Where to eat in Pattaya. Where to eat in Pattaya: detailed guide to places

Today we want to tell you about going to Thailand, namely where you can eat deliciously and inexpensively and where the Thais themselves eat. In Pattaya, almost all the main streets are simply dotted with various cafes and restaurants, designed to serve the endless flow of tourists. But this is not our option. We will live here for a long time, so we need to eat in such a way that food does not become our main source of expenses.

In the two weeks that we have been here, we have already more or less understood what and where the Thais themselves eat and how we ourselves need to eat. So, here is a list of the main places where we get our food:

  • Cheap street taverns;
  • Makashnitsy;
  • Food courts in large shopping centers;
  • Food markets;
  • Food at Tesco Lotus;
  • Eating at 7-Eleven;
  • European food stores.

And now first things first.

Eating on the street in Pattaya

Most Thais do not cook their own food at home, but eat exclusively on the street. We also decided that there was no particular point in cooking our own food, it was not even economically profitable. Therefore, now we only make breakfast ourselves, and have lunch and dinner in various cafes.

To find a cheap Thai tavern, you need to turn off the big tourist street somewhere into an alley, or move perpendicular to the beach deep into Pattaya. As a rule, there are always very few people in such establishments, and there are practically no tourists at all. Either the Thais themselves or local Europeans sit here. The main disadvantage of such establishments is either the complete absence of a menu or the lack of its translation into any familiar language. As a rule, the menu consists of 4-6 dishes: a couple of soups, rice with chicken/duck/pork/seafood, noodles with chicken/duck/pork/seafood. Prices for all dishes are 40-50 baht. But in every tavern they cook everything differently and according to different recipes, so there are a lot of food options.

In such cafes we also have translation difficulties when ordering food. For example, 20 meters from our condominium there is a tavern, where I have already tried to eat soup twice, but so far, apparently no luck. Every time we pass by, lovely Thais cheerfully shout to us in Russian “Noodle Soup”. And every time I am tempted by some soup and tell them in my perfect English: “Noodle soup for me and rice with chicken for my wife,” they stubbornly bring us two rice with chicken. They probably translate my phrase: “and rice with chicken for my wife” as “I was joking about the soup, bring two rice.” But I know for sure that there is soup there. I personally saw a Japanese man there with a large bowl of delicious soup. He couldn't bring it with him. In general, I already realized my tactical mistake and not a word more about chicken and rice.

Well, the main advantages of such establishments are the highest quality food, low prices and a homely, cozy atmosphere. These cafes focus on regular visitors, so you will never be served spoiled food here. And they serve you as if they opened their tavern just for you.

By the way, we took most of the food photos from the “Food in Thailand” section in such cafes.


In Thailand there are a huge number of different kinds of makashnitsa, where you can buy food for every taste (makashnitsa are mobile mini kitchens). There are kebabs, sausages, pancakes, noodles, all kinds of seafood and a bunch of other tasty and not so tasty things.

Active trading from makashnits begins in the evening, from 19 o'clock. The Thais themselves love to buy food in such kitchens, and we are not far behind. When you eat fruit all day, then in the evening you are no longer able to absorb a large portion of food in a Thai tavern. Therefore, after eating a couple of skewers of sea reptiles, you feel cheerful and confident.

About makashnitsa at the night market in Pattaya.

Here are some prices for food in Pattaya shops:

  • Grilled sausage - 10 baht;
  • Pork kebab - 10 baht;
  • Chicken kebab - 20 baht;
  • Octopus kebab - 20-40 baht;
  • Squid kebab - 20 baht;
  • Cuttlefish kebab - 30-50 baht;
  • Large grilled chicken leg - 30-40 baht;
  • Whole grilled chicken - 115 baht;

Food courts in large shopping centers

In Pattaya you can also eat deliciously and inexpensively at food courts in large shopping centers such as Tesco Lotus, BigC, Central Festival. Food prices here start from 30 baht per dish. In addition to Asian cuisines, various European cuisines, including Russian, are also presented here.

Food markets

The best place to buy fruits and vegetables in Pattaya is at large food markets.

Prices for vegetables in Pattaya markets:

  • Potatoes - 40 baht per kg.
  • Cucumbers - 30 baht per kg.
  • Tomatoes - 35 baht per kg.
  • All greens for 10 baht

Fruit prices in Pattaya markets:

  • A bunch of small bananas - 20 baht;
  • Pineapple - 25 baht;
  • Mango - 50 baht per kg.
  • Pears/apples - 20 baht for 4 pieces;
  • Watermelon - 60 baht per piece.

