Stuffed fish fillet. Preparing stuffed fish fillet

Sometimes “utility workers” manage to make our lives miserable even as we approach our own apartment. The disgusting smell from the garbage chute at the entrance of a house is most likely familiar to every Russian. But this includes maintenance of the internal territory and common property of an apartment building, which includes the waste collection system. Mountains of garbage on the floors, an elevator covered with chewing gum and cluttered with who knows what - all this is the reality of many of our entrances. And although they say that it is clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter, this does not relieve the management company of responsibility for failure to fulfill its direct responsibilities. Let's talk about this.

Garbage chute smell in an apartment building: how to deal with it?

So, how should the cleaning and general maintenance of the garbage chute in an apartment building be carried out?

According to the rules and regulations for the technical operation and maintenance of housing stock, housing office employees are required to repair, clean and rinse the garbage chute in a timely manner. In addition, the column “maintenance of housing stock” in the receipt for utilities is paid by us monthly. Garbage chute maintenance is included in this expense item. To give you an idea of ​​what work is included in the list of waste collection systems, we will list them:

  • cleaning and removal of waste in waste collection chambers, their medical examination;
  • cleaning loading valves;
  • breaking down blockages and eliminating minor faults;
  • disinfection, cleaning and washing of barrels and waste collection containers.

Where to complain?

  • The first thing that should come to mind in case of dishonest work by “utility workers” is a complaint to the State Housing Inspectorate. This government agency controls the activities of management companies.
  • And since a breakdown of the garbage chute always leads to unsanitary conditions, you must also complain to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. After all, the SanPiN standards state that the organization in charge of the house is fully responsible for the maintenance of the waste chute and its chamber, as well as the areas adjacent to the waste unloading area. Therefore, write a statement to the SES doctors.
  • And the third organization you should contact is Rospotrebnadzor. After all, the housing department provides you with paid services, and if they are not performed properly, your rights as a consumer are violated. And this organization is in charge of such issues.


Let's start by telling you how to correctly write an application to the State Housing Inspectorate:

  • In the upper right corner we write our full name and registration address. Don't forget to include your contact information;
  • then in the center the word “statement” and the phrase “about the commission of an administrative offense under Article 7.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses” are written;
  • Below we move on to the essence of the complaint, briefly describing the reason and address at which the violation took place;
  • at the end of the text we ask the inspector from the housing inspection to conduct an inspection, issue a resolution for elimination and punish the perpetrators;
  • Don't forget to put the date and signature.

Complaints about the stench at the entrance to Rospotrebnadzor and the SES are written in a free format, but it can also be done using a similar template.

So, if the entrance stinks of a garbage disposal, then most likely the reason is that it is clogged. Therefore, you need to write a complaint, you can see a sample of it below or.

Sample complaint about clogged garbage disposal

Sample complaint about a clogged garbage chute - 1

Sample complaint about a clogged garbage chute - 2

Sample complaint about a clogged garbage chute - 3

Necessary actions

Step-by-step action plan in case of a garbage chute breakdown:

  • contacting your management company;
  • if the request is ignored, we contact the supervisory authorities;
  • write a complaint statement;
  • we send it by registered mail with notification or in person with a note about incoming;
  • we wait 30 days (the period established by law);
  • after the decision, housing department employees have 45 days to eliminate it;

If this does not help, then immediately contact the court and the prosecutor’s office. You can also complain to the municipal authorities. Remember, the more complaints you send, the faster and better the housing and communal services employees will begin to work.

Poor cleaning of the entrance

Based on the rules and regulations for the technical operation and maintenance of the housing stock, utility workers must:

  • wash and wet sweep staircases and landings, as well as the floors of elevator cabins;
  • wipe walls, window sills, windows, railings, doors, mailboxes, lampshades and electrical panels with a damp cloth;
  • sweep and wipe the area in front of the entrance door.

According to the same standards, these procedures must be carried out regularly, their frequency is prescribed.

So, do you want to write a complaint that the cleaning lady can’t handle the garbage in the entrance? Then watch it below or download it here.

The following video will tell you how cleaning at the entrance should be carried out according to accepted standards:

How to file a complaint?

