but that doesn’t stop you from enjoying its taste and pleasing your eyes! And very often I use it to frost cupcakes, cookies and even sweet pies. I use it to give sweet baked goods that unique sourness.

We will need:

  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar – 150 gr.


1. First, you need to saturate the powder with oxygen and get rid of lumps by sifting through a strainer. This procedure is mandatory and should not be skipped.

The fluffier the powder, the airier and more delicate the mixture turns out.

2. Pour in lemon juice in small portions with constant stirring. You can do this with “shuffling” or “rubbing” movements so that the juice penetrates well and evenly into the powdered sugar.

It is at this step that you can adjust the consistency: a little more juice and the glaze is a little thinner, a little less and it becomes a little thicker.

In this case, you should not use a mixer for combining and whipping. Because of this, powdered sugar can quickly crystallize and the coating will quickly crumble!

3. Beat the powder and lemon well until smooth. It is advisable to achieve a state where the mass turns out to be slightly white and opaque, while a slight yellowish tint will appear.

You will also notice that the finished product becomes shiny almost immediately.

4. Dip the cooled pastry into the resulting mixture and let it dry a little.

If it turns out slightly runny, you can get a nice drip on your baked goods.

Delicate glaze made from cream cheese and powdered sugar

Many people love curd cream in cakes and pastries. Or you can use curd cheese to make a wonderful, delicate glaze that those with a sweet tooth will eat first. Moreover, if you apply it to a still slightly warm cake, it will be a little saturated with this cheese cream and will become unusually tasty!

We will need:

  • Soft curd cheese – 250g.
  • Powdered sugar – 250 gr.
  • Butter – 70 gr.
  • Vanilla extract – 1 tsp.


1. Beat warm butter until creamy. It is better to do this with a mixer at low speed. In this state, the butter will be able to combine more easily with the cheese, since it will be almost the same consistency.

2. Place soft curd cheese into the whipped butter. Philadelphia or its analogues are best suited. Turn the mixer back on and beat the cheese and butter until well combined.

3. You can sift the powder directly onto the buttery cheese mixture, and beat everything again until smooth with a mixer at the lowest speed. In this case, the powder will not fly out of the cup.

As soon as a beautiful shine and airy, stable peaks appear, the glaze is completely ready.

4. It is advisable to immediately coat the Easter bread with it and let it dry for half an hour.

Look how beautiful it is! It’s delicious, it’s simply beyond words! Connoisseurs of cheese products will understand what we are talking about.

The frosting is like creamy caramel - very tasty.

Do you like Milk Cow candies? And my household enjoys eating not only the candies themselves, but also sucking out the delicious liquid caramel filling with great pleasure.

Would you like to do something similar to taste in order to decorate the top of Easter cakes or any other sweet pies? Then I offer you a very tasty recipe for creamy caramel glaze!

We will need:

  • Powdered sugar – 180 gr.
  • Brown sugar – 100 gr.
  • Milk – 60 ml.
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar – 8 gr.


1. Place butter in a saucepan and let it melt a little over low heat.

2. Pour milk in a thin stream with constant stirring and mix it well with the butter.

3. Add brown sugar in small portions and dissolve it completely. Make sure that grains of sugar do not fall to the bottom and burn - otherwise a burnt sugar smell may appear. The end result will be a sweet syrup.

4. Without ceasing to stir, let the liquid boil and reduce it slightly for two minutes. Then turn off the heat and place the saucepan on a hot rack on the table.

5. Divide the pre-sifted powder approximately in half. Pour in one half first, stirring the mixture constantly. You can beat well with a mixer or whisk, and then cool the resulting slightly thickened liquid to 40 degrees.

6. While stirring the cooled sugar-cream mixture, add the remaining half of the powder and vanilla sugar.

Beat with a mixer until a stable thick consistency appears. This will be the finished glaze with a taste like those delicious milk candies.

7. Using a spatula, coat the pastries or cakes and let them stand for about 20-30 minutes until the coating dries.

It looks delicious, doesn't it?

The photo shows what color you can still get to decorate the top of the products. This color can be achieved using natural or food coloring. You can tint the mixture with carrot or beet juice or spinach juice. We talked a lot about natural dyes!

They say how to do this with food colorings

Therefore, if you want not only to decorate them, but also to decorate them in an original way, today’s article can help you with this. Moreover, you can easily prepare such amazingly delicious types of icing, either especially for Easter, or for an ordinary pie or pastry.

Bon appetit and enjoy the “gourmet” – enjoying the unusual glaze!