In general, for 100 baht you can fill your refrigerator to capacity with fruit. At first we did this, but now we buy fruit little by little, since we don’t have time to eat them.

Food inTescoLotus

Back in the Tesco Lotus shopping center, we found very interesting sets for preparing various soups and salads. Thais and Japanese buy them very actively. Prices start from 25 baht per set. Yesterday we bought one such set and will try to make Tom Yum soup.

Food at 7-Eleven

In addition, in Pattaya you can eat very cheaply in 7-Eleven stores. They sell frozen, ready-to-eat food that will be thawed and reheated right on the spot for you. We have not tried this product ourselves, but Thais often consume these semi-finished products. They even seem to like it. At least I didn’t see any disgust on their faces while absorbing this product. Prices for frozen food at 7-Eleven stores in Pattaya start at 25 baht per serving.

European food stores in Pattaya

And finally, for those who are not tempted by Thai food, there are shops serving European cuisine in Pattaya. Here you can find products familiar to Russian people such as dumplings, dumplings, cutlets, black bread, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc. But their prices are much higher than for products made in Thailand:

  • Small loaf of black bread - 90 baht;
  • Manti - 250 baht per 0.5 kg.
  • Dumplings with cabbage - 176 baht per 0.5 kg
  • Kefir - 60 baht per 0.5 l
  • Ryazhenka - 70 baht per 0.5 l

We have not yet fully understood how we will eat over the next 6 months. For now, we are actively trying everything, eating on the street, and cooking some things ourselves. In any case, Thailand has a huge selection of all kinds of food for every taste and we definitely won’t leave hungry here.

For more useful information about moving to Thailand for permanent residence, read the post "

For many, this type of food will seem unpleasant, but in fact, many Thais who cook on the street are much more skilled cooks than many who work in expensive restaurants. All dishes are prepared right in front of you and always from natural ingredients - fish, herbs, vegetables, seafood, rice, chicken.

The best place to see or try colorful Thai street food is on. In Pattaya it is located on Theprasit Road. Here in the evenings, in addition to buying clothes and souvenirs, you can try all the culinary delights. A huge number of types of fried, steamed, boiled fish, rice in various variations, salads, seafood, sushi, vegetables, fried meat (mostly chicken), freshly squeezed juices, fruits, sweets and Thai desserts.

The most popular options are fried sausages, meat and fish balls. They are sold in literally every second store. Be sure to try Thai or other fruits, they are called Pancake or Roti. The way the chefs prepare them deserves a separate story. Better watch the video.

Another popular place where you can try Thai street food is (central beach street) and. True, prices here are higher than in others, due to the large number of tourists. During the day, hundreds of merchants scurry around Beach Road - the assortment is also large: freshly squeezed juices, coconuts, boiled and fried shrimp, fried squid, glass noodles, .

At night, Walking Street offers tourists a kaleidoscope of tastes and aromas. Of course, first of all, people come here to have fun in the numerous bars and bars, but you can also have an inexpensive and tasty meal right on the street. For example, you can see interesting examples of street food, such as roasted pig on a spit, just like in films about pirates.

Western culture has already firmly entered Thai life, and now young people increasingly prefer to eat at American fast food chains. Home-made hamburgers are popular in Pattaya; these are not at all the burgers that you can try at McDonald's or KFC, these are real homemade sandwiches with a huge piece of ham or cutlet, a delicious bun and the freshest salad. It’s true that such burgers are much more expensive than at McDonald’s, about 250 baht.

Muslim cuisine is also very popular among Thais, which is well known to Russian tourists. Each of us has probably tried shawarma at least once. In Pattaya there are many shops where they prepare very tasty Arabic shawarma, however, it is not called shawarma, but simply Kebab.

For example, on Second Street there are many Muslim shops where you can have an inexpensive snack and eat a hearty Arab kebab. It is often prepared by Arabs who permanently reside in Pattaya. There is no need to worry about the health of your stomach, as everything is prepared from the freshest ingredients.

In a word, if you are on vacation in Thailand, be sure to stop and have a snack at some small shop on the street, I guarantee that you will definitely like it.

Be healthy and bon appetit!!

Food in Thailand is a broad topic that we want to discuss. If you read our blog or watch our videos on the channel, then it’s probably no secret to you that we love to eat tasty and inexpensive food.

And Pattaya is simply ideal in this regard, because the choice of dishes here is simply huge. In addition to Asian cuisine, you can find food from all over the world here. Well, that's understandable.

Food in Thailand - a market for tourists

There are a lot of tourists in the city, including from Russia. Many Russians who come here are very fond of local kebabs, a portion of which costs only 20-30 baht.

The largest food market is at Teprasite, next to the weekend clothing market. Three rows of tightly packed stalls with Thai and European cuisine make this place very popular among tourists and locals.

As for the prices, some dishes are a little overpriced. For example, at the Jomtien night market rolls are 5 baht apiece, here they are 8 baht.

But a significant advantage of this market is its culinary diversity. The choice of food in Thailand is so great here that no one will leave hungry. Dishes for every taste and budget. But, attention! Many Thai dishes, despite their attractive appearance and aroma, may be completely inedible for a person who is not accustomed to spicy food. So we recommend starting your acquaintance with Thai cuisine with something less spicy.

The market is open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. The stalls are well lit, music is playing, and many of the sellers speak some Russian and English and are always ready to tell you what a particular dish is made from and how to eat it.

Food in Thailand at the market

Dinner here is always tasty, interesting and unusual!

In addition to the usual stalls, there are cafe stalls. If you buy food there, you can go to the tables where you will be served with all the necessary cutlery.

There we first tried the famous stuffed waffles, some delicious fish and traditional fish sauce with rice.

They sell very tasty and beautiful cakes for only 25 baht each.

Here they sell amazingly tasty and beautifully decorated world-famous Thai Tom Yam soup.

Tender sandwiches

Chicken wings in batter for 20-25 baht per serving.

Very appetizing fish with lemon, garlic and red pepper.

Great place to enjoy seafood.

There are also some very strange dishes here, such as green noodles.

A lot of sweets: sticks with cream and powdered sugar, waffles

Thai marmalade

Ice cream

Fun Cakes

Fruit shakes for 20 baht

And during the season you can even find strawberries with pink sugar here.

Meat lovers will also not remain indifferent to this market. Large portions of fried chicken

Smoked ribs, grilled meat

Pork and chicken kebabs, meat with salad and much more.

And seafood soup. It’s tasty and not spicy, just don’t forget to tell the cook the magic words when preparing a portion of soup: “no spicy,” then the dish won’t be spicy.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve worked up an appetite because the food in Thailand is so delicious. I'll go eat something. If you want to see the entire range and prices on this market, watch our video below.

Concerns about nutrition are always relevant, and especially when you go to a foreign country, even such a hospitable one as Thailand, to such a developed resort as Pattaya. The only thing more popular than discussions about products in Pattaya is discussions about renting a home. It’s easy to answer the question of where to eat in Pattaya, because there is an incredible number of markets, restaurants and cafes here - no one will be able to go hungry, even though 2019 is not so easy in terms of finances for many tourists.

Here are the options you should consider, and then choose one of them or combine them:

  • food at the hotel - mainly buffet;
  • shopping in stores - a large selection of semi-finished products;
  • street canteens - join the ranks of the Thais, sharing a meal with them;
  • cafes and restaurants - different cuisines of the world for every taste;
  • home delivery of food - the courier will deliver your favorite dishes directly to your door;
  • markets - you can buy fruit (and other) snacks.

Let's take a closer look at each of the points.

It’s easiest for organized tourists: having bought a ticket, they can count on a good breakfast. Good is an understatement, because a hotel buffet includes at least several different dishes, for example, eggs, vegetables, ham, as well as jams, tea and coffee, and each hotel has its own list, and it can decrease or increase depending on cost of living. You can eat as much as you want and whatever you want. Tourists staying in a cheap hotel should not worry, because even the most modest breakfast will allow you to fill up or at least have a good meal until lunch.

During the day, hotels offer luxurious lunches and dinners, but you will have to pay extra for them separately, which may not be entirely profitable, especially since in addition to hotel restaurants you can find places where you can eat inexpensively in Pattaya. It is worth looking through reviews in advance specifically about breakfast in the hotel you have chosen for check-in.

Products in stores

Food in Pattaya is cheapest in stores. At almost every step there is a small store from one of the retail chains Seven Eleven (7/11), Family Mart, Friendship Supermarket. You can find whatever your heart desires in these shops packed to capacity with food: those who miss grilled chicken or instant noodles should head straight here, buy everything they need and throw a feast in their room or home.

Seven Eleven store in Pattaya

Ready-made food from supermarkets, of course, is not always healthy, but sometimes the usefulness can be neglected. Of course, dry noodles will be relevant if there is a kettle nearby. In order not to tire yourself of preparing semi-finished products, you can buy some hot food, for example, rice with some filling, and eat it right on the street.

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Durian - an exotic fruit of Thailand

As for the price, it is sometimes even lower than in Russian stores, but in general they are approximately equal, so a one-time promotion for purchasing such food will not hit the budget too much.

Of course, the practice of buying in bulk or shopping in large supermarkets is as popular in Thailand as in Russia. This is beneficial, especially since there are a lot of shopping centers with hypermarkets in Pattaya. For example, Central Festival Pattaya, Mike Shopping Mall, Lotus and others offer products at lower prices. The choice will surprise even an experienced traveler; the hypermarket allows you to save very pleasant amounts if you decide to buy food here.

Street food

The next item on the program is eating outside. Of course, not everyone can decide to do this; for some reason people are afraid of street food, firstly, because of hygienic and sanitary standards, and secondly, because of its spiciness. Thais carefully monitor all cafes and canteens.

Peculiar dining rooms

The fact is that Thais prefer not to waste time cooking at home and eat on the street themselves, grabbing food on the run from trays or dropping into a street canteen, and, as you know, Thais like extremely spicy food, which may not be to the taste of pampered Europeans . In restaurants where Russians eat, chefs deliberately use less spicy seasonings, unlike food on the street, where a seemingly harmless scrambled egg will cause not only a storm of emotions, but also cramps in the stomach.

Makashnitsy – another option for “fast” food

If you don’t want to spend time sitting in a street folk canteen (especially since it consists of a couple of tables with chairs set out on the sidewalk), but, on the contrary, you want to run further around Pattaya, then the option to buy food from peddlers, called makashnits, is just perfect. Makashnitsa offer ready-to-eat food, such as sandwiches and kebabs, a variety of fruits and edible insects.

Makashnitsa in Pattaya

It may seem that this option is not entirely safe, but in fact, the food sold on the street is just as fresh as in good cafes, and excessive pungency can and should be dealt with, although it is the key to the absence of harmful bacteria in the prepared dishes. Besides, it's all fast, cheap and relatively tasty. Only 50 baht - and there will be no empty space left in the stomach, and you will have to waste the calories received by going shopping.

Affordable cafes and fashionable restaurants

If you haven’t been able to overcome yourself, and you don’t have any desire to try food bought from makashnits, then you can completely get by with public canteens and cafes, which are in every shopping center. Sometimes an entire floor is allocated for such cafes, and most often the dining rooms are located on the ground floor. In addition, do not forget about the food courts, where for 100 baht you can eat quite decently.

The advantage of this method of eating will be the opportunity to choose a decent establishment according to your taste, where it will be clean, and the food will be related to your favorite cuisine, for example, it is quite possible to find Russian dishes in Pattaya. For some, the lack of alcohol will be a disadvantage, since such cafes are considered family establishments. But during the day you can get by with freshly squeezed juice, soda, or, at worst, tea or coffee.

Read also

Food and alcohol in the cities of Thailand

High technology in Thailand in 2019 is not uncommon; something special has also been invented for cafes. You need to buy food using special cards that you need to purchase at the checkout.

After the dish is selected, the card is given to the chef, who prepares the dish and gives it to the buyer along with the receipt and card. When leaving the dining room, you must remember to return it, and if there is any unspent money left on it, it will be returned. In simpler places, coupons are used instead of cards.

All these budget options are good, but being in Pattaya and not visiting a restaurant is a little wrong. Firstly, there are a huge number of restaurants here, and secondly, the food is so good that you sometimes have to be torn between the desire to open a new restaurant or go to the one you visited yesterday and repeat the delightful experience.

Jobjab restaurant in Pattaya

Prices in modest cafes they start from 200 baht per person, and this also includes drinks - soft drinks and even beer.

For fresh seafood you will have to pay a lot of money: grilled fish will cost a hundred baht more. Prices can rise endlessly, it all depends on the category of the restaurant, on the audience that visits it, and many other factors.

Since Thailand is one of the most popular destinations among Russian tourists, the service is now focused on them to a greater extent. This means that you can very easily find a menu in Russian or Russian cuisine.

Food delivery - fast and easy

Another way to feed yourself in Pattaya is to have food delivered to your home. On foodpanda.com you can select any available restaurant nearby and place your order for delivery to your door. The time and cost of delivery are always specified in the information about the cafe, so there is nothing complicated in this procedure. There is food here for every taste - from traditional Thai to Italian pizzas and burgers. Sometimes there are free delivery promotions and discounts on certain dishes.

This is what the website foodpanda.com looks like

In addition, there is a Russian restaurant in Pattaya called “Province”, it is located in Jomtien. Russian dishes in this restaurant can be ordered for home delivery. The menu also includes European and Thai cuisine. The order can be made by phone, and delivery time is from 13:00 to 23:00.

Delicious food in Pattaya - culinary tests from our editorial team

Thai restaurant "Salatai"

The first place that comes to mind for recommendations to tourists arriving in Pattaya on vacation is the Thai restaurant “Salatai”, conveniently located next to the Ambassador Hotel, which is popular among our compatriots. If you want to try exotic dishes of local cuisine and enjoy seafood - you should come to Salatay, if your wife dragged you to the restaurant - don’t worry, the menu includes Russian borscht and okroshka, and the chefs have long learned to fry delicious meat.

A Russian-Thai style dinner is decorated with a live performance by the original artist; if you are relaxing at the Ambassador Hotel in Pattaya, approximately the same video should definitely appear on your mobile phone.

Salatay translated from Thai means gazebo, this is the name of an establishment in which it is pleasant to relax. As you know, for Thais this is perhaps the main condition for a happy life according to the sabai principle. If you want to find out why the locals get so high, visit the Thai restaurant “Salatai” in Pattaya.

Where is it: next to the Ambassador Hotel, Tesko Lotus store, entrance on the right side

Burger ShamaLamaDingDong in Pattaya

Among the many burger joints hidden on the streets of Pattaya, one can safely highlight ShamaLamaDingDong - a small but very remarkable cafe that offers its visitors “perhaps the best burgers in the whole city.” Located in Naklua, not far from Soi 18, it captivates at first sight. It is simply impossible to pass by it - the gaze of any passer-by seems to “stumble” over a large stylized burger and a sign with a smiling skull in a bright sombrero.

The design of the cafe was designed and implemented by the owner of ShamaLamaDingDong himself, a smiling Portuguese who wanted to express the idea of ​​“new life for old things” and took old wooden pallets as the basis for the entire interior. These were used to construct the cladding for the walls and ceiling, small tables and shelves for various and numerous decorative elements, carefully placed throughout the cafe.

The menu itself is suddenly quite extensive for such a small establishment. Burgers with a variety of toppings, the most delicious Thai dishes, excellent pasta, real pizza and signature sangria - all this is prepared and served quickly and looks very appetizing.

The highlight of the menu is wurgers- large sandwiches prepared especially for vegetarians and not containing a single gram of meat. Such care for your visitors and the desire to offer each guest exactly what he wants is an excellent approach to running a restaurant business. That is why the ShamaLamaDingDong cafe, which opened relatively recently, has already acquired a wide range of regular customers, each of whom the owner is ready to greet personally and by name.

It is worth hurrying to visit this undoubtedly interesting place - it is quite possible that with such a sincere approach to his work on the part of the owner of the establishment, tables there will soon have to be booked several days in advance.

Where is it: 157/81-82 Pattaya Naklua Road

Cafe "St. Petersburg" in Pattaya

What do Russian people most often dream about while in Russia? That's right - about relaxing on the warm sea under the canopy of palm trees and the dazzlingly bright sun. What do Russian people who come to Pattaya to relax for a long time or even to live dream about? Of course, our compatriots abroad miss the delicious dishes of real Russian cuisine. And the St. Petersburg cafe is a place known to many residents and guests of our resort city, great for lunch, dinner, and to grab pies for breakfast (or for a midnight tea party, what can we hide!) .

Its convenient location - in the very heart of Jomtien, in the Jomtien Beach Condominium - allowed this cafe to become a real “center of attraction” for many Russian-speaking expats permanently residing in Pattaya. Here they gather to play board games, take real paper books of various genres in Russian to read from the large library cabinet, meet to discuss work and just chat about life.

Real homemade Russian food is the main trump card of this place. There is everything here - from vinaigrette to borscht, through mashed potatoes and delicious cutlets. The second trump card is low prices. Cafe "St. Petersburg" is not an elite restaurant on the seashore, but a pleasant dining room (in the best and most correct sense of the word!). Here you will be truly fed tasty, quickly, from the heart and for very little money.

And on top of everything, “St. Petersburg” leaves behind a wonderful feeling-aftertaste - as if you were visiting your grandmother, who sincerely loves you and therefore always sets a huge table for your arrival. However, a hypothetical “grandmother” can come to you herself - the cafe has convenient and fast, and in some cases, even free delivery. Agree, not every cafe can boast such a set of trump cards!

Where is it: Jomtien Beach Condominium

Cafe "BurgerMap" in Pattaya

Diametrically opposite in direction, but identical in pleasant sensations, is the BurgerMap cafe on Naklua next to the Lumpini residential complex. The very name of the cafe makes it clear to anyone - they serve burgers here. And the burgers, I must admit, are fabulously beautiful - large, with a huge number of toppings for every taste and a side dish to choose from.

In addition to the burgers themselves, the cafe’s menu also includes many well-known and beloved Thai dishes, from tom yum to pad thai. The owners of the cafe are a Russian couple who are truly in love both with the cuisine of different countries (the prefix Map in the name of the cafe is not accidental!), and with their business. And that is why they are almost constantly in their cafe, participate along with the chefs in inventing new dish options for their extensive menu and closely monitor the quality and taste of the dishes served to guests.

BurgerMap is one of the few establishments of this type in Pattaya, where all the components of the burgers are prepared independently. Various buns, sauces and even pickles - all this is prepared in the open kitchen of BurgerMap from the very morning, and you can watch the entire cooking process if you simply decide to have breakfast in this cafe.

However, you can always come here for excellent dishes, good music, a great mood and real draft beer - from early morning until late evening, the smiling staff of the cafe will be happy to recommend the best dishes and drinks that are best suited to the time of day at which you decide to visit cafe.

And if you plan to eat at home with family and friends, fast delivery from BurgerMap is at your service. Moreover, you can call a cafe and order dishes for delivery either directly or by searching for BurgerMap in special applications for smartphones that offer home delivery of dishes from cafes and restaurants in Pattaya. And believe me, BurgerMap's burgers are definitely worth eating!

Location: Naklua road, Lumpini Ville Naklua

Free homemade food delivery in Pattaya

Perhaps the most convenient way to eat deliciously in Pattaya is to order food at home. Dumplings, dumplings, chebureki, belyashi and pies - the most familiar and delicious food will appear on your table an hour after you call the delivery service. We accept orders for both frozen semi-finished products and ready-made dishes of Russian and Oriental cuisine.

  • Vinaigrette - 150 baht
  • Olivier - 150 baht
  • Herring under a fur coat - 180 baht
  • Mimosa - 150 baht
  • Korean carrots - 120 baht
  • Fresh vegetable salad - 120 baht


  • Borscht – 150 baht
  • Chicken noodles – 120 baht
  • Okroshka - 120 baht
  • Dumplings with broth - 150 baht


  • Cutlets with mashed potatoes - 200 baht
  • Cutlets with buckwheat – 220 baht
  • Chicken stew with potatoes - 150 baht
  • Fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms - 140 baht
  • Navy pasta - 150 baht
  • Dumplings – 120 baht
  • Dumplings - 150 baht
  • Pancakes with jam (2 pcs) – 80 baht
  • Pancakes with meat (2 pieces) - 100 baht
  • Pies with fillings - 40 baht
  • Chebureks - 80 baht

Other dishes are available upon request, we accept any orders, we guarantee it will be delicious!
Orders are accepted 2 hours in advance. Delivery within the city is free. Outside Pattaya - 80 baht.

You can order lunch delivered to your home in Pattaya by calling: ☎ +66 81-440-7133

Bon appetit in Pattaya!

The following employees and guest bloggers from our editorial team took part in culinary tests in various establishments in Pattaya: Vera Grishanova,