We write the application in this form:

  • we write the last name, first name and patronymic along with the registration address in the upper right corner of the sheet. Be sure to include your phone number and email;
  • in the “header” we write “statement of violation of content rules and “;
  • Next, we indicate the reason for contacting and the address. Please note that it is necessary to refer to regulations and resolutions;
  • we ask an employee of the supervisory authority to arrange an on-site inspection, punish the perpetrators and make a decision on elimination;
  • signature and date.

Below you will find a sample complaint about poor cleaning of the entrance, and you can also use it.

Sample complaint about poor cleaning of the entrance

Sample complaint about poor cleaning of the entrance - 1

Sample complaint about poor cleaning of the entrance - 2

Sample complaint about poor cleaning of the entrance - 3

Where to apply and how?

Appeals are submitted to the same organizations as in case of poor performance of the garbage chute. The main thing to remember is that you can complain to the housing inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor about the management company for almost any violation, and to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in case of negligence that is associated with a threat to the health of residents.

Let's describe your actions step by step:

  • drawing up an application;
  • submitting it in person (with obligatory recording in the journal) or sending it by letter with notification;
  • waiting for a response within a month;
  • “Utility workers” have a month and a half to eliminate it.

If housing department employees continue to ignore the cleaning of the entrance, contact the judicial authorities with a statement of claim. It wouldn't be a bad idea to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

The following video will be no less useful, which clearly indicates which acts and documents, as well as rules, apply to cleaning entrances:

Do you know what the rules are for cleaning elevator cabins? We'll tell you!

Dirty elevator

As stated in the Rules for the Maintenance of Common Property, the elevator must be in perfect condition, without burnt buttons, advertisements and inscriptions on the walls of the cabin and doors. But in many entrances the situation is extremely opposite. Let's consider ways to solve it.

Where to complain?

In our text we have already mentioned organizations for the supervision of house management companies. In the case of a disorder in the elevator cabin, the system is completely identical. Complain to the State Housing Inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

You will notice that the situation will change radically. In general, utility workers must visit all entrances once a month and note violations on a special work order sheet in order to eliminate them later. After your request, most likely this will be the case.

Washing and disinfection of garbage chutes in residential buildings using a high-pressure water jet.

In order to comply with government regulations to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, our company uses innovative technology for washing garbage chutes in residential buildings and institutions, which consists of washing the surface with high pressure water.

Our innovative technology allows high-pressure water to gently cut and clean the entire inside of a garbage chute. We completely clean the entire waste chute shaft, including areas between floors, technical floors and other areas where there are no loading valves or service hatches, where other contractors are not able to perform a quality cleaning. After washing the garbage chute, we disinfect it with a certified product and apply a deodorant composition.

We have been working using this technology for several years and the districts of Biryulyovo, Zapadnoe, Butyrsky, Altufevsky, Golyanovo and many others are still satisfied with the results of our work.

Many years of experience in the production of high-pressure units (HPA) allows us to assert that the only effective method of cleaning the surfaces of a garbage chute is cleaning under high pressure. All other methods (mechanical, finely dispersed, local) are ineffective and do not lead to the desired result.

Currently, some DEZs in Moscow hire contractors to clean garbage chutes, who carry out this work using a mobile washing unit (MWB). This technology of fine spraying of a disinfectant only allows you to treat the air in the garbage chute shaft, but does not remove organic deposits inside the barrel, which are a great biological hazard. The technology allows you to quickly and efficiently clean garbage chutes from any organic contaminants and disinfect the internal surfaces of garbage chutes.

Due to the fact that the government puts the health of citizens and environmental issues in the first place in the country, this technology for washing garbage chutes is becoming increasingly in demand.

Garbage chute cleaning services

We use high-pressure water equipment to flush the waste chute shaft. The system is very simple and effective. Water under pressure is supplied to a centrifugal nozzle, which gently cuts off dirt build-up along the entire diameter and cleans the entire internal barrel of the garbage chute. The shaft is cleaned completely, including technical floors, between floor spaces and other areas where there are no loading valves and service hatches.

The scope of work includes:

  • - pressure washing of the garbage chute,
  • - disinfection with a certified product,
  • - applying a deodorizing solution,
  • - sealing the trunk of the garbage chute,
  • - video diagnostics before and after work.

At the customer's request, the garbage collection chamber is cleaned, garbage disposal valves and gates are replaced.

Cleaning a garbage chute

High-quality cleaning of waste chutes is a pressing problem in most cities of the Russian Federation, which in recent years has received the opportunity for an effective and mobile solution. Our company, based on many years of experience, proven various cleaning methods, and the professionalism of our employees, offers the most optimal, effective and profitable way to clean a garbage chute using a mobile washing unit (MMB).