The white chocolate icing for Easter cake looks very festive, because when preparing the Easter table it is very important to devote time not only to preparing the dishes, but also to decorating them, since this is what determines the feeling of the holiday that we strive to achieve with our culinary creativity. The design of Easter cakes gives us great scope for expressing our creative imagination. Their surface is decorated with a variety of fondants, glazes, figures and sprinkles. Most often, the glaze is made with egg white or sugar; it dries quickly, creating a white glossy finish.

Those with a sweet tooth will appreciate recipes for Easter cakes. When making it, you get a white fluffy mass, which, when applied to the Easter cake, dries a little longer than sugar or protein glaze, but the taste, color and aroma of your dish will become much more interesting and richer. In addition, this glaze has greater plasticity, does not crumble or stick, and can be used to coat a wide variety of confectionery products.

White Chocolate Frosting Recipes

The simplest glaze recipe is as follows. Break the white chocolate bar into pieces and melt it in a water bath, add 50 ml of vegetable oil and stir until a homogeneous shiny mass is formed, which should be immediately applied to the Easter cakes while warm. The Easter cake can be sprinkled with special Easter sprinkles, but you can use poppy seeds for this purpose or simply add it to the chocolate mixture during cooking.

Melted white chocolate can be mixed with half a can of condensed milk - this option is sure to become a favorite in families with small children. If desired, you can add food coloring to the glaze; you can mix natural juices, such as cranberry or beetroot, into it to create colorful coatings for the cakes. Dyes are added to the already melted chocolate just before applying the glaze to the cake.

Allows you to paint glazes in a variety of shades. For Easter, the most popular colors are pink, green or yellow.

A two-color coating will look very interesting if you first pour white glaze over the cake, and apply a small amount of colored glaze on top, or cover two halves of the cake with glaze in different shades.

If you are watching your figure and cannot afford condensed milk even on a holiday, you can try preparing the following option. Add a little 1-2 tbsp to the melted white chocolate bar. spoons, milk. You can use 1 tbsp. First mix a spoonful of milk with 175 g of powdered sugar, add this mixture to the chocolate, add another 1 spoonful of milk and beat this splendor with a mixer. Make sure that the mixture does not come out too liquid, otherwise it will drain from the surface of the cake before it has time to harden. Sprinkle the glaze with finely chopped nuts, coconut flakes or colorful sprinkles.

More experienced cooks can try cooking using gelatin. Pour 8 g of instant gelatin into 50 ml of milk and leave until it swells, this will take about 10 minutes. Mix 125 ml of heavy cream and 75 ml of milk, bring to a boil and add gelatin. Stir well until all the gelatin is completely dissolved. Add here, broken into pieces, and stir until it dissolves. We cool the mass, you can even keep it in the refrigerator for better hardening, and then apply it to the Easter cake.

It is good to cover the entire cake with this gelatin-based glaze, coating not only its top part, but also its sides. A very beautiful, festive dish with an extraordinary taste awaits you; a variety of sprinkles over the entire surface of the Easter cake will give it an even more elegant look, which will not leave your family and guests indifferent.

Necessary additions

You can also add a little, up to 50 g, butter while melting the chocolate. This glaze must be allowed to cool before applying to the product.

You can add up to 3 tbsp to melted chocolate. spoons of sour cream or cream, always full fat; you can also combine these products with butter. Cream or sour cream must be brought to a boil before adding to chocolate; the amount can be larger, depending on your desire. Such additives will allow you to obtain a softer taste of our culinary masterpiece.

Good afternoon. If you are a frequent visitor to my blog, then you have probably already seen the most recipes, and most likely have already decided how you will make the dough for such Easter baking. And this is correct, because both your mood and your holiday table will depend on what kind of Easter eggs you receive.

But learning how to prepare dough alone is not the whole task, because it is also important to be able to beautifully and correctly prepare icing for Easter cakes. Therefore, today we will talk about it.

It’s not enough to prepare a seemingly tempting consistency, it’s important that it’s also tasty, and most importantly, it doesn’t crumble when cutting the cake itself. How to make this fudge? You ask. Yes, easy and simple! Read the recipes below and choose according to your taste, and I am responsible for the quality.

Secrets of making glaze for Easter cakes:

  1. The glaze should not be too thick and not too runny, reminiscent of thick sour cream.
  2. If you get a liquid consistency, then add a teaspoon of powdered sugar, but if, on the contrary, it is thick, add a teaspoon of hot water.
  3. Cook the sugar syrup over low heat, stirring the liquid continuously.
  4. Add lemon juice, it adds taste and smell. You can also replace it with citric acid.
  5. Always start beating at low speed and gradually increase to maximum speed.
  6. Add food coloring, cocoa or chocolate to add color.
  7. Immediately before applying, remove all crumbs, if any, from the baked goods.

In fact, my favorite coating for baked goods is the protein-sugar coating, which I described in detail.

Therefore, I decided not to repeat myself and not dwell on that recipe, but prepared new and interesting options for you. And the first type is milk fudge, because it is very easy to prepare and does not cause any difficulties. And it doesn’t settle, unlike protein cream.


  • Milk - 50 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 2.5 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

1. In a deep bowl, mix powdered sugar and milk, add lemon juice and whisk the mixture until thick.

2. Wait for your cakes to cool completely and spread the fondant on them.

Important! This glaze cannot be applied to hot baked goods, otherwise it will be completely absorbed inside and will not remain on the surface.

3. Moreover, it is better to water the mixture evenly from above, rather than spreading it with a spatula.

4. Then decorate the Easter cakes with sprinkles and leave them until the milk cream completely hardens.

If you want a colored version, just add a drop of food coloring. You can also use cocoa and chocolate. This addition is possible in all the recipes described in this post.

Glaze for Easter cakes with gelatin

The next type is popular among chefs and is distinguished by fairly good hardening, plus it does not crumble when cutting, and another positive quality is that such decoration can be applied to still warm products.


  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Water - 6 tbsp;
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp;
  • Vanillin - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Take instant gelatin and add 2 tbsp to it. cold water, stir. Leave for 5-7 minutes to swell.

2. At this time, pour sugar into an aluminum bowl or saucepan, pour in the remaining water (4 tbsp) and add vanilla.

3. Place everything on low heat and bring to a boil, but do not boil, but stir continuously until the sugar is completely dissolved. At the end, add lemon juice and mix everything.

4. Add prepared gelatin to the hot syrup and mix well. In this case, the gelatin should completely dissolve.

5. Then our mixture must be beaten for 3-5 minutes with a mixer until it has a snow-white consistency.

6. Everything is ready. Immediately apply our mixture to baked goods, as it hardens quickly and well.

If you still have the prepared glaze and it has frozen, you can always melt it in a water bath and grease the Easter cakes again.

How to make icing without eggs without it crumbling

Well, now I suggest you make classic sugar fudge. I think you know this option, but it also has pitfalls. Therefore, maintain the correct ratio of water and sugar, and do not overexpose the sugar syrup on the stove, otherwise you may ruin the entire glaze.


  • Sugar - 250 gr.;
  • Water - 75 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Take a saucepan and pour cold water into it. Add sugar and stir.

2. Place our preparation on medium heat and begin to continuously stir the mixture until it boils so that the syrup does not burn and has a caramel tint.

3. After the sugar has completely dissolved and the water has boiled, add lemon juice.

In order to check the readiness of the syrup, you need a drop of this syrup, which must be cooled in cold water. If it is plastic and a ball rolls out of it easily, then the syrup is ready.

5. Pour the prepared hot syrup into a clean bowl and place in a bowl of cold water. The syrup needs to cool to 35-40 degrees.

6. When the syrup has cooled, beat it at medium speed with a mixer. If you did everything correctly, your fudge will thicken and turn white.

Cooking in a blender with egg and sugar

Here is another very simple recipe for icing sugar, but with protein. It’s easy to prepare, the taste and color are perfect, try it, you won’t regret it.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Place the whites in a clean bowl.

You need to separate the whites very carefully so that not even a drop of yolk gets in accidentally.

2. Add lemon juice and 1 tbsp to the whites. Sahara. Whisk the mixture for half a minute. Add all the remaining sugar and start beating with a blender (you can also use a mixer) at medium speed.

3. Beat for 3-4 minutes until stiff peaks appear.

4. Everything is ready. All you have to do is spread the cream on your pastries and decorate with sprinkles on top.

Fudge for Easter cakes that does not stick and hardens well

Another option with gelatin and without eggs. This time I suggest you watch an excellent video story, everything is explained in detail in it, and even shown.

Icing for Easter cakes made from powdered sugar and egg white

Many people prefer to make our cream without sugar and replace it with powdered sugar, and rightly so. I also like this option. Since the consistency of the fudge is very soft and airy.


  • Egg white - 2 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar - 250 gr.;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

1. Beat the egg whites by hand using a whisk.

2. Gradually add powdered sugar, but do not beat, but mix well.

3. Add lemon juice and beat our icing at the lowest mixer speed.

This mass can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days, the main thing is to pack it tightly in a container or cover it with film so that it does not dry out.

White chocolate recipe

Well, this is for lovers of something new and crazy delicious. The result is a real cream that can be used not only for Easter cakes, but also for cakes.


  • White chocolate - 100 gr.;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Butter - 100 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Break the chocolate bar and place it in a bowl over a steam bath.

2. Once the chocolate starts to melt, add the butter. Start stirring the mixture constantly until the chocolate and butter are completely dissolved.

You need to melt the chocolate in a steam bath along with sugar and butter, stirring the mixture continuously.

4. Once the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove it from the steam bath and cool slightly. Add sour cream and beat thoroughly with a whisk. Your white icing is ready.

How to make icing for Easter cake at home?

If you are afraid that you may not succeed in making the glaze according to the recipes described above, then don’t worry, the next option is for you, it always turns out 100%.

You need to buy meringue powder and good luck is in your pocket. And most importantly, such fondant will not crumble, so make it for your health and the envy of everyone.


  • Powdered sugar - 500 gr.;
  • Warm water - 370 ml;
  • Meringue powder (meringue) -1 tbsp;
  • Liquid Vanilla flavoring - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. First mix the powdered sugar and meringue powder together.

2. Then heat the boiled water to 35 degrees.

3. Add a few drops of vanilla flavoring to the dry mixture and stir.

4. Pour in water and start mixing the components using a mixer, starting at low speed.

5. Continue beating the consistency, gradually increasing the speed.

6. It is necessary to beat the cream until a dense mass is obtained.

7. The end of whipping will indicate that the icing will stick well to the whisk.

9. And after 5 minutes, decorate the pastries as desired.

As you can see, all the recipes are not complicated and anyone can learn how to make glaze. The main thing is to choose what you like and cook with love. And then your Easter cakes will delight you and your loved ones both externally and internally. Well, that's all I have for today. See you! I look forward to your comments.

Icing on Easter cake is the main decoration of Easter. And since preparations for the Easter holiday are in full swing, housewives have probably already managed to think about how to decorate baked goods at home.

There are many ways to prepare glaze for Easter cake: lemon fudge, protein fudge, and even chocolate. We offer several recipes, and it’s up to you to decide whether you prepare something specific, or use several options at once.

The classic version of the Easter cake glaze recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • eggs, preferably chicken – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar, regular or cane sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • salt - a pinch is enough.

Take chilled eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. We do this as carefully as possible - so that not a single drop of yolk gets into the bowl with the whites. Next, to prepare the sugar glaze for Easter cake, start beating the eggs with a mixer and adding salt to make the foam thicker and fluffier.

When the foam in the sugar fudge for the Easter cake has become as fluffy as possible, we begin to add sugar in small portions. Continue beating until all the granulated sugar has gone into the glaze and has dissolved.

Spread the mixture onto the Easter cake (be sure to cool) and sprinkle the confectionery decorations on top until it has cooled down. If necessary, the glazing applied to the baked goods can be dried.

Protein fudge

Another option for fudge with eggs is white cake frosting. This recipe requires the use of powdered sugar. So, you will need:

  • powdered sugar (you can grind regular granulated sugar) – 1 tbsp.;
  • chicken egg white – 1 pc.;
  • fresh lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • table salt - a pinch will be enough.

To prepare the protein glaze, you will not need the whole egg, but rather the egg whites. Therefore, first carefully separate the whites from the yolks, as in the previous recipe. Beat the protein obtained in this way for the protein glaze for the Easter cake for several minutes with a pinch of salt until you get a thick foam. It is important that the protein is chilled.

When the foam becomes thick and begins to hold its shape, you can add powdered sugar. It is necessary to use powdered sugar, as it dissolves without lumps. Of course, you can use regular sugar, but then you need to make sure that it dissolves completely and does not settle to the bottom, since sugar is heavier.

Lastly, add lemon juice to the egg white icing for the cake. In this case, you need to continue to beat the Easter cake fudge with a mixer until it has a homogeneous consistency. As a result, lemon juice will make the icing for the Easter cake dense, and the citrus will give the baked goods a pleasant taste.

By the way, not many people know that other juice can be used in the same way to make fudge for Easter cake - for example, pomegranate, pineapple, orange or even cherry. Depending on what taste you ultimately want. In addition, this lemon glaze for Easter cake will help make the sweet taste less cloying.

Based on lemon juice

Delicious glaze for Easter cake is made with lemon. To make it work, you need a minimum amount of ingredients. The result is a white icing for the Easter cake - moderately sour, but very aromatic. And the method of preparing it is very simple and does not take much time.

To create lemon glaze for Easter cake you will need:

  • lemon or other citrus juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar, but ideally powdered sugar - 100 g.

To prepare a delicious glaze without eggs, follow these steps:

  1. Take powdered sugar and sift it so that there are no lumps in it.
  2. Gradually add lemon juice to the powdered sugar. After each addition of juice, grind it with powder. When the homemade icing for Easter cakes becomes opaque and glossy, it is ready.

If, as a result of cooking, the icing for Easter cake has become too thick, it can be diluted with a small amount of water or the same lemon juice. The mixture is applied to hot cakes.

Sugar icing without eggs

A special feature of the fudge recipe is the fact that it is applied to cold Easter cake. But there is another advantage. Homemade egg-free Easter cake icing is completely safe, as there is no need to beat raw eggs.

To prepare you will need:

  • powdered sugar or sand – 200 g;
  • milk, which can be replaced with cream – 40 ml.

Boil the milk. Pour the not yet cooled milk into the powder and mix it until thick. Moreover, the more powder you take, the more glaze you end up with. And the milk needs to be poured in gradually so as not to pour too much and so that the icing for the Easter cake made from powdered sugar does not turn out too liquid.

Chocolate fudge

The ideal option for Easter decoration is chocolate soft icing for Easter cake. It can be prepared without eggs, which is an additional advantage. For the glaze recipe you will need:

  • any chocolate bar, dark can be – 90 g;
  • orange juice, which can be replaced with lemon, pineapple or any other - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • coconut oil or butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar or powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

To prepare chocolate sugar fudge for Easter cake, you need to put all the ingredients in one bowl, place it in a water bath and wait for the whole mass to become homogeneous. Apply glaze to cold cake.

Toffee with milk

The glaze for hot cakes made from toffee and milk turns out to be very tasty and tender. To prepare it we will need:

  • Russian sweets “Toffee” (preferably harder) – 200 g;
  • coconut oil – 40 g;
  • milk, easily replaced with cream - ¼ tbsp. l.;
  • regular sugar or powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

In a saucepan over low heat, melt the milk and butter, bring to a boil and reduce. Slowly stir in the powder and add the toffee. Cook all ingredients until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Apply to Easter cake. Preparing the fudge this way will take a little longer, but it is a glaze for Easter cake that will not crumble.

With gelatin

There is a delicious version of glaze for Easter cakes with gelatin without eggs. It has the added benefit of being non-fraying.

To make this unique fudge you will need:

  • powdered sugar or granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • instant gelatin – 1 tsp;
  • lemon or orange juice - a few drops;
  • boiled water – 2 tbsp. l. for gelatin and 4 tbsp. l.

To prepare glaze for Easter cakes with gelatin, you need to fill a bag of gelatin with 2 tbsp of water. l. And leave it to swell for 5-10 minutes.

While the gelatin is swelling, pour sugar, 4 tbsp. l. water and cook over low heat until all ingredients are dissolved. Next, bring to a boil.

Cool the sugar mass to 60 degrees. Add gelatin to it and beat thoroughly with a mixer until the icing for gelatin cakes becomes fluffy and white.

You need to apply a glaze for Easter cakes that does not crumble as quickly as possible, as it hardens quickly.

Fruit and berry options

To make this glaze for Easter, take:

  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar (if you don’t have it, you can replace it with sand) – 3/4 tbsp.;
  • berry juice or concentrated fruit compote – ¼ tbsp.

To prepare, you need to beat the egg whites for a few minutes, adding the powder in parts. Then add fruit juice a little at a time for color and taste, without turning off the mixer. Apply the prepared mixture onto the Easter cake.

Lemon glaze

To prepare this recipe, take:

  • regular sugar - 2/3 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - a couple of tbsp. l.;
  • butter - a couple of tbsp. l.

First you need to put the butter in a saucepan, melt it over low heat, and then gradually add sugar and lemon juice. Grind all ingredients so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. The result will please you because the mass does not stick at all.

As you can see, there are many glaze recipes. When choosing, everything will depend on your desires and preferences, as well as the products available in the refrigerator.

Useful video on how to make marshmallow cake frosting