The technology relies on classic cleaning and disinfection techniques, combining them in the most effective way. The cleaning and washing of garbage chutes we offer is carried out with a high-pressure water stream. The system itself is first cleaned of household debris using a brush assembly.

High-quality cleaning of the garbage chute with a water stream washes away not only large slags, but also micro-contaminants, and cleans the joints, seams of the garbage chute barrel, valves and chambers. No other method: mechanical, finely dispersed, local, can achieve a similar result.

This approach solves the problem of clogs, unpleasant odors, and the presence of insects and rodents in a system of any scale.

At the same time, the cleaning of the garbage chute that we carry out involves high-quality disinfection with active reagents, which are broad-spectrum sanitizers: they destroy the vast majority of known viruses, fungi and infections.

The services of our contracting company allow us to quickly and, what is important, really efficiently solve the problem of a sanitary and epidemiological nature, turning the garbage chute from a carrier of diseases and a haven for rodents into a functional and convenient part of the residential complex.

Replacing the garbage chute

The waste disposal system consists of several elements, one of which is a gate. It is the final link in the garbage disposal channel. The gate is designed to block the waste chute from the waste collection chamber during the removal of household waste from it and carrying out sanitary and preventive work. Like all steel products, it tends to rust, under the influence of oxidizing substances and to be destroyed by constant impacts from solid debris thrown out by the residents of the house. Without proper care (cleaning the garbage chute), over time, the gate becomes unusable and ceases to perform its functions.

Many people believe that a leaky gate entails costly repairs of the entire garbage disposal shaft. It is not true! The garbage chute is replaced separately from all other elements of the system. Our specialists will complete this work in the shortest possible time and with the highest quality. In the future, to maintain the garbage chute in working condition, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the system at least once a year.

Replacing garbage disposal valves

Today, most multi-storey buildings are equipped with garbage chutes, which allow you to throw away food and household waste without going outside. The garbage chute shaft is made of high-strength material, which ensures the stability of the entire structure from the first floor to the last. Perhaps one of the most important parts of the system is the garbage disposal valve, which is designed to safely dispose of waste into the garbage disposal. It also isolates the contents of the chamber from the landing. Thus, the discarded waste does not disturb the aesthetic appeal of the surrounding space.

Nowadays, the most popular on the domestic market are universal garbage disposal valves, suitable for installation on any type of pipe. They are made of stainless steel, welded with continuous seams. This ensures the required strength of the entire structure. Modern garbage disposal valves are equipped with special sound-absorbing parts. So this role is played by a gasket on the edge of the bucket, which is made of rubber or magnets. Nowadays, two valve designs are common: bucket and hatch.

The main reasons for replacing garbage disposal valves are jamming of the bucket mechanism and an unpleasant odor penetrating the landing. Valves are replaced by experienced specialists from our Vodamoy company. They are able to solve problems of any complexity in the operation of the waste disposal system.

As a rule, replacing valves is divided into two stages:

Dismantling the faulty valve by removing the screws;
- installing a new one with eight self-tapping screws; to improve reliability, you can use spherical nuts;

The valve is placed exactly between the walls of the garbage chute. This method is considered the most reliable and durable. The noise level can be reduced by using special rubber seals. A correctly carried out valve replacement procedure allows you to get rid of the unpleasant odor on the landing and excessive noise when throwing out garbage for a long time.

The Vodamoy company provides professional services for replacing waste disposal valves and dampers. Modern equipment and experienced professionals allow this procedure to be completed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Valve height - 760 mm
Valve width - 363 mm
Width along the garbage chute pipe - 400 mm
Valve bucket capacity - 12 l
Valve weight with clamps - not less than 20 kg
Valve width along the garbage chute pipe - 418mm

Advantages of cleaning a garbage chute with a high-pressure water stream:

  • - application of innovative technologyallows you to guarantee long-term cleanliness of the waste disposal system
  • - providing a full range of services for cleaning and repairing garbage chutes
  • - solid experience in carrying out similar work guarantees quality, speed and efficiency of their implementation
  • - the use of disinfection and deodorization ensures the absence of unpleasant odors for a long time
  • - Prompt and careful execution of work by qualified and experienced personnel
  • - justified low price of services.

See photos of our garbage chute cleaning work